The Brussels Post, 1904-1-14, Page 4THUR Sig d Y aTAV, i4 1 � 904 A settlor of public meetings have been arranged for next week to be addressed by R. L, Borden, leader of the Oppooitimriu the Commons, He will be a000thpanied by other prominent nleu of hie party. 1 Helmet trade figures have reached the highest point during the past year fu the Watery of the Nation and some of the newspapers and politicians say that (hie feat its the vtrongeet argument against the Chamberlain polioy. Henn PERTH Liberate made ohoioe of a strong 000didate when they unanimously ehoee J. P. Mabee, a well known Strat- ford Barrister, He is tweeted, a good speaker and has attained prominence in bis profession. Mr. Mabee should (tarry the riding by a good majority. Ta® C. P. 11. ie after employees who partake of the flowing bowl and are inflioting penaltise that will not be easily forgotten. Here is a oaee the moral suasion advocates ehoold take note of. It eeeme the 0. P. R. thinks the law can have 'wreathing to do with eobering people np. JAPAN and Russia are still glowering at eaoh other and while professing to talk peace are pushing preparations tor war ae fast as possible. Greet Britain and Franco are using their beet efforts to bring about a settlement but it ie rather improbable that their efforts will be sae oeeefn) eines Rusaln has been so bulldoz- ing in her notions. Nominating Conventions for the Com. Mone are aoming think and fast and ere Iong the two parties will have lined np in complete order for battle, There should be little doubt of what the reealt will be if the past 7 years aro taken ae a criterion of the ability of the Liberal! party to conduct and control the publia affairs. They are well entitled to be re -instated for another term. ONTARIO Legislature convened on Tbareday of thie week. It is said tbat Northern Ontario matters, the Prohibition question, and advance steps in the Agricul- tural Department will be among the legislation dieaueeed. A great deal nae been said about Hon. G. W. Roes and hie small majority but we have no doubt Mr. Whitney would be satielied to have'a ohaoce of carrying on the Government with the same number if he were given the opportunity. A close watch will be kept on the proceedings by the country. ManrOah science ie making wonderful progress and operations are being encases. fully performed that astonish the world. In London, England, the other day, a man swallowed a packing nail and it lodged ou a level of the seventh rib. Ike location wee discovered by the X rays and afterwardea by means of an eleatrio light and a epeoielly prepared magnet the troableeome pieoe,ot metal was removed. The whole operation is acid to have only taken 5 minutes but the patient likely thought that long enough. THE apparent anxiety of some of the American politicians, who seem to be lying awake at night worrying about what is to become of Canada, is amusing in the extreme to the people of this country. There was a day when we were most anxious to oonrt the tirade relations of the U. 8, bat they haughtily gave tie the cold shoulder. Time nae worked wonders for this Dominion, however, and by rapid and well balauaed growth and trade development we stand in a very different poeitlon 60•day, so much so that America's astute statesmen are ready and quite witliog to make approaches along the line of friendly exuhange of oommoditiea. It is always bad polioy to belittle an opponent as it often etire up a feeling of rivalry that proves detrimentar-to the fellow who tau;helfiret. Gonads looked elsewhere for markets when reale Sam declined to ope4 the door and le not very partionlar now about earryiog out old proffers bot rather inclined to