The Brussels Post, 1904-10-6, Page 1Vol. 33. No. 13 1'..Z.,14.11124,1=NOMMOW BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1904 W. H . KERR, Prop, New Advertisements. Dm loot -3. J. Sellers. Note Paper—F. R. Smith. Farm for eale—1, A. Seen. Take nolo—Waller rupee. 'Needier wanted—R, Ferguson, Blyth Jr 0o. 31F,listritt tebL ltdasteveelee. Will. Elliott hue reamed his studies at Listowel High School. George Aitoheaon aped a few days last week with Ripley Mende. Walter Bergeoo has returned from a 81Z weeks' visit with relatives in Mani. tobs. Miss Mary Thornton, of Wingham, le staying with her grandmother, Alm. Jobe Gardiner, at present. The Missionary Soddy of tbe Preaby• terian congregation purpose having an At Home ou the 19th of ()weber. J. Jobneton, while driving a horse at the Wieglaum Fall Fair, was thrown out and had several of his dim broken. Quite a number from Bloevale attend- ed the Wingham Fall Fair last Friday and report it se being better than tonal. A. MoZwen is dill unable to knob, Miee Pearl Beker, ditugbler of Rev. Mr. Baker, has been eugaged to till hie pleas for 4 abont time. Bev. Mr, Barnett, 1.1, A , of Toronto, the newly &mean minister a Muleuworth, will preach Miestonitry sermons in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday. Wa-etee,,resie. Scott Black is au the siuk list this week. 'Howard Snell, of Toronto, is visiting relatives' in this vicinity. Frank Sandereon, of Toronto, spent a part of last week at hie home hero. Mrs. San. Irelaud, of Dothan], is the geed of he: dater, Ma. F. V Dickson. Revival servioes in the Ilielbudist church aro to be continued for another week. R. T. Miller, of Toronto Junction, ie tbe guest of his mother, Mrs. T, ‘7,e,"e,a 91111er. Quite a, number from thin vicinity at. tended the Howlett Fall Fair in Fordwiele on Saturday. M, and Mrs. Hazlewood, of Clifford, intent Sunday with the former's brother, W. 0. HazIewood. Richard and Mrs. Greharn, of Palmer - don, visited their daughter, Mee. W. Realm, on Saturday. 13.F. Carr, barneas•maker, andeeded in carrying off first prizes at the Ford. wich and Wingbans Fall Fairs. William and Dan, Kaake have re- turned from Milton where they have been engaged for eome time making barrele. Mee. R. Gibson and Mre, John Hanoi!. ton were in Ohealey this week, attending the funeral of the former's brother•in- law, Mr. Dobie.' 'e.4!... We are Eye v t arritriS We succeed IS restore t; log perfect sight and --I removing eyestrain,' because wa hove hquipped ourselves • ' KWh the boot modern' IVA' k '='.'.7._.ph':1.-' ', 16, Nnowlecige anis ex- perience. Insures sue-% .4.. 0009. __% t. Scientific and Greteletoto elieveiciazat B'RUSS.leireS adieu ItT, Miller, of the Gotten Donee, bee returned from Mount Foreat where she attended the funeral of her father, Herman Miller. The Canadian Jubilee Bingen and Imperial Orchestra will give a Concert under the anemias et the Methodist church on Odolier 10th. Cliaateelterteolc. The older mill is running. Mrs, alio. Switzer is on the dolt lid. Boy wanted to learn the blackemithing. Apply to Jon Ehnen. Oranbrook will supply the bride for a wedding before a great many moons wax mad wane it le said, George Sperling bee been dangerously ill daring the past week with pneumonia bat is improving uuw WO aro pleased 10 date. Next Sabbath morning the service in Keox ohurob will be taken by W. H. Seer, of Brass's, es the pastor ie away for hia holidays. Willie Long bee taken a situation in A. Straohau'e dry goodie etore in Bras. sele. We wish biro a enemendul lite in the mercantile line. Miens Susan and Beatrice MeNeir will attend Goderlob Collegiate. Their sister le Mrs. (Dr.) Turnbull, of the Go. town. We wish them BUMS& Mid Etta MuN'air, who has been num ing Miss; Laird, of Ethel, through a siege of typhoid fever, is book home again. She is quite sucoessful in thie line. Jamie Calder, who bee been at Oshawa for the past *unmet has returned to Toronto to resume hie studies at the School of Science in his post graduate course. We wish them suedes, Mrs, Thos. Odder has announced an /motion sale of farm etook, implements, ito , for Thursday, Oot. 20. As the (arm hes been sold and the family is intending to move