The Brussels Post, 1911-3-30, Page 1I:
VU/w, 39 vu, 39
BRUSSELS, UAV:JrlklU, 7'HUk'S.t>riY, M4RC,H 3o. W. KEHR, Pyo/.' etvr
New Advertisements
. • steeki'nt•--J. Yaffe -
Imeal--lira,-et Plain
noted—A Reymann.
Ten 'erg—
welt flop', -.ata. teem
.(or•nt,d -le It strath,.
old tie pmItpotrl, u,", ppm
Welltnu 1l•ae,•ed. 7t„Ornoken,.
Egos fm•hetehink-Win Lona.
(Jew for .ale. Prod —11' 14natcem
NotinestoOreditma—le h moat..
ague fon hi tettiiru—N. 5.. INot,nueblln, '
Embroidery honaqunrters,•D. O. E088.
ilii .
� �
Jamestown A. few loads of brick lI ve been haul-
ed fie the peopoied new Victoria sail.
Joh', Pugh, or al Liei I4, was visit-
ing at David Ramsey''s. He 4s a bee-
We are pleased. 10 h('i(1 x4114. Rnhe('t
Strachan :is recavetiug froth his
attack. of inflames etoey rheulnalietn
and we lupe he will sou u be as well as
' O,viug—to the decision of Charlie
Eaket to go to the Weet,,A, R. Mc -
Doled(' has, moved back to the home-
, stead, whish Mr. Eaket hall leased,
President Miller and VicePresideuL•
Rlyans attended the monthly meeting
of the Directors of 1114. }iowick Mutual
Fire Ilesnranee Op., ae G0(1•i0, last
and will comb, ee to till the soil. He
And Mrs, al°Donald and son had beet)
living in the house (tweed by
the late Robert 13e11, on the saute line,
)which, Mr. McDonald bought and is
now ready to sell.
Tholutts l]. liay', postmaster ,of List°,
wei, one of the best known mein in
Perth County, died at his home here
at 5.45 (i'elock Saturday night, He
had tree unwell for a year. and under-
went an operation in Toronto about
the beginning of the present year,
which only gave temporary relief.
Mr. Hey was a native of Forfarehire,
Scotland, and cause to Canada when
he was six year's of age. Ile was the
third son of a family of twelve, his
eldest brother being the late D. D
Hay. He was for years, one of the
most active and influential Liberals in
this riding, and had long experience
in town and county municipal, affairs.
He had filled the position of Reeve of
E wish to impress you ,with our com-
plete' stock of Elnbroideries for the
Spring and' Summer Dresses.
With SPring being in sight this part of
our stock is of special interest.
We imported our Embroideries 'from St
. Gall in Switzerland' and so we can give you
• patterns that are not to be found elsewhere in
Brussels. This gives you: the advantage of
having something not seen every day.
We Try to Mention
a Few of the Lines
Oorset Cover Embroidery from, per yard
25c to 50c
27 inch Fur c4n = in fine Lawn with beautiful openerde-
in prices, per yard
75c 85c . 1.00 1..25
27, 'pelt irlonnring with wide gathered Frill at bottom, just
the thing for children, at the popular price of
85c per yd
45 inches wide for Lingerie Dresses, time what is wanted,
with deep work ou flounce (0)111=fine quality Lawn at.
SOC, 1.00 &.1.15
r L 5`
SII Boil Look �
C a
., rah F"r'9'•n'"'a<
RossThe ig Store
Highestpricesfor produce.
Fresh Groceries always on hand:
e •
Listowel and was Warden of the
county in 1899. A. than ofniostkindly
tewperament, he was beld in the high-
est, personal regard by all who kneW
111,44, 110 is survived by one son. De,"
If, 11 Hay, ni' W4Lrtou. and three
married daughters. file wife, who
survives hie), was a daughter of the
late Postmaster klacki,g, of Listowel,
141u, flay was in his 71st year. The
Penwell took place at 2 o'clock Monday
Oran brook
Mrs, Johns, of Pennsylvania, is
V18111ug.her mother, Mrs, Val. Gramm,
Miss Stella Altlersou is visIt41rg with
lire sister, Mrs, Carter, at Avon ton.
