The Brussels Post, 1904-8-25, Page 8READY FOR
3obool begins in et very abort time now -goon enough at least to be thinking
pt wbet new things yon will need. We think we can supply your demands
from our large and stook of SORIBBLER3 and EXERCISE
BOOKS (with the very latest cove*, NOTE BOOKS, SLATES, PENS,
PENCILS and INK, besides all the other little aaoeeeorieo, which we have
ip obandanoe.
are after all perhaps the most important. We have been careful to note the
changes made, so that our stook of Publio School Books and High Sohool
Rooke will contain the new books whioh will be need. Oar store ie the
spot for your eobool supplies. Blotters given away.
F. R.
90n0HimN 1ZTE30I017 W. 0. &n.
Trains leave Braeeele Btation, North
and South, as follows;
Gorm0 Booms Gone Noma.
Mail 7:15 a.m [Mixed 9:00 a,m
Mixed 12:90 a.mI Mail .°....,.....1:20 p.m
Express 3:73 p.m Expree0 035 p.m
�xz neS tC1ns,
A chide amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent if,
LIGuy freaks.
Dees are rapidly shortening.
Toaoxxo Fair opens on Monday of next
W. F. VANsxoxn eent a Mar of hogs from
Brussels on Tueeday.
MONDAY Sept. 5101 will be Labor Day
and a Public Holiday.
A OAR of lambs was forwarded by
Joseph Clegg from Brussels.
A. 0. Dentes shipped 2 are of bogs and
a oar of cattle durum the past week.
Tan brick work on T. Nicholls] new
residence ie completed and looks Sret-
A now= from thie locality are .fignr•
ing on taking in the big Fair at Toronto
next week.
THIS week will gee a good many through
the harvest. The frequent showers de.
toyed the earlier completion considerably.
BOTH political parties are looking are.
fully after the revision of the Voters' lista
in this riding presaging tbe ooming of an
Tam POST staff will holiday next week.
Office will be open for job work or the
receipt of advertisemento and eub.
THE Labor Day program of sports
proposed bee been called off and the Galt.
Braeeele foot ball game will consequently
not materialize this Fall.
DEALERS in Paris green are noting the
fact that the demand for that poison ie
falling off, whioh foot is deduced that the
potato bug peat is deareaeiug.
IN the greet tornado that caused emelt
damage recently at St. Paul the whole-
sale store in whioh Percy Jackson, sen of
Walter Jaakeon, Brussels, works had the
roof blown off,
RUSSELL BaowN will be in oharge of
Jno. Barney's grocery end restaurant.
while the proprietor ie away on a trip to
the Weat. He expecte to be absent for
at least a month.
WORE is being pentad ahead in placing
the new noel ferneries in the Public
School building. The teaobers and
pupils ehoald be as snag as the proverbial
"beg in a rug" next Winter.
Aan000xntneoo are being oompleted for
s ron0iog oonoert in tbe Town Hall here,
on Friday evening, Oot. 7, the eeoond
day of the Fall Fair. A 1 talent is being
engaged in Song and Eloontion.
EAST Hnnon Fall Fair Prize lista will
be mailed next week. If you are not a
member and desire a oopy drop a postal
card to the Seoretary, W. H. Kerr, Brno.
eels, and you will receive one by return
AN interesting address was given at the
A. 0. U. W.• lest Friday evening by W.
H. McCracken, on "Friendship," Poeta
master Farrow will epeak on "Love" et
the meeting on Friday evening, Sept.
and. Meoioal selections are also expected
from other members.
A Nnw YORE girl coughed ep a penny
whioh the swallowed fifteen years ago,
and 0s rapidly recovering from what was
eupposed to be oonsnmption. She may
molder hereat! in look. Moet people
have 10 cough up Several hundred dollars
to the dootor when they fanny they bees
that dinette.
Damen one TROPHY. WINNNRe,-TGe6-
day afternoon an interesting game of bowie
was played on the Maitland lawn here
when a rink skipped by J. T. Roes and
oompos0d of Rev. W. T. Olnff, R. Down-
ing and De. McNaughton, all old hands,
undertook to trim the trophy winners at
the Goderioti tournament in whioh the
voliaote were T. Farrow, H. James, A.
