The Brussels Post, 1904-9-8, Page 8READY FOR
Sohooi begins fa a very short time now-eoou enough at least to be thinking
of what new things you will need. We think we can supply your demands
from oar large and up•to date stook of SCRIBBLERS and EXIIROISE
BOOB'S (with the very latest covers), NOTE BOONS, SLATES, PENS,
PENCILS and INR, besides all the other little avoeeeories, which the have
in cbandanee,
are after all perhaps the most important, We have been careful to uote the
changes made, so that oar stook of Public School Books and High School
Booke will contain the new books whiab will be need, Oar etore is the
spot for your school supplies. Blottere given away.
Trains leave Brueeele Station, North
and Bonn, as follows;
Goma Boson Garnet Noaru,
Mail 7:16 e,.m I Mixed 9:00 a.m
Mlsed.........12.80 e.m I Mail 1:00 p.m
Express 8:78 p.m i Express ...... 8:85 pan
gag ` .eros tern. 4
A obiel'e among ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent iv.
Seo looal news on page 6 of tbie ieeee,
A BIG bueinesefe figured on for this
Fat I,
Lorton Fair will oaten the crowds
nest week,
Scamp Beard on Friday evening of
thie week,
Brannon for county condi 000110•
ieeionere are to be held next Jaaoary.
LAnoo Day was observed as a general
holiday in town, the chief attraction was
the bowing tournament.
JNO. BEATTIE has purchased a livery
business et Obeeley and Samuel and Jae.
Beattie have leased a hotel bneineee at
Tao Finannial Distriet meeting of
Wingbam Dietriot was held in the Meth.
ndiet °burol), Blaevale, Wedneedsy, Sept.
7,11 at 2. p. m•
THE sitting of the High court of Justin
for Huron will be held et Goderioh for
jury oases on Monday, Oot, 31st, for non-
jg1ry Deo. 19:11.
BRUSSELS Cheese faotory bas disposed
of the August make to Meagre. Ballon•
type & Soo, of Stratford, at 9 5/10 Dente
per pound. It will be shipped airing the
coming week.
T. P. Siam °exit/G.-On Wedneeday
21st inet., T. P. Smith eye specialist,
will make hie regular visit to Brussels
and may be 000eulted at Fox's drag store
without any expense.
BRUSSELS Apple Evaporating faotory is
being put ie shape for operation. On
Bud after Monday of next week spple,
will be received. Jno. Ounningham le
the energetio proprietor and is prepared
to bay all the apples offered,
A SPECIAL Exoursion train has been
running to Toronto during the past week
leaving Brussels at 7 a. m. The return
varies according to delays on the road,
the train Sometimes not getting back
here until 5 a. m. next morning, It is
enppoeed to leave Toronto about 10 p, m.
An old Irish willow tree, at the rear of
Dr. Toole's reeidence, John street, wee
out down last week. It le said to have
been planted about 50 years ago by Frank
Kelly, deceased, on the property them
owned by Wm. Grant, brother to J. R.
Grant, of Winnipeg, It is being made
into stove wood.
Tam were 32 candidates wrote at
the Junior Leaving Exam, at Dutton
this year of which 27 were euooeeetal,
The youngest passing was 011ie, the 14
year old eon of Rev. George Jewitt, of
that plans, and a grandson of Wm.
Jewitt, of Brueeele, We Congratulate
the young gentleman,
Bowomo,-On Labor Day two rinks of
bowlers from Kinosrdioe and two from
Luoknoty visited Brussels and spent the
larger part of the day locating the white
kitties on Maitland bowling lawn in
matohes with the local trundlere. An
enjoyable day wee spent and many
epeatatore took in the sport, Ae the
score nerds are not in our pOsaesei0n we
are linable to give the itemized results.
The lawn was in floe condition and some
extra good bowling was done.
-Word was received this week that
Andrew Anderson, of Cleveland, who
married Miee Eliza, eeoond daughter of
Francis Fiehleigh,jnow of Brueeele, and
a eieter to Mrs. B. Gerry, paid Netnre'e
debt on Sunday last and was buried on
Tuesday. He was about 75 years of age,
a stone natter by trade and had been ill
tor some time from inflammatory
rheumatism, passing away at the hospital.
