The Brussels Post, 1904-1-14, Page 8T IN .II Itis Ci S f3 Ill L (3 YI U ki T
We have that Celebrated Remedy, Cough Balm
is just the 'thing that Willi do it SAFELY
It aids expectoration -soothes inflammation -it heals, cures
and etrenghtens.
It will not cure Consumption but it will any Cold or Cough
of the ordinary kind.
We back up this statement by guaranteeing a refund of your
money if it fails in your case. 25c. a bottle, only, from
Trains leave Bruesele Station, North
and South, as follows;
Goma BoUTU Goma Roams.
Mail 7:16 a.m [Mixed 10:00 a.m
Mixed 1000 0.m I Mail 1:17 p.m
Exprose 8:08 p,m.I Express 8:17 p.m
apt It.ons pins.
A ohiel's amang ye belle' notes,
An' faith he'll prent ir.
Ie snows almost every day,
A 0. II, W. Friday evening of this
Pim HOLES have been "doctored" this
week in town.
Sodom Board will meet, as per Statute,
on Thursday evening of next week.
COUNTY Oounoil will convene on
Tueeday, 28th Inst„ at 8 o'olook at
TAM 001LEomon LONG has been instruct•
ed by the Oouuoil to complete the balance
of theroolleoting at once.
TEE roof of a stable belonging to Mre.
James Wileon, Elizabeth street, caved in
from the weight of snow upon it.
AT HOME -The A. 0. U. W. 'At Home'
will be held on Monday evening, 26th
inst. -Grand Master Gibson, of Ingersoll,
will be hear,
PITCH boles are forming on the gravel
road and only a few days' thawing is
required to give all the sensations of "a
home on the rolling deep."
Toe date of the Young People's enter-
tainmeut in 8t. John's aurae has been
changed from Thursday to Friday evening
el this week, to accommodate the Blyth
BOARD OP Examen/ie.-The Board of
Examiuere for the County of Huron, at
its last meeting in Seaforth, resolved to
grant renewals of Third Claes certificates
for three pears to thous who take the full
Model School coarse and re•p0ee the Mod-
el Sobool examination. It was also re.
solved that the Modelitee who had passed
but were ander legel age, should not re-
ceive their oertifioatee till they were
eighteen. -Geo. Benne, Secy.
A BURNING chimney at the Norton
texture on Tuesday morning at 7 o'olook
gave a number of our citizens an earlier
turn•o00 than they are in the habit of
taking. No damage was done. The
TRAIN service bas somewhat improved
but the trains from the Bad are still a
long piece behind.
PURSE lost containing some -silver last
Friday night between the Town Hall and
Melville chorale, Finder will oblige by
leaving it at THE POST.
TEE monthly Horse Fair Thursday of
last week brought a big crowd to town.
A large number of horses ohanged hands.
Next Fair wilt be Tbureday, February
Hee Honor William Mortimer Clark,
K. C., Lieutenant Governor of Ontario,
hoe been elected direotor of the Metro-
politan Bank as enooeeeor to Thos.
A Loom, Concert is being arranged by
the K, 0. T. M. and L. 0. T. M. in
behalf of the Gravenburet Saoitarium for
Ooneumptivee. The date decided npon
will be Friday, January 29th. Farther
particulars later.
G R. STUBBS has been appointed Local
Agent for the Deering Farm Maohinery
and bis show room will be on Mill street,
opposite P. Scott's blacksmith shop,
Brneeele. Mr. Stubbs ie an old resident
of tbie section go should not have moah
diffionity in pushing baaineas.
NETT Wednesday afternoon the Annual
meeting of East Huron Agricultural
Society will be held in the Town Hall,
Brussels, at 1 o'olook. There should be a
larger torn -out to these gatherings in a
community ae well peopled with progress-
ive farmers as East Huron.
OLDER BELLINGTON, who has been in
W. Dunaae'e barber shop here as assist-
ant for a abort time, and Sam. BIM/rack-
en, of Morris, are going to Chicago next
Monday to take a oouree in the School of
Barbara. Herb. Cunningham has taken
a position in the Duncan tonsorial parlor.
Tem Bachelors' Ball in the Town Hall
last week attraoted s large company, in•
vitatiooe being accepted by people in
Wingham, Blyth, Seaforth, Listowel,
Atwond, Wroxeter and other point,.
