The Brussels Post, 1904-9-29, Page 11• i' I ItalWaleanoutatrioav Vol. 33. No. 12 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1904 W, H. KERR, Prop, New A dv rtisements. Locale—Fl. R, Brewer. Local—W, E, Duncan. alilllnery—MoKinnoa & 00. Millinery opening—Mies Little. Be sure before taking—Jae, Fox, Special for October—Maaay & Co. Oity Millinery—Robe & Bayoroft, Millinery opening—Mieeee Habkirk, Men's walking shoo—L 0, Diehards, Wmit:onrt. Bert. Cnmminge is epending a few deye at home. Mies Jean Fergnnon in visiting friends in Beeforth. Mn.r(Rev.) Baiter epent a few days at her parental home net week. Fred. Welsh, of Beaforth, paid a fly- ing ying visit to Walton on Wednesday. A new gang of 0, P. R. workmen nom • 'ms need needing on Jae. Smillie'e farm on Wednesday.-.. The Ladies' Atd Booiety of the Meth. odea ohuroh held their regular meeting at tbe Parsonage on Thursday: The Lndiee' Guild of St. George's ohuroh held their regular meeting at Robb. Hollend'e on Wedneeday. True Economy ' in Glasses. •he'truly economical calculate the relatioti sof tho.cost to.tho re= salt. Considerinf that our dlasses hive perfect sight, they are Indeed a good Investment. XI's. T etcher Rclirntlfic carol Gradoxrato Cleneic.an Sloe...SSELSr The movingthe t da ofMe ho n char h t o wan conmenced on Wedneedny. . Mr, Riley in in command. Lewin McDonald returned to Toronto on Tue day to resume his studios at the School of Practical Soisene. Tbe auction role of honnehoid effects of Mre. Cnnnminge will take place at 3 p. m. lenlend of 2 o'clock on Saturday atter• noon of thin week in Walton, Viarnieete tor. N. Oook, of Henrtlli spent Sunday in the village, Cheater Smith has taken a position in N. Robinson's °tors. Mine Forbes, of Wingham, is the guest of Mre. A. A. Esty. T. G. and Mrs, Hemphill are the guests of relatives in Hensel!. A week of revival meetings is being held in the Methodist ohuroh. The Misses Moffat, of Blyth, visited with &fine M. Miller last week, George Allen returned Inst week from o short visit with relatives at Galt. A load of membere of the A. F. end A, 114. Lodge spent Friday in Liatowel. Mrs. Young, of London, visited her mother, Mrs. Nukes, near here net week. Tbe Wroxeter Star hoe changed hande, a Mr. Palmer, of St. Marys, being the n ew editor. Mre. N. Foster left for Amheretburg Int week to attend her mother who is eeriouely ill, Mre. T. F. Miller and ?ties J. D. Miller hove returned from a three mouths' visit in the Weet. The annual meeting of the Bible Society will be hand in the Presbyterian °burnh at 7 p, m., Sunday, October 9th. Rev. 0. H. Bnokland, of Listowel, prenabed the Harvest Thanksgiving sermon in the Eapicapal ohuroh on Sun• day afternoon. 0. T. Edwards received word on Mon• day of the death of his brother, Elmer Eawarda, of Crandall, Mnnitob•t, atter a severe illness of typhoid fever. Agtft Ca t. Relly Dny aervloe was held in the Methodist Babbeth School here laet Benny afternoon. Next Sunday R. DaoneuSOU will tape °berg° of the cervico in bbe Presbyterian oharoh here. Rev. Mr. MoRae is away for a short holiday which we trust he willsrjny. Several from 'hie locality talo of being exhibitors at Bruesele Fall Fair next week. Others will atteud the Fair and hear James Fax and others at the Con- cert Friday evening. Lawrence Dobson is bank from en en• joyable visit of nbont two menthe in Man- itobe. We are sorry to bear that hie eon, David Dobson, of Fairfax, a former resident of ibis locality, is not enjoying his usual good health but we hope a o hange for the better will noon 00000• Mr, Dobson says land has got to be a great prate in some motions of Manitoba THE SSES AKUK Take this opportunity of announcing their Display of Fall and Winter Mil- linery on ' Tuesday &. Get Wednesday, whioh will continuo during the clays of Brussels Fair. .& (Dordial Invitation is extended to the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity to at tend and inspect a complete assortment of Trimmed and Ready-to-wear Hats at Popular Prices. The Misses Halokirk. a r,� r,. C.