The Brussels Post, 1904-8-18, Page 6ej.,ti•• 4 .or;•.f• . •,,prr
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Modieh millinery prepared for late
sutniner's . wear is quite different,
both in outline and ht,
front that brought fortis and worn
so gladly in the early summerdays,
The shapes are more then a little
different, some former favorites have
disappeared entirely and new ones
ihave cote Rorward to take their.
Turbans maintain . all of their
hold upon the popular i<'tncy, and
many are the changes that aro rung
upon this almost uniyorsally becom-
ing: model.
ecom-ing,model. There is simply no typo
of foe*. no fashion in coiffure which
this all -embracing style cannot bo
made to meet,
The extremely pointed torpedo tur
ban, however, has run its course
and the newer turbans follow th
lines of the smaller toque. Th.
show a distinct crown and brim, th
fat aft -over, top being abandoned
and quite a novel fanry has th
crown of ono material and the brim
of another. A. very smart mode
just imported shows the crown eov
erect with a Si,unish lace scarf, th
pattern being small and line. Th
brim projeots but moderately in
front. is close at the sides -and fit
snugly to the head in the back
There fs no bandeau, for the crowu
tably. Tho brim of this importation
is in Manila rush straw, in the na
tura' unbleached tint, and the ontir
is intended to itt tho head cotnfor-
outer part is covered with crushed
velvet roses in many shades of yel-
low, running from the pale primrose
to t'
A warm a nt burnt orange. The
lace g
a e scar' which. drapes the crown is
so arranged that the scarf ends come
in the back, where they cover the
brim. but do not hang in curtain
fashion. On the left .side there is'a
hussar double knot of a medium
shade of yellow velvet, which makes
a smart finish, and the whole effect
of this turban—one which will un-
doubtedly be popular—is almost that
of a fiat toque.
Another old friend returned is the
short -back sailor, but in nacre only,
as it is altogether different from
what hos been lc'.nown under that
title. The new sailor has a fat
larger crown, and is conspiculously
wider from side to side, while the
front is either bent into a. very be-
coming curve above the face or else
left with the straight round lino.
There iv quite a narked revival of
the shape which was termed a walk-
ing hat. It has a medium crown
and brim turned up at both sides,
the back short and setting close to
the hair. There is a certain afr of
smartness in- the lines of this hat
tluit hos always appealed to those
who .consider both style and lines
when selecting a hat, and thorn is
little .doubt but that it will attain
all of its former cachet, Especially
will it take the fancy of the tailor-
made girl,- for the lines are of the
severely simple order,
A safe and neat skirt and waist
fastener is an absolute necessity to'
the shirt waist girl or woman, as' no
matter how pretty the waist, if not
carefully adjusted, the wearer looks
actually slovenly. Too many wo-
men still resort to the unstable saf-
ety pin as a fastener, but all too
often the weight of the skirt drags
this out of place, and instead of
being safely hidden from sight, it
makes itself conspicuous in a' very
unpleasant fashion. Far worse than
this, however, is the appearance of
the girl who depends upon the tight-
ness of her skirt belt to keep her
trim, and does not trouble to pin
skirt and waist together at all,
A safe, neat and invisible fastening
may be very simply and easily made,
Sew a piece of strong, narrow tape
to the' shirt waist exactly as the
waist line in the' back, and make' It
,fust long enough to hook tightly in
front, On thls tape, in the back,
• sow securely four strong eyes rather
more then an inch apart. .On the
inside. of each shirt band sere four
hooks exactly in position to meet
when skirt
and waist aro
correctly 0 of
y adjusted, Unless one is
apt to be moving the arms a greats
deal or reaching above the head, two
hooks and eyes will prove sufficient
to make the union perfect. Some
women prefer tbo oyes sewn on a
strip of tape separate from the
waist, but this is not altway-s as re-
liable. Strong hooks and eyes
should he selected, but they should'
be as small as is consistent with
A belt a trifle wider at the flack
than the sides should be given the
preference, as even when the bodice
and skirt ore neatly united it is net
at all pretty to sec. hooks or eyes
proieeting above of below the bolt:
A few minutes' wall: on 01ry promin-
ant thoroughfare will convince any-
one of the necessity of this warning.
