The Brussels Post, 1904-9-8, Page 4'Post THURSDAY SEPT. S, X904. The Child Christian, ale'Couverelon, C6araelerf8Clcs ;talc Vonore. ,Too fallowing interesting end in.. atruotivo paper was read by Mre. H. Ham, of Lgoknow, formerly of Brussels, at the recant Epworth League Moven. tinn, held at Ein0acdine The oonver01on of the young le a sub. jeot'of vital importance not only to them• aelvee but 10 the 0huroh at large and of late yoare it has been one of inoreaoing anxiety to every thoughtful mind. When the think of the thousands of children, taught fur years in our Sunday Schools and yet nue oq small a proportion of them bronght to the saving knowledge of the Truth, wo oannot but inquire whether as p'reuts and teeehere we have been faith• fel to our trust. While laboring to fix good impressions ole the young mind and heart, have we really looked for their oouversion ? We be leve that all child. ren, by virtues of the unconditional benefits of the Atonement, are members of the ltiogdorn of God, and remain suet; until the time or age of a000untability when they must either beoome expert. mental Chrietione or rejeot Christ, We mean by this that they unme to the plane when th y have to make the °beice, Change een0ut be ,wrought without effort and oonversion 1s ohange. In the case C•f A liertlan BOW loot in the depths of sin, 1a hn0g can be fully aecompliehed with out (L.: belt the leading of that aoel to Mtn who 8100.1 ea11 Gave may he our \perk awl therein is our privilege and duty. There is no department of Chrietlan work so fell of promise ae the work among -the ohildren end there is none of 'greater moment or graver ooeoeen. •i 1i re o18 connected with children prob. IP ln1 Bo deep, profound and far reaobing tier were it not for faith and hope we we ui3 not be able to look upon a child wr.hater a feeling of sadness. The Myra surrounding them and centered in them are 4r0meudOn8, eo Enrich so indeed that a proper solution of the multiplex questions omeneeted therein le of pre ewiuent importance both to the obioa and society. Here too much 8068u - time onnnobbegiven to the proper solu- tion of the problems of childhood. More and mire is this foot being reoognized and mare thoroughly than ever before is the Church in its v8riog8 oheuuele of work 'n.l.avoriny, to bring the ohildren up in the nnettereand admonition of the Lord mei 8o irate Hie word, "Suffer the ;ittie children to come unto me and turbid them not for of snob is the king- dom of Heaven" Tne ol-riritnal life of a boy or girl may be likened to a stream whose volume is fixe! by the hour it begins to flow for Christ. 11 it begins at seven, it will have developed, with proper environ• mens, while yet in comparative youth, from a tiny rivulet to a mighty river. If on the ether hand the stream does not begin to ilow anti) manhood of woman- hood has been reached, old age will have set in ere its influence has become a leo. ten of a. y importende. History reveals to tie tin- fact that the men who have ehcue cut with the most reepleodeut beauty of obaraoter, have been those who early begdo to think ()boat God and who early gave themselves to Him. God wants tll, children. He wants today to be the enmpanion and the comforting Fri: rad teal Saviour of all the boys and pir18 and the young folks. As Chetet once tureed and rebuked HMI diooipleo who ;Hee to armed away the young people Pon Hi,, aide and said "Buffer the little children" e0 today He bids the children omen unto Him, and clamber up into Hie lap, and nestle as little Iambs against the great, w .rm, loving .heart of the Good Sit phera. Uhrise today longe to be the divine F:feod of the boy swinging the bat and the girl dressing the doll ea well as the divine Frie01 