The Brussels Post, 1904-9-8, Page 1t"
Vol. 88. No, 9
W. H. KERR Prop„
New Advertisements.
Looal—G, Le King,
coming—T. P. Smith.
Loosl—Riohnrdo Soap 00,
Strayed—Wm. J. Jaokliu,
Miliinory—Mckinnon & Ca.
Fall dress goods—A. eitraohnn.
Excoutore' Sale—A. B. Maodouald.
Notice to areditore—W. M, Sinclair.
Apples wanted—John Cuoniugham.
Mxstxxx Nt
w ra, I COlti,
Surveying parties aro a common eight
in the village just now.
Rev. R. S. Baker was entertaining
friends last week from Wyoming.
Frank Maltim has gone to Wiarton to
atteud Collegiate there. We Isiah him
Some of the young men from this
IOoality went West on the harvest Ex-
Wm. Weiee, jr., of Goderiole, was re.
newing young acquaintances in town
this week.
A. few from thie vioinity took in the
Laoroese match in Stratford on Wednes-
day of last week.
titre. Thos. Oakley is offering her fine
farm East of Welton for sale owing to
the decease of Mr. Oakley.
Wm. M. and Mrs. Smith spent a few
days in Elm, thie week, attending Mr.
Smith's brother, Henry, who is ill.
Rev. T. W. Omens, of Brunets, preach.
ed very acceptably in 0129 Hall here Iaet
Sabbath evening. Rev. Mr. Baker filled
the Brunets pulpit.
Winnipeg Sacco Begina dime 75
Mowbray „ Moors Jaw
Souris..... 3110 nevem': 34 00
Souris .,..,.... Swan River
Brandon .,�
Lyloton Saskatoon,.. 35 25
Miatota 32 00 Pr. Albert... 30 00
38 00
Bineoarbh ... l 32 25 Calgary 38 50
M oxcart n... f
Arcola 32 50 Rod Deer .,. 30 50
fietavan I33 00
Yorkton Sbratheoua 70 50
Going Sept.ietti and 17111.
Returning until Nov.149,0 and 28110.
Por pamphlet and all particulars and
tickets apply to any Canadian Peale° Agt.
Asst, Gen, Pass, Agent,Toronto.
When a child
dislikes study:
When children dis:
Ritts study nerve, en
ergy is used In other,
!directions, most line -
Ir to overcome eye.,
We a nrremove_thia
Then diligence will
ri&x41 aitin1d rand
Gradtvtat•<2 O ,tiniaza
New all
ress Goods
Mr. and Mre. Orittenden and Mies
Bertha were visiting at Win. Neal's,
Mies Jannis Kirkby, a former Walton
Mutter was Mao a guest.
The Reeved Home serviette will be
held in St. George'e church a week from
next Snuday. Ohuroh will be eppropria•
telt' decorated for the oosasion.
.31; tame 9Lo wee.
Mies Owens, of Belgrave, spent a few
days with her cousin, Mise Mary Peacock,
Dr. Holt, of Modiolus Ilat, Man ,
vieited hie °°nein, Will, Mines during the
past week,
Oliver entl Mrs. Gauls, Lave
returned to their home in London
atter spending two weeks with their
consign, Will, and Mre. Mines.
Ex Reeve and Aire. Turnbull, of Grey,
and Matthew Moine of and line, Morris,
are away to Aluoma on a holiday outing.
They left for Theeealon on 'Weeaday of
title week.
The typhoid fever patients are getting
along tee well as would bo expeebed. They
are Lou. Eoltmier, W. 'Reilly and Mra.
Jas. Straoban. We hope they will soon
be onnvaleeoent.
A Pine River aorreopondent eaye
A., D. and Mra. Mo0oeh entertained a
large number et their Mende at their
home one evening reoently. The party
was given in honor of Alias Strnohen, of
Brueeele, and Mise MoOoeh, of Paris.
A very enjoyable evening was epent by
all present.
Township Connell will be hold here
next Monday,
Last Wednesday Rev. 0. P. Welts
abtended the Dietriot meeting at Bluevale,
Aire, R, Dilworth and Mra. James
Pearson and Polies Ellet were visiting Mre.
B• acorn, of Hullett, recently.
We oongratnlate Master Freeman on
eueeeeefully passing. the Junior Leaving
Exam. He wrote at Seatorth.
An eajoyabls time wee epent at the
Temperance pin nia on Labor Day, It
wee held in the Dilworth grove.