Dr. Williams Pink Pills Should be
Used to Pring Back Health,
Sicknesa'contort sooner or later in
the life of everyone. Many who for
years have enjoyed tiio beat of health
are suddenly seized with sone one 01
the numerous ills of We. Moat of,
the ills result from an impoverished
condition of the blood; thus if the
blood is enriched Uro trouble will
disappear, That is why Dr. Wil-
liams Pink fills hove had a greater
success than any other medicine in
the world in curing sick and ailing
people. These pills actually make
near,' rich, fed blood, strengthen
every, nerve in the body told in this
way' make people well and strong.
Mr. Alphonoe Lacoussiere, a well-
known young farmer of St, Leon,
Que., proves the truth of 'those state-
ments. He says :—"About .a year
ago my blood gradually became fm-
FOVerished. I was weak, nervous,
a1111 generally run down. Then sud-
denly my trouble was aggravated by
pains in my kidneys Held bladder,
and day by clay 1 grew so much
worse that tinally I was tenable to
- rise without aid. I consulted doe-
' tors, but any relief. I obtained from
o their me:lici o wasonlytem orae
n a Y
The land I. began to despair of ever being
o web again. One day :I read an ar-
: , icle in a newspaper praising Dr.
o Williarae Pink Pills and I decided to
try- them. 2 got six boxes and be -
1 , fore they were all gone my condition
- 'MIS so greatly fiuproved that know
eII had at last found a medicine to
e•cure mo. I continued the use of the
pills for a while longer, and every
s !symptom of my trouble - was gone,
,land I have since enjoyed the best of
!health. I think so much of Dr♦ Wil -
Prams Pink Pilis that I am never
_'without them in the house."
0 1 It is because Dr, Williams Pink
Pills make new blood that they cure
'such diseases as anaemia, rheum° -
i titan, kidney and liver troubles, new-
t algia, indigestion and. all other ail-
ments due u
c e to poor blood. But o
p Y
oustget the genuine bearing the full
g b g
name . 'Dr. Williams' 'ink. ills for
, a e ] P
Pale People". on the wrapper around
every box. Sold by medicine dealers
everywhere or sent by until at 50
cents a box or six boxes for 42.550
by addressing tine Dr. Williams Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Sacred Emblem Soiiered in Storni
and Gloom Results.
A disastrous cyclone, which: recent-
lyr devastated Moscow and the sur-
r0unding districts, has added to the
gloom in Russia occasioned by the
reverses in the far east.
By a strange stroke of fate the
cyclone caught the carriage and
hooses in which the most sacred em-
blem in Russia, the "Iversky mother
Goddess," wns being carried. The
horses 0 ere blown away from the
carriage, the roof of which was torn
oil, and the driver and the image,
along- with the priests who accont-
po.nlod It, were pitched .into the
dirty road. The image was recover-
ed, but the Russian, who venerates
this emblem above all others, ••' sees
in the accident the most evil omen.
It has had e. very distressing effect
upon the peasants, who regard it as
possessing supernatural powers.
Strangu to relate, the censors. who
aro usually- quick to supress undesir-
able netts. Have permitted accounts
of the accident to appear in the
press. so that what has ocaurod- is
known throughout the whole of Rug
"To the. Yellow Gott, the Black:
God. the White God, and the Green
God,—Please kindly take us all up
with you, and do not leave us unpro-
tected, but destroy our enemies."
Such a prayer is to be found on a
Tibetan praying -wheel, says lir. A.
