The Brussels Post, 1904-5-5, Page 1Vol. 82. No,- 43
New Advertisements.
Looal-Mra, Kirk,
booal-G. E. King.
Local -John Cohn.
Leona --Thou, Moore,
Louttls-Wilton & Turnbull,
Ready for 1004 -Ewan & Do,
'Bnggioe-John °ober es Sone.
Local -R, Loatherdule & San.
T. P, Smith oomina-Jae, Trox.
Cotton goods--MoKiunon Bt 00.
Bob,sBloomfield, let line of Morris, le
very i11.
Bev. R. and Mrs. Paul ware the gnats
of J, end Mrs. Pugh over Sunday.
Mrs. Bay and two children are spend.
ing a couple of weeks with Mre. Bailey,
At the meeting of the Official Board of
the Bluevale Methodist church Thomas
Higgins was appointed delegate to attend
District meeting, to be heli) in Kinner.
dine May 25th,
Groat sympathy is expreaeed by many
in this locality for Word Farrow, of
Windsor, whose young wife died on
Saturday moruing lest under very Rad
eiroumetan0es. The deoeaeed lady had
loony friends and relativee In Blnevale
and vieinibyi
VF et 1 0.000.
Last weolr Rev, A, MacNeb, M. A., at -
nutted the Synod at Monition.
Next Sabbath Liv. Jno, Ron, 13. A„
of Brueeele, will preach in Doff ohuroh
here mid Rev, Mr. MacNab will take his
work at Brussels.
Mise Annie Campbell in having an ma-
enad holiday owing to the big 11 e in
Tmonto wbiuh destroyed the heathen
house with which the wee employed.
Several Weltoniano whiten,d the foot
ball match in Brueeele on Monday even•
ing between Seaforth and Brussels.
Gordon and Lou. i loDnnard, or \' altou,
are playing with the "Hurons" again thio
LOTS or NEnvtc.-About 11. o'olook
Wedneeday night of last week a oertsh%
party visited the wagon hoaae, barn and
horse stable of Robert Holland, East of
here, Jai !ping bimee,f to a set of light
hareems and a pair of linea and taking a
whip from the bogey near the holm. A
year's redideuae iu Kingston penitentiary
is waiting such gentry. If the vine ono
be followed up it it hoped the proper per-
son will he brought to book for hie the.
ti vomit Sr r00Ir.
A. MaoNeir is visiting in Goderioh
thio week.
Mies Lizzie McKay spent Saturday and
Sunday in Breams.
Don't forget the Foresters' (Mee or the
Smithery will have to be granted a raise
of salary it he has to chase after you.
David McNair and Tboe. Molise will
play foot ball with Brussels this season
and will do their pat to win viotoriee.
A ging of oarpeutere, under the direct.
Lion of Jno, Hunter, are at work on the
churab sheds at the Preabyterleu ohuroh.
Townehip Council mat in J. Long's
Hall here last Saturday and pushed
through a large share of important busi-
tri whohes been in
Mre. D. Mo as e n o
Q ,
poor health all Winter, le improving
quite uioely and we hope she will soon be
fully restored.
There was no preaching nervine in the
Methodist ohuroh -here lest Sabbath
afternoon on 00000nt of the quarterly
Communion at Brussels.
Joseph Knight, 10th von., hae not been
very well during the past Winter. Hie
heart has been troubling him but we hope
the flue weather doming in will strengthen
Wednesday of last week Rev, D. B.
ltloRee tied the malrimenial bow at the
lnouee here between John Oar000han and
Miss Annie, daughter of Conrad and Mre,
Michel, who live East of 0ranbrook.
A new steel bridge will be put up to
replace the Calder bridge damaged by
the 'Spring lreehet too seriously to be
repaired. The work will be pushed
rapidly along so as not to hinder publics
travel any longer than can be helped.
Fenawann To A PAemon.-The Stretford
Beacon of Wednettday of last week nye
of a former Oranbroolcite :-A large
number of members of North Daetbope
ohuroh, with their friends, gathered at
the manse on Monday evening to bid
farewell to Rev. Me. pamerou and family
who are leaving ehortly for Mr. Gamer-
oul0 new pastorate at Georgetown.
When all had assembled Rev. H. Oownu,
of Shakespeare, took the °hair, and
after a hymn and prayer, called upon A.
Orerar, who read an addreee and present•
eel Mr. and Mre. Cameron with a fine
ool'nbination eearetnry and bookcase, ea a
token of eppreoietion from the conga.
gatinn. The address follows l
1'o 211r, awl Mrs. Camel -tut: -In reeponee
to the oall of the Monet you are leaving
us for another field of labor, Wo hove
gathered here to bid you farewell, and to
give expression, in some slight measure,
to 0110 appreciation of your work liana
Doming amongst ue. When wo look beak
at those years the time name very abort
indeed, but we lcok bank with pleasure,
remembering Ibe very plea0aut relations
that have existed between you end the
people here during that time. You, Mr.
