The Brussels Post, 1911-3-30, Page 4• _411:1tsotts riot !pi (1,7 K3 DAY, MARC [I 30, 1911 Fut?rt on the Sands of Time the Editor or Tax Pegs,: 'DeA It Silt. -- ea or greet men All remind tis, We elm make our lives sublime." The biographies ot thegrent and good, e as livieg, Bibles to those who read them ligIl 3 aild translate them faith- fully Into Weld 'and deed, -"Phis web of life so finely spun, Thom- golden sands how fest they run, Ah, 113,131 why (lost thou grieve 7 The Sore, I trial in the way \11,I 111 last Ina for a fle0og day --- Time ever dal deceive. 'Phese Ino gs which so enduring seem, The ills that haunt the brain, Shall vanisb even as a dream, And nothing shall remain." About one mile from whale the writer was born, standhe stately mansion house Killien sit, the residence of the .Ferguson family, for past geeerations, about 14 Miles South from the town of Ayr I. 6. 1,1313316c1 on he baIlk1, of the river Girvaii, with the Lady Glen, famed all over the 000n try for its °bann- ing ro mimic beauty. for its clear habb ing brook and sliver firs. The Ferg sons have been and still are a nob famil.mentioned as far back as t days of R.obert Bruce Sir Adam Ferg son. was eulogised by Burns in h earnest cry and waver, "As thee wi detesting chaste 3(1(1 ''Sir Chart Ferguson Bart, whose monument nu stands on the top of Kradoon bill, w landlord In my young days and wi whom I was well acquainted. 'I'h .great and good man lett his foot ma in braiding churches, supporting log schouls, comforting the widow and th fatherless and assisting the poor. H followed the example Of the Master mo closeiy than any man ever knew Ix be woos taken away in the prime of lif The day of his funeral was a sad da for limey people, who in him had lo their hest earthly friend. He was als an office -heater in the Presbyteria church. His son and successor, Si James Ferguson, Bart, while Ile ffile his father's place in every good work was at the same time more of a publi man. As a soldier, iu 1854, he clistin guished himself in the Crinatan War a the roar of canuon and the awful car nage had no terrors. Afterwardsli was 51003011 11 member of Parliament an rendered noble service in the variou officies he was called to fill. Acted a Governor General in South Australia also in Ne,v Zezeand, and Bombay an held office et it tine, as under Secretar for Foreign Affairs and for a time a Post -Master General, He lived a ful life, beloved and trusted by all who knec him and he carried about with 11101 tha touch of sympathy which make all mebrotbera, brotbers. His last official act for th - Government was a business trip t Jamaica, which happened during th terrible earthquake which took pias there a few years ago and unfortunate' while walking along the street there bi lifetwa.s crushed by a falling building So terrible was his body mangled tha • he could only be identified by his pocke book. His influence for good will long be remembered, especially' in his own couraty of Ayr. His. fine estate there received his unremitting attention and he was admired by his tenants for bis sterling north. Such men, who spend their lives for the good of their country, need no marble to perpetuate their memory. although his friends and ad- mirers thought otherwise, for only a few Weeks ago a costly monument in a Square of his native town was unveiled before a great concourse of people which will served to keep his memory green for generations to come. Sir James had al- raiays been so charmed with the Lads Glen near his Kilkerran home that he had expressed a desire that his last rest- ing place should be beside the he had Eoved so well It was not to be as all'that was left to his body was gather- ed together with that of others and buri- ed in one common grave far away from his native nome—his son, Sir Charles Ferguson, succeeded to the estate. The extensive grounds around the mansiou house, comprising rho acres, have more than a local tante I have seen flocks of pheasants running around there as tame as barnyardlowl. The grounds are in- terspersed with statelir trees. dark and high, the wide spreading beech and elm, and the sturdy oak. flaunt their leafy charms 113 all the pride and glory