R. Wright.
The Tibetan is a lnartye to folk-
lore, ecaceiv'ing, as he does, his spir-
pititual life to be a struggle against de-
mons, which are just as hard to con-
quer as the pusses and deserts of his
country, •
A r.ovel ,feature of this prayer
'wheel, which the Tibetan spends
much of his time in turning, is that
if turned the wrong way everything
dorso before is undone.
When news was received that the
British ,expoclition had invaded Tibet
the natives imitated cries of animals,
thinking by this )Weans they would
be able to dispel our troops. No
doubt, sdid 11'r. Wright, the cries
Were an incantation by :the. supersti-
tious 'Tibetans.
Paris sends word that the elnllh'oid-
cred linen girdle is the correct thing
for wear with tailor trade linen
gowns. It certainly has onto advant-
age over the kid belt—it eau be sent
to the tub and come out as good
as new, while the kid belt has to be
dry cleaned. Tho daintiest, of these
gfrdles has clover leaves and blos-
soots wrought in white, or forget-ine-
mo,s in their natural color. Largo
brass buckles aro used oh all wash
. belts, nod are easily removed,
' --r---' —"—.
Mies Drossillglon (to little boy who
d5 sailing up to 111'r)—"What do you'
want, dear•—tO giVo me et lets. P' Lits
tie lloy—'No; I ' wants toy bl eat 0'11'-
'lace that yol'se sittin' ani"
Row the Heavy Death rate Among
Children May be Reduced,
The doath rate among infauts and
young children during the hot wea-
ther is simply appalling. For ex-
ample, in the city of Montreal alone
in one week, the death of one hun-
dred and Six children was recorded.
Most of these deaths were duoto
stomach and bowel troubles, which
are always alarmingly prevalent 'dur-
ing the hot weather, and most, if
tint all, of these precious little lives
might have been saved, if the moth-
er had at hand a safe and simple re-
medy to check the trouble at the
Outset. As a life savor among in-
fnntsand young children, Baby's
Own Tablets should be kept in 'every
Home. These Tablets prevent and
cure diarrhoea,. dysentery, cholera in-
fantutn and all forms of stomach
trouble. If little ones aro given
the 'Tablets occasionally they will
prevent these troubles and keep the
children healthy. The Tablets cost
only 25 cents a box, end a box of
Baby's Own Tablets in rho home
May save It little life, They ore
glutrenteed to consent lt0 opiate or
harmful drug, tofu 1.N given
with safety and advnntago to a now
born babe or Web grown child, If
,your dealer does not, keep the Tab-
lets, send the price to. the Dr. Wil-
liams M"othrt 1 o t Brockville, Olrt,
and a box will be sent y'oU by mail
)rust paid,
MID -A 1t.
Steeple-jaoks Who Itisk Life and.
Limb in Their Hazardous
Though possessing but ono a0in, a
Bologna tinker ascended a few days
since the tower of Asinelli, a height
of 880 ''ret, by moans of the light-
ning rod, thoroby gaining the plau-
dits of the onlodkers and the censure
of alio police, by whom ale was haled.
before the civic authorities,
Mr. S. A, Cassidy, of Ottawa,
Permanently Cured .After Years
of Suffering by the Groat Cana-
dian Kidney Remedy,
etim1lar, but oven mora hazardous, Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 1.5—(Special).
feats were formerly not infrequent, —Whllo ail Canada l.n0 08 -that
St. Paul's Cathedral was often the Dotid's Kidney Pills aro the standard
seono of some intrepid gymnast's remedy for all Kidney Complaints it
daring. Edward Vi. was present at may surprise some people to know
the exploit performed by a Spaniard they euro such extreme cases .as
on a rope stretched from the battle- Stone in the :Kidneys. 'fret that is
ments of St. Paul's statplo to the what they {lave done right here in
Deanery. Having olid down tato OL(tt a.
