The Brussels Post, 1904-9-8, Page 7REALIII
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It ee ni eecelloot tiling for the
chronic dyspcptie to get his stomach
Lammed, 'lpocial appliauces now .make
this a possibility by the use of the
are light so directed that the 'rays
are conoentralod over the diseased
part. This tanning of the stein Is of
value as a means of alding digestion,
1}ly the use of the electric light we
!produce a eolae erythema, or• sunburn
by which the vessels of tho skin be-
come filled with blood, diverting the
blood atiriy from ilio interior of the
body into the shin. For instance, 1f.
there is congestion of somu Internal
part, as the liver, and a solar evy-
thenia is produced over the region of
the liver the blood in that pact is
diverted to the skin, and thus the
internal congestion is relieved.
leer ages doctors have been ac-
quainted with the advantages of bets -
tors. If a person had intlamnuttion
in some internal part they would ap-
ply blisters over the part, and 'pro-
duce irritation of the skin, one the
Internal trouble would be relieved.
The philosophy of the success of this
ticatmcnt is that it produces a diver-
sion of blood to the surface. There
aro some branches of the blood ves-
sels of the liver which run to the
skin over the liver. If one gets more
bleed into tho skin, there will be less
blood in the liver, and so the liver
will bo relieved. The scone tiling is
true of the bowels Haid stomach, and
likewise of the spinal cord; if that is
congested, a good sunburn on the
back will relieve the spinal cord. By
means of the aro light an application
may be made of rays of the sun
(which have been stored up in coal,.
and which, have now cone back into
the arc light; itis really resurrected
sunlight) to any portion of the bony.
The are light is more powerful than
the actinic rays of the sun —
moro powerful than the sunlight —
and gives a more decided effect.
In his address begore the British
Sanitary lnspeotors' Association Sir
James Crichton ilownio, in addition
to renewing the stock arguments for
use of milk by children, pointed out
its advantages for adults. lIe showed
that in certain sicknesses, such as
typhoid, life may depend on milk,
which may not only postpone the
final issue in certain kinds, of senile
decay, but may contribute to the eta-.
bility .n1 vigor in maturity. He drew
attentiten to the value of the ,goat
as a mill -producer.
While the Iood value of milk is
generally recognized, there is a popu-
lar ignorance of the exact nature of
its nutritive properties. If a gallon
of writer is boiled sufficiently long
It is lost in steam. Mille similarly
boiled leaves a solid residue weigh-
ing front 20 to 23 ounces. This
substance chiefly consists of sugar,
fat, .the int of butter, casein -a ma-
terial with feeding properties resemb-
ling those of the white of egg, of the
lean of pleat and the gluten of wheat
—and certain mineral substances.
which are essential in the manufac
taro of tho bones and teeth, Unlike
almost all other foods, these milk
subetanres, are all digestible, and,
what. is more, they exist in almost
precisely correct proportion to each
The once famous analyst Letheby
ilontonstratett that whereas 100
pounds of quite lean beef without
bone' contained 72 pounds of water
and 28 pounds of feuding matter --
not all of which is digestive -100
pounds of good niiik contained 14
pounds of feeding natter -all diges-
A new and simple method of relief
for this condition is brought for-
ward by Dr. W, 0. Belt., This simp-
ly to direct the patient to place the
hand opposite the hide on which the
neuralgia is felt in a basin of water
as hot as can be borne. Ho claims
that relief will bo experienced in less
than five minutes, Nis explanation
of the action of this procedure is
that tate twonerves endowed with
the .greatest number of tactile nerve
endings are the fifth and the median,
and theft motor' areas in the cortex
are not only adjacent, but actually'
overlap.' As the fibres cross in the
cord he expects a powerful tactilo
impulse conveyed from, say the left
hand, to affect in some degree the
cortical centre of the fifth nerve • of
the opposite side.
The method is so simple that it
may be tried in a number of eases,
and if without beeeSt, 11 will bo
without Harm,
Tho athletic woman has come to.
stay. She has created a new etand-
nrd of physical perfection, and has
shown how all who with may attain
to it,
No longer can a woman say that
she can't ,help" her stoopitig shoul-
ders, rntivow chest eed weak, flabby
muscles, She can remedy each do -
foots, She can gond the, rosy blood
to her sallow cheeks, card snake it
stay there, She can fill ap the ho! -
lows in hoe 1.ecic and develop her bust
by supply Ittlrnieg nppropriato exer-
sises and practising them for at least
twenty minutes every :clay.
