The Brussels Post, 1904-8-25, Page 511 tr]tlt3Ei.,s POST. rFaa,.4i st.? 19 W te"et TRAM IJP A 0111ID And whop ll send him or p 1. flet t0 sLairowaz, /. j/,/'/ "C� / • /� �` og Ait'il llL11, 1904 T/ �O" +_� ,°, the nedoretpne4, agree to telae the pain of iroreg•elloeltlg to lino, for online and 1100, 110r new shoosowing to Elio' commie in the price 'o!'18 material, OtO. 'Zile goes into force On fttOpdaY• Joao IN6h, Mit. gpredloe f oAx it Ooo, si aoS1by 6, W. POLLARD. 0. 80000, I{DA[raRFgn d4 NON, Ti op, T pnr,Lonir l*oo, ]Jon er tman Fn' ' ,7 mut Fi eFlaeaTj Jinx EOrztliane. W. Stuart Lane left on Monday' of loot week for St. Oatbari080, where he will be aoboolated, for mune time et least, with A. W. Martinet, berrlater, of that' city, Mr.: p' y oggrsallut O ig oda lIIlall end, opmm;copse ai} 1QldatiE of bid BHe ir09ltai100n of CO. Clerk .Lane, Rev. hl, Turnbull bee Int had patented' In Moeda anis the United' Skater; a atretoher for uoe on fence and other wire. Tho wire ie plumped automatioally, while a Spiral screw is and for leverage. One of the larged railroads in America, now g on, and. has the magluue under observation, ite adoption by thin lino would mean heavy sales from the start. If suitable arrangements pan be made, the wire otretohere will be manufactured In Gotta. rj0b• clop the flow 0f blood, fie Jo nnrein; a very gore band• Word line been r000ived from Ezra Bicron that lie ie n0nvel00010g, being able plong, siege of typhoid donor G q after a of tkg IWillfng iWorkgre of the hAlothpd et pbgrOh On Tgeeday Of last week Walla :great nonce. Tea was moved on the lawn after wblub 0. good ,program was rendered, Tbo oildreeee by Rave, A, 0, Tiffin and J. H. Ooterbont, B, A., B. 0,, were excellent, Mies Pearl iluaaee agog' two spice end the pastor and his good' 'wife gave a duet, whioh pleased the a°oembled crowd. Fordwioh Band Waft present and made the time pan pleasant• ly with plenty df good musts, The pr000ede amounted to 945 75. Arch,'Rylor opened, hie store loot week in lila former eland at Ibe " stonier of Qatari and Drummond etreete, Frank aleteelt and Alex. Elder wore in Bernie Ioo0 Week attending the High o theIndependent Order of Cent Uf t . Bil nod the lab er fagmreproa ntatf Auditor • ---- • -- -f«- w *�* ...wee �1 ] ,� t 131-Y11-1, (Mort Ivy Leaf, No, 605, Blyth. - Finn.--Abopt 11 o'otook on `,Cburellay Dight lith 1ppt„ the rod Of the Grand Tan* station wan dloomvored ou firo. The tiro brigade was palled oat but the fire had made moll propos that ft wee. impossible to save' the building,. which wan oonoamed, together with some freight. Some of the books, tickets and papere were got opt of the bornin „ building. +. K 'The fire is ehppoeod to have originated from a doieotive °bimney, as there Wee a fire in the stove Burly in the evening to heat some water for snubbing out the waiting room. NEWFALL We have just rr0elVad our NBw Fal sad Capes, and they t aro rooky uaperb. We tiro market. Every garment is up.to.dato; mantle eb°ald nee oar stook when it ie at styles whioh will not be shown by any other mention a few styles and pries, but the mautlee predated r- Ladiee' Beaver Jaokete in blank and brown, and Winter chow all the Every lady its best. house in must ' with velvet newest requiring We Blyth, bo 'Two Mantlea @bow aeon collate, t'lo �yr aT'el'l , Jaaketp stylus i o a new exolneiva . • Below we - to be ap• fanny (ldises- Oommorolal'anti shprtbana. Send for COhego Journal, A. lege Jornal, Manager, . + (�,, q:•�.f,� �,yY r}•� •4 .4,4,bA•,4 .eb3 , y$S >✓�Cks�zL�t3 $ ci �2r Watatt2'Be t,aet. BUSINESS CARDS. Workmen are 'nattering