rope and made an obeisance to Itis lyse. S, A. Cassidy, the man cured,
Majesty, the gymnast again mounted
until lie had attained a considerable is 1110 well-known proprietor of 1110elevation, when ho executed a series lifj0:1 IIoi;el 00 111otealf start, and
of clover tumbling feats, to the in an interview he says: "My friends
der of the vast concourse that had all know thnt I have been n ,nartyr
amki]ed below snaps Loosen Tit- to Stone in the Kidneys for years,
hits.sso; They . l now that besides consulting
A like performance was given some the best dodo's in thu city and try -
years later before Elizabeth, but in Mg every medicino I could think of
this instance with an unfortunate re- I was unable to get better.
stilt, for the gylnnnst lost his fool-;, "Sometime ago a friend told me
ing and sustained a fatal fall, Such Dodd's Kidney Pills }would cure me,
fonts, however, continued in vogue, As a last resort I tried theta and
and as late as 1731 we read of a they have cured me.
sailor descending a rope, fastened to "I could not imagine more severe
the Summit of lIncknoy Church suffering than ono endures who has
steeple, in less than half a minute, :;tone in the :Kidneys and 1 fe 1 the.
"'folding greatest gratitude" to Dodd's Kidney
Robert Wootton, who in 1.780 re- If tho disease is of the kidneys or
paired the steeple of St. Peter's, froth the kidneys Dodd's Kidney Pills
Nottingham, seized the opportunity, will cure it.
on Ills Teaching the summit, to enter-
tain with a performance on the drum
the numerous onlookers, ,'hose ap-
platise he acknowledged by drinking
bottle 1
a U of e of ale to their nl to th Chic
• FR3300T.
i00T S.
In all'lhurn
c a as in
Sydney, ey, the
nester Cnthedri, too, 501110 years free brei" system is dovelo '
previously. afforded John Whcble, a rapidly. TIM conditions aro simple.
steeplejack engaged in malting re You go to L00 office and purchase a
pairs, the opportdnily of displaying book of floecoupons for « 1.50, Math
his knowledge of some ]calf -dozen in- of these coupons has to bo sold, the
strumenls, on all of which he is said price being 25 cents each. Each
to have played with mucic taste incl purchaser takes his or her coupon,
skill. , with 51. to the olllee, and in return
receives a book with live coupons,
and the process is repeated, this
time by five persons instead of one.
The five sellers in due course repre-
sent twenty -tiro purchasers, who in
their turn give way to 125, and
so on. Each seller of rive tickets is
entitled, on the presentation of the
tickets, accompanied by five pay-
ments of 51. each, to a pair of boots
valu $5, or boots and shoes to that
amount. The idea has caught on
wonderfully. In New Zealand the
regular boot and shoo trade was so
injuriously affected that the pro-
moters of the new system were offer-
ed $1.5,000 to leave tho Colony. Tn
Sydney they have leen offered $5,-
000, but to no purpose.
Gastronomic feats would appear to
have been a speciality of Salisbury
Cathedral's spire, on the sttntmit of
which, in 1365, a plumber named
Handley roasted a shoulder of mut-
ton and e. couple of fowls. Again,
in 1762, to celebrate the erection of
a new • vane, a steeplejack, one
Grist, prepared, and afterwards ate,
a dish of beans and bacon at the
dizzy height of 400 feet.
On the tumiversary of the birth of
'reigning Grand Duke of 13aden five
marks and a sumptuous dinner are
offered to anyone who clines the
spire of Freiburg Cathedral, that
towers aloft to the height of 400 ft.