wait for advannga from the U. S. The two oouatriee ate eo ologely related by oitize0ehip and geographical position that the moat friendly relations eboold exist but it ebonld be done along broad linea, The following in the remelt of voting re eanniaipel elections in Downie s— Reeve—Keetner, 298 ; Ballantyne, 282; Councillors — Bradeleaw, 868 ; Dunbar, 244 ; Muir, 8141 Murray, 818 ; Meliay, 882, The South Perth Liberals will meet in convention at Mitoball, on Friday, the 22nd inst., to elect officers and select a oeudidate for the oomie g federal eleotlone. There is expected to be quite a crop of candidates before the convention, Contractor Young hat a staff 0f work. men engaged on the Y.14. 0. A. building Stratford, and it is hie intention to rash the week tbrlugh and have the bniiding completed at net wetly' a dela as poneible, The root ie being put on and wben thab 10 completed the real of the worst Will go rapidly, The oltizene are tatting en twelve intereet in the Y, rd. 0. A. mild, log and ate anxious to see ft compie:ed, ti Mrs. 1'. Dierlemm, of Stratford, re eeived word that her brother, Edward E Moyer, of Kearse City, Aloe was one o the thirty vietima of the wreakqn the Rook falsest road last week. A laborer living at ibe oulekirte 0 Milverton Wilma hie wife a quarter of e mile Iltrpsn ngh the ow, armed with a en bntoher knife, beoae elle bad net gq home in time to get his sapper, It i alleged that he threatened to stab her She laid an information against blm and the twee watt tried at Milverton. The defendant watt let off with a reprimand' Another case was that of a disturbance o the peace. The defendants, farmere living in lilma, eugaged in a game of fletlouffe on the main street of the village. Ocie wee fined $10 and the other $6, It is seed that the latter was the aggressor. General Manager Hays' Version, When the attention of C. M. Hays, general manager et the Grand Trunk Rai way, was stalled to newspaper and other complaints of the bad service on the braauh linee in Western Ontario, he Bald ; m "Many a p'ainte are made from time to time du a general way, but we can deal only with epeoifie oases. It ie Ole same se when a man (tomes in end Bays, 'Your trains are tate all the time.' We ask, 'What train 7' with the result that the man cannot give any specific ease. Sti 1, we know that during weather snob as we have just palmed through entitle un ail lines are usually late, and the G. T. R. is no exception. ft is therefore strange that we should be singled out. On the branches epeoified we run a good many mixed tiniest of freight and pane• eugere, and it is iwpoesible for any road to run them on schedule time all the time. They are run according to the wishes of the dietrlat, accommodation in that manner having bean requested, The G. 'r. R. does not like to rue mixed ,raise when it ecu be prevented, but when a district cannot supply enough paesenger travel to support mute than 0 certain uumber of excineive passenger rune, andm eoe if ons patrons want more, we try to accommodate them with mixed trains. then we oome in for abuse whenever they are late, whioh is always poeeib'e when indefinite gaauiitiee of freight have to be heucited, Paeeeogere invariably complain whenever a mixed train hap peas to be delayed in getting freight, and forget that we run regular exclusive pass anger traine, and attaoh a passengeroa oob to a freight train for their specialu e oouveai lie. Brussels Council. The statutory meeting of Brussels Vit. lags Connell wne convened in the Counoil Chamber oa Moodily at 11 o'clock, all Ole memnere present, consisting of Reeve Wilton and Councillors S. T, Plum, R. Thomson, Alf. Barker and R. Henderson, who took