�agOtii, term,. , eve.ib with th doepoet i e xeltl l ib00 l no syr[ man wtti,', bop.. 'Ph,, ," iltltardie , it do no•W cynical j v4 no Sytttl'� MILLINERY OPENING Wedno$da: and Thursday' u • week,. and fol;ow�Ta., days of �ex� zv are the dates of nus° Opening of Fall and Winter Millinery when we will o. be pleased to show oar large �e stock f New Goods to the Ladies. Our stool, is sure to please. Give us a Gall and gee the Latest Styles, MISS LIT T LE. alao as high as O i aThey lira fin orope of wheat, with a little damage from not, and will run from 12 to 26 bnnhela per nore,aonording to theleualily, A good ahem of the farming id done in a very ramekin manner bet where there le good tillage the roenite are generally evident, Last Sabbath Harvest Home sermons in the Methodist ohuroh wore preached by the pastor inetead of Rev. Mr, Mill• yard, of Lnolruow. Ieetead of the customary Too•meeting an envelope tbouk•offering was taken nud over 560,00 were placed noon 1118 ()election pintas, a very oreditable showing. T3litevale. Mra, Joeeph Pugh visited relative at Clinton lately. Mime Alioe Duff ie attending London Normal Bobool, Frank Scott, of San Oily, Iowa, is visiting at hie home. Mint Bargees, of Wingham, vieited Mre. Daniel Locate recently, Mre, John Weston had n very 000aoee. ful rag bee one day recently, Mien Ethel King, of Wingham, is vista ing her aunt, Mre, Geo. McDonald. Mise Maggie MoKee, of Fordwioh, visit• ed her unole', Geo, MoDonold, thie week, Geo. Aitaheeoa ham retuned from Btrothroy where be bite °pent,the Sum• mer. James Elliutt hoe returned from a two months' elate with relatives in the North. West. Rev, W. J. and Mrs. Week attended the Preebytery and Convention at Wroxeter last week. Ming Aggie Smillie left last week for Gneiph where she will take a coon at the McDonald Letilnte. Aline Cora Messer hoe returned to Lietowei UWgh School where ehe will study for Senior Leaving, Oharles Contras hon returned from Listowel where he bas been working for the Meyer's Milling Company. Mrs. Andereon and Mine Anderson have been holidaying for a week with Mrs. Wm. Linkloier, of Wingham. , Inrs, Fred. 61oCrnaken, of Bramante, visited her mother, Mre. John Gardiner. Mein week. Mre, Gardiner to much ire. peeved in Wealth. Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter, preached a preparatory sermon in the Preobyyterian ohuroh have on Friday. On Sunday communion was observed. Quite a number from Mande attend. 'ed a box eoolal at McPherson's eobool hone an Turnberry last Friday evening and report having a good time, Owing to epeoial Aunivereary eervieee held at the Ebenezer appointment, in Morrie, there was no earvioe beld in the Methodist ohuroh here on Sunday last. One evening last week while A. Mo.' Ewen was watering hie horse at the hotel pump, the animal stepped upon Me foot. The'oora of hie shoe oohed hie middle toe so badly that it had to be amputated. The Preebyterian oougregatioo ie bev lug new abarob sheds built. When they are o°mpleted, and before they ere put to their intended use, a Harvest Home will be held in them. The date hue not yet been fixed. „ anmet,Cowu. lNTre, D. Bokmter ie viciling at the home of L. Balmier. , ;Quite. nn enema of Fall wheat bee •been put in, around aameetown. Threshing is now the order of the day. 'Grate tures out exceptionally well %rood here. Last Bentley evening Robert Shaw preached at Victoria Ball. Rev. L. Perrin, of Wroxeter, io announced for one Sabbath, Mise Marjorie Btraohan and IGblle Ina Bryon wilt ooutrlbate piano solos at the Fall Fair. Ocoee at Braeeele Friday evening of next week. W. Leatberetate, of Brasesls, delivered a cabinet grand piano at John Btraohan's bonne this week. The piano was manta factored by Heiutzmn & Co., Toronto, Hots FI1oat 4LCiOIAL—Jamie and Mre.. Turnball'arrived borate' on Wediieeday from' nn enjoyable visit to Algoma. Thayweut by the Great Northwestern Oo'e steamer "Majestic," from Owen Sound, the Grip being a doligbifnl one, oral. ing at Killarney, Little Current, Gore Bay (of Gamey notoriety) merlon to.Tbeeeaton. Visits