The results are 8o well worth this
Small aluolint of exertion that it is
'surprising. ]tow few Waitron feVttll
tliereselvee of so ine::pousive 13
thoci of scouring health and well-
being for themselves,
abulia 00 past 50 years, Ham-
burg, slut the coast or Germany In
its lleighbcrheod, has sunk 5 feet 9
leinolhie—"Sara and 1 can hardly
molevetar4 each other Aver the telt-
phonee T:tigar "1'fe11, titlk 'one at
a time!„pi
IEleadac1zes, Dizziness, heart Palpi-
tation and Consumption
Foil owa,
Ansonia—watery blood --is a trea,
(herous trouhle. It steals insidious-
ly from sllght symptoms to danger-,
ous diseases, Tho thin watery blood
shows itself at first in polo ilps, wan
race, breat111easness, heart palpita which has recently been shipped Sean
Lion, lost appotlbo, If the trouble AIntl iea to tiro Continent of 11131)10
Is not checked and cured, .consumi3. In payment of the .L'anarna Canal nncl
Liolt toliows; coughing, spitting, the lluhsian and Japan3s0 f,.ana has
clammynight sweats, a total break- attracted so much attention that a
down and death. What the anaemic Iew days ago rho writer visitatl the
No,'th (>lrnlan L1oYd's fano is linistz
Wilhelm II, in order to nail out ex-
actly la what ma-nner Sperte is stor-
ed and what plans are adopted to in-
sure 1's sato transit.
With a special letter from the man-
ager of the company to the purser,
141r. '1'iclbaar, the writer hoarded the
big liner shortly after the had dis-
charged a consignment of gold bars
Enema° Viltndre, St. Germain, O.
valued at ton million dollars. 1'Jay.
who says :—"}Philo atteudiug school leaditit9re letter ',i r, '.I'i•albaur
my health began to give way. Tho shook hands with much Beall giict
and declared in very good leg] al
doctor who attended me said it was it would give him con:adorable
duo to overstudy and that area
filaas'ie.. to show me the scrneg
would put me right. But instead of rooms on board the vessel.
getting better I grew weaker. I suf-
fered from Headaches and dizziness,
and at night I did not sleep well, I
was troubled with pains in the back,
my appetite left me and I grew pale
as a corpse. Finally I became so
weak I was forced to remain in bed.
As the doctor did not help me any,
I asked my father to get me Dr.
Williams' Pink Pi11s, Before I had
used two boxes there was an im-
provement, and when I hail taken a
half doyen boxes I was again in per-
fect health, I believe all weak girls
will find new health if they will take
the pills." . '
Anaemia., indigestion, heart trouble,
rheumatism, kidney trouble, and the
special ailments of waren are all
due to poor blood, and are all cured
by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. You can
get these pills from any medicine
doa]or, or by mail post paid' at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2,50
by writing The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Tow the Yellow Natal is Received
and Stored Away in the
Strong -Room.
The enormous aniouut of golf
etiflerer needs is more blood—more
strength. And there is :nothing in
the whole )tido world will give new
Wood and New strength so surely and
so speedily as Dr. 'Williams' Pink
Pills. Every dose helps to send
oaw, rich, red blood coursing through
the system, bringing strength to weak
lunge and all parts of the body.
Thousands testify to the truth of
these statements, among them litiss
"The smaller of the two," he said,
"is in close proximity to my office,"
and taking a couple of massive keys
from his safe he led me to the door
of a compartment which has .probab-
ly Held enough gold to pay for the
Kaiser Wilhelm IJ; ton times over.
The locks, which were double. were
rendered additionally strong by be-
ing furnished with steel hasps which
covered the .keyholes and were secur-
ed with
When the door was thrown open and
the electric light switched on the
roost appeared to resemble the dark
cells used to ,ponnno prisoners. The
Walls, roof, and ceiling were lined
with 2 inch steel plate and the recon
contained nothing•' but '‘a couple of
wooden shelves.
:•'Thom is a general impression,"
said Mie. Tielhaar, "that whenever
there is a cargo of gold on board we
have a guard of at least •six men
armed with carbines, revolvers, and
cutlasses, who keep sleepless vigil
WHEN A ROWBQAT UPSETS. over the precious metal night and
How Best to Kee Yourself Afloat day, until it is safely in the hands of
p the eonrignecs. This is not the case,
ill Saved.