the usual declaration of office. Motes of last meeting were read and passed•me were u w A000 read lief011 owe ;— F. S. Scott, miscellaneous $ 13 00 R. Mainprize, Electric light101 26 W. Deobow, street imp,, 1 50 F. S. Sant, Election expeueee$4 60 P. Saott, misoetlaneoue 3 20 Moved by R. Thomeon,eeoonded by R, Henderson that above 0000001a be paid, Carried. Moved by A. Beefier, eeaonded by 8. T. Plum that Notice of registration of 13y. law No. 2, 1908 be pnbliehed for 8 inner• tions in THE BRUSSELS POST. Carried. Moved by R. Henderson, aeoended by R. Tbomeou that W. H, MoCraoken and J. Y. S. Kirk be appointed Auditore et a eatery of $6 enol. Carried. Moved by S. T Plum, eeaonded by R. Henderson that Rev. R. Paul be re-elect- ed a member of aha Board of Health. Carried. Moved by A. Beaker, seconded by R. Thomeou thee Rev, T. W. Coeeoe be elect. ed a member of Brnseele Publics Library Board. Carried. Moved by R. Thomson, seconded by A. Barker that Collector be iuetrnoted t000l- leot all unpaid taxes at onoe and return the roll. Carried. By-lawe Ne's.l, 2 and 8 were read three times and passed. Moved by R Thomson, eeaonded by R. Henderson that the Clerk be inatrnotel to order 6 copies of the Municipal World for 1904. Carried. Moved by 8, T. Plum, eeaonded by Alf. Seeker that 95 00 be granted to the Hoe. pital for Sick Children, Toronto. Oar- med. Connell adjourned to meet on the let Monday in February. REV. HICKS ON JAN VARY WEATHER. Third storm period—Reactionary •— Thie period is central on the 1411, 1500 and 16,13. The moon will be in coo• junction with the earth and atm, or at its new, on the 17th, and this Not is reaeouably certain to prolong storm con- ditions over the 17th and into the next regular storm period. The prevailing oold will 001,00 about the 14th and the barometer will fall in toe West bringing a renewal of rain and enow—mostly scow—as the wave works Eastward due. ing the 16th and 16th. It is a rare thing for storm conditions to break lip im• mediately prooeedingla new moon. On the 19th, the probabilities are that a die. agreeable spell of rainy, snowy, eleety weather will feet from about the 15th and 1611, into the regular storm period fol lowing. Fourth storm period—regular t—This period is ()entree on the 20, extending from the 1810 to the 28rd. The probe. bilitiee are that moat parte of the nonn1ry will enter this period in a perturbed, if not stormy state of weather. A marked Morena' of warmth will be notioeable on and about the 19th with possibly Win• ter lightning and thunder. Look fee rain about the same time, turning into; blizzarde and oboes and sleet, ae the Aorta areas travel Eastward sown the oonntry during the 2011,2tet and 22nd. A high barometer, etiff North=Weeterly winds and a cold wave will paeb aloes on the rear of these steerage Fifth storm period—Beaotionary l The 25th, 26th and 27th are the central days of thie period. At tali, as well as other storm periods, a perceptible rise of temperature will set iu early in the Weet, falling barometer will quiokly en0ae, and Weediness, with return of spw i0 and sno, will make their regent numb Eastward m aces the wintry, Before the olohd n a d stem ateae have fairly reteohed the T tat, J goethe1 0 It [) k3 Li i 14 ? ti': 3 2' central to klaetern litotes, high berme. eter, cold winds and clearing weather will be following plane in the roar from the hWeet. WORLD WIDE ARTICLES. A Weekly Reprint 00 Articles front Leading Journals and Reviews Its• fleeting 11ttt current Thnnahla of Roth Ueutlepheree. World, Wide lea maryel of intereet and obeepneae- an a high.alaas ealeotio ; it will (tempera reversibly with anything at several tienne its prise. For the smell