Good mesio Wpm supplied by the orchestra
of Tony Vita, of London. Considerable
trouble was gone to in the decoration of
the Hall.
annual meeting of this body was held in
the Orange Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday
afternoon of this weak, with a fairly good
attendance. Election of officers was as
follows :-W. M„ Joseph Hamilton, of
Walton ; D. M,, S. T. Plum, Brussels ;
Beo. W. J. M0 oleon�Walton
Thos. Oakley, Walton 1 Chaplain, W. R
Mooney, Bruesele ; Dig. of Ger,, H. Ham
Mon, of Walton. $4 each was donated
by the meeting to the Orphans' Home at
engine wpm ready for a race but fortunate. Pioton, and the National Oooaumptive
ly did nob have to be called into regains. Sanitarium at Gravenharet. The three
tion. It le well to be on guard, however, lodges comprising this distriot 000stitate
and easy Renee to the tanks and river
ahonld be maintained even in the face of
eo much snow.
I. 0. 0. F. -Thursday evening of last
week theoffeee bearers for Western Star
Lodge, No. 149, I. 0. 0. F., Brneeele,
were installed by D. D. G. M, Dodds, of
Wingham. Theyare ae follows :-N. G.,
W. Goodwin i V. G., D. Fulton ; R. S.,
W. H. MaCraoken ; P. 8„ A. McGuire ;
Treas., F. B. Scott ; Chap., R. Leather.
dale ; Warden, J. Z. Brown ; Con., W.
J. Hunter ; 0. G„ Martin artin : I. G„ B,
Wileon ; R. B. S., E. Nicholson ; L. S. S.
W. Reid ; R. S. N. G., A. Livingstone;
L. S. N. G., Eli Moore ; R. S. V. G., E.
Oober •,L 8. V. G., A. E. Mellish. The
immediate Past Grand is Jae. Humph.
Mee, of 'Nation, Lodge is in e. flourishing
condition with a membership of 115 and
good proepeate. Some of the members
urge the acquirement of lodge premises of
their own as a tidy surplus is now to the
credit of the lodge. Meetings are held
every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in
the Graham block.
News reporter at Listowel gives the fol-
lowing as part of hie report :-At the
Arlington Hotel the clerk stated that,
while the present onnditione are worse
than natal, the trains have been late for
the poet sixteen menthe. In that period
there has been namely a day that the
trains were on time. The trouble began
a year ago last September, when the
Exhibition traffic was heavy. The Rom
pany blamed it on the enmity and bad
quality of the coal ; then the great in.
crease in express tininess was given ae a
ranee of delay, and lately no attempt is
made to explain the why and wherefore
of the dislocation of the time table, The
trains that are made up at the ends of
the braoohes, like Kincardine, Boatb•
ampton and Wiarton, are uenallylnot far
behind, but those ooming in the opposite
direction arrive, es the 'bee man *aye,
"any old "time", The hotel men say that
more annoyance than the Miley le 1010
imposoibiliby of getting information a* to
the whereabouts of the trains or the time
of arrival. Frequently ceremonial men
who arrive two 00 three boars late hurry
through their business with the merchants
in order, to catob a train, and get to the
station and wait for two or three home.
A arise in point immured on Friday. The
down train from Kincardine was about
two bonus late, arriving *0008 time after
10 o'olook. The afternoon train for
Stratford and London are timed to leave
at 2. Soren traveller* went to the atation
al 2 80, and get iii the waiting•room till
almost 4 o'olook, 11 fe exasperating 00
the Mee, and it is a fog* of money to
their firma.
about 125 active members. County
Lodge will meet in Wingham on Tuesday
Feb. 20d.
0. 0. F. -Following is the list of
effeoere for Court Princess Alexandria,
No. 24, 0.0. F., Brussels, for the ensuing
0. R. -Jae. Burgess ;
V. as R. -John Wilbee ;
F. B. -B. T. Plum ;
R. S. -A. E. Mellish ;
Tread, R. Leatberdale ;
S. W. -Wm. Robinecn ;
J. W. -Geo. Kerr ;
B. B. --Jas. Thnell ;
J. B. -.Ed. Bryann, jr. ;
Court Deputy -Jas. Sherrie ;
Med, Examiners -Drs. McNaughton,
Tonle and MoKelvey ;
Auditors -W. H. Kerr and Ohm.