were made with Wm. Elliott, formerly of Morrie township ; Mrs. Thos, ()arena, of Wells township, slater to Mr. Turnbull ; Norman Beaton, au old Mosotho ; W. Donovan, 0 one time Greyite ; Wm, Beharriell who used 10 live near hero, and numerous others. A great entre of the oaabtry is remarkably. rooky•atid nuprodnotive. No wheat is grown but oats; barley and hey are not bad Drops to numerous plane although harvest was late owing to wet weather. Almost all the farm products go to the Inmber camps, The population is scattered oud neighbors, name in some townships. Lumbering is parried on in O big ante, tbo out being almost alto• gether pine, Dyment'e and an Amari• oou Oo's neonate et'1'heeealon tlo it big trade, running day arid night and with bandeatvs piling up lumber from 80 thousand to 100 thouend feet per day. Tlie mills ere lighted with eleotrie light for the night shifts. The olntput of the American mill is shipped to U. S. by boat, Both mine matte lath and obinglee its well.and have the latest 000teivnncee and a0nvenlauoes in handling the loge and their produces. Thterefnee of these mills is boned to get rat of it. Sobooner con carry 100,000 feet of lumber from the donne, to market. Mr. Beaton looko well and has a warm spot in hie beart for Huron County: Me, Donovan owne 240 one Atid has a bank barn 5400 feet, and lead 126 tone of hay in it thin Binnmer. He liven near Iron Bridge nd has at good allowing of deppot on part of hie tarn, Mr, Dohovan is still on the bachelor's list for which there is no exon0e. He ie e nephew of Minoan Taylor and the Btraohan Bros„ of thin looality. Mr, Beholden is farming and also anrtteo the mail twice e. week from Dean Lake, on the railway, to L'on Bridge. There ie oome taut of n movement to open up mining nd the pongees' are god in Iron Bridge 10001111 winare proepooting hoe been onrried on. Splendid water a , mitt i 'lo •e aro t1 a found wt et of run a b u renni R enema but when the Inmber• ing in pain they will be of Bette oeoiunb. Day Mille le on the decline. A railway hat' been surveyed up throngb Wefts township bat no work done towards oou• enaction. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull came home on the "Germanio" and were will pleased with their jaunt bat more fully pommeled than ever to continue their residence in Ghia garden of 0enade an compared with the sention they had been travelling over. <7rant lrx-Dole. Boy wanted to learn theblaokemitbing. Apply to JOHN pbnnEeT, 'abee looality will be well represented at Brussels Fall Fair next week. Rev, D, B. 4foEae is away ou a well earned notion for a few weeks. Next Sunday It, Dunoanecn will preach. Joo. MoRae has 1011 for the Pone oast after an enjoyable holiday here. We hope prosperity will continue to shine upon him. David McNair is home from the Idaho. HQ will mono hie Medical course in Toronto as will Thom, MoRae, of this plane. We wish them well. Lest Sabbath afternoon Rev. George Baker, of Bluevale, was the preaoher in the Methodist ohuroh here. Ills old time parishioners were glad to see him back again. Robert MoKay will preach next Sunday afternoon. We are sorry to reoord the demise of Anuie.Ellen, the little deu,ehter of Wm. and Mre, Petrie, whioh took plane last Sunday afternoon. She was two months old. The funeral toolt plane on Tuesday afternoon, the burial being made at Braeeele cemetery, Sympathy is express. ed for the parents in the death of their baby girl. 'G' rev. 'The lady's oape advertised in last woek's Poor wag returned on Today. A meeting will be held shortly it is said, to talk over the location of the 0, P. It, etation In Mooerieff. Time and Mre. Davidson, 12th con., are book from their holiday ontiug to the West, They had en enjoyable time. Mre, Sperling, of the Northwest, ie visiting Mrs. Marsden Smith. She was resident of Brussels some years ago. James Park, of Parolee, was a visitor with S. R. Orerar, 9th con. Tbey are fellow andante at the School of Prootioal Beene, Toronto. 