Mr. Anderson is survived by hie wife
and one eon. Daoeaoed was a One time
resident pf Mitobell, This ie the third
death in the Fiebleigh family connection
in the pant year, the others being Samnei
Fiehleigh, of Ohioan, and "grand-
mother" Fiebleigh, who recently de.
parted thin life while visiting at Mitchell.
IMPltovonf9NT0,-J110. Wright le greatly
improving hie dweliing on Mill street, by
metalBo aiding and a new verandah. He
had put a cement foundation in last
neeeon —Mre, Berbera Straohan has bad
a new metallic/ roof int on her oottaga to
replan tho shingles. -The reeidence of
Janne Elliott, Alexander street, will be
Veneered with Cement, New windows,
doore, an enlarged Verandah, and other
modern improvements are being Wade.-
ade—A obauge hag been made in the oven of
George Thomeon'e bakery whereby goal
will be utilized instead of wend in baking,
Thenets, Opal fornacee are inetolled at
the Public Belsoaf and ready for Work,
!the home of Thomas Bone batt been
fmpreved by enetallio Biding,. --•A element
walk Beabeen put down at the reeide0ne
of W. 4. Grewar, Qneon street, by Geo.
]3orkley, There is a rumor that a new
walk will he laid awns the block from
Prinoeet to Albert etreot,
95 CENTS gate THE POST to Jan. 1st,
1905. Several persona are eending it to
abeent relatives.
"CEEB on the lookout for Fall Millinery
Openings 08 the milliners are bank from
the city openings,
Tara has not been an extra good year
for honey, only about half a crop. Too
mach oold, wet arid dull weather is at-
tributed as the oaoee,
PaeTTiser horse in Canada given away,
free by Tho Ricbarde Pure Soap Co.,
Limited, to the one gae00ing nearest to
its weight. Beautiful driver and seven
yearn old. Mein Building, London Fair.
VOTERS' List Court for the revision of
1904 list will be held in the Council
ohamber, Brussels, on Wednesday, 21et
inst. His Boone Judge Doyle will pre-
side. There ere 00mera00 appeals to be
dealt with.
A DAaonTER has 0eme to gladden the
bent and brighten the {tome of Thomas
Bird, of Detroit, formerly of Brnesele:
Teat will be a proud dad we will venture
to affirm. He'll likely say he has the
inset girl in the pity.
BYamNE0L.-Wm. Denhow and eon
and Miee Eva °notion attended the
wedding of Charles Garbey, of Harrieton,
to Miee Ella Phair, at the home of the
bride's father at Gerrie. The happy
couple went on a wedding tone to Toron.
Ran Saeo000.-The annual aompeti•
tion of the Brussels R.fle Association will
be held an the rifle range, commencing
Monday next, and will be oontiuued from
that date until fiuiched. A11 members
wishing to take part will kindly advise
the Captain of the Association, W. M.
Sinclair, forthwith,
Macau ie a fine opening in Brnesele for
a boom in the Woolen factory business
and we hope to see Mr. Wood, who has
bought the property, make a reoord that
will fatten hie bank account and material•
ly aid the progressive march of the town
industries. There ie no money in silent
faotories, the wheels have to be set in
motion to make wealth. Good Ink to it,
WARDEN BOWMAN was at Goderioh on
Wednesday. Aehfield towoehip Council
hag entered an notion against the County
o1oimingdamageefor washout of road•
way at Port Albert and also aekiog for
leogthing of present Go. bridge. The
Go. will defend the action. A.rabiteot
MoBride, of London, acting under
authority of the Building Committee of
the addition to the House of Refuge,
has notified S. S. Cooper contractor, that
autos a ea./Rant staff of brioklayere
and helpers are set to work at onoe the
completion of the work will be handed
over to other 'widens and Mr. Cooper
held responsible for delay. The brink
worst ie only nicely started.
Wotcoonon Hoozo.-Friday evening of
last week Rev. Jno, Rose, the popular
pastor of Melville eburab, and Mrs.