Ritchie ;
Ex. Committee -Geo. Herr, George
Rogore and John Wilbee.
meotiug of East Huron Farmers' Ineti-
tate for the dieouseion of topics of interest
to the tillers of the soil was held in
Benguela Town Hall on Monday afternoon
and evening of this week. Attendance
was fait at the afternoon eee0ion and
large for the evening meeting. In
the abeeooe of President liloMilian,
who is a township coannillor in Hallett,
and Monday the Statutory day
of meeting, George Heed, tboI well
known Secretary Treaenrer, occupied the
obair in the afternoon. T. H. Rule,
Editor of the Mitobell Recorder, gave an
interesting and inetrn0tive address on
"The farmer's fruit and vegetable gar.
den", and W. 0. Shearer, of Bright, spoke
on "Benefits of soiling cows in Summer."
A number took part in the distension on
these topics adding to the interest of the
meeting. President MoMillan presided
and gave a moat appropriate address on
Otte unity between the urban and rural
locatltiee. Wbe following program wag
rendered :-D. Ewan and Mrs. Thomson
violin and piano duet ; address by W. 0.
Shearer on "Advantages of farm lite" ;
solo, Jae, Jones ; addeeem by T. H. Race,
on "The Social side of farm lite" ; in.
ptromantal, Mre. Thomson and Mr.
Ewan ; address by Rev. I. M. Webb, of.
Bt. John's ohnrols, Brussels ; solo, jag.
Jones ; a few, remarks by A. Hislop M.
P. P. A hea0ty 7ot0 of thanks was pass.
ed to those Who contributed 00 the pro.
gram. Mies Maggie MOLanchlin Was
a000mpaniet for Mo. Donee, The Nation
al Anthem brought the proceedings to a
clone. The addreeeee were somewhat out
of the ordinary line followed at these
meetings and possibly to the advantage of
the gatherings in giving variety to Whet
has a tendency to bumbles bdm•dram.
Standard Bank of Canada 'T,r�LE METROPOLITAN
=0Td1.1n7.,X3m== 1.073 .. _.
-This Bank advanoee money on Farmers' Sale Notes, in large or
small. amounts .and for long or abort terms, to milt Ale customer.
-Yon may draw the fall amount of Nolen at one time or you may
draw smaller amounts when you with and for any time that
suite your oonvenienoe, Interest in charged only for the num.
bar of days you take the money. Notes left for °olleetion
raoeive our beet atlentiou.
-Nolen may be left far BAPS KEEPING only for whioh no obarge le made
SAVINGS BANK DEPOSITS of One Dollar and upwards received
and Highest Bank Interest allowed thereon from date of deposit on daily balance.
la -Every convenience afforded customers living at a distance.
KID clove toped. Ask at TnE Poem.
Mumma of Brussels Commit meeting
may be read on page 4 of this issue.
New subscriber's and renewals have
been coming to Tun Pon in pleasing
Brunets on Tueeday on hie offiafal visit,
He is the same genial sun of the Emerald
Wise aver and time eeema to deal very
goneronaly with him.
A BAG of wbeet was lost off a load be-
tween Jemeatawn sod Brneeele Thursday
of last week bnt an honest map found it
and it awaite the owner, Anson Shaw, of
Morrie, at R K. Rose' door mill.
W. F. B0001 writes thee he is enjoying
hie new work in New Ontario and is
breaking in a pair of snow shoes so es to
make journeying possible over the snow
arose of that oountry this Winter.
ON Deo, 80th Samuel F fehleigb, Goa to
Mr, and Ere. Fiableigh, now residing
with their daughter, Mre. B. Gerry,
Brneeele, died in Chicago, aged 59 years.
He was the oldest eon. HIM wife pre-
deceased him.
WEDDING -Peter Patriok a0d Mise
Louisa Keil, of the township of Howiok,
were united in the holy bonds of matri•
mony at the Methodist Parsonage on
Wedneoday afternoon of thio week by
Rev. T. Wesley Cusses. May many
prosperous years be their lot.
was reoeived by Jae. Ballantyne, Brae
Bele, on Wedoeaday afternoon, from Tor.
onto, containing the sad intelligence that
Basle, eldest daughter of las. and Mrd.
Irwin, of that city, formerly of Brneeele,
had died that morning at the hospital
whither aha bad gone for • an operation.