sum of one dollar a year it brings every weak the beet artiolea that appear daring the week iu the leading 1lritieb,Amerioan and foreign pubhcatione. Of recourse it appeale to the thinking element of each oommunity, those who want to know - what the world thinkers ere thinking , but these will find it as (1111 of rare au- tertainment es of wisdom. It is abed. lately worldwide iu ire iulereete and has no axe t0 grind, It will be eent free of charge to any addre'a for a short time. Tbe annual eubeaription price is $1,00 and the pub. netters John Dougall & Sone, of Montreal. M0T8E11. O8' POUR, CSILAREIL The trustees, secretary, and other officers of the Free Hospital for Consump- tives at Muskoka are daily in receipt of many piteous letters. A few days since Mr- W. J. Gage, of Toronto, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the National Sanitarium Association, received a letter from a t resident of Quebec, pleading for the ad- mission of a victim of the dread white plague, living about a hundred =ilea south-east of Montreal, and asking U it were not possible to admit her into the Free Hospital. The writer says: " The applicant ie a Mrs. Wm. Paterson, the mother of four children and the wife of a farmer in a place called Goehen, in the township of 'Windsor. The doctor says that her left lung only is troubled. She is able to go about, but her appetite is very bad. I believe if she could be ad- mitted into the Free Hospital for Con- sumptives she might be cured. She could not pay much, if anything. Kindly let me know if you. could receive her." We are told by Mr. Gage that applica- tions for admission to the Free Hospital reach the aecretaryfrom all points in the Dominion, and patients have been re- ceived from Prince Edward Island on the eastrt to Alberta o the we a h at. Two hundred and ve twent -fi y patients have been admitted in eighteen months, and not a single patient has been refused because of his or her poverty. We can hardly think of arty charity that appeals more pathetically for the support of the Canadian people. Subscriptions may be sent to Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Kt., Vice -President of the National Sanitarium Aeaooiatium, or to Mr. W. J. Gage. Lersto wv el. T. E. Hay, finding his duties as poet - muter occupy big time, has given up the anotianeer bueineae. e Sunday was the 14th annivereary of the Baptiet Uhnroh, when Dr. Thnmae, who for 25 years bas been pastor of the Jarvis St. Baptfat Obaroh, Toronto, preached. At the regular meeting of Lierowel Council Be T. of T. the following officers were teemed for the ensuing term : S. 0., T. H. Key ; Viee O., Mies A. Bnohanan ; P. 0 , O. H. Sohlimme ; Rea. Seo., Mise M. Oliver ; Trees , R A Seaman i Her. all, R W. Bowyer ; Guard, Mies L Mar- tin ; Sentinel, B. Feilde. E. 0. Thornton, the new manager of the Morrie, Feild, Rogers Co., bee assumed di hie tll's. Previous to his departure from Woodstock he was praea0tad with an address by the empinyeee of the Karn Organ and Piano Co., accompanied with a heavy gold signet ring, an opal tie pin, and pair of gold cuff buttoaa. On Saturday morning 2nd inst., James 0. Hardie, father of Thomas Hardie, town, died very suddenly while at his dangbter's, Mre Wm, Cleland, E'ma. The old gentleman, who hal been roeid ing with hie eon in town, drove out with the latter to spend New Year's with Mr, and Mre. Cleland, and was about reinen. ed on Satneday morning when he tall over end e#pired jeer ae be was getting into the gutter. Fie hal been troubled with heart e r v raaknet ae iru' aane. time Mies N. MaFerlawe, who lice been on Ole teaching et, fl' tf the Lietowel Pnhlio Bohool far the p081 yt lir and a hal, baa resigned hl r position, sod left for Oaeleee, Alberta, where elle !tau taken a eobool at a largly increased salary. Her slater, Mre. D. J. Pugh, resides there, which also wile a resew) .f,_r her deoidiva to ge -eel !Neel. Alien Macfarlane hoe been a euoaeesfnl teeelter. Her piece on the teaching staff of the Publio Sohool has been titled by the appointment of Mise Norton, eapply Legator, to the 'money. ilYoletawot•tli. Oefe.