of the young man and young woman in the graver pursuits of life. Da yon not realize the feat that God loves our children with a love mare intense than fills our own bearte ? Have we made one children anderetar,d this ? Have we sought to impact to them the sweet fellowship tend holy joy '.hint oat) bind their hearts' to Him ? if not we have been remiss fu our date and have not really oonseorated them to His service. We mast teach them ho+.v tenderly God loves them and they will learn to love, honor and tenet Hon ate they love, honor and trust 0e, We hear on all aides a great deal; abont the boy mod girl problem and methinks the problem is more the study and talk, than the boy himself. We have our adult 0pini0ne aa to what a boy ought to • be and how he is to be brought up to cur Meet. 'Then we ley it on him and when be doesn't respond we blame the boy and not our theories. For ineta000 we believe a boy ought to be converted and 80 he ought, if be needs 0o0veraion. BM do the know what a boy's conversion loosen ca' are we not trying to get him to Mallen the outward marks of adult oou• yereion ? Boy') are generally extremely shy of any public demonstration of roggious emotion, Whatever we may say anou boy life -i1 is real and any sort of a.,nventionality 11 against his nature. We have to go very softly when we approaoh a boy's noel as God did with Samuel.. The beet way for a boy to ehow his religion i0 by playing fair in foot;hall'or hockey and writing fair in ex0m0. Yua oan save a boy only by what ie in him, not by what you think ought to be fn hie11, Those very oharaoteriotiae whioh irritate 08 geown•upe and whioh we third: must be got rid of at any oust, are the Sory 02.1811.1 of big ascent to man. hoed. Ay some one baa said "The min. chief inn boy le the entire habits of hie education," bow you can thrash the mischief Ont of a boy, or you can oo0x it out with ougar•pioms and petting but you have done something else at the Immo time, you have robbed him of moo of the motives of hie manhood. The teeming and fighting lnetin010 of the hey are not the ideate of manhood, but they 8180 part of the sluff out of whi0h manhood in Wit. If you crush the fighting lnetinot, you produce theooward if you lot it grow wild, the brute, bat if you link it with the higher instincts, you get the man of. exeetnive ability and affairs. If a boy i8 a 10000 of the Lord jeans 0brfet, though he eete't lend a prayee meeting et boa ehareb officer tee wn11i1 1.1F'taiLA329114 N"-tvr?3117"_w..w,±R+yw3iri't�1:uw*rucu.•..,+�r�+�ar- a preaoha', be can ba a Godly boy in a boy'e way and a boy's pleoe, He ought nota b t solemn 0 o t too'et f' Q O P or n foe t quiet f boy. He must not 00888 to be it boy be. Ouse heisaUtrrletien,He ought torate, Large Attendance and Splendid Record. lump, play, ()limb and shout like a real BRUSSELS COLLEGE. POOT bey, but in all he ought to be free from 001001yttnd prafauity, Be aright to eaohew to1aaeu is every form and kava a horror of intoxicating drinks, He ought to be peooeable, gentle, meroifnl„ gener. one. He ought t0 tate the part of email boy' against large ones. He 01446 10 relgee to be a party to m)00hief, to pereeoutlon, to deceit and above all things he ought now and then to ehow hie oolong. Ile need not always be interrupting a game to say that he is a Christian but he ought not to be ashamed to Bay that be refuses to do 0omething because it is wrong and winked or be. cause be fears God or le a Christian. He ought to take no part in the ridicule of sneered things but mesh the ridicule of others with a bold statement that foe the things of God he feels the deepest 808088ues, The yoaug Obristian should oultivate the habit of virture. That is manly. Our word