to the West the sale will be with- out reserve, F. S. Seed will be the auotioneer. Java o stet wn. Geo. Weider brought a potato into the atom here that weighed 2i lbe. It was grown in hie potato patch. The store ie getting in week" e Winter geode and sometimes we ' eer what the proprietor is doing with all he is getting in. The familiar group of echool obildren passing through here, daily demo to form a necessary part of tbe ilfe of our pleaeant hamlet. Prayer meeting and Young People's Society meeting, ere being held on Thum. day instead of Friday of this week owing to Bruseele Fair being on Friday. W. E. and Ed. Bryane will penile their medical studies in Toronto this aession. The former has been supplying a public school for the past few we. ke. Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mn, Perrin, of Wroxeter, preaobed Anne sermon from the life of Zeoolieue. He slim addressed the Sabbath school in the afternoon. Mr. Kelly, from Wingham, is to speak in the Hall next Sunday night to the young people. He was here on two former occasions and was madli. thought of. Autumn again 1 the brilliant foliage —frosty mornings—felling-lava—brown fieldv—all tell tie that Summer is past and gone and that ',Winter standeth at the door." Williams Willie, of Tureberry, has leased the fine 100 acre farm of James Oast for a term of 5 yeare and gate poe• seadon at Qua. Mr. Outs le moving to Blyth and hae annouttoed an minion sale of farm stook, deo , for Friday, 21e1 inst. We are hearing of a °hopper coming to Jamestown thie Winter if a plane aim be eot to acootnrandate it. This will plead the farmers. .A. party is looking after a plea now. Why could not the farmers ehab together and build some plaoe, il would not cod much if they would juet think of It. It would be a great ad. vantage to themselves as they could rent the place to Pomo party who has au engine and chopper or pay bine to come and shop Inc a certain time. buseatown Beef ring has soother beef to put In and this ends this reason. A second ring is spoken of. If partiee who wish it would attend the annual meeting and try and bring as many as neoeesary to form it it could be easily got at and run the same as the 000 000 in operation. The present ring is talking ot extending the number of beeves from 20 to 80 ao we to get meat five weelte earlier and five weeks longer. The plea will be diseased at the meeting which takes plea two weeks from Saturday first. Keep the date in mind auditors, MILLINERY OPENING Wetinesday sad Thunday and following, days of next week, are the dates of our Opening of Fall and Winter Millinery when we will be pleased to show oar large stook of New Goods to the Ladies. Oar stock is sure to please, Give tie a can and see the Latest Styles, A4/SS LI T T Le, Leonard Rudest ia visiting old frieuele Imre for the past week. Leal, week W, Innes bad a kindly and business vieit from Mr. Blarehall, of Rutherford, or the Marshall dr Go., Produce Merobante, Toronto, and al- though within the pad 2 yeare be reoeived several thousand ordere, be never had dee the gentlemen before. Be means to open up a wider business transedion with the firm is time to come at Mr. Innen' elwaye forted them 0. k. and reliable men. The bank barn of Wm, Holt, Lot 9, Oon. 1, had a close aall on Monday afternoon from destruction by fire, the delay of another moment would have put it past saving. They were threshing with the steamer end it is eupposed a spark from the engine caught in the etraw on the barn floor and the lime ran up the side of the mow and over the beam. The fire was beaten out with forks and no damage done. This 14 the mond call of this kind as Jas. Cott put ont a fire itt the mow 3 years ago. Mr. Holt le to bo congratulated on the escape. Wit 18:011. The moving of tbe Methodist ohnrob is in-arly completed. Mre, R. M,Cumnsinge and Bert. left on Wednesday for Rocbeeter, N. Y. Rev. Burnett, of letdesworth, ereaohed in Duff'a church laet Sabbath. Rev. Mr. MacNab was at Moleswortb. Frank Metcalf, of Blyth, °coupled the pulpit of St. Genrge'o °heath lad Sun. day afternoon, Mr. Powell being unable to be preeent. Nelson, the young son of Robt. Reid, was seeing's' injured on Wednesday morning. While on the way to school he and some other boys were playing along 'Ade a wager) loaded with cedar posts, when Nelson by some mead fell under tbe moving wbeele, one of which paeeed over the oatf of bie leg. The full extent of injuries le not known at time of writ. tug. Ii3tietel, The beteineas of the day 10 corn cutting. 