A year or so bock three mon success-
fully essayed this task, and one,
more temerarious than his compan-
ions, made use of a projecting iron
rod as a .bar whereon to give an
acrobatic display to
At the commencement of the seven-
teenth century one Pierre Cousin, a
roving mountebank, obtained pet
The "doll army" in the Faris Army
Museum contains 19,000 'figures of
soldiers about 2 inches high hi five
groat cases. The armor and uniform
mission from 1110 civic and clerical of evert militarybranch are repre-
anthaltles of St_ Lo. a, small Nor- tented with the utmost exactitude;
man town, to give his show on ono The picturesque work occupied the
of the towers of Notre Dame. Half- lifetime er an old Alsatian, who
way up he erected a small platform, fought under ibo "Little Corporal:"
on which in his own person ho repro-
sorted the people of all nations, The chairman of a well-known
changing his costume with each role,
and giving in pantomimic gesture South African gold -mining company
the eharaoteristio peculiarities of the 11118 just greatly x10118011 the share
country he delineated. This potfor-, holders at a meet,ie, t:y' cuulouneing
mance would seeto have resembled that a cerluin resolution teas "car-
ded unanimously with one dissent."
closely that of the quick-chango ar-
tistes we meet with nowadays.
Some years since, at Schelnnitz, in
Hungary, the writer witnessed a bird
charmer display his skill frons. the Free From the Slugger Brought:
summit of the church, The birds gg
employed were pigeons, which went out a Fact.
through their various • feats with
marvellous docility encs precision, "During the time I was a coffee
their evolutions and gyrations drinker," says an Iowa woman, "1
around the tower calling forth en was nervous, hod spells with my
thusiastic plaudits. It transpired heart, smothcrbig spells, headache,
subsoquoetly that the performer was stomach -trouble, liver and kidney
attachedto a circus touring in the ,trouble. T did not know for years
neighborhood, and had undertaken what made ole have those. spells. I
this unusual entertainment for a' would frequently sink away ash
wager. •I though my last :tour had come,
'A unique entertainment had for its, "For' 27 years I sintered thus and
locale the church of St, Maclou, vied bottles of medicine enough to
Roden—or rather the spire thereof,' set up a drug store, -capsules and
to the stumuit of which. in 1660, pills and everything I heard of.
ascended a relation of Rouen's most, Spent lots of money, but I was sick
celebrated son, Pierre Corneille. On' nearly all the time. Sometimes I
to a small stage that had been there was so nervous I could not hole] a
erected the young man stepped, and plate in my hands; ,and other times
in a voice that could be distinctly7 thought I would surely die sitting
heard byall below declaimed from
at 1110 table.
memory the great poet's "Cid."
In a recently published book on the
"Kaffirs of South Africa." the author
tells of the practice of the native
dhiefs of keeping a Sourt praiser --
which might bo translated poet lau-
reate—wlioso business is to go before
the chief and sing his praises. Some-
times it :happens that this function-
ary is apt to be embarrassed for
lack of matt'nr, as in .the case of the
Swazi King Pomo. Ono clay ho wont I
out limiting with a hundred warriors,
end after a Whole day's effort he'
managed to hill only ono miserable
little hare. Yet the Court praiser
ran in front of the king, calling out:
"Bunn, the Icing of the SWazioe,
the chief of chiefs, has killed a hare.
Let ell tato people listen, It %Vas as
big as an ex, as fierce as a lion, and
05 ;mitt as a buck! The bravo King
Bunn killed the hero all alone! He
killed it with his assegai, Listed,
ye people Bono has killed a }tare)
Without any helo the king Ilea killed,
the hltrel It. woe as terrible a5 a
tiger, as large as an .elephant; its
eyes were (100)88 of lire; and yet
Bunu, the great Icing, has killedthe
This long l'igmarele Was repeated
over end over, while the king 101 -
Towed behind with great gravity
A Sign of olite11558 Ti
6 p in .'{bet on
meeting a pollen ig to herd up the
rleneted hand and stick Ott the ton
"This went on until about two
years ago, when one day I did not
use any coffee and I noticed I was
so nervous and told my husband
about it, He had been telling me
that it might be the coffee, but" I
said 'No, I have boon drinking cof-
fee all my life and it cannot be,'
But after this I thought I would try
and do without it and drink hot
water. I did this for several days,
but got tired of the liot water and
Went to drinking coffee and as soon
as I began coffee again I was nerv-
ous again, This proved that it was
the coffee that caused my troubles.