Otto Schenck hiss hetet appointed
Patlltnastei' ea Dan. 1it1Ct1181' has. re-
Harry Swaildon and Goo. Sperling
are lutaking maple syrup this year. It
is the elem. stuff.
A. Raynor' is itgent for the cele-
brated 131u'ber Buggy. See 15 and get
prices befole"3am purchase.
Ethel •
• F.&50 Fsn011.-11. Olose will continue 'tlie
looni agent's for the well known Page tensing
and gates, will oouatruot as well ea sn ply
material it desired. Get particulars from
0,000006.0 eseset4eee eceeeet'teetetD06aOCetea eseteatestio
I' mer
— s
Wroxeter s
H. Williams', litl. 9, of S au14
Ste Mal'ie
Mich., was visiting his sister, Mrs. S.
S. Cole, .
Oou -
f re extended to R.
O. Daviea: 0lieslns-eY over t
r thee urtivttl
1rmtula n . e
of a baby- daughter Helen Elizabeth)
on Sunday Manch (19th. May she
phomovre 11 great joy and blessing to the
The Young Men's BibleClass did
alis l well. it tart r❑ las)) Sabbatli al ter•noc 1,
in ttkit>charge f the Methodisthod4et
Sabbath School exercises, They. ale()
gave a gond chorus. Total atteudan0e
was 111,
Foor-BALL.—At6o'clock Saturday
evening of this week a meeting will be
held at the hotel Inc the put pose of re-
organizing the Foot -Ball teem Inc this
season, talking cyst business matters,
etc.,. All interested ate asked tout -
DIED IN KANSAS.—By notice else-
where in thisaesue it will be observed
that Mrs. Charles Dobson, foauelly of
Ethel, paid name's debt at Solomon,
Kansas, on Saturdayof last week:'
She was 74 years of age aud had been
it) failing health foe a considerable
1itit 0, Me. Dobson and bereaved
ta,nily will share in the sympathy of:
old friends in this betality. Mrs. John
Rose, nl' (3tey township, is a daughter
of the deceased. Mrs. Dobson was a
tine Woman, kindly and generous.
She was a faftlifnl Christian.
11YAIBelease=Wed a esday afternoon
of 'this week the matrimonial bow was
tied, at the Methodist Pt reuuage, by
Rev. D. Wren, M. A., between
Welland alcDoiald,• a well knoWu
young farmer of the 91h con., and
Miss Elva, daughter of con.,
Stephenson of Grey. township.' Tht'y
will make their home on the Robt. I,.
McDonald farm, which the groour has
leased front his father. A wedding re-
ception will be -held at the ..neiv home
of the hatter, viz Lot, 18, Con 9, Friday
evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs.
McDonald have the vial wishes of is
wide circle of relatives and friends fm'
41 happy and prosperotls life.
Walton '
McKillop Oouncil is asking tenders
Cm construction (1f two drains. See
notice in this issue and get after the
Walton Beef Ring will •commence
ops axions for the- Stunt -net months on
Friday, April 7th'and patrons may ex-
pect•:to got their lnettt Friday even-
•ivar4s as usual Jno. Bell, of Morris.
the ever-I-Inc:lel>t butcher, will do the
carving thfs-ssttsou again and 1t goes
Without saying; satisfaction will
bet uaraunteed to all. '
tveuing, Mrs. Writ. J. Hawthorn, diecl
Hospital, 11
in the W iuchant H( spi11a , iu her 891
year. tier maiden name was Hannah
Tugrain, formerly of Walton 100(111ay.
She is survived by her Inc -band ,tuci
two children, Dtheh 4i; .yea vs alit and
Tngl'aus,.8 year's of age. The funer,,l
took place to 'Brussels cemetery, Weil
nesday afternoon on, the 81140al of the
3 0 (1)8111 train. Rev. A. C. Wishart,
B. A,, conducted the secvire, The ser-
vice 10 Wi['glum) was in, the Methodist
Church in charge of Rev. Dr. Rut-
ledge, Deceased was` ill lose than a
week and nnde1'went a Mittal' opera-
tion, Necessitating the administration
of anaesthetics which in her weakened
heart oot)ditio) tended to her demise.
Mr. Hawthorn.
1�tv r,1 was in the West
at the that was wired for at Delor-
aine 1)414, 'wing to absence from bead -
(pun tete, dello, ,'e stilted so 1111)41 ha,
not able to reach Winghanl until
Monday night. The sad netva of Ills
wife's death reached the husband on
the train before t hie t4r 11 al home.
