The Brussels Post, 1904-9-8, Page 51. It aeM fll:r'al, S, 19134 TRAIN UP A CHILD Ano wbon u 1 8e 1d ht 1 I m or 1rt le q ,7 chi 9'erm 090118 Allrll 11tti, 1904 Two Courses- ,l/ Oommorolal and Shorthand, LGI Rend for College Journal. Is., L. Moth TYKE, Manager,Y ra�c�r2�t��t� BUSINESS CARDS. JTONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER gent. F. s, 8001:11, Brussels, IT, MOORAOKEN- a Issuer. of Marriage Licenses. Of- fice at Groaory,'rnrnberry street, Brussels. 11AIiMs FOR BALI;—THE UN- DEnaIONED has several good Parma f 0r sale and to rent, easy terms, in Township's of Morris and prey, Lr S. SCOTT, Brussel C. ®, F. Court Prinaoea Aloxaudrla, No. 24, 0. 0, F„ lirunnels, Lomita In their Lodge Room, Blas - 11111 lllook, on the tun and. lent Tneodaya of conn mouth, ate o'oloak. Visiting brethren alw eye welcome. JAt3, 130136888, 0,11. WALTEN SMITH, it. S. M• MI3RRiSON1 Issuer of Marriage LiceDBe8, WALTON. ONT. MOSS JEA!8 NPLAUCHLIN, -TEA0111MR OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, scanv-asEx,s, Darr. ROBERT OUNNINGHAM1 . neenn48011, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. J. LE C K I E, LIPS AND FI1313 INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAI, ESTATE AG711811, OMoe over Huralov's Drug Storm, Nov, 8rd,1902. 2048m Uremia, Wellington Mutual Fire insurance Co., 1103.011112001110 1840 Insurance taken on the cash and promlum note eyelnm at current rates. Beiorefusur- ing elsewhere mall on the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE IROGERS, Bromide, Imago *RECCE AMON' AUCTIONEERS. dierstesegOI �i S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • son, will tell for totter prices, to better mon, in lose time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in Rant Boron or be won't ohvrge anything, Datoe and orders con always be arranged at thin office or by personal application, ROBT. H. GARNISS I BLOIOVALIO - ONT, Auctioneer for $uron Oounty. Tonna reasonable, Sales arranged for at the office of 0018 Poer, Brussels. 228f VETERINARY. T D. WA1:1,W1CK- C/' • Honor et nduaf° of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all Ma- dison Of domesticated animals 3n e. 00m110t- ant rummer, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry, Celle protently at. tended. to. Olaoo and Tnllrmary-hour doors North of bridge, 1'urn1orry 0t., AroOlele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B MAODONALD— • Itarrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. 6eooeseot to G. F, Blair. OfUee over Stao- dartl Bunk, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politanBank. WM. SINOLAIR- • Barrleter, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,. Notary Public, .100. O1l10e-Stewart')) Block 1 door. North of OOutral Hotol.• Solicitor for the Standard Bank, p1IOUDFOOT, HAYS ,h. BLAIR- 0A1iRI8TERS II80L1 �0IE U8, N0TA11188 P31W. Y3100DAOOT, IL 0, R. 0, I2ATe G. P. Brant. 008000 -Those formerly onoupiod by Messrs Cameron& Holt, 0.002000, 011TAn10. QIEDICAL CARDS. J. A. IUD'NAUGHTON, 111. Trinity Volveraltyy, Ire/low Trinity Medical College, tlember College of 1 bysioiane and 8m•geono, Out. LioeuLiato of the Royal 001. logo is fory,Edinburgyhhe and y lop oueeN0.113f - Beeidenee--10Itll street, BTuetele, DENTISTRY DR; R. P. FEILD, DIINTIST Graduate of the Royal DoneeR° of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Gh'ot•olaos Honor Graduate of. Toronto University. Onleo. next to Brewer'; Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. B..-6: :r"fa�—.�'�t=mu=d 2 IP 8t. Largest and. Best rI in Western Ontario 811 0/(//1R STFiATFORD, ONT. Q"�� mi. popular inslitutlon has an ex•�'f� 001 Oolieut 1rtlp3utttlnu for aridly 11i81t grade want,' Oar 80Yadantee, are in Q opf� , letter Ole 11blltil it -•�y �8 groatd0. Mit 1AltOt 101 1 Jt �pp pbas1U10, 11111a008'utoig gee fall, v t 1SiaLIOJ�Pidpuit50ialg 8%dNr da t ,0 _ =S .1ri.