Cameron, by your oouduot and cower.
cation, by your earnest presentation of
the truth, have proved yourself to be a
worth miniotee of the Goepe�l "rightly,
Y n 6 Y
divining the word of life." We retneln-
me our faithful worde in deolaring the
eeea a worde of warning to the ginner,
and words of euooaregem0nt and help to
the believer, and we are aerated that
your worts here has not been in vain, and
that the geed sown will bear abundant
fruit, Although Mre, Commron came
amongst ue as a oompiete [stranger, she
hat, by het exemplary lite tend many
good v0111% 301 head and heart, that
are 00 eekontinl to one in icor position,
been to u0 a noble example, and the will
elwayo bold a warm nitwit in the beums
of the people hero, Ae a aright expree.
ot our regard for both of you, we eek
you to 'inept Ma gift, We trust that
in the future It will serve to rooall Dome
pleasant memories of North 17aothope,
1n your new 'sphere of labor we pray
that God'e richest blowing may rest up'
on you both, and oleo upon tin little boy
that has some to bless your home. May
our Ileavouly Father guard end protean
him; and airy he be spared to grow up a
worthy eon of worthy p000nte. Signed
on behalf of the ocugrogetien :-
DUNOAN F'oanae,
Alma. £Ioocoll,
Juni O. li'1awanr.
Mr. Cameron made a fitting reply on be-
half of Mrs, Cameron and hieneelf, ex.
pressing hie sorrow at leaving the people
of North 10aethope, among whom he bad
epent some of the most pleasant years of
his life, and hoping that at Soma future
time he may agate have an opportunity
of meeting them. 'Then followed a shun
program of vocal and inetaumenutl mesio
and epeeohee from members of the ses-
ame, board of mauagemeut and °there,
The final hymn having been sung, the
uompauy, after a final leave•taltiug .of
Mr, Cameron and famtiy, dispersed.
Mr, and biro. Cameron leave this Week to
spend a few daye at Whitby, previous to
Mr. Onmerou'e indaotion at Georgetown
next Tuesday.
L3e1g arms*4e.
Mies Gradin Fergueon, who has bad a
alight attaolt of appendicitis, we are
planed to say, is improving.
Mre. Lucy Barkley, who hoe been
having a p101000nt visit with her deugbtere
during the past Winter in Detroit and
Toledo, U.S., hes returned to Soignee.
liliaeroc oil 500IETY.-The W. M. l3. of
Belgrove Methounet Church held their
annual public meeting in Soignee on
Tueeday evening, May 3rd. The meeting
was opened with flinging by the nun•
gregetton and prayer by hey. J. J. Hestia,
of Belgrave. After a few introductory
remarks by the pastor, Rev. A, E. Donee,
ammonia and epioy addreee was delivered
by Rev. Mr. Hann in hie usual pleasing
manner. A eeleotiou by the choir wee
followed by Miert M. J. Irwin, returned
Miseionary"From Shanghai. Chiu°, who
addressed the meeting. She spoke
shinny ou the work which was continually
going on in their minion in Shanghai,
and closed with a few ptea0ing remarks
to the ohildrou, oonoerniug John Chinas.
man and asked an to remember her and
her fellow -workers in the great work in
China in their prayers. An offering was
taken up in belled of the missions and
after the Doxology and Benediction the
meeting was brought to a oloee.
Some of the maidens in this common
ity aro a trite molanuboly because Will,
13ryd0n has gone West after epending the
Winter here. Mr. Brydou ought to have
Rome kind hearted body to look after
him but be is en heeitattog about popping
the question.
Mise Nellie, daughter of Rieitord
Miser, who hes been eo 0eri0uely ill with
typho pneumonia for the past month, le
progressing fevorably we are pleatted to
report and her many friends hope elle
will aeon he fully restored to Ler usual
degree of health.
Tueeday of this week a well known
resident of this luoattty, in the person of
George Batten, celebrated his 88th
birthday and received the congratulations
of tumorous friends, Mr. Rattan is as
bright as u dollar and we hope will live
to see a geed many returns of Ibe day,
Last Sunday evening A. M. McKay, of
Brussels, took oberge of the servie0 iu
Viotoria Ball, here, discoursing on "The
Prison arid the Palace," having to do
with John the Baptiet and Herod, Rev.
E. Paul, of Brussels, will preaoh neat
Sabbath evening and visit the Sabbath
School in the afternoon.
Our general blacksmith le kept mill.
ing this Spring and i0 very busy. He does
a lot of work in outting down buggy and
wagon wheels mud rimming same. Mr,
Eokmier does a good job and very readon•
able in primes. Re dues not say mush
but does a lot of thinking. He le going
to build a now blacksmith shop next
W. 111. and Mrs. Cook, of Morrie, spent
Sunday at Alex, Lemont'):
Township Clerk McIntosh was at
Wiugham on Monday ou bueineee
oonneebed with the township,
Court of Revieion will he held here on
Monday 23rd inn., 0010 O'oloek in von.
nection with the Aeeeeement Roll of
J. N. Lamont eold hie hendeonce driver
to Atolue Mallonald, 2nd von„ fur a good
figure. Mr. McDonald handles nothing
but the best,
Ethel Cheese Faotory will oommenee
operations on Monday next, 9th inst.,
instead of the 2nd of May its stated in
lest week's PosT.
Hay Bros, laving paroliaeed the
elevator trona H. I'. McAllister have en•
gaged W. E. Sanders to look after their
intimate in the grain laminae et Elhel.