'The subject of 1111s notiete teasel mem-
ber of the Methodist Church and 90l15
beloved by a wide circle of Mends for
Ther 'many excellent qualities of both
bead and heart. Widespread sym-
pathy is expressed for the beretLved.
Mr, Hawthorn will t'eno'r to the West, -
probably nextwe'ek and will take the
Ohildl'en with him. Mrs. W. Denni
son, of McKIIII' , and Mrs. 'linrper, of
Drumlin, are sisters t) the late Mee,
Haivthorn arid her brother Ru11e1•t
lives at Mattawa. Ont. 5 years ago
hast October Miss Itannah-Ingram and
Miss Minnie. -Bennett left\Valinn for
Winnipeg where they were united in
tea eiage on theft, ,4rrivttl 41y Rev,
DnnDonaldMunro,uy), to \V. J. ' Ha\vLl rern
and Saint. DioS'padden. WW1 formerly.
of this locality. After the ceremony
the quartette had a group pudic taken
and in due ennese went to their. re-
spent4ve:homea 1444 WIlOkedIt 141114 1301sso-
t d n
ilLsanart, Mr. ales ad e
1;01N (
vt 401P
died Sept 1009elettving 11s wil
ow with a
little 8O11 and inl
r1. Ml. Haw-
attended the f)nelal of his
friend. In the health of Mrs, liaw-
.thora two ci1411r'eu, daughter abut son,
cartne w o �..r -.xeter
announces her 'S ril gMillinerY Opening
to be held on
re 8
I e 2
ing days
a when will be oil display the largest stock of
sa P Y g
c, French and New York styles ever; shown' in
e y
S u
a Wroxeter or surrounding co 1ttr
and ollow-
She cordiallyinvites the Ladies to see her
®• n work
values and before elsewhere.
c . 1
0t es,0+"u0060•
easaaeoseoeeos• •s•••S••••••O••O•••••••s••
are also left and Mee, eltleSpadden was
9110 Of the sytnppathiserrs with the -be-
reaved. Surely the fleeting yeas
Outages t seldn
bring ninny c,l )gt'e bu 1n to
t\r o firruilles are comeldeues es similar.
W. 0, Currie ,wade ,1 business trip
to 441 t, Pl 0rest nn B10tu, clay.
51iss Anoio Pontin, of S4uu•oe,14)01)4.
last week with her gra„ dfather', 1JaS.
Jno. McOaticheon, of 'Tnrnberry, left
for Peace River District on Tuesday
afteruoo t.
Mrs, Duncan and children, of Hinge,
Mao., ere guests of the former's sister,
Ales. Wm. Rutherford.
\V, E. Van Vel(or, of Bluevale. m-
eowed acquaintances in the village
Inst Feiday and Saturday,
141re, Geo. Mapletoft and Miss Mc-
Lan g lir o' Fordwich were guests of
ibli 1
Mrs, tV, O. Oureleon Tuesday.
Mrs, McCartuey's Millinery Open-
irtgs were well attended this week.
Mary compliments, paid and orders
3• Tx. Cunningham, who recently re-
turned from the West, with a carof
011tt40 lav settled on the Farrel hume-
steuil. •
Ja1nos and Mrs, Ballantyne enter -
lathed a uutoberr of friends Monday
evening. Mr. and- Mrs. Ballantyne
leave this week for their farm in Bow-'
ick which they ; have rented from
I bt' d.
Robt. Ireland.
DIED. --The de th occ urred in Turn -
berry, on friday, of Miss' Elizabeth S.
Linton, youngest -daughter of the late
Rnbt't't Linton. Deceased, who had
attained her fiftieth year•, had suffered
intensely &wing a long -illness and
x c
death. was not un0P the fun-
u al which t0)k P unexpected. ed.
> , lace to the Wroxe-
ter cemetery on Monday afternoon
was conducted by Rev. L. Perrin.