Oousleyand D. 0. Roes skip. They eno-
oeeded in doing what they set oat to d0
by a eaore of 22 to 16.
Dion AT BLYTu.-Last Taoeday. evening
Enphemia Govenlook, relict of the late
Richard Thomson, departed this life at
the home of her daughter, Mre, (Dr.)
carders Blyth, aged 74 years. Deceased
bad been i11 for some time, gangrene,
dropsy and heart weokneeo being oon009-
rent ailments. Mr, Thomson died 16
pears ago and a year after the widow
went to Blyth to live. Mrs, Carder is the.
only child. Four adopted children found
a comfortable home with Mr. and Mre.
Thomson, two of whom are now living at
Sault Ste. Marie, The funeral of Mre,
Thomson took Om on Thureday to
Maitlandbatik cemetery where her bus-
band wee interred, Detaaeed wee an
Aunt to Mro, (Bev,) Goethe, of Bread's,
who with Rev, Mr. Goethe attended the
last rites. Mre, Thomson enjoyed the
o 1
friendshipf a ar a elude o friend .
Sbe was faithful membee off the Free,
terian aherob ; kind by n hearted and
desirous of promoting the happiness of
everybody, Her death wee not an unest•
peoted event as she had been In tailing
health for aome time,
Taononty of next week will usher in the
month of September,
MODonaLn Brios„ of Walton, ebipped
oar of heading this week.
3 cane of baled hay were forwarded to
Toronto this week by A. Baker.
25 MINTS g000 TRE POST until January
let 1905° Tull your neighbor about it.
P. SCOTT purchased a Kaplan yearling
ooit from James Simpson, of Jamestown,
A NUMBER of Bruseelites attended the
Garden Party at Oranbrook on Tueeday
Bear Tbnreday evening of next week
clear for the Garden Party at W. F,
THE etorehonaeo at Brnoeele G, T, R.
are open now for the receipt of any gaan•
tity of grails at the highest market prion,
0. 0. F,, Brnesele, will meet on Tueeday
evening next, All members will be
Tem Fire Engine has been overbaoled
and is now ones more ready for duty if
required, We hope it may be a long
time idle.
THE Grand Trunk will bane eagle fare
return tickets for Labor Day good going
on Saturday, Sept. 3rd, and returning on
Tuesday 6111.
LeeT week Wm. Duncan, tonsorial
artist, disposed of hie black driver to a
Mr, Anderson, at Belgrave, who paid a
tidy sum for
ROBERT HEM:MneMS bee reoeived 14
,care of ooal this season already. Several
families will born coal next Winter who
have heretofore used wood.
Houses to rent are a very goatee Dorn•
modity in Bruseele. A number of houses
may be ereote,a next semen with a view
of supplying the demand. It is not a bad
sign when difficulty ie experieuaed in
enuring comfortable babitatione.
CoNGRATDLATrONs are extended to Mr.
and Mre. Oarroll, of Wooleley, N. W. T„
over the arrival of a eon and heir on
Friday of last week. The beby was born
at the home of Robert and Mre. Sample,
parents of Mre. Oarroll, Prinoeee street,
GARDEN PARTY. -Thursday evening of
neat week a Garden Party will be held o0
the epaoions grounds of W. F. Stewart,
Brussels, under the auspices of the Lad-
ies' Aid. The town Band hae been
engaged and other interesting items will
be added to the program. Reserve the
evening and go and have an enjoyable
TnE town school will reopen on Tues.
day, Sept. 6th with the earns staff ea in
the past term viz; Principal Cameron,
Mies Ethel Scott, Mies Kate Wilson,
Mise Downey, Mise Dora Smith and Mies
Jean Ritcaiie. The attendance promises
to be large. Intending. outside pupils
should make an effort to be present at
the farming up of the classes for the
A. A, MXLMta, Seo'y Heron Old Boys'
Aesooiatioa writes Tea Pose as follows
-I beg to notify you that the Huron Old
Boys' Aesoaiation will, as meal, have a
tent at the Toronto Exhibition
this year, The ofiioere and members of
the Executive will be glad to wetoome any
Huronites and they are requested to
make this tent their headquarters at the
Exhibition. By publishing a memo of
this you would confer a favor on the
To WINNIPEG. -Leat Tueeday Post-
master Farrow, 0. P. R, local agent, told
tickets to the following on the exoarOion
ran that day to the West :-Mies Bielby,
John Bielby, Thos. Teller, Mise Katie
Lovett, Jam. MoOraoken, Geo. Cole, Wm:
Mann, Mies Mary Mann, Mies Mina
Hanker, J. W. Rose, C. J. McDonald,
Mise Martha Kelly, Andrew and Mrs.
