The Brussels Post, 1904-1-14, Page 2I
*Nriel•Te6.6.0e6e1 floQt7K«<,•44z<‹,61,e.,:,e4tici4i,Et.-4 -14i.eff. - r9i is annisonont thoro would 1,01
1Ty he
000141, heavhol , I • -
a 3 nil 1 oi o
, lemeelf only to he coneldered, and n t tl at. WIII you i onie to Palmetto ?'
T ....,oobt to otosos is aheady cancellead "Tell you tOMMITOW--- YOU want
i49 e hfew frit -eels, ad it -eels, and those lie . two ships ? thor e• farms, one fur
ev UB el velthel Most -there \Vete bUt tWO-- ' tile Queen ?"
lel ' te Would untlotstand him. Dr, Henry "Yes,"
ill di Balfour, imilee hie cloak of flippancy ',But tleire ie only one goocl land-
ed oh
es and slop -flesh cent:ism, 1 ict a heert ing-phiee :et. palmetto, and the 11 is-
Se ......,--,,....-............-- Al 431 tato worth inuell feeling, and gloat !paniolens me all about, it."
AO underetanding, And the (meow!, hon -1 "I'll Mel another."
ef ,
lie OR, A 'S fi est Alitasilair lactome rice elecle
t, s , There was ellence for a lit tie. Theo
le foster-brotiter.__o. llighlancive, blessee elite Ormige King I hit ed hie band -
out a rug
41ese.. etir(ed with- all the Cellle Imagine -tend teekea himself in.
OII•h=3"11ell IV, tion -would lee -6 but one ;egret 2 "Well, Pin going to Eleep eole.
I pad. He pelted a 1011* Tom to s sad CoUjcl 1104 slime mem s pez-, We'll finish our talk over liteakfast in
num= smith, et, Li,ercool, Jo „s inon,tathe, and laughed. ils and adventures if 1 110 till, g mine i Aberdeen. Good-eiget,"
big iii„„, 110 eawoli, twee lives of I -1 uon't see why 1 should work •
Lo anething. Yet why sloelci not 111 leSS than fil'e 1nhOl1e5 the 01.-
0ee1441..going steam,,,, 1114 am, two i 011t gialPle MO 111 1101)31.0n sums fOr Aair base a F.11till" Of the fUll ? tinge Mug was rimming tee sleep of
cotton Se. 401 3.00; be ens reit tied a ' Mb yoUng wan, but ra pny thsee in: t Lio was lenely, and be would the Jest. Ilechiv wos not long In
pee, ego; 110 manave a e,lem.„,1 he : hulefred thoi stoat for it 110W. 1 d f, ii", ine.lor te the world's encl. 1 (oilmen g his extullp10, anti strangely
be hae founeed a Seamen's Itoseital, give double if it were liossible :0 Ile wan to havo beim n lighter, had enoLge, ecitsieuring the exciting eir-
and beeps It going mit of his own 1 gledlantee that t ho Ills; =Man o111-
pocket; 1-o is half ploprietor of n :I. sIS wOlthill't 11Milt palmevorY il't
r)itisitil &'inal.t.;iiiyottl sail °Alieof nthe runlet:moos of 4i.0 past two days and
decided that a man 11441.t8, 1114 s'eet a- smote dreandes5
* 01010 euniree he has stations in all cr ariot-^1 ale in lenelish gold, too. ;hued • f ot.0 eye was of no 1110 10 Eksp. NM i lo r of 11 mil &Moho mitil
the world's great pelts where a ship ' 1101-Mle, and that's a Met."' ] her Majesty. they were `1 oesed by a ticeeteeollee-
ma.), buy anythill from a basket of , "IA ell," said lieetor, "eupposing1
, e . At twenty -eve mem 1 es pa• t tiles en tor at Emmy)! 1 1 1, Just o tit elde Aber-
cenbages to a water condenser; he , guarantee that. nielwaitolen oille I Mr, 'Thomas smith joined Demote (leen.
grows ten sqvale miles of mauges in 1 vials-- 1 who, I, 1 th a 111001 y le 114 1 o. ter at, 1 They breve, fa: Led at, the l'alnee
Pahnetto; and Le 11‘ ee on twelve I “I•ook here, allo seed Yen here* 1 1,1s 1 Lees, Wet: 1l1:1 it dela ly Ito ing tip 'lintel, at a whnlow 01 orl ,oking the
shilliugs a due', inclech g cab fares 'Mr. 3. 1.111 is your mime, isn't j and GO1011 the i 1.. tform. 'Pet great ' lower 11.11 1.14 of 'Ili ion Stt
ree, When
o • , •
, • ' I -
einan carried 1111 own llatid-bag.
11. g man,
The fit st ol his business iobotly sent me here," said "Oer c vivo is at 0, 4414
«ern( is tO Fee 04ery caller
: 'etLl'
11 le .° on 1M 0 vsna-
. ocmen erect by
aI.Me tame to
the ° calla pame, 141'. Smith broethe ellen
oudmealant1 tlt
morning paper,
tr'I'll ill 114h the preliminaites oour
), husiners .0w, 00111214' Mali. 1 hao
v- to Eve some 1-2141-21401 Mg.people teleHolm, Dui e Stree, J4‘ert001,yui Caen lf you thee my r'°1'°1l in
anY be Mlway porter or you may ab"Ske""irit11.411 114(41 you, un -
t ,er'e
our turn 41011 you areeel eyda'ITlt/a%Y:o11got 111 110 edo
the great inan'eence, if hnetil'alnielt°
.be r .