Mies Minnie Bateman hae been laid
aside for the past three weeks from a
sprained ankle but she will exon be about
ae well as ever,
Zeck McKee, a former resident of this
looatity, hue been renewing old friend.
ships, lie is now looated at Pareboro
N. 8, where he nocturne a hardware
Mrs, Geo. Hughes, who has been visit•
ing her brother, Wm. Icing, for the net
two menthe, left for Bluevale where she
will epend a few weeks with her daughter
before returning to Grand Bapide, Miob.
Miss Lillian Robinson and little Miss
Jessie Andersen, of Portage•la-Prairie,
IbIan., are epending their holidays with
Mra. John King. Mise Robinson ie grant-
ly taken up with the West.. It is live
years eine elle left here.
The next meeting of the Women's
Institute will be held at Mre. Jno, King's.
Subject, "Fall i'reeorving and Oatenps,"
The Honorable Minister of Agriculture
inetruoted Mr. Putman to provide a tent
at the' Toronto Exhibition for the accom-
modation of members of the Women'a
Inetitutee and where textures and demon•
ebrabione along some lines of cooking
were given each afternoon, nommenoing
Sept, 2ud to the aloes of the Fair.
At the last regular meeting of the
W. M, Society it was decided to try and
send a box of bedding and clothing to the
Deaconess' Hoene, Toronto, and any one
who baa any warm clothing that they
think they oan do without will do au an
of kindness by leaving them at air. Mo
Donald's store or with any other member
of the Saototy, Kindly look up what you
have and leave it this month, the sooner
lbs better, oo that the Society clan lo any
fixbeg required and gab- the ' box away
beton the cold weather. The next regu•
lar meeting of the Society will be held at
Mre. Mason's, er., next Tuesday.
amen Wenatzlo.—The following inter-
eetingevent refers toa former Etbelite
A large number of relatives and friends
aestmbled at,the home of Alex. end Men.
Cameron, Elena St. Listowel, on Monday
evening, Sept. 5th, to oelebrete the 261,h
enoivereary of their marriage. Friende
and relatives' were present from Wing,
ham, Brunetti, Ethel, Atwood, Drayton,
Toronto, Niagara Palle, Brantford and
also a camber from Listowel. Tea wise
served at six at which all did ample
justice to the many good things prepared
for them. Mr. and Mre. Cameron were
the recipients of many useful and benuti•
I'ul presents which teetified to the oeteem
We are nbw showing New Fall Dress
Skirts that on inspection you cannot
fail to admire. Our assortment is much
larger than usual. The quality
and val-
ues are A 1 and styles the latest, and We
can assuree ou a perfect fit. Prices ran
y p g
from-. $3.50 for a good serviceable, well made
heavy Freize up to $4.00, $5.00, $6 00, $8.00
10.00 for a fine Broadcloth orSatin Vene-
finished and trimmed
titin beautifully
See our Special. Purchase of Black Satin
going �,going at 85c.
^ t 1.
in wbioh the hoot and hosteee are held.
Mr. and Mrs, Cameron are both enjoy.
ing the best of health and that they shall
be spared to celebrate their golden
wedding le the wish of their many
Ws-toxdter .
George Oalder returned from Galt on
Oliver Smith, of Oheeley, spent Labor
Day at hie home here.
Min 1, tarvey, of Toronto, galled on
friends in the village last week.
Misses Lottie and Ida Paulin have
gone to Wharton for a few weeks,
Miss Wellwood has returned from Oak•
vale where eba spent her vacation.
Alex. and Mre. Munro and ahildren
are gnats of relatives in Milverton.
Mies Graoe Stewart, of Brussels, le
spending a few days with friends here,
A load ot young people of the village
bad a pinna to Pike Lake on Labor Day.
d number from here spent Labor Day
iu Teeswatar attending the R 0. pioui°.
Mro, 0. 0. Stewart, ot Arthur, is the
guest of her brother, D. Sanderson, near
Robert and Mrs, Baxter, of Ohioago,
spent a few days last week with T11oe,
Mre. Miller has returned from Toron-
to where she attended the millinery
Abram and Mre. Ringler, of Sault Ste,
Marie, are visiting the farmer's parents
near here.
John Hopfer, of Sault Ste. Marie, is
visiting his many old friends in this
Mre. Chas. Malian, of Mamphie,
Tenn„ is visiting her parents, Dr. and
Mre. Smote,
Skeff Robinson, of Wingham, has been
spending a two weeks' holiday at hie
home here.
Mise Etta Smith returned from Brus•
eels on Saturday where she hoe spent the
past month.
Alvin Hemphill went to Toronto on
Saturday where he will attend the
College of Pharmaoy.