virture has a broad meaning. By virtue we 119881 purity of life. In tbo radiate tlmos it meant courage. There is a vital al -acing between the two. Virtues is courage. :The men who are wanted today aro pure men -men who can shame viae into sileooe by their tree and raise men into manly virture by their deeds. Onitivete the habit of truthfulness. Trutbfnineee is a male's bond, it ie a guarantee to others that he teen be trusted. It is the pae8p081 to the eate0m and oonfideuoe of mankind. Cultivate the habit of duty. Daty puts a Woe sky epee every matt -it is the end and the aim of the highest -i h e h , set life t is the only 81i02nlaut that never fails and yet nevem iutoxioates. Cultivate the habit of deoision-Iudioiaion to the p881)37sie of efficiency. The men who aohieve reciting in this world are the deoioive, positive men. Cultivate the habit of tenderness. Decision of 0118raet08 must not be wedded to severity of motion, To virture, whioh may be oold, to truth, which may be inflexible, duty, which may be stern, to deaiaion, whioh may be hard, must be added tenderoesa. It should be the atmnephere of every life. oultivate the habitof faith, Faith ie the f8oulty which takes bold of God, St is thatin man which enables him to commit hie whole being to God, there to be rested, kept, guided, moulded, governed and possessed for. ever. Give plane to this faith and you will be strengthened for every duty that it is pont privilege to perform, Strength is the glory of manhood. Virtues is etreogth. It is the concentration of manhood against vice. Truth is strength. It is the oouoeotrallon of mind against all that is 'Wee and autres, Duty is strength. It is the focusing of power on service. Deoiaion is strength. It is the application of mind and will to meet the oriels. Tenderness is strength. It is the concentration of force iu sympathy. Faith is etrength, It ie eenteriug the whole beirg upon God. These six, virtue, truth, duty, faith, deoision, tenderness, are the qualities of a strong man. 'VIIE LATE STANLEY 1ILLMORRE. A rememhrauoe at the request of friends by J, Smillie, formerly of Brea. Bela "Ob, for the touch of a vanished hand, and the sound of Weirs that'd 8tii1," Behold in the gloom that o'erehadows the tomb, The fate that is common to all, Ale 1 sad source of grief from wbence no relief, Uncertain the time of your pall. We are mourning for one, a West Elgin eon, And a neighbor eye kind and tree, Though hopeful and brave, who bas gone to the grave, While hie ,cumber of years were few. 0 1 bow little 00028 thought, a8 with him they wrought, Obeered along by the Western breeze. The time was a0 nigh, when he'd suffer and die, From the normo of a fatal dimes'. When a frigate is lost on a rook off the coast, The tears of a nation flow free, But few eyes remarks, the poor fisher. man's bark Gout down in the fathomless Sea. Yet tears though few, are honest and true That fall from the low and obeonre, The big tears that start from the spring of the heart, Are eked on the graves of the poor. And a few ey00 are dim with weeping for him, Who sleeps in this newly made grave, For never did death with hie withering breath Blast the hopes of a 'spirit more breve, Full many a spring 6o the forest will bring, New life in the Soatbern brines. And then 1101 a few will tm)10 their adieu, From the tope of the Western treee. But alas, never more, from that far distant shore, Wil) the loved one, the lost one re. turn, No footsteps tune hank on that oft trod- den ',reale. That leads to faith's limitle88 beurne, i+ ordvvte t. The marriage of Dr. William Bussell Cook, of Elmwood, Ont„ to Mies Lilian May, yotl0ger daughter of Mr. and Mre. L. Fr - Smelt' was celebrated in the home of the