The Brussels Post, 1904-10-6, Page 4=.•11, u,55ets got,
Tizurisnir OCT. 6, 1904,
Prof. HicksForecasts.
What May lite it:kneeled in ethtetrer.
• Prot. It •e. Ire R. Ilieke, of S. Louie,
leetthe the Wow ing an his formasts
fur Outnber
As iudieeted, the eff ote of the Earth's
annutwei 1 guniox inot up to he middle
tif Leatolier, Of uouree ite dietarbing
ileoneee will be in diiniuishing degrees,
fading iteey entirely by the middle of the
menth. The storm period in progress at
the clew of Septetnber will be felt the
find two N this month in the East-
ern pulite of the oonntry while the high
barernethe and change to fete and aolder
wether wid have advanced Eastward
byoini the oeutral volley of the :Weds -
On and touching the 4th and 5th look
I in whom et hither 1. nmerature, falling
Ins °meter nod more falling weather. All
thew ()ember distarbenthe will wind up
with rising barmeter, ohange of winch; to
Northweeteriy, and meal] cooler weather.
The fleet regular storm period proper
for October is central on the llth, and
exteude from the 8th co the 12th. The
Moon being in perigee on the 7th and on
the oeiestial equator and new an the 8th,
expect very prompt developments, in the
form of L "'leg bathometer, change to quite
warm, nit Palmed by rain, wind and
EV.211 tir, :LIP:storms as early in the
priori ea "th elth and 9th. Later in the
period 1.-• t1101.1M3 will spread to the
]nt, entong with the fitting barometer
bahiitii•0 weenie, an early touch of
boreal weether will come out of the
Northwi•-•, Attended by high, autumnal
galea ow: the 1 ake regiens. It le possible
Were that. • el •yed equinoctial storms may
moll the Southern motets at this period.
Within f: teesight Ileum of moon on the
13 la tient •"to dieturbancee in many parts
of. the ee .it need not 094E10 surprise.
The .1,-:71 St,1111 period will be oentral
net 1110 Ir h, 17th and 18th. This ie 18
V,. e•er • •aetitroary period and it will
leirer ee t disturbed weather condition
that wel i•nn merit probably into the
rt en't•r • .oin period following. The
ItL•reney erame ehowe that at Merettry
equeetc• • t disturbence its central on the
2s ta nate:ern! from the 18th to the alone
of Geeei . : Thle foot wit) teed to a pee-
k:leer 1 e 11 01 annettled, disturbed
wi a le r
Lana e :he regater Vulcan period,
aeetre 22nu, the already unsettled
elonieete are return to very decided
He01.1n oso••:dione. From about the 21st
t. tii 1.11 reineial and active antumual
elinei • may la expected. A. very de
pi --•••••• .•.tinter will advance from the
We a etrentied by storoxis first of rain
and preletb1e thunder, followed by early
'petite ot zeow and sleet in Northeru
extreme., Heavy North westerly gelato
wi:t vieit the great lakes and the North
At aene c r, tg rt this time, and a general
an (Indeed change to colder will spread
over meet petite of the country with the
teeti.etolra area that followe this period.
The cutinthe'ing orieis of this period will
fall en gni tertehing Monday, the 24th.
Oer nee %bent tide date will also be an•
other per, I ween earthquake striven
will in reported from different quareers
of the enderLeek for frost well to the
S itithward, with some freezing to the
Nt h at the end of and for some days
followhig this period.
The ;net period if disturbance in 00t..
ober, breedirig with Afercnry equinox, le
centre: ••in the e7th and 28th. Al) this
ti en leek foe e re action to warmer, with
fehieg ea. -era -ter and return of rain and
thick 0 -[19ff and mist, amounting to
alert: it, many motions Nerthward.
The meth ofjo go out with anti -storm
erette epreeeing Eeetward from the Weet•
Nerth We•e• eaneing general change to
en note tote.