111r. Park ie taking Mining, Mr, Orerer returns to Toronto in a few days to take up ble poet graduate 00000e. In obatting with Hugh Lamont, who with Mre. Lamont spent some weeks in Manitoba, he thinks that while the Weet may snit the young people that persons getting up in years are math better in Ontario. 'ran POST is of the opinion that hie judgmeut ie correct. Base DIED.—Teteeday morning of this weep Etta Mary, the only child of William and Mary Shiela, lot 20, con. 16, died of meningitis after a oboe illness, aged 1 year, 4 months and 18 days. The funeral took place on Wednesday after. noon, Rev, D. B. Moles, of 0rnnbrook, taking charge of the service. Burial took pine at Brunets eenmetary. The parents ere deeply sympathieed with in the logs of their little daughter. A young lad named Crawford of the 17th Con„ had one of hie lege broken, in two places the oeber day while return- ing from school. Along with some other boyo he was riding 011 A. Mal orlauo'e wagon when one of hie oomrodea in play threw Crawford's asp off. The lad got down to got it and in attempting to get on the wagon again ought his leg in the hied wheel with the above results. He is doing ne well as 0ouid be expected. 1ST )mewl. Mieeee Rebecca Sherrie tend Frank MoOrnoken were visiting old friends at Goderioh daring the peat week. A meeting of the Building Committee of the addition to the House of Refuge was held at Clinton on Wedneeday' of thio weak. Warden Bowman attended. Mase Jon Boos, of Brueeele, ie filling the poet of teach33er at the owutown public eobool temporarily tie the teener is off duty through illness, Mies Rose tenghteuoaeesfully for several years bat has not been engaged in this avo0ation of late. Dr, Rowe, of Philadelpbia, was a welcome vititor with Morris friends for a few days. He wee on hie way bank from the St, Louie Exposition. It ie 14 or 16 yeare eine the Dr. went to the Quaker oity but be natally renown old acgcointenues here one a year, A Marden oorroepondeot epooke as follows of former Morritite :—"Kenneth Mo$enzie, of Portage la Prairie, Man., eon of K. and Mrs. McKenzie, of this plane, ie home here visiting hie parents at peeeent, ''heir many female will hear with regret that another eon, Donald Mo. Kenzie, of lilorrieton, a medicos student, watt brought to the General Hoepitttl, Guelph, on Saturday enlforiug from typhoid fever." Don's old friends here hope he may soon be o, k. Last Friday aftetnoon the Inneral per• mon of the late Miss Kate Moaner, who died of ooneumptlon, at London last week, was held in the ohuroh of Sunshine, Rev. Mr, Jones, of Belgrave, preached an impreeeive and moat suitable diemontse after whioh interment wee made in the family plot. Ib in 6 yore sloe the (ether of deceased passed away and 23 years ago the mother peeid Nature's debt, The pelf bearers were Milton MaArler, B. R. 0rerar, James Shama) and Frank Martin. The object of this notion was held in high esteem by a lenge oracle of telativee and Wanda who lament her demise. llcxtatirto.--Quintin andMrs.Andereon and Mies Mary Rolle, 4th line, wore In Brno Oonnty attending tate marriage ot Mies Nettie Andaman, a niece of bbe first mentioned, The 00remony took place on the 14th iia., at the home of her father, J¢mee Anderson, Sullivan township, and wee performed by Rev. Mr. (turtle. Walter Moir, of the saute township, wee the boppy groom. There WAS a large colnpny and the wedding gifts were el a very fine close, The Rasts were ro all Y entertained and uverY enjoyable obit Limo waa 01)5011 by all. Mr. Mair atr1 1?rido welt on a short honeymoon trip daring whioh they visited rebottvie in th o town. ship. They 00mme1100 married Into with many good wisteria for e happy and ono• oesatal matrimonial voyage. 