bride's parents, Toronto, at two o'olook on the afternoon of August 17, Owing to the very reoeot death of the bride's grandfather, only the immediate relatives were present, The oeremooy was performed by Bev. Alexander Gilroy, of the College Street Presbyterian ohar0h, The bride worn a gown1 of white point d'esprit over taffeta, te long veil of embroi. dented tulle, °aught with orange blossoms and carried white roten ler, and Mrs. Cook left on the 4:40 train to St. Lonia, the bride travelling in a lenge green Mee. Wiese 0fik shirt w0letsuit and a pretty hat of green and white anew wreathed with pink x00011, Rider feeling tee been 080008d at Bt. Johne, Nfid„ over the (Lotion of Can. oda ft1 deo)ding to establish a 0110(0 n I �l r•4 '''i1N I I 111 ilea„ III Q;I Ir `�ll }; I(InI }! I I II'I'Islb . I I dl,�IjllllJl anomuwl • 1 tlil,tndq'irt.ntnW IIiI:;,h: ui�j tl ' Jie,:.�'Prla ._ .cls'= -z Brussels is deservedly proud of its Pnblia School and the excellent work being done by its oapable staff. If the young people are wise they will take advantage of the splendid opportunities within 8888y am0000 and at a tithe of the expense paled for in the tame grade of work at neighboring Oollegiates. School reopened on Tburedso of last week with ie largo attendauor, 68 of the number being in the Senior Department, ender the guidance of Principal Noniron and Mies Ethel Soots. Thee° pupils are sob•eli vided aa follows : -Form I, 28 ; Form II, 20 ; Form III, 20. A tine term is looked forward to by both teoahere and Minden's, 8011I14018AL 0411100014. At the repent Entrance Exam'nation 11 onndidatee from Brussels school wrote, all pestling Bud 9 of them with h000re, u tiptop showing. In the Junior Leaving 18 wrote and 7 were 000cesefu). A.11 were re writing for the iiret time and as the Arithmetic was difficult end the Euclid, Latin and French none of the easiest the returns were oreditable, particularly when compared with the results of matey other sohoole. All who missed it this year at one tobool will be in attendance again with a cheery outlook et the next trial. There will aliens to be a remodelling of Sohool arrangements in this Province as it looks very Much as if the Qontin- na1iou work of the Public+ 8413o01e is supplanting the Oollegiotee, at least 0p to the grades taught in the former. A cons• prison of attendance between Brusaele and the average Collegiate will prove the ttorreatnese of this statemein. Quite a rem Oo)Jegiete Boards are bestirring themeelvee and searching out the reason of so many failures at the last oxamin ationo and the decreased atteutiaooe at their eohoo'e. Principal 0umeron will be 12 years in charge of our oahoul next Deo:Enb.r and hoe eoatrihuted in no email degree to fag enaoeea. Ila ie ably enpported and assisted by an eftioient stuff in the par• 0On0 of Misses Scott, Wilson, Downey, Smith and Bitohle. The Sobool Board, whioh ooncfele of D. 0. Bose, (chairman) J. G. Skene, A, Coseley, Jae. Turnbull, W. M. Sinoiair and A. Letetherdale, has wisely guided the macagemeot eo that 10 day the aehool and premises are in better abepe than ort termer °cessions and the marvel to many is that eo muoh has been aocompliehed without a larger increase he the eohool rate. Tisa POST congratulates the teachers and trustees and wishes the school abund- ant prosperity and at the enme time urges' a wider and deeper interest on the part of parents in the eduoational inter - este o[ the youth of tide oommooity. A good edneation will never be in the road of any ambitious boy or girl in making their way through life, hoose in Hamilton Inlet, Labrador, whistle Newfoundland claims as her territory by reason of her oocnpation of it for the past hundred years, though Oaueda