The Brussels Post, 1904-4-14, Page 8mem THfsi 1f3R8S LS POST WAL 3y. 3* Our Now Wall Papers are now in and we have indeed this year an endless variety to choose from. Our carefully selected stock comprises the latest in Embossed Papers, Stripes withMoire re Ceiling, Tapestries, Neat Bedroom Papers and Papers suitable for any room. Before buying be sure and see our samples as you can save money and get good satisfaction by buying from us. Please re- member, however, you are welcome to look through our samples and receive our attention without buying. Fientpp `•r 111110111110.11, DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, Tara' Ceiv cin . A ohiel'a among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. READ the looal news on page 6. WEATHER keeps cold and bsokward. THE frost was sharp enough Tuesday night to form icicles. Ems gardeners are disappointed in the backward eeaeoa. FOURTH Division Court will be held in Brussels on Wednesday, May 4th. 10 Oeas of salt were shipped from 8r¢ssele Salt Werke duriog the past weak. THE School Board did not meet last Friday evening as there was not a quorum present. WHEELED vehicles have taken the place of the r¢nnere, although on some roads there is a good supply of snow yet in planes. FAnAtERs are getting ready for plowing There ie little or no front in the ground ao that work will not be delayed on that acoonnt. FaII wheat ie thought to be all right so far. FOUR Dare of ooal were received this week, two of them for Thuell Bros., one for the Salt Works and one for Maeere. Stewart & Lowick. The latter also re. oeived ,e oar of Manitoba, wheat. Ow1No to a Dave in of a portion of a drain near the Town Hall several cellars that were being drained by this outlet got more than their ehere of water and the remit was drowned out furnaces. COMPLAINT has been made oouoerning persona who wantonly destroy robins, blackbirds and other members of the feathered family. It would be well for these parties to read np the law and if the practice ie continued they woald be aware of the fine that a magistrate may impose if information is 'aid. PROPERTY Sonn,—Thomee Nicholls bar disposed of his property on John street, to John McFadden, of Brussels, the prioe being $1,975. There ars 6 sores of land, with small fruits, a comfortable reeidenoe, &o. The property wee pnroheeed some three years ago by Mr. Niobolls. He will probably bny again or build. WON THE MnDaL.—In connection with the Northern Business College, Owen Sound, 0. H. Smith, of Brussels, eon of John Smith, of this town, parried off the medal for the beet set of books. He also reoeived 2nd prize for beet specimen of peomanehip, and 8rd for rapid calculation. Mr. Smith is a clever young man and should make hie way to the top of the ladder. We wish him success. Osamu to the almost impassable roads on Thareday of last week the number of heavy horses offered at the monthly Fair was not ae large ae ¢anal. There was a very good attendance, however, and a number of sales made at good prieev. The Faire will be adjourned now until the opening of next year, They have been maintained with marked moons for a good many years and have a wide reputation. GRAND Train SHPIttENTn.—Freight has been moving lively this week. A oar of tow wee shipped to Waterloo by P. Hogg ; A. 0. Dames forwarded a oar of hogs ; M. Coates a oar of horses to Melita, Manitoba ; Jno. B. MoLanablin a car 0f eettlere' effect to Bette Coate, N. W. T. ; Alf. Barker 2 ears of wheat and 2 pare of baled bay; R. Graham 8 ears wheat; F. H. Gray oar of household geode to Stooffville ; P. Ament 2 oars lumber to Wiugham ; K, McKenzie car of household furniture to Marden. Fon Tun Wm.—Tuesday of this week Jno. B. MoLanaleiin left Bruneele for Salt Coate, N, W, T., with a oar load of settlers' effects, including 6horses, imple• menta, harness, wagons, lumber, &c. Mr. MoLanohlin bought a farm last year when be was in the West and is now going out to oommenoe operatione. He was accompanied by Archie Livingstone, who has spent several years in Mao'e employ and will do hie part in further- ing the work. We hope they will do well but wonder how they will manage with• out a good housekeeper. Maybe the solution may name before long. ErwoaTH LEAan0.