of a green old age. Two miles further South we come to my native village (Dailly) The environ - meat 15 31 nursery for the artistic gift. The glebe is washed by the streams of the Girvan it it winds its way amid the hatiglis of I3argany, to lose itself in the Firth of CI% de. Behind the manse and the village stretches the range of the Hadvart bills, a pleasant pastoral group of undutating heights from whose slopes may be seen the conical rock of Ailsa, and beyond it, low On the Western sky where the sail Sets, the shadowy hills of Ulster. Village itself lies low down by the river's rim, the whole district with its associations cannot fail to appeal to the mind of the lover of Nature but that which appeals to me is the old school, the old historic church and the silent kirkyard. From the pulpit of the old church there have echoed the voices of many abte ministers. In this dis- trict called Carrick, there are parishes and we feel proud to remember that the Whole e ministers resigned their charges rather than subtnit to the tyranny of Charles II, for Carrick was Covenanting to the core and her ministers, as was meet, led the way. Noble men, some of them survived the persecution and came back to their parishes again but most of tlieni died. In the spirit of Sir James Inglis. of Dailly, who wrote i n answer to the Court of II igh Com 111 isSiOn ; shallbe ready by God's grace to stiffer as ye shall be to persecute and one clay 1- le he ti - is tells BS th at It al e re it e, 13 03 0 s e s 13 14 14 eoey13 tt will make it rnauifest whether ye do well or ill." 'Pim communion and "Holy Fairs"—the custom prevailed over the country to well on into the last century. For instance (1111 comMunien held. In Dailly Munch in 3750, there were dis- tributed to the Members Of the church 360 tokens fled to strangers from other 1 parlshea 340. On that occasion there , Fall II ng Ha 1 rs •00+10+.1.40414.•+.444,s+4,4 10+04 .+444411+0+414, "1 bare Poona PM 1(1111) Sage to be the best emit) and heir tonleatid dress - mays 1. --- Airs, J1111. Hal rifi, or Wovelio, Sask., t inn 3 A es N . ing 1 iniee ever used. ., Mr hail' bad :!, iiiill ' • - • been coining:Mt in combs toll and was • very dry and brittle and the scalp wee '' AT always itching and full of dandruff. 1 have used two bottles of Parisian 813 3(11 • .. Wholesale I Price and it has stopped my heir from 11f1- ing, the 1(0111(4(3 13033 dandruff have dis- uppeared mid my hair is fine and soft and glosey. 1 would not be without this fine Hair Tonic for' wavy times the peice." For women, men, or children Pari- sian Sage is without, any doubt the finest preparatioll for the hair. Dein ti- ly perfumed, it is free froth grease or stiekthees and might to be where every member of the family could use it daily, Large bottle 50 cell ts at all druggists or from the proprietors, Tbe Giroux Mfg. Co,,'Fort, Bele, Out., poet. paid. '1'he girl with the Auburn heir is on every package. Sold alai Knee - /Intend by Jas. Fox. were 5 ministers MUIR preacher. Some of these communions lasted for 1.2 holm. suevession of tables were served tit the church, while one of the ministers meachetl in the open air to the people seated around on the tombstouts. On these occasions there was often drinking to excess and sometimes fighting but all classes of people gathered to these places ancl no doubt many of them for (10 (300(3, Burns poem "Holy Fair", give the death knell to those gatherings, We are um to conclude not withstanding the leviti of iedifferent, careless people that there was no good done at such times, God's PvaPle may hove received great blessing. As the kirk of Slums. near Glasgow, on the occasion of a great gathering of people such as we have been speakina about, on a Monday of 14 commution Rev, John Livingstone was the preach er. Tim meeting was held the opee air and when about to close his discourse A few drops of rain commenced to fall. Peopld began to put on their covering and he solemnly asked them if they had any shelter from the drops of Divine wrath and was thus led to enlarge for nearly an hour in exhorting sinners to flee to Christ, with so much of God', power that about 500 people dated theit conversion