P7t r* thaw outlined the periodic
Winn movoMf..11t, for October. Blot thaw
wIt it e followed nue forecasts far any
length ef time know that these foreeests
In;, v tee: mirth pleasant and open
W.l01 will he between the perturbed
perieee. lev•in ior the meaning stages of
emcee peteres, annuli of one flneee Antumn
weether emuand immediately be•
hoed the aetnal awe of olnodioeee and
preelpe•1 coater but fine weather
oornitenie eid ill, So that instead of
"etenne el the time," fair to pleasant
weather it to be expeoted in large
111'OiN0 13.TI praetiael student of
na•tue, in 'ho Halo' of them foreoftets, will
tnat the reeerrieg Worm periods to bless.
ne 1 he ready the better to improve
the eJtliii1.1...1,1 and the epee weather that
nemerelly 1 new. Properly anderetood,
storms are • ti.y transitory inaidents in a
sea nf settled, eeonomio weather eon•
alreetys prep iring the way for
m.•re ',comfortable, more prantioal and
more prefitah'e Implication of all par.
guite and industries.
The reeding public need maraely be
told ,••.• foreetiate or frost in the
nide, ti • omit were amply verified.
r• •• "1: • re tier of et•etes, reaching
fr1it 0,st 11110 New England,
we. 11 ••• ete more nr law feints before
the • • Fein or six haloes
eef etiow ••••••• reported tram several points.
We •.i a let that theme froate would
prove c- r. &atm:it:Vs to crop?, but re•
port. re,,c ed Poet 188 we go to prime show
that Pert: e•• teems have beep sustained in
Rivet a. ete • ea.
Ae etrel•••t, one forwaste of these early
fee,o. we not made so much to warn
the probable lo.wa, bet to oall
• attune,, ar imp 'leant mid fundamental
foot.111 ne• nee--fents upon which we are
)•,,, working out iovestigations
that mere end more to the imitation
cf vat?. • •tentifie and comoneraitel prob.
tern, e present instanoo of predieted
lrtoi, 1 etageet, reenited in only tbou
alt nt d • 15,9 lnesea, whereas the next
time tt reeht run into millienS. If there
arei 100 tlii0tlilIg them problems in-
vniviee 1,eter, 08f.01 and woe, in filename
of 11I110ti, why not find them one and
escape the penalty of thole Violation 7
Tee 8105 ie true of our foreaaets Of
ethettnenelte photomap% in August and
.Sepiettaber, both ef whloh were literally
tterified. Onr earthgnake predietions foe
Angnet were from the 24th to 28th. On
the 27.11 violen1 seignaie ebonite visited
elalifornie and other parte of the globe.
•One terceetete of earthimakee for Sept.
eanber woe- on and Moot the eth, On
flow eel r •y mane heavy eboolte were
repeat( 1 flowSloth America. A feet to
• be noted is that them earthqueltes in
.Seuth America oaeutted jaat ab the be.
ginning of the tote' ealipee of the Sun
yioibte ln that region. Do not target that
earthquakes were reported ou no other
dates arlywhere on the globe.
Following are the figures in connection
With the Domitaion elution in Beet
Huron, he'd in November, 1900 :—
Maadonald Diekinsou
No. 1 64 44
No. 32 88
86 82
Mal, for Maadonald....4
1,1t. 3. 82 29
o. 2 66 87
No.i1 50 30
1119 96
Maj, for Manlonald.. 43
No, 1 64
No, 52
No,9 10
No. 4
Ne. 5
No. 7
Maj. for Maadonald..194
No. 1
I•To 2
No. 3
Ne. 4
No. 5
No. 6
875 - 542
Maj. for Dickinson 167
NI, 1
No, 2
Nu. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6 66
858 - 818
111aj for Macdoneed.. 40
No. 1 64
No. 2 90
No. 8 72
No. 4• 63
Maj. for 31aadonald.. 43
No. 1 ... . .. 60 84
Maj. for bleadonald.. 26
No. 1 37 49
No. 2 49 48
No. 13 42 65
No. 4 74 83
202 245
Maj. for Dickinson 43
Macdonald D okinson
Blyth 4
Brussels 43
Grey 194
350 210
lef ij. for Macdonald —140
There were 26 rejected ballots and 11
spoiled ballots in the Riding.
In the recent rearrangements of seats
Beat Wawanoeh was added to East
Huron. The vote in 1900 was as
follows :—
MST WAWANO51.." Holmes McLean
No 1 76 50
No. 2 77 68
No 8.... 58 41
No. 4 61 40
272 199
Maj. for Holmes ....78
To bring into operation a prohibitory
bydaw under the Mood option legislation
it is 08088051y to bave each by-law first
passed by the nounioipal maned( of the
muniaipality in wblob it is to prevail,
and then to bare it ratified by a popular
vote of the municipal electors.