the ground for the now poet•oNioe. J, A. Morton has been appointed a The final game in the doubles in the lawn bowling tournament woe played between O'Connell and Davie, of Gode. rich, and Agnew nod oderio, of Clinton, and was won by the GIderioh mon, 15 to 10. my pr O'Connell aur Davie win the only prize of the tournament that. remains in Goderidb. It aomewbat of, coincidence that last year the cam° four bowlers played in ilio finale in the well ooateeted London tournament, the Clinton air winning.The Goderio11 P men lied to wait a year to get hack at theft opponents. ' - ._ All the typhoid feverepatiente are doing nicely, Elute Fall Fair will be held on Oct. 4th end 6th.. - The Methodist Anniversary services will be held on Sunday, Sept. 1101. The Voters' List for this township hag been printed and has been posted' up in the Olerk s of ee. The number of qualified jurors is'010. Tho 100&3 Court BeC. O. F. held their annual service on Sunday afternoon in T. Farr, the Presbyterian Churchformerly AN TO LOAN AT 6 PER A� LVA pant, ' F. ti, SCOTT, Brands, . Pollee Magistrate, without salary. �Vlugham 'Valera' Liet far the current T year 00 pow lo Ibd hands 00 town Oletk Lam/Uvula Tii A tenant leans of the 8000.0 ei, 00 John contained an excellent en ravia of John g g Scarlett, a°°ompenlod by the following aCt3010 an ills oonnen0io Wlth 0xangei•m in south Heron :-',The name -pt. Sear. .loll is interwoven with the history of Oraageiem in South Haroo. Fifty years ago Met February the oareer of L. 0, L , Y No. 818, was oommenoed at 'Winthrop, After meeting for some time in a to hall on Wm.g Morrisou'e .'farm Samuel Ssarlett gave the lodge e, corner lot on hie farm on whioh a building wen neat. ed, where the brethren Resembled from buttons very e e int 8 50,h , v Y p o $' -Ladies' Frieze Coate, in blek and grey, with or without oollare, Laney metal buttons, at 4 60. ,_Ladles Cheviot Mautiea with or without collars, ehoelder non, trim- - ' , , p ' mad with fancy braid,at $5. y Coate, g -L mercerized aate.nai trimmed satin without Manny lined , ibraidtblarge [shoulder oa es, and taro P Y metal buttons, at 90.00,7.50, 8,80 and 10 00, -Didion' Zibiline Coate., trimmed with velvt and fancy braid, a very sty - iieb garment,'at $12. -Ladies' Ooate, made of fine kereep °loth, in blank only, with biogif of Lonny metal buttons. They are very swell at 915. -• --Children's Ooabe, in oplors of bine and brown, at 91,75 '0138 2 00. , -Nieces Coats, in pointe, a full range; at $3, 3 50 and 4 50. -Girl's White Bearskin Coats, in all sizes, at $2.50, 3.00 and 5.50. -� H. Mo01,A.0irl EN- . Issuer of Marriage get, It ea. of. riuo at Gro°ery,Turaberry, street, Brussels, Fergrieon. 1t. Clegg line removed to the fine he ps street. from Wm. 1ARMS POR SALE -THE UN- 12 DHROIONEn lion 6everal OOa Forme 10T g sate and to rant; easy tering, in T $Y suoiis of Morris and Grey, t . SUUTT, Button Button on Patrick etraet, Jag, &1oIIelvie, a former well known it le e 'a in tlar am e, s rioaely ill al hie home in $arnfu and •is threatened with typhoid lever. C, 0. j[', Const , Princess (liege 1,011 No, s3, 0.0, lv., 1.1101 BI°olr, on the end aud Vint Taerdaye 0f uaOb le, moots id thole Lodge n b0 Blue• anon mouth, at a o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome, JAS, BURGESS. U.It. WALTER SMITH, R. O. Walter Rose, who for the peat two years has been an elont in commotion. with the wingbam ele0trio light works lett. en 7110nday °f Ion week for Lietowel to &0qe t the o g P postilion of mina er Of the Mead light and gas works in that town. The work of renovating the Presby. �.etrio,'e,. Miae Clara Holinee left for Canton where she will visit friends. 