— Tuesday evening the annual meeting of the Epworth League In connection with Brunie Methodist church wee held, the pastor ie the chair, and a fair attendance present. The following offioere were [Mogen for the coming year :—Hon, President, Rev. T. W. Cessna; President, W. H. Batter; let Vice, Cheietian Endeavor, Miss Dolly • Bather ; 2nd Vioe, MieeiOnery, Ire Park. er ; 8rd Vioe, Literary, Mies Ethel Scott ; 41hVioe, Soalal, Mise Thurso. Gerry; Seoretery, Chester Armstrong ; Treaenr• er, Joe Hunter ; Repreeentative to Die - triol Executive, Mies Minnie McNaugh- ton ; Junior Longue Superintendent, Mre, (Ree.)ldoeene ; Assietant iSuperintend. ante, Mre, W. . Kerr and I'ties Thorea Gerry ; Auditors, W. J. M00raoken and lbIiee Dolly Barker, The flaanoial stets- went showed over 588 raised lbie yeat 80 t meant beingfor M1°' the a tar, 087.75 of B ions. 21 memhore were added during the year. A social will be held under League aunpidee'raaaday evening 26 Jude at which a good program will be present. ed. The League hat enjoyed a prosper• one yeat and with Preeident Salter in the chair for the incoming 12 menthe, 05ei8t. ed by a good working Eleettttitt blit pro. grew ebottld Goatiauot P. AooENr has Bold ten oars of lumber to a Wingbum furniture faotary and has shipped two ears of the stook. WITH the incoming' of Spring foot bailers are being looked np and praotioe games arranged for as soon as Viotoria Park le dry enough to petmit the Walleye to use it. MONDAY the various departments of our Public school settled down to work on the home stretch before the Summer examinations. There will be,a beetle for the nest uoupse of months or so. Tars eighty fifth anniversary of the Independent Or.ler of Oddfellowe, which oconrs on the 26th inst., will be oelebrat. ad throughout the Dominion in an entb¢siaetio and becoming manner. IT ie said that good news has been reoeived by Colin McArthur relative to mining investments in Britieb Columbia, We hope the geniel Colin will strike it rich no that when bis legal heirs are well treated Tan Poor may come in for a Lock penny at least, Tun etagre running to Seaforth and Wroxeter have had no "plo•nio" ie mak- ing their daily trips over the remnants of pitob holes' and sinew banks on the gravel road aid Mes-re Lowry and Robb will be two well pithead men when the roads are once more fit to travel over with comfort, J. A. STau to ie in town this week giv- ing the teem 0. 0. F., a little boom. He is one of the most euccesefol organizers in oonneotlon with the Order. Court Princess Alexandria, No. 28, Brussels, has over 125 members. Is meats the tad and loot rueedayeveuinge etch mouth in the Blaehill bleak. INconurcx.—It is not often people have an opportunity of perusing un aaoontt of their own demree but tbie was the cage during the past weekin reference to Mre. Charles Ritchie, John etrret, Brussels. It was reported from Walton to the Enr- on Expositor that she bad died suddenly. We are planned to say that she is the liveliest aorpee we ever saw and while not as vigorous as her many frieude would like to see her elle is able to attend to many household duties and take au uo. oastonal trip down town. We hope the opening of Spring will greatly invigorate Mrs. Ritchie and that many years may pass before her obituary seed be written. BIBLE 01:NTEEADY FOND.—The fellow• ing are the returns from Brawls Branch is °mnueotiee with the Bible Centenary celebration ;— Collection at Union meeting, Brussels $ 58.92 Contributed eines 4.15 Melville oharoh Sabbath school12,00 Oraubrook Preebyterian church22.80 Cranbrook Presbyterian school8.00 Ethel Presbyterian church 6.21 Ethel Presbyterian school 1 00 Jamestown Sabbath echoal 2 62 Total 105 79 The estimates of the looal Directors, sent to the head olNos of the Upper Canada Bible Society at Toronto, was that at leant $50.00 would be promised but ae the above shows that amount was more than doubled. KIND Woane,—A Woodetook Subscriber in remitting for Tun POST Saye ;—"We can't do without Tun Peer as it is better than a letter.'