Roes and family, were welcomed bank
atter their holiday outing by a social
given under the direotion of the Young
People in the school room of the obarab.
3. H, Cameron, Superintendent of 111e
Sabbath Sohooi, 000apied the chair and
after a choice instrumental by T. A,
Hawkins gave an addreee of welcome to
the pastor. A very fitting reply was
made by Rev, Mr. Roes, A well render.
ed reoitation was given by Mioe Letitia
McArter ; a fine Bolo by Miee Hahkirk 1
a welt mon song by R. 3, MoLauohlin
and gramophone seleatione by Ambrose
Moore completed the intereating program
after whioh refreshments were served.
Gatherings of this character are not
numerous enough an they have a
tendency to sweeten lite and permit the
forming of helpful friendebipe that must
aid in the forwarding of ebarch work.
Rev. Mr, Ross bas been pastor of Mel.
villa church for the past 25 years and
has a fine record, both ae preaoher and
Business Locals.
T1;aoruo need at MoOraaken'e.
LADIES' belt found. Aek at Tao Boar,
B1ovooa for sate, cushion frame, good
00 new. BRnoowos MAnBLE Wonne.
MILLINERY apprentices wanted, Apply
at once to MffiMEE BoomE & Befallen.
A NUMBER of ee0ond hand organs for
sale or to rent, Learwonnnno & Boo,
Bnoon sow with 9 pigs 4 weeks old for
eale. Also a dry cow. Goo. Ron,
QUANTITY of jointere for kindling wood
for sale. Apply to 3, CUNNINGHAM,
Alexander street, Brueeele.
Cow for Bale, will oome In middle of
next month. Also 6 young oattle from
1i years down.
Tana, Nlcaott0, Braaseie,
Hnsnnoxe for sale, aleo combined bay
sed stook ranks with double box. Call
and gee them, Ewan & Go., Bruesele,
To THE Pantla,-•If you wish to have
lawn mowers put in first clan order you
can have same done at areasonablo figure
by T. McGregor, Mill street, Brueeele,
THAT Dress Goode Sale i --Never was
there offered to the Ladies of Huron end
Brno KWh an opportunity. Slangbtee.
in the West fashionable of Drina Goode
right now, If you want 1, 9 or 5 drone
it will pay you to delve 26 midge to
Ring's. Eggs still 20a,
G, E. KING, Wingham,
Standard Bank of Canada
8U1tLLU0, OR 111051010V10 313N0 3 1,005.000
TOTAI, 4058Te OVER 10900,000
A, Geelierit,1 Il a,taidlug 331atainea:a; r• eitatlatteteci.
---vsAV!NCS ElANK14-'''"
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and 0pWard0 received on whish
is added to Iwamoto every six months and hectometer principal,
-MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any pergola,
only for which no oharge ie made,
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and oourteoue attention.
People We Talk About.
D. Ewan ie in Toronto.
Mien Lena Baeker vieited at Seberiog•
Peter Dudley is visiting his eieter in
Mrs, James Jones is visiting at Toren.
to with relatives,
Thos, and Mrs, Bone are visiting rata,
fives in Toronto.
M'se Smith was the guest of ber efster,
airs. Jno. Wilbee, Brussels.
Wm. Lockridge, of Stratford, spent a
few days in town last week.
Muse Olive Mainprize was holidaying
with Looknotie friends last week.
Barrister Sinclair wee et Stratford
last Saturday on legal bosinese.
Mies Florence Brittany, of Luoltnow
was home for Labor Day holiday.
Mre, George Edwards and Miee (Jerrie
are visiting at Toronto thie week,
Mise Dolly Beaker is enjoying a well
earned holiday with London friends.
Miee Mary Roes is enjoying a holiday
with Mies Berthe Dowdell, of Tomato.
Mre. °bailee Ritchie is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. W. Gillespie, in Ripley.
Mre. S. Wilton and Mre. 0. Ritohie
spent Labor Day with Listowel friends.
Mre. N. F. Gerry and obildren were
vieitore with Mo$illop friends thie week,
Mise Eva Watt, of Brantford, woe
visiting relatives and friends in Brnesele.