from the service. One of the most famous men of the Parish 01 May, was Rev John Thomson, (if not 135 14 minister certainly 55 1411 artist ) He was the greatest landscape painter of his time. .After being settled as a min is, el'. he still continued his favorite study but some of the people did not like such ex elusive devotion to Art. to the neglect, as they thought oE his proper wotk. There were stories about the Sabbath day being partly given up to the stud of Art at the manse. A few people left the church and walked 7 miles to where they could hear the Gospel without ani admixture of Art hut Mr Themson kept on preaching and painting and was a lovable man. One trouble followed a wither. The minister was also musical- ly inclined and at times_ took a 3111113 00 the violin. Again some of his people objected to the sinful fiddle and 31dep utation was appointed to bring the matter to his attention. The minister received them kindly and heard what they had to say while they reasoned with him about his love for the violin Mr Thomson thought the violin should not be condemned unheard, so he brought forth the instrument and discoursed a few selections; of Scottish airs on it and the melodies found their way to the hearts of the old gentlemen, who with tears in their eyes, were satisfied, the sweet music had charmed their breasts and dissipated their doubts. Mr. Thom son ministered to the people or Dailly for 5 years and was highly respected. The remainder of his life was spent in the beautiful parish of Duddington near Edinburgh. His fame as a landscape paiuter continued to spread and requests for pictures poured in upon him 011(13 11(13 profits reached So,000 annually Manse was famed for hospitality and Sir Walter Scott was one of MS Elders Preach ing and painting and enjoying a happy home life and the society of his friends, he spent his life until he was 62 years of age, when his health began to fail Be fore he died he desired that his bed should be wheeled to the window that he might have a last riew of the, beauti- ful scenes lie had loved so well, The day bad been bright and beautiful and the sun setting in glory and he continu, ed to gaze till he fainted from weakness. This was his last effort as he passed a way the following day. Another sunset after a day of brightness. Yours respectfully, JAMEM SHILLIE, SR. Dapple Grange, March 7th, 1931. Nair Health If You Have Scalp or Nair Trouble, Take Advantage of This Offer We could not afford 30 01) strongly endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonle and continue to sell it as we do, 11 11 did 001 (10 as we claim it will. Should our enthusiasm carry us away, and Rexall "93" Hair Toni nob give entire satisfaction to the users, they would lose faith in us and our state- ments, and in consequence our busi- ness prestige would suffer. We assure you that if your hair is beginning to unnaturally fall out or if y011 have any scalp tronble, Rex - all. .93" Hair Tonic will promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair growth and prevent premature bald - nese. Our faith in Rexall "or Hair Tonic so strong that we ask you to try it on our positive guarantee that goer money will be cheerfully refunded if it doe, not do as we claim. Two sizes, 50c. and 81,00. Sold tally at our store—The Rexall Store. F, R. Smith. Wroxeter MIMI STOUGHTON SASK..—The fol. lowing letter, written March Oth, speaks for itself.—As toy subscription 10 TAB POST expires with this month 1 now renew it by sending Post °111e •Order for $1,00 so as not to be Struck, off your hook, We have had a severe. Winter here, From before Christmas until the end of Ianuary 11.. was 1011(311 11(133 stormy and a great airmen t 01 11(10313 and laedly drifted loads. The weathee was vary eold all month, • • • OT being successful i a'lone and shall sell offal' my Boots, Shoes, Rub- n disposing of my business 1 .t. • N • have decided to continue the Harness business : bers, &c., at slaughter prices until all are disposed of. There is now arriving new Spring goods which :. were ordered from the manufacturer and which I have ; to take. All will be sold at unheard-of prices which will t ; give you a chance to secure new, up-to-date Shoes • : while they IFirSt. In ness, both heavy and light or will be pleased to build our Harness Deptutment we have all styles of Her- * to oidee 1307 1(11(33 you may vant, Good steel( combin- • ed with good workmanship has always bean our 01111. • 1. Ca RICHARDS1 .