3. MoDonald is having hie dote en. larged. Township Council will meet here next Monday. There is a lot of stook ebipped from the station here. Wm, Kreuter went to Owen Sound on a business; trip Monday. Mrs. Andrew Manna in home from a two weeks' visit at Detroit. Brueeele Fair seems to be the general topic around town this week. Mies Eva Onle entertained a few of her young friends Tuesday evening. Mre. D. Eolemier, of Clinton, was re newing old friendships in town. Mr, MoDonald's oousin, of the North West, paid UM a vieit this week. A young ministerhas arrived wbioh will help Rev. Mr. Walla in hie work. Mre. Simplon returned home this week from a visit with friends in Wingham. Misses Smith and Mr. Holmes, of At wood, spent Sunday with Miee Helen Barr. David Milne was at Drayton on Teee. day judging cattle at the Fall Fait held there. Brussels Fair will see Et large contin• gent from Ethel especially at the Con. "lhel end locality will be well ,repre- eented al Eaet Huron Fall Fair this week. Bliss Helen Barr attended an At Home in Atwood Wednesday evening, given by Aire. Knox. There is talk of another piece of oement aideWalk being put down iu our village. Let the good work go on. R. 4. Davies is on duty again after Receding 10 days visiting relatives in Brentford. Dick reports a good time. Mre. 8. 8, 0018 lett on Mouday for the Soo to visit her mother, She expecte to be away two menthe. Mrs, Cole went by boat. Several oars of hogs were shipped from our station this week, Ethel Beams to be fall of bog buyers then days and they get lots of them, Owing to 'want of °table room Thoe. Davidson, Baet of Ethel, has announced an emotion sale of rattle and hop on Wednesday, 191h ioet. A bag of potatoes was taken from C. Raynard's field tbe other evening. We think as little as they could do would be to bring book the eaok, Mies Nellie Laird, who has been laid hp with typhoid fever, is, we are glad to say, improving nicely and will soon be able to get around again, Brown, our genial eheesemaker, who bets been off duty for several days with symptoms of typhoid fever, we are pleased to say is all o, Is. again. GOMM RE0ORT4—Repor b of Ethel Public Sobool, Senior Division for Sept. ember, Pereentece in Aritb, Geo., and Gratn.—Olde IV—P, Bremner 72, E. Freeman 70, 13, Eokmier 70, F. Imlay 68, H. Coates 86, E. Dubber 56, E. Mo. Hes 53, M. floOallatn 60, K. McLeod 60, W. Barr 87, J. MoCelinm 81, B. McIntosh 80, G. MoKee 27. Claes Love 88, E. Eoltmiet 81, R. Eolimier 75, L. Mo. Leod 69, L. Straohan (18, A., Cooper 55, E. Motown 55, E. Herneworth 63, I, Heath 52, 4—Pearson 49, H. Eolimier 43, R. Fraser 42, R. Gill 34. Average attend. 04000 26 ALBERT IL SMITH, Priuoipal. Jusion Rootr—Exarnined in AnilIa, Geog., Comp., Reading and Drawing—Sr, II— Voris MnOall, Alio Barr, Lizzie Ma• Intosh, Paul MoRee, Alfie Fletcher, Flamm McCallum, James Bremner,, Luella Henry, Joeeph Cooper, Flub Frame. Jr. II— Wilfrid Dokmier, Robert Thomeon, Herman Fogad, Willie Thibideau. Pt. 3131 — Cleat Ilokmier, Spence Etemewodb, Ellwin. Dobson, Stanley Streohan, Clifford Dunbar, 'Whin Pollard, Fedi Gill, Ddmund Maimed, Roes Goatee, Wesley Yeo. Br. Pt. I— Noble Volta, Grace Eokmiee, Newnan Addy, Pearl Bateman, Edith Heath, Ruby Gill, Olive Cooper, Jr, PS. 1— Emmett Eolernier, Reggie Hamewortb, Wilfrid Thompeon, George Cole, Annie Word, Freddie Eidlenback, Roy Dunbar, Harold Tyettnan, Gadget Collard., Fenny Modem, Lloyd Tyermare WilIte Oole, Lydia Thibideatt. AVeeage attendance 29, Lep), E, Nieltdiee! Tartan! ]ley, Woo. Rae, B. A., of Brussels, will preach in the Preebyterien °beech here next Sabbath afternoon at tbe ueaal hour. Mre, Geo, Imlay and deaghter, Mies Emma, visited friends in Wingham for a few days lad week. They oleo took in the Fall Fair held there, Eh S. Cole has had the high peak on the roof of his residence ont off and made flat which