1)1'11110 -1)1'11110 -'it Is ntilemAuegsWe
In Belfast, urrangin f r 1 b
to be ht 111 lit Ihuafnirg, negotiatin
With 414' merchat princes for tl
stetting 01 a Lew 110e to Chine;Loa 'on, pilotinga B111 through Co
=teem ieParis, (einemup thve
still waters cf Fiench marine ins:
=re. 35 clerito you that &I
Smith is not in, you may fel (1,180
811 are bearing the truth. If yo
are asked to cell again 3.0-10010014' 14
11.15, you may s'Lep soundly th
surety that et 11.15 to -morrow yo
8110411 cetainly see 'Thomas Snail
iyou hae net gene blind 10 11
meantime. Thomas Smith see
everylmely, from A to Z, becauee h
never 14)10408 11111411 or where he 1011
want a. friend, or at least IL
acquaintance. Ie is espcohnly emu
ters to the gentlemen of the ores
thatwas why, whet: IeLtor Grant'
card was taken in at ton minutes t
0100011, that fair morning
a clerk came out to Ilestor an
said :
I "Yoill regard what I tel you
1Mng absolutly private 1"
I "I'do no 8)11412 elies; if I think
it 400. 1121 my while to mal:, use orf
it 111 moee uof it il erpubli• 3,,111-
01 pillatele. This nub eel tautly
• frank.
_ "Well," said Hector, "Ill trust to
1, honor, wedI ink 41001. sense
oImeiness will 111411)41 emu come inuwith Its."
"(10 ahead. Three of youseven
• /athletes at gone."
"1'11 tell you in two. The l'almet-
tos ate going 40 rise against Ills -
t • panicle. They
waenet oto set eee
ightfel Queenon the throne -the
• last of the Ilibeiros-ond to free
1 01111('14'08es hom leispanialan tyranny
and extoiticn. Evrythiet is cut
and (hied success is to be had for
tie taking."
I hme heard rumous of this Port
of 1.111114 before. Why do you come
to me?"
"For money. We 11144'e to get arms
and annuunition, for we have none,
or next to none. Iwant a cotiele of
ships, too -one to carry the arms,
the other to convey tho Queen to te
d Isle of Palms."
-You have the cek of the dvil!"
• "In rotten, 1, acting fr the Queen,
hguarantee to elace in your Meads a
• charter granting you the orange
s monopoly for ninotymine yeas."
"You're eithr attempting to work
your first 00111100111114011.:c game or yolre a
very srecial Specimen of tilnew Em-
r. Y
ten't b
the revolution 1,1)1811108S before 4"
_ He tor smiled. "Nn"
e "You'e got 110 panels with you
nI suppose, to show me that his is
O a bot a-flde 3.1104400441"No. but I can get them in a few
1 14)1418.''"Pm— You're stopping here ?"
Ies, if it SeenIS likely that 4101
f will tato this hng up. I may 111
I well be Manic with you. You are
metrunip card, my only card in
-That'enough. Your time's up.
I have to go to Aberdeen te-night.
Conte vith me?"
"Meet 111e at the Exehange Station
a 11,25. A carriage will he re-
to a 1-1144111111111 flng, for le felt con-
vinced that TI 012)03 Smith was
go -
11114 to take a hand in this gamee.
Heetor bit himself a anew man;
()01(1111114141t1011 Team thlden-wheel of
journal= began elmchauge, and
ththrill caused by new excitment
vompleted it, Ills etep was buoy-
ant, his peye wits bright, ad his
heart leaed withinMee The old
lighting spirit was roused, and he
know 1.11113011 stroeg enough to 0'.'01'-
00110 tbousand obatmles. His in-
terest in Palmetto, ints unhappy folk,
and its forlorn Queen, was certainly
not waningyet he kow, aI» (talk-
ed towards nthe adockas, Cad. thee was
growng in 1,im the mere 110111)1' of
fighting, that mad lust which lns
sent so many gallant Scots to bleed
and don foreign ileits, selciess of
ortuno, paid pwns in the sport ofci,gs
Well, after all, lo Was going to
have his fu. Ile had nor wife nor
01110114, father, mother, sheer, 1101'brother; o if he led to pay heavily
"Aryou the gentleman who in
tOrVIOU'ed Air. Smith last year abot
t}e mange trade with Plmetto ?"
"I am. 3 didn't think Mr. Sena
woeld have remembered um," sai
Ile tor.a matter of fact," said h
clrk, with a smile, "Mr. Smit
doesn't knyou 111'8 here. I hav
been looking up tee indx of visitor
eor you name. I have to tell 1111.
Smith all about tisitorbeforb
sees them"
And heft Hetor wonderieg ove
this little bit of tee 841111(4111 14111helped Thomas Smith to Ie the pow
ere I man he was and is. Thn 11
wonered If Ite should be throw
into tee street for Ins pains,
mad, 1111240U11411,4' audacious scone
to hit at that morneet the propose
Be had come to mate to the Orange
King. In (eruct, what was it? Sim
ply to k a man who 1,14(1 plenty
uses for bis mercy to back with hal
a million sterliug an ('14101'40'1813 that
was, on the face of it—
yofallow me please?"