Will. Thompeon, of Wingham, was a
visitor under the parental roof last Mon-
d Capt. nod Mre. Stretton are renewing
old friendships at Toronto and neighbor-
Mies Vera Ainlay ie home from her two
months' visit with her sister in Mo•
Oouuoiller Barker was combining
baeiaesa and pleasure in a trip to
Jonas Beaker and family have been
visiting relatives at Teeewater and
Miee Laura Leatherdale is holidaying
with her maple and anut at Hamilton for
a few weeks,
14Ire. W. Adams and ohildren, of Wing.
ham, spent several days at R, Main -
prize's last week.
Eli Moore hae boon attending the
Embalmer's Aesooiation at Toronto and
bee received a diploma.
Earl Backer is home from St, Marys,
where he hae been following his trade as
baker, for a holiday visit.
Garfield Banker left on Saturday for
the ()allege of Pharmacy, at Toronto,
where he will spend this term.
Mrs. Welker, of New Hamburg and
Mre. Marko of the enure plane, are gueste
of Mre. W. A. Grewar, Queen street,
Miss bay, of Zion City, II1., and Mre.
Lewis, of Wingbam, were calling on
several people in Brunie and looality
F. S. Stephen, manager of the Bank of
Toronto, Oil Springs, and Miee Jaokeon,
of Petrolea, were gueeta at Dr. Holmes'
this week.
Wm. Smith and Miee Blanobe Smith,
of Bruesele, left Blyth station Saturday
morning for Toronto, where they both
will start worst.
R. Leatherdale Will enjoy the eights
and scenes 10 Mnekoka while on hie
homeward journey from Manitoba and
the North West,
Jno. Outdo sr, wee off work fora few
days owing to a disabled right hand.
The trouble wag caused by e. bite from a
pig he wa8 handling,
Will, Stewart, of the Standard Bank,
Brantford, wag in Brussels for a few
days nig week. Brant's capital appeare
to be agreeing with him.
Harvey Buchanan, who has successfully
taught for several years, is taking a term
at Seaforth Oollegate pro9eonting leis
studies for a higher grade certificate.
Mre, Henderson and Mies Lottie and
Mre, Dalgleish, Obeeterfield, ate visitors
with Mrs, Forbes, Albert street, Brae.
eels, sed James Cardiff's family, Grey,
Mise Amanda MoOraoken went to
London on Taesdey to attend the wed-
ding of her ooueiu, Mies Edna, the only
daughter of T. G. Me0raolten, formerly
of Brussels,
Colin Shaw, of Youngstown, Ohio, woe
calling oc old friends in town last week.
He ie a son of Jno. Shaw, now of (Minton,
formerly Prinoipol of Brueeele Pablfo
pohoolfor yore.
Mark Badman has a situation in a
planing factory at North Bey. He is a
capital hand about machinery and Tan
Poen wiehea the local faotory were rebuilt
e0 as to give biro employment here.
Miee Ella Foneton hag 008ep6ed a
situation as teener of a sohool at Glare -
role, Bruce County, and is now at work.
We wish her nooses, Mre. Puneton ie
visiting in the same !entity at the
linnet time.
Will, Hooter, eon of Jno, Hunter,
Brussels, was here on a visit from New.
ark, N. J., where be has been attending
Bungee College. He is well pleased
with hie new home and it evidently
agrees with him judging by appoaran0eo.
Rev. Jno, Roes, B. A., and family
arrived borne last week from their Sum.
mer vacation in Maekoka, Miss Watt, of
Elora, anti Miee Mary Wall, of Salem,
were Mao there, and a very ebioyoble
time wag 0pent in the seven weeks' out•
Andrew Wilhee and daughter, of Reiny
River, New Ontario, Were visiting re.
Wine in Bra00010 and Inoality, Mr,
Wilbee (Reposed of hie farm property in
Dakota and moved to New Ootatio 8
years ego. He toys things aro moving
Moog well up there and good wagon paid.