melees It look meth better. Joe, Hemsworth did the job. Our enterprieing barber, W. F. Heath, bad a very emmeedul eeaeon tithing title year, but since the halving sedan bee ended he hae started on his usual hunting expeditions again. The 620d anniversary of the Sons of Temperance was °Misread here last Fri. day evening by a Temperance Rally in tbo ehape of an open meeting, A MINI. oat and literary program wag well render. ed. Lemonade and cake was served. The store oatupied by Kreuter M Ritobie has been enlarged by the land lady, Mem Bimpeoo, and is now in shape for business again. We notice new stoves and rangae going out every day. We with the boys Rumen in their now Inc. Noble Milne, of this place, who was ap pointed by the Ontario Goverumeut to judge fat eattle and sheep at the Fall Fain performed hie duties last WE ek at Meaford, Wiarton, Owen Sound, Palmer - don mid Durham. This week be judges at Tara, Kemble and Lion's Head, Mn. Milne says that stook this year ie of an A 1 o'ase. Some of our people are getting tbem• selves into trouble by airing the river and bank as a dumping ground for their rubbish. Where they are damping now makes an unsightly looking pile and when the high water °ernes in the Spring it will float onto the adjoining property. Wo think that something should be done to provide a plain for such rubbish and not have to depend ou the river taking it away. Quite a number of farmers met at 0. Edmier's Thareday to eee a gentleman from Clinton demonstrate the pulling 01 sugar beets. He did all hie topping from a table earring it around the field which makee it much easier than stooping. Those who attended appeared to be well satisfied with the way the work was done and eeverel intend to put in beets next year. Mr. Eckel:vier expecte to have 30 tons of baste off la acmes. 113.0 yr I re - David MoOall, 81h line, bac haven a position in the furniture emporium of R. Leatherdale Bon, Brussel& We wish him suooese in his new situation, GOOD GOLT4—WID, Taylor, 9th line, recently disposed of a Kaplan oolt, 4 menthe old, to George Powell, of Myth, for the tidy sum of 990.00. There's money in horsefiesh at atuth prices. EINURNEAni—At the residence of Robert and Mrs. Stewart, Milton, on September 2811, Rev. A. R. Gregory, of Toronto, spoke the magic words that made William Michis, a well known Morrisite, and Mies Typhena M., daughter of Lambert and Mre. Seabaree, of Grand Valley, husband and wife. We extend hearty congratulations. SCHOOL REZPORT.—Below is given the teen's of the weekly examinations and the etanding of the pupils of S. S. No. 10 for months of August and September. Nimes eland in order of merit and good owiduat. Total in eaoh ode 500 marks. Some owing to abeenoe at exam inations appear lower than they would be if they attended more regularly. 13xam. in all pradical subjects. Olds V.—Ethel Anderson, David Johnston. Br, IV.—Nellie Cornball, Ernest Shaw, Ralph Shaw. Jr. IV.—Lizzie Imes, Aline Oombee. Sr. III.—Willie King, W. Anderson, Jeau Roae, Frank Shaw. Intermediate Forrest, Alioe Thornton, Jennie Moffatt, Lizzie Break. enridge, Bella Robb. Jr. III,—Arthur Shaw, Agues Miller, Fern Dokmier, Olass IL—Alma King, Jennie King, Eleanor Patterson, Part II.—Annie Breckenridge, Viette, Curtis, Willie Messer, John Moses. Sr. Pt. —13Ylva (Jambes, George Patterson. Jr. Pt. I.-- Walter Bleseet, Bessie Johnston, Theresa Robb, Highest marks obtained by Arthur Shaw, 489. Highest marke ob. tained in reading, Eleanor Patterson, 3. T. Seneouse, Teadaer, MATRIAIONIAL.—The Hespoler Our. respoudent to Galt Dailies of Sept. 28111 say of a former Morrisite :—A pretty, &lurch wedding and one widish attraated epeeist interest was solemnized at 1,80 o'oloolt this afternoon in the Presbyterian churoh. Rev. J. D. Morrow pastor of the °herds wee the t fftoiating clergyman and the oontrading parties were Margaret, seeped daughter of Mrs. MoNaught, one of Reepeler'e popular young ladies and Christopher A. Midis, second aon of Wm. Mickie, of Morris township, Huton County, and one of the moet popular and esteemed employees of the R. Forbes Go. of Reveler. The oeremoty 0008 per. formed in the presence of about 35 invit- ed geode. The bride was