1lliaa Luoy Baine has been engaged to' teach at Gilpin's eobool South of town. W. Rattenbnrp, of the Bank of Hamiiton,is away on hie holidays at present.' Herb. Kent, of Wingham, is relieving him. J. Deaohman, eon of Robb. Death. man, of Orange Hill, hee been die. tinguiobing himself fn the judging nom. petition in that pity, having taken 2ud prize in judging beef cattle and 2nd in hags. Another of Howiok'e old reaidenta pass. ed away on Monday afternoon of last week, in the person of Elizabeth Day, relict of the late John Day, in the 92nd year of her age. The funeral took plane on Wednesday morning from the real.' dens° of her grandeon, Cecil Day and was largely attended by her many old friends, fat of Walladeburg, formerly pastor of St,, Alban's Epfaoopal eharch preached the Berman. sameel Hallway bee gold his late mother's property near the Presbyterian church to John J. Corry, of Britton, The price paid was $1500. Mr, Oorxy'e mother and eider will droopy the prem. lees early in October. School re•opcnedon Monday 15th, after the Summer vanation with a fairly good attendance in both departments. Prin. eipal Norris, of Strathroy,made his bow to the anxiously waiting yonngetere, and Mise Fergneon had charge. of the junior department. Roy Pelton, G. T. R. agent at Alma, Ont , spent a few days in town last week visiting his mother, Mrs, Stephen Pelton, wbo is gradually tramming from an amaok of fever. Go Wednesday he was united in' marriage to a Mien Danoan, of Woodstock, The young couple are spend. Ing their honeymoon at Niagara Falls. Roy iso capable young fellow whose advancement in the G. T. R. service he month to month throughout the years. LI the coarse of time a new hail was �m PA. F IDSRIS®N, Issuer of Mar>:ia a LicensesJ. a f WALTON, ONT, tenon °hutch is in progress now. The interior will be decorated, and the South aide of the roof will be renewedThe Ladies' Aid will provide new windows of more modern style than the present. The new and handsome pipe organ will necessary, and the brethreu have now s solid and °°mmodioua etr0°ture, opposite pp the old ball, on the farm of Jaime H. Campbell. Five of Samuel Soarlett'e 'j� "�'j' ('� , I i JJ V • h a 8 BUGGIES s MISS JEAN N I.AUCi'.l.IN,R. not bo ready mail September. six eons followed their father's, exempla by active gonneo1100 with and indnetti- oils effort for the extension of the cause. The best known of the family to the brethren generally in W. Bro. 'John Scarlett who was Master of hie, rimai , 1 y District lode10*' Master for five ntseo oe secpinve yearn, r for six earn. Onaretirin andOounty Y the inlEwiverttea cervicbe waa presented naso to8 wnhni esteem-a'treneee whioh 88 r zee ver P 9 highly. He is one of the moat regular attendants al the annual 68091000 of Provincial end Supreme Grand Lougee, and has served with great acceptance on many important oommittees. His long and varied experiences 313 the Order, to. Pp gather with his exaot knowledge.. of the Oonetitation, Ritual, and secret work of the Orange Association, and the Royal Black Knights of Ireland, melee him a valued oonneellor, and his serviette are in °°natant demand among the . lodges and preoeptoriee. BROCKVLL BRook IS THE BBS T Beware .of Imitators and Imitations. 't,'I l,I'Id't"t'a,N,'hrt"L'v"t,v Superior Material, Workmanship and Knish in all our goods. Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our be competitors distanced in numbers. �'Pe have still a few of these "Old in a •to -data p and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you ? If so be,sure to Call as certainly interest yon. Best Goods Procurable Close Prices, ycyv "•w would - Tinish •Reliahles" we can -T➢AUH➢'ii OF- PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 03RV5�=+S, clam, ileum. all. : Dave Niohol represented Henealt O.Idfe110 i at the Grand Lodge heia at '1'oroato.baoon ROBERT O u N N I N'G N A M 1 Fxs0u111tla, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• T. Murdock took his pagers Colonel Hooter and Joe Stanton to the Wiugiiam races. The bricklayers at the Queen's Hotel and the dement contractors at the oat mill have completed their undertakings. J. L E 0 i I E, 1.1019 AND 2'IIEI] INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, om°0 over IIurelo0'- Drug Store, NOV. :0Cd,1002. iW-gm Brussels, John Buobanan Assistant Demon• etrator at the Guelpb Agrioultnral 0011. age was in town last week holidaying with his parents. Saila.been During the storm on a recent Saila. dayafternoon a hundred candle ower P transformer. on a pole in front of -Jo Mo• Vora" Wifait . rapid. 'Jae. Walkom is it twith typhoid laver, The new hotel will take another mouth at least to complete it. A load:of Foresters attended the funeral of the late J. B. Campbell at Gerrie. Clare Hutchison left for Toronto where he win eater the C. P. R. shops to learn °ogtneerieg. Hawick Fall Fair will be held in the Agricultural grounds, Fordwioh, on Saturday; Oot. let. Alex. Gibson had a fine colt killed by lightning: E. Cooper oleo, lost a fine yearling colt daring the electric storm. While trimming a hedge at the old homeetead at Redgrave, S. Johnston had the miefortane to dice some flesh off hie right hand. He wad holding the bti°h when the pickle caught a twig and Rimmed, with the above reehlt. It was four hours before Mt. Johnston could $1'w'95 - Rev. J. Edmonds left to spend hie vacation at Orange Grove, New Jersey. Mrs. D. M. MoBay, who spent the past month visiting at the residence of Dr. Carder, has returned to her home in- MaI enuen, Algoma. Wm. Phillipe, an old Blyth boy who is roe eria in. 'Chico o ae a wholesale prospering g g hardware merchant, ie spending lhie week with hie friend A. W. Robinson. Blies Mawilliaroe, who was the operator in the local office of the Great North Western Telegraph Co. for the pant nix menthe, left for her home ill Galt. John and Mrs. Cooketline, of North Bay, were visitor° with Blyth friends. 'Mr. Co°teniae ie one of the 0. P. R. con. doctors running out of North Bay and he and Mrs. Ooakerline are at resent on a six weeks' vaoation. Wellington Mutual fire Insurance Co., 000111393390000 1810 Insurance taken on. the 0ae11 and premium note system a1Om•reat rates. Before Blear- ins elsewhere call on theundereigned Agent of the Oompany. GEORGE ROGERS,Bruseels. Arthur'°, wan burned 000 0800109 a lase to R1 r. �Velehof $95: The Observer mays :-"Heneoll people• have a trait of churaoter peculiar to them:mires. They are very conservative preferring the old and tried to the new and untried.- They stand solidly by each other when the inch tenon thontth P they may say ell manner of dieagroeable Elliuge about each other Let o ®Yt,lbrth. - Dave Donovan will exhibithis team 0f. heavy horses at the Toronto exhibition. The Seeforth Milling Co. have poor; Obased 20,000 bushels of old Manitoba wheat. Wm. Ament has contracted to supply David Uanteton at Clintonwith 5,000 apple barrels. A' Phillipe; G. T. R. etati°n.agenr, is away on hie holidays at Owen Sound es and other owat,. Mark MownE, butcher with Kennedy Bros:, killed and dressed a Bee[ inne 8 'U.DOLLi We have a number of Platteville,and "Platteville," "Palmerston" Also a number of' comparatively makes, for sale at N. S. 1>,t. other makes to show you, including the u Guelph. ' new:Second-hand Rigs, of other low prices. • ,d.,edn,,t tsterstst'IF41 east teed oy .