Replan Elliott, of Jaakeou, Miohe hae
been renewing acquaintances in the
village during the past week.
lY Cxr ON'•
Robert McDonald, 9th oon., was in
Toronto thie week.
Mien Mite Smith, of Guelph, is visiting
relativee and Weeds in Grey.
A. Hielop, M P. P., was iu the Provin-
oial oapibal for a few days this week.
The regular meeting of the township
Council will be held at Ethel on Monday
of next week.
It is stated that the new steel bridge
known as Betz, will be ready for use by
the end of this week.
Quite an acreage of Fall wheat ie being
put in this season despite the poor show-
ing of the past harvest.
A new kitaheu is being built at Teas.
dale Whitfield's reeidenoe, 18th eon. He
hes a floe home and an exoellent farm,
,hThe traotion engine of Wm. Cole went
through a culvert on the Btb non„ one day
last weak. A new bridge bad to be put
Reeve Livingston was at Goderioh
attending the argument over the Morrie
duoh oase. Judgment hae not yet been
We ere sorry to bear that Mee. •Robert
Mobay, Btu non., has been under the
dootor'e eats but we wish her a speedy
Mies Orerar is not enjoying her usual
degree of health but we hope a obange for
the better will non eusae. She ie now
at J. P. Metutoeh'e.
Mise Annabelle McKinnon hoe been
poorly for the past few months but bet
many friends hope she will soon be
restored to her former vigor.
Voters' Lin court will be held for
Grey township in the Town Hell, Ethel,
on Tuesday, 20th inst. before Judge
Doyle. 'There is a large list of appeals bo
he disposed of.
Hearty nougratulatione are extended
to Mise Relfeon MoNait for 'having been
euaoessful at her Junior Leaving Exam•
Malian. She is at present taking charge
of S. S. No. 8, Mirerie, during the Ulnae
of lubes Murdie, the Molter there.
Peter McDougall and wife have re.
moved from the 8th non. to their newly
purchased farm near Morriebank. Their
many old Friends wish them 0005555 in
ttioit new homeandben heartily reoom•
mend them to the people of that neigh-
13ixyosm H000u.—The annual Harvest
Home eermo0e will be preaohed in Roe's
church next Sabbath morning and evan•
ing by Rev. W, Peuball, of Atwood, who
is a fine speaker. Monday evening the
tea meeting will be held. After sapper
addressee are expected by Reside.
Meesre. Baker, of Bluevale ; Huger, of
Fordwioh and Hunter, of Brussels.
Recitations will be given by Alin Winnie
McGuire, of Brussels, and Min Sueie
Pearson. Vocal numbers are promised
by Mine MoOormiolt, of Trowbridge ; 0.
Davide, of Ethel ; Al. Sharp, Brussels
Dr. Jookson, of Toronto ; and the oboir.
An Orchestra will supply instrumental
mosio. The chair will be taken by W.
H: Kerr, of Tun Poem. A oommittee
has the decoration of the ohuroh in
OM—Loot Friday morning Peter
Robertson, eldest eon of the late Tbomae
RobertsonLot 8, Con. 9, gave np the
battle of life after is etrenuone fight and
seed over to the great majority. e
pan g 1 y H
hed been in poor health for the peat year
from a stoke of paralysis, rendering
biro enapara0lvnly helpless for a good
port of the time. "Pete," as he wee.
familiarly celled, was born on the farm
onwhioh he died and en long as allis wag
n very bard worker, in laottoo much so
for hie own phyeioal good, even it a
goodly 02000000 of 0000005 attended hie
toil. Ho wag a Direob0e of "lest Heron
Agricultural Sooiety and was an honest,
upright man roepeated by all who knew
him. The funnel took plant on ltxanday
atterneon, the servioo being condnoted by
Rev, Jno, Ron, of Brunetti,bis paean.
Pallbearere were F. S. and P. Scott 3,
D. Warwick, 3, Armstrong, 1t, J, Elena
and W. II. herr. Deceased wan an,
married but is survived by hie mother,
two brothers, Juo, in Dakota, and
Dona'd at home, and three :deters, Mrs.
Sweeney, of Petoskey, tiiah„ Mre. /no.
Oliver, of fuse township, and Mise
Maggie, Air. Robertson was a Peosby.
terian in religion, a Liberal in palace
and a great lover of his home. Tbo
bereaved are eympulhized with in their
sorrow. A number of beautiful floral
wreathe were pieced upon the oaeket.
Mr, Robertson wan in bis 48.h year.