given away by her brother °hada MoNaught, of Tonoo. to, and looked charming in her dress of white brocaded ailk trimmed with ohiffon, ale also wore a veil, and orange blossoms and carried a baguet of white astere. The bride's maid was Mite' Dale Lee, of d Waleingham Centre whoalso lOoked neat in her bees of white cashmere. It Peeves supported the groom and Miss 1311a ItloNaught rendered the Wedding Mardi. On a000nne of the bride and groom being naive workers in the (thumb did as a proof of their popularity the alma woe crowded to the doom with spectators to witness the aremony the °hutch being tadefully deootated fee the oecasiou, After tbe ceremony lo teoeption tea was given at, the home of tbe bride's mother after which the bride, attired in a neat travelling mit of India' ',loth with bat to match, and the groom left on a trip to Mende in Wendel Qnt. ado, The mit of town mete leave and Miokie, Brussels ; Thomas mod Mrs, Miokie, Adon, Miokie, Acton, Charles end Mrs, 911'Na:tight, TON onto, Mr, and Mee Ceeningham, Galt, and Geo, Bobertgon, Montreal. Oithers, A, giermo Atont B. Smdora, map y tin4 10/1Siallle T1114109 rooms • left behind by the guest', testify to the eeteem by whioh Me, and Um. Motile are Field by the oitizens of traveler in which town they intend to reside. The obipping department of the R. Forbes Co. in whicb Dir. Michie hes been ern• played about 5 yoare testified of his worth es o fellow•worker by preeentitig him with a beautiful easy °hair on the even• ing previous to the weddieg, ea; r o er • Grey township Council will meet next Monday at Ethel, Den. Shine, 12th eon., ie away to the Wed on a proepeotieg trip. Jno. Oliver, 6th non., took let priz, on hie Kaplon wilt at Wingham F411 Fair. Led Mouday S. R. Grad left for Toronto to reaume study rie the Seb ,o; of Practical Science. A, Melee, M. P, P., took in the "Wing. ham and leordwiob Fall Fain on Friday And Saturday of lett week. Al Mitchell rail Fair O'iver Tornball, 16thm 000 a prize winner on sheep. Eta also disposed of eeveral of the snimael "illin btoitedi Et zell, 10th eon., left last week for Paw Paw, alichigen, where be will take up the trade of plumber. We wish him the beat of swam Service wee held in Bethel ohnrob last Sabbath evening, R. Duncariaon being the preacher in the absence of Rev. D. B. MoRae. Mr. Dandeson did well. We are sorry to hear that Mien Nellie Aetle, neice to Mrs. Oanley, 14,11 GOEE., is ill in Toronto b tapital but we hope she may wombs fully restored to her usual vigor. A. meeting waa held on Wedneeday by the Reeves of MoKillop, Logan, Elm, and Grey as to the location of the 0. P. R. depot mid siding between Menden and Walton. Mies Smith bee been re-engaged as teacher in S. S. No, 1, Grey, for 1906 at an inorease of $26 on bee salaty. No better testimony se to the satiefaction afforded is required. Mist Mabel Biehop, of Komoko, ie visiting relative', and friends in this township. She ie 6 daughter of Wm, Bishop, a former well known resident, who removed thirteen years ago. The iron bridge on the Grey-llowiok Boundary is now in place we are pleaseed to state. It wag ereoted by the Hunter Go. of Kincardine, and is a fine piece of worlsmanship. The cement abutments are ditto. Turnbull Salmi traded have re. engaged Miee Mabel Zimmer for the next year at a eatery of 9325 being a rise of $96, She ie giving good satiefacition in the dation. The attendees's) ie small but growing. Several from thie township attended the Denture in tbe Methodist church, Brom% Mat Monday evening when Rev. Mn. Oliver, ot Listowel, ably told of the "Fights for the flag or how Britain saved the world." It was a fine lecture. Mrs. Cleaver died on Thrireday of last week at the bores of her daughter, Mrs. Ira Taylor, having attained over 70 years. The funeral took place on Baur. day. MS. Cleaver is visiting in Manitoba at the present. Several abildren survive. Deceesed was a kind, motherly woman who passed triumphantly from earthly 000080. 