—IIVgl f tfiJJb:lt,3,3l;1 NOT/OE l ' ! I not oweeping aur etuniltell eoa0t0, at , that phenomenal fleet nv-e tho intori. r, (Ve, the audoroirno•f, Reran to ratio the onvorhlg the g"'"" P0" e•1 0310 ns.lalry 1•,rIee of 110100.0110010,1 to 1211, for betting will be eulmbm''i lg ht low barometer, sold:leo. for 110w 1(00000, 0 081118 10 the ll tlVauea thunder storms end jauaoib!o tornados 10 the 80010001leat0rhrl to. '1'hte 9800 311 to in 1,800 141000, 17trt 11 iv; go and vol. !onto on Monday, dl1',o 12th, 1211, 1 intoned by oenio 111000 110018 will be re orted from TitwAN cA , (Igo. W 1 u11111D l globe p various rte of the ab 1d about 1 u a eon al be p ))elle A 82101!1111111 04 80N, r: p a riha 111111 AVOnr.t.4, the 1 11. 7.'310 nest equine aorta period l 1460 11c8.000n, Amu Noricum, a '1', 114,100w, Time ftlr,:011, J81114 F01e919o1', cat ctlls Itorto, SEerli0iti Idgeve (mete some of these nights. A1.lusevr come reports of rot affecting the potato orop, and many will dig them early all a remedy, EMU linnet Fall Pair at Brussels, 1'hareday and Friday, Qat, '.0 and 7. Keep the dales clear. On1A1110 Gime Laws, -For the galdanne of loot oportsmon the following items are quoted from the Ontario game lawn Duoke-Sept, lit to D o 1503 ; geese and Dwane -Sept. 16th to May lit En the following year ; grouse and hare -Sept. 15th t0 1)eo, 15111 ; pheasant and plover - Sep'. 15th to Deo 15th ; prairie fowl - Sept. 151h to Deo. 15th ;quail -Nov, let to 80 h ; wild turkoye-Out. 16 to Deo 18; enipn and woodcock -Sept 15th to Dee, 16th ; lgnirrel, bleak or grey -Sept, 15th to Deo. 15111. These date0 indicate when tho game mentioned may be hunted or killed ; both the opening and closing dates are included in each seteson. No person not reeidonb and domiciled in Ontario may hunt or 1111 any game, animal or bird in Ontario without hav- ing promoted a non.reoidenlHoman. Rem INeseranen.-The Garden Party an11011na818 to be held on the lawn i'3 R', F. Stewart on Tlluroday evening or last week, was interfered with on account of the rain and is eaoial held instead in the school room '.f the 101'ealodiet chnrefl. Although arrangements were dieorg0nia ed by the change pleeeant.time wee spent, While a good sapper was being eorvod piano solos were ooutrihuted by Mose Bertha Armstrong and Mise Sfabol Adams in goodstyle. The short pro. gram wee very well rendered and 0990 aroditnb'.o to those taking part. Solon were Bung by R. S.. Fletcher, Miss Vicie Oard'1I and Mleo Oarrie 13ingoton ; reeitetione frotn little Misses Stella Gerry and Boatriee Barrie found favor with the audience ; and the inetromenral duets by Mies Mabel Adams and Arthur Taylor were appreciated. The pastor, Rev. T. 1V, Oosene, presided and return- ed thanks to all wbo took part and the Moore Bros. for nee of piuuo. During au intermission in the program ice Dream and beo16nnn0 were served. 527 00 was eleared and handed over to Treusnrer Ooneloy toward the Parsonage debt Fund as the financial results of the sooial, n very good showing considering every. thing. E1120701111 Tannin MATou,-Ripley ten- nis players visited Bruesela, Monday of last week and played the return game with the locale. B000001e was again victorious, winning Rix events and tosiug. three. The following was the non :- Doubles -Cameron and a2el'ieh, of Bree• cols, won from Pritobard and 00utte8, of Ripley, 6-4, 8-6 ; Binoleir nod Fox, Bros - se's, wen from,. Melanin and M, 1140 - Innis, l30pley, 9-7, 6-4; Rev. W. T. (Puff and D. U. Rose, Brussels. won from John• 8tou and Gordon, Ripley, 6-4, 0-4. Singles -Cameron, 13rasoele, won