Hector followed the clek into tee
great mates presence, exactly as he
let doe a year before. Thomas
Smith was dictating to a shorthauc
"In conclusion, end for the last,
Gine," 10 wets saying, "I must 43.0"
1111)0 te entertain the proposal of
tunalgamotien 7 C011 0111 iny, boats
to Valparaiso cheerer filld (1115011,0e
111011 )'OU 01111 4'0111'0, 0.1341 I can )110/10
1110111 pay. The tiatle can be made
worth see0,000 a year, so I prefer
to.. get the bveinees into my own
hands: '8011400 1410, et.ete.
Then he turned to elrent,
"Good -morning. That was a, very
exrellent artiele you did about the
orange trade with Palmetto. You
forgot to mention that the boxes in
which tee fruit is shipped are mode
in Palmetto, the prepared boards
oniy being seet out in tamales Item
Liverpool. They haven't cheap
mough wood in Palmetto,. I can
give you 'see= minutes, What can I
Co .for you ?"
'What \could you be steepen:el to
41441 for a, nitety-11100 years' monop-
rdy of the mange tvade of Palmet-
to ?"
"You 1110411 to do 08 7 liked with
It -grow, came', and eell-and 170 one
else to lario a finger Di it 4"
'"ehnt's what I elean.•'
Thomas Smith made a rOligh cal
:Malian on the minor of a blotting -
These are C
USES of Kidney Dis ase
Mt Ailment Whioli is Most Dreaded on Aseount of its Frightfully
Painful and Fatal Developments.
Exposure to cold and dampness,
Told settling on the kidneye, strait: -
mg of the kidneye, loins or back,
aver outing or e40ce$811•0 Use of al -
;oboe blows or injuries to the back,
4,5)111. of malaria or other fevers.
disorclers ore also 0. frequent
E•24118e oi kidney disease, and this
helpe to ate:omit for the exteetordin-
ary suecese of Dr. Chase's leitiney-Liv-
er Pills as a cure for complivated and
chronic disease of the kidneys,
Since the kidneys: ore 124, 01110i
1114111111 of removing the poleonous 11n8-
pi:pities tfroin 11110 syetoni they Innst
be leept healthy and e.11.11.0,
43.111011 flenn any of 11)) above, caustes
the Icidtleys become deretiged the
fIrst symptom 18 1111111447' backnelle,
Then Is the time to begin the use of
Clutee's leidney-Ilver
The Vory thoUght of the venal (3(4"
1'010441)44'41t of kidimy disease) is
enoegh warning to nnyone to take
prompt, action and there is the testi-
/mine, of ilionsands to point yott to
De, (liegree ,Te)tMey-TelVer rfns an
the most effective treeLment,
lifY, Ifoldlteb, Port: Rob-
inson, Ont., statetu 4011851)1' 301.101,
al yeare a ;rent sera:rev event kidney
teutthie, Elsetu: Which dread atsonso r
am 0.011', happily, free. I had all
ithe usual eynaptonis in an aggravtit-
led degree, and at times SVOS con1-
1pletely inctioneetated with pains in
"the back, biliousness and head/Lome
1 I had little 00 00 appetite; hieumnia
'resulted, and rny•condition WEIS re14l-
1 Iy 'wretched. I became emaciated
land grew denpontlent and hopeless or
!relief, as I had taken treatment,
'from doctors to no (waif.
"Finally, on the cult -leo of a friend,
7 began using Dr. Chaso's Kidnoy-
!Livor 3'il114, and, after :using ri, fow
124o14ee, 1 WaS again enjoying health
ined (*or, aS the worst symptoms
'had eetirely passed away. When I
1011i1414 of my present good hoarth, 11)
leen/if:arisen with my m18e1'a:10 con-
kilt/on of three years ago, l' would
;not go back to nay, foemer state for
jany amount of money, 3 may he
;considered enthusiastie over Dr,
linage's XL -limy -Liver bill, con -
r ming the benefit derived from.
them, 7 have every reaeon to be."
3)r. ClieSe'S Kidney -Liver Ville, one
pill 14 (toy'', 250, a 1)041, Itt 011 died-
lere or letimaneole Bates & To-
.ronto. To 1,100 ('114 you
04444411(1); 1111!-
4111411113 1.1)11 portrait mid eignetnee of
1 Tee .A, W. Chase, the famous receipt
1 book nether, ere on every box,
11II moaet 314'1L)'4011,314'1L)'4011,t the -Lesgii 0," said el114'.
' -
Il, tor
to-ok h
is portm
anteau (1'0
times the sive of the Orange King's
gave 111c 1141441 a (1111110g, ad folio
1')] 3.04001148 carriage Celli. AE01
• 1.11 04' 4, + ' *. ' . I
ea Lihurl-bag, took out a smith
Mg pad, 121111 with a fountain pen la
gen to ('0101' the pater al a grea
tate With almost iMirait • imal • '
lag. Ati e deckshowed tweets!nine 111114411,08 pst eleven, a. eke
hurried to 1111' der, and Etandir
On the -Step 1)11811011 a 11011114141 of te
egrams and cables through the wit
do, Mr. Smith lore off the shea
he had been writing and gave it t
the clerk, saying, "See to these i
th moning.