+.4..+4,4".„,..„+„.44,..++.+.4..+44.1.04..÷.+4.4....+.44 • • February was a good _told 'Winter month as there were no storms nor snow falls and coznparatively Now in March we are having sinne floe Winter days mixed in with a few eough ones for a change. 1Ve are all well her at present. With regards to the Editor and other friends in and around Brussels and ,vicinity. I remain 'Yours Truly, ALEX. AMONG THE MEXICANS. John W. Eedy, publisher of the St. Marys Journal, who is now in Tucson, Arizona, was in the city of Cuidad Juarez, Mexico. ou the day of the skirm isb in that city between the Mexican federal troops and the insurrectionists who have been lying in rendezvous in the mountains and canyons around that city since the revolution in Mexico broke out. It was a day of wonderful excite- ment and scores -of the citizens fled into the United States with their belongings which the American custom officers did 1103 11311 to tax to the limit. When he was crossing the international boundary that morning into Mexico the Americans were on guard Onone side and the Mexican soldiers on the other but as all that couutry is covered with militaryjust now and he had just arrived at El 'Paso by the morning train he VMS not aware of any unusual conditions until he step- ped front the Mexican 0141 111 the city of Juarez, A volley of shots from the sur- rounding hills brought the Mexican cavalry which Were quartered at Cow- boy Park, in the Bttll pens and the open Squares galloping in excitement through the streets. Columns of infantry were sent opt in all directions to reconnoitre and as they deployed across one mount- ain side, down the valley beneath came a body of insurrectionists and crossed , the Rio Grandin the town of El Paso to the city jail. The correspondent of the Los Angeles Times who had been iiished to the scene I was fired upon by scouts as be appeared in the suburbs, arrested, and because the ignorant Mexicans found a magazine, with pictures of the war in his pocket, he was placed as a spy in the front of the firing line and was marched ao miles over the hot sands that. day with- out a bite to eat before be Was brought back to the headquarters of the army at Juarez before General Navarro. Two other white men are still locked in the cells at Tuarez and Americans are warn- elidnetso. keep on their own side of the All trains South were cancelled and SURE OICNO calcidnar troapaa if voile bitek is emistantly aching and if you expel. lencti shooting palus, your kidneys are out of order. 11 your uripe is thick toid 0(031117 .03' 7::1:ptas:gfreqtenti 1.11(11(13' 11(1(1 paiful, your kdney$ and toothier al 011tord,x, - p 311, s, Julie IN'tnre, of 110 lio1is St, linlifex, N. S., seys 1 "Doll shooting 331.01:1 4,11101 MO 1101.058 the 81114311, (((131 14* ball, (11(31 extend lido my shoulders end neck, often entising the to suffee with severe headaches and spella 01 dizzinese. Spots vo11I41 due, zle before my 'eyes evee) thing would 1(1( 11 black, I would fall to the floor and be unahlle to get 11)) agnin With:41U aesistance. A foetid told me of Booth's Kidney Pills and 1 '3'6'Ii their use. The first box gave Hie re- lief aud I am now well and 81 1111 g." All druggists Booth's Mare ills sell Booth'S Kid- ney Pille 50e. a box with at gnat,- antee to relieve Or yo410 money back. They are the world's greatest specifie for Kidney abd bladder trouble. Postpaid from the proprietors, The R. T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort neje. Sold and guaranteed by Jas. Fox. have not been running since. A Mexi- can military train came into Juarez that day with zit cars. Nine of them con- tained leo Mexican cavalry, 17 cattle cars were loaded with Mexican hones, saddles and ammunition while 2 boxcars were filled With refugees fleeing with all their belongings to the town. No description could adequately :convey to the resident of a civilized country like Canada the