Gerrie, 3. and Mre. Bolger, W. Jamieson,
J. W. Kerney, Wm, Balmier, Wm, Mo.
Innes, Joe. Arden, Mies Margaret Ram.
say, Richard Bewley, Jno, MoTaggart,
Maloolm McTaggart, John Bennett, Mre.
A. Good, Eleie, Edna and Joe, Wm. G.
Cololongb, Mies Kelly, Thos. Marshall,
Mies Annie Budd, Peter Jaokeon, Alex.
Walker, Wm. Hislop, R. and Mies Maria
Pratt. There were 52 pieces of baggage
loaded at Brussels G. 7, R. station that
morning. Seating aaoommodation in the
train was quite inadequate and neoeeail-
ated the separation of friends in endeavors
to enure oomtort, A large number of.
the friends of the departing were present
to with them goodbye.
IN Poon )ileum, -Thos, Holmes, an
old and highly reepeeted reeident of
Wingbam; father to Dr, Holmes, of Brea.
Bele, has been quite poorly of late. The
Wingham Advance of last week mallow the
following reference to him :-We regret
to learn that Thomas Holmes, a welt -
known and esteemed resident of the town,
is now very seriously ill. Mr. Holmes'
advanced age (being in his eightyeeaond
year) renders hie final recovery somewhat
doubtful, though be is reported to be
feeling very math batter today. 131e
eon, Barrister R. Ifolmee, Was absent on
important buoinese at Sault Ste. Marie,
When he was telegraphed for, He im•
medlately stetted by the first steamer,
but wag delayed by fog on the Georgian
'Bay. Another eon of ear. Mimeo, Dr.
W. L. Holmes, of Breads, also Dr,
4 n are in attendance
ane of this ow
Beth ,
Mr, Hofine0 ie one of Wingba.rn'e early
setting, having been here thirty fide
years, He f0 the only surviving member
of the editorial staff of the Ooloniot, the
first daily newspaper of Toronto, where
many reletivee of the family ,tilt roeide,
1111.11 iilA13lt3,1 ,4s POST.
Standard Bark of Canada
'1S'x'1.ti.13:EJTSEx X7x7 1.87°
SURI'LVS, oil RESERVE FOND 0 1,000000
TOTAL ASSETS eavan etere0,00e
.11. General 13ah3eIns J3u%lllefrahl Ttearnt St -tatted
—DIOPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and npwarda received on whioh
is added to aoouunte every aix menthe end becomes principal,
MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any person.
only for which no aharge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and courteous attention,
A row weddings are on tbe program if
rumor ie aorreot.
Da, MoNAuoi moN has purchased a
robber tyred buggy.
Tans week the Salt Werke shipped 3
oars of salt, one going to Oyprese River,
THE POST anbaoription list oontinuee
to grow nicely. Send it to your absent
Mende ea 25 °ante will 9e0nre it until
Jan. let 1905.
A Internee ee of the Directore of East
Huron and Grey Branch Fall Fair will
be held on Saturday of next week, Sept.
3rd, at 2 p. m., for the purpooe of seleat.
ing judgee for the ooming Fair and
arranging other metiers of bueinees.
Smote fare tiokete will be issued on
Monday 29th inst., to Toronto Fair good
to return on Sept. 13th. Special ex.
ouraion rates of $2 60 will be given on
Tueeday, Aug. 80, Thursday and Satur-
day, Sept. 1st and 3rd and Wednesday
end Friday of the following week, Sept,
7 and 9.
Grand Trunk Railway have ieeuad a
circular stating that to facilitate the
prompt handling of freight in and
through railway warehoaeee and
to prevent the monopoly of ware-
house space after September 15 inwards
and outwarde, warehouse or shed freight
will be stored free for the first 72 hours
and after that the rate per week or part
of a week will be two Lente per hundred
pounds on classes one, two, three and
four, and one ant on classes five, aix,
seven, eight, nine and ten.