Farmers having grain to dispose of will
find the weigh man there to attend to
Sanoon REroaa.-Far month of April,
examined in Spell,, Comp., Geog., Arab.,
Grain, Hist. Total, 850, Sr. IV. -Mel
vie S'emmon, 821 ' Lizzie Chambers,
817 ; Nesta Slmpoon, 262 ; Myrtle Im-
hty, 241 ; .Edith Feeemau, 215 ; Hemel
(homes, 200 ; Bert I'lokmier,184 ; Mer.
jorie MoAatlum, 188 ; Irene Liognrt11,
175 ; Tmn Mo.Allietor, 107 ; Lorne Bok.
mine, 182. Jr. 137. -Pearl Bremner,
201 ; 1`torenoe Imlay, 284 ; Betaine
Belmar', 270 ; WillieHemeworhh, 244;
Edith MSKse, 229 ; Sam, Mclntosh,198 ;
Elete Dunbar, 194 ; Gurdon Morse, 176 ;
W. Barr, 170 Katie MeLeod, 172 ;
JamesMuAallum, 171 ; Lizzie Cooper,
167 ; Genne lVloAitioter, 160 ; I]arl Bolt.
mer, 102 ; W. Pearson, 88, Jr, III. -
Laidlaw Strachan, 275: .Roy 3.i3 krnier,
267;' Lavine, McLeod; 255 I Ruoeoll
Love, 258 ; Annie' Cooper, 246 ; Boss
Veneer, 241 I Oele04iee Dane, 288. ; Irene.
Heath, 288 t Davin '1`bompoon, 2801
Edwin Hemeworth, 226 ; Alioe Brom
worth, 208 ; Oolouel Javideon, 207 ;
Alvin Mcl(,ee, 187 ; Charles Hansuld,
181 ; Roy Gill, 171 ; Harris Balmier,
158 ; Jonoph Peareon 158, Average
attendance 41. AanzaT E, Stora, Prin
oipal. Pixetnined Ili Aritb,, Read„ Sp.,
and Geog. Sr. II. -James Bremner,
Allen McAllister, Vera M00e11, Alioe
Barr, Pearl McKee, Luella Henry, Aub.
ray Dobson, Alvin Fleisher, Lizzie Mo•
Intogh, Flede Freeman, Florence Mo•
Ai'lum, Joseph Cooper. Jr. II, -Robert
Thampeen, Herman Foga', Wilfrid
ISokmicr, Willie Thibideau, Pb. II.-
Auute kfoAllieter, Stanley 8teaohan,
Spann Hemeworth, Pearl Gill, Oeeil
Bolinder, Verde Pollard, Charlie David •
eon, Clifford Dunbar, Elwin Dobson,
Edmund McLeod, Weelcy Yeo, Rues
Coates. Sr. Pt. I. -Noble MoKee, Grave
Eokmier, N,rman Addy, Ruby Gill,
Olive Cooper, Ediih Heath, Pearl Bate•
man. Jr, Pt. I. -Annie Ward, Edith
Ferguson, Wilfrid Thompson, Reggie
Hemsworth, Rneeoll Eokmier, Roy Don.
bar, George Pollard, Harold Tyerman,
Harold Love, Piney Sanders, Willie
Cole. Average attendance 41, Mtes
LAURA E. Nxonor,LS, Teacher.
3. N. Robineou was in Oakville a part
of Met week.
Thou. flee paid'T'eeewater a busineee
vinit on Monday,
Norman Cook, of Heneall, visited in
the village over Studley.
Mies Carrie Lawrie left on Monday for
a trip to Britian Oolambto.
Hugh McLeod, of Wingham, spent
Smithey at hie home here.
Peter and Cowin Smith last week
purchased a new bioyole baggy.
Quarterly meeting of the 11lethodiet
Church was held in Salem on Sunday.
A few from here witnessed the Foot•
ball game in Brut -sets Monday evening.
Robert Harris returned from Toronto
an Saturday where he had spent several
Dr. Brawn and Thos. Hemphill jr, re.
tinned from a Melt to Tavietooh on Mon•
iver Smith jr. hue gone to Cheeley
where he has enured a position to the
Merchant's Bank.
Jas. Smith, of Galt, was the guest of
bis brother, 0 Smith end other relatives
here, for a few days.
A number from here attended an At
Home given by the young ladies of
Gerrie Friday evening.
W. Hayes and J. Gillespie left for the
West Wednesday morning, taking with
them a oar of eettlere' effects.
Bishop Baldwin, of aurae, will occupy
the pulpit in the Episcopal Church next
Sunday evening at seven o'clock.
The annual meeting of the ebarehold•
ere of the Boole Uu., will be held in the
Town Hall Friday bveniug at 8 o'clock.
A uniou base -ball team,.with members
from Gerrie and Wroxeter, has been
formed and it ie expected we will have
soma lively games here this Summer.
Geo. and Mre, Spottou moved their
household effects to Listowel this week,
where they will in future reside. A
number of the young people gathered at
their home last Friday evening and had
a pleasant time,
431 it. et,e•.
Farmers are very busy seeding just
Mise Maggie Porter hae been visiting
at Atwood for r the Just two weeks.
Three uew steel bridges will be built
in Grey township this year, two of them
on the 12th con. and the other on the
The first league Football match will be
played in Brunets on May 18th. Sea•
forth ve. Brunets. Don't forget the
The 62 acre farm of John Duneanson
hae been bought by yea. Anguet Moeller,
of Oranbrook. John' linher will work
the form.