Druggist Smith spent a few days in
{.Tony Sample was home from Seaforth
for a few days this week,
Mre. Jae. Cooper, and Mre, Wm, Look.
ridge epent Sunday in Wingbam,
Miee Jean McLiuohlin le holidaying
with Toronto and Hamilton Maude.
Mies May Skene purposes taking a
course at a Toronto Business College,
Mies Mildred Soon spent Luber Day
with Mies Bette, Ferguson in '1'reewator,
Misses Millie Grewar au•i Eva Mo.
Oraoken were vieitiug friends in Wing.
Mie ee Agnes Black and Nellie Martin,
of Wroxeter, were Calling on Brands
Georg. e Irwin, of Toronto, was visiting
old friends in towa during the past
Lorne Danford was off duty for a week
but is book to work again we are pleased
t0 notice.
Mire. W. H. Kerr has been on the sick
lief daring the poet week from mneaaler
Walter Smith is not to well as he wag
another shook of paralyeio having Weal.
ed him recently.
Miee Ethel Sperling ie visiting her
oamain, Mrs. Hugh McIntosh, MoKiilop,
for a few weeks.
blies Minerva Service, of London is
visiting her cousin, Min Mildred Scott,
at Blair Athol, Brussels.
Jrto. Baltautyae, Mre. Ballantyne and
daughter, were visitors with London
friends daring the past ween.
Bob, Oober arrived home from hie tour
of the Weet this week. The Carriage
Factory here will prcfit by hie trip.
George MoDenohlin and J. Leslie Kerr
were seeing the eights at Toronto, Hamil-
ton and Dundee during the past week,
Mrs. John Gaff end sons have returned
to Toronto after a visit with the fortner'e
father and mother Jae, and Mre. Dudley,
A. H. Montgomery,, of the ltetropoli•
tan Bank, and Reginald Flotoher, were
visitors at the former's home in Toronto
for o few days,
Misses Luella and Gertrude, daughters
of D. 0. and Mre. Roes, arrived home
Mile week from 011 extended visit to Win•
nipeg and pointe West.
Mre. J. L. Kerr and Mrs. 0. E. Turn-
bull arrived in Bruesele on Thursday
after an extended visit at Cannington,
Toronto and Owen Sound.
Rev. Mr. Olepp and family, who were
vieiting here for a few weeks, have
returned to their home at Battle Oreek.
Mr. Gridley has gone to his home also.
Miee Alice Bone hae taken a position
in the Eaton millinery department,
Toronto, She ie n graduate from the
store ot Mose Roche & Hayoraft, of
Brnesele. er
Oounoiilor Thomson had a good time
on hie Western trip. He saw a good
ebare of the country and woe favorably
impressed both from a personal and noun.
try etandpoint.
Alex. Smith, a eon of Waiter Smith,
Brussels, ie here from Roseland, B. 0.
Hie health bag not been 00 good its u.="nal
but we hope his visit home will have a
beneiioial effeot.
J. W. Browett, of Dresden, is visiting
G. A. Deadman, hie brother•in-law, It
is 22 yeare einoe Mr. Browett wag a resi•
dent of Brussels for nearly a year .and
will be remembered by the older citizens
of town.
Jerry Garth), of Glenollen, was a visit.
or at James E licit's, Mill street, during
the past week. Be Is a brother to Mre.
Elliott end a eaooeeaful pedagogue, who
formerly taught at the Aodereon eohool,
3rd line, Morris.
Mre, R. W. Matheson and eon, of
Luoltnow, have been vieiting at the
former'e parents, Queen street. Mrs.
Crooke hae been laid up with rheumatism
but we hope ebe will soon be all right,
Mr, Matheson was also in town.
Jia. and Mre, Grewar„ of Rockland,
Michigan, are here 00 a visit. It is 8
years eiuoe Mr. Grower left Brussels.
He is a tonsorial artier aud brother to
W. A. Grewar and Mrs. Werwiolt, of
town, and a eon of Mre. T, Ballantyne.
D James Moore, of Oarnhage, lett last
week fur Detroit, where he purpoeee tot-
ing a poet graduate none at one of the
city hospitals, He will be away for
about three weeks. Dr. Moore is a
brother to the Moore Bros., of Brunets,
and a former resident of town.