in recent years has advanoed a claim on the mina, The Government ie being urged to prevent the erection of the station and it will protest strongly to the British Government against the alleged encroach. melee. Plow We Grow. The unrevised statement of exports for the eleven months ending May, 1004, slime that we sold abroad in that time 9184,595,791 worth of the protium of Canada, That is a large export. It demonstrates growth and progress, In the same eleven mouths of 1895 we exported $90,749,050. This le an inore008 of 983,542,741 in our exports in nine years, or over 90 per 00ut. And every dollar of it theproduoe of our own people. In the eleven months, July to May, in. elusive, of 1890, we exported Canadian manufacture to the value of 98,845 080 The Literals went into power in 1896 and when their tariff was brought down the Conservative leader denounoed it prophesied that it would bring wide. spread ruin and stagnation to Oonadian industries, end nailed on the people to drive the Liberals out to cavo the 0o0ntry. Well, in the eleven months omen ponding in 1904, eve exported $17,948,081 worth of Canadian manufaoturee in spite of the foot that the home demand bad probably more than doubled. From $8,825,080 to $17,648,080 la te big jump. Is me0ue as ioorea80 of 910,948,• 051. It means are increase of nearly 160 per Bent, in nine years) That he something to be proud of, It ie the p80oti081 rein. Cation of the Conservative attendee on the Liberal tariff, It ie the anewer in doiler0 is the manufaolurere' bank a000unte and the meebanios' and laborers' pockets to the organa' abuse of Liberal etateomen and Liberal polioy, And there ie more of such evidence. In the 1895 period one mines yielded for export, 96,408,280; in this year's period $28,855,869 -more than four Hume as much 1 Our 801111n1 produce export 1010800101 from 981,750,267 to 888,154,778- not for from 120 per cent. And eo on, Isn't it an oneou caging showing? Bet it le worth while doming dawn to date. Lot u0 gee how Mey'e export' in 1896 and 1904 compare in the matter Of exports of home producer). in May, 1895, we exported produce to the value of $6,841,518, ko May, 1904, we exported 910,792,888,nearly 94,000 000, tee f/9 2318 per oent, Monacan But the Censeo0atleee said manta• fleetness ootid not thrive under the Lib. oral tcr'ff. II w do they alto* up in the 1alnparie80 ? Let lee sue. Our export of manofnolnreo in May, 1894 was $857,291 ; in May, 1904, it had grown to $1,881,899. Put that down to give to the first Con eervativee, who dares to attach tit, Liberal tariff as bad for mannfaotnreo, In May, 1904, we Exported $1,054.108 worth more of the produce of our faceorie8 thou in May. 3895.'i''he iuoreaee ie over 127 per cent, and is the meat notable on the list, Canada is growing and expanding as she never did before. -The good Liberal Government's wise and moderate policy has nob been without its effeot in aiding in that development. The wife of Hon. Gouin died at Montreal. Christopher Biggs, an . eight.year-old boy, was killed on the railway at Lon- don, Johu W. Pointer died at Cornwall from injuries received in the elevator of the 0au0da Cotton Mill. Two Indiana named Beauvais and Mo. Gregor were killed by the invitee in of a o-aybauk at the 0, P. B, esoavatione at Montreal demotion, The two unknown viotimo of 'Thursday night's railway wreck at SIntalula have been identified see Mise hate and Mies Annie Hewitt, of Toronto. 