—From Clifford cones the following note ;—"I always value THE Pen more than any other paper as I get all the home news in it "—A subscriber in Pelee Island remarks t—Enclosed find 51 renewal for TBE PoeT. I don't want to be without it es it brings me home news. We used to live in Grey and my mother looks eagerly far Tan Peer and it le always the first paper opened when the mail arrives. We only get mail here mute a week daring the Winter bat the ice wan so good we had over 6 weeks' oroasing this ammo, the beet we have had in the 16 years we have been here. Had not muob enow but a lovely Winter. We have hurl a flue time bunting wild geese and ducks, There are several liv- i.ug on this island from Grey and Morris townehipo. Tun family of I, 0. Richards have moved to their fine new rseideace, Torn• berry 850555, and will Boon be comfort. ably settled. We wish them many happy prosperans pare in their onmtortable home. The new residence is modern in its arobiteatnre, well planned in the tom. Portable arrangement of r0ome, has tine roomy hutment and Almost every cam- fnrt is ne hand. There are fire places in the parlor end drawing room, a furnace in the basement mud a range in the kitchen w,to h;td and soft water and attachments to birth more and laundry. The interior wood work is ash. Large windows with art grass admit abttndanoe of light anti there are mntellin ceilings in kitchen and betttrnom. By eliding doors the parlor, library and music room, and a egnare hallwa;' may be oonverved into one large epertmcntwhen desired- When the Vetondahe are completed and the lawn levelled off and seeded it will make a vary aetnaotive bane. The oontrsnt for the building twee in the hands of T. Newest gyre', of S3 'essis, add it is it oredit to bans auri t/,0 varieuo persons who were in ohcrga of the different dopartmente of the worts. Mre, R charas hag given the new home ins 000omm00 name ' Toleiutssee", wbioh mO3ne the laud of flowers, a most appropriate term eon. sldering the greet love hire, Rislards has for flowers and the many and valuable spoaimene of floral beauties and raretiee in pet oolleetlonr Standard Bank of Canada Tom."--EETP,i =.9yF.e3.1SX,MS.=aD:G 15872 AeSET6 — OVPE THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS a Gonelretl. B3atb]eintgJ }l`ituSioleItere Oro•rinrttl te d -.5 ,SAVIN( S —DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and npsverde received on whiell INTEREST I3 ALLOWED FR011 DATE OF DEPOSIT at the EIGHEST BANK RATE. ACCRUED INTEREST ie added to eoomute every six months and becomes principal, —MARRIED WOMEN and A1IN03.1S may make and withdraw Deposita without the intervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE.KEEPING only for which no °barge ie made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and oourteoue attention. A. 0. MAOFARLANE, AanNT. OanNa Houso ILLoo T forwarded 1300 N dozen of eggs to Montreal by repress this week. A, 0. U. W. Ledge will meet on Friday evening of this week, Master Workman Ainlay is expected to give hie Grand Lodge report. TBNNId.—A meeting of the Tennis Club and any others interested ill the game are asked to meet at the Drug store of Jamee Fax on Friday evening oast at 8 o'uleak. DAN. DENAIAN took charge Of the teamster outfit last Monday that he puroha-ed from Robb, Denbow, Hie place with P. Anent has been taken by F. Adams, of Seaforth. "Janne from Kerry" was presented in the Town Hall here last Saturday even- ing to a fair sized audience. The 50 oent seat rate did not take. The Oo. have a good baud and orchestra. LAST Sunday morning the oouetruolion train Dame from Palmeretonend sec the snowplow that was dumped off the track a mils and a half North of Brnssele dur- ing the snow blockade an the rails again. It was no easy job to get the plow on as it weighed about 45 ton. Two apeoial freight trains were giro here relieving the oonseeted freight at leading points. GvaLPH ; xrgtlsxctt O. P. R.