$31novet1e. '
Mr, Sbip;ey, of'Center)has been visit.
ing hie cousin Oliver Mille.
Mies Aggie Aitoheson vieibed Mine
Jennie Eaton in Turnberry,
J. J, and Mre. Edina, of Wingham,
onlled on friends in Bluevale last week.
Robe. and Mre. Currie and Gwendolin,
of East Wawanash were vieitore at R. N.
Duff's last week.
J, 3. and Mrs. Messer and Margaret)
have returned to Hamilton after spending
their holidays iu Steamier.
Mre• John Burgess lett on Tuesday
morning of Iaet week to spend two weeks
with relatives at Toronto.
Last Sabbath Rev. Louie Perrin, of
Wroxeter, preenbed In the Presbyterian
oburah at 3 o'ulook in the afternoon.
The members of Bluevale Presbyterian
Moir epent a very pleasant tune ab the
home of Eno. and Mre. MnNengbbon in
Turnberry, Saturday evening, 27th ult.
Wednesday afternoon of thie week the
Dietriot meeting of the Methodist numb,
Wingham Dietriot, wen held in the
church here. There was a good attend.
ann. Tea was served in the basement
by the ladies.
112.o r-ratea
Township Connell next Monday.
Fall wheat Bowing is about all through,
Mrs. John Mooney is visiting relatives
in Toronto and vioinity.
Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. J. 12,
Hunter, of Brussels, preached in the
Jackson ohuroh.
Mre. Robert Sbortreed, 0t11 line, bases.
moved to Blyth where she purchased a
very oomfortable home.
Mies Julia Sharp, of Loudon, was home
for abrief vieit. She bits spar the past
few mouths as name at Ingersoll.
Rev. and Mra. Finkbeiner and children
of Sebringville, were vieitore with Mrs.
T. Maunders and family during the past
Next Sabbath afternoon at 2 30 o'clock,
Rev. 3. A. Edmunds will preaob to the
Belgrave A. 0. U. W. brethren at that
Mrs. Thee. Maunders hae been danger.
only ill but is considerably improved now
wo are pleased to elate and hope she will
soon be fully restored,
Mre. Thomas Wilkinson and baby
daughter, Mae Florence Bernioe, of
Eeoanaba, Mich., are visihing relative°
and friends at Belgrave anti locality fora
few weeks. They are welcome visitors.
Mre, James Hall and Mre. Howard
Hall and two obildrn, Mans Vera and
Mamie, have gone to Toronto on a
monbb'e vioit, and Master Harold Hall
has returned after five weeks visiting hie
Oran lai 0(5le.
Mise M. Ritoble returned to Seatortb
on Saturday.
Jae. W. Calder, Oebawe, spent Labor
Day at hie home here,
Miss Mara Mitoholl, of Wingham, was
visiting at A. MoNair'e
John, Tom, and Mies Lizzie McRae
were visiting in Listowel.
A gramophone Oonoert wan the attrac-
tion in the Hall on Friday night,
Boy wanted to learn the blaokemibhing.
Apply 00 Jeune FORREST, Craubrook,'
Mise Aggie McNair has 8005 on a visit
to frionde in Wingham, Teeswatar and
Mies Phemia Oowan, of Seaforth, has
been -holidaying with frionde in this
vicinity, .
Mies Agnea Calder lett on Monday,
Aug. 29th for Determine, Mau. She went
via Owen Sound on 0. P. R. steamer,
Leet Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr,
er of S abrin •villa. 000upied the
n S
a p
6e Methodist ohuroh and gave
pulpit of t g v
a fine dieoonree.
Monday of last week Otto Berfelz bad
O portion of the thumb of his left ibend
taken off in the nutting box of their
threshing maohine while it wan working
at George Baker's,
Miss Maggie Switzer returned home
from Toronto Tburedny. Mise Switzer
attended the Millinery Opouinge at To.
routo and London and will nein Mies
Little, of Brunets, this season,
Oranbrook ie represented at Brunets
Public School this term by Misses Mo.
Nair, McRae, Norma Sperling W.
Cameron, Willie Forrest and Fred Haat.
et. We wish them moose.
On Augcet 24th 13erbert A,, the little
son of Emil Berfele, 9011 don„ died, aged
1 year and 8 months. The interment
was made at the cemetery here, Mr.
and Mre, Berfelz share iu the sympathy
of the community.