from Pritchard, Ripley, 0-4, 6-4 ; Meltfeh, Brussels, lost to Donlon, Rip'ey, 4-0, 8-6, 8 10 ; Fox, Brunets, loot to J. McInnis, Ripley, 1-6, 5-7 ; Sinclair, Emulate, won from AI, McInnis, Ripley, 6-4, 8-1 ; Rose, Brussels, won from Gordo°, Ripley, 6-1, 6-1 ; Rev. Oleff, Brunets, played a tie with Johnston, Ripley. In Ladies' doub'oe, Minos Jaekeon and McKenzie, Ripley, won from Misses Annie Roes and Kenn Wilson, Brussels, 8-6, 30 8. After the games the vititore were ,ntertoined to a tea on the grounds, given by the lady metnbere of 1118 Brussels Ttnele Olub. The matches were played on the floe lawn of J. Leckie. A mat enjoyable time was spout by all and the hope in expre,.0ed that these games with outside points may 110 continued. A ClIArrlta 'O} A00IDENTe. -During 1118 past convict of weeks a large number of aeeklente hnve marred in this neighbor- hood among which were the following 1 -- Hes, -biro, Thos. Lott, Booth of town, wan feeding a milt from a pail and when the lacteal fluid had, well nigh disappear. ed the good-bye boot was administered by wbioh Mrs. Lott was Thrown against the blare and quite severely injured about the breast, 18 was feared et one time that the breast bone (8400 broken. We hope elle will soon be better, -Miss Mabel Adt8ms had room of the Begets of her right hand nipped by a email ainlar Raw in her father's 011op.-Wodneeday of teat week Joe Hunter had a° Couple of fingers ,everely pinabed by a block of marble at the MarbleWorko here and wart oompslled to holiday for aGime.- Jas, Thuoll, while feeding th0'separator in Morrie hada olose °all to loatng hie hand by being nabbed in the cylinder. The fingers were considerably damaged as it wall, -A small partiol0 of steel flew from the anvil and landed in one of Silas Jaoknou'o eye0 as he 13100 at work in his blaokemith shop giving him a very eon Opti° for a limo, -While employed in Brussels Shalt Works a short time ago Robert Holmen bad a pile of salt -Cavo in on him but ho fortunately moped animate injury. --Miro Gerrie DnoOan egad brother, of Morrie, were upset out of their buggy North of the iron bridge, Bruuoole, by their rig and .Goo. Muldoon'o bno ooming into collision. The eseepe from injury was the next thing to a miracle, SFFreemen WEATI083.-We oondenoe Rev. Id -Giotto' forecaetO 01 September weather and give oar rearing the sub. [donee of them as follows :-Tho storm period' beginning on the 4811 and extend• ing to 3ho 10th promi000 to bring tnany prolonged and mew pertorbtations. 'At loan flee adtrouomioal aeons will help 10 dlaItUb Earl h's mateorologiorn elements tit this, Limo, The dlolurbap0es at this time will almost Certainly be aggravated in chamber, and prolonged, With Po00ibly very ellrbt intormtesi on , into and tb 0131 thereactionaryt d ro storm period. eetlt1001 0» the 13311 an32t1i, The Alcon being at now and in perigee on the 9th, and on the 081083100 equator oD the 10th, the eha0ote foe prolonged and violent digltirbenee0 into the 11131 and 12t11 are 110nel,ally groat, We pro• diet that Wednesday the 7311, to Sotnr. n 6111 10th, i b d ei o 4 oriole d l0 Will ria a e 1d d to Y r g U O allowing that equinoctial herrioan80 of great extent andviolence oro neer, if 0x10°ds from the 16th to the 2lit. What. ever ollarttoter of etormo are in program) daring the period, 10th to 2 lot, Sunday the 18131, to Wednooday the 21,0, wilt bring the 0ulminatiug orieie of the period. A teenier Vnioan storm period le oentlol on the 29.11, exteudiog from the 27318, two 01' mem days into Ootobor. Ae vvo enter tale period the barometer will fall, 1.120 temperature will again rieo to quite wenn' and souttoring etorma will bo advaaeing Eastward over the country about the 29.11 and 801h. DnArn of