,/T When onto the gold is stored away
If you are in a rowboat and it and the vessel is well out to sea we
overturns, when you come to the do not keep any armed guard on
surface and have yourself comfortablyduty at ail, for, the strong -rooms be -
settled in the water, look about for mg placed in the most frequented
the upturnod boat or an oar, and if part of the ship, people are constant -
the closer of the two is not far away ly passing them all hours of the day
you can undoubtedly cover the die- and night, and this is the best sate
tante by using your hands and by guard one could have. There are
licking gently with .your legs, after only two sets of keys to the rooms—
alternately drawing them up about ono I keep, while the other is, in the
twigs. as much as for treading. Custody or the captain. Now, if you.
If you reach an oar, grasp it with will come below I will shut: you the
your hands, Placed about three "feet second and larger specie -room, which
apart. Then, just as if you wore is Situated next to the provision de -
working pulleys in your roolu, alter -par gnome "
uately shove the oar in front of you We descended to the lower deck,
at auto's length and pull it back to and lir. Tielbear unlimited the door
your chin. If your lung power is
good and you observe the rule to of another strong room, sfutilar to
the one we had just loft. 11 was,breathe deeply •and exhale scantily, however,
you can easily keep afloat 20 mina.
tes. Help out your hangs by using ALMOST TWICE'. AS LA.t`t.GE,
your legs the best you know how,; being abort 12 feet long by 4 feet
and religiously keep out of a stand- wide. In •reply to tt question as to
ing position. By all means give the whether the two rooms were ever fill -
lungs opportunity to take hold" ad to capacity' Mr: Tielbaar declared
in tiro water; in arbor words, to pe- that this was often the case. "Our
form their work' last "consignment," ho said, "consist -
A capsized rowboatris ordinarily a
splendid buoy. If you reach it, all. ed of over. $10,000,000 worth of gold
you .have to 80 to keep afloat in- bars, which were packed in small
definitely is to touch it with your kegs about a foot high and bound
hands. It is not necessary for you with steel hoops.
to try to scramble upon it. In. tho "Each keg contains gold to tin
effort you may send it away from value of $60,000, and weighs alto-.
you, or release tho air caught in it get.her about 200 lbs. The gold is
when it capsized, and thus cause it generally brought to the ship the day
to sink. The safer plan is simply tobefore we sail, and is all stored
rest your hands on it. away :before the passengers embark.
But if you were in. a sloop, or any It arrives at the dock in ordinary
sort of craft with rigging, keep away trucks and under the guard of two
from the boat. If the sloop cape armed men and the driver.
sizes, your first move should bo to "Tho lost occasion on which ' we
got clear of the rigging, and after had,a'gold consignment the specie ar-.
that to stay clear of it. .1 have rived in ten vans, each van contain -
known many a good" swimmer to ing about a million dollars' worth of
drown simply because be got foul of gold bars. The usual manner of put-
a boat's gear. Trust to ybur ' ot- ting the precious- freight on board
forts alone; you will be in fax less was to haul the kegs up an inclined
chute to, the deck by means of a
hoisting engine, but Latterly this
A DANGER TO BABY. method has been discontinued and
each. keg is now placed in, a sling and
Doctors have Ates !led against'. the
a long stick passed through,. the
so-called medicines ,for ends of which rest on tho shoulders
years, but they soothing still used alto -
two inn, who carry their burden
gethei too pinch. Tisa tact .that they up the gangway and so on board.
part children to sleep is no sign that iVlille the kegs aro being shipped
the are helpful. Ask able doctor (take ulous care, of course, has to be
y y taken that we receive the right num-
and he )viii tell you that you have bor. Our receipt, you must under -
merely drugged your Little ono into stand, 9s given for so many kegs,
insensibility that soothing meth not so belch gold, for naturally we
eines are dangerous. Il you:, little
one needs a medicine give it do not open the barrels to count the
Baby's p
Otvn Tablets,' and you give it uT mod- bars,. The ]segs boar the Government
seal, a
Mine guaranteed to contain no opi-
ate or heliuful drug. you can give stored away the iron doors of the
those Tablets just as t sfely to a new Government
are also scaled with
born infant as to the web grown Government wax, and the impression
child, and they will cure all the is brcicett only when the officials, sent
minor ilia of childhood. Mrs. J. M, to receive the gold cattle on board.