Mrs, Chea. Raddatz, and sister Alioe,
of Detroit, who have beau visiting F, and
Mre. Raddate, of Oranbrook, for the peat
few weeks, left here on Thureday for
Toronto and Niagara Falls where they.
will holiday before returning to the City
of the Senate,
W. J. Mallory, of Mailorytown, died
soddenly at hie hotel,
Jno, Brawn, M.P. P., bag been an.
tinted in North Perth,
Patriots Snllivan fell down at elevaber
shaft at Mantreal and wag killed,
Mrs. Belinda Gilbert, the oldest resi•
dont of. Belleville, fa dead, aged 05,
A blaok base weighing three pounds
was naught in a out ot the Island, Toren.
Mre. G. A. Cox laid the Oorner•stone of
the new Y. W. 0. A. building at Pe.
051000 is tc have new'waterworke, to.
nest 0150,000. Mayer Ii'owko torted the
RNA sodeeberda .
John MoGalian was buried in it well at
Woodatbak, and at a late hem Wednao'
day nigbt had not been released,
Ed. Catboat was killed at Purees Sts.
tion, Man„ lay falling from a eoalfoid on
the new elevator on wbiob be wa•i work.
In A. H. (Marko, R. 0., Ooanty Orown
Attorney, of Beam' will probably receive
the Liberal nomination to enooeed M. K.
(Iowan in Parliament.
The steamer Niptponooiltded with the
Air Line Railway bridge in the Welland
Ostial, doing considerable damage.
Trains are unable to oroee the bridge.
To the Editor of Tula POST
DEng Stn, It is with Rome degree of
hesitation that I attempt to give you a
description of my trip to the West and of
my station in the heart of the Rooky
Mouutaine, I nm aware that almost
every object of interest between Toronto
and Vanoouvcr has been deeoribed by
eome of your oorreepondenta who have
been over the road, however I will
endeavor, in oomplianoe with your re.
queet, to add a few more remarks though
it may appear to some "to be gilding
refined gold." I would just say to your
readers what Jerome K. Jerome said in
introcenoing one of his books :—When
you have flniebed reading the "hundred
and one" good things that are to be found
in Ten Poexturn to my letter it will be a
At Owen Sound I was joined by four
fellows whom I had known at College and
who were West -bound on lbs same
mission es myself. Two of these when I
lead seen them a month before were
travelling life's pathway alone bus what
te difference time can realm, now they
were "never alone" but always et000m•
partied by she whom each blushingly
introduced to me as hie wife. On board
the ship w0 reserved a, table for our one
pony, and I feel confident 0 we entreaty
partook of a meal at wbi h these two
fellows, to whom I referred, did not try
to augment our looelineee, by tolling ns
bow easy it was forthem to go ont-and
face the ills of life. Bat enough of this
One by one they left the nude line of the
0, P. R., one going up amoug the Donk.
obore, notber going to Loydminister to
try and civilize those Englishmen known,.
as the Barr Colonists, so that when Oal•
gory was reaobed I found myself alone.
After leaving the city of tbefoot-hille, I
eteered some eighty mile° farther West.
ward until I was in among the grim and
0000100 moantaine and left the train at
that famous little village of Banff. I
hunted up the Methodist pareonoge, 00•
looked the door, got my trunk and gripe
started from the station and began a
bachelor's life in dead eerneet. Not that
I prefer preparing my own food or mak•
ing my nen bed but you who hese been
in Banff and know the boarding rates end
also the allowance of the Missionary
Soliehy will understand that it is rather
a matter of neoseeiby than oboioe.
Banff is a very beautiful place and I
doubt if the surrounding eoenery oan be.
surpassed in any,.,part of Canada. Thee
viilagd is eitnatod in the valley of the Bow
river and fe leas tban a mile from the
Bow falls. Around the villape and tower -
1u5 np to the Monde are the giant moan.
tam peaks, wbioh, even during July, are
snow napped. One of them called Sulp-
hur Mt., which is about a mile bicb, ie of
partiouler interne bemuse out of its side
pours forth several springs of hot snlpbur
water which are said to have wonderful'
virtue for medical purposes. One of
these springs, known as the Basin is at
mole frequented bathing plaoe. About
two miles to the East ot. the village are
the famous animal °errata. Many
animals of interest are Maud there but
the moat famons is the buffalo herd,
Lord Btratboona, with hie welt known
generosity some few years ago, presented
the park with sixteen buffeter, They have
increased until there is now over forty in
the herd.
Three miles from this and eomewhat
to the North is the new 0, P.R. coal
mine whittle they stall Bankhead. The
0, P. R. have shown their enterprising
nature by the rapidity with whioh they
erep ushin tb g year eine the w
forward the work,a tboagh
it is leas
Man a• miue tee
opened, it presents the appearance of a
village of considerable age. They have
butte permanent houses and Mope and
have graded dente wbioh would be a
oredit to many Ontario villages, All the
buildings are controlled by the 0. P. R.
and they fix the rental and also theprioee
to be charged in their store.