Go)). Timmer, -Monde), mora• Eng 01 last ween at 6 o'oioolt, the 0um• mono mime euddtuly to Genteve Goebel, of DLltehell, who was widely known throughout (Anode and the Buten] Stntee as We owner and driver of "Mies Delmaroh." Sunday forenoon he tools hie usual walk to the Weeb Ward end Although 'Teeming in his urinal health, he complained or heart to, uble and said he (ltd driven in hie last race. During Mae afternoon i10 00160 obint tellbut in the evening he onmpinined of feeling nn• well and after lea a hater was called to bin attendance. It was evident that hie and was drawing near, and everything passible wee done to help him, but all was of no avail, as heath took place at the time above slated. Ile leaves a sister, Mrs Ad nm Koenig, b•Ii1011611, and two brothers, Fred. of Hambere, and Albert, of Mitchell, to mourn hit lo -s, Deceased wee in hie 47th year and never married, IIs wn0 frugal in 1119 habits and amassed o0n0Erlerable means, which will go to the surviving relatives. In politica he was 16 etuanoh Conservative, and in religion an adherent of the Evangelical church. "One," es be was familiarly known, wee a favorite with all who know him, Hie anddou death Doane AB n Rad obook to bin many. friends, The funeral took plane on Wednesday. Air, Goebel was a resident of Brnesele for a few years being Benoist. ed in the hotel b,elneae with A. Hoenig, his brother 11:1•10.w. The Canadian Horticulturist. RCM FRUIT 0201W9110 1100E MONEY. A strongly worded warning to fruit 81000000 and fermate will appear in the September ieeue of The Canadian north aalturiat, which ie the official organ of the Onandi° Fruit Growers' Association, against selling their frnit orope to irresponsible buyers. Thoeo boyere aro those who do not live or owe any property fu sections where they boy their crops. The Hortiooltuniot Mame that tens of thousands of dollars are lost annually throogbtont Canada, through the fraud- ulent methods 900.01108d by these buyers. The first year they buy a few thoiteand barrels in o0e emotion, and pay eaob for ,nom, thereby establishing their relents - tion with many growers, ea responsible bnyera. The following year, they take ad. vantage of this reputation to oontraot for large quantities of fruit, bet not pay for it. pn•ting the 3rowere off with one excuse or another. When some vowing aro 000930lous, and demand payment, they pity immediately, but in the ntnjority or oases, they manage to chip the fruit cat of the emotion without paying for it. Later they tell growers taloa of loses and say they are linable to pay the full value of their fruib and offer to settle at 10 to 20 ante on the dollar. Growers are advised by the 1lortio01' inriet when dealing with buyers they are not tboronghly acquainted with to de• mand 00aurity for their fruit, or only deal with !coal buyers who have property at etell8 in the community. One of the beet melhode of avoiding danger of thio hind has been for growers to cooperate and deal directly with large wholesale buyers. The oasts of the Ontario bnyer who two ]'ears ago defraaaed the fruit growers of the Annapolis Valley in Nova Bootie out of 580,000 to $40,000 worth of fruit f0 mentioned. TUE 11A0LY 810010TAnLa MO- TIM The fruit growers in Enoexoounty who have this year footled vegetltbtee for the early Summer markets have had a very prosperous season ae will be announced in the September hone of the Cnnadfan llortionituriet. Tho shipments tide year have been the 18rgeet on r000rd and have not been equal to the dammed. The,e vegetables are marled ander glans in the late Winter, are later trans planted under ootton frames and finally grown in the open. Thfe method euable8 the growers to plane their prodoots ou the market much earlier than the regatae orop. Those vegetables are superior to the imported one0 from the United States whiolt have in the peat practically sup plied all the demand. Owing to the oatiofnotory priee0 realized this year, it is probable there will be a marked inarenee in this Tina of work next season, and the( ultimately Canadian vegetables may largely diopleoe the United State, im. portations, Where Limburger is Made Waterloo Industry Grows. 