"We had tried Postum, but had
not made it right and dirt not like
it, but now I decided to give it an-
other trial so I read the directions
on the package carefully and made
it after these dirocjiots end it was
simply deiicious, no wo quit coffee
for good and the results aro wonder-
ful, Befo•q, I could not sleep, but
now I go to bed and sleep sound,
aro not a bit nervous noW, but Work
hard 'and can Walk miles. Nervous
headaches are gone, my heart does
not bother me any more like' it, did
and i don't have any of the em.oth-
oring spells 0ncl would yell believe
it? I and getting fat. We drink
Postern n now ants nothing else and
even toy husleand's headaches have
disappeared; we 1, ,111 sleep sound
end healthy loot: and that's a biose-
1ngP' 31
0,1112 gi"er, by 1'0stnfn 00.,'
Battle Cre k ch
Look for the book, "Tete 'toad to
Wellvine" in each package,
Sunlight Soap will not injure
your blankets or harden them. It
will Tooke them soft, white and
fleecy. 711
HO NUS in doubt.
On this particular eveuing ho made
up his mind that ho would roach the
point where doubt mets or know the
reason why.
Thus it happened that he got a
little closer to her than usual when
ho round Hutt they were sitting side
by side on the sofa.
"Do you ever think about mated -
age?" 110 asked.
"No," she replied,
Of course, that WAS a fib. 0f
course, he senors that it was a fib and
she lrnew that he knew it. C01110-
qurntly site wished that she lmnd't
answered 50 hastily, but that is so
customary its a women that it
should attract no attention,
"lf I were a woman like you," 1,0
said, reproachfully, "I would think
of i1."
"Would you?" she iutkulred, care-
gre,J els, I wools]," he asserted, ae
"Perhaps," she suggested, t.antnliz
ing'y, "you wouldn't mind telling
me just what coarse your thoughts
would take—if you were 0 woman
like mo."
"I don't know that 1 can give the
exact course of reasoning," he an-
swered, a1fearful that he might
no get-
g Uc3 onci , his .depth, "but if I
were a woman 111ce you I feel pretty
reasonably sure that I would marry
a 1111211 like—er—like me."
"You do?" she said, coloring a
little, but still speaking in the same
tantalizing toile,
"Yes, I do," he returned, dogged-
"Well, if I were a men like you,"
she a.5serted, "I wouldn't expect a
woman like mo to do anything of
the sort' until a ratan like you had
asked her to."
It is no trick. at all to hold to the
course of true love after the mariner
once gets his bearings so long as the
signal lights continue to burn, and
thus it happened that their barque
sped merrily on its way.
Among prizes recently given by the
Leicestershire Agricultural Society is
one or rho carter who has Worked
longest in the same employ without
returning home intoxicated while in
charge of his team,
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by heal applications, as they cannot
meek the diseased portion of the eat•.
There in only one way to cure deaf il008,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness Is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the Nes-
tech Ian Tube. when this tubo is in-
flamed you have a rulnbiing sound or
imperfect hearing, .and when it Isen-
tiruly closed, Deafness 10 the regal 1, and.
unless the inflammation can be taken
alit and this tube restored to its norm-
al condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine 00,588 out of 10n are caus-
ed by Catarrh, which is nothing but
an inflamed condition of the mucous
Wu will give Ono Hundred Dollars for
any case or Deafness (caused by cat-
arrh) that cannot bo cured by Hell's
Catarrh Ohre. Sand for circulars, free.
P. .1. esiNrY & CO.. Toledo, rf,
Sold by alt Druggists, 750.