Cinema Dom Hee REcoeo.-Saplan,
the epeedy stallion owned by Messrs.
Scott & Warwick, of Brnseele, las been
campaigning in Eastern States race
tracks in teat company but is not taking
e tail end by any means. At Beeps,
Massachusetts, last Friday he was in a
raoe with fifteen entries and won a beat
in 2 163. The judges were suspicious of
the driver and replaced him after a heat
was )oat but Kaplan did not behave any
too good with the new man but took Sod
money. He was a prime favorite. At
Roaheeter, New Hampshire, on a half.
mile track on Wednesday, he was second
again, capturing $125 in 2.135. If he
aontinaee the oiroait he will likely oat
tbie down eoneiderebly lower it properly
handled. He hae wonderful speed bat
ie not always level headed on the stark
out. On the stretch Kaplan is n whirl.
BRUSSELS Aa1xu V;OTORiou9.-Wednee•
day the following tennis players repre-
senting Brunets played in Lnoknow and
Ripley l-Moeere. Cameron, Fox, Mellish
and Sinolair, and again defeated hbeir
opponents. The Lnoknow teams were
blanked by a wore of 4 events to 0. At
Ripley a hard game was played, closing
3 to 1 in favor of Brunets, The follow-
ing is the score ;-Lnoknow-Cameron
and Sinolair defeated J. G. Murdock and
Reid 6-4, 8-6 ; FaX and Mellieb defeated
W. Murdock and Johnson, 6-2, 6-2 ;
Singles -Mellish defeated Johnson, 6-0;
Fox defeated W. Mordoak, 6-2, At Rip•
ley-Oameron and Mellish defeated J.
MoInnee and Pritchard, 6-2, 8-6 ; Fox
and Sinclair defeated Johnston and D.
Malnnee, 8-5, 7-5 ; Singles -Cameron
defeated Pritohard, 6-2, 7-5 ; Mellish
lost to J. MoInnee, 2-6, 6-8. Ripley ie
expeoted to play a return match here
next Monday. Lacknow will also likely
viett Brunie before the season closes,
COUNTY BoIDGEe.-The Road and
Bridge Committee of the County Council'
met in Wingbam on Wedneeday, of last
week all the members and Ounnty Clerk
Lane being present. Tenders were open•
ed for the aonetruotion of bridges known
ea the Zealand. near Wingham, and
Shanlakeand Black Creek, on the bound-
ary between Say and Stephen. Tenders
for the abutments and piers were aooept•
ed from A. Barber, of Wingham, for the
Zetland bridge, at 55,20 per yard for
abotmeate, and $6:25 for piers, and from
Nagle & Looby, of Dublin, for $7.90 per
yard for the Bleak ()reek bridge, and $6
for the Stanlake. Quite a number of
tendera were opened for the ouperetrno•
tares, but they were all awarded to the
Honker Bridge 00., of Kincardine, provid•
ing a marked cheque for the proper
amount ae security, wee planed in the
alerk'a bends by Friday. The price for
the enperatraotnre of the Zetland bridge
will be 54,500; for the Black Creek,
5756 ; and the Stanlake, $1175.
Box SOCIAL. -A fine program was pre.
vented at the Epworth League Booial
held intoe eobool room of the Metbodiet
ohuroh loot Monday evening. It was
made ap of trombone soloe by W. A.
Grower, accompanied on the piano by
Mies Maggie MoLauohlid ; aloe by Reg.
inald FIe0011er and Mise Carrie Hing•
stop; duet' by Misses Hingeton end
Beaker ; and Mines Sharp, the latter
with guitar accompaniment by Milton
Sharp ; roadiuga by Mioeae Erna Avery
and Josie Baobanao ; piano solo by T.
A, Hawkins, whioh was heartily encored
and kindly responded to ; Harmonica
notation by H. Maar, H. Taylor and
Mies Mabel Adams; short addrgsa by
Rev, T, W. Ooeens. The chair was
oaoupied by W. H. Kerr. A large lum-
ber of well filled bozos were motioned
off by J. J. Gilpin with cenoiderable sue.