094 T11reo Easterlies in 1110 Mtontialoll Turning Out 'toothsome dens Odoriferous Cheese, The good old oounty of Waterloo, the most preeperou0 ma082(00turing and agricultural County in Ontario, ie the home of an industry that Sandshoe alone within ito borders, tamely, the rnennfa0tnre Of limburger oheese. The towns of the oounty e0oh have possessions that are aantribnting to their preeperit3' and advancement, ae well as advertising their reopeolfye fame abroad. Berlin has its now refinery and -varied Industrie°, Waterloo, Seagram's airing of raeere and the distillery cohere the fern one '93 springs into exietenee; Galt has its great 30011 worke ; Preston Ile mineral. apemen, furuinreP stories and toandriea; Heops0. er ttr woolen mill)),and hot, lint not meat, Baden, its limburgee 0110080 Pottery. It wee for the porno/xi of aooertaihing how thio femme end odorous cheese le made Butte, reporter drove over to the pioturoegae little village of Boden one afternoon /entitle:, The reporter looked in vain for a tall 0molte 0taolk that might pushily inchoate the exiotenao of the works, and finally otoppad a native with he oaititation, "Clan you tell me, Dir, I where the limburger oheeso tooth ry le IctoUod ' '1'1,0 elan, wit'. le he ail sot ' h..e a ulastaahe he. the ham...," reeve rt41nn0e I of 3114 3100tnw01'41Mut 1111 Ly rt11 "Vy you about go deceit dot lane Om dot bonen le vet vee burnt down venue." Following the dlreoti)ne ee explicitly given, the reporter tendo 11(0 way peat the ruin)) eta mew, the, nod even beluga be struck the hum suns assured he wan on the right trnok by a p100Ing breeze svhioll neriui"ty gate evidenoo0 of ltte o'nsa proximity of a ohoeen faotory ratltar tltnn of a liold of now mown hay. At earn) succeeding e'mp the etm00phere Meanie mom "oheosy," and on turtling the Corner of the building and beboldfne the featery, the reporter involuntarily uttered : "(,treat oaks from little 000010010 VOW 3 great smells from little faetorien blow," Tho Baden rectory, if faotory it mould be oalled, was found to be a 00811(1 frame addition, probably 1260 feet in size attaohed.to the retie of the reeidenno of the owner rt the industry-Lowts Llebiier. Mr, Lieblier (van both affable and busy, The proprietor, with hie wife and da03hter, was hard at work wrap. ping up the anaemia preparatory to ship- ping, Mr. Lieb'ier willingly ooneented to talk about hie prodaoi, whiolt the mein. Gaining a profound sileree neveriheloeo pas.eeeed so s•ron3 an individuality that its peritonea was unmistakable and pro. m,nnoed. There are only three limburger oll'aese factories in the Dominion," said 62r. Lieblior,."and they are all in Water. loo ()minty, being located at 13eidelbnrg, Beltsville and Baden, I learned the bluffness from obi mon Kabel, of New fiombnrg (now deoemeed,j who mode the fleet limburger 0138800 30 Canada." Rewarding the groom of menofnotnre, Mt'. Lieh(ier says he unite in the neighbor. hco of 8000 pounds of milk daily which his teams oolleot from farmers residing within o radius of four miles from the faotory, The farmere ee0eive a pries agreed upon per hundred pounds for their milk, which ie weighed at the faotory, The milk on it0 arrival ie pone. od iuto a vat and heated to about 85 degrees, at which temperature it ie meth rained for an hour. A small amonob of rennet is poured into the war, which thickens the milk, Then the mace to 001 with a utensil of the draw knife variety, so as to allow the whey to well up, whiab is extrnotsd, the percentage of whey being 00 per oent, to the remaining 10 per cent Card. The Curd i0 afterwards poured i :to long menial/ Laud le left t, her tee ter half nn 1) 'me after wlfieh aIle Larne are ,ld ori 0.1 . s 313113008) thin bitted Nat. 