The kegv nio
Gilpin, Bollhaven, Ont., says: "Since
I .gave my little ono. ]Iaby's Own onitOlC181) P1:1I11838 TThiTll.S..
Tablets there has been a marvellous First on the pier, when they are tak
change in her appearance, and she is en .from the express' waggon, then
/peeving splendidly. Yon may count again when they rea0li the gangway,
mo always a friehd to the Tablets," and a third time when they, aro plat-
Ask your, druggist for this mediefhe cd in the strong -room.
or send 25 eocts to The Dr. WIl- "Although wo do not Have e. guard
Name' Medicine Coe Brookville, Ont„ placed over the specie dueing tho
and get a box by iueil post paid, voyage, as I stated before,two men
aro Constantly watching the rooms
so long as we aro in might of land."
"What is the natter with that There 18, boweVer, pl'actioally no
bahy2'' gl'owled an irascible liilshand danger of gold being stolen he tran-
as the little One persisted in howl- sit, for it would require to be sorne-
ing and kicking to the extent of his one more than barman who Would
little :might. "'1'1)0 matter is, sir," shoulder a keg of gold weighing a
Calmly replied the wife, as she str0dv couple of hundred pounds and Vanish
tip anti down the roam, -"Lha matter with it without being seen. Dimling
is that this baby inherits your tome the many years I have been purser
per," And the husband returned to ort Atlantic liners I have i• ,ver
his paper with a gloonrioe look than known a, ease whore there has been
before, tiny trouble over a c0nsiglnuent of
gold. It the safest cargo to limed -
After sizing up his neighbors a mob le I know,"
000508 CO worry about iiia men in- Tho total weight of the lust con-
feriority, signnent of gold shipped by tiro ICal-
A young plan thinite 110 i5 lriiWOr• Ser Willteiin IT. amounted to 061110.1
tliy of the girl during courtship, hug thing liko 88,000, lbs., 00 oven sixe
after marriage he earn: diecove35 his teen tons, afld trio freight charges
e000r, mune to about 512,1100, being one -
Be Had 'Chronic Inflammation of
the Kidneys—Says His Brother
Foresters can Tell all About it,
rDarnleY, P. 18, . 1., Aug. 29—
(Special)-John J', Burns, a promin-
ent member of the I, 0. F. hero,
whose euro of (:4u•onfe Inflammation
of the Ldrns and Kidneys caused a
sensation some time ago, reports
that he is still in splendid /metal.
"Yes," says Mr. Burns, "my cute is
entirely satisfactory. I have had no
trdubie since I used Dodd's Kidney
Pills. They drove away the disease
from which I suffered for eight
"No, x'11 never forget Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills. The doctor could not
help me. I got so bad I could
scarcely walk, sit or sleep, I was
about to give up entirely when an
advertisement led mo to try Dodd's
Kidney Pills, Now I am in good
health. Dodd's ICldltey Pills saved"
my life."
If any one doubts Mr•. Burns' story
he simply refers them to his brother
Foresters. They all know how he
suffered and Mat Dodd's Kidney
Pills cured him.
eighth of 1 per cent. The specie is
insured for its full value, and should
the ship he lost or the gold mysteri-
ously disappear en route the insur-
ance companies would be held re-
e-sponsibie,—London TIt-Bits,
a -
Intuitive Faculty of Zerah Col
burn and His ICind.
Infant musical prodigies are intel-
ligible and even natural, compared
with infant mathematical prodigies.
Bow accountfor the intuitive faculty
by which some children, unable to
road, write or cipher, can answer in-
stantaneously the most complicated
arithmetical problems? Zerah Col-
born, e. g., at six, could neither
write nor, and yet could an-
swer, apparently by intuition, and
unhesitatingly, all kinds of arithme-
tical questions. Al eight he carne
on show from the Untied States to
London, and answered in a moment
and accurately such questions as;
"How inany minutes are there in 48
years?" The child riot only answer-
ed it at once and correctly. but in-
stantly added the number of seconds
contained in that period. By what
mental process he arrived at these*
answel•es urn could not explain.
Here, again, is n question which
George Bidder, the son of a Devon-
shire laborer, answered at the age of
12, in one minute. 13 was put to
him in tire. London Stock Exchange:
" If the pendulum of a clock vibratos
the distance of 9e inches in a second
of time, how many inches will it v1'
brato in the course of seven years, 14
days, two hours, 0110 minute tend 66
eogencl5, each year of 3135 'days, five
]tours, 48 minutes and 55 seconds?"