Mesa after whioh voyages of discovery
were entered upon to Iodate the fait
methane ne who brought the boxes and
with whom the lanob wee diooaesed.
Before the o r0 ram .Was Oonoladed a vote
of thanks was pegged to all who %seisted
in the program and Moore Broe, for the
nee of the piano, on motion of President
Salter, and Secretary Armetrong, There
Was one diaoordant nole in the evening's
phew:ad11139 oiling to the miso0ndeot Of
some yonthe oateide. The names of a
few of them have been earned and a
repetition will plane them before the
Reeve. It they don't know the law the
sooner they are given a lessee the better
for their own good end the pleasure of
other people.
Two rinks of bowlers from town took a
holiday ran to Wingbam, Lnoknow and
Kincardine this week, The players were
T. Farrow, H. James, A. Coneley, and D.
0. Boss ; A. 0. MacFarlane, A, B.
MacDonald, Rev. W. T. Olaff, and J. T.
Rosa. We did not bear the reunite ex•
tapting that Brussels won at Lnoknow.
OnrruAoY.-Josepli Handcraft, an old
and well known citizen of the 5111 Con.
of Moliillop, paid Nature's debt loot Fri.
day aged 55 years. Tho cease of his demise
was aaaoer in the jaw from which be
had suffered severely. He is survived by
his wife aad one daughter. Deceased was
a aonein to Councillor R. Hendersop, of
Brenda, and was an honest, honorable
man. Hie mother and throe sisters are
reaidenle of McKillop. The funeral took
plane on Monday afternoon.
ODLOM-ROonnem-The News, of
Vancouver, B. 0., gives the following
mirtioplare of the marriage of a u0i00 of
Mre. Frank Baines, of Brueoelo :-In the
Prinoeee street Metbodiet Oburoh on
Tueeday night, 16th inst., Lieut. Victor
W. Odium of the Sixth Regiment, Dake
of Connaught's Own Rifles, and Mies S.
E. Treeaa Rogerson, daughter of Mre. I.
Rogerson, formerly of Bunehine, Ontario,
were united in marriage by Rev.. R. N.
Powell, The ohuroh ' ;a prettily decor•
ated by the membereatof the Epworth
League and Young Men's Olab. As the
bride patted down the allele on the arm
of her brother, E. B. L, Rogerson, Mise
Kate Burpee, organist, played the wedd•
ing march. The bride, who wore the
conventional veil and orange bloseome
and carried a large ebawer bouquet of
bridal rosea and white oornatioae, was
attendedby her sister, Mies Miami
Rogerson. Little tour•year old Margaret
Clarke, nieoo of the bride, was maid of
honor. The groom was attended by
his brother, E. F, Odium. While the,
invited greets included only members of
the two families concerned, the' church
was filled; for both the young people have
taken a prominent part in the work of
tbe various Methodist societies in the
city. Mr. Odium is a member of the
Quarterly Board of the Prinoeee street
ohurab, a traetee of the new Parlt Drive
()hutch, and President of the Young
Men'e Olnb. Se to an old boy of
Oobourg, Ont., and for three years at•
tended Victoria University, Toronto,
leaving hie studies there to serve with
the first Canadian contingent in Atrioa.
Later, in 1902, be went back to the seat
of war, holding a lieutenant's commission
with the 3rd Oanadiaa Mounted Rifled.
At present, he is oily editor of the Van-
couver Daily World, and is an executive
member of the Young Liberal Aesooia•
tion. After the cervine the guests re.
paired .to the home of Mre. Rogerson,
601 Helmoken street, where the wedding
repeat was nerved. The table was
deoorated with arched strings of smilax
oentreing on a large green bell whioh
overhung the wedding cake. The prea•
ants reoeived by the young couple were
very numerates, intending gifte from
many relatives and friends in Ontario.
After their honeymoon, whioh Will be
spent in •St. Louie and Toronto, Mr. and
Mre. Odium will reside in Vancouver.