'Wane . ♦ '1 % dere, 00, that th0 01(008 in 1. ttl"I av) • alt run together, N :xt day the,aloput in sbolvee in a 08101 cellar wLre they areleft to moult) end d gain ika str uybth a d Sever for whi h they itr0 jeetlnote. Tt le neoeeeary ouch wink to turn 0u0) Dake over awe or throe timog, to prevent the oheee0 in nettling from 11000m303lopsided, As about 5000 makes of chew/ are kept oo0atantly on baud in the cellar under. going the eging proo800, the teak of turn. Ing them over ie no light one. The ohaeme le mild and tit its best when from a month to air weeks. old, When two month0 old it begin0 to assert itself, and emits a perfume that does not ab all reeemb18 tbo odor of violets and roses, An the ohoeoo ripens and become» ready for marketing it in brought upetaire and wrapped Bret in a layer of Omen Cloth, then paper, nod afterwards 0000(800 lie outer wrapper of tinfoil, wb+oh to import. ed from New York, and ooet 7 Conte per pound laid down. Tho whey, which oonotitato the reform of the factory, is eold to the farmer) who 0upp'y the milk, who team it home and feed 13 to their hogo. Owing to the perishable nature of the oheese, care mast be taken to ship it out promptly, otherwise there would be quite a Ione. Owing to the brisk demand, whiab ie greater than the ))apply, the mann• totem)] rest racy ou that snore. Daring' the month of June past, Mr. Liebller sold 51000 worth of oheoeo and he esti. mato that lite year's sales will total $8000. Be bee been in the heathen for eight years, and bee established a trade that extends as far ae Manitoba and British Columbia, He says that the beat oheese is made from September to December et which time the milk is the richest. Asked all to whether there were any 0000080 in the pr00000 of manatee. Cure, Mr. Lieblier replied that what soorete there were were in the methods of curing the cheese. a. S. Scott, financial editor of The Globe, Tomato, has been appointed ap• praiser of market value° in the United B area in oonneotlon with the anti damp. ing amendment to the tariff,' The wife and eldest son of Charles Thresher, of the Union Hetet, Amherst - burg, were drowned by the upsetting of a sail -boat, 81r. Thresher was reamed in an unooneoiona coudttio1. EAST HURON FALL FAIR Thursday and Friday, Oct. 6 & `7 The Outlook Very Favorable. East Harm Fall Fair has won a front place among the County Agricultural Shows and has been 'rowing in interest a0 the years have gone by. The Fair of 1904 will not be inferior to any of its predecessors and will no doubt attraot many people. SPEOIAL PRIZES. The Standard Bank, offers 56.00 for the best 15 pounds of roll butter, the same to become the property of donator. W. E. Kerr will give Tug Pose for a year for the beet 2 loaves of home made bread ; and Toon Pon for a year for the beet 5 pounds of butter, both artiolee to become his property. W. H. MoOraoken offers to purchasers of seed from him ae follows :-5 Swede Turnips, 1st, 50e. ; 2ncl, 20o. ; 5 Long Red Mongols, let, 500. ; 2nd, 25o. ; 5 Yellow Giant Intermediate Mongols, 1st, 500. ; 2nd, 26o. Oil Painting, Original Sketoh, not leas than 16x20 in., from spot releoted by the Secretary, to be limited by metes and bonnde. Intending ootnpetitore may get full information from the Secretary. let, 58.00 ; 2nd, 52,00. Postmaster Farrow offers prizes for the three beet addressed envelopes, by pupils of Pnblio Schools. One envelope to bear address of a person in the Old Country ; one to the United States and one iu Ontario. let prize, 60o. ;. 