Take S'ail's I'amlly Pills for consti-
The biggest carving knife ever
manufactured may he seen at tie
World's Fair. This monster blade is
30 feet, in length, and has an edge as
sharp ns a razor. It is made out
of the finest steel, and the handle is
a masterpiece of the cutler's art, el-
aborately carved and beautifully pol-
ished. It would take a veritable
giant to wield a knife like this.
A German chemist removes the nic-
otine from tobacco by stooping the
leaves in n solution of tannic -acid.
Tlie tobacco is. Hien treated with a
decoction of marjoram to improve its
Illoard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc,
"My daughter is absolutely too
young to marry," snorted' old Cold-
rick, "Well," replied the dejected
suitor, "what would you say to my
taking her marriage dowry now and
waiting a few years for the girl?"
Dames LinletCill Cortin Cargo to C018,
An ingenious use has been found, for
the discarded wood blocks with which
the London streets are paved. Sever-
al toy manufacturers now purchase
all Hese blocks which are not dam-
aged in tho process of being torn
up, for the purpose of making cheap
toys out of theta, Owing to the fact
that the raw material is purchased
so cheaply . the borne manttfa ctnrers
are in a position to undersell con-
sidorabdy ;the foreign competitors.
A stl miner Cough
In the hardest kind to get rid of and ;the
moat dangerous kind to neglect..
TTho iLung
*Ili etre you quickly and surely --stns,
the fever, etroltgtheu the lunge a.ud
make you well agdln.
11.1 oft deoggialo, 460, 50e and 11,00► bottle,
Crerneite4-/Ver .tearni hik
cov ri it/de' aievit4, 44,e,
aaFZia2=Orexuarir..0.emastmasarstit020,5570�mmx=•�.'ws e a ictc
p, D. pops & GM, 'Montreal
WIII Dry in 8 How's.
en Salo at all Rardaare Deniers,
Toronto, Vancouver.
_r evmersagN rm..-+ masa •r•raT,.r-,rte-�„s ,•
Poultry, Eggs, Butter,
Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and we will'
get you good prices.
Cor, West Market anr0 Colborne Bts•, TORONTO.
4 sLK� .?., :. oat,.. :�nhis,t,-.:... sere 2,•t n>atni:,�Salt,
A, �
Pass, Wash Bafnns, &c
Any I'iret-Claes Grocer Con Supply You.
Delegates to the Medical Associa-
tion at Vancouver cern return through
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Salt
Lake City, Denver and the "World's
Fair" St. Louis, by purchasing tick-
ets sold to San Francisco, account
IClrights Templar meeting.
Tickets on sale from August 15th
to September 9th, good for return
until October 33rd, with stopover
privileges in each direction. This is
an open rate to the public, as tick-
ets are not sold on tie certificate
plant' Tho rate from Toronto will
be $70.25. Correspondingly low
rates from other points. Tickets
can be purchased going via Vancou-
ver., returning through above cities:
or vice versa.
By writing I3. F. Carter, Traveling
Passenger Agent, Union Pacific Rail-
road, 14 Janes Building,. Toronto,
Ont., he will give you full informa-
Beware of the man who freely gives
advice. Ile probably wants to get
rid of it,
I was Cured of painful Goitre
13YA1d1) IIi7LULLIN,
Chatham, (bit.
I ryas Cured of Inflammation
by 1llINARD'S L'IKI7,Ii NT.
Walsh, Ont.
I was Cured of Facial Neuralgia
Porksdale, Ont. --
There Aro forty-eight words in. the
English language which have two
distinct pronunciations. " BoW,"
"tear," "invalid" are tho best exam-
For Over Sixty Yearn
Stan.,wlleIAw'a 90088/80 8ynur bee been mod b,
million,, of mothers for their obildrer hue teething.
Smoothes the 041,1, softens the g�ums, allays pain 0)100)
wind nolle regulates the stomach end bowels, aha i.15.
hent remedy for Tharrhma. 'rweutyn,e cents a botul,
Sold by (Impede throughoutthe world. Be mire and
ask f0r"51118, W1NYLUw'99o0M11 Na 808LF." 21-01
Bronchitis is the most fatal dis-
ease in England, next consumption,
and then heart disease, pneumonia
and scarlatina.