Ti en ltook the telegrams, 04401)0and glanced at them, tosed two 0
to the loor, read five, passed hou
to the 010111, saying, "Yes' to th
iirt two; 'No' to the oteer thre,
opened the last (1)) thtrain 11014113.0 move, 1014(1 it, laughed, witted
110»d to the clerkand said "Don'
wait, Gray," and as the 010114 call
ed"Coodmight, sir," turned to re
read the message. Aftr a time 1
foldd it, up and placed it in hi
3 e le ,
"Well, young man" (Mr. Smit
himself was not yet fifty), "what d
you thiok of 110111` chances of succes
in this thing ?"
"Itherything seems against s, bu
that looks a geed 41)144(1141 for suc-
"You've discovered one of the gold -
114) rules, though rules are of no great
good in bush 0411', I tate it, you
1)101111 10 01111 this 1eolutioe onbusi-
ness llues.
"As far as 7 am concert:cd, yes."
"Good. Now, I shall 4044114. some
evidence in wilting of your bona -
fides, and that of your conferierutes,
before 7 stir 1 and 01' foot.
"Oonfecierates is not the word to
use," said 1184114,1', "hitt let hee
pass. Alegards documents, not a
single 1111(13.1 of viiting3111411 you hae
"Why ?"
"One line May hang a man, two
lnes cortaiiily will."
"If you wont smithow am I o
3o 1101110 sum of you 1"
"I'll tell you all you can now pos-
sibly want to know, and what I
can't tell emu elajesty and her
n.111i er, teener Brao, skll. Yoe
101110 cfcm to Lordon; I :an lake
you to their lentee, and my word will
be gualantee for your :many."
"Yott would consent to put the
agreement 111)04411 the monopoly in
miting ?"
'Who woeld sign it '3.'''tein elaidelena, of ecurse.''
elw signaten 0 is not weth he
paper it's viitten on."
• "It willhe when what we aim at
is accomplished.''
"I've had a dwell fellws lite yon
come to mo beim0 with wilecat
"About Palmetto ?"
''No, other 141110411. I've put money
inttwo allairs--ore in Cuatenala,
ono in Morocco, and they CE1110 to
nothing. I can't afford to st up as
Crand lioncesang-in-ardluary to re-
volistIon 410(11011)8, The 4401120')) a
geed game, I chnit; but, after all,
it's 11, t worth the candle"
'You don't Reow bow the Palmet-
to Footle aro timely dying to light
for l 011' (Moen "
"Will they wen for her ? Thate
''I eay yes. loret forget, too, the
ssores they eave (mutest Hispaniola
.-01Ory 3110 With tt long 1e111 of iittel-
esnte". tAll 014,13' wnanetis 11111414,
are o1'44411111'0141 itregiments."
Do you tell ano the EliseoMalan
otlicws know nothing. about that ?"
"You'se been in Pametto and you
toll me you don't 1)14040 how the
leispanielen cacers spend their titte,
They get up in time for breakfast a
eleven, 1I.1'41 lounge about tl:e paio
until two, they slep until six, they
dine, they go to the Alamera to
hear the band, and they play crds
util four in tie morning. How can
lthy know? They leave drill and
i001)1011E01 duty md eterything tey
ought to do to their eergetet, nd
the sergeants, for a few ecntestme0 a
day, forget to trouble the men. And
the (41(11 sevants are too 1)14841 back-
1(4(14 -
8210(01)11(44 to know anything."
"Dot if it came to tt figh
could pecteantry-,even organized peas-
alvtee-tie s(Ignited toldierey n.
"Orgnnied uensantry, with your
help in the way of arms and annune
10,11)11, and with the wildst shooting
(01,1(1 211040 11.e01 deah like grass.
Teo nispaniolans in tie island
haen't enough ammunition to got
ordinary 1111'441)tet practice -their offi-
cers have stolen it, and sold it rto
pay 1.1001' reed clebts. Yon forget,
too, hoe people fight for (41012' fee-
dom "
, 0I dso'n't forget'it, butaI put
1)0 10114411)0 en Ive hoard tht
before, and it was it flzele. Cn you
gite me proof ofevoer organization?"
"It heft mine, But come with mo
to Palmetto, and nee lot youreele
We ton eaily 4100. The Ifispaniolans
don't 1411.0it 1111)111111g, The Only
thing they =aril neel:1st is the land-
ing (al tee island aS he QUeen ATEd,
11 111041211)44, and one111114 barea dear
.eat 110(1(1.11n11 111)4.) 01(1)10(1 n11111 to1- level with these Ab, cloelans. lt
0- half a loven of them were in 'Aver-
t pool I should 11100 to shift there
t Wouldn't be living ±11 et."
,"We Scots," mad Hector, 1(41)44111114,
k "1401440 (1. 8)14111144 thate Abercorean
44 400(41(1 rabca cerain unmentionable1- place for a inelenity."
1- "He'd certainly form a
t to steel1Y granite pavement in place
o of the siege= unsatisfatory am:ter-
n Ti e Aberdonian has only two
points in IIs creed : he first is mon-
d ey, and 1.2111 (10111141 is graite. But
n to our 0411 matter, You've been
very eteicht with
e!stright weth yot. PII come to Ieste-
dols i0-1101'1.0 11144111 4111(1 see the
n Queen If ete•••
aItny, 11 go with you tO Pamettotsome time 015 month. And if t: 11)44000e all right 01)0)0, 1'11 put /. hen-
-tred thousand lown tee momen(2111
1)) Is eigned. When I have
1 IEZIl'anCe that te Powers Won't
interfete, you siall have the remain -
11 lag fne hunchei t1 ((5(111(1.