0nBonoL POBT—FOHOWing is the repdro of S. S. No. 2 Grey, for the months of August and September :—Jr. III— Mary Stewart 813, Maggie. Clark. Sr. ht—Rialurd Couningbain 290. jr. II —Wilber Turnbull 458, May Oliver 312, Iva Harris 909, Odds Stewart 228, Jennie Oliver 223. Jr. Part I— Alex, Stewart, Leslie Oliver. M. Zieresee, Teacher, Children's Day was observed in oon• nation with Bethel Sabbath School on Sunday Sept. 95th and an enjoyable time seas spent. Three addresses were given by Supetiotendent Harrison, on "Christ the Writer ;" Fred Smith, on "The Writer ; "G. McQuade, on "The Read. ere." Special male woe prepared under the direotiou of Miss Hanley that was very pleasing. The truetees of S. S. No. 9 (Monorieff) have engaged Harvey Buobanan, of Brun ale, as successor to 0. W. Sewers, who has taught einoe the new year but who resigned to attend tbe Medina' College at London. He was well liked in the !mo- tion. Mr, Buchanan entered upon bie dutiesem Monday and is to receive $400 per annum. He hae taught sum ,ssfully for awned years and we whits him 8E10068E1. Gem—We are very sorry to be called, upon to report the demise of Cetherane Jane, eeoond budder of Amble Lemont, 7th aon. She died about 4,80 last Mon. day morning after a brief Mean from the Friday previoue, the ailment being pneumonia and heart weeknens. De edged wee born on the farm on which she died aud wae highly esteemed by all who knew her. She was 29 yeare, 8 mouths and 9 daya old. The funeral took plane on Wednesday afternoon, inter - meld baieg mode at Bruesele monetary. General sympathy is telt for the bereaved father add brothers and sister in their unexpeoted sorrow, The funeral service waa 0011d11000d by Rev, Jno, n0884 13, A., of Brants, in the absence of Rev. D. B. MoRae, damaged's pastor. Pallbearers were six amine, vizi, Andrew, Barman, Samuel, Peter, Hugh and Win. Lantont, A beautiful wreath woe platted nit the casket by Ethel Presbyterian Sabbath oohed in Whieli dm was a teacher, Another wreath wite given by the amine who greatly regret the departure of one beloved. It is 10 yodel slime Mrs. Lamont died. Samoa REPOBT.—The following ie the standing of the pupil', of S. 8. No. 10 lot the naonthe of Augtuit and September. Average attendance 44. jr. 4tb—Flor- wn Whitfield '72, Rntb Engler 71, Mamie Denman 69, Eva liathwell 67, Grime Speiran 60, Jessie Campbell 67, Irene Fugal 58, °beetle Battery 46. Louie Engler 44, Stanley Efritabinsoil 83. Sr. lird—Andrew Mull, Willie Soiree, Jr. lard—Altos, Speiren 96, ledie Demean (18, Tee14Xtla3: , 11iohs:ti,td88.sr:;71eLy10o4i1;a:seir,n os04ns;Lyrtpil58 1,111' Cleans 4/, a altos Well 46, WIltrid Plokerell 89, Jr. 204—Marguerite Hat. Writhe 71, John Hyde 67, Mary 510.010065, A.lex, Hyde 33, Della Whitfield 07, Herman Piokerell 48. Sr. Pert II.— Russell Conde, Willie Ward, jr. Pt. II. —Hartwell i3peitan, °bridle Eealer, Freddie Gox, Winnie Hanna, Sr, 180. 31. Stanley Meehan, Lucy Taylor, Gordon 'Whitfield, Millie OPE, Wooley BallantYne• Jr. Pt. 1,—Gertie Speirea, Maggie Love, Henrietta Denman, Edith Plokeren, Milton Oxtoby, Andrew Cotte, Earl Bathwell, Creme Taylor, Jennie Ward, Oarrie Ward. S.73. r4110Y77i 'Rather, Dr. Peter Pilacdonald LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN EAST imam. At this time when men seeking polit. lad p-eferment are muds in the publio eye a short 'sketch of the well known gentleman whose portrait is presented to the readers of Tem Paw will be gaits In place. Re is the etandard bearer for the riding of East Huron in the Commons whose return on Thereby, Nov. 3rd is beyond a peradventure if the Liberals do their duty se they have in the past. Dr. MacDonald first looked out 'upon the world from the Co. of Pidon, Nova. Bootie, bot moved from there to the 0o. of Enron when 11 years old, locating in Bruatiold neighborhood, Ween 16 years. of age be went to London and epeut 4 years at bathos making but not oaring for the trade pertionlarly be turned to the carpentering, framing, eto. and for 6 years followed it, a goodly there of his work lying in Hun= Oce in bridge build• ing, eto. Following this somewhat toil. some life Dr. MaoDonald reversed the doupation and commenced teaching wheel whion avocation he pursued for 10 years with marked anodes, teaohing in Stratford for a year and at Exeter as Principal for 4 years. Yarning to the etudy of Medioine the subject of this 'sketch graduated as M. D. from Trinity