01x members of the Jewett and Clarke families were bathed to death at Douglas, N. 13., in a tiro that destroyed the rest donee of Alfred Jewett, IMPORTANT Noma 3 HORSE POWB,TISiEAM EN. d1141t au d neelgh t boiler for solo opeopp tie a gra01108 ouglne ie beteg-eubatitntmf. For furterarlioainquire 1'uuliehlug Boume, OST, -A. ITAlt OLD S7,'EEIt, _i ted le oulor, 311th white spot on left side behind ,h'mlder 1 110rlls aro a little ono ren. • 811141, 4 hum Loose, Oen 0, Ator- 788,rat 'Puawl nv l,80..118 14, July 011,, Any lu- b.,rwatlou lua.11 014 to its ruot,very 31111 110 tha11kfaily rraolvati. 01309. Il.. 110LGE11, Walton P. 0 ('BAYED ON TIE PI1EM- A7 es90 01 the tnldorsignod, Sent 27, Cou, 16, Grey, on or about the 1814 of July, ono rad two-year-old heifer. Owuor le 1(1 38st- ed to }rove properte,pav netnews nun lake her away. D. Ii, Llv1N(00TUN1t, 7.4 Monollelf P,11. STRAYED ON THE PI;.EM- 2088 of the undersigned, Lot 10, Cru 1. Grey, on or about August 8111, three white MO. Ownr is requested to prove proper. ty, pay expenses and take them away. GAEO,80B1ST011, 5.1 Jame0101101', 0. NOTICE / Tenders writhe received for onnettuotlou of u drain in McEillop, on Sept. 1e, at 0t: un• $Il meeting, Leadbmy. 34811mated work 8,010 CO, Part of wor9, to be done this Fall, Pinus nod specifications t0 be seen abOlol'h's olllce, near Winthrop. 1140.0. M01111I601e, 0leek. VT ANTED.— SPEOIAL REP- aneaxma2•0vrl 111 11110 county and ad• joining territories, to represent and adver- tise au old established buelneee 110080 of solid Onanoial standing, Salary 8221 weekly, with expenses' adva000d each Llooday by cheek dd root from heolquartars, Horse and buggy furntobad wean neeeseary ; mist. Oen permanent, Address 1•slewl3 res, alt 1(oom 810 Monne Bldg„ 0111ongo, 111, Prize Winning Short Horns fur Sale. Light young Bulls from Imported and home bred cows got by Imported Sire, Also Cows and Heifers of different ages. A few pure bred Berkshire Pigs, 10 weeks old, for sale, Have a quantity of Seed Peas the Early Juste variety, t0 dispose of. I8 is a medium sized white pea and were grown from send. from near North Bay and yielded over 37 bushels to the acre, free of huge. W111 also sell n good aged working and driving horse, 08.11 D. 71KILNE & 8014, Ethel, STUCK FOR SERVICE j'ULL FOR SERVICE.— TBE Undersigned will peep for service a there' bred Durham brill, on Itis farm ad- uiug ll russets. Telma, 0100 with privi- lege of returning if ueceesary, 0E0. 110(IB, Proprietor. REAL. ESTATE. -ARM FOR SALE.- GOOD bomosteed-100 aore0--i0 the Town- ship of Morris, Burou county. For parttc alarm apply to J, BENNETT, 3 tf 560 Bathurst St. 'Toronto, 1OB SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers rho 100 acre farm, being Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, for sale or to rent, Comfortable 1108108, bank barn, or. ehard„colla, &et 'There ere 00 aoree in gruea, 10 sores of Fall Wheat will be -glutin 1,0,120 am•.ee of Fall plowing done. 1vtrm is only mile from the tbrlalrg village of Ethel. For further particulars as .to price, terms, &a., apply to MISS SPENON, Ethel 2,0. TABM FOR SALE.—BEING Lot 23, Con. 6, Morris, County of Hur- on. Good farm.; brlot8 bowie with 0 rooms • bank barn ; atone stable ; good orchard of apple, plum and cherry trees ; plenty of water, 218 ells at 1110 buildings and aeriug creek across the oeuter of lot' wood for 8 number of years ; fences cedar and wire ; 150 rode of Lila drain ; good garden •' 40 acres 0t grass. Patin 181;1m11e8 meet OF Brussels. Would take a house and lob ,11, payment if worth 8000 or 8,1000. Beaton for' miliug old age. Fur price and terms apply bo JAMES SHARP, Brussels P, 0. 4.11 .1i ARM FOR SALE,-TIIE UN. 3:0100101.7110 OHfera far Weller fine farm being NI Lot 1.1, 00n.14, M01011101, township, eters aro 6 teem of good hardwood bash end balanoe cleared, On the premises la a comfortable brick house, hank barn, driv- ing shed and wfedmill, tul,plying water to both house and stables. W ell fenced, well meterdra1004, young Onebeod, ,40. Posses- sion this Fall if desired. Farm 1s One of the closeout in the township. Only $ male from eohool and a miles from Walton village, For further partioalare as to Wee, terms. &o, apply on the premises to MKS. 111308, OAKLEEY, or Walton P, 0. 