2nd prize, 50o, ; 8rd prize, 60o, Postdflice atamped envelopes must be used. One person may take the three awards if the judges so decide. Four prizen will be awordedby the Sooioty to boys and girls under 16 years of ago who eau name the largest mambo of varieties of opplee on exhibition at the Fair, 1st, 51,50 ; 200, 51,00 ; Ord, 750. ; 4t11, 60e, Competition takes place at 4.80 p. no. 011 the first afternoon of Fair. No entrance fee. Best half acre of Mangold, let, $2.50, donated by Geo. Thomson ; 2nd, 51.50 by W. H. 1M1o0racken ; Brd, 51.00. There must be four entries or no competition. Entrance fee of 50o. to be made at the time of making entries. Entries to be made before Show day and prizoe to be awarded not later titan Oct. 21. Beat half acre of turnips, 1st, 52.50, donated by Geo, Thomson 1 2nd, 51.50; 8rd, 51,00, Must be four entries or no competition. Entrance fee of 50o. to be made at the time of malting entries. Entries to be made before Show day and prizes to be awarded not later then Oot. 21. Dr. J. A. MoNaughton offers 55.00 for beat roadster, horde or mare, owned and driven by a farmer. Style and speed to be taken into ooneiaeratioo. 1st, 58.00; 2nd, 59.00. The Secretary will present a box of 0roquet, for the largest assortment and Moot arrangement of loaves of Canadian woods, the same to be attached to a Card not exceeding 24x86 inohoe, by a Publio School pupil ; 2nd prize, Photo Album, A. E. Mellish, of the Metropolitan Bank, Bruseela, will give three prized, viz. let, 58.00 ; 2nd, 52.00 ; 8rd, 51.00, for the three best collections of Wiutee apples exhibited. l h r r Richards' PueSa Soap G 0 p . 7 the well known manafaotarere at Woodstoolt, offer the following prizes 1 -Beet Novelty in Ladies' Work, 51.00 wortlt of Richards' Soap ; beet hand painting ou 8 China Cups and Saucers, 61.,00 worth of Richards' Soap ; beet Collection of Soft Pillows, not less than 4 in collection, 51,00 worth of Richards' Soap; best 8 Soones, 51.00 worth of Richards' Soap. Additional Entries 11111st be made with 1110 Secretary Oar the Abo00 Annetta I'rlv,8n, ATTRACTIONS. To provide a program of iateeesting features for the 2nd day of the Fair has been the endeavor of the Direotot•s and that they have succeeded is beyond quer tion, This year the card will show :- FOOT RA0D, 100 yards, boys under 18 years, let, 51.00 ; 2nd, 500. ; 8rd, 25e, BOYS' 0AOE, under 14 year0, 100 yards. 1st, 754 ; and, 500; 8rd, 25a ;'4th, 260. GIRLS' RAGE, under 14 years, 60 yards. 1st, 75o ; 2nd, 600 ; 8rd, 25o; 4811, 25o, BOYS' RAGE, under 8 years, 60 ye,rde. 1st, 50o ; 2nd, 26o ; 8rd, 250. GIRLS' 114073, under 8 years, 50 garde, 1st, 500 ; 2nd, 25o 8rd, 25o. OBSTACLE 1140E, 100 yards, for boys umiak 18 years. let, 51,00 ; 2nd, 50o ; 8rd, 25o. CANDLE RACE, 100 yards. let, 51,00 ; 9nd, 500; Ord, 250. FAT WOMAN'S 164017, 50 yards, contestants must weigh at least 2001be. 101, 52.00 ; 2nd, 51.00 ; 8rd, 50o. SPEEDING. -The Committee is arranging for a few speeding events one of which will bo open to single drivers attached to boggle)). Is HIGHLAND PIPI431 will bo in attendance and Scottish dancing performed by local and foreign talent. I°OOT R.40ES AT 3 P. M, THE 00N08R1'. Alread rrieu emeots two well a o d or tlto bigConcert, til W a s ten on a O w adv 11 0 fw 9 Y g Y R the Friday evening of the Fair. Among the talent 0e1n8Od is Jas. Fax the well known and always welcome fun -maker of Toronto; Mies Ethel 11019011, the fine soprano, of the same olty, and Mies Gram) Merry, of TOront0, a rising