Such tiptoe?, if paseed, will come into
force on the 1st day of May following
its final pawing ; that, on the expiration
of the existing licensee,
The petition to the commit for tbe
passing of the bylaw is in the following
terms :
To Dm Municipal Council of the * * 0:
GENTIZOMBLI —The petitiou of the ander.
eignect ratepayers of the . . humbly
sheweth that,
Whereas 11 10 provided by the Revised
Statutes ol Ontario, 1897, chap. 245, seo.
141, that the commit of any municipality
may pass Beedaive for the prohibiting of
the sale of intoxicating ligeor within the
limits of atoll mnuieipality, and may im11.
mit the same to the eleotors for ratified,
tion, and,
Whereas your petitionirs believe that
the enactment and enforcement of suoh to
By law would be iu the intermits of the
material and moral welfare of the oom.
annuity :
Therefore, your petitioners humbly
pray that your honorable body will be
pleased,to pass each a 13y,law and sub.
mit the same to the eleotors of the . .
for ratifloation, ho atroordance with the
9rOVi/31003 of the said seotions of the
Ethatates of Ontario.
08100 11140 VOTE.
The persons entitled to vote upon the
gueetion of adopting each a Bylaw ere
those entitled to vote at the eleotion of
members of the municipal oonnoil. Wo.
men whose names are on the vuters' list
are entitled to vote aa well as men,
The enactment given municipalities
power to prohibit absolutely the retail
ettle 6 levee is found in the Revised
Sthantes of Ontario, 1897, Pap. 245, eeoe.
141, 142 and 148, and is In the following
tering :
141, (1) "The Connell of OVsry town.
ehip, oity, town and ineorporala
may pew Bylaws for prohibiting the
eale by retail of spirituoure fermented or
other manufactured liquors in any tavern
inu, 01 other house, or plum of public
enterteineneet anti for prohibiting the
sale noted, except by wholesele, in ebope
and planes other than bootee of pnblio
entertainretent Provided that the By.
law, beton? the iluel palming thereof, ha
been duly approved of by the elooture
the munioipality in the manner provide
by the thetione in that behalf of th
Ilinuioipal Mt."
(2) "Na Bylaw pasted under the pro
violent) of this Erection be repealer
by the u.encil poretarg the game, mit
after the 0119110.0011 01 throe yenta fro
the day of its =mug into form, nor not
o BY•leW for that perm He Ith• been enb
nutted to the +lot re ed d 4approveil It
them in the same manner an the migina
Bylaw, SaileRey suoir repealing13yla
(tepee being amen:tatted to the eleotore) i
nolo so approved, no other repealing By
law shall be en:mined for the like
approval within the full term of three
yeera thereatier."
142. "Ail bylaw made under sub-
section 9 of 'nation 249 of the Ant 'Awed
Ibi the seseion of the Parliament of the
late Proviane of Oteriatia, held the 29th
and. 80th years of Her M ho raog
entitled, An Aot Respeating the Mound
poi Datittrione of Upper Oanaria, or
under schemetion 7 of motion 0 of the
Tavern and Shop Licenee Aet of 1868 of
this Pa•vinee, or under weaken 18 of the
Aot petaled in the 53e.1 year ot Her
Mee asty'e reign, anti chapteme 50, or
11015,11011 made under the fleet pretending
. nation, and parportiog to prohibit the
sale by retail of spirituous, fermen'ed, or
other minufaotureci 'ignore, it any
tavern, 10,1 01 other house or plena of
public, entertainment), and prohibiting
eltogether the sale thereof in 5111193 and
places other than houses taf public enter.
tainneent, shall be construed se not
purporting or intended to preveut the
rale et snail !ignore by wholesale, as if
the said bylaws had expressly eo de-
148. "No tavern or Pimp Renee shall
ue issued or take effeot within any
municipality in which there is in foroe
any bylaw passed no 9010001108 of coo•
tion 141, or in pursuanoe of any of the mentioned in seetion 142 ;
brit the sale or keeping formate of liquor
without license in any smile muniaipality
shall nevertheless be a ontravention of
said sections, and the penalties feud pro•
eedure in referenoe thereto, shall be of
furl force and effect in ouch municipality,
notwithstanding such prohibitory by-
"SeetIons 49 and 50 of this Ant," re
fared 10 10 the obtuse above quoted, are
seatious 49 tend 50 of the Liquor Lioenee
Aot, and are as follows ;
49 "No pereou shall gall by wholesale
or retail any spiritnoue, fermented, or
other manufactured liquors without hav•
ing lirst obteined a Meuse under this Aot
authorizing him so to do; but this sec.