0-tf T.'ABMS FOR SALE. — 360 mires finiteness land in 111,, Township of Grey -Lot 16, Con. 14, 100 acres ; Lot 17, Oen. 14,100 ems ; and WI 24118, 0ou. 34, 60 aoree-200 acres, All in excellent oondi- tion with Aret•olaea bulldloge; brink house with all modern conveniences, end large bank bare, root and Wow house, stables &o. Well watered, Frau 05 to 40 acres of good hardwood bush. Lot 10,00u. 18, eon. talning100oores of first -eines land, good frame house and large bank barn nearly new. The property Darr bo sold in two or three parents to Ault purobasots, Terme liberal, Also u oommod1010 dwelling bowie and lot in 13ru911ele. For farther particu- lars appplyy to Cho owner on tbo premises, LAtTOHLIN BioN1 tU, or to 3E0. 1,LC1;in, Brussels. 21-tr st London, Sept. 9th to 17th, 1904 ENTIt1118 080411 Gill SlbI'T0lll8ltlt ''V, Ile'Ib'6i7u'lu'hlbAbiypy,nlriu A NEW $10,000 DAIRY BUILDING Improvements all along the line. :Exhibits unsurpassed. ATTRACTIONS THE BEST YET. - Kitamura's Celebrated Jap "Troupe of 10 People, The Flying Eanvards, and the best Gym- nasts, Acrobats and other specialties that money can procure. Five Evenings of Fireworks, concluding each evening with a realistic representation of the y� nA c 4✓ l�%aefr' le+%Rloe'Y�' +�°r1k r OP PORI' Menem,' e . A holiday outing none should Miert. Special '0xonrsione over ail lidos of have), Tota)) information, pried lista, ego., address, L'f'.•OOL. W. M. (IAR9'SU1011,11, 1, 4. NELLi;1, 8-11 President. Seerotary, 8RPT. , 1Uti9 "The yealSKSODIDDEDfit ost” will be sent to New Sub- scribers on a Trial Trip from now until January . 1st;, 1905, for the small sum of The Post and the Weakly Globe will be combined for the same period for 46 Cents. The earlier you take advantage of these offers the bigger the Bargain you receive, hence the prominence we give to the announcement, Reduced rates also for other leading papers. Call or write W. H. K ! ' d .L 1L R, BRUSSELS. [4'" Tw•rn+.c,,,aRe•. _ ._soca „1��119 .31..1 tat,.'^'�.'��=•r , ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and LON DONDERIIY Royal lail Stealers Flom Montreal From Quebec Sometime Sem 0, 180 a.m. Sap, 9, 280p.m Pariniau apt, 19, 8 ' Sept, 10, 6 Tunisian Sept 23. 5 at 8111, Sep, 20,2.00 p.m Ionhtn Sept. 80, 6 a in, Sept. 80, 0 p.m BNrroe 0t. PASO/We Pint oobiu-860 and upwards, according to Steamer and it000min0datl en. Second cabin -Liverpool & Londonderry -Third clues-Supo5. nor uueo extra. noel ttieu, 1116 to Liverpool, Berry, Belfast, Glasgow and Louden. Through ttoic1s to South Africa, efonhe0lto Glasgow Direct Stallion Thuro,. Sept 8(Daylight) Yaw York toc;htagow Numidiem 'rhnreday, Sept, 15, 11 a.m Low rates by above Glasgow ateamoro ole application to W. B, KERR, Agent, Brunaele, STILL N THE OLD STAND While we are not given much to puffing up our business in the public print we desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded us in 1903, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their wants. Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blacksmithing, with a specialty made of Horse -shoeing and Job- bing. As we have spent 18 years in Brussels we think we are com- petent to understand the wishes of the public to a good extent. OaIl and Bee 118. Sri T. PLUM Thomas street, Brussels. WAGONS WHEELBARROWS GO CARTS ROCKING HORSES TOY CARTS DOLLS CARRIAGES BASE BALLS RUBBER AL S PIST BOOKSTORE St.oak of Wire WI eels for Wagons t° supply Onetomere on, heed,