®� • AUCTIONEERS. generally. an onteider do the talking awl "Ob what a difference in the morning." g 'p'1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- A' . ugh, will s°11 for better -prices, to bettor men in less time and loss chargee than any oiler Auctioneer In East Huron or eau won't be arranged this oEace Or by reonal application. La riCow•jf . N. R. Bamford, of the Standard staff, has taken a position on the Tara Leader., A. W. Featheret°ne reached home from hie trip to the Old (Monkey with the Canadian bowlers.p debentures 1.4T. H. GARNfSS• 0 Plrt.,�,, ,, �, .,y„ -_ 11)1 r for Huron County. •.aeovable. Sales arranged fpr- •f Taff Poem, Brussels: anti The 910,000 waterworke had been sold to the Bank of 'Hamilton at 96 Dents on the dollar. The deben• three bear four per cent, Rev. J, II. Oliver, pastor of the Metho• dist ohnrah here, has scooted the invite,. tion given him by the cangregatioa of the Central Methodist , church, Sarnia, to minutes one day. Alex. Wilson tae gone to Ottawa to attend the annual shoot of the Dominion Rifle Association. F. Cardno hoe disposed of bis interest in the firm of Cardno Bros.and .left for Winnipeg on a prospecting tour.to John Dodds won a valuable silver service and also took away a quantity of the long green at Ihe shoot at Brantford. H. Spears, miter for w Pickard &Co., and Wm Page, hie brother m law, have leased the vacant store of Cardno Bros., under the town oiuok and will on or before Sept, let, open a general tailoring Chief Orioh 0 rigidly enforoiog the bylaws of the town in regard to spitting on the sidewalks and flitting on. the streets In front of stores. Two offenders appear - ed before P. M. Beattie the fleet of last week, and paid a -one. Jones gee, who has been Leader of the band for the peat six months; left to take a position in the orchestra of the Majeetio theatre, at Toronto. J. W. Duncan, of Wingham, is the new leader, and cornea highly recommended ' as a. fine mortician. MIaaO. M.Hnight, a student of the Seatorth Collegiate Institute, has: dig. tinguiehedherself by heading the list of 1904.matrioulantetoToronto Uoivereity by winning the Prince of Walen and the Edward Blake soholarabipe for general With the Priuos of Wales °olidarwhip pea $50 in a mash, and with the Edward Blake eeholarehip, $00 and tuition at the University for font pears. .Mies Knight took the a°holor- ships in every enbjeot on whioh she wrote, and to a nhowing whioh 0 Metedrely neat equalled, and le 00 be oongrotalated on her achievement. Ik also refieote great credit upon the Sentorth Collegiate and its extudenteher Mies ofp,ht bee Al _ y� _ L . �% P Ji. E !'i It i8 all Strongest Electric Gall and �i , Going O IA do COILED $� V VNO. 9 Hard Fence. made. Roads are get our °''"''f"''"i''"''''I"'"e'i"''t''I'i'f"i Ili any ny SPRING THEM Steel The erecting it. Prices. WIRE Wire VS11112611=====21ZEMIX. Ferrein. A and is :Railways y the and ..'til. HERE'S A j ti' le VETERINARY. beoomo their pastor attar Ehe. present�.f conference year. Miss J. M. Green milliner, late of Brandon, who has been taking a eeaeon's T D. WARWICK- eJ • Honor Graauace of the Ontario Vet- erinary college, is prepared to treat an die- eases of domesticated animals ;111 a compet- ent manner. Pertieular attention paid to veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at tensed to, Oihoo