Tno Pon hae pleaeare in stating that
T. Rana ?labeller, a former Brussels
boy, hae been promoted to the position of
chief anderWriter for the Western de.
pertmeut 01 Queen's Insurance Go.,
Cbioago, He has been in the service of
the Go. for eeveral years and we are glad
to see that hie work is appreciated by
his employers, We wish him continued
Editor and Mre, Dalian had ae thole
guests during the past week F. H.
Minorite brother, mad his wife, Mrs. A,
M, Delion, mother of Dur townsman '
Gonad and Miee Lizzie Stamff, of
Elmira, relativee of Mrs, Didion. Mr,
Delion ie foreman of the Neva Record,
of Berlin. He favored Toon Pon with a
oell lost Saturday afternoon.
R. b. Cameron, of Lt0know, 009.0 elect-
ed at the reeeut High Court meeting of
the Independent Order of Foreetere,
held et Sarnia, to the honorary office of
this ninety as High Chief Ranger, for
Wegner! Ontario. Mr. (lantern wag
els» sleeted in o dehlgute to the Supreme .
Court which meets at Boston 50x4 year,
another bettor whish he 10 alio worthy
of. Mr. Cameron is a brother to J, H.
Cameron, of Brussels, and known to a
good tinny of our roejdente,
Sl1upx.8, LUU4
C,IPCI',Air-i'nid up
RIISI;RYI FUND • $1,000,000
IOW, 10, M. WA.EDI N, D. 1)„ 13. J, 04001110,
President, Yaw -President,
T oe, 1111AD0110w, P LA, 121911010011 out. w, 00010111111111 CLARE, O. n, E, 01100(9UN, E. 0,
W, D. 18005 - - 0101101381, MANAGER
Drano Bought and Bold, Farmers' Notes Dieoounted.
Samaras, Dgraler,VENT
Tntereot et HIGIIEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 91 and upwards
A, 131, MELLISH, Manager.
W, J. Oalnerdn, dental student, will
attend the owning session of the Ontario
Dental College, Toronto, et the oloee of
whish next Spring he expe088 to grad-
uate. We wish him nueoese.
!lire. James McDonald, who hoe re.
turned tram Griewold, was visiting Mre.
Harry Mooney, She will make her home
he the meantime at (Denton es Mr, Mo-
Donald has eold out in the Wen.
011011011 (MIMES. -
Speoial service will be held in the
Oatholio Ohu ch, Brnesele, next Sunday
monis at 10 30 o'olook.
Rev. T. W. Conn and W, H. Kerr
attended the Wingbam District mooting
at Bloevale on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Phillipe, ot Chicago, sang "The
Heavenly Song" at the evening service in
St. Jobn'e obnroh in this plass last Sun-
day in good voice.
A letter hae been received by Mr.
Powell from Rev. I. M. Webb, who ie
still in the West, Ht expeote to get to
Granton by the end of next week,
After all expenses were paid in con•
neotion with Winibom District Summer
School, held at Kinoardiue last month,
the Treaeerer reports a enrp1e of 94 70
Last Sabbath Rev. Joo, Rose, 13. A.,
was in his own pulpit after his vacation.
In the morning he spoke on "The 01901.
eilion and eff,otiveuees of spiritual
power" and in the evening the theme
was "Au Apoetolie wish." The reverend
gentleman preached with his old time
Next Sabbath will be Gomm/one'
Pond day in the Brnese's Methodist
01100011. The OOinial Board decided to
group the seven annual funds and present
the claims on one Sunday instead of
taking seven es wag done last year.
Envelopes will be distrieuted at next
Sabbath's services and subscription may
be laid any time between then and Jan.
Sabbath School Anniversary day woe
observed last Sabbath in eonneetion with
Brussels Methodist aharoh. The pastor
preeohed a very prao1ioal and direct die.
0o0rse in the morning to parents, officere
and teachers from the text "Study to
show thyself approved unto God, a work.
man that needetb not to be ashamed,' II
Tim. 2-15. In the afternoon instead of
the regular eeeoion of the school Rev.