L delft think LI e Powes will in-
. as
'- e -
ea '
. We can talk. Cooc-morn-
Anil before he know it Ifector
Gratit was on the pavement of Duke
• Street, full of the desire to bleak in -
I "Not y
ieeere, for in MSS 111011 twdaes
Hispanlola will be at war with heEre° States of South Ameria.SI e'll 44114. beate, 410114 do I know ?
I got cable from Pio last night
no mile leaving the Presidet was
writing the ltlntinn 401,1122 it was
sect. Hispaniola won't give inthe
Powts 1 ave vigecher to until 411041ere tired : now she Van take her 0101)waye,:d herbeaten,
'Sewill be beatee, know that
more than half 1,0e flet irotten.Her show -ship, tbe 110y. Bias, 114481('tget her CO1I001001'S in yet, and her
)3elow-water armour -plate was sod
bs• the captain at Sanlonlast
141,111111 for scrap, twopenca pound,More than half the ehellin J er121'-
40(24418 aro dummies, most of her
gunpowder Is sawdust, and ter ofti-
cces-well, brat e enough holivichtally,bIlt 440011 modern Imre& war-
fare. 1IOW MO she help beingbeaeli?
,4hePowers will tand off and
teth, The Free States will teke
I 'eir pound of flesh-atel so may any
one It) 0044 enough to grate All 44,0801)444)114 well for yore 801)10801)10110,''1 "May 1 rot Fay our scheme, err.
Smi ?"
"But yeti aro
"I am rovehorefel until athing
is finished. Rut," ea added refec-
tively, "I dfl't 1110 1111this afair
shouldn't be 4h14 51)011. (Ob.
Coodemorning, err, Grant. See you
In London on Friday, Constitutional
01,,b, 1,04.1,01.11 tea -ask for me."
Hector patted himself on the shoul-
der, "floo(1 1)04' !" he aid. "Pot
your faith in the Mange Rig, and
he 1111 ull you through I" Ito lit
5. 1114440'4t40ette and Went out into tile
81111111(1(20,(To be Continued. )
Tis Jamul the nose is the only fee,
time which attracts attention. The
now th•tormlnes the beauty or tiglfe
miss of the face, according as it 0
big or small. This 10 probably- due
to the fac42 that difference lit noses
constitutes about 1.11e only distinc-
tion between one Japanese face and
another, 'Phe eyes are invariably
Mack, the cheek -bones high and the
chip receding. In .1044144(1a. lady who
has a huge proboscis Is always a
groat lemety and a. reignieg belle.
'Mere are a few largo noses among
the natives, erei lucky 15 he ot: she
upon whom Nature levishes onii. 1)1
all .JIlpa111484 pictures representing
tho e(:1)0080(11,y beautiful women the
artist invariably improece 011 Na-
ture by depleting tells feature as ab-
normally developed.
"Now," Paid the Profeeser, "sup-
pose you hted been called to see El,
patient with hystetees-someoate, for
instance, who had started htughing
and feund it impossible to stop -
What is the first; thing you would
do ?" "Amputate his funny -bone,"
promptly replied tbe new ettedent.
Ales, Goodin= 2 "One cmestion be-
fore I give you this money -do you
elrink beer ?" MemPey 1114u111n :
"33o I chink it ? Why, ittay, 31014
(1014't 811p 0 !.40 I Willi rt 11, hate
me gent evict s'elege 4
Oder Way but to drink it."
W. CHASE'S on_
11.8,11 041.111. (no diatagod
rut( by the Imprevcd Mower,
Tteols, the elecue dears tee oft
etestigea,etees &vulva 1)2 11,5
three and esneseionuy Cures
Catarrh and Hey lewer, Mower
ea, All (1,101000, 01'121, A, ett, 0115,8
1Siolse 116.4 Toronto end Befede
res foot, the blacksmith should not b
PeeMitted to etisp the hoof tine
than saflicient. tO the nn111, lla
0:: WAYS IN W4461011FAT3111Qta
1-1.AVU '8311444eltlerTmeleD,
such thinning of the cruet, redue
11110 Str011bith 01' 1110 tentring surfe
A of the foot, ena If perseveree II, wili
cause weakening and perhaps decay.
ege 111 the' weether it. is beneficial to ell
eV he hoof oocasionaily.
l'Andg 4101111411 Ole TO -DAY.
The farmer to -day requires heavie
horses than he 11,15 been using to 11
lds farm 401)13.0 peollOthey. The two
furrow plow, the wide lairrOW
other imple11)ent:4 need 0 power. On
inan with a, gem] three -horse 'Lena
and modern implements will do 14
much work and do It bettor tha
t wo men can with four light horse
„„ 811418Bobert Ness, of Quebec.
14'hll 3. handle Thiekeeys Ierenel
10 Coachers, Pureeecone und Olyeles
dales and coneicier theta all 4(00
RID BY rigiglirUS
Got a hen which well lay the
groatost number of eggs and My
1110111 Whe11 the prices are hiesheet,
which of course is mostly 111 the
muuter inonths metes jean 4114400,
51:;urr ithIlisee-711Inkitlegstilvocleatbilec'' 1110211114.3,
1400 tho
whitey layers, The Leglaorns hare a,
repUtation of putting forth eggs in
numbers through the whole Year.
toss the two -the Brown Legho
cock with Dark Brahm41 liens,
next year, M•018 hoek-s, Dark Bi
lima tank with the hens of the 1
Oat oi this :Toss I got a fowl
which would produce a majority of
eggs when the pieces were inteeesting
he pullets of this cross will itly
eight months, 00 hatch them
April 1. in °aim' to get them
work by 0440311ber.