conditions of abject poverty and undisguised filth which characteriz- ed these people. In those two cars were too Mexicans with their dogs, chickens and ducks and there must been on an average two to five scurvy. dogs at least to each male Mexican and ducks and chickens and babies beyond enumeration. Mr. Eedy' writes to the Journal that lie found that entire day but two persons who could speak a word of English, and met only one man who was not a Mexi- can. • Doctors Change Their Methods Years ego they fought catarrh by internal dosing. They saw this ruin- ed the stomach and changed to the ozonated air cure', better known- as "Catarrhozone."' This treatment is sure to cure: It goes to the source of the disease ; it destroys thecauses that Maintain catarrh and even in the worse cases. permanent cure is gum.- anteed; Failure with Caterrhozone is impossible. An tieepttc, healing and far-reaching, its bound to cure every ••••••••••••••••••••••••••esessompimmoe••••••e•••• Norman Forbes Walter. Williamson • liE me. ndoised by mot e than twenty • thousaild physicians in America alone . • and sold m 26o and $1,00 eizes by all ea ets. I "lifting, .Decoratin WaliPaper Hanging : HE undersigned, • having forted a partntrship, are • • prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Dec- orating and Wall Paper Hanging. • We are practical men in these lines mid by doing our work promptly and well we hope. to merit your pat- ronage andsupport. Orders for Wall Paper Hanging left with the un- : dersigned or at Smith's Drug Store will receive our prompt attention. • • Forbes & Williamson • • • • e Painters and Decorators • BRUSSELS : • a 'Phone 2413 Lot 18, Con. 10, gi ey. • Emelt OOOOO 6,000 OOOOO somissooesesisseemoomemossio• 111 O GROWING INTO A SIG CONCEEN.—BruS • eels, Grey and Morris Rural Telephone Co. hasTrown into a big concern. T have 56 telephones on their own cireitg o and have. now -completed connections with 5 of the adjacent systems viz 9 Molesworth, Wroxeter,.13lyth, Colborne O and McKillop, covering an area many • miles in extent, when arrangemeuts 43 are closed with the Bell Co. for long • , distance messages a more complete 0 o • :Pure a • Maple Syrup I will be, able to supply • • the public with any• guan- o tity desired of the very • I • ; ' best Maple Syrup. Guar- : anteed Pure. e I I C. H. Knight Brighten p We have just received our brand new stock of the lat- est creations in Wall Papers from the leading manu- facturer of Canada, Large 'Variety of Newest Designs You are invited to inspect our new line of Wall Paper by all odds the finest we have ever seen. MICH are Exceptionable'. MUSKRATS Wanted in any quantity at the fol. • lowing peices 1— . SPRINGS WINTERS SMALLS KITTS I 35c. 25e, 10c. 0Ziat.'"oPorg i',',11,1.11.12:tercti. other r6w Write for toy latest price list J. YAFFE 72 Colborne st., Toronto, Ont. •0•4401* -5•44+0.74-14+40+•+•+•-e i 1 11 III 1 11 j * d. no mCLeiiallu i + .• . i New Jewelry Store 1 .., * + 1 I , Watch Repairing ... 4 Jeweley Repairing •.T., .1., Clock Repairing • • Engraving 4' .1. t Aniogoceiltolecli 1:14,t)texiLtvifoiNeVytttchleels,,.. I ling Silver and Plated Ware at yotir serviee, e carry a full Imo of ETHEL • grffiRWM-iritiM118 R4/NTS &14zwereta When you require paint for your buildings come A in and ask for facts and figures about S. W. P. 0 We also carry a full stock of Sherwin-Williams lain% Varrushes, Stams and Enarnels--Aa specialty for every purpose" or every surface in and about the town or country home or the farm. Prat:WOO Phone 2510 cliona Id, Cranbrook taken as cash • 4°"eill'imi'ougi (1104,4 3(3333 • Weddieg Rings • ••••••••+•+•+.+•411+0+•44•••• Brussels Photo, Studio IN retoruing thankfor liberal ' • patronage :boles' the boll - dap:, I Invite your inspec, titm 10 eel:niter: of work done ee people 7011 Ilittat know. of 111,,boavvoe‘svtoillois )0oolitinogt: 071111noiolli‘eli: These will be 01(133 (3(3 greatly re. duceelacili)1°' 0te8arly the day -when the light is gaud. G. F. Maitland Immo. zeibiemispliiiissolusamiso telephone arrangetnent at the , price would be almost too much to expect. People who have not become subscrib- ers yet are missing it and should get busy. • Why Chalet Molds are Dangeroufl lead to pleul'isy null pneu- monia.' Follow the advice of W. H. Powles of Powle's 001Mel'as Ont., who says : "1 used to be subjeet to attacks alul although 1 used most everything ttrithing relieved quickly till I dis- covered Nerviiine. 