Some Fall wheat looks very well end
other fields are patchy and may have to
be plowed up. It is well not to be in too
big a hurry to do the latter however.
Wm. Lawson and family, who have
been making their home at Beumilier,
Huron Co., have returned to their farm
011 eon., where they will (=time to
live. We are glad to see them back.
Reeve Livingstone and Clerk MoIatoeh
were fu Wingham on Tueeday on town•
obip Mainers. It wag expooted that the
law snit over the Ferrand appeal on mill
dam, Morris township, would have been
heard but it was postponed.
Dorothy, the little danghter of Rev,
W, A.Smitb,B, D., of Laaknow, hae
been dangerously Mat Montreal, where
oho was vieitieg rolatieee with her
mother. The tittle lassie's life was die.
paired of at one Limo and her father
sent for but we ere pleased to state that
the orioie has pawed and we hope she
will Boon be etroug enough to he brought
On Wednesday evening, April 27011,
Jno. Oarnoohan 11th Con„ and Mite
Annie, daughter of Conrad Michel, of the
sante line were uuited in marriage at the
ltlanee, Oranbroote, by Rev. D. 13. Mo.
Rae. They have taken up housekeeping
on the 11th where Mc. ()amoebae owns a
good farm, They enter upon mauled life
with the beet wishes of a large circle of
friends. ','•s
Thio Woalt 17. M. Riohardeon, who hag
been to old and well known resident of
the 70h on., left for hie new home at
Manor, N. W. T., about 00 miles
Weet of Breeden. He hae purchased a
tine farm about a mile from the railway
elation and will do well we have no doubt,
Me, Riabardeon took a oar of settler's
ef3oets, which iueludod 7 hones. The
family will fellow lator and will live in
Manor for a tune at leaet art there are no
buildings on the farhi, t,, 3,h ;nod phare of
Mr, Riohordeou'e werl ` this eeaeou will
be getting the lend retake for next season's
Drop, lie expecte to gebNyme mate in this
Spring, however. The many old Mende
of the family, while oorry to eve them
remove from tide locality, will be a unit
in wiehing them prosperity in their new
home, Tun POST will be glad to 01rm11010
from time to Limo remote of progro00
Ohae, MoQuarrio, 10th von., will re
build the abets adjoining hie barn, The
roof .caved in with the weight of snow
daring the pest Winter, wrookirg tire
Leet Saturday 8. 1b, Orerer arrived
home from Toronto .where be hes been
taking a nurse in the School of Praotiaal
Solemn, having completed the term.
He exp00te to go book next Fell for a poet
graduate completion. Mr. Orerar Agates
on epending the aiming nation with a
surveying party in the Tomiekaming
country rebirth will no doubt invigorate
him after his close study at College,
Wedonday evening of last week a
moot enjoyable time wart spent at a social
party given at the comfortable reeideooe
of Robert and Mre, Menary, 9th non.,
when about 50 assembled. The time was
pleasantly passed with vocal and intro.
mental muni(, dancing and social chat,
Abunt midnight a tasty lunch was served.
Tie oompeny eeparated at an early hour,
Thereday morning, with the united
opinion that Mr. and Mre. Menary made
a firet.alaes hoot and hoiden.
Friday evening of last week, in spite
of the disagreeable state of the weather
and roads, a 'large company of young
people assembled al the home of Jno. and
Mre, Dunoaneco, 11th 000. The even-
ing was spent in social chat, games,
music, solos and tripping the light
fantaetio. Violin mueio Wee impelled
in the usual tiptop order by R. L. Tay-
lor end N, 0. Danoaneon and Campbell
Bros., a000mpanied on the organ by 11.
L. Taylor and the Misses Campbell and
Switzer. Lunch was served at an early
hour with the beet that land and hand
could provide, a000mpanied by tea and
coffee, AIi epent co very enjoyable even-
ing till the woe emu Inure of the morning
when the company departed for their
roepeotive homee wishing Mr, and Mrs.
Dunoaneon many happy and proeperoue
paten in their new home, the where.
aboote of wbioh they neve yet to decide.
All were entertained in tiptop order as
Mr. and Mre. Danoaneon are fiat-olaea
LITERARY Evnnnro.-Oo ,Thursday
evening of last week the young people of
Union League gave a literary program
in the oburob. The program was divid•
ed into two porta, part I being taken by
the ladies of the League and part II by
the men. Part I consisted of •-Sates•
tion by oboir ; recitation, Pearl Oxtoby ;
duet, S. Sperling and F. Baker ; rani•
ration, F,orenee Whitfield ; report of let
part of E. L. Convention, Irene Baker ;
reoitatioe, Tillie Whitfield ; dialogue by
3 girls ; duet, C. Rothwell and A. Oamp•
bell ; recitations by Beatrice Whitfield,
Irene Baker, Mrs Justus Lake and
Amenia Whitfield. Part II. -Selection
by the choir ; ohairman'e address ; read•
ing, Wm. Whitfield ; instrumental, h
Taylor and F. Hanna, encore ; reading,
J. A. Speiran ;'reoitation, 1. B. Lamont ;
solo, Wm. Whitfield • dialogue, by 2
boyo ; ioetrumeutai, Meagre. Taylor and
Henna ; reports of 2nd part of E. L.
Convention by Thos. Dougherty ; reci-
tation, S. B. Lamont. The program was
well rendered throughout and was greatly
appreciated by the large audienoe.