Good health is the first thing
look after, Your hens will have
if you do not keep more than oe
in a house 1 0x1 2 feet, and 5 el
1)1 fc,et in the two bights. The
must be plenty of light and absolu
cleanliness. Select Giese pullets
with deep bodies and quite Promi-
nent combs. Your eye will 50011 be
able to tell a Myer. Tho food you
give is one essential, but along' with
it you inust know how to give it,
when and where.
Taking ton hens as a basis, inetbe
Neely morning, mix up a quart of
bran, corn and oat chop and. boiled
potatoes in one-third parts. Stir
just to a clamp stet° with hot 1)11110,
Feed this in a small trough„just
high enough for the hens to eat out
of without getting in it ivith their
dirty feet. This will fill their empty
craws inunotliately in the Morning,
Liu tbry wan t something more
through the day to give them OXer-
vise, keep them busy and "out of
troube." Se in the scratching Pen,
where long sle.1118 should be about 2
feet deep, stir up one quart grain,
wheat, oats and 001'0, one-third of
each. At night give them just so
Much of the sumac grain as they will
care to pick up.
Some have criticised me for feeding
\cheat 80 to 110 cents per bushel,
10011(1±4its bettor r at oillptal7
the Price and
need, and
get eggs, rather than stint the hens
and get none. The above mixed.
grain is the best grain thet can 'be
fed to produce eggs.
HOw the Tampa 'see :ruble Was
Settled -Jam 'Maker's Cunn-
ing ,device.
One of the 11104.11, pewerrIll 111111-
1. oss' helior orgaulettens in the
World 18, Or Wits, 411,s so-colleCI LEV
.8.0015tEmeia, letigUe WhIC:11 0001-
11 prises practicelly ()eery one of the
d 0,000 cigar makers wito wo,ek the
n cigar fat:tote:et at Tampa. Tampa,
is a 1-01111 on the West. Goitet of Vier
n /Me and Is the 'great centre or um
s Cabal), tobacco tratle. Almost all
the hands Fir0 1.01.044110110--Sp'111110:0C10,
0.1111)12)10, arid 1,11
ber, 1600, they quairelled with tit
d native American halide, 112311 dellimol-
s ad of their einettos ors that theeo
should be tliseharged. Tho beetle
1 , of theca laig arms reeiteed, and a
generel strike W05 Ordered,
t Six thousetied peeple left work
tWo'1411•1111111 oaf 14'et1iTe,414s'n%, 1131101(tuvacjtYo Sfe°(30111
pinch, for though the strikers had
fends to feett them, they had, of
course, no more inealoy to spend,
and Tampa ittes no other lisclustries
to depend On,
breeds, I believe the ea...deed:Lie 1
the etteest 'tweed fol. 0, imener t
work, Citnedian eePorlOnce has 500
that a Clydesdale 51(1111011 of 2,00
„ Pounds or less, pot:so:48111g' good feo
ea' and logs, compact formation ant
13,.' quality of bone, 'skirt end hair, has
Producea the most useful and best
, solilug colts Bona the ordinary mare
of the countes,
11, le; will pay farmers to get Into a.
01 better chise of liorsese and the dealt
type, it seems to 1110, the 11105t
re profitable for the farmer lindoe or-
te dinary conditions. Thorn are not so
many, misEts among draft as iightet
typos. Blemishes, snach as a cut
from a Wire fence, will not tiepin
Mate the value of a draft horse in
the 5e.3110 proportion. When two and
a half yenta old a draft colt can bo
used for light farm work, and from
thou until he is sold will enre his
keep. A carriage colt will eutier
in style end action if worke11 before
he is four yal.I'S old.
The be01 horses or: the market 4.0 -
dry weigh 1500 to,1800 pounthe and
are low down 0.1111 compact hi body.
To secure these horses it 11 11011 11(1»
00881'y to use stallions over a ton
in weight. The ereug sire of 1800 to
2000 pounds is all right. Baron's
Pride, probably the living
Clydesdale stallion in, Scotland, does
not end never has weighed 2000
pounds, From my experieme 3110.1.0
no ' hesitation in strongly urging
farmers bo 1110 good Clydesdale stal-
Hoes 11 they (lesiva to raise colts
of 3444() pounds or more that win
pllwene;vsis meet a, ready sale at good
Carpathian Mountains Crossed at
Terrific Sneed.
Creen things are absolutely 00008-
0111'3, to keep the hens toned Up. In
winter cabbage, turnips, carrots, etc
well do. I never gave my hens
green cut bone, but I think their
longing for this was pretty well sat-
isfied by the method in which I fed
them raw eleee, 3 nailed a meaty
bone to the side of the house, anti
after they picked off all the ralr
meat:, they picked away all the
soft parts of the bee° they could.
Everyone knows the value of some
form 'of meat, and 7 reconunencl it
given in this way. It seems to Iend
a special attraction, and stops the
hens from picking each other's
mails. Give this once a week.