1 have used it for pleurisy and sore cheet and found it plat the proper thing. For Lumbago or Neuralgia, it's 90(30(0 135 lightning. I cheerfully recommend Nerviline." Strongest, cleatiestonosi pain destroy - nig liniment 011 earth is Nervilitte, 25c bottles eold everywhere. STATE of Minnesota set a good ex- ample last week along Prohibition lines. 'Voting took place at t76 places and 86rof (he number carried no license laws Restriction is being placed on the sale of malt in Minnesota whice will 3103131131 confined to the liceused saloons. . Stops a Cough In One Night The Story of Sufferers from Bronchitis, Asthma 'and Catarrh proves the Value of Catarrhozone. - A cough may b; Catarrhal with dry tinkling' in the throat, it 'may bi accompanied by partial stoppage rig the nostrils and shoetage of breath. Often there is a gagging in the throat, and every cough tears and hurts. OlnliglIS have .a hundred different causes, yomes may be due to any of the following :— • Asthma Inflamed Throat Exposure Bronchitis . Enlarged Tonsils Pneumonia Inflammation ' Croup Storhach Disorders Pleurisy The one remedy upon which physi- cians are relying to -day is Catarrh - ozone. It removes the cense of the cought doesn't smother it. Catarrh - ozone is a smoothing, healing, "direat eine" aud 'cures the conditions that cause the cciugh. • Catarrhozone is infinitely superior t0.. cough nuedicines, tablets, sprays and eundsions, whiclj " foe the most part are of no practical value except to ease the cough for the time being Often liquid cough remedies contain • opium, morphine aud cocaine. With Catarrhozone you take 110 drugs—you employ •Naturi e's way—justinhale Oatarrhozone's soothing,heitling vapor and 1011131 (33133 cure 10110 313 pi omptly. It's simply wonderfel to think how quickly a bad throat or catarrh can be cured with Catarrhozone. Its rich bal- samic vapor is carried along with the breath to the innermost recesses of the lungs, heonchial tubes and attest, mak- ing It impossible for the germ of any disease to live. Thus sove»ess in the chest is at Once alleviated—phlegm is loosened and ejected from the throat, olcl standing coughs are removed. REMEMBER THIS, you breathe Caterrhozone and it will cure any -Winter ill. Large size, gnaranteed, costs $1.00 ; and lasts two months ; smaller eizes, 25e. and 50c. Beware of imitations and insist on "CATARRH - OZONE" only. By iui1 frotn the Catarrhozone Co., Kingston Oet.' 31 • The People's Column COMFORTABLE BRICK HOME with stable. well, &c., and 2 sores of trawiee land for sale In the Southerly part of Brus- sels. Immediate possession can be given. Por farther pertioulare apply to 13.8, Scott, Brus- sels, 00 2180. MCARTHUR, Walton P.0, CAEN FOR SALOL—The faun 'known 88 the SItine'e ferny,' is now offered for sale in order to wind up the estate. The farm con. tains 98 acres being parts of Lots 5 & 8 in the 12111 00,., of Grey. Mostly all seeded to grass and in a state of good cultivation. On the farm is a good brick bowie and 118441. 3)5135, also a frame barn, orchard, &o. Property to be sold worth the money. Apply to JA8. BOTH, Lot 4, Con, 11, Grey, 013 044 the premises. 174f MRS, WM. SHINS]. Tn0I.20'.BRERIK D YOSHIRES, either sex, at breeding age, tor sale. Also 2 young Shorthorn hulls, 000 01 them 1115 prize winner at Brussels Pair JAS, SPETIt, 1,01110, ('014, 31, Morrie, Box 270Brussela P. 0. 'Phone 180 FARM POR SALE,—The 100 acre farm be - Ing the prOperty of the late Peter Maslen, Lot 211, Con. 14, Oreyo id offered for side by the undersigne.d. There ere 85 acres delayed, lint. once well timbered., On the hum there is good bank berm lone driving shed awl a com- fortable house. 131,1,18 114 good condition and well fenced. Par further partioulara apply to JAS. A. mamma or JA.S.D. MONA In, Exec. ClMnbruolc P.O., or Ir. S. BUOTT,. Bros, eels. e-tr• CARR POR SALE.