University, Toronto, in 1872 and, to use a oommon phrase, "hung ont hie ehingle" in Wingham in May of the tome year and in that good town he hue thotinued to presentee bie profession U to the present with no small sumac Ile was elected first Reeve of hie home town, was the 'mooed Mayor and spent 7 years altogether at the Commit Board, identifying himself with whatever W440 for the general weal. The School Board ale° eleobed him as Obairman of that body. Dr. alaoDonald always took consider. able interest in politics and after a large amount of work on the platform in various oampaigne he received the nomination as candidate in East Rural in the contest for the Ominous in 1887 and on Feb. 27tb of thee year he was drot elected, his majority being 60. T. Farrow, now of Brussels, was hie op. ponent. In 1891 election the Dr, eves re- turned by the sweeping tnejority of 808, over Dr. Mimeo, the present 0o. Treas urer. The Jesuit question was tile and a great many Conservatives displeased with the Government, refused to act their ballot. learriater Diokinson, of Wingbam, went down before the doughty media' fa 1896 with 159 against him and in 1900 when the same two candidates met the records ehowed Dr, MacDonald still the winner by a majority of 140. It ie a point worthy of mention that Dr. MacDonald hae alwaye won and we expect 1904 will 001 change the eplendid rsoelolorofv,iotoriee so valiantly and cleanly u In Parliament Dr. MacDonald won his ems by his °led headed, argumentative, brilliant apseehes and his opponents are not elow to give him credit with being one of the bbet debaters in the House, Font years ago he was honored with elevation tbe Deputy Speaker's °bait, one of the most diffieult and endow, iphoikeniti ionn: in the Rode but our member, svith hie wide experience, arid gelok filled the bill so well that We hope to de him the Speaker of the nexb Parliament. Dr. Meet/one/el is a prominent mem• bar of the Preebyterian ohuroh and bag done fine servia in upholding the great moral questions that have so muds to do with the well-being Of this gloriosa Dominion. Electors should attend the publio Meetings to be addressed by the Dr. and take tbe liberty of making full enquiry of him on the subjede being dismissed daring the coming campaign and then go out on Nov. 8 and mark their ballot for the Libeeal oandidate. The deamer Admired wee learned at 9Iontreal, Lose 035,000. Arthur Wood was killed at Hamilton, belug denials by a felling btiok from o holdWt'o. WM. Sharp, manager of Gnnn'e 01000quarry al Stony Mountein,was killed, being ran over by leaded oars. The T. H. es B. Railway ethope ott EIADAMODP7070 deetroyed by fire, with a lot of oars and other property, Loee oVer 980,000. The Earl and Conntese of Minto pair - pea visiting Toronto on the 1011, 313th and 12611 ot November, PrioA authelt de. Whitfield 40, Pony Ward 85, Robert, parture for Englaud, es. VeMeareeenteass "., •=3)=3tIllit=ili ="4-'4VeIt=g-Z-2 Tili$ gost getter 2$li1$5 ••=;17=ttotel tee-de.••=e9er-.`ael QOASTION,—"Ie 1,008,1 Option washable in advancing tbe cause or Temperance 0" Dona Sns.—In Thereby's, billet, of laeb week there Appeared in a report of the Wycliffe Alumni Gonidenoe itt To. rooto in which Rev. 9'. H. DuVorneb, 13. D., of Toronto Junotion, geee au intw at. ing account of the campaign for 1, eel option in that plan, and the results of the operation of the law. Ile regarded the Ontarlo local option law as a splendid law. It wen a weakness in 11 that DipEd ()pundit, could refuse to submit the law to tbe people. There wee a, genet 11 feeliog of est oddment in Toronto Julio. Mon beoause the town bad gut on so wed without licensed hotele. At the prevc itt time all the betels but one were doieg legitimate baleen, A leading metier o• tame informed him that prior to tau enforoenvent of local optive fttlyeer he f the pay cheeks were widereee by hoed end ; now the banks were thronged on pay {My, seethes were inoreasing, and there was more trade for she nverehaete. Further, the working men reeognin that the Church of Ohriet was a power Inc good iu the place. He was not sure that local option wee good for every plate, bed is had perceptibly Lessened drieklug in Toronto