Within the minute the boy had
answered correctcjy: Two 'thousand
ono hundred and sixty --Live million six
hundred and twenty -flue thousand ono
hundred and seventy-eight miles, four
hundred and seventy-five yards, two
feet and three quarters of an inch.
But the classical case of this kind
was that investigated by n commit-
tee of such scientists as MM. Arago,
Libel and Lacroix at Paais. They
examined. Vito Mangiamele, the son"
of a Sicilian peasant, 11 .years of
ago, putting to him such questions
as "Find the cube root of 3,795,416"
which the boy did within half a min-
ute "Find the tenth root of 282,
475,249" -which he did within throe
minutes. Then came this poser:
"What number has the following pro
por'ione—that, if its cube i8, added
to five times its square', and then 42
times the number and the number 40
be subtracted from the result, the re-
mainder is
emainder'is equal to 0 or zero?" M.
Arago repeated this question, but
while he was finishing the last word
the boy replied correctly, "Tlie num12-
or:is five."
P70 things strike you about this
extraordinary congenital faculty —
its mysteriousness and its useless-
ness. In exemplification of the two
take the case of ,Iodediali Buxton.
Re also worked out almost instant-
aneously the most complex problems;
but he Could give no account of the
mental process by which he solved
them. This process was s0 fat' from
being correlated with intellect, or
even intelligence, that when Jededi-
ah went to hear a. groat preacher or
wont to see Garrick in "Richard
111." bis sole interest in the ser -
10011 or in tho play Was the counting
of the number of words uttered by
the preacher or by tale actors.
In only ono household can we im-
agine such a ctalculating machine to
130 of use—in that of the 'Yorkshire-
man who resented the parson's com-
plaint of the inaccuracy of his clock:
"What's wrong wi' t' clock? 11 goes
rent encu for tiiilil that knau liow t'
read it. When its hoards are et
twelve, it strikes two, and then aw
Multi lis Half -past, seven,"
Complications That' Were Solved
by Cupid.
A curibus 1•olnance of real life has
just boon revealed in Paris. In Feb.
rual'y, 1801, a Paris banker maned
Mace -Berman absconded from his
creditors, his wife and family having
left home a rcw cloys Wore his Sud-
den disappear once, Ilte safe was. op-
oiled and found to contain 421,200 tit
gold, and another safe, which he
hired at the Cr'edit Lyonnais, con -
1 allied
on-1a;ned :838,$00 in French railway
hods and other nogdtlable socnribia8,
In duo .course 1;110 banker's affairs
The satisfaction of having the
wading done early in the day:
and well done, belongs to ever)'
user of Sunlight Soap. 10rf
were wound up, -and he was senten--
eci by default to ilvo years' Imprison-
It has just been revealed by M.
Mato-l3erneau himself that on leaving
Paris, 11 years ago, he took with
him .021,000 in cash, leaving the
test for his creditors. Five months
later he landed with this sum at
Dn'tavla, Java, under an assumed
name, and was soonafterwards join-
ed by 1'115 wife and three daughters.
Ho bought a large domain, and be-
came a coffee, sugar, indigo and to-
bacco planter, He isnow one of the
largest exporters and plantation
owners in the ]hitch East Indies, his
potsonal fortune being over half a
million steeling.
A French judicial official from Pon-
dicherry, while op a visit to Java,
was entertained at the house of the
elf;44- gi 47,4x40
�A/ cJ,r 0 ✓ ✓moi
751004 argil Sr
'4 i1?fff " Will Dry in 8 Hours.
0n Salo at alt Hardware Dolor:
p. D. 0009 & GO•, Montreal Toronto, Vancouver.
Potatoes, Poultry,Eggs,Butter, Apples
Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and wo will
get you good prlcca.
ex -banker, ani became engaged to THE EAS .ON CO WllSS ON CO United
his eldest daughter, • As it would • s
,Oov, Wont Marko* anal Osollootnno bre., TOIROPSTO,.
have been illegal for the young lady
to be married in any other name
than her own, th'e ex -banker hinted
to his proposed son-in-law that 11e
was a man with a past. As, howev-
er, the young 1710.11 persisted in his
suit, and promised to reveal nothing
the ex -banker might toil him, the
latter informed him of his real name.