The Park in which Banff is situated is
of gigantic viae, containing somewhat)
more than three million mores of land,
Very little of the land le fit for °titivation,
or at all fertile, although spruce and jack
pine seem to thrive very well. It is
priuoipaily a aeries of mountable, valleys,
lakee and rivers.
I have two appointments on my mat.
aeon field. One is Banff and the other
Bankhead and they aro five miles apart.
There is no nitrate at Bankhead so we
have to hold our meetings in the large
mese house belonging to the mine, We
move the tables book and arrange some
benches and try to talkto sone of the
miners. We are usually much dieenbed
by the rattle of steal pietas in the adjoin.
ing room. We ars hoping that the Oom•
puny will build is school and that we may
be able to use it for one servioee, •It is
dietioult to get the miners to attend,the
matinee, and the morel abate of the
plane is pretty low. When I went there
fleet for the purpose of arreanging for a
service nine of the anbhorities, who have.
never attended our matinee, gave 0e an
enooaraging word by Baying "We'll be
glad to have you come au 0 want every-
verything that will help to raise the moral
tate of the place." They enema to
reali2s that by bringing men to s know.
ledge' of Jesus Ohara oonditicne would
very mole improve socially.
Thane are a few rattier peculiar Neaten
about Banff whiob I might mention be.
fore oloeing, Dao f0 that you oali move
about on the warmest daye and . aoaroly
perspire, Soma gay that it ie boomers of
e r nes the r Met t hie condition
the t� a of ai ha t
osoure. The altitude ot Banff ie four
thoaeaad flee hundred feet and then tee it
le surrounded by mountains the moieture
of the air is pretty well abeorbed,
Another peonliariby i5 the deception of
vision in regard to dlsbanus and it ie
interesting to get some one who has just
arrived media unconcerned to a meant•
vinous country to ,geese distanes, I
have had several persons guessing the
distance) ot a mountain some sixteen
Mimi sway and I do nob think there is
anyone who thought it was more than
two miles distant, while many thought it
could not exceed a mile. Some of the
people tell astory of two boys wbo arrived
here on night. Next morning they
thought they would go over to a mount.
ain wbioh looked not far distant. One of
them told the other to walk over he vette
going to gena borne and have a ride. He
etarted out after hie brother and after be
had ridden .severalmiles bs Dame upon'
hie brother at a little stream whioh WAR
about six feet broad. Seeing tbat his
brother had taken off most of bis nothing
he asked him what he was doing. He
replied "Well I've been tooled on the
dieeenoe of that mountain eo, I am going
to take no ahanaee on this stream I am
going to ewim aarose."
Western life may have advantages in
its freedom and uuoonventionalities, but
after a sojourn of two months here, I have
not lost the impression that Ontario is
still the beet place on earth. I am,
Yoare Reepeotfully,
R. PEAaeoa.
Banff, Alberta, Aug. 29th, 1904.
Brussels Council.
The monbhly meeting of the looal par.
liament vette held on Tuesday evening,
with Reeve Wilton and Committers
Thomson, Plum and Henderson in their
chairs. Minutes of last meeting read and
passed. The following a000unts were
Alex. MoLaaabiin, eatery $25 00
le. S. Scott, fire ins., Towo Hall 40 00
John Conley, work on street 1 87
D. Denman, team on grader9 50
Wm. Denbow, gravel, grader and
hauling engine 80 00
Jae. Cooper, work on street 1 50
R. Henderson, fire dept., &o8 75
Moved by R. Thomson, seconded by
S. T. Plum that above accounts be paid.
A Bylaw was paned to borrow $1200
from the Standard Bank, at the rate of
0 per cent., to meet current expenses.
Weighmaster MoLanohltn paid Treas.
urer Strnohan the sum of $43.95 ea re.
ceipte from the Battles for the past month.
The Street Oommittee decided to visit
the Weeterly eeotion of Queen etreet and
Thames etreet and decide es to necessary
Town Solicitor Sinclair addressed the
Council stating that the sewer appeal
ease had been entered and the appeal
book was being prepared for proceeding.
He also said that the woolen !eatery had
been Bold to Mr. Wood, of Rookwood, the
price being $4,500, on the terms of the
Lookridge Bylaw. The conte in oonnea.
•ee')0 with the foreclosure of the Lookridge
'mortgage amoauted to about $300 00.