Always iiaVe in the house, a lame
of eruct:eel oyster shells, gravel and
the settlings from. the bottom of a
dry 40211 3.04024821. tab. `nig is not on-
ly to aid clegestion, but the oyster
shells and lime are neetleit ±011)8-
01144 the shell of the eggs. Don't
fad to give the hens a pan of milk
at least twice a week. Two quarts
for ten bens will bo etenigh for one
week, Those who do not live one
farm where they can get the sour
milk, had better engage it fro)10
sionte creamery. This arid the meat
end green things will keep the hens
00111128 fiery red, willele is a sure sign
that they nee laying. Of course eel
the herte will hot be laying tat once,
but you will get eggs front three-
fourths of your floelc, if yeu take the
above cave of them.
In \corking butter, never stifle the
Paddle over the surface, as such
treatment injuelee the grain. The
130812 method is to r401101'0 S10 2111114
by using a gentle downward 441(00-
8111'O. Excessive washing is also 0-
j010e118 to the grain and general lip-
poarance of the arleclei Stop chure-
ing when the butterfat globules be-
gin to (adhere to earl: other, draw
orr the 1111114, and wash in two Wat-
ers at about ee degrees, steering
sloWly and no longer than is abso-
114005511141 to 1101101114411S1) the
Many good butior leftism's( dispense
with washing altogethee, but at
some seasons of the year, where
facilities are not of the bes12 for
keeping the cream at a, low temper-
retere, it is almost necessary to use
cold water in cleansing the butter.
The C1401,111 at churning time shoulcl
be ereilly ripened and at also= 65
P1101e1e31- 1411-0-1.41I440 Cle 11.0318E8.
This is en important subject that
deserves more atteetion. elehlle it is
impossible to lay 'down delimit° rune:
it, may be Said that there are 80111e
general principles aCknowledgod by
comPetent horseshooes, The heel
should not be cut at all unless 1(144'
god, and then only to =1 off the
ragged Paha. The same is true
of the frog, which is an elastic oush-
Ion, ietended to recleee the impact
of any sudden shock to the foot.
The butterls is en instrument cap-
able of doing infinite 11.118011)11 411 the
hands a tin incapable Operator.
The too Iney be and should he telt
and shortened, Wheoi too 301144 and
protratlieg beyond the 8110e, 101 noist
creme ettmlbling. A hot iron shonld
not be put on the foot to ascorinin
Whether It is (wan, as it places 01.
eeared surface betteeen the foot nod
the shoe, and the contact being iine
perfect, the shoe must necessarily be
1089 rigid thee it should be,
Aftee the shoe Is placed tel the
The world's record in ballooning
has lust been made by Heinrich
Ziegler, a Bavarian aeronaut, *who
has covered 765 miles at the tette of
thirty-eight miles 04 hour. He traV»
elect fPoin Augsburg to the banks of
the Purth river, in Roumania.
The maseinunal speed was reached
when crossing *the Carpathian In 01,01-
4111118 at a height of 14,500 feet,
the airship 80:011 deSt01111.1Pg to 'earth
at Stenhanest, nem' the Russian
border in liotmoolia. Ninety-four
=lee an hour 11100 reached at this
elti ludo.
The balloon 40110 the Augusta,
built In Augsburg. It had mode
forty vonages in throe years betora
undertaking the long distance run.
Ziegler has written an account of
tho ascension in which he 341.1410
"All the tiny was clear, but in the
evening clonde came on and there
was scarcely any high pressure. In
, sonthereasterly. direction, passieg
1 Augsburg, the balloon :showed a, 3.e114'
1 donee, to fall, 11)1 OM, tit a height
1 of 500 meters I had to Casale out
"At midnight the balloon reached
Munich. A beautiful view ebowed
itscif to the lonely traveler, the city
lighteOl by electrieity beneath. Quiet-
ly dreaming stood the ducal onstle
of Nymphemburg, surrountled by the
Holm= clarle trees, the front sbenv-
ing like silver ie tbe pure light of
the moon.
'When the mountaies 40070 reach-
ed the question 4408 labied whether
or not, to tettempt to go over them.
I looked down for a favorable land-
ing place, ' A spot neer the
0001114d good, but I bad to net
quieltly if at 1411,
"I cot -tatted the bags of ballast and
looked 1104821 egnin. The height
visas good 111141 the balloon was ris-
ing higher than the mountains. I
deelded to risk the flight over. 'C
cottild see the motintaine pleb:1y
through the mists, Tt was 1, won-
derful sight. The questirm still re-
mained. Would the Augusta go
over them.
"Tile balloon voso team 8,800 to
41,000 meters. While goin44 over the
higheet points 1.1111 Auguste, felt to
8,600 so that 1 lied to let (set still
more ballast.
lieleE'I'S ACC Del ieele
'Ai. Inneneetiite the' 'balloon was
going over the mountains, but
:E herein to see a plain, a valleY, a
river. The balloon roee to 4,0.00
meters all alone. Thee it began to
sink, showing a, deeidea leacleney to
land. I throw teat More ballast rap-
idly, Paelted the ineteemeete, and
made ready. SlOWly 14. mink, held
up by ehe air wirrents, L had time
to sanely my landing places, r,rhoro
won, no foresee and the leoul was:
good for my nuthose.
"4 111,1111e.1) 0111 klionlact. front the
11118314111 boundere. Tee next, ienen-
ing I sent telegraphic meseliges to
tho Angebinger Club for Aertemetis,
len in the ate nothing Mel Ileppened
t41 the belloon, but ;tiler [13.0,1! land-
ed we lost a wheel."