To the surprise of both men' ;t
then trap Aired that the Wrench of
ficial, who is a'magistrate at Pondi-
cherry, was the ;ion of the very judge
who had sentenced the ex -banker to
five years' imprisonment. The mag-
istrate informed his prospective-fath-,
er-in-law that he could rehabilitate t4
himself and get the sentence gnashed
by legal procedure if he satisfied all
his former creditors.
M. Mace-l3erneau - has, therefore,
written offering to reimburse the
money which he had from his clients
at the time he absconded, unci esti-
mates.his total indebtedness at 480,-
.80;000. . This sum will be paid by the
Netherlands Bank: in America when
the claims sent in have been duly
Patti, Vash Basins, IMillic Pans,
Any Find -Masa Orocor Can emptily Y0u-
The French official has meanwhile
married 31110. Mace-13erneau, having
obtained the consent of his father,
the judge.
The Vatican was thoroughly clean-
ed lately, and a quantity of repaint-
ing done. The work employed 5,700
people for six months. Merely in
cleaning wallpapers 1,000 loaves of
bread were used daily.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
ranch the diseased portion of the ear.
There in only oto way to euro deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-,
dttionof the mucous Ening of the Lua-
taclrlan Tuba When this tube" is in-
flamed you have a rumbling soundor
imperfect bearing. and when - It is en-
tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and
unless the inflammation can be taken
out and this tube restored to t+a norm-
al condition, hearing will be destroyed'
forever; nine cases out ot ten are cams.
ed by Oatarrh, which is nothing but
an inflamed Condition of the mucous
Wo will give One. Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by cat-
arrh) that cannot' be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, tree.
.. r: J. 03113NFIY 'A CO., Toledo. n -
Sold by alt Druggists, 75c, ,
Take 1,1 11'a Family �Pil1a for consti-
In a certain town in the North of
Ireland there is a fishing tackle shop,
the sign whereof is a brareen trout
dangling at the end of a fishing -rod
of massive proportions. Late ono
night a townsman who had berm din,
ing "not wisely" but too well" hap.
paned to see this fish. Ile ]oohed
at it, then went cautiously to the
door and knocked gently,
"Who's there?" demanded the shop-
keeper from are upper window,
"'Sh-11i Don't make: a noise, but
come down as quietly as you can,"
was the reply.
Thinking something serious was the
matter the 'man arose and stole
"Now, what's the matter?" he in-
"Pull your line in quick; you have
got a bite," roared the tipsy ono as
ho erratically turned a corner,
Win����g, a
cu( tures BQ(f�tH Di (rt(�,yy��p7pp
Wlnll ryu� W ton
Some ine0 have no visible means
of support when their wives are ab-
Otin11n's linielcat Ewes illohtberla.
A cheese -mita a quarter' of an incl)
long can jump' out of a vessel 6 inch-
es deep. 'Pe equal this " feat a marl
would Have to jump out of a Well
141 feet deep.
.,,",4ttr+su• ..era,.--,
1 A. few pieces of hoof -parings which
horseshoers pare off the hoof before' S Margaret's
area' "
shoeing horses wilt make palms thrive
lusuriantiy. Simply poke the par-
arings well down in the soil at any
tinge of the year. Horseshoers give
away the parings for t11 asking.
Although Russia's Asiatic posses-
sions are six times the sizeof ours
they have but 25 million people,
compared with 297 million under
British rule.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise dead) Disinfect-
ant- Soap Powder dusted . in the
bath, softens the water and disin-
Madrid now holds the record of be-
ing the most unhealthy capital in
Europe. Its deaths were 9,1374 last
year in a population of little over
half a million,
I was Cured of Acute Bronchitis
by MINAII.D'S -'1N181]SNT,
Bay of Islands.
I was Cured of Facial Neuralgia
Springhill, N. S.
I was Cured of Chronic iiheuma-.
Albert Cu., N. B.
There Is no better way of dusting
carved furniture than with a pain-
ter's brush. This will penetrate all
the little crannies which ;could not
be touched by an ordinary duster or
The independent Order of Foresters
have just Issued from the press .a
very neat little booklet, giving a
great grist of Sects and figures with
regard to Canada, its resources,
mineral _ and ogricultural, etc, His-
torical points,territories and other
Canadian information of great value.