Neoeeeary legal papers between the new
purohaeer and the town will be completed
and registered. Mr. Wood expecte to
move here next month.
Oa motion Connell adjourned to meet
next Monday evening to deal with this
matter further.
To the Editor of THE Poem :
DEAR Sxo,—I have started on my return
journey. Gould not go any [neither Weet
except I took the trip to Japan and Obina
and I concluded not to do so for two
reasons, I might be ennk for carrying
oontrabaud of war, and I would be sure
to get etrapped, Spent all day yesterday
in Seattle, W. T. It be a great city, full
of business and enterprise ; six lines of
railway centered there besides the ebip•
ping trade on. Puget Sound. Rode be•
tween 80 and 40 miles yesterday on etreet
oars baking
in the city
p suburbs
naafi cable cars, runningup and down
bills at
a rete of speed thatat first was
rather startling, but you soon get used to
it. There are electric oars on nearly
every etreet and 40 miles oat in some
directions. Visited Lake Washington,
Delon Lake, Green Leke, Madison Park,
&e. Lumbering and shipping, together
with about 90 per cent. of the Alaska
trade, i° what is building up the oily. It
ie a nary fast plane and a very dirty one
bet Iota of business.
I epeut all to -day in and around Via.
Coria, which, fn so far an being well' kept,
sad having a model sibs tor residential
and bnaioese parpoee0, is the model city
of the West bat very quiet in comparison
with Seattle and Vancouver. Lots of
wealth here hot very .little enterprise,
they seem to be satisfied to let things
take their swing and hive all their money.
Fora oily of 20,000 to 25,000 it has more
fine residences and gearing than any
other city in the West. I vieited the
naval station and dry dooko at Eegni.
manit, the Parliament building° (which
are very fine), Bonen Hill, Oak Bay,
&o., and intend bo take the eteamet for
Vancouver t0•morrow at 7.80 and expect
to arrive there about noon. Rather
uncertain ae the smoke from bush Area ie
so donee in the Sound add inlet that,
venose have to go story and with the at,
most one to send Rondonia. The Prin.
ogee Viotoria blew het brenendoue atom
whistle every 8 nehmen all the way from
Seattle here, so yon can judge how much
sleep we gat. Tomorrow's run, however,;.
will be in the daytime, whet the danger
is lees.
Very dry and dusty every plane, have
not bed a drop of rain eine we left the
Reeky lllonntain range, and the people.
say that they have had 130 rain Wood
May, hence the doaeruotive bath fine and
Melte. Weather fairly warm in the day
time but cool beery uigbb, Menwho have
W1.051i52 the world over say they find
the climate hove the beet the year round
of any plan they know—••never very htrt
and never gold. Many of the aabi'e
plants and shrubs )tare, that etre common
with us and are attdpped of leaves in
October or November, are evergreens
Now I mush atop as it le 10 p. In, and
1 have ordered a °all at 0 a. m. I am
hired and sleepy and hardly know what I
have written. May drop you a note teem
same paint on my return journey. Tru,.t•
ing that everything is going on smoothly
and quietly tee usual in Brunets,
I am, grime very truly,
J, Le•,cxm,
Victoria, B. O., Angpot 26, 1904,
Wingham District Meeting.
Tho Fall Dietriot meeting of the Melia
odiet ober°b, Wingham Distriot), tuna
held in Bluevale on Wednesday after.
.noon of this week. In the 'absence of -
Rev. Joeepb Philp, B, D., the ohalrme,t
of the Dietrlet, who was delayed by the
train, Rev, J. W. Helena, of Gerrie,
filled the obair until hie arrival, Meet-
ing opened witheinging and` Rea. hir,
Pentland and Joseph Leech offered
prayer, Rev. W. R. Vance, of Betula,
is the Finauaial Secretary.
There were present Revs. Alooaro.
Philp, Gandy, Millyard, Como, Wil•'on,
Wells, Holmes, Osterboat, Baker, Week-
er, Pentland, Hooking, Vance, Kewanee,
Keine, Jones andBorwaab. Tao laymen
Mated to attend, several of whom were
not present, were Messrs. Oollins, Sellery, •
Bray, Feebant, Cooper, Lloyd, D. 0.
Taylor, Herr, W. Taylor, Laird, MaD,n•
aid, Lune, Jewitt, Henry, 170111.-.,
Chapman, Iodgins, Clark, Foeeett, J.11,
Taylor and Wray.
Missionary meetings" were left to local
arrangements excepting Ethel, where
Revde. Wilson, Hussar, Oeterhout,
Holmes, Baker, and Gaudy and W. II.