Smaoon REPORT. -The following ie the
standing of the pnpile of S. S. No. 11 for
the month of April art aeoertained by ex-
aminations. Average attendance 46.
Olen V.-Oeeil Coasts. Sr. IV. -Dela
.11ethwell, 68 ; Clara Rathwell, 61 ; Roy
Hanna, 57 ; Jae. Gonne, 40. Sr. III.-
Floreooe Whitfield, 73 ; Jeeeie Campbell,
84 ; Louie Engler, 62 ; Mamie Denman,
61 •Ruth EuK lex 60 Bye, Rothwell
Ecce S
57 ; Charlie Bn y, 56 , Stanley
Hutchinson, 50. Jr. III.-Jno. Holten.
beck, Mary Taylor, Millie Speirao, Katie
Denman, Alma Speiran, Pearl Oxtoby,
Blanche Whitfield. Sr. II.-IvaSpeiran,
Irene Engler, Geo. Evans, Percy Ward,
Jae. Doull, Wilfrid Whitfield, Myrtle
Hpeirau, Lily Evans, Robss, Piakerell,
Herman Piokend. Jr. II. -Marguerite
Hutohineon, Jno. Hyde, Alex. Hyde,
Mary Maohen. Sr. Pt. IL -Russel
°orate, Willie Ward. Jr. Pt. II. -Fred
Oox, Hartwell Speiran, Christie Engler.
Pt. I -Stanley Machan, Millie Cox,
Wesley Ballantyne, Gordon Whitfield,
Milton Oxtoby, Edith Plokerell, Gertie
Speiran, Maggie Love. S. B. L.tttoNT,
Farmers are hustling in the seed,
George Cardiff wag a visitor at Ethel
last Snaday.
Warden Bowmen attended a meeting
of the Hoose of Refuge Building Oom•
mittee et Clinton on Tuesday of this
A wedding is on the Bettis. Brneeele
will furnish the bride and the 511 line
the groom. That's right Herb. take ad-
vanlege of Leap Year,
James Deane bee returned from a OM
with friends in Oxford Co. He complains
a little of the effeote of a fall he had laet
Winter but we hope 110 serious results
will follow,
Lent Sabbath afternoon the union
Sunday Sellout was re opened for the
00119on in the Audereon eohool house, Srd
line, 'Thomas Straoban, of Grey, ie the
faithful Superintendent.
There are a couple of families quaran-
tined neer Browohown with what is
pronounced es light attaoks of smallpox,
said to be brought from Manitoba by a
visitor, We hope the parties intereoted
will soon be all right.
Gilbert MoQallum, 8th line, has been
bothered considerably during the past
Winter with rheumatism but we hope
the Spring weother will invigorate him,
Mr. McCollum bas passed his 8001r birth.
day and has been a rugged men in itis
A. B. McAllister, formerly of the 2nd
of Morrie, writing Tan POST from
Winnipeg, on April 27th says t' -We have
moved from the "Soo" to Winnipeg so
want TEM POST changed to oar new
addreee. The weather is fine here now
and seeding to being rnehed alieed, It
bag been a any baokward Spring,
Last Sunday evening 0barli0, the four.
yeas -old sun of William Snob, 3rd line,
bad the misfortune to have a portion of
the oeoond and third Angora of hie left
Mend taltou off by a root palper in the
barn. We hope the little fed will soon be
all right but of nurse Minns hie digits,
Don't forget the Foot Ball matoh in
Brueeele on Friday, May 18th. Seatorth
vs. Brussels,
Sctroon RnroaT.-The following le the
standing of pepile of S. S. No. 0, Morrie,
for April: -8r. IV -Nellie E. MacArthur
88 ; Mary Fear 84; Rose Jackson 81 ;
J. Stanley 610oArtbur 76 ; Jennie Bell
63 ; David Jaoitaon 57 ; J. BIM Evans 52.
Jr IV -Harold McCall 76 ; Normuo
Jsokion 71 : John Taylor 65 ; Frank
Bell 61 ; Arthur MoOall 80 ; Frnk Mo.
Oaughey 40. Sr, III -Albert Skelton 88;
Joeeph MoOaughey 81. Jr. III-Gertie
Fear 75 ; Both Gray 71 ; Robbie Bell
54 ; Willie Sheldioe 41, r. II -Myrna
Jaokeon 74 ; Mary MoOaaghey 60. Jr.
II -Robbie Bird 62, Pe, II-Alamie
Moore 87 ; Hazel Jaukson 82, -lir. Pt. I
-Leslie McCall 98 ; Roy Gray 80 ;
David Sholdiae 74. -Jr, Pt. I -E mer
McCall. Muse M. Pasant/ MAmtxezle,
First Match Of The Season,
"Hurons," or Senforth, and Brussels
Intermediate Champions street.
The opening game of Foot Ball for this
season was played on Viotoria Park,
Brussels, on Monday menthe between the
well known, sturdy kiokere, called the
',Hurons", of Seaforth, many of whom
are veterans at the game, and the Inter-
mediate team of Brunets. Ae the viefame
snowed up with nearly a complete line
op of reliublee some of our enthusiasts
feared our lade would be.badly drubbed
as only four of last ,year's champions
were on the teem, viz , Robineon, Biowa,
Cameron and Kerr. Two of lest year's
Junior team were on the list, Miller and
Liodeay, and to complete the eleven
Anderson, Montgomery, Strachan, Little
and McNair were drafted in, several of
the boys playing their first game with an
outside club. But they did their part
well and showed that while Brussels hae
lost a number of Bret -class players in the
peewee of Ira Gerry, Frank Roche,
Willie Good, Oliver Qnerin and others
eine lest season they have likely timber
on hand to make a good fight for the
retention of the Championship trophy.