Jolln and Airs. Richmond, 9th line,
pet mete taking a trig) to 1110 \\ (444 14)
visit relrtfiVeit aud frueele. Their farm
Was ma :sold at their' auction stale
Th113d147 of last week. -
BOUeetaT A OLYDraeate. ••-- Allan
Speir, 4411 line, 41 veteran it) the horse
business, purehast'd a choice bred 8
year old Clydesdale stallion tat Toron-
to named "13orler Chief." vire wise
encores iu his enterprise,
John and alts. Olegg'wereat Gelder -
telt on Tuesday attending the fanel'al
of Mrs Joan Stranghan, who riled at
Clinton hospital last Saturday where
she had grace for 101 npel rima on her
throat. She had been hot limed with
the ailment foe so't1)0 time,
Jesse, son of ()Melee' \Vheelee 4th
line, and D. Knight left Tuesday of
last week Inc Vancouver, B. 0,, where
they purposce making their bottle.
Theformer has a brother at the
Panifie, We wish the boys success
but (a0 not like to see so many going
A Morris subscriber asks ; "Will
13russels, Grey and aloreis. Rnral 'Tele-
phone system and that of North
Huron arrange terms whereby the sub-
scribers of each may be able to
communicate with one another 4"
[Note by Editor—We understand the
fanner has already made approaches
on the matter and if not favorably
considered application will be made to
Ontario Board -f01 an ordeal
Totfnsltip Council Monday of next
Thos. Connor, has been on the sick
list bnt we hope he will soon improve.
Wedding balls will chime on the
18th eon., next. Wednesday. Aullett
10tvnehip will supply the groom.
Matthew and Mrs.. Stewart left
'Cnesday of this week for Calvin,
Dakota, where they will spend a
while. ' Mia. Agnes Knox, 16th con., who
has-been in failing health for the past
nine mouths, is still quite poorly we
are sorry to state..,
This weetc Jas. Moses and bride took
up residence on their farm recently
purchased from Hugh W. McKay, 9th
can. We 'wish them /many happy,
prosperous years.
A. number of new telephones, in
connection with 'Brussels Rural
system, are being installed. They
have a great circuit now and will
probably have 800 subscribers before
the Summer is over, -
Mrs. Squirrel and Mrs, Wilson
Moore, of Guelph, were visitors with
.Mrs. Edward Garvin. The latter has
been i11 for tlre•past, 0 weeks with
1ligrippe, and 11ro9Ohitis but we hope
she will goon be all right..
We extend congratulations to Ed.
Clark, 17th coir., on the- event of his
li)arraage t0 Miss Heath, whose
parental home is near. - Trowbridge.
Of a ftunrily..ot 18 children, all are
alive and all now married. 18 did r)ot
appear to be an unlucky number in
the Clark fatuity. -
Wednesday et this week Daniel and
Mrs. Glassier and sons Alfred and
Reuben left for a trip to the Nest:
where they will likely spend the
Summer. Mr•.-Glassiel's fain) on 1111
Onn., -is in charge of his nephew Dan,
o ract with
r should close a c rvt
The latae i
n. housekeeper. coaxal thrifty young 1 a p
HYMENEAL.—At 6 o'clock p. m.,
Wednesday of this week -a valet wed-
ding was solemnized at the home of
W. and Mrs. Brewer, 7th con., only
elm members: of the family being
pi etietrt when- (fn. •r• 0chl1401' daughter.
in marriage
Miss Anne C.; was united eg
to Win. Armstrong, a' prosperous
young farmer of the 8th con. - Core -
molly was conducted by Rev.. A. 0.
Wishart,B. A. of Brussels. The
principas' tonic their places in the
1(11101' to the .strains of the,
4114M1 Climes played by Miss
:Mae Wilkinson, cousin of the
bride. The pride was unattended and
wore a becoming dress ,of navy blue
eel le.-- After cmigratulat1ons all
sat clown to a: well prepared repast.
Wedding gifts were valuable and use-
ful. Mr. and Mr's. Armstrong' teen-
tnence married life on the groom's
form with the hearty geed wishes of a
wide circle cif vela' W1..8
ad friends.
Minutes of last, Council may be read
on page 4 of dais issue.