—Engineer Davis, with nine assistants, returned to Guelph the other morning from Elmira, after a week's work there changing the lunation of the line in order to bring the station within the town. They have succeeded in getting a route ouch that the station may be planed within about 1,800 feet of the main business mother. The grades on the proposed lice will not be any greater ; in fact that feature of the line will, it anything, be improved. A couple of extra curves will, however, be made necessary. The extra length of the line will be only between 700 stud 800 feet, The ohangee seem satisfactory to Elmira people, and the feeling seems to be much more favorable to the extension than before. Petitions are now being aironlated in both town and township, bat it will be aboat a month before the by-law ern be submitted. A. BISLOP M. P. P. ADDREesED FIELD. x300 CLUB.—The Toronto Star of last Saturday says :—Tho Fielding Olnb met lett night in the Parkdale town hail and decided to tender the Hon. Mr. Fielding, Minister of Finanoe, a banquet, the date to be named by Mr. Fielding. Archibald Hislop, or East Hnrou, it1 an address reviewing the situation in Ontario, said that the Liberal party had a000mplished its task. He pointed oat the magnificent state of the Proviuoial Somme. The weakness of the Opposition was fully shown by the faot that they dare not bring even oritioism to bear on the measuree of the Government. Their only ory was corruption, and all their obarges bad been refuted times out of number. As to the questiou of temperance le,5lele- tiou, the Provinoe might tenet their able leader, Premier Roes, to pilot them through all difTioalties on that Score, From hie point of view he oanld yea a growing tendenoy on the part of the electorate to repose more and more con. fidenae in the party that had governed them so long and no ably, and which, he felt coaviuoed, would continue to govern them. Mr, Hielop was elected an honor. ary member of the olub. Business Locals. 10 Youxr pigs for rale, Gno. ROBB, Brussels, 1000 packages fresh garden seeds, for sale cheap. 5. S. Y. Xnsib, Amon wbo will Bee me now canhave a bargain in saws. Taos. MoBREGoa. DRIVING mare for sale, Apply to Jog HUNTER, at the Braseels Marble Works. OLovEn (Govt. Standard) and Timothy and bulk garden seeds Raab e,5 Mo. Crackeo's. Smaie.—Olover, Timothy, Waverly Oats, Muskoka seed Fame, &a. G. E, Kxue, Wingham. GLIMEN SEEDS.—All kinds of Garden seeds in packages 2a per package, 15 for 255o, Tested first class 5eed8 JAS. BALLANTYNE, Grocer. WOULD the person who took sway my wheelbarrow Taut Summer from the Bowling Green kindly return it, W. H. MoOal0RLN. CARPET loom with warpet and spooler, bobbins, shuttles &o,, for sale ata reason• able price. Apply to R. Anderson, Elizabeth street, Brussels. SitotnoabD and 7 dozen high beak 'theirs for ,ata ale° a coach and a number of pi0tares, &n, For pertioalars as to luoality auk at Tun Pegg. OsouNe and Sewing Maabines ateaued and repaired. Alec Organs and S. wing Machines for sale, Apply to Tunnies Mount, Brnssele, 82 Pees Wigs FENdzMo:—Fine nndereigned is prepared to take eontraote for b'ilding Page fence and gates, Pardee in Llotrlu township may leave Were with Jas. Sbnrrie, 4th line. Ronmar Oaese, Ethel P. 0, BINDER TWINE,—Pere Manilla in grain bags with 8 halters, 660 feet, l2 }o ; pure Manilla in grain bags with 8 batters, 600 teat, 1135 ; farmers' epeeist! 660 feet in grain huge with 8 batters, lin. ; tarmere' special in grain base wi.b 8 balturr 500 toot, 100. Twine 0aeh, 1/4 vont added pot. let. To seanre this twlue an order meet bo gluon, W' are agents for Grey, Mortis' and Sampler of the twine, bags and beetere may be gun at one store. 'fake adventa55 of We speaial bargain. 