It was 6.30 before the Referee's whistle
blew and at it the opposing teame went
entirely regardless that this was the
initial game in a baokward season. 'Up
and down the field the ball was taken
with 000aeional very neat oombinatiooe
and mime, bot ao well were theplayers
matched that half time wee up without a
goal being snored. After a short breath-
ing spell ends were reversed and the
eeoond round entered upon. Little
advantage was gained by either aide and
a few oloee calla were credited to both
clubs until time was about up when a
(losing running grass cotter dodged Brus•
seta eoal•keeper and the "Hurons" were
credited with 1 to 0. The home boyo
Woke op and took the sphere to their
neighbor's goal but failed to sones and at
the expiration of an hour of hard play
the game terminated with the same
revolt, one boyo being well pleased at
their ability to hold down their doughty
opponents to so oloee a snore,
The teams lined up as follows :-
Kerr Goal Bright
it abineonL ga(ko f. Stewart
Anderson......... f 1 .......,F. Sille
Lindsay •........ 0. Sills
Brown t Backe McLeod
Montgomery... Muer ay
Miller Finlayson
Little Bethune
Strachan Forwards,.. .. Hamilton
McNair L. McDonald
Brown Jackson, of Seaforth, was the
referee and hie deoieioue gave eotiefaotioo
to both teams.
The Seaforth team was a000mpanied
by several of their townspeople. They
are a gentlemanly lot of young men and
will make the opposing teems in the
senior series beetle this season. The
match on Monday evening was not in
oonoeotion with any program but merely
a friendly practice game for both teams.
Some Wingbom entbueiaeto took in the
match beittg specially interested se they
have an Intermediate as well as a Junior
team in the field who will have to try
conclusions with both Seaforth and
Brussels kiokere in ohampionebip eom•
petition in connection with these League
°outsets, Seaforth hae no Junior team.
Brussels Council.
Regular meeting of Stalemate Council
was held Monday evening. A'11 the
members present. Minutes of last meet-
ing read and passed.
The following accounts were present.
ed ;-
R. Denbow, street improvement$ 3 00
W. Bird, " " 2 00
R, K. Roes, ooal 5 50
A. Constar, Aeeeesor'a eatery42 50
Alex. MoLanoblin, salary 25 00
A. Ballantyne, work on street1 50
Geo. Smith, " " „ 1 50
On motion of R. Thomson, emended by
R. Henderson that above amounts be
paid. Carried.
Moved by R. Henderson, eeoonded by
SA:. Plum that Court of Revieion be
held on Monday, Jude Oth, set 8 (retook p.
m. Carried.
Moved by Robt. Thomson, seconded by
S. T. Plum, that no action be taken in
reference to oommanioation from . Wm.
Blaebill, Walton, reference to refund of
percentage added to hie taxes, Carried,
Barrister Sinelair, town Solicitor, slat.
ed to the Council that the Sewer Appeal
would Dome op at Toronto on Thursday
or Friday of this week. That the Wool -
let factory foreolosnre prooeodiuga trete
being taken and judgment is being asked
for immediate sale of the property by the
Corporation, The amount due the town
le $4,500,
vV. Griffith and L. Danford inked rile
00001011 for annual grtut to Band. No
motion taken at present.
WVelghmaeter MoLaaoblin reported
reoeipte from. Softies to be 1334,45 for the
month of April.
Moved by S. T. Plum, seoonded by A.
Beeper, that the Oonetablo he tnott`uoted
to n06ffy gipaie0 that they will not hence,
forth be allowed to plane their vamp
within the limits of the oorporatiou.
Mansion art to street improvement,
&o„ same tip and the Committee agreed
to take Omit annual toot around town to
gee what was neoea0ary,
Council than adjourned.
Gorrie hoe e Tennis Olub,
Atwood is trying to organize a Base
Ball team.
Blyth Base Bell team re -organized Iaet
Friday night.
Clinton Laoroeee Club will hold a
eelebrattoo 0o May 24th.
The Brueeele Intermediates, Champions
of the W. F. A., have accepted an eh.
gagement to play the Oliatnn Hough pup
team iu Clinton on the 24th of May.
Ou the 13th of May Seaforth Inter.
mediate team playa on Viotoria Park,
Brunetti, against the Brut/eels Inter-
mediate Champions of the W. F. A.
Don't forget the date.
The Junior, Intermediate or Senior
team° of the Toronto Smote would like to
arrange for a game of football with the
Brunets teams or any other towns near
here for the 24th of May.
Owing to lbs dates of the Seatorth and
Loudon horse meets ooufliooing, the
former tort club held a meeting last week
and set the time for Tuesday and Wed.
nenday, July 5111 and Gth, $1800 is
offered in prized.