813ooEe6FuL, — Sunday last Harvest flume eermo n0 were praaohed at Mena. 010 Churob, Blnevale emit whioh were of an inspiring ohmmeter. Rev. T. W. Ooaens wee iu the polpib morning and afteruooa giving eplendid dieeoureoe from Haggai, 2-7 in the forenoon and "I am not ashamed of the Gospel i f Chrisb, etc.," in the 011000o0n. In the evening Rev, W. J. West, M. A., Mosby. terlao minister, of Bluevale, preeobed a thoughtful00rmou from the text "And I if I he lifted up, ole." The mirror was present at this earvioe and took part. Suitable menthol 051601ione were rendered by the choir. Monday evening a maeioal and literary program of a more than ordinary oharaoter wan given in pine of the customary tea meeting. A large end moat orderly nndieooe erns present. Dr. Rowe, of Philadelphia, ououpied the ohair and offered a few well °bonen remarks. The program woe as follows :—Bolos by Miens Taylor, Baker, Btraohan and Hingeton end D. Btraohan ; duet, Miens Sharp; reading, Mies Joeie Burbanan ; recitation, Min Minnie MoNanghlon ; addressee by Revile. Metiers. Jones, of Belgrave ; Weet, of Bluevale ; nod Dr. Gundy, of Wingham, with a few words from W, 11. Kerr and the pastor ; an. theme by Brussels Methodist oharoh choir. All who took part were warmly thanked and an enjoyable gathering was di.miseed after singing the Doxology. The fioanoial proceeds amounted to nearly 580 whioh will be app'ied ou debt on the new obaroh shed. Those who book part In the program and a few others were invited to the nom. medicine residence of L. and Mat. Jewitt where a nicely prepared Inchon wee served. A vote of thanks was presented for this appreciated kindness. A TRIP TO THE COAST AND THE PEOPLE MET WIFH. Doan SIE,—I finished my last letter when I got to Vancouver and now will give a little diaoription of that any and my trip back to Winnipeg. Vanoonver le the terminus of the 0. P. R. Until Mee' 1886 thie p1a00 was covered with dense forest. From then to Jelly 1887 its growth was moat rapid but in July of tbet year fire spread from the forests and swept away every house bat one. Sloe then it has risen to a population of about 40,000. The oily fronts on Bnrrard Wet. It wan in this Ioleb that the first eteamer—'"the Beaver"—that ever pronged the Paoifio ocean was sunk on its first trip. Thea oity has great oommeroiol advantages with ite beeutifnl harbor, exteneive wharves and namerone warehonses. Great steamers acme bore from all parte of the world, Here they have naught another c onntain stream and oonveyed it to the cit by means pipes laid under the inlet and they claim to have the best and cheapest water o,yetem in America. Stanley Park is the making of one of the finest parka in the world. It more about 1600 acres, hie beautiful drives all around and through it. There is a very fine menagerie here. I spent a day driv: ing around Boeing the aigbte and measure ing the big trees. I need to think what I heard about these big trees was fish yarns bat I bave °banged my mind. I measured one tree, a fir, that waa 47 feet around, another, a cedar, 32 feet, nud another (broke off some feet high) that is larger.than these. Could not measure this benne one side is one t.ff ' and hollowed ant so that a rig on be beaked into it. This is a great farming land where there le no timber but it will be a long time before it will ell be ander °ritive. tion on a000uot of tbeee big stomp' which never decay and oan hardly be g it ant. To give you an idea of the immensity of these stomps the ashy bought ten armee of land for a show ground and two parties took the contract to stump it and Olean It for three hundred and forty dollars per more. They worked two months and stopped ae they could not do it fur that amount. B. 0. le a floe fruit growing country and in any apace between the stumps there are plow and apple trees, The streets are beautifully studded with maple trees (the some are one eoft maples) with immense leaves. I .gathered some that measure twelve inches. I °Dead hardly believe I WAS 11000 miles from home beano I saw 00 many tamiliar Lane and the game goods that we handle, made by onr faotorie are handled here, I saw the Kendall and Langdale families, Mateo Ball, and John Hill's eon end daughter. New Weetmineter is 22 mites up the Fraeor river. The Provincial asylum and Penitentiary are here and is the beodquarters for the salmon canning industry. Theta are 2 faotorfeo, 11 has not recovered from the big fire of 1002 wbioh has spoiled tbe look