OAPITAG-PRitl tep $1,000,000
RESERVE FUND _ $1,000,000
Pr oIibont, Vfoe•Preoident,
m 00, nnenenew, 8' LA, era moon tin, t7, oroneeernn ceente, n,0, 0, 0. ''19,0(000, H. 0,
Drafte Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Di000anted,
Samaras flaw Ilsevarevexr
Internet at HIGHEST OU1IRENT RATES allowed ou all tonne of $1 and upwards
RddVSurt°.,r2°1is8 7r3�a v 5�
A. D. MELLISII, Manager.
Business Locals.
TIMOTHY seed at Mo0raaken's.
BraroLE for sale, cushion frame, good
as new. Bensons Mennen Wonxe.
Mrnaninnx apprentices wanted. Apply
at ones to Miens Room & HAYOoOPx.
A 000m1111 of eeoond band organs for
sale or to rent, La.Taennoox & Sox,
Bnoon sow with 9 pigs 4 weeks old for
sale. Also a dry oow. GED, Ronn,
QUANTITY of jointers for kindling wood
for sale. Apply to J. OvoNINoaAM,
Alexander street, Brussels.
Cow for Bale, will Dome In middle of
next month. Also 5 young cattle from
1d years down.
Taos. Neonorro, Brussels.
BLAu0arnn Bale of Drees Goode. We
purpose clearing our entire stook of Deese
Goode. Terme Cash. e.t.a Knat,
DATUM for sale, oleo combined hay
and stook raol(e with doable box, Call
and Bee them. Ewan & 00,, Brnesele.
To THE PunLro,-'If you with to have
lawn mowers pat in fiat oleo order you
oan have name done at a reasonable figure
by T, McGregor, 101611 street, Brussels.
At Listowel on Wednesday engines No.
280 and 150 (double header), about 3.30,
drawing a local of 18 oars of freight, wee
doing some shunting in the yards when
engine No. 160 backed down on the rear
of the train, smashing in the end of a oar
and also damaging the tender of the
oogine. An auxiliary from Palmerston
wee soon on the eoene and oloared away
the debris. The aboident caused the two
and four 0 010011 trains to be several
hours tato.
A farewell itinerary i0 being arranged
for Mise Evangeline Booth, Salvation
Army Oommieaionet in Canada, before
leaving thio oountry, She is to bo in.
this oily Sept, 11,
An Italian, said to be from Toronto,
and named Carlo Ronal killed a youth
in New York oity 'Wednesday became he
had disolosed to the police oeorste of the
Blank Hand Sooiety,
The thirteenthannual convention of
the Oatholic Blaine! Benefit A0000iation
opened in the Temple Buildfing, Toronto,
The bisf die ien will atlas oat the
proposeal new rate sohodalo.
The Imperial Paper Mille at Meagan
Valle had a narrow escape from deotrnot.
ion by fire early Wednesday morning, as
tt wee, the wood room and the barking
meobinery were destroyed,
Rev. J. E. Hunter was at Dungannon
last Sabbath preaching anniversary
eermone. He will :preach at Blyth next
Au interesting address was given to
the Methodist Sabbath Sohoot last Sun-
day afternoon by Rev, Mr. Clapp, of
Battle Creek,
The pastor's Bubjeot in the Methodist
oburolt Teat Sabbath morning woe "Spirit•
sal Sactrifloe" and hie evening theme
was "Christian Manhood."
Last Sunday W. H. Kerr supplied
Blyth and Jaokeou'e Methodist churobes
in the absence of the pastor, Bev. J.
Holmes, formerly of Braeeele.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of St. John's
ohuroh, Brussels, forwarded two bales of
clothing, bedding, &a, to 'Sllingwaak
Home, Sault Ste. Marie, A moat praise•
worthy work.
Notes on the International Sabbath
Sohoollessons may be read eaoh week in
Tax Poe&. The Provinoial Sabbath
School Convention will be bold in
Hamilton thia Fall.
Rev. J. J. Liddy. M. A., pastor of the
Herriston Methodist ohurab, bae been
granted two weeks leave of abeenoe to
recuperate and aoaompanied by Mre. Lid-
dy went to Grimsby.
Next Sabbath Rev. N. S. Beneath, of
Wingham, will condaot the services in
Melville church. The pastor, Rev. John
Rosa, B. A., will be home for the follow•
ing Sabbatk from hie vacation in the
The Presbyterian Guild of Christian
Endeavor in Melville church will resume
their Sabbath evening meetings, at the
olose of tbe regular Berries, on Sept 4:11.