The London Free Preee has donated a
silver o0p to the Western Ontario
Buwlere' Aeeooiation to be competed for
iu the Aeeooiation oontest, whiob was
won last year by the Clinton rink skipped
by W. P. Spaulding,
The Goderioh 0. I. club have re-
organized tor the season with the tallow.
ing officers : Hoo. president, H. I. Strang,
1. A. ; president, A, Bowles ; viee.preei-
deut, G. S. Boyd ; eecretarybreasarer, R.
G. MaoLeonan ; manager, J. J. Bailey I
oonnoillore, E. Sherwood, H. G. Long
and E. H. Durnin.
The following is the C. L, A, senior
etbedule for Seaforth
Seaforth at Owen Sound, Jane 10.
Seaforth at St. Marys, Jane 22, Mre. John Lott, Albert attest, has been
St. Marys at Seaforth, July 1. oil the sink ties with p.eurt031.
Owen Sound at Seaforth, July 20. Mre. Jno Pugh ten ;enewtng old friend -
Orangeville at Seaforth, August 10. shape in B,uevate for a`fww days.
Mrs. J. Leckie and Master Jaok were
vietlore 111 Toronto during the past week.
Rev. R. and Kra, Peat spent a few
days in Binevale vieitiug retotivoe and
Jno. and Mre. Ament and Willie, of
Millbank, were i0 Brussel), for a few days
this week.
Jas. end Mre. Ballantyne and Master
Jack were visiting C,intou friends for a
short time this week.
Mrs. G. 0. McDowell, of Seaforth, hae.
been visiting with her parents, J. and
Mre. Carrie, Mill street.
Mre. Edward Speirau, Phomas street,
hae been under the dootor's care this
week. We hope she will soon be o. k.
Jamas A. and Mre. Cline, of Wingham,
were visiting P. and Mrs, Soot auto
other old frfeode in town on Wednesday.
A. and Mre. Souter and baby, of Eg•
mendable, were visitors with Chas. and
Mrs. Ritohie, John street, met Tuesday.
• Masa Pearl lYIoltillian is home trona
Toronto owing to the burn -out of the
pine of bueineae in wnioh she wa0 en-
Councillor W. H. Willis, Mre. Willie
and eons, of Seaforth, were in town on
few houre at B.
avenins e
Monday e Eor a
Barristers Morphv, of Listowel ; Mo•
Kay, M. P. P., ot Owen Sound ; and
Dudley Bulmee, of Wingham, were in
town on Wbd0eeday.
Mre. G. L. Walker, Alexander street,
has been on the etok tin, bat will soon be
quite emart we hope. Mre. Williamson,
uer mother, is vielttog her.
Aaron Lindsay end lieu. Edwards are
at Fergus etart1ng a wets drilltog maohine
sold to a party there. The former will
likely remain tor °oma time,
Oliver Qnerin left town on Monday for
Winnipeg where he purp00e0 making hie
home. His removal wi,t make a 0000007
on the Foot Bail tenni here.
M. Buchanan and Chas. McKay are
away to Ariel, Muskoka, where the P.
Ament saw mill to loomed, helping to
rush through the sawing of loge, deo.
Thee. Walker left oboe Week fur a trip
to the West and if he finds what suite
him he wall Io0ate there pormaneutiy.
Ile is a tinsmith by trade and a good
W. Jamieson hes 1300010 Mitohell where
he hae taken a position in 11. Mowbray'e
furniture store. He is a good reteohenbu
end a very obliging young man no will no
doubt do well. We wish him 0000000.
Tan POO Wee layered with 0 oa11 from
Editor Appleford, of the Seaforth Newts
on Monday of this week. He drove over
to see the foot hall matob between the
"Hurons" of hie town and our Inter-
Bussell Zimmer arrived home on
Friday evening from the Behoal of
Yraotioal Sofonoe, Tomato, where he has
spent the meet term in the study of
Ene06riea1 and Meomanioal engineering.
Lie is a good student and will do well.
Dr. Gann, of Clinton, and Dr. MLlne,
of Blyth, drove over to 13ruooele on Mon-
day to pay a visit to Dr. MoNanghton •
who has been LII for the past few weeke
with ja0udice. 'Tho patient is Improving
somewhat end we hope be will soon be
able to be abuttu once more,
W. Clark, of Lundau , end S. Seattle,
of Wtarton, were bete attending
Division Court in uouoeottonWith ,a suit
with 11. Jamas over a question of agrees
went to hotel transfer. Dome • time ago,
Masers. Beattie & Clark were femme
proprietors of the Amerioen hose.
J. D. Stewart, of the Batik of Ottawa,
bag been appointed'to the Bawkoobury.
Ontario, agency, It is a teem 4,000 to
4,500 population and ie situated oil the
Ottawa river. Mr. Sterrett Kaye "On
tbie tilde of the river the ounntry ie
rather flat but the ether gide ie quite
mo0nta100100-more pioture0gne batlees
valuable.'' Me, 8teWart was a former
Braeoelite being a sou of the late Dealt!
Stewart. 'We wish him 00100ese,
W.H.K.-ERR, Prop.
to Indicate that burl, belong to the one
age or period,
The Divisional Court }geld that the Sal.
vittton Army cannot he nett.
Kenneth paeoolmon, eon of A, C.
Oaeselmao, was drowued iu the Don,
Grain ratca on the two Canadian rail
veep, to the seaboard have been redeogd.
(leurge Gee was 'found gu,lty at Wood
etook, N, J3., of the murder of Milly Gee,
hie cumin.