1 A, Al, Melia its CO, l'IaiSOSAI, PA If Mise Jane Kelly was a visitor in London last week. R. and Mre. Anderson and eon were visitors, with Blyth friends. George Cunningham, V. 8., was visit. ing at Lnndesborothis week. Mrs. Vince, of Molesworth, spent the Easter week at Watson Aiulay's. Geo. Ardell and R. G. MoOraoken talk of trying their fortune in the West. Miss Mary McLean, of Lueltnow, is a visitor with Mre. Jas. Fox, Brussels. Miss Downey spent the Easter vacation with friends in Toronto and Chatham. Mise Rankin, of Wingbum, is visiting her Mater, Mrs. A, MoGuire this week. Mre. James Beattie and Miss Bessie are beet; from a visit to Wiarton and Owen Sound. Mrs. William Jewitt ie home from an extended visit with her sister at Mitchell who has been ill. Mre. Rubel Thompson is bank to town after a sojourn of several months with r dam hter at Harrieton. Peter Ferguson, who spent the past Winter with relatives in Toronto, is home again and will continue hie resi- dence in Brussels. J. H. Cameron, Principal of Brussels Public wino' attended the meeting of ube lshaoatiooal Association eon vetoed at Toronto last week. Inspector Robb was re eleoted n mem• her of the School Inspectore, division of the Ontario Edueetioual Association. Inepeotor Tom, of Goderioh, was the i'hairman. We are pleased to hear favorable re- pute from Rev. Mr. Webb, who ie taking medical treatment at London, and we leepe he may soon be restored to hie old ;line vigor. By a notice under Gerrie heading it wi,l be observed that Mre. Thoe. Pierce peeled away from earthly 'menu on Etstsr Sunday, She was a former res- ident of Sraesels and Grey. Mrs. A. MoGuire will represent the Lady Maooabees of Brussels at the Grand Lodge next month. S. Garter will go as the delegate of the Sir Knights. The meeting will be held. at Ohatbem, Antony Sample loft last Friday for Paisley where he hse aooepted a good position as painter in connection with the Oarriage faotory in that piths. He is a good workman and will give 8atie. faction. The genial and well known Alby Roble - 0011, of the Richards S•'ap 0o., of Wood - stook, was ill town on Tuesday. He has all the latest pointers in the busiuese and pushes the sale of the well known article turned out by hie house. 0. H. Broadtuob was nt Seaforth last week. His eiater, who has been ill for sem. months, will have to undergo another operation in the near future and will be taken to Stratford hospital. We hope it will eventuate in her recovery of health. F. H. Gilroy and H. W. Avison will spend next Sabbath at Harrietan where they will assist in the apeoial musical program fn ounne0tion with the dedicatory aervicee of the flue uew Methodist thumb just oompleted. Rev. Mr. Liddy is the snooeseful pastor. Mrs. F. H. Gray and children left for Stonffville on Thursday morning to join Mr. Gray who preceded them to that piece. Mr. Gray's mother a000mpanied . the family, The removal of Mr. Gray takes the President of the Bowling Club out of town. He was also a member 01 the Committee chosen to draft en es for a Bnsinets Man's Association in Brunetti. Fut some time Dr. MoNaugbtou's health has been of a very indifferent character and the needed rest be required was difficult to get. Last week while in Oats Toronto he eonsnitsd several well known Butter, tube and rope.,, medico., and they agreed as to the ail. I.Eggs per dozen meat, viz uterine dyspepsia. Freedom Hay per ton from work and worry with abange of air, F our, per cwt scene and food were geld to be imperative I Potatoes pet bus en the Dr. will bo guided by their opinion Apples (per bbl.) and is now aarangieg to hive bis practice 1 Salt, per bbl., retail taken over by au M. D, for a few months I Hogs, Live while he takes a well earned holiday. Wool AI'R. 14, 1904 POLITA CAPITAIfr—Paid up $1,000.000 RESER VE FUND a $1,000,000 A K Directors ItiaY. 