Topic will be "New courage for new
The A. Y. P. A., of St. Johne church
will reenme their weekly Ravine, whioh
Were disoontinned daring the past month,
on Thursday evening of next week when
the sabjeot 'How can we help our
ahnroh 0" will be dison0eed with Dr.
Feild ae leader.
Loot Sunday Rev, W. T, Cloff, of
Strathroy, was the preaoherin St John's
church. He was heard with pleasure
and profit. Hie morning oubjeot might
be termed "Religion and Buoinees" and
the evening theme "The faitbfnl and
unfaithful servants." There were eight
Mena baptized at the morning eervi0e.
Rev, and Mre. Olaff are very kindly
remembered in their aeso0iati0n with
ohnrob work here.
Mr. Ritobie, who has been supplying
the pulpit of Melville church during the
pastor's vacation, preached his 0100105
diaconate))) loot Sabbath. The text in
the morning was "The diociplee were
palled Christiane first at Antioch." In
the evening "Mown" was the subject, the
preacher dealing with the great events of
his life. Mr. Ritchie contemplates a
trip to Scotland before be locates on a
charge. We with him an enjoyable
B. S. ANNrvoneene.-On Sabbath, Sept.
4001, instead of the usual Sabbath Sohool
the anniversary sermon will bo preached
by the pastor, Rev. T. W. Ooeens, at
2.30 c'aloak. The 'taboo' will lead in the
eervioe of praise and a hearty welcome
will be accorded the parents and gnerd-
ions. The, morning disoonree will be
directed to parents and teachers and in
the evening Rev. R. Smith Baker, at, A.,
of Walton, will preach to the young
people of the congregation. Rev. Mr.
Oooene will take the eerviae at Walton
that evening.
03012 ST -
BonD.-In Wingham, Augaet 18t1r, to
Mr, and Mre. Alex. Bird, et daughter.
CennooL,-In Brussels, on Aug. 194h, to
Mr. and Mre, R. Peroy Carroll, of
Woolseley, N. W. T„ aeon.
aa.e ixrzxmae.
1301uta-Henvev.-In the Presbyterian
ohurab, Wyoming, on Aug, 170b,' by
Rev. R. Hobbs, of Strathroy, Presi•
dent of London Oeoferanoo, Rev. R.
Smith Baker, M. A.,' Walton, to
Mies Alioo, daughter of Dr. A. E.
Harvey, of Wyoming.
2n12 t78SMix,0 :,a):.(i.XSXCM.0S,
Fall Wheat 75 95
Barley 37 38
Peas 55 60
Oats 80 32
Batter, tube and rolls12 13
Eggs per dozen 143 18
Hay per ton 5 00 5 00
P1009, per owt 4 00 5 00
Potatoes per bus 80 80
Apples (per bbl,) 1 00 1 25
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70
Hoge, Live 5 40 5 50
Wool 17 18
CLnirn-In Listowel, on the lltlr inet„_
Jean Ma/Kiddie Hay, reliot of the
late Jehn M. Gliwice fn tier eightieth
Hagnnneox.-In 1tloKillop, on Augnat
19th, Joseph Henderson, aged 55
Hzruron.-At Eastwood, ou Atlg. 22nd,
George Billiet, brother to Mre,
J09eph Ooombe, Jamestown( aged
72 years.
Leedeme,-In Millbank, on the 11th inst„
Annie Montgomery, reliot of the
latoJohn Leggatt, aged 83 yaare.
n Blyth, on Aug.
23, EuP
nie Goventock, relict of the late
Rlohard Thomson, aged 74 yeere.
Witeog.--In Grey, 013 Aug, 24, Margaret
McKee, beloved wife of John Wilson,
of Harrold Dean Co,, in her 50th
FALL m"AT=s.
Following is a list of the data of eomo
of the Fall Feirs whioh will be of interest
to people in thio dietriot ;-
Industrial, Toronto....Aug. 29 -Sept. 10
Weetern, Loudon Sept, 9-17
cot. 1
Ford wioh
V r0nnt0-Write for our plan where-
by you can do this at no cost to yourself.