11011 shall not apply to sales under legal
p100050 or for thirteen, or sales by Resign -
en in ineolvenoy."
50. "No peroon ehall keep or have in
any Immo, bending, shop, eating house,
saloon, or house of pnbtio entertannneut,
or in auy 80001 011 place whatsoever, any
epieituous, fermented or other mannfaa.
tared liquors for the purpose of soling,
bartering or trading therein, melees duly
licensed thereto louder the provielons of
this Act; nor shall the occupant of any
mob shop, ethiugihouse, saloon or hones
of public entertainment, molests duly11oaesd,
licensed, permit auy (iguana whether
sold by bit or not, to be consumed upon
the premises, by any person other than
members of hie family, or employees, or
guests net being tmetomers."
X It 0 13 t3 .1. a 1'O.T
e for threelimotothe at hard lalmr, without
N the apt' 11 of a fine, See. 86 of the Act
ti WA 11118 001,
e If Pit 01.110er Of a nenniaipal corporation
is amovieted of an t (Ame
os nder the Apt,
Ito than ale, m8*0,10 hla Unto, and be die-
d qualified fro'eaten tiny ouch offioe for
tien "' Int 31118.
01 or odium appointed by
11 , the Uevernment nr commiseioners pros.
. eantes an offender flatlet this Act, arid a
y One is iteptreed, suoh fine is peid at once
I into the Ronne fund, to be treed !impart.
o iag 1110 expeneee of onforoing the 11880, It
▪ any other person ia the proaeoutor, the
line ie paid to the treasurer of the muni•
oipelity in which the it fferma was oom.
mined, and the municipal toenail is
required 10 1881 apart not lees than oue.
third of all such lineal received as a fund
to seoure prossoatione for violation of the
law, These provisions are found in
seetione 46 and 90 of the Joie
The Pioneer gives the following stun.
mary of Mabee provieione of the law :
Ae the Aat VOW stotido o Loatti Option
By-law don, not prohibie the lathing of
licensee to sell liquor by wholesale as
selling, barteriug, or treffiaing in liquor
in quantities of not lees than five gallons
each, or in the ogee of bottled 1,geor, one
dozen bottles of three hall pints, or two
dozian bottles of three.fourtha of one pint
Section 85 provides that wholseale
license ahall be issued only for premien
on which is earned on no other bneinees
than that of wholeaaling, and provides
that the license then be void if auy re.
tailing is done upon snob premises.
Sections 41 and 44 provide that no
wholesale !Meanie slated be issued for a
lees fee than $250.
Beefier) 68 prohibite the consumption
of liquor on the premises on which it ie
wholesaled,or within auy building whioli
oommunientes in any way with tomb
These restriabions are so stringent as
to make wbolesaling pratotioally Gnome
Bible except in a few very populoue mani.
olpalittee. There were last year only
nine munioipnlities, four cities and five
large towns in whioh wholesale !Menne
were taken out, and the total number of
each 'Menses issued in the Province was
only seventy-six, A Local Option By•
law, therefore, amounts to total prohibi•
As stated, the penalties imposed upon
persons who sell liquor in local optical
municipalities are the same penalties that
are now imposed on persons found guilty
of gelling limier without lioense. They
are set ouh in olnase 7201 the License Ant,
which reads tts followe :
72. "Any person who sells or barters
spirituous, fernieuted or manufactured
liquors ot any kind, or intoxioating
'ignore of any kind, without the licence
therefor by law required, ghat' for the
first offenoe, ou conviction thereof, forfeit
and pay to penalty of not lase than 850,
beanies create, and not /loom than 9100,
besides costs : and in defaule of payment
thereof he then be imprisoned in the
aouuty jail of the money in which the
offence was oommitted, for a period of
toot leas than three monthe, and be kept
at hard 'Ilan in the dieoretiou of the can.
elating megietrate • and far the second
offeuee, on conviction thereof, innate per.
son shall be imprisoned in such jiils for
the period of four Months to be kept 61
hard labor in bb* oiseretion of the con.