Air. Gonne 91500led to the pupils on
"The little Foxes." Monthly Mieeionary
oolleotion for the Bebop) was taken
amounting to $5.46. Rev. R. Smith
Baker, M. A., of Walton, occupied the
pulpit in the evening and ably demon•.
titrated the Truth, dealing with the text
"I have fongbt a good fight." His re-
wrote were chiefly addressed to the young
people of the congregation and were
timely and helpful. A6 the League
service Mies Nora Maunders read a well
prepared paper on the topio "The pur-
pose of Life," which cauls be repeated
with profit. Revels. Megan, Baker and
Finkbeiner, the latter of Bebringville,
supplemented the thoughts advanced, It
was a well filled day. The Sabbath
sohool10 in a prosperoan condition and
has an excellent staff of teenhere.
90>rr2. 1
BEBrnoz—Ie Grey, on Thnredey, Aogast
25th, Herbert Albert, infant non of
Emil and Mrs. Berfelz, aged 1 year
an d 8 menthe.
Gunn -In Mitchell, on Angnnt 298h,
Gustave Goebel, aged 46 years, 5
menthe and 5 days,
Ronnaxeooe -In Grey, on Sept. 2nd,
Peter Robertson, in hie 48th year.
amoaxav .
Por,onn.-In Brunetti, on September 5811,
to Mr. and Mre. George Potter, a eon.
MoNAnD,-In Grey, on August 18611, to
Mre. Alex, MoNabb, a eon.
BoBERTON.-In Clinton, on Sept. 6, to
Mr. and Mrs. George Roberton, a
=1R7SE: S1=7..,..3 14CASv=.Za•'1'S'13,
Fall Wheat 76 1 00
Barley 97 40
Peas 55 00
Oats 80 92
Batter, tube and rolls.,12 13
Eggs per dozen 10 17
Hay per ton 6 00 6 00
Floor, per cwt 4 00 5 00
Polatoee per bus 50 50
Apples (per bbl,) 1 00 1 25
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hogs, Live 5 40 6 50
Wool 17 18
'AS.,L V.A.I2300
Following i0 it list of the dates of Borne
of the Fall Faire whiah will be of interest
to people in this distriot :-
Indaatrial, Toronto.. , , Ang. 29 -Sept. 10
%Vestern, London Sept. 9-17
Walkerton " 14-16
'1 15-17
II 19
Palmoreton 'i 21
Guelph . , 11 20-22
Miloholl T1 20.21
Cheeloy " 21-22
Zurich " 21-22
Harrieton " 22-28
Seatortl, 10 26.23
Stratford " 22-28
Teetotaler 11 27-28
G'oderieb ........ " 27-28
Listowel II 7µ 20
Wingbam...... ,, ,,,,,.re " 29-80
Fordwiob,e,,r„rt,,r,,, ,9001, I
1 1-1 2
soRNmA -Write for our plan where -
1001 ma do thie at Eta oast t0 yourself.
Nt.Hnmiltoo Land & on 00., 108 Pnrtar
Building, San Jose, 010.'11, S. A. 7.1
SALE, -It consists of a Pewees Raper-
etor.a Now namiurg 2003000 and a Maple
Leaf grinder, All 1111 (10011 repair. Toms
easy 1u1 a quick sale. Par further particu-
lars as to price, rho , apply to ELIJAli
2110A310, Lob 0, Oyu, 0, Morris, Sunshine
P. 0, 0-2
Notice toCreditors,
Iu the Surrogate °curt of the Oonnty of
Huron, in the matterofthe estate of
Jacob Netter, late at the Township of
Grey, in the County of ituren, farm•
er, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sorts.