Junotion, and had done away with the open bar and the treating By stem, Yours, TIEBTOViL, Dian But,—As to whether Looal Option is workable or not may be a question on which difference of opinion may exist but in view of the great inorease in the aneamptiou of liquors no one will doubt the great necessity of the ourtuilraent of the trafee. Here are fade people should consider The total consumption of spirits last find year was 5,348,964 gallone, or .952 gallons per head of our population, Tbe correspondiug figure the year before was .870 gallons. It 10 the largest oonsuinp• tion on record since 1885, when tbe re- acted allows 1.126 pitons per head. The oonstunption in some yams, ban teller] 08 low as .636 gallons, which wee in, 1898. Taking en average of the 36 years einoe 1869, the ounsumption of spirits has been .974 gallons. The ooneumption of beer in Canada last year wail 27,608,518 gallons, an average of 4.918 galloon per head of our population. The use of beer in the Dominion hae been on the steady inoreaae since 1869, that is to any, as far back as the departmental records go. Last year's consumption is the lamed ever recorded in our history, with tbe single exemption of 1902, wheu the figure WWI 5.102 galled per bead. In 1909 the figure was 4.712. The average einoe 1869 has been 3.182 gallons]. I am A FAISSID On IdinIANITY, /Elelcruhatem. TIM A. E. Jones ie assisting Rev. Mr. Oaterhout, of Wroxeter, in special ser- viette, this week. Next Sabbath, October ilth, the nplE4 Joeeph Philip, B. D., of Kincardine, Ohairman ot the Wingbara Dietrict, wil preach Missionary Anniversary sermons on the Belgrave =Quit teking up tlae duel collodion and subsoription, holding service as follows :—Briok °burets, 10.30 a. m. ; Sunehine, 2,30 p. m. ; and Belgrave at 7 ite the evening, On Thuraday evening, Sept. 29th, a goodly number of the neighbo're and friends of Mrs. John Coultee er. assent - bled at the home of Peter Scott to bid adieu to Mrs. Coultas and her daughter, Mies Rowland, on the eve of their departure for British Colombia. When all were aseembled, on the motion of Joseph Stonehonse, Councillor George Taylor was appointed chairman and called on Rev. A. E. JUDOS for an abeam Mr. Jonee, after a few well chosen te- marks, presented Mro. °Gahm on behalf of her many friende and neighbors, with a beautiful gold manta and denim Then followed an interesting program mu - dating of addreeses by Masers. Lawrenc', Whiteman, Taylor and (Malta, anteing and gramophone mud°. Then came lunch and social intercourse oonoludiug by the farewells and expressions of the warmest good will and nincerest geed wiehes for the future to Mrs, Omaha and her daugbter. Comm:nee Omincea.—Thinge have been quite lively lately in the Methodist death oirolea 01 Belgrave. A week ago Met Sebbatb evening a children's serene was conduated by the pastor wadded by Mr. Gaulle, Evangelist, of (ihiaogo,- 00 and Wedeesclity eveuieg John R. Clarke gave "To and Fro in London" and. "Hits aud Miens" to large andappreciative audiences many of whom beard the oelebrated Jobe R. for the first time with greed dmighle—Ou Tuesday afternoon the W. M. S. heed their open meeting. The attended() was good and the .pteseucte of seventeen enthusiastic' Miewonary workers from the Bruseele Auxiliary lent inapiration to the meeting. Md. (Rev) Jones, President of the Scabby, oeliduoted the exeroisse in her usual pleasant, manner. The. program was au interesting one ooneesting of moles by Miss May Reid and little Maggie Pewter ; ohoruses by the ohoit ; addresses by 'Mrs. Gayler, of ' Whitechurch, Rev, A. E, Jetties and john R. Clarke and a dud by Mrs. Ohae. and Mrs, William Praetor. Ana tem was served and a few minutes west in friendly fatereouree the Iodise rendred to thole homes having spent a pleasant, end profitable afternbon, A Grain Survey 1300.ed Go Toronto bet been appointed. The Temiakeraing exeuestion of menet era. ot the legittlatute hail loan poetponerle n088 1101307408111 has offered hist , oolleetion of pedurea of 'Amato to the city. The interim ets,tement At the Tom:to Exhibition finitude ahow reoeipte of $179,888 ; expenses', 9189,680 ; profit, $40,208, of whieh.liamoo will he paid to •• tine