elating magistrate ; and for the third oe
salmegnent offence, on oenvietion thekeof,
etch persona shall be imprisoned in such
NI fur a period of six mention to be kept
at here Aber in the dieereei on of the
convieting magistrate ; and in the evene
of the imprisonment of any person 'Upon
several warrante of commitment under
different aonelatiohe in punnet -me of tide
Aot, whether honed 111 (100180)8 of distress
for a penalty or otherwiee, the tonne of
luoprisoement under aaoh warranty shall
be mum:native and not ooranthrent,"
Tins having or keeping liquor fee sale ie
also an offence against the law, le•ing a
contraventron of maven 50 above emoted.
It is all independent offence, and a paean
aonviened 01 11, whether limed etaity of
gelling )(gene or no., fie minishable by a
fine of net leen than 9:30 and 01,10 for a
find (anew, ant 106E1 than 940 and mate
for a :Mond 008005, with imprisonMent
Political Notes.
The Dominion Parliament has been
diesolved. Nomination will be held 011
Thursday, Oct, 27th and the election on
Nov. 8cci. The that Dominion eleetion
was held on Nov. 7th 1900.
TRADH 0031T.111I002.10.
Here are BOMB toots in brief that are
worthy of consideration :—
In 1896, under Ocitmervative mole, ear
total trade amounted to 9730,000 per
working day.
Lo 1903, ander Liberal rule, it amount•
ed 10 91,500,000 each working d ty,
In 1896 the report of rentadifectured
eitoode was 99.865,0110
In 1908, it WAR 990,624,000,
The exports of domestic produce lent
year amounted to $214 000,000, or
nearly double throes of 1896,
There is no 0000.000 for Ooneervatives
to hold up their 'lauds in holy horror at
the revelations of "Grit corrupt/ion" at
the Soo. In the general election of 1902
Mr. aliseampbell was sleeted at the Soo,
and bis election was followed by a trial
in whioh it wag shown that flagrant
ratioalities and widespread corruption
had been employed in hie behalf, Mr.
Miaoampbell was unseated, three of his
henolomen were reported for corrupt
pthetioes, and be hinnel1 did not emape
without a word of repeater from the
judges for his eonduot during the anm•
paten. Oonservatives shoultb remember
these things with a due • olduatening of
spirit, not that it emotional] evil practioes
by the Grits but ie thews that the pot
Cannot oall tbo kettle black.
Here are some theta which the etcetere
should ponder over, because in the near
future they are to be oalled upon to
decide 01 between the Liberal and Con.
served ve party.
During the 18 yearn that the Oen.
eervatiues were 10 eilice, their surpluses
f111101.1111011 to 927,802,000, or an average
of a little more than 91,500,000 Per
During the 9 years that the Liberate
have bien itt Oleo, their morphoses
amennted to 867,880,000, or nn avernge
of 87,285 000 pee Kimura, and title with a
lower tar& than during the Conservative
While the Conservative0 worn in power
they inortheed the debt of the oeuntry
86100,000 Paolo and every year of the
18 they held affiee.
The Liberals bave been in pewee for
eight years and they have not added
one dollar to the debt of the country, bet
they have actually reduced the debt) by
91,084,908, or an average reduction of
9135,624 per year.
In 1890, the teat year the Coneerva
tivee held °face, the net debt per head
was 950 01. In 1904, under Liberal
rule, it was 94008 —or nearly 94 per
head lower.
Them are Note which cannot bo
refuted and should be seriously pouder.
The engine and five oath of train No.
96 were derailed neer Moosornin, and
seven people injured.
• North Oxford Ommervatives nominated
G. J. Wallace for the Gammons and R. IL
Butlerifor the Legislature.
The thineen.year old son of I. W.
Martin, of Winnipeg, was fatally wounded
by a noropanion while shooting.
• James Stonier, a colored tnan, with
found dead in a ditch at Obatham. It is
supposed he was streak by a train.
zpply at 1,00113tille,biona!also, iLieeeyn,dg far,rlt byesbablee.
to Ethel P. 0.
Done of the underaigued, Lot 12, Con. 4.
DrcY, on Or about August 20th, a year old
gray heifer. Owner is requested to prove
property, pay expenses and take bar away.
WM. J. JACKEL0,I.N1,1„. 0.