Aire. Henry Slathers has becu quite
ill this week with the chid, I'S. Preset. a e visiting at the home
141 her daughter, airs. Richard John-
llobt Matters incl Miss Rebecca
visited West Wawauosh friends this
Rev. J. IV. Andrews has had a vet's
difficult time making his 11)4st.oral edits
owing to the had co,rditirui of the
Word 1)11s been revolved by friends
• ite.t h is locality from aloosotni n, Sask.,
stinting the snow laid gone .and good
bvheelittg taken itsplace.
ex -Reeve mat Mrs, George Taylor ex-
pect tnleave on a holiday 4)14) to the
West next. week. They . take (40110ts
t<r E1Unnnton but will visit at various
pcitits between here anti there. ;We
wish totem a first-class titre and 145441'1
ID is With sadness WO record the
(loath of Gent'ge Aiteheson, formerly
'of Bluevale, Deeeaeed was a yneng
h knew him,
all who relur beloved
05 4 extended.
' 9' lrel'e 9.
,u alb is e
rl .n,
(i y
Opt •01„114, to Il novcic
,srvet lit 1
TTIs rrtnafi ,
and lta4d to rest in the village cemetery
on. Frirhty, ?mimed being very lartgely
Council meeting next Moliday even-
Some talk of reviving the Sax in-
Tuesday was t
e he date of tine last
Hn i se Fair for this season.
• t• .
St. A
nchew's O. D. Society are send-
ing about $20.00 to the Chinese famine
The Standard is holidaying this week
owing to removal of the plant to the
building formerly occupied by Auder-
son & Son.
J. A. Anderson is considerably im-
proved in health and M1',. Gardiner is
able to go to his store fora short tune
every day.
Robt. McQuarrie, who was here at-
tending his father's funeral left Wed-
nesday, 29th for his home in Clan
William, Man., Mrs. Babb, dao titer
of deceased, has eeturued to her bottle
i❑ Teeswater,
'Rev. Ms. T. Pearcy, M. A., of
Londesbor(i preacheclin St. Andrew's
church on Sunday evening and ad-
tniuisteeed the rite of Baptism to the
new daughter of the Manse -Marjorie
b] cDonald' Stuall.
A new responsibility was placed up-
on Rev. Mr. Fear by conferring upon
him once more the honor of grand -
fatherhood, a baby sou being born to
Druggist and Res. Howey, of Exeter,
On the. 21x1 inst. The reverend gentle -
maw, is receiving congratulations.
Sn St. Andreiv's church on Sunday
next Rev. Mr. Small will take the
f0lluwii)5 subjects' -11 a. ne"The
Seventh Oommtaodment ; 7 p. m,
"Vict(iry through. Faith." In the
evening service Mr. Cook will preside
at the ot•gan and a choir of men will
lead in the singing.
KNIt nTs OF TEE swARD.—The well
known kitty -seekers of this place are
forming their plans for next season's'
spott ou the green: Officers are ;—
lions President, J H. Ohellew ; Pres..
J. Stothers i Vice Pres., Dr. c'ltg-
gltrt sec.-Treas., J. MoMurchie ;
ex -0)101., J. M. Hamilton, A. W. Sloan
and J. Sleunie. A proposal is on foot
`LO arrangea season's -series. ofgames
with Brussels Club for a trophy, with
home and home games.
PERSONALS.—all's. Blom, and child-
ren- were renewing old friendships
here; 0. Bell is now 0. P. 11. sectio r
fm•eman at Blyth.—Robert Milne, an
old and well known resident, who
spent the Winter at Bermuda, is home
'after an enjoyable stay,—Miss Bessie
Taylor• -ie, bark - to ..own .a •ter a pro-
longed visit to the West.—Ryas
in ListO-
-ivas visiting relatives
Gl4dley g
tvel•—air. and airs. Hillier, were visit
Ors at Counailiot Ontt's. Their home
is at the Soo. -Mrs. MoVittie and
children,' of Aylmer, are holidaying
with relatives in Blyth.
The decease of Hugh McQulLrrie, a
pioneer resideut of ,Blyth, who c
here over 50 years ago, took place
Thursday morning of last week and
Was 001 an unexpected event as be
had betel in 1)1111ng health foe several
years and coulitned to bed for three
weeks. He was in his 770 year. De-
ceased was a blacksmith by trade and
apt intlustr4oas, honnt•iuble wnl•14111ati1.
t n tIve
' � 1 'm to aka an c
3 n1wa1 ways iu time t
- i I' the communi-
• in alai well -b [i o
part g
and rendered splendid service 4u
many of the a0tivities of the church
and community. lie 9005 the founder
of the Temperance movement here. ;
over 44 yeas tut Eider hi St.Andeew's
Presbyterian . Church and 80 years
Superintendent of the Sabbath Scheel.