11, 2, WARDEN, D. D„ S. 5, MOM, President. aura -President. Tilos, nl8Ane1Aw, via. 3000 0030000 Din. w. temenniot =LABB, 00 o. 11, E. 000Nerne, 8. n, HEAD OFFICE TORONTO W, D. ROSS - - GIMBAL MANApP1it A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, Drape Bought and Sold. Bomar �a Soold. Farrnoonos' Notes Discounted. f xv Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all mime of 51 and upwards BRUSSELS BRSNOR A. E. MELLISH, Manager. He may take a trip through Manitoba cud the West enjoying hie favorite re• oreaiion with the rad and gun. We hops the vaastion will fully restore the Dr. to hie wonted vigor ao that he may return to Brussels in first clan health. Wm. R. Stratton, wife and son Mel. vfllo, wbo have spent several months in Brussels, left for Toronto last week and from there go to their home at Sohridber, Whether Mr. Stratton will reenme hie old oaanpation at once es 0. P. R. engineer will depend on the condition of hie health. It will Le remembered that he load a very close call for hie life ho the aauident be met with while running hie locomotive whereby he reoeived a terrible blow on his head, se be was leaoirtg out of the cab window, from a projeotion eloogeide the tramp, We bops be will be o. k. Koos College will confer honorary degrees on Rev. W. G. Wallaoe, Rev. John Abraham end Rev. D. M. Ramsay. The construction of the Cavan Library at Knox College, Toronto, will be under- taken at mice, a building oommittee having been appointed. D. A. Gordon, President nt the Wellacebnrg Sugar Company, offers to take over the Peterboro' faotory and complete it if the municipality will. guarantee bonds for 5100,000. Judge Wiaohester Saturday morning sentenced Samuel Thompson, P. A. Gray and A. Cahoon to two years, leer one day, imprisonment, and Ool, John Gray and Thos. Kerr to Dae year imprisonment, on the charge of falsifying ballots at the last moolo,pal eleotiou in Toronto. On Friday evening of last week the congregation of Norfolk street Methodist oburob, Guelph, es a recognition of the work of Dr. Mills and family in that oharoh far the past 26 years, preeeuted them with an addreee and silver plate, consisting of entree dishes, dessert spoons, tea epoone, etc. An ion jam occurred Sunday night just above Viotoria Bridge, Montreal and flooded the towns of Verden, Longneuil, La Prairie and St Lambert. The water roes with alarming rapidity, and by morning the people of Verden were going abmnt in boats. The water almost overflowed the new dike at that point. At Laprairie big manses of ice were oarrled into the etreete, and four boners were ooneiderahly damaged. Tile loss is very great. Nene' Isteed was nearly submerged, the water lying there four feet deep end forcing the nuns to take refuge in the second story of the convent. The situation opposite the city is quite threatening, bat the water bas to rise seven feet or more before it would over- flow the bin atone wall that divided the city from the water front. TAYLon.—In Howlett on April 10th to Mr. and Mre. Steve. Taylor, a eon. xea.a. a zxEa, CAsTLEe—JA0RLIN,—At the reeidenoe of the bride's parents, Grey, on April 6th, by Rev. William Lows, of Wing. ham, Mr, Samuel George Cashes, of Clinton, to Mime Mary Elizabeth, 4th daughter of Mr. and Mos. Elijah Julian), of Grey. Saone—Seim —At the manse, Wroxeter on April 8th, by Rev. L. Perrin, Mr. Alex. Scott, of Turnberry, to Miss Nettie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith, of Wroxeter, 8.—n'Cr Li; Li'r'a., Fall Wheat —�-- 87 88 Barley 87 88 Peas 65 60 28 29 18 14 11 15 0 00 7 00 4 00 5 00 50 60 75 1 00 1 00 70 450 460 15 16 W1 LTO_ & TURNBULL. All Kinds of Hardware. 1. }1 f n All Over Tho largest and mostetinconelbl paint Lf� dealers in the world Hell Olni 0ll's Alnbas- rB. 1.e World. ting Rndwalla breed u eamay open 9�T reponseandwaits.brand rubaSenolby —tiny pool scale and rub off enslly, thNp needed, a recommend It tar Its health toe ewe meaAtabaatlnooee banner with see. 0010 water and n brush le all Web Otis app1ldurability . un show 000Lh twenty beaming tints (and md),of Ohurah's abeeuno. (N°vorsold to bulk,) Lt', A [I OSL Sold by WILTON & TLJiv'NE3ULZ., Geseeezeeeeeeesee azet CLenr.,—In Ethel, on April 10h, John Clark, egad 80 years and 6 months. CALDRo.