of the town until it in rebuilt. I did not visit Viotorle, but Mr. Leokie hos given you a good diaoription of that oily. return tri t et On my p m y fire upping plane wag Medicine Hat,. population 2,000. It 10 a railway divisional point with repair shops ; ie the niers of a magnificent ranching dietriot 3011 10 ten important oration for the Mounted Police. The river in navigable for some distanoo above and 800 miles below to Lake Winnipeg, 150 miles homeward we oome to Swift Current another divi- gionel point, nitnnted on It stream of the eam8 name. This is a great sheep ranobing country. In 1008 one 00mpatty shipped out 16,000 sheep. Oloee to the town, on the Mlle the government hoe erentea an observatory dation. From here on be seen iota of water panda with myraide of water fowl about them. A little farther West the Canada Lend and Ranch Co. had 700 anew ander irrigation, There are 110,000 nate in this dietri01 under irrigytion. Speeding along we arrived at Moose Jew, another dav'oto al point and very boy railwayilwa y t,.wmfrom Sw07nd n popolnetron118 2,000ire, an ln0orporabellt 0arrd city and borrowing 5100,000 for improvements, Here can be eon specimens of the Ores Iodine lounging around the city. We are now peering the wheat belt. 'here were two or toads of No, 1 Northern oame into Winnipeg yeeta,day trona Moose Jaw, Here I took a branch line whioh extends through Estevan to the boaudary line of Portal and than connects with the Soo line to St. Paul, le ie on this line, 82 miles from Moose Jaw we oome to Weyburn to H, Mooney's. He hoe greet orope both in wheat and oats. Wheat will average about 26 bushels to the sore end oats about 80. He and Harry have 1} sections all in o blook and all ohoioe land, They have everything vary oomfortable. They will have about 16,000 batkels of wheat and 6,000 of oats, Mr. Mooney works more on the Ontario plan of farming than the moil, consider- able mixed farming, He has about 20 horses, Renee is about a week earlier here than farther East. No rust end no frost. Mr. Mooney has otraok it rich here. Going bank to the main line the first pine is Regina whoee population ie 2700. It is the capital of the N. W. T., is a dietribeeiog port, North and South, The Executive Contrail of tbe N. W. T. meets here. The Lieutenant Govenor also lives in Regina. It is tbe head- quarters of the Royal North West Mount- ed Polios, numbering 840 men. A branch line of O. P. R. rens from here to Santa boonend an to Prince Albert. This ope00 into a very fertile territory known es the"Park 0ocntry." Next is Iodiao Head 84 miles from Moose Jaw. Thee ie probably the beet wheat growing comity in the West, has 11 large eleva• tore. There was more wheat shipped from this etation !eat year than any otber station in America, An Expert. mental Farm is eondnoted here and on it was threshed 41 /mohair' to the wore this year. No rant or trot. Thea town to making rapid growth. Here I met Albert Gerry and family, Hamilton Bros., Robt. Gibson, Wm. Mooney, Geo. Mooney and G. MoLauahlin. Sinbaluta is ten muss Beet of Indian Head. W. Smith and hie sister live here, eon and daughter ot W. M, Smith, Walton. Will. oondnote a general store and another at Saskatoon. It wan here that the terrible aooldenl moored to the Governor General's train, five people kill- ed and strange to say these are the first passengers killed by 0. P. R. in the West. On we go to Broadview, another divi atonal point, and here the time changes from etaudard to oentral time, one hoar faster. 