As a 1 (cognition of 47 years service as.
T4'easurer of Blyth branch of the Dis-
ney Canada Bible Society ho leas pre-
set , fi-
seibed with t�L��,ife alen) lre shi.t. Goiti
Cate. M1•. alcQuatri'ie Lvas-(4104) gtetltly
interested with the progress of the
Agricultuu'al:Soebety and was officially
connected with it for nanny years.
tie was the soul of geniality and kind-
liness and as a result` had a very wide
circle of 1)4entls. who admired his
sterling hitegrily. Deer 53 years ago
the subject til' this notice was united
in marriage to Miss Sarah McGowan,
who proved herself tL helpmate indeed.
There were born to thein time sons
(John, of 17itined nsa. 5ittn, ; R'br))),
nl'Olen William, alae ;send A, chic, it
•', ' he Wesl and
O. P.1?.,t.rntlutla in t � )
four daughters (Mary and 14:1'1lgggity de-
ceased ; al rs. R. Dunbar, of : Dallis,
texas ; and Mrs, A, M.
7teswater . Das, Sn a raie enjoys
health, ihefuntt.r
comp/native good
al bf alis late alw'. Mc (,luart•4e ttsnit
place Saturday afternoon, the service
bring Oondu4ted in St. AndtnW's
011111oh by the pastor, Itov, Mr. Smolt,
who spoke Froin the appropriate text
',Mark the perfect map and behold the
upright for the end of that man 4e
peace." The tribute paid by the past
ut' was well deserved. Rev, Mesers.
Fear and Farr, of the Methodist and
Anglican can':les, took part in the
eerwt011.- There was a large at.
ten(lanes. expressive of respect for
th0 deceased and sympathym
the bereaved. The pallbearere
wore six nephews all named MoGowau
viz :—Robert. 0., RuberSG., Robert Be
David, Wru., and Alex. Interment
Wee made 4n the Union Cemetery. A-
mong those present from a distance
wer•eRobt. McQuarrie, from the West ;
A. M. and al 95. Bubb, Teeswater ; Jas,
McGowan and Jno. McLaren, ofTor
ante; Mrs. D. B. Moore, of. Brussels
Sincere sympathy is accorded the be -
peeved. Mr. McQuurrie's name is
linked to the history of Blyth and will
be long cherished for his einasstemitee.
yet devoted and constant 'service ,o
the upbuilding of the Master's King.
LEAGUE oowoxnr.—An interesting'
contest concert composed chiefly of
vocal and instrumental selections by
home talent, was given in thelndust-
ry Hall, Friday evening, March 17th,
under auspices of the Epworth League
of the Methodist Church. Concert
was given under the title of "St.
Patrick's Concert" and the emblem of
the Ernerald Isle. was much in evi-
the contest
captains ino
ce. The ca
were and F. McPherson.
w D. Bender
Mr. Bender took the first part an it
was all that could be desired, every
aeleet1On being given with great care.
Russel Shiley excelled in fancy dress
and was fully up to the mark as an
Lslh gentleman takingiu6 the solo part
4.t' a male chorus. Another number
that gave much s a
ration was a
chorus of bachelors. After an hour
had been fully taken up by this side,
Mo. McPherson's company took the
stage and au Irish chorus by all those'
taking part on this side. The princi-
pal play was "Ten Famous Persons,"
ending by Mrs. Fear as Queen crown -
leg St. Penick. Faith, Hope and
Charity was acted by three young
ladies who sc, well acquitted them-
selves that they fully won the approv-
al of the audience. The final posing
of five persons illuetratiug Canada,
United States, England, Scotland
mud Ireland was well worthy of praise.
After the program• the judges, alts.
L'. Young, Dr. Oharlessvo•th and Rev.
ill. Small, gave their decision in favor
of Me. :McPherson, Dr. Charlesworth
announcing the same. Proceeds a-
mounting to $42.
The sugar beet industry t3. Raymond
was the subject of a joint 00nfer010e
between the mannfaeturere and the
fariners last week. 1t lvas ALgreed;
that the fal'tnere shall plant at least
200 acres of beets and thatthe pr4.c,
shall be no lase than $5 per tort.