Kerr will take °barge ; Salem, Rev. Mr.
Wilson, of Teeswatar, will conduct the
servioee ; Berate will have Revde. Philp
and Smith; Wbite0harob, Rev. Millyard ;
and Belgrave, Rev. Philp.
By resolution of Revde. Millyard a,,d
Holmes the various miuieters were ma:lo
responsible for the Ednoational 800lety
meetings on the District.
The eubjoined stems are assented to the
various ohargee on the Dtebriet- for the
following feuds :—
Superannuation Gen'1
Circuit 1Minfster Oonf'oe
Wingham.•..5108 44 $44 40 $18 04
Kincardine .. 82 37 87 80 12 07
Luoknow .... 69 00 25 40 10 52
Brussels 63 00 24 75 10 56
Teeswatar 57 00 22 40 9 47
Ethel 49 00 20 80 8:20
Fordwiob 55 00 20 80 9 19
Gerrie 68 00 24 75 1056
Wroxeter 89 00 1500 6 47
Bluevale 55 00 21 12 9.24
Aebfiuld ....,56 00 '22 40 0 20
Salem 45 00 18 07 7 50
Bethel 39 0016 55 0 57
Ripley 62 00 '24 75 10 27
Bervie 72 04 18 60 12 06
Tiverton 39 00 16 12 6 47
Whiteohnrah,48 00 18 60 7 '19
Belgrave 58 00 19 29 8 91
01045 00 5412 54 0174 34
Rev. Dr. Gandy, who hae been natively
Manned iu pushing the oleins of Alma
Oollege, St. Thomas, reported what had
been done. $250 was asked for on Wiug•
ham Dietriot and the prospeotl were very
favorable to having the total amount.
°alieoted. $50,000 was desired to pat the
College on a sound finanoial baste. To.
ward this the Massey estate offered
$26,000 it the total were raised, Peter
Wood, $7,300 and 51. Thomas city,
t$be Loudon000. O nfeeft $renoe.700 ae$a 500othas
already been paid the treasurer on the
latter on and the balance to in eight.
In Wingham Dietriot the amnunte re-
ported so far are :—Wingham, $20; Kin -
mediae, 510.10 ; Laokuow, $80, iuoluding
a $50 subeorinbion by John Joyut ;
Brussels. $9,25 ; Fordwioh, $12 ; Gerrie,
$6 15 ; Wroxeter, 57 ; Bluevale, -$111 ;
Bethel, $5 ; Ripley, $8 ; Bervie, $10 ;
Tiverton, $5 ; Whiteoburoh, $8 and 13e1 -
Pave, $18. The college will beserf
supporting when the debt is oleare2 off.
A dieaMailmanMailmanwas taken part in by a
goodly number as to the most effective
mode of carrying on evangelistic work in
the District and it was agreed that a
grouping of Moults as far as possible and
a union of ministerial help would greatly
aid in the desired 0000500. -
"What about Local Optlon 7" was
the praotioal query asked by the ()hate.
man. Atter the matter watt well 001100d
over a resolution wan patted arable the
Official Boards and Temperance Oom,
mitten to take up the tnabter and further
prohibitory legislation where possible.
Another motion urged that Re far as min"
be that municipalities pueb the campaign
where praoticable so that Local Op'icn
may be presented to the electore next
The question of awakening a new
interest in Stewardship or eystematin
giving wee dwelt upon et some length
and a resolution unanimonsly reined
reoommending the adoption and pra°tioo
of this Soriptural and very praotireel
method in this iniportemt matter and
urging that whereas Rev. Mr. Hussar, of
Fordwioh, has been appointed by tiro
Dietriot Epworth League to aid in the
organization along then linos, that he
be naked to write the various pastors to
help in Mitt work,
Tile Guardian 'Reading Club sae
spoken of and Rev. Mr. Jones, of Bel -
grave, wee asked to take oharge of its
initiation in bheDietriot, One of the mele
euooeesful meetings held for sumo yetre
was brought to a close by the singing tit
the, Doxology after which ner, -Dr.
Gundy oloeed with prayer.
At the oonclueion of the Diotricb moot.
Ing the members were invited 0o IN nicety
prepared tea in the beget -nett of the
(Math by the ladies of the 0pngregittio:;.
Before tieing from the table a cordial
vote of thanks wag prep00ed for the
that ghttul kindneee on motion of Rev.
J, W, Helene, of Gerrie, and Rev. le.
'mill sad, et I,ncknow,
y e Mad-
Maty District nasties Will b of
in Wingliam.