AritgETR;---ivE SuToAouuLty
and sO-
joining territories, to represent and adver-
tise an old established business house of
solid financial standing. Salary 521 weekly,
with expenses: advanced each. Monday by
check dtreet from headquarters. Horse
and buggy furnished when necessary ; oosi-
tion permanent. Address Blew Broe, & 00.,
Itom 010 Monon Bldg., Chicago, Ill.
Our Speoial High Quality, Splendid
Shooting, Single Barrel, Breech
loadieg Shot Gone, 87 00. Outfit
included for October only. Don't
noise thie chttnee.
Greener Cross Bolt, Double Barrel,
Bewail loading, both berrele choke
bore, outfit inoluited for Oat. ouly,
915 00. We 00u1t oomparison with
any other effete in Canada.
Loaded Shells
Else, Bros.' A 1 geode, Gray's Inn Road,
Loudon, England, price 50a. per box.
To those who buy a gun iu Ootober
e special prioe on Shells will be given.
Lamps all the way from 25o. to 96.00
Speoiel—Oompare our 94 00 Lsmp
with 'Eaton'," 8400 goods. We
have the "Lamps" and the "Price."
Spools' prices for October.
We keep the Beat, See our Speoial
Knives and Fonda for October only,
131 00 a set. A Special Sale of
Enivee and Forks during the month.
Bargain Table
Special—A 6 oz. battle of fine Sewing
Mathine Oil for 10a.
Taake-8 Papers for 5o.
Nonsouch Mirror Stove Pips Varnish,
12'oz Bottle, 113e.
Hatebets—Lath or Shingle, 360,
Walking Shoes.
• • • •
Good solid wear, and
real comfort in our men's
heavy street shoes.'
Built to wear and stand
the walking which you
will certainly feel like
doing when you wear
All the best makes,
in all shapes, sizes and
widths, are here. Easy
to get a fit—easy shoes
to and hard to wear out.
buy from us you carry home money which
you expected to spend.
How do these prices strike you':—.
Menet Shoes 9196 to 13400 Ladies' Shoes froin....91 00 to 93 50
Childron'a Shoes at all prima.
A One gook of Plush and Wool Rags ab Iowcet prioes. Also gabber /tugs.
narrows, both Heavy and Light, all our oven noodle and workmanship
A. eomfortable looneo at cl 4 nores land for Wet ftulta ef all kinds?,
If you
nzolacxxnsa 5.
.1.11 DEBTORS. — In the Surrogate
Court of the County of Huron. In the
ofitheeoetateof Poeft er Grey,lt
obeirnt ato11118,
County at Huron, fanner, demand,
Nether is bereby given, enemata to Revis-
ed Statutes et Opeane, leee, 011ap.1.211, Soo.
38, that all creditors and 01;110r0 haying any
(dittoes neaten the Mato of the Raid Peter
Robertson, who dine on or tome the lincl day
of Sept( nth.% A. 0.111/11, aro rit Mitred 0! 00
before the let day of November 4,1),, 1001,
to send UV post pre.peld or (adieu to A.13,
Macdonald, of the Village of Siusnels, 10110
County of Huron, Solicitor for the Adminis-
trator of the said Peter leobarteee, their
Ohrietian and surnames, addressee min dee-
entitle us, the lull psi tont the of Moir Waling,
the statement of Moir aoconnts and the
nature of the t h
securities' if any, held by
alltrOO otch;l0t'oaidaisdtaryi btillre A,
a55 15 of the deceased among the parties
entitled thereto, haying regard only to the
Maims of Which notiou shall have boon
And further take tootle° that all parties
indebted be the said Pater Robertson are
hereby pained to nine° peynaent ot sane
to 4,13 . Macdonald, aforesaid, on or before
the said 101 day 01 18 V01.11i1Or,1004.
D ect ae Sept 1013,, 1001, 11-8
Solicitor lor Administrator,
howestoad-100 00re5-10 the Town-
ship of Alcr1-10.H111:011 O05ntY. For partici.
Wars apply 10
11 131912/2F,TT.
3 11 550 Bathurst St, Toronto,
-11-' !the undersigned offers the 100 mom
farm, being Lot 20, 000. 7, Grey, for sale or
to rout. Cfmnfortable house, bank baru, or-
chard,Volls, 40. There are SO acres in grass.