Lever's Y -Z (Wise head) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder is better than
other powders, ea it Is both soap and
Paper gloves and stockings are now
made. When finished they closely
resemble wool in appearance.
d'a Ltnitnent Cares uluhthe ,
They are trying very hard in the
United States to male people get
married by departmental edict,
though WIth what success'as yet 'one
does not know. One instance of this
laudable design is reported from Des
Moines, '10 Town, In the chief post -
office a notice has been set up • in-
forming all whom it may concern
that in future married employes,
and more particularly those with
children, ,will receive promotion 5000-
er thin those who are un,marriod."
The postmostet' dc01ar05 that the an-
nouncement is made on instructions
from the General Post Office at
Washington and in accordance with
tato wishes of President Roosevelt,.,:
On some of the postage -Stamps Of
St, Kitts -Nevis the authorities have
depicted Columbus gazing intently
thl'oagh a big telescope, As a 11111t"
ter of fact, telescopes were not in-
vented 1111 over lob .years alter Colo
=burr 'vas born,
St. Margaret's
College, Toronto.
Re -open Sept. 12th,
A high-class residential and day
school for girls. Modern equipment.
Specialists of European training and
of tho highest academic and profes-
sional standing in every department
of work. Foe booklet apply to MPS.
pal; CE0130111 DICKSON,,IMA., Di-
rector (late Principal. Upper Canada
College). 1
Dominion Line Steanishl O
t �.
oor Moderate Rate Service: 9stl
&mond eabin 0810ongcra horthod in len nccommb. •
d. ,tion on the bteenier at the low row of 810 tot
L;rcruo„or 502,08 !o i.en bh. .Third clan,,
L!verpooti to Tn don, lila.dew ar Qnoen,t wu•$ll.00.
20, all p0rtiuolaro aptly to loons. 880,418, or
I/00510(0N L21,11: O11FICIIS,
11 Mug et. IS., Tnronto,,)(13k Soernmata St , Montreal
h kfarms. Yomborton & Son, Stoat 300 -
tato, k'inancial and Insurance Agents,
have for sale in this fruitful and beau-
tiful country, sonic carefully selected
tarns at reasonable prices. Send ad-
dress and receive particulars, Pember-
ton & Son, 45 Fort street, Victoria,
11. C., agents for Sun Piro 0t1co, North..
Slritish & •biorcmttila Insurance 00.,.
Sun Life Assurance Co„ The Anglican
Synod of Jit. 0. -.
Dyeing ! Cleaning !
troy th• req heat, end your work to 11.
Look for sweat he sour sown, or mad dir..h
Montreal,Toropb,, Ottawa, Quebec,,
Works well bode on
stooks and in barns,
unloads a1( kinds oe
hay and gran( either
loose or In .heaven.
Send loi'catalogneto
iL T. BUCHANAN & CO,, Ingersoll, Ont
Mrs. Sloynthomer"I tolls my cook
the other evening to get things costes
ed for tho cake 1 wns going to'•
make." Mrs. Cadaboutaky—"Die 5110'•
do it?" Mrs. Slaya.thomo-"Yes;
sho had some things 'nixed all
right." Mrs. Cadaboutskyr—"','hat
were. they?" Mrs. Stayathome—"My
Ohmura Liniment Cores Mew.
;Automatic machines, to bo called
"Everybody's Doctor," aro to bo
placed in the boulevards and princi-
pal thoroughfares, of Brussels. Ity
putting a penny in the slot ono will
be able to obtain a remedy and also
the prescription for such ailments as
sick headache, colts, luftbago, and
sada ..
ryy of rew, as+rmtine,�e-.a:
ISSUE 110, 33-'04. ;,