Oarnt'nso and nineteen other Alberta
towns have joined in a, publicity cam-
paign. The combination is to be work-
ed on eeien1i510 publicity lines and.
is expected to bring big results.
A big Springrush has begun from
Edmolton anEdson into the Peace
River eouutry. Settlers and prospec-
tors have been waitilia all Winter' foe
the delivery of 900,000 acres, for which
about S5,Ob0,000 was paid, The land
will be used for colonization on a big
Them ineral and forest resources of
the Peace River country are certified,
1 urn d 'Os )colors to be as 1.4011
hyet a pr 1 ,
as its agrietltut•lal possihililiea. Cop-
per, coal, asphalt and petroleum have
p L e Rive' Val-
leylocated and the Pett' 1
le is counted upon to furnish the
y P
prairie provinces a'>reat supply when
transportation facilities shall have
been supplied. The Canadian North.
ern is building into the country and
will have its liue partially completed
this Stammer.
Windipeg's bank dealings jumped
three millions for the week ending
March 15th over the corresponding
week of last year. This puts the total
of bank clearings to that date for 1911
at $184,530,45L agai 41st 5159,073,553 for
the saute time last year.
Wholesale houses in Winnipeg are
increasing their warehouses to meet
trade demands. The J. Ii, Ashdown
Hardware Company is building an
$80,000 addition to its wholesale de-
partment, the R. J. \>(hitla Company
is expending 850,000 in the same way
and several other firms' have enlarge-
ment coutracts let.
Winnipeg may buythe Electric'
Street Railway. Negotiations looking
toward this were opened about two
years ago and were taken up again this
week by a -proposition made by Sir
William Alaakeuzie, for the railway,
and the oily goverument of Winnipeg.
The company's proposal is to sell the
o n e basis
going concern n th
' wit as t4 1
railway l' R
o1,$260 a share which would make the
gross price about $15,000,000. The
offer is under consideration with some
proepect'of acce.ptance by the city.
Big realty deals of the week include'
the sale of a million, dollars', arm th cif
Portage -avenue property, en bloc.
is atLld haveeen
Made ur the Hudson's Bay Company,
Who will build a chain of new depart-
tnent stm•ee in the West.
It is announced from the Grand
'Dunk Pacific. offices here, that 140 new
stations will be Wit. West of Winni-
peg.this season.
Railroad work .is to be very active
along all lines in the West. The Can-
adian Pacific will spend 514.000,000,
and the C. N. R. $12,000,000. Fifty
new towns will be established by the
(3. P. R. this Summer.
Automobile men are 1'ejciiciug in ex-
cellent business and the progress of
the grad roads, movement. Sale s are
already ahead 7f the total
An in
)mtant project
in goodroa
ds is
the building of an
alltnmobIle highway
from Winnipeg to Winnipeg Beach, a
distlulce of 80 guiles.
The rush. of settlers into this ptevin-
ce is so great that arms difficulty
found to provide them with temporary
lodgiiigs. Saskatoon is so crowded 40
this way that the. Board of Tt'aile took
Ole matter up t.opeovide better- ac-
commodation for the newcomers.
The Saskatoon Board of . Trade re'
oeived more inquires in two weeks in
Marchthan it had in the whole of 1910.
Twenty 'five earioads of traction en-
gines were received in one consign-
ment hy a Regina house this week.
The v11.100 of the consignment was
880.000, tend the capacity of the engines
to plow the prairies Was greater 11114))
that of 800 hoses.
moose Jaw has 0 new faetm'y for
m,alt)ng .pressed brick. The plant is
of thoro)ghly .modem construction
Mid egeiprnent fund will have capacity
for six.ruilltoe brick a soar.
Grand Secretary King Called Awey.
J. B. King, Grand.Secrutery of the
Grand Lodge of
arin Io
Order of Ocifello s died at 54 tat.
Maty street,.. Toronto, on Saturday
mc>rnmg fromheart failure. His
death was quite unexpected and dame
as a great shock to the 45,000 members
also t0
Order in Ontario and a
of the Or
the membership 0111 in all arts the
o f
globe Mr. King was born at Hamil-
ton on July 4th 1888 In 1854 he
settled in Brantford, and in 1858 join-
ed Gore Lodge, No. 34, in which he re-
tained membership until his death.