This little booklet shouldbe in 111e
hands of alt. It wi11 be sent on ap-
plication to Dr. Oroniiyateltlia, Sup-
prone Chief Ranger, of the 1,0,0'.,
Temple Building, Toronto, Canada.
Piet Cronje, the e,1 Boer command-
ant, has been 111 'vied, and We under-
stand that the second Mrs. 'Cronje
objects to her husband being de-
scribed as a hero of a hundred en-
Iinard's linialcnt Cora CnkI 3 etci
Probably the largest cargo 01 - gold
specie ever shipped across the Atlan-
tic bag been unloaded from the Kahl
er Wilhelm I1, at, Cherbourg. • The
amount, constituting an instalmeet
of •the Panama Canal indemnity from
the United States, was 42,692,042
frs„ or a tittle over $8,518,600. The
m0riey had been kept on board in an
armored store -Toone, before which an
armed sailor was on gutted night and
day. The door was closed by three
lodes, tufo keys being in the Peales-
slop of three ship's officers reshot
I+ehdenms• "•I've made an awful
mistake. I sent a rr:ossonger boy up
to Miss Cashiey's with a, lot of noos-
es, thinking it was her ,Birthday,
o earn that ibr birthday . s
and n w I] 1 3
to—morrow." \prim tOlt—"P11a1','s
all right; the messenger boy May get
there in time."
College, Toronto.
Re -open Sept, 12th,
A high-class residential and day
school for girls. Modern equipment.
Specialists of European training and
of tho highest academic and profes-
sional standing in every department
of work. Foe booklet apply to SIBS.
rector (late Principal Upper Canada
Dominion Line Steamships
co' Moderate Rate Service. O
Second cabin passengers berthad in belt aato5Wo.
d,ticn on chi scanner at the low rate of 548 to
Lii•orpocl or 512.00 to Lollies. 'Ma clavi to
lacrimal, London, Glaeiiw or Quoon.t wo'Sill l0.
Nor all particulars 15517 to local agonts,or
411014St. 11.,'J'it ono, Ina'
Sacrament M., Mootroal
and O.esniag. T),fa i. n specialty with the
Send particulars bp poet and de are mut to aNr.f7
Address Cox 155, Montreal
Delegates to the Medical Associa,
tion at Vancouver can return through
San Francisco, Loa Angeles, Salt
Lake City, Denver and the "World's
Fair St. Louis, by, purchasing tick-
ets sold to San Francisco, account
Knights Templar meeting. •
Tickets an sale from August 15th
to September 9th, good for return
until October 2$rd, with stopover
privileges in each direction. Tlris is
an open rate to the public, as tick-
ets are not sold on ,the certificate
plan. The rate from Toronto will
be $70.25. Correspondingly bow
rates from other points. Tickets
can bo purchased going via. Vancou-
ver, returning through above cities,
or vice varsa.
BY writing IT. F. Oat•ter, Traveling
Paseenger Agent, Union Pacific Rail-
road, 14 Janes Building, Toronto,
Ont„ he will give you full. informa-
St. Peter's at Rome is in the form
01 a cross 036 feet long and 450 feet
wide. Its height is only 2 feet less
than its width,
For Over Stray Yaate
]line, whSaiow'a50o0nore clay ,Ini. 1,..,, owl hs
rnnnone of mothers for their o1,54 *. Rhllo tadddr 5.
ltraothostheet,ad, a,fteee the aHttraO,.a11a7n nein sum,
wind colla ragulows th. steam 8 and bowel., anew arc,iytor }nalrho o, Tw.ntrlire oaato a 1,0(03,
bold 1d; dNaclala throughout the world La now and
sakfer•'M1W.WIS$LDiWS800VIrilu syner,' 94-8)
Never put off tin to -morrow ' the
friend who is willing to lend .you
money to -day,
,Mtnard's linimect Cures 'IstemFer.
Most of the black hair used in wigs
and "switches" comes from the con -
Vents of Italy .and Spain, while 1310
fair and rod hail' cornea mainly from
the heads of Russian, Swedish, Oer-
mall, and Danish peasant girls.
50ml:o'er Colds
You Should care that cold a0 onto. It
it not only malting you feol,miseru4lbe,
Vat ltiddolsgyoubetel, 'Sake ..
Cure 7hcnetLaltg
It to guaranteed, to circa yeti. one
mamoy refunded -lett doesn't,
kt•alldt8g i41/, 910,, Dee, hetet 11.00 I% die,
S11 NO. 86-04.