y.,ttng eloontionfat, who %vide piano soloieto of thie locality will present e, program that will amaeo, please and instritot, Thuiroday evening the "Fatima" will be open to view the interior department of the Pair. A M11010a1 and Literary progeam will be given, Admission will only be 10 dente. Anybody iring a copy of the priee list Hill1tnys ono f r0arded by retool mail by writing the 00011010003', W. H. Herr, 13rtmeel0, The dates of the Pair are Thursday and Friday, October 0831 and 7111, f' „e ,F� i t . i ,. n & 6LY7H, MILLINERY Our Fall Millinery ie jest received And will be opened op and ready for inspection on end after Saturday, September Brd, when we will show all the 111t00t Perla and New York Styles in R3ady•to•Wnnr and Outing Hats, Feathers, Winge, Flowers, Ribbon)), Trimming0, Veilioge, Ute.. . This department is under the able menegemellt of Wee :Hood, with a Lull staff of assistants, who will he pleased to take your melee far any rtyla of hat, nod trim It up in the latest style ou 811ort nation, We will be pleased to have you Dail and view our lsiew Fall Millinery, whether you are prepared to bay or not, NEW MANTLES Wo make a great ;bowing of Ladies' Mantles, Jtelteto and ;epos, in all the now design;, in Black and Oxford Frieze, Bleak Viouaa, Keret)), 56 Olot60li,SBrod 5oa8.doloth, Venetians, in the very latest 0tyl80, the Prim mu 1,00 $8 50 to $15, with ail the prices between. We chow epode( value at 55, LADIES' FINE FURS We have just received a large shipment of Ladies' Fare in Caperines, Ruffs and Boae, in Coney, Aetraaha», Oppossum, Blank and Grey Persian Lamb, Bab e, Electric Seal and A1iok, ranging in price from 51.26 to 515. Now is the time to saint your furs while the stook is at its best, and you have the fleet ohoiueand you hese the 000 of them these tool evenings. :BUGGIES ! BUG -G -IES ! IS THE BEST Beware of I'rrtitators and Imitations. 'nJlu'tladar'a"e'a.eU'bra,nentdo Superior Materia], Workmanship and Finishin all our goods: Building from 10,000 bo 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would- be competitors distanced in numbers. We have still a few of these "Old Reliables" in up-to-date Finish and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you 2 If 80 be sure to call as we can certainly interest you. Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices. We have a number of other makes to show you, including the "Plattsville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph." Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of ether makes, for sale at low primes. mot,,e,.1010.ln'I,i1010,I'ei 10.111'h14J4r Nay S. WieLauchlin Are You Going to do any Penchi ? IDEAL WOVEN FENCE IN OOILED SPRING WIRE LEADS THEM ALL It is all No. 9 Hard Steel Wire and is tlae Strongest Fence made. The Railways and Electric Roads are erecting it. Call and get our Prices. tool erloli o'A,'lie Ito 'llr'11'be IreIP4 Wilton Tur 11 what Dur stock is. We good rigs will do ib. We have added to one Buggy Tope this season a Spring to prevent the bolts and 8318010 from breekii,g, This hoe boon a loug felt want. We have 4 olylea of Ax100-Duet and Oil Proof, Long Diotauoe, 1050 Miles, and the N'oioeleooAx30o, 80180 a few of the old ;tyles, All Steel Body Ranger° and all trimmed with best Loather. Along with our ownIuggtDS w0 handle Humb0r' OE Arab -class Factory 8B Bu ies. Our Wagons are all Oak witil 23 and 8 inch tires ; Trunks and Medium size, wa invite every intending pure/tat/0e to mill and I3uy hone ail and save money. E t CO, WE are BOW ready for 1904 with a larger stock of Buggies than ever we had and a walk through our Show BOOMS will convince intending purchaser's have kept the lead' and intend to alo so if YY 0�"j u_s.�l,.. EWAND