—The undertilisned '3(304,3.a- for eale, his 100 acre farm, being Lot 130, Oon. 15, Grey. Abont 7811314814 cleat tal, balance 114 awaittp, 8 acres in Fall wheat, 01 acres seed- ed down. Pall plowing is being dune. 00 the farm is a frame home, bank barndi-JAM/abed, good orchard and drilled. well. Olose ta pool- offiee, church and school. For further particu- late apply to MEM 0813011N16, Proprietor, or F. id, Scott, anaemia. inieARmilitopuniedrat—faLootx 211,31111110 21 11 0.0 00 Tula. 01 t, Mon. Lots 21 and 22 compose the Gardiner hOmestend and contaihs about 100 nen*, 1111 Arnt-claas land, well fors well tile drained and him 15 acres Of good hardwood bush ; good comfortable buildings; with tral modern im- provements ; plenty of good spring water linti a good bearing orchard. This Is one of the choicest farms 14, 1110 County- Huron and will be itelrl oh terms to suit, purehower. TAG 28.con labia 125 Acres With small house and barn all ill pasture and has been for 7sals, Thor 8103,,,, 851355 01 good bush on th a farm. For further partiettlars imply to *3,1010. CFA It5/1/. Ea, Walton P. 0., epee the preillillea, 41141 • artna11013SALE, being South half Lot 25, Oen, 4, Merritt township,' Baron 00., eon- talning 100 acres more or less. On lite prem- ises fas flame house, bank horn, graecl orchard, well, windmill, ige. Ali cleared exeept about 1111 Bug School 14.1/11185 distant, Only 214 miles from Brussels. eneres of 'Pall wheat and about Names seeded down. POr 11111514. terms and other information apply . on Eli,, prenthoes or 13 writing Brutatels P.0, 'Phone 126 Or P. 8, Scott, Brussels. 1143 A. L. ICERE;Proprieter. lia119111111•1•111112491•11•281401111111•••• HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Trains leave Toronto 2.00 p,m. on APRIL 4, 18 MAY 2, 10, 30 JUNE 13, 27 JULY 11, 26 AUG. 8, 22 SEPT. 6, 10 Second .13.3 ticket, from Ontario Matrons to principal Northwest point. at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg and return $33.00; Edmonton and return 541,00. and to other points in proportion. •Tickeu good to return widen 60 day, from going date. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on all 0:curious. Comfortable baths, fully equipped with bedding, an be maned at moderato rates through load agent. Early application must he made Ana FON HOM ESE E ISEAG, PAMPHLET anemone rata and tuu reformation. Apply to nearest C.P.R. Agent or to R. L. Thomson. Dist, Pass, Agt.. Toronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANCE Of CARS T. FARROW, Agent tittn.e..e.t.S rmyzer.04.trot,w,aAnge.yivomy.614-AzgAv if Spring Term From April 3rd in the :0_ ELL/OTT Our. Yonne &Alexander sts, Toronto. ,e• 06 Strictly First-Olass in all Departments. P None better in the Dominion. Bajnys extenniva patronage and f ., graduates readily get' good positions. g -4 Open entire year. 080310(1110 013113 7 I Enter Now. • W. 2, ELLiCiTT, Prin. 6&-Tnratt..4,V.4W. kuift,''reZ. VAIr..4 riEV-:. ' . , rerezmannatvivrolzesrainstav 1- Spring Term from 3 4f,j)CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. e; We have three departments -Corn- bS M mercial, Shorthand and Tole* 1 A graphy. alt cont'oex are thorough §6 and pritotienl. The teaching is done by 24 33 seven experienced Instructors and we place graduates In good positions. some 61 of last year's Students are now earning f:.5 21800 00 per annum or batter. 61 Enontenta ore entering each week. This 11,11 good. thee for you to enter. 61 Write for our free catalogue nt once 1 and learn what -we 3(411( 110 for you, , D. A. MoLAC1411AN, Principal. .4 „ 3019 Dear Reader ::w 13001435 yOung people for heathens at The listowel Business College .,, 6, And Disco our graduates in poeitions. :A 4 • Students may enter at any time, P. ka Spring term opens April 8rd. For par - 131 IN g Goatees address EDWIN 9. MATTHEWS, Prin. *.trAvainVgAtcygrAcnroanYezi,.al !Boys. andi Girls• • • • .3. 9nouitt [earn those snbjects • which they 011.15 n liv33ig. + • Spotton Business Colleges 4. • are the largest trainers ill Can- min, and our gradnittee seettre the best positiona. Yon 01111 4, quay al home, or peelly itt hemp, and III' 00110121-. • Individual Instruction Enter Jiny Day. 1. • • * Wingilam I e e Business College 4. • 0E0, SPOTTON, Principal i t * +.•314.•44+40,•+t