Funeral took place Thursday. Mre. Bal.
lantyoe and Mise Jean MoLanohlin at.
tended. Mies Irwin was a general favor
ite when here. .Possessed of a lady like
graoe, pleasant c000ten0noe and happy
manner she made friends wherever ebe
went and her death will be very sincerely
regretted and wide spread sympathy will
be extended to the bereaved. A number
of Belle's friends here presented a beanti•
MI wreath as a token of their love for the
statement of the Matropilitan Bank,
whioh we publish today, ehowa a
eatiefaatory profit for the year's work of
$26,585 65, the total deposits being
$945,141 82. The Reserve Fond includ-
ing the undivided profits now exceedm the
capital, the amount being $1,018,28.2 31.
This is certainly a particular strong point
in the baok', favor. There baa been
eleoted to their Board of Management the
Honorable William Mortimer Olark, K0,
Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, The
7th Inst, made
the 7
Toronto Globe of
reference to the statement as follows. -
In another column will be found the
annual statement of the Metropolitan
Bank, for the year ending Slob of
December, 1905. It is a matter for
congratulation that at the close of its
first year's business the bank should be
able to present ao favorable a showing.
It is quite apparent from the large
amount of specie, and other live aeseiB,
whioh the bank beide in proportion to its
Habil Mee, that the management is being
adminietered on the moat conservative
HIM." The annual general meeting will
be bald Tuesday, 26th inst.
JARYIe•FAT CONCERT, -A peeked Gall,
a fine program, an orderly and well
pleased andienoe and neat profit to the
promoters ie a summarized report of this.
fine Concert. The date was Friday
evening last and mime time before that
reserved Beate were at a premium so
much eo that a row of folding obairs was
placed in eachaisle. Tioket holders
were admitted by side entr0noe and
capable ushers in the 9000008 of L.
Danford, R. J. MaLauoblin, W Griffith,
W. J. Cameron and A. Sample, saw that
everybody named their seat. The
duties of chairman were agreeably
performed by J. Leckie, at the request of
the Tennis olab, under whose direction
the Concert was held. Mre, (Dr )
Holmes played a fine piano selection as
the opening number and gave another
proof of her capability as a pianist.
Hatold Jarvie, the well known tenor of
Detroit, wee here for his first vieit and
anticipation ran high as to whether be
would sustain the great reputation
ahead of him, He certainly did 00 he
wee intim voice and willingly reepouded
to the urgent reoalle in et manner that will
always give him a hearty weloome here.
While the majority of hie eeleotione were
not new he Bang them with a pathos or
fervor ae neoeseary and with hie fide
stage presence certainly captured the
audience. Mise Jean MoLaaalllin play-
ed his a000mpanimente with her tonal
ability. The ever welcome James Fax,
of Toronto, wag as ready with hie
bumorons songs, variegated ooelames and
funny stories as on any of his former
visite and gave ample opportunity for
many a hearty laugh, Be hag a new
programme that maund people to forget
Sheer troubles and diffionitiee, for a few
Metre at least. Hie daughter a000m•
paoied him on the pinto in good style.
The andienoe Bang the National Anthem
with a zest ebaraaterletia of true British.
Ore and the great company separated for
their reepeotive habitations. Proceeds
totalled $151.80 and after all liabilities
were met the Tennis Club will have the
snug balance of about $60 00. There is
some eatiefaotlon in attendinga good
Concert and the promoteee 000 to be
congratulated on the encomia attending
this efforts in the bringing to town of A 1
talent. The probabilities are another
Concert may be given before the Winter
le past.
A Goon PaoonAtt-While the audience
was not as large as desired at the Town
Hall on Tuesday evening, owing to rush
of other entertainments and rather
unfavorable weather, the program
presented by F. B. Oonklio woo well
presented and very enjoyable. For about
two hours be entertained the company,
many of whom were eurprined at the
rapidity with whioh the time passed eo
engrossed were they in the different
preeent0tione. In David Garrick Mr.
Conklin represented the porion! 9000000
iu a most life like manner and in tune of
voice, gesture and delineation of ohmme-
ter proved himeolf en adept at the art.
He does the humorous also in a moat
agreeable manner and presents a program
well worthy of public patronage. We
hope to see him baok to Brneeele on some
future mandate whethe may be snared
of a bumper house. Mr. Conklin wag
here under the direction of Jerry ORrtie,
of Glenal!en, wno hada week's engage-
ment for
ngage•mentfor him. Drayton was the next
point on the list after Brussels.
Business Locals.