—Mre. Wm. Hayden, let con, Howiek, died at 8 a, ne. ou Sundny, Jan. Brd, 1904, at the age of 58 years, 8 months and 5 deye. Deceased wee a native of the oo001y of Antrim, Ireland, and came WW1 her parents to thie ooautry when ehe was 10 yearn of age, and after epend• lug two months visiting relatives and friends, Rattled on the farm ou whioh ale died. Her maiden name was Anna Hardman, and the property now owned by Wm. Hayden was known se the Herdman farm. During her illness of some four or five .mouths, she bore up with Ohritation fortitude end save for the loved onee behind her, shel,ad no deeire to live, but waited auxionely for the message to oome, She leaves behind her a husband two eons and two daughters at home to mourn the lose of a kind wife and loving mother. Their many neigh - bore and friends join with the bereaved ouee in this hoar of ell oriel end hope that God'e blessing may attend tbie dispensation of divine Providence. Her 8 brothers were in etteudanee et the tutored, Samuel, Robert and Tbomaa Hardman, Wetted respeotivtly at Strath- roy, E imvtlte and Alliston. Interment took piece o0 Tneeday nt Shipley,•• eervioee eonduuted by her pater, Rev. D. Rogers. Perth County. 8t, Alary's carried the Carnegie library hy.law by 27 majority. R. M. Ballautyue, Stratford, luta been re.nominated far the Preeldeueyof the prtraoducde,e branch of the Montreal board of Gerald Fitzgera'd, Dublin, lost a fine boiee while breaking the road from the house to the barn. The animal fell breaking one of ile lege and had to be shot to put an end to its eafferl g. Normankin S uer left Mitchell for Bram rteu where be has a E soured d em- ployment with the H. Dale Estate, the 'sagest uoreery dealers in Oanada and who have thirteen stares under oovertf gla0hre. almere & Barnhardt, file and briok makers, Monkton, bavediseolved partner. ship, and the bosineee will now be carried on by the latter gentleman. It is Dot yet koown what Mr. Ohalmere purposes/ doing, The by lase for the railway, voted on in Lo au on Monday of teat week, carried b a majority v of over 8 0 votes. es. T ' 1 Y This, however, was abort of the requisite number to pot the by law into effect as it ie rumored that farmer's sone, and othere who were not property holders, voted nay, a scrutiny of the ballots is almost ewe to take place. One of the victims of the air hundred horned to death in the Ohioago theatre, was Mire Annie Radcliffe, of the 10 it commission, B'ansbard. The rename were brought to St. entree. The body was horribly burned, a ring worn by the unfortunate woman being the only meson of identification, whioh was made more certain by a email portion of the dress which *stumped the flames. Reuben Switzer, one of the very earliest pioneers' of Blanehnrd, has passed away at the age of92 n end d 4 months. Deaeaeed was a native of Ireland, a loyal and patriotic) subject, an enthusiastic 0 angem'ee, and in politiae an nn0om- promising Uoneervatove. Up to the time of hie death he hold the poeiti0n of Treasurer of the South Perth Con erre• five Aeeooiation, and no matter IOW severe the weather he was never absent from any of the meetinge. He bad many worm friends, and a wide Wrote et oaquaintanoes by whom he Wes b•ghly esteem di for his many kindly and amiably qualities, The aruete, annemodione nurses' reel. knee, presented to the Hnepilal Trust Stratford b Hen, " H n Time. B t , rl al a In , 9 no, will y et0.tl d as a bright monument to the memory of a nehle.minded wam'tn, and it may be eetlmaled from the sympathetic' interest which ehe toots in the holtpital in life, that Ow would wish bet memory prlpet aeled 10 uaerefittingly then in just this way. The gift will he wellappreoiat. ed, the more we 0e it is nt practical utility', R. F. Sutherland, lit. P., watt nomht aced by the Liberals of North Eeeax Several bueineae establishments at Oampbelltord were damaged by Are. Jenne. A. Reek, oattle Braver, was robbed of 91,500 by highwaymen at Tweed. Fifty-two lives were lost by the sink• ing of the eteamer (elation between Seattle and Victoria. Thomas Sweeny, gateman on the Grand Trunk at St. Henri, wee killed while walking on the railway, The Toronto Electric' Light Oompany are opposing the 0. 2, R,'e opplioation at Ottawa to acquire more nod on the Be• plonade. The oppoinlmente of 0. E. Wbelihan, registrar far South Perth, cud E. (hoick. Blume, Police Magistrate for Niagara Falls, Fort Erie, are gazetted. STOCK FOR SERVICE BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE uuderaigoed will keep for eervlee 0n Lot 32, Oon. 11, Grey, a tboro'•bred improv- ed Yorkshire hog. Pedigree may be seen ou application, Terme, $1,00, to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if aeaoeeary. DAN117L 1 eteef000, 20.4 Proprietor. IMPORTANT NOTICES BUY WANTED TO LEARN Biacketnithing. Apply to GEORGE EOSMIER, Jtpnestowo. SHORT BORN YEARLING Hull for gale, red in color and bred from let maize steel, Lot 23, Con 18, Grey. J. D. MONA10, Proprietor, Oraabroah P. 0. 7{10R SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west corner William and Albert streets, Brussels. 40•t1 0. CECHE. 1DEDIGREED YORKSHIRE Piga for Bale, consisting of 1 hog and 8 sows, ws one month old. Far ,. ee apply 1 nil Y at Aad iu m Lime WerkR.e. W e P. S. NTORO - L S r ON Proprietor, xteto n r Belgrave ' P a e O. p , g v Et/ ONEY TO LOAN.—$25,000. We have the above amount of pri- vate funds to loan on real estate mortgages at 4i and a per cent. Easy terms of repay no801 and costs of loan moderate, PROUDFUOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Barristers, &o., Goderioh, t(1 THORO'•ERED YORKSHIRE SOWS. over 8 months old, for aa1t, Their mother is registered and has 4 er0sees off imported stook. A quantity of Russian seed barleyis 1 r also H11ndfor L sale.o Apply M orae to Brussels is P. U. E, Lot 96, Ono, 4, Morrie or Aru 21.5* seats P. U. 218 VOR SALE—A REGISTERED Bull 9 months old, dark reel, and is a grand type of Shorthorn ; a splendid an- imal and brad close to imported stook. Alen a few registered Leioeeter ewes will be sold right, to make more xoom, Let 10, Con, 15, Grey. OLIVE1t TURNBULL, Walton P. 0. TEIOES'TER SHEEP FOR 4 8ALn —0 Leicester Ram Lambe, prioee $5 to 07 ; 1 Fbeorliug• and 2 Ttvo•Sbeur Banos, prices $10 to 612 A11 are good ouee. Also a few Dwe Lambe, ptdoe $e"; and a few good Ewes at moderate prices. DAVID 17ILNE de SON, Btbel, Out. 18 i TIIORO' BRED SHORT HORN Rolls for sale. One is 1year old and the other two younger, Aloe eeVoralregiet- erecl 00IVB w and Heifers. Apply t eo J9trUa- nrn 1R, Lot Sp,Oou.B,Morels7wpeor.01 Brim - sale P. 0, 2ii-tl East Huron Agricultural Society. AnonalMeating of thehlust;Aurnn Aerleul- tttral Sootety will bo held in lloe T2(1111,10: wu 15, 1 , Braeeelo, ou WEDN➢SDA 2', JAN, 20tft,10o4, at 1 e'elore p, m., for the l o r the of elect- ing ,reere. and dfreotare for the current year, receiving the annual reports and the eranaaetlon el other business W. H. diERR, JAB. FERGUSON, Seoratary, Preetoeut. THE METFOPOL1TAN BANK Statement of the Affairs of the Bank as at Dec. 3Ist, 1903. LIABILITIES. Capital Stook paid ftp.. Reserve Fund 9 1,000,000 00 Rebate on Bills Dteoonnted6,851 62 Balanoe of Profit and Loae a0000nt parried forward18,282 81 Notes of the Bank in nitwit When 526 687 60 Deposita not bearing interest 206,103 81 Deposita bearing intereet (in• Wading interest accrued 10 date) 735,021 84 Deposits eby other Banka in Canada 5,016 67 91,000,000 00 1,025,083 93 1,471,829 32 $8,496,918 26 ASSETS. Specie and Dominion notes$ 171,341 86 Deposit with Dominion Gov• ernment for eeourity of note decollation 60 Notes and ()baguets of other banks 100,517 38 Balance due from other banks in Uanada 207,610 20 Balances due from agents in United Kingdom 20 781 28 Jet/anew' due from agerite in foreign c0antriee 44,018 94 Railway and other bonds, de bent urea and eeeuritieo816,226 66 Call loans eeoured by bonds, debentaree and stooks 647,888 74 Onrrent loans end dieoonnte,1,658,977'77$ 1,604,816 22 Notes and Mille overdue 1,189 06 Bank premieee, ea(eeand r friae remit ore 288,032 72 Stationery, eto 1447 49 1.892597 08 93,496,913 26 PROFIT . AND Deo.31, 1908. Written off Bank Promisee.,,. $10,000 00 Balance onrried forward,.,,., 18,282 81 $ 28,282 31 LOSS ACCOUNT.. Deo. 81, 1902. 81, 1908. Balance et credit of aea0nnt. .. 9 1,696 06 Profile for the year, after detinet, ing charges of Management, in - totted doe depositors, rebate on uomatnred bide, and after mak ing full provision for all bad and doubtful debts 28,585 68 et 28,282 81 W. D. ROSS, General Manager. A, E. Amar & On., Termini, in a ale - 00'0,r to creditors, have woo ,u.eed their hu bi t It Ivti Meetthe nnvmn t duee Ian 16101, and have suggested rt new plan Of liquidating 11 Dir irrdebtedoese, The notion for $10(00 damogea for the death of hsr husband brought about by the widow of the late 1. R. Thema,., poetmau, who wan killed during oarnivel week, against the Hamilton Street Railway ()employ, bee been Oettled and the rooted withdrawn• The will of the Isle Ai drew 210 allo, at, P. P., wan tiled for probate at Wood• Week, Tho hu k of the eetate, whioh 51110unte to $41,828, is bequeathed to relatives, but $1,000 to left to the Woodetoult Hospital and 91,000 for the ereotion of to public fountain. REAL ESTATE,. �AE M TO RENT, BEING LOT 20, 000, 16, Grey There ale 100 dorsa, 20 nailer aultivatlon. Apply to J04IDPH F. 11E0M0010, on the promisee, or Itouorloff P,0 21t ��'0B SALE. -LOT 0, COL 6, Grey. containing 100 acres, 75 being cleared nod In good state of oultiyation. Farm is well watered; good buildings, or. chard, &e. Failure in health cause for eel - Beg. Poseooeion given on 000 wonth'a notice Terme nae', For further 00000u- lars apply to TIILIIOhIAN SMITH, on tee premises, or Brunets P. O 18 1ACRE FARM FOR SALE, 00 being Lot 11. Cbn. 4, Grey town- ship. 80 acres el, ared, balouoe busb. There lea good bourn, bank baro, orekard, &a, Well fenced and farm in good condition ; 25 acres of Fail wheat in, 8 miles from Brus- sale; only 4 of a 'mile Irmo dwell and 14 miles from sallow!. I otoeeelca eonld be given to suit the puielomser. For fur- ther partloulare us to price, terror, fe0., ail-. Ply 00 the prewieos to A, 000R. Proprie- tor, or at Tau Poem, Btestcle, 21.11 T..1 -,ARMS FOR SALE. — 350 motes amenities laud in the Towuob.p of Grey—l.ot18, Onu. 14. 1(080114 ; Lot 37, Oon 14,100 aortal ; and Lot 18, Con. 04, 50aoree-260 acres All in excellent condi- tion with aret•ahtsa buildings ; boielt bougie with all modern oonventeooee, and large. hank barn, root and straw house, stables. &a. Well watered, From 86 to 40 acres of good hardwood bush. Lot 18, Con. 18, eon. raining 109 aures of arst•alass laud, gond frame heitse and large bank barn nearly new. The property can bo sold 10 two or three percale to suit pin chasm N. Torun liberal, Also a 0c.mmoclioua dwelling house and lot in B.useela. For fa,cher portion - tars apply to the owner ou the premises, LAI/ORLI/4 M0001410, or to JN0, LECE5l5, Brussels. 21.0f 1 OV ACRE FARM FOR SALE Lot6iCon. 7 Grey, n miles from of BrOsols. Il mile from e ahool. Spleoo!tl ti location. 'Cinder first classstatebaof nk hate, latest imprcomfoved haute, large hank burn latest Improved 080100E stabling and silo, Orchard, two never failing welts, aoa other t onvenieooeo, Fall. wleat sown. Proprietor le going West, For further par- ticulars ea to terms &0 , apply ou premises or address Brneeele, P, 0, N.M. 10IOHARD• SON. tt FARM FOR SALE CONTAIN. mo 80 scree, being North halves of Lots 15 annRI, Con. 1, Grey. Com fel table frame house, bank baht, orchard, -&0, Only 4 miles from Molesworth. Gerd locality and ane roads. Immediate r 1 oaee8ft If burn is not sola byaka f t b year St will by rented it suitablebout t-0 Winter ,leers. c 00 barn n.oute eau be made to Winter stools at barn so as to wont up straw on hand. For fur- ther partionlare apply to er write 18.11 W. H. 11:091110,Brussels. JAN 14, 1904 ...�. ,...... .dram 110g WOO / McCaughey 131oc1c lloanombor our Binders, Mowers, Rohe, Harrows, Qullivalore, Drills, stn , urn sot extell'ed by Any du the tondo'', To' i, awe int Need, of any Farm requisite we have it at a RIGHT priee. This is the Place for rare valuesin ()Otero and Sleigbe, Harness, Cream Separators, Pulpere, Wttebere and Wriogere. To Como leaped our Stook and get oar Prime 18 your Golden Opportunity if you are a tiller of the eoil, Wagons, Bnggiee, Hay Loaders, Forks and 6linge, Windmills, Tread lowers, Ensilage (lettere, &o , handled in season. Neil S. McLauchlin, AGENT. Xmas Gili� A7r Now we find ourselves taee to fade with the Obrietmae aeesou and we are after the nioeetGitte for our Friends, You can get one dozen Photoe. for 75e and up. We Lave a splendid assort. mot of Photo. Mounts and in Photographing we pride ourselves in being op to•date, this hie ee aeonf o th' eY ear shed n e t Yeare abort 80 00 me In the fore part of the day. The edv0ntage in getting Photoe, taken now is that we can have them ready before the Xmas rash. With the compliments of the season to one and all. H. 01:1. ! /1T as FLET ay {Rg. n ah �C�fl(',S 0.1 1-1 IA. P ! ER'S WRITE JEWELRY STORE le'le'Iu1014defe,IGl'el'ha'Id'tatsll 'el 4rla'el Idsl'W'e,' Ladies' Solid Silver Watches With guaranteed Movements, $4 75 and op. Ladies' Gold Filled Watches Caere guaranteed for 25 years, with guarautead movtmente, 99 00 and op. Gents' Silverine Watches With guaranteed Movemeute, $7,00;and up, Gents' Filled Watches Nees guaranteed for 20 & 25 years, with guaranteed Movemente, $11 and up. 1 'Wo give a Written Guarantee with each of the above Watches. 419,IIIA!Idllinth,all'le'hl'6re14ln1al,'4rh,'INIn^ a P1 tohe; The Close Price Jeweler, aamlem”.16 Rare5 •y .;i`portunity • IJYT OVIR,C0ATS DON'T MSS IT ! We have a large stock of ].Glen's, Boys', Youths' and Children's Overcoats and in order to clear them out quickly have decided', to rrlake big reductions in the price of all lines, - We Offer You in this Special December Sale s $4 00 Overcoats now going at 5 00 *' . it 6 00 & 6 50 Overcoats now going at 7 00 Overcoats now going at 8 00 tc r1 1000 t' it frfll $s 25 4 25 5 00 G 50 6 60 8 25 These are actual reductions off regular hest -class values and not marked up ib order to cut prices. Act quickly and get first choice and your proper size. r.'..Ai TRA�✓�``f11A .new