and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Tnrnberry at., Brussels. rest at the home of her mother in town, has accepted a position aa head milliner with the T. Long 0o. Limited, at'Clolling. On Monday, night ht of last week Dr, X gbusiness. Thompson'°residence on Inkerman street, near Knox church, was struck byNAP lightning, which demandedthelightning I Y E, l; s r LEGAL AND CDIavEYANCINe, rode, twisting them our of shape. For. innately the electric current passed off without doingfurther dams e.IN 11 ` will_be scribers fr'om. now 1 stf 1905, sum of 5 4 f i lie - P o S �,i' { j p Sent to New Sub- on a Trial Trip until January' for the small Cents - k . i AB. MACDONALD- • Baor0. N. Solicitor,a01 Notary, uto.tan- bup0oe6or to G. F. Blair. 01200 over Stan- mord Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metre - politan Beek.i Dr, W. J. Bothwell, of Denver, Colo. rad°; is vtnitina We brothers, B. Roth- well, in toter), and e, S. Rothwell, Elmo,. Dr. Rothwell has been located in Denner for mnny''ysars, where he and his brother, Dr. P. D. R,thwell, have an extensive WM. SItSULAIR- pramtfoe. . Barrister, Soiioltor,iConvoyaneert Notary Public, So. Office -Stewart's Block i door North. of Central Hotel.: Soli°itorf or the Standard Bank. t._, otLei•iOh. Goderioh. Busness College opened 'week. PIiOUDFOOT, HAYS da BLAIB- - BARRIBT➢Ra SOLIOITt1Ra, NOTARI➢9 1''UBLIO, ETU, W. Pnovpro m,N. 0. R, C. HAYS G. N. BLAm. Offices -Those formerly mounted by 80080:0 Cameron 0 11oR, Gb000mca, 00menro, Tuesday of last , Hies H. E. coon hes resigned her position as organist of North streetproficiency. Methodist church. - Liverpool Lode No. 140, S. O. E. B. p Lodge,free Be has arranged for a grand pianid to be bald at Point Farm on Labor Day. Same person discharged a rifle on East passing of avid.through the hall the uptake wi13dOW upstnire of pavid stoddatt'o window NIEOIhouse. Ct4l CARDS. Eeven tiara of railway oontraotoro' forde have P P been a student here for about three years, her home being in Mendaurm, J. A• M'NAUG'HTON, Te, in, C. ift., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College f -Phys Diane and anrgoons Ont, ;Lino/Write of the Royal Col- lege of'hysiolans, and Licentiate of Mid- wifory,➢dinburgh. r= '1'elepneue No.14, Reeideuoe-Millstxeot, Bruesele, arrived Theisteam ehovelsnbe work on Monday. g h2 P. D, Stewart, of Toronto, has inetafed a five horse power gasoline engine in Smith's baker whioh will farhieh the y, power fora mixer. The Maitoba and.Lake. Heron ldili. ing too. and F. B. Holmes are emoting a steam lift at the Commercial dock:" •The purpose of the ereotion is to faoilf. Lambtou °ottnty, near Sarnia. All her preparation has pra0tiaally been at this oghool, - ` " \rl "'( Y 'the posters are ant for Mitoheli'e an• nhal Fall fair, which will be held Sep. i,�'(i�- EWA;OO -`---' h r�yt q The Post .and the. Weekly' will be combined salveperiod for 45 -. _ : The' earlier you take these offers the bigger the ce the rolninellce receive, D 11 the announcement, Reduced rates also for 101 s+ papers. Call Or write �•'T''f� '7-'t'-r�+'7'� : A 1�1 C.C, ..,� 1f Y e J+.L• .LS.' " pp 1 U Globe for the Cents. advantage of.' ' ' Bargain you we ive to •he other leading • T'1 ii; K.R. ■ •. •.L V.J. V� ' B R U �' P �, terober 20th and 216t. Berlin, Ont., was visited by a terrific hallrtOCm. The despatch eaye thfl alpaca were over at inch in diameter. Over 2110 pence of ghee fn the 0ggar r y were nesshed. rfingr The Perth Rural Deanery meeting and Sunday School Convention will be held in. St. James dumb, St. Mary on heldi• _._. , - - -..