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The Brussels Post, 1911-3-2, Page 3
M v t, 1 Fashion Hints O4%1►0 SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Satin plays a large part in th2i gowns of the winter, Goblin blue bids fair to have tremendous adoption. A peculiar green blue, named for the sea, is being shown in Paris.. Beads are everywhere; no type of decoretion is mere prevalent.' Foulard and marquisette are the favorite fabrics for early spring, • Drapery and suppleness are the chief characteristics'' of evening frocks. Ribbon is much used as a trim- ming or accessory in the present fashions. Evening skirts are longer and \.have draped tunics, All lines -are still Grecian and fabrics thin. A fashionable coiffure is.•banded with gold tinsel, closing 'under a gold rose in back, slightly to the left side. Gowns that combine white char- mouse with black satin are trimmed_ withjet and exemplify the vogue for black and white. A -coin spotted tissue weight ging- ham resembling the embroidered dotted Swisses is a novelty in this class of cotton goods. .Pretty are the new corded ging- hams—that is, ginghams with ,a raised thread in striped and barred effects similar' in weave and weight to corded or. cross -barred muslins. In the new satins and crepes many of the delicate intricate de- signs of the odd evening shawls are given in contrasting'tones by the weave of the material. Kilted skirts are promised for girls' wear again ; also kilted floun- ces under one piece loose frocks. Another idea is the "band" flounce trimming on girls' dresses of .plain material. Chiffon cloth in all colors, bor- dered on three or on all four sides with marabout, is the practical' *in ter veil. Marabout matches or con- trasts with the veil, either being attractive.. Banded in soft folds of ribbon, the hair -dressed high or low is posi- tively bewitching. The ends may be slipped under tho hair'with pins or tied in a bow and finished, with a rose. Long embroidered scarfs of net, " silvered with silver bead frings on the ends, are draped oyer a foun- dation of white satin, using the fringe for the. sleeves, shoulders, tunic edge, and sash. Bands of, beads interrupted by French knots of embroidery, bead fringe. tassels, and designs worked on net and bands of embroidery, using knots in place of beads, are among the garnitures' seen. Evening, dinner, - and theatre gowns of silk brocade have a bor- der on the skirt like a band, in which beads gold threads, and silk embroidery are -interwoven, the low peasant waist having a biblike piece of the same and short kimono sleeves. The strong tendency toward em- pire fashions is one of the most not- able thingd of the season. Instead of decreasing, it is increasing. The length of line from foot to artifici- al waist is abnormal and the droop to the shoukderii and the scantiness of the skirt are. pronounced. While all gowns for morning and afternoon wear are still straight, short and narrow plaited flounces, and even those that are gathered are appearing at the bottom of them, awl' especially in this fashion being adopted in lingerie gowns now being designed for spring. A WASHDAY SHOWER. [Hide -Elect's Gifts Suspended from a Clothes Line. A .wash_'ay shower was the name of a unique affair given in honor of a bride to be. ``She was ushered in- to' the parlor, in which a clothes line was suspended after the man- ner of washday, and on it was hung the various gifts. She was provided. with a big sure -enough clothesbas- ket and ordered to "take in the wash," which was neatly pinned on the line. The "wash" consisted Of various articles needed for 'daily domestic tasks, There were dish towels, dust cloths, ironing blank- ets, kitchen aprons, ,a clothespin, bag did which she had to' collect the pins and a frame on which to roll the line when she had taken it clown and as a climax the tin tubs' stood in one corner. ACQUITTED. "Sir I" said the young woman, i pth what seemcd' to .be indigna- t,nn. The young main looked embar- rassed. "Yes, I did kiss sou," he admit- ted, but I was nnpulsively in- cane." "Tina :moans that a, man would b a t matt t kiss "Well, t n o t mo" any Aran el discretion would be just crazy to kiss you." This seemed to cid the strain, and no jury being present to muddle affairs, a satis- factorj' yerdidt was reached. IA GRIPPE RAVAGES TEE TROUBLE SWEEPING DYER CANADA IS AN EPIAEEIO Weakened and Broken Oonstitur 'tions Left Behind—How to Regain' New Health and Strength La grippe is ono of the most dan- gerous diseases that annually sweeps over Oanada. It starts with a • sneeze—a slight cold—and, ends with a complication of troubles. It lays the strong man on his back ; it tortures him with fevers and 'chills, with headaches and back- aches. Its victims are left low= spirited and depressed, and an easy prey to bronchitis, pneumonia, rheumatism, and often that most dreaded of all diseases—eonsump - tion. You can avoid la grippe en- tirely by keeping the blood rich and red by the occasional' use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The trouble takes as its victims those whose blood is in..a poor condition, and its after-effects are more danger. ous"and more lasting than the trou- ble itself. For the after-effects of la grippe there is absolutely no other medicine ean equal Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Every dose helps to make rich, red blood that drives disease from the system, and makes weak, 'despondent men and women bright, cheerful and strong. If you have suffered in any way from the epidemic of Ia grippe 'that has been sweeping , over Canada, give this t- e o' medicine great health -restoring al h r st rtng em me e a trial, and it will not disappoint yoti: Here is proof of the wonder- ful power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills overthe after-effects of this disease. Mr. P. E. Paulin, collec- tor of customs at Caraquet, N. B., says: "A few winters ago I hada severe attack of la grippe, which completely broke me down. I had to take to my bed for several weeks, and although during that time I em- ployed a doctor I did not seem to recover from the txouble. I was left terribly weak, did not sleep well, had night sweats and little or no appetite. I wfis really a phy- sical ' wreck. On a former occasion 1 had used Dr. Williams', Pink Pills for general debility with such great success that I. deckled to try them again. . I sent for a half dozen boxes and began to take the Pills at once, When taking the second box I began to feel quite a change in my condition. I was able to walk about the house and my appetite was im- proving. From that on I gained strength every day and before' the six boxes were done I was able to return to the office and attend to my work. '1 have since enjoyed the best of health, and think Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills the best medicine for trouble of this kind." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills not only promptly cure the serious after-ef- fects of la gripPe, but they make well and strong all persons suffer- ing from any form of debility or general . weakness. These Pills have no laxative or purgative action; their mission is to make new, rich, red blood, and thus fortify and strengthen every organ and every part of the body. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers, or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by ad- dressing The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. WASHINGBYPROXY How It Is Done In a Denmark Public School. Denmark is one of the cleanest little countries imaginable. In a C-openhagen public school one mt.y see an interesting sight. Mounting tho spotless stone staircase to the first flight, every morning you may see at eight o'clock the children as- semble and answer to their names and then march to a dressing -room. Here they undress, and each child neatly folds its clothes, and •puts the tidy little bundle on the floor.. Then the children go into a small square room with shelves all round, and on these shelves are innumer- able wooden tubs, such as we use for washing, with two iron bands round them. Everything is in im- maculate order, The teacher' gives each child a tub, and he or she takes it into an immense and well-- lighted ell-lighted wash-rootrl, Of course the girls and boys are washed , separately, and they per- form their .ablutions by grades, the tiniest ones coming first, The floor of this wash -room is of cement, and in the centre is a latticed wooden floor. All round the top of the walls runs a nickel shower pipe, the water of which is regulated by the teacher. Under these showers, at the height where the small fingers ean rettolr, are little nickel stands with soap and the