10 aerea of Fall Wheat will be put in 1,1,4 00
(tares 01 11,11 plowing clone. Laren is only
mile from the thrivitg village of Ethel,
For further particulars es • to price terms,
555,, apply to 01105 SPDNOB, Ethel 110.
A- 1)1311810.2/1/13 offers for sale her flno farm
being Hi Lot 14, Con. 14, MoSIllop town Rhin.
Thom are 0 &urns of good hardwood bush
and balance °leered, Ou the premises is
a comfortable brick hones, bank barn, driv-
ing shed 0,11 windmill, reapplying water to
both house and stables, Well fenced, well
uuderdralued, young orchard, &e. Posses-
sion this Pall if desired, rano is ono of the
eleaueet In the township. On I y 0)111(0 100111
school and 2 miles from Walton village.
For further partieUlars as to price, terms,
dm., apply ou the premises to MM. 'PEWS.
CAIELLY, or Walton 11.0, O-tt
wiles firet.elass land iu iho Township
of Grey—hot 16, Oon. 14, 100 aores ; Lot D.
Con 14,100 Acres ; and W5 Lot 18, Con. 14,
60 a0roa-210 acres. 8.11 1,, excellent condi-
tion with Arst•olass buildings; brink house
with all modern acnevenieneee, and thrge
bank barn, root ante atraw bonen, stbles,
Jat. Well watered. From 95 15 40 acres of
good hardwood hush. 1,01 10, Con. 38,00,,.
Mining 100 aores of first-class land, good
frame house and large bank barn nearly
now. The property can bo 581,1 is two or
three parcels to suit purobasom. Terms
liberal. Also a commodious dwelling house
and lot in Btuesels. For Nailer pinion -
lows apply to blas owner on the premises,
Brussels, 21.t5
is now at the stables of
1118 oWners,
Scott & Warwick
Where Ile will stand for Service
for the balance of the season,
Men and Teams
for work on the Guelph and Goderith
Wages $.150 to $1.75 per day
for Mon , 110,0
$3.50 for Tennis
Apply at the oilith of the uudersigned at
I. R. McQuigge,
10.2m C0NT11AOT0B, nuLynaTon.
Royal Steamers
From Montreal From quebee '
Ionian Sept. ' 0 5 man. Sep. SO. 8 30 pm
Bavarian 001.7, 0 a.m. 0,16. 7, 11 pan
Parisian 0et,14, 6 80 a,m. 008, 14, 4 "
Tunisian Oct. 21, 9 a.m. Oct. 21, 11 pan
llamas of PASSA.011
First cable—See and upwarcle, according
to stammer ane rtecernonnde thou,
Second cabin—Liverpool & LondOtdelry
—580 and 880 London 82.50 extra.
ThIrd-olasa—Suporaor aceoniciodatIon, S15
to Liverpool, Derry, 13olfast, Glasgow and
Through Holfets 10 South Africa.
llontreitl 10 Glasgow Direct
Corinthian Thors, Sept, 29 (Daylight)
New Teri( le Glasgow
Mongolian Thursday, Sum 29, 11 min
Low rates by above Glasgow steamers on
application to
Agent, Breese's.
ie here again and cool weather makes us think oE Shoves and bow to
keep warm in Winter. If you are thinking of purehasing a uow
Stove or Range this Fall oall and see our Haw of Riga alase
Famous Pandora Range. Made by hfcC)aaandon
Thp Dockash and World's Favorite Ranges,
The Silver King and Garland line of Stoves and Ranges—
See our Lines of Base Burners
and Air Tight Coal Stoves,
Agents for the FAMOUS Every Stove Guaranteed
"Queen" Air Tight Wood Heaters. to work Perfect. .•
15 tialitYPP 1111 FureamOontraebe freely givim.
Prices Rielit,
A R 11 M 8
WEILE 170 have had a splendid season in selling
Buggies and Wagons we have still quite a
number on band, the Best and moat up-to-date that
can be got anywInre. If you reql.ire a Buggy or, Wag-
on don't miss calling on the old reliable Cober Carriage
Works that bas been in CO/AMA operation for fifty
years and given the best of satisfaction to the number-
, less customers during all name years. 'We are more
ethat ever preparedmts
to eet the requiremenof
the public in our line of business in style, quality and
imeemehaseeemmesui. solemeimeememenemiliegelstreeesmeed
• •
J. h.
• ,