ea Statutes of Ontario, 1007, Cbap. 100, Foe,
88, that all creditors and others having any
claims agalnot the estate of 1120 se id Jacob
Reiter, who Bind en or about the 10th day of
June, A. ll.,1004, are required 00 or before
the04t12 dpul•, ,D.. ,
send 1y pontay of 111r-p0eaidteor hadolly,4r to1004W. M to
Sinctair,of the 'Village of 10,ueoele, in the
County of Hefter,
Solicitor Rxr for Peter Kilt
and Aaron Testament
, tho Executors of rho tae l
ti ill and Testament 0f the said 11109000,1,
their Christian and surnames. ad(1000109
51,01 descriptions the 1u11 particulars of
their elaime, the statement of their 00eount0
and the nature of the sequel ties, if any, held
by thein,
And uotl,e lehereby given that niter the
said last mentioned date, the e•,id 10xe0ntors
will proceed to distribute rho assets of the
deoeaeod amongst the persons entitled
thereto, having lagers only to the claims of
w111Uh notice 911011 llfaynbeell giy60 Ino al)toyye
requn•e4, and 11,0 ts, or acre will not o•e,pooeiblo for the any, or any part there-
of, ole ee dioiribnotice s a ll to any personbeen
Of whose
claim notice shall not have been reoe10e,1
at the time 01 0,1012 distribution.
Dated at Brussels, Sept. 204, 1004. 0.9
121. 0IN00.4I10,
;elicitor for Exeeeters,
'. 8VITW
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and
Torouto Optiael Colleges, will be at
Drug Store
Wednesday, Sept, 21st
can early and avail yourself of
hie valuable eorviocs,
L URA 0( t110 undersigned, Lot 16, Oeu 4,
Grey, 00 or shout August 20111, a year old
gray heifer. Owner is requested- to prove
Property, pay expenses and take her away,
Wat,. J, 34.05:1110,
oat 104bat P. 0.
fround0rm afeigoeoeerd
hoe O,1 is 5truotinoe
Donald McDonald and George Jaol,etn, Ex-
ecuto •e of the last will of David Maxwell,
late of the Village of Brureels,Iu the County
M Huron, 10 sell 12 pubire usable. on ,OAT-
UnDAY, the 1ST DAY of 00100Ett, A.D.
1004, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, at the
4morlean Hotel, in the Village of Brussels,
the following valnable farm and village
property namely :-Parool No. 1 -Setae the
South Rotator Lot number Nineteen in the
Seventh 0nneeesinn of the Township of
Al mrie, in the County of Plum, contain it g
ouo hundred acres of land more :or loss.
hix1y scree of the Bard lauds are cleared.
The balance of about 80 nr 40 sores being
exeelleut LarOwoOd bush of m41.110 and
090011 Tlra 0001 15 a Mity 19014 there is a
never falling spring creek on the term;
there is one caro of good orchard ; there 1s
a frame barn el the lands 40x80 tent, The
farm el wend Waltood, befog 6 miles (1001
Brussels and Walton 50,0 7 miles from B lyth.
Parcel No. 2 -Deme part of Lot 86 to the,
Ylntgo of BIOpo019, an 011 acoth elreet
containing oe artor of uu acro of lose.
Ou fir's Village lot there is a frame bones
and a good Orchard. Parma No. 0 -Being
Lots 242 and 241, Prinee0s street, end Lots
248 and 2110,Turnborry street, Woatherald's
Stu vey, P; each lot containing nue quarter
of an time of 1rtd. Those are suitable
h,1ildi ug lots. The,0 properties w111 be of-
fered separately stud subject to reserved
bids. Terms of Sale -Tat per cont. on the
day of rale and the balance within thirty
days tlro)eetter, when possession w,11 be
rivets to any or all of the above properties.
Farther partlouhus may be had from the
1,xecutnrs or from the undersigned.
Dated at Nrueeel., Sept, 8rd, 1004.
Solicitor for Executors. Auctioneer.
Apples will bo bought 001 alltl'after - eptem-
ber 12th, at the
Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind-
falls and Packers' Culls will bo bought at the
Highest Market Price.
Small or Soft Apples will not be taken.
''NILE we have had a splendid season in selling
Buggies and Wagons we have still quite a
number on hand, the Bost and most up-to-date that
can bo got anywhere. If you require a Buggy or Wag-
on don't miss calling on the old reliable Caber Carriage
Works that has been in constant operation for fifty
years and given the best of satisfaction to the number -
lees customers during all those years. Wo aro more
fully than ever prepared to moot the requirements of
the public in our lino of business in style, quality and