• " tub, ... _ ' \ �� "" - ��. 4''' '�'''•' `. ctrl" +'t 115's,.. t • e to ��� �`�� �,�� 1 �rr'M' / , - '�'•'°• � + WE are now ready for 1904 with a larger stock of Buggies than ever we had and a walls through our . Show Rooms will DENTISTRY main tate the unloading of lfoat, reduce the expense thereof, and halve the time anal DR. R. 'P. PE'ILD, Jtl1NTi9T Graduate of Ithe Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and:Firet•taoo Honor Graduate of Toronto University. next to Brewers Pho.tograpb Gallery, BnUS9ELS: boate are detained for unloading. of apples was meas Tho first shipmentpp on Tuesday of fast week by Robt. Elliott to Winnipeg, The sbipmut comprised 200 barrels, prinoipallyDoobeas, a re- a being frigerator pl a dorthe 0880 0 Monday ice wok planed in the car on Monday andaprogram another ton just before the car left. James Thomson, of Bowenmoni, N. D„ day, Se t. nth, for' an into convince intending purchasers whish ySept.ating 0 annmbnoed. About 8 e'oionk Sunday morning a diieastrous fire occurred at Carberry, Manitoba, entailing the lose of about $40,000. The store of Blies Annie Jbnee, formerly. of N[itolnet!, wee destroyed, Rev Ion is given ab *8,000, Insurance, 92,000. Ald. John Welsh, of Stratford. Who went 00 England thin Being with the team of Canadian Bowlero'an the re lint ati8e Of the a to remain In the Old gOlog for deo or three to re cargo nanthd moa to oCountry make hie home there henceforth. i ince ono to the Old Country Mt. Welsh hap goingy marded an English laity. He bag written t0 Mayon Hepburn, of Stratford, resigning from the Oily Conn0tl, Mr, Weloli Pntonds to donttto 00 band'oome sliver 0hp to the Rowing , Olnb for oompetitl0u at the tamed fall *ourna+ meat. what our Stock is. We, have kept the lead and intend to do so if good rigs will do it. We have added to our Buggy Tope this senora a Spring to prevent the bolts and rivetn from breaking. Tbis has neon a long felt Want. We have 4 styles of Axles -Dust and 011 Proof, Long Diotenoe, 1000 Miles, anti the Noiseless Axles, slam a few of the Olid styles, All Steel Body eleoe Hangers and all 0. fewof with book Leather, Alon with our own Buggies we handle a number of first•alas gg9 Factory Buggies. Our Wagene are all Oak with 2i, and 8 inch tires i Trucks and Medium size. p y We Invite every intendingurohaen t0 Oall Tela Bq from ae and save money, - ' j1, ��]� e �`j" / Br.t �y ,A l tl Y ^.J.!1 & Co t+ 11► els, a brother of Geo. W. Thomson, of town, I P Vt" 5�•Sc"''`26 9 a Falb Tar>r1 open: Ssptl 6�h p CENTRAL ; // , O ' �O� ` STRATFORD. ONT. . It pays to got a business education e and It ',aye to got it iu our school. �Y Our attendance this year hos been the 4D largest in the history of this college. 9, . Wo have planed mor° etndrnte in 9.1usitiou° this year than lu any meta 009 year, Write Dor tnagul>lpebt �tpp' oatel0gue. , Elliott President: s w, J. McLeohlan, Prinolpal• fJ fs *atered � i in a letter to hie brother reoently, gent a °heck of 9100 es a oontribution to the Alexandra Marine and General fleapits' to be built liar°. The donation le to be peed iu the furnishing of a ward in the boepital: m the l kgpeotor The anneal very ofPanne theit will be ear courtly, gratifying to Clic he beet egltHitited auat nd beOst.msannged 'jails , pp Iii the 1 rovinoo. It le not Gift of plane to nota that Jailer Griffin. and Deputy Knox have brightened wonderfully the interior of the plan by the application of altnni• num paint to all piping, railings, gratings, in the ootridoro and main room, Mice hang the dreary and bleak appear•• Banfewlffmli pristine geaally ifavo,