BAw FUR, -Highest prion paid for raw
fare.. A. OouoLEY, Brussels.
HANDSOME walnut eideboard for sale at
great reduotion. Apply to MRs. W. M.
SINCLAIR, Bruseele. •
A Few first olaee second hand enttere
Mill in stook. Alto a number of new
Ouse left. Call early. D. EwAN.
WANTED. - All hinds trade. Dried
apples 50 ; Turkeys 15o ; Freeb eggs 20o;
&o. No, 1 Primo Fox $5 00 Dash.
GER. E. Knee, Wingham.
People We Snow.
Mies Fannie Hogg was a vieitor with
Wingham frieode.
H. and Mre. Mooney will visit relatives
in Paisley for a week or so.
W. Reid spent a week or so at the
parental home in Elmvaie,
Mr. Habkirk, of Galt ie visiting his
mother and Meters in town.
Mies Ethel Sperling spent the holiday,
at her home at Wbiteohnroh.
Mise Et11e1 Creighton is here from
Grand Valley on a holiday visit.
Mies May Robertson, of Wingbam, is a
vie;tor at R. Mainprize'e, Brunets.
Mies Mary Canteen, of Ethel, spent
several days in tuwn palling on friend,.
Mies Eva Oantlon has returned from a
a visit to Clinton with her cousin, Mies
Hattie Lavin.
Thomas .Bone is away on a holiday
visit with Woodetoak and London re.
lativea for a week o, so.
Mise Mamie
McEwen of Leadbar
woe visiting friend, at Wingham and
Brussels during the past week,
Misses Luella Rose and May Skene
were visitors with Mies Agnes Bleck, of
Wroxeter, during the past week.
Mre. Jane Hall ie ,pending the Winter
with Mre. Meadows er. instead of with
the Mieeee Holmes ae elated last week.
Rev. R. Paul hex been bothered this
week with rheumatism in hie knee but
we hope be will goon be able to be about
James Oliver took a torn for the worse
last Saturday and was very low but 10
considerably better again we are plea0ed
to state.
Elise Pipe's youngest brother of Parte,
was visiting her and hie uncle, 0. How•
lett, last week. He had not been here for
eight yearn.
Mre. W, H Stewart left Brneeele on
Thursday of this week to join her
husband at Norval who has taken a
position 0e miller.
Jno. Garter, Mill street, has been laid
tip with bronchitis and Mrs. Garter has
been on the Mak list also. We hope they
will soon be all right.
Edward Garvin has bean on the sick
list for some time with an attack of bron•
but is able to be about once more
we are pleased to state.
Mise Nellie Danford, of Langdon,
North Dakota, is visiting relatives in
Brneeele, She ie a daughter of Harry
and Mre. Danford, formerly of this town.
Mise Lizzie McIntosh and Mies Orerar,
her aunt, of Grey, have moved iota the
residence of Mre. John Sinclair, Princess
street. We bid them welcome to town.
J. A. Oster and wife, of Grey, have
moved into Bruseele and will make their
home here. We welcome them and hope
their stay may be pleasant and lucrative,
Mies Maggie Scott, of London, was visit.
ing Mre, P. Watson, Queen at., Brunets,
and other triende in this locality. She
returned to the Fureet oily on Tuesday
We are pleased to notice the name of
Thome Armstrong in Clang I of the
drawing competition of Inspector Hashes
in the Toronto News. Tommy, Who 1100
been sick for the lent six weeks, 10
improving we are pinged to state.
P. D. Mol7inoon, of Winnipeg, former•
ly of tine looality, hag gone to Florida
for the Winter on the odOioe of his
pliyaioian. We hope hie health will be
invigorated by the warm climate and
that be will Milton in the Spring Cully
Dr. Norton, of Shelburne, Ont., who
hum been at one of the Toronto hospitals,
hal gone to hie bomo, the phyOioiene
averring that they pan do nothing more
for him. The doctor is a son of the late
Rev. Wm. Norton who died here 0 few
years ago.
P. S. Boort, who baa been laid aside
from bneinoog aotivitiee for e00et01
menthe owing to the Welty to big left
eye at the Amont 1001001 fire, is making
CAPITAL -Pahl tip
IUISLxtVE FUND • • $1.000,000
R. $,. waxuDN, D. D„ 8, J, i1I001081,
Proeldent. Ytoo•Preoldent,
0, n, mama, W MORTIMEli CLAEE, n,0, 0. e. TUOMEI0N, 10. O,
Dram Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notoo Dieaouuted,
Interest et HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all Bums of $1 and upwards
A. 17. MELLISH, Manager.
favorable progress now and was able to
take his plane ae -town Clerk at the
Council last Monday. The oold
weather has been against him.