Mt.Bnmiltou Land Ot Ott 00„ 193 Porter
Building, Ban Jose, Oat., U. S. A. 7.1
in. D6, 1904
A Good
Tooth Brush
ought to last a long time, edon
when used continuously. For 250.
We have one that we guarantee not
to lose briotloe or b000lne aneatie.
faatony in any way, If it doesn't
prove to be all right aome book and
get your money or a new brush,
'° r7
is one of our moat popslar dontri•
floes-ebsolatoly pure and gives a
delightful freshness to the mouth -
25o, per pottage.
Drug Store
I800 of the undersigned, Lot 27, Con.
16, Grey, On or about the 18th of July, Duo
rod two-year-old Leifer, ()weer Is request-
ed to prove property, gay 02pen0ee And 0010
her away, D. E, LIVING STONE,
7 4 Mouorieff P,O.
L. Ione of tbo undersigned, Lot 19, Con 1,
Grey, an or about August 8011, throe white
pigs. Owner ie requested to prove proper-
ty, pay expenses and take them away.
GEO. 300100500,
04 Jamestown P.O.
Tenders will be received for construction
of a drain in MoTil)op, on Sept, 19, at Coml.
031 meeting, Lendhury. Istimatod work
92,640 00. Part of work to be done this Fall,
Plane and speoincati000 to be seen at Clerk's
011100, near Winthrop.
J140. O. MOR1RISON; Clerk.
SALE. -14 consists of a Pculeae Sopnr-
ator, a Now Hamburg Engine and a Maple
Leaf grinder. All in gond repair. Terms
easy fur a quick sale. For further partien-
lars ae to price, ,50., apply to I1LIJAH
PEASE, Lot 9, Con, G. Morris, Sunshine
P.O. 4-2
Fall Fair Directors.
A meeting of Diree tors of East Huron and
Grey Branch Agricultural Societies, to sel-
eotJudgre and attend to other business for
the coming Fair, will bo hold in the Council
Chamber, Brussels, ou Saturday, Sept, 8,d,
at 2 p.m, All members of the above Boards
are regoeeted to attend.
W. 11,'HERR, 3A0, SP0IR,
Soo:Treas, Provide
k -e^
New Fall . .
Dress Goods
Oar New Drees Goode for Fall
have arrived wed are selling like
hot calces, They are jaat the Kind
the ladies have been reading about
in the Delineator 'and other
fashion papers. Wo nlwaya tante
the lead in Fine Dress Goode and
show the new etylee as soon as they are prodooed. Wo aleo carry a full
range of Dreso Trimmings to match all dress goods. Bolow wo mention a
few of the popular prima
-Fauoy Zibeline, in grey, 42 iuohee wide, flaked with red and white, purple
and white and biaoh and white, very 'special, at 50e.
-Fancy Knop Cloth, in black, brown and fauoy mixtures, 44inohee wide,
groat value at, 750.
. -Venetians, in binok, navy, cardinal and brown, 42 ioobee wide, all wool,
et 50o.
-Black Panama, 66 inches wide, very epsoial, 75o.
-Blank Venetian, 60 inches wide, at $1.25 and 51.50,
-Vienna, in bleak and navy, 50 inches wide, at 500 per yard.
-Homeepnn, Harris' celebrated goods, in black, light, may and. Oxford, 06
inches wide, great value at 75o.
-Homespun, 50 iuohee wide, in blaolt, brown and myrtle, good value at
50o, for 85o.
-Blao5k1.2Broad5ancld $1oth50,, fine soft finish, 58 Moine wide, in two qualities, at.
-We also show a largea000rtment of Drees Goode enitable for shirt waist
mite, in blaok and colored Armuree, Panama, 'Voila, Oreopinee,
Poplin's, Canoe; Clothe, Etaminee, eta., at popular prions,
"\%MILE we have had a splendid season in gelling
I3ugges and Wagons we have still quite a
number on hand, the Bestand most up-to-date that
can be got anywhere, If you require a Buggy or Wag-
on don't miss calling on the old reliable Cobor Carriage
Works that has been in constant operation for fifty
years and given the best of satisfaction to the number-
less customers during all those year's. We are more
fully than ever prepared to meet the requirements of
the public in our line of business in style, qualityand,
p �