100 miles on we °oma to Bren- don, now in Manitoba, population 6400. It is the largest grain market in Mani- toba and has 8 elevators, a number ot manniautories, fine streets and dwellings and ie situated on high ground. Here is another Dominion Experimental Farm and Provincial asylum, The Arcola branch runs 125 miles South to Arcola• 80 miles Beet ie Portage la Prairie, On the Aesiaiboine river. Portage hoe a population of 4,000. The Portage Plaine bave always been considered the beet wheat district in then Provinoelbnt it is not tbie year. This is the first plane I heard of any rust•or frost whioh ie very bad here. I heard one termer say that be bed 160 mores of wheat be was not going to oat. I took the 0, P. R. line from here in etre Hector McNeil, formerly of Grey towoebip. He has good orope and is doing well. It is not half the laborious work to farm here as it is in the Basle Both Mr. and Mre, McNeil take life ea they ehonld, enjoying it as they go along.. I also met Rev. R. Msondere here where he bad been for about six months. He looks as though the ooantry was agreeing with him. Going book to Portage I met Ken. McKenzie, who had just reoeived o letter stating that hie brother was very sick and be was going East, so we nine on to Winnipeg together. Lash week I west one through Southern Manitoba and saw some immense wheat fields whioh were very badly rusted and frozen. From Portage la Prairie South tbrongh'Maoitobe the wbeat seams to be badly reeled. About a week ago I drove 22 miles to Selkirk along the Indian trail on the river bank. The forme along here taping on the river are aboat four chains wide and tone miles long. This was all inhabited by the the first settlers and has the most anofent looking buildings you ever saw with thatched roofs grown over with weeds and looks very much like an ancient village. About) 12 miles down the river is Lower Fort Gerry, which meioses about four sores of land by a ten foot acus wall with look out holes every 12 feet. Five miles farther down ie St. Andrew's Rapids where the Gov. anoint ie epending a lot of money Fah- ing in looks. Here the tiver rune to an elbow and tbroagh this they are putting a canal for the Iooice and doming up tate river. When thie ie completed the Mennen will be able to oome up from Lake Winnipeg through bare and on to Forgo. This will be a great boom for W inoipeg. Oo Labor Day it party of no wool bo Winnipeg Beach on the lake about 35 miles from Winnipeg, It is a great Bummer resort bat hoe tory poor accommodation, so people wishing to spend any time there have either to build a oottege, whioh s great manyhave, or take a tent. A oompany has Martel to build a loge Stemmer hotel. The toaodation will be in thin 'Fall and all will be ready next June, It will 000bain 100 rooms. I went last night to, hear the great "Blank .Watch .Band,! whioh was a grand main' treat and today, 23rd, Oniony is giving a great reeeplion for Lord cud Lady Minto. We intend leev. here next Wednesday for Maekoha and then on to Bruaeele, 7°urn brnty, R. L, Lino naItndLR, Winnipeg, Sept, 20th, 1904. Hon. John F, Stein, of Halifax, died in Toronto of heart failure. Four train kende were killed in a collision of freight trains at Eastwood, near Woodetook, Wedneeday morning, Among the victims was Iingineee Thomas eran, of Toronto, t. _ �ii��•s���;rs.�Y t5C got petty pox p 1a Qaeotiou t --''Which couplet the 111,Ye prominent plan to -day, mind or MONO IL 7 Give roaone,J ;1,11111Enrron —I would oast any bit i .1 in animating your enquiry of last week ae to "Mind or Motile" in favor milts former. There were Hover more roadt.'n or otadente in the world ; never ni.:re 0oogreseee, Oonferenoon or Colventiu.,0 hold to advance virions intereoba u"il never more money expended titan in building up the montel. Meu of br,;;,,o are at a premium and the grommet t,e,d of the world today is the cultivation of the rabid. The field wee never bruader and the outlook more hopeful fir you,:g people of lofty elm and bright iutellects. Yount truly, GMAT MATTER, MR. PoeT.--Maoole 000nple9 the prom- inent pine today. The prize fightete can draw bigger crowds than the prewar. ere, and make more money 113 an hour then a portion will save in a life time. Thousands of people will read, wan. avidity, the detailed account of a ibetiouff 005000ter who would be too buay.tu peruse the political column or eon the report of a lecture. The man who watt ride o wheel the furthest in six day., row a boat to win, pot the shot the greatest dietauoe 000cpies a bigger field than the artist, the 000101nn or the scientist.. Brains are a vonvenient commodity to have but muscle seems to be king in present day history. I am, 16 0oNOEe TO TEE POUND. DEAR Sm.