There will be divine service in the
Catholic oharoh, Brussels, next Sunday
at 11 o'olook, a, en.
Mies Eva Degge, of Chatham, sang
"Face to Fen" at the morning service in
St, John's church last Sabbath morning
with good effect.
This week Mre. J. J. Gilpin tendered
her resignation as organist of Brussels
Methodist oburah, atter a faithful
inoambenoy of over 20 yenta, owing to
ill health and ooneuede00 inability to
attend oharail or penmen.
Last Sabbath Rev. Dr. Gundy, of
Wingham, preaohed two floe sermons
in Brussels Methodist church in non.
motion with the Missionary Anniversary.
The morning text was Matt, 0 and 10,
"Thy Kingdom Come." After stating
what the kingdom woe and WEN not he
showed potent inflaenoea to aid the Rom.
ing of Ohriet's Kingdom viz : (1) The
Bible ; (2) Organl8ad effort of the Ohuroh ;
(8) The Holy Spirit ; (4) Prayer and
work. In the evening "The great Harvest
Field" was the theme, • Mise Eva Daggs,
of Obatham, sang the beautiful solo,
"Good-bye sweet Day" at the(eveuing ear -
Mae in:good voice. Mieeionary contri-
butions for the day totalled 0700 885 00
whioh will be supplemented by other
eubaoriptione and the amounts aontribot.
ed by the Epworth Eeogue and Sabbath
The annual meeting of the Grey Branch
Agrioaltural Society was held on
Wedueeday afternoon as per statute.
Preeident Jas. 8peir in the obair. Min•
dtee of last meeting were read and pass
The annual report wpm presented by
Seoretary-Treasurer for 1908 showing the
receipts, inaludiog a oredit balance from
the year previous of $1833 15, to be $2976 -
O3 arta expenditure $468.56 leaving a bal.
a0oe of $2.487.21. Report watt certified
as eorreat by Auditors Scott and Stroh-
m and was adopted on motion of W. H.
MoOraok.•n and R Nichol.
Following officers were eleoted for the
year :-President, Jas. 8peir { Viae Pres,
J. D. Warwick, V. S. ; Directors, W. H.
MaUrauhen, R. Nichol, P. Robertson, P.
Sontt, ll Milne, J. Leokie, G. Robb, Jae.
Evans and Robt. MoD
0na 1d • Auditors,
P. 8. Scott and A. Strachan. After dis•
ouasing several matters of interest the
meeting adjourned. Din otore will meet
se Brneeele on Wednesday afternoon of
next week at 1 o'olook,
C7stna.ditiu Ne wee.
Hon. H. R. Emmereon was sworn
in as a member of the oabioet,
William Hillis, burglar, made a dar
i0g enema from Hamilton jail,
Macdonaid, Mao., Liberals nominated
James Riddle for the Commons.
Very Rev. Dean Kilroy of Bt. Joeeph's
(R. 0.) Church, Stratford, ie dead,
Joseph Ganter, yardmaster at St.
Thomne, was run down and killed,
The G. T. P. has enrveyed a line from
the projected main line to Port Arthur.
West Elgin Independents nominated
Jabal Robinson, M. P. for the Oommone.
Henry Bellinger, a farmer near
Atteroliffo. was etruok by a train and
Gyorge Pariah, of Hamilton township,
wag fatally injured by falling Prom n.
load of straw.
Jamee Malloy, postmaster of-Sandown,
' Prescott county, committed minds by
shooting himself.
e3urglaro entered Pape & Moore's
jewellery store at Bothwell, but were
frightened away before they seamed
Mre. Flora Maodonald, aged 98, of
Toronto, was burned to death early Tue..
day morning, owiug to the upsetting of a
coal oil stove.
Ool. Munro was nominated for the
Legislature by the Liberals of North
Oxford, and D. R. Rose, of Ebbw,
announces that he will ran 0e a Prohib
The merchants of Guelph are petition.
ing the Canadian Pani$o Railway to give
them relief by affording competition with
the Grand Trunk in a direct service to
and from Toronto.
Postmaster W. H. Ingram, of Bt.