—Ill Wroxeter, on April 11th, 1904, Roderick McKay Oalder, aged 68 yen's, 8 months and 11 days. THE PEOPLE'S GOI,IJiiiil'3, POST IN BRUSSELS, ON SAT— DRDAY,April 0511, a Lady's Brneelet, colored gold sottlugs nuked together and an amethyst stone in each setting Pinder will much oblige the loser By leaving it at Tum Posen Publishing a ogee, AG OF G1RAIN FOUND, - 1.1 Ovvner may have the name by prov, ing property and uuying for this advertise- ment, 001110 2011T Publishing House, T Tg AIR DRESSING.—THE tIN- .LJL DltasxaNAn is prepared to attend to ordere for Muir dressing In ewituhes made from combings or out hair, Mlt6, 0, Y. tIING6'1'00, Mill street, Brussels, 80.8X THORO'.BRED YORKSHIRE now 1.009 LULU. — The utderelgned °here far sole ono ThoroLbred Yorkshire Row, 1i years old, in pig to his thoro'-bred Yurkelure km Erico applyto 11..8. NIOHOl,60N hogBodmb,u Limo Woks), Mor- rie; Belgraye P, 0. 00.51 Board of Health Notice, Tothe public of Brussels : The time 15 appranahing when all yards said water.eluate MUST be cleaned up. All persona aomosnued ntunt note thio oe the law will be strictly enforced. Signed in be. half of the Board of Health. 09.0 0, PAHL, Obairman. t7G7ANTED.— SPECIAL REP— p 00 3011olt1TATrvR In this county and 44. joining territories, to represent and adver- tise an old established business house of solid ananalal standing, Salary 821 weekly, with expeneea advanced each Monday by °hook throat from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; noxi. Sion permanent, Address Blew Bros, & 00., Room 610 Meson Bldg„ Chicago, Ill. To Contractors. Tenders will be reoeived by the under- signed, on behalf of the Tookersmitb 0000. ell, until Friday, April 29th, addressed to 8eneall P. 0., for cleaning out the big drain on ooiaessions 0, 7 and 6, 11. ft. 8., Tuokor- smith, ascordiug to the plans and specldrss, tiobs to be seen at the crone of the Clerk. 87 4 A, G. 6MILLI79, Clerk, Hansell P. 0. FOX'S DRUG STORE ForMaldo The Great Germ Killer y�e After several years' experience with the above article for the prevention of smut on oats we find the demand constantly grow- ing from the fact that it does its work perfectly. Those who have used it are its warmest advo- Pretty. Patterns AND ALL NEW rates. Ours is the full strength, The Wall Papers we want to show you are etriotly this season's production. They are uegaestiouably superior in 40 per cent. sol Ilti011. beauty of design and artietio coloring to any we have ever shown. We thick it Put up in 25c. and 40c. Bottles will be a mutual pleasure to have you at look over our samples. We hope to have this pleasure at Fox's Drug Store, Fox's Drug More. °PIE tl )0F( STIOK Yew and Ohoioe and at Fair Prices. PRING is at band and with it comes house-clean- ing and new Carpets, Curtains, &c. We have anticipated your wants and have now the most Elegant and Up-to-date goods on the market. Unless you come and let us show you the wide range in stock you will have no conception of the choiceness of design, eolorings and handsome effects we carry. In Carpets we have the best in Brussels, Velvets, ' Tapestries, Wools and Ingrains. The Choicest Stock ever carried in Brussels MATTIJVGS Our line of 11Iattings embrace Linsoleums, 2 and 4 yards wide, Inlaid Lineoleums, Oil Cloths, &c. Neat Patterns and sure to wear like leather. SQUARES The Tapestry, Union and Wool Squares we show give knowing housekeepers an opportunity of securing up-to-date goods without going to the city for them. We also carry handsome Floor Rugs, Table Covers, Piano Drapes, Curtains and other lines that cannot fail to please and all at Reasonable Prices, All kinds of Uplcletoring dote and in goods to matob Carpets if desired. t'0arpete Out and Matched in our Show Room. We have an elegant stoop of A 1 FURNITURE+'. Call and see it. �. Leatller( alp & Soy CARPET DEALERS, BRUSSELS.