—More peo- ple are acquainted with Sudivau, Corbett, Fttzsiutmouo, Hanlan and man of remote than know of John B. Gough, Rev. Dr. Cowell or Abraham Lincoln. Ordinarily the oiroomferenoe of the bleeps is of 11101e importance than the weight of the brain. Poeeibly if people praised and valued the work done by men or women of mind more and were lees anxious to go into eoetaoies when the animal side Domes' more prominently to the front there would be a great reform wrought and a etrong, vigorous body would be the vehiole, or servant of its master—the mind, Tbinkere—of the.real solid vari• sty—area smell Drop in this day and tate pulpit, the preen and the pedagogue brave a hig contract on hand to ameliorate tbe existence of tbie state of affairs. Truly years, HOPE, DEAR SIE.—It may not be an easy matter to eob•divide the mental from the physical, as the one 15 very essential to the other, but there is a wide difference when it comes to the eater result. of each. Almost invariably the development of the mind bas an elevating and ennobling tendency with broadening visions and desires of helping the brother man while the =Ideating of the physical often reoolvee itself to the base if not brutal. Men of genius stand promiueut- ly before the world as beaoon lights or as pathfinders for many and their willing - nese to serve and eaorifioe are 'often in evidence. These men and w001511 are the bulwarks of the Nation. Carapace Glad- stone or Lord Mo0anloy with Heenan or Bayern, the two former will never be for- gotten while the letter are only remem- bered to their scientific bratalioy, The trouble ie in this entity and this cannery that people drift or sleep instead of doing the many tbinge they are prompted to do. Yours hopefully, Foramina. QUESTION FOR N- EST WEEK. "Is Looal Option workable fn advono- ing the Danes of Temperance 7" WAR IN THE EAST. The Japanese armies now advancing on the Anise of KnrOpatkin'n forges are.al- moet in line with Makden, but so wide is Oyatna's front that from elm right of Karoki's edvan0e t0 the extreme .left 61 the advanoe of the Fourth Army in the valley of the Liao River is a distance of 00 miles. An we bad two examples already of a Japanese general advance, there ie sofficient data from whioh to format the ohief features of thie the greatest of the campaign. The field telegraph and tele- phone' lrom Oyomn's headquarters, some twenty melee dne South of Mukden, keep him in constant tomb with the hone of his army now being throat forward to %be East and West of the Iranian positions. lie will move hie finking ranee forward in combination. If Koroki moo up, the Fourth Army will move ale0, so that Knropatkio may be kept boy on both flanks and not be pee in a position to SERBIA the Japanese advance on either side by a concentration of his forme upon it. The centre of Oyama's army will re- main apparently inert until the flanking movement is well ander way, nod will then be brought enddenly into notion in the hope of destroying the oorps stood Mukden. There is nothing to show pun. dnsively, however, .that the Rosins mean to hold MOkdon, whioh ie poor fighting ground at the bout, and is all the poorer beano ot the presence within a few miles of the oitywalla of the aaared tombe ot Monabno, Ohioa'a holiest ground, against the profanation of whittle the Ohinee officials at Pekin have enter- ed a preterit. The eiboation at Port Arthur is prob. ably becoming Olen! for the Russian., who are whistling bravely 10 keep Their spieled up. They chem to have pat 1,800 Jape out of notion in the night attack of ten deye ago. They deolare that there 10 plenty of cool in . Port Arthur, end that food i0 so plentiful that they were able in tbelast tight to tall oompreeeed bean cake, pat n1) fn oiroular form, down on the advanoing .Japanese, to the effusion of blood and the bodily harm of the 'aid Japanese. One wonders, en .reading that bean caste story, if Mark . Twain hoe boon long id the ]Clash