He wee elected Grand Secretery in
1886, and for 44 consecutive years
was returned to that office. He was
thus in year's of service the oldest of-
ficer in the Order anywhere. As
Grund Secretery he stow the Order in
Ontario grew from 15 lnciges and a
ncembeishi os 847 to 580 lodges at
the ptesenttime and a membership of
45,000. Mr.. King was also a member
of all the other branches—the Petri -
iambs Militant, the Encampment and
the Rebekah branches. ' Be was also LL
member of the Oddfellows' Relict As-
sociation and a director of the Ontario
Oddfellows' Hume. The many testi-
monials held by hint speak a career of
usefulness. At his death his service to
the Order bad just reached 57 year's.
Mr's. King died in 1902. The members
of the family are : Dr. E. E. Kfngg,
Mrs. W. G. Mackendrick, and 0.
Frank King, of Toronto, and Harry43'.
King, of Montreal and Miss King at
home. Miss Edith Hatch, a niece,
also survives. The funeral took place
Friday afternoon from ' Bond street
Oongregatinnal Church, conducted
by the Oddfellows of the city and
Province udder direction of the Grand
Officers, Ven. Archdecon (lady and
Rev. Byrou Stauffer officiating in the
religious service. The military branch
of the Order furnished an escort in
full dress uniform, and interment took
place in Mount Pleasant Oetnetery.
To the Editor of Tan Poem:
Dana SIR 1—I would esteem it a favor
if you will allow are space in your valu-
able medium to reply to F. 3. Oaten's
letter of Feb. 27tH.
I am one among •perhaps So Eastern
Canadiaus, in - this district. ' We had
lived in the East and knot v what the
farming possibilities were there, for the
man with small means, and had we con-
tinued to live there, the chances are,
pp to i,-1kaf:most of as would have been
living as we were when' w,S .`:.'Rt fox 1..
West, either working for some one else,
or making a very hard fight to make a
comfortable hvi
Mr. Oaten may have beard the opinion
of some single dissatisfied .party but
that is no criterion for hiin to "rush into
print," and speak as if with authority
and compare Eastern and Western con-
ditions, 'r here ' is no comparision be-
tween 1130 Bast and West from a farming'
point of view.
Many of us Easterners cisme West with
little more than would pay our homestead
fees and 1 can truly say that there is not
a bomesteader bare to.dav that. came
West 3 or 4 years ago that is not worth
from $S,nOo to 510.000. •
We Easterners have very dear family
associations .iu the East, and we think
and. talk of mar old hon. Still send -
meet must take a second p S
lace When i t
comes to fighting the . battle, ' of life.
Personally, I never dream of emulating
Carnegie or Rockefeller bet of one thing
I am certain, that if God peospers me
for a few more years as ale hag=[lone in
theast , three or four, I will be able to
retire from au aritious lifeaud have the
satisfaction of knowing that
labor of my own lhands I have lifted my-
self front a dependent to an iudepend- !r
eat position f r the remainder of mj7s'""
Mr Oaten's informa-
I may state for . s O
tion that there are still minions of aures
of free homestead laud. yet to be tapes
up and it will be some years yet before
it is all taken up . If I had to pay Sues
00 per acre for raw prairie. I woula.
rather, ten thousand titres, take my
Chance. on it than takemy chance on an
Ontario fern even if.I acquired it ss a
Living on these great rollhalprairies
one becomes infected with the optimistic
n p
spirit and if Mo. oaten could outs see,
a bunch of our Western homers faces
and read there, the 'd0 or die" 0xpres I
5100, he, too, w0111(1 become inle0Led and I
join the great band of suecessfrll East -
in oar great and gloriousc4ors West.
'rhaukin2 you in a7lticipitti0n for
I remain
space, your valuablep
i'•'urs, sic„
AN oLn.T1M,a EAS'rxaNxllt
. AL14ER4A-•
• Calgary is to ,have a' Huc1S011's Bay
million dollars,
store that, rt t1
chief 1
object of the store win r
be to
9115P89; (
bt if
'tar the wail order t
ren i l
,1 .r
Alberta, Saskatchewan abet l:astetm'
Brilislt' Oo1111n114(. It will be really
for business in November,