Thomas woe charged with esesulting 0.
13, Pride, one of hie clerks, On express.
ing regret that be acted eo hastily the
charge was withdrawn.
Mr. Nose ,a - the, Japanese Conan'.
General at Montreal, rays the Japanese.
military authorities will accept no ,
Canadian or other voluntoere, sag their
army inroad° up of general conscription.
The departure of Sir William. Malook
for the South for a few Weeks is taken
in Ottawa as further proof that the.
lineation of a diesoltnion or a 0000100 i*
still undecided. Should a session be
called there Would have to be eight bye -
The Eddy Company has looked up fie
paper mill at Hull inooneequenoe Of the
'strike of the paper malrore there.
Alrondy the Roman Catholic Cburoh
authorities are urging the men to return
00 Wools to avoid great dtetroos in mid.
The Lender] Oonnail hove r000ivod a
letter from the Corporotion Trust Oom•
pang of Montreal, offering to furnish the
pity with electric light, beat and power
at half the present poet,
Nlouor.-In Morrie, on January 6th, to
Mr. and Mre, Edward Nichol, a eon.
M BRRI>r=,
MoEAOHe0N-MASON.--At the residence
of the bride'e father on Jan. 12th, by
Rev. Jno, Ross, B. A., Mr, Hugh
MoEnobern, of OMB, Alberta, N. W.
T., to Mise Jennie, youngest daugh.
ter of Mr. Jno. Mason, of Morrie
PATRICK-KEIL.-At the Methodist Par.
sauage, Brueaels, on Jan. 18, by Rev.
T. W. Coaene, Mr. Peter Patrick to
Aliso Lonien Hell, both of Howiok
ROBERTSON -BANDER,. -At Oho ma nae,
Oranbrook, on the 12th Inst„ by Rev.
D. B. McRae, Mr. William George
Robertson to Mies Cora May, third
daughter of Mr, John So,udore, all of
SMALLDON -At Yale, Michigan, on Jan.
12, John amender), aged 63 year's,
formerly of Grey.
Fall Wheat 74
Boriry ...... 85
Peas 60
Oats .. 25
Butter, tube and rolls .. 15
Eggs tier dozen 17
Flour per cwt. .4 00
Potatoes (per bus.) 30
Apple's (per bbl,) 75
Hay per ton .. 6 00
Bah per bbl., retail 1 00
Hoge, Live 5 00
Wool 15
Hides trimmed 6
Hides rough 5
Lamb shins eaoh 25
Sheep skine, each 25
5 00
1 00
7 00
5 00
T. P. Smit.>so
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and
Toronto Optical Colleges, will be at
Drug Store
Wednesday, Jan. 20th
0a11 early nod avail yooreelf of
hie valuable services.
House and lot for gale. Apply to
.007110 RAI8T, Brussels.
Amine 25 porde green hardwood want-
ed. G. A, DEADMAN, Brume's,
The Conned of the Corporation of the
county of Boron will meet in tho Council
Chamber In the Town of Roderieb, on
at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. A11 amounts
most be placed before the Finance Ctm-
mittee by noon of Thursday.
N. LANE, Clerk,
Dated at Go derleh, Jan. 10,1504.
BER TWO, 1806 -
Notice is hereby given that n By -Law was
passed by the Connell of the 'Village of
Brussels on the Fifteenth day of December,
A. D.,1900, providing for the hone of a sin-
gle Gabon tare to the amount of 61188.97 to
{ray for the construction of a sewer on
Turnberry street. Booth, in the aforesaid
Village of Brussels, and tbot eueb By -Law
was registered in the Regi,.try Office of the
County of Huron ou the Neaond day of Jun.
nary, A. D.,3004. Any motion to quash or
set aside the same, or any part thereof,
most be made within three months after
the lint publication of this notice and pan•
not be made thereafter.
Dated the11th day of January A.D. 1004.
87.8 U. 8. 800TT, Clerk,
For Ten
Sverything Goes at Cost Price,
Nothing in the Store Reserved, positively all
will be sold at Wholesale Prices for the
next 10 Days
a Under-
Goals, Clothing, Shoes, Vad-
wear; Linens, Tickings, Towelings, Flannel.
ettes, Flannels, Shirtings, Cottonades, Cot-
tons, Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders,
Ties: Collars,Fine Shirts &c.
Come at 0teand Secure First c . ice..
s Choi