Beuge, the lawyer, .was gent for trial et
Begins for oompiioity io the $10,0130
mail robbery.
Eatery Begley, jun„ was fatally in.
jued at Shelburne by the tall oft) rafter
at a been ratrmg.
The report that the Japanese Govern.
meat hes bought two 0. P. lie eteamsbipe
is oflimolly deuced,
Samuel Behnke, en elderly man, nom.
milted suicide by baugiug Mimedin the
woods near New Daudet).
The G. T. he tae begun proceedings to
expropriate part of the bathed eras.
South of 1"rout street, ;Toronto,
Tie thirteen -year •old daughter of
Frederick Fountain was fatally burned ae
Mille Ruches by her clothing oalohiug
The steamer Oriole upset in Muskoka
River near Braodbridge with rorty pee-
0engers on hoard. Fortauabely .all se.
11. ll. Kent, of Hamilton, has issued a
writ Leg0.001 Aid. 13iaaell for Blander in
oodneubtou with 010 Alderman's state•
mar ne regarding the 01031 oval 000100ot.
Clement Gcyette, who murdered hie
employer, Dismal Colligan, and bis young
eon, near Arlen, in Pres°utt county, in
January last was hauged at L'Orignol.
William hitherto, oonvioted of eettiug
fire to a homes and barn of hie employer,
W. H. Taylor, was sentenced to Central
Prioun by Judge Monk at Hamilton.
A Blenheim deputation mated the Gov•
ernmeot to direct the License 00mmid-
sioni0 there not to leen° licenses in view
of the vote oarryiug the local option by.
law, to whiob the Town Coonoll has re.
fused to give a third reading.
People We Talk About.
Seaforth at Orangeville, August 17.
A very enthoeiaetio meeting of parties
talerested to lawn tennis was held in the
Council chamber, Wingham, on Monday
eveuing of last week when the Mob was
reorganized with the following officers :
Honorary President, Wm. Oorbould ;
Honorary Vioe Preaideut, Thos. Bell ;
President, J. A. Morton i let Vioe
President, Mies M. Macdonald ; and Vioe
President, A. A. McLean ; Secretary.
'T'reasurer, Min N. Dineley. It was
decided to have the grounds put in good
Connate IN Ror,Ee.-Al a meeting of
the Western Foot Ball A0Ooaiatiou oxen.
tive Saturday night in Berlin, several
important changes were made in the
junior rues in order to bring the W. F. A.
rales foto conformity with the 0. F. L.
The average weight limit was raised from
120 to 180 pounds and the 140 maximum
weight was abolished. No reetriotioo
now on the weight of any individual
player eo long as the average is 180.
Charging of goalkeeper also ohauged. He
oan only be legally charged when bend.
ling the ball. The vioe•president of the
district has power to draw up the
schedule in oa0e (lube cannot agree, and
that shall be final after approval by the
preeideub of the aeeooiatron. Twelve
players of the Royal intermediate olnb
were easpended for having accepted a
consideration of $3.75 each last year,
they having aoknowlodgtd the consider-
Canadian N ewes.
The census of Mitchell just taken by
the aeaeseor makes the poi,ulatiotl 1,910,
or an increase over last year of 48. The
personality and real estate shows an ie•
crease of $32,000.
Among tits companies inoorporated, as
noted by the Toronto paper0, is Avon
Hosiery Company, capital $40,000 ;
provisional directors, D. M. Ferguson,
BAC William», R. L. Baker, John Far•
geaon, J. W. Ohoweu, of Stretford.
While drawing hay at Charles Carpen-
ter's, about a mile from Dublin vilioge,
M. Gribbone had the misfortune to meet
with a severe aooident. As he event to
Mose the been doors, the wind blew one
ahnt against the upright, nuexpeotedly,
and ()aught his bead between, result be•
ing a badly Itl&reted ohiu.
The idea of hoeing a ooutral camp of
instruction this year hag now been
definitely abandoned. The Minister of
Militia ie anxious to get the beet poo•
elide property, but there has been uo
time yet to examine the free 0ite whiob
wets offered to the department near Sbar•
hot Lake by the Outario Government.
The Winter hae been eo long and the
snow 0o deep that it hae not been feasible
to carefully inspect this property, Art..
nordiugly,the °antral camp of inetruo•
Mon has been postponed for the present.
Word hes jest Dome from Dawson that
Governor F..e. Congdon of the Yukon
Territory paid a visit to the spot where
gold hnntere recently dieooverod the
huge remains of a mammoth on Quarte
Creek, Mr. Congdon found the than
intact, and with them three ribs. It is
expected that the remainder ot the net.
eton may yet be found in the,vioiuity.
The parte already found are undamaged
and it 1s hoped that when other se«61une
of the frame are gathered up the whole
miry be put together. The remains lie
exactly in the pay streak of the gold
bearing gravels, two feet above bed rook
and forty fent below the mine of the
ground. The points of the Weise extend
upward and toaeh the, upper layer of
meek, It is argued that 00 the skeleton
lies in the gold•bearing.gravels, the 'ant.
mal mnoghave died ages ago, at the
time the auriferous deposits were being
Made, It may be that the animal ante•
dated the, gold depoeite, bat the foot that
two feat of the gold gravel ie beneath the
skeleton end Innoh of it above would seem