▪ you training your cleseghtess
ie the household arts 1" "No.
Whales the use ? Just as muse tae• 1.
got one or theni trictined sio Gott sees
cored help me, some men woidd
come along and marry 'her, and all
my labor would he lost."
Mother (renelieg) "A 'Western in -
venter has ;Met 44111311 (.010 11. vlaadne
Gott Will tOSS, a Man five hundred
feet into the air eimply touching
(1, 814111144." Pretty deeighter 2 "Coo&
hess graeioue 1 Lot Me desitrey thee
Pence befeee papa gets hold of it,"
Ameriean ehenecoopers in the
tetra consulted with the heads of
the 'various firms, and eventually
Cattle tO a bold decielone 11; 'was
well kinowa that the stelke was kont
alive entirely by a central Corn-
mittee of twentjr-ome agitators,
known as the Lieco Oubano, That
evening various cloged CarViageS
quietly drove into Ybor City, the
suburb of Tampa, iien•re the cigar -
makers live. Without any fuss or
00/emotion the strike loaders Were
gagged, and hurried off to a quiet
reneleevons in the pine forest.
Next morning a large fruit sehoon-
er stalled henn Tampa, bound no
0011:01.11110408owe exactly whither. De-
prived of then: leciders, the strieco
wa.s over in a week, end the power
of Lie Resisteacia is brokee Si
The owner of a rifilarielphia ism
factory, arriving at hls place of
business on, 11101'111,112; hest seummer,
found 110 Nvork proceeding. ')'110
hoods, who weve all girls, had sud-
denly decided to strike. 'Phe owner
had a, cantract to fill, and knew
that he could not get lianas to SLIP -
ply the place of the strikers. So he
called the gists together, aed made
them a little speech.
"Yong ladies," ho said, "this is
not a comfortable place for discus-
sion. Come with me and let's talk
this thing over." Die lea the way
to the nearest ice-cream and ginger -
beer shop, end tesked eftch to order
whet she wished. Within two hours
they were all back at week again,
their grievances forgotten.
Lieeti year similar moms were used
in Paris to Melte e, strike. Illhen
the dressmakers decided to emne out,
the leaders, 111 order to induce, 0.11
to join them, 1111; 011 1110 i1100, of
distributing small bags of sweets
to the women 218 they lett their
work. leach. bag contained Cir-
cular setting forth the demands of
the sleek:ors. In this way over 10,-
000 hands 'were induced to join the
comes from the province of Eastern
Shantung, in Celine. A. native em-
ployer et Mbar had some difficulty
with his mem who refused to work,
at once left for Chefoo. Ton
days late,' he re -appeared got up in
14 magnificont leuropeem military un-
iform Which it is presumed
that he purallaged second-hand in
that piece. He was arse provided
with a elever-monated cane, and
announced Llmt Ile had a.e,quirectit
foreign title. So great was the
men came beck to work without a
111054. Ser101.1s mutiny took place in
ineprossion produced, that all his
thIen KiD:ge,esneoboe :6,1:: 00 11,y001(1,
stt 111440, 0.
Fifty-one 00(11.16 4.8, all hospera.te
charaeters, referee:1 to eat their
food, tind, when. .at. exescise, sud-
denly mutinied, mod began teering
down the doors. The wardere were
oveepoweved, so the police were tall -
011 levee they were powerless,
so eventually the fire dopartinent
were rung Up. Two heavy streams
of water wore treened upon the 00-
24e15, knookleg thesis down Hee nine-
pins. It was. very cold weather,
and the water actually froze on the
anon'e clothes. Thoy aloud 14 for
thirty minutes, :old then 0140'01441er.
eri unconditienany.
'Pim steamer Datelset aveived at
Newt:dee elominuutheldee, reit:glance
list atter 1110 shipwrights had gone
out on Welke, and the masters aeci
°Metals of Lhe Clluennel Dry Dock
Federation went to WOrk them-
geNtee, and sleeked the great "
Ansang the workers were Aldo:hum
Morcley, Mr. C. M. Bailey, J.P.,
and 1.1r. Carney, This so 1111-
pressell the strikers, that they ro-
turned lo work.
Few 111011 OM possessed of more'
1ee-soured/1113085 than Sir leurty
),1)10 Awfii e
11crexe:13)))1110,111111..a. 101
great voleenie range of iteutteen, Ar-
leen, 50410 of his .eneriere nenlinied,
s1e1:1 deserted. They 401110 130.Ck irith
a contingeot or Masai, the flereest
merviors in Africa, and heed les
s'torra the Nunn, Sh. Jemmy in- .
trallehIed himself tend remained on
the defeesive 13.11 111441110 1111. 3312' that
matteSs 1oro gelai,rte. verocasler-
. His elt,vWere 105)1144 21003't,
Sir iTterry eteldeely remembered
that be heel a. box of ereworks
eanong hle stores, 'Poking them
under his ovm, he :dipped out, emtl
climbed Lb ementain side elsove the
When he g•ol. to 11. good height. ho
let off ,a flight of rockets. The sm-
peretitione steemses, seeing the 111'11-
110nt fleshes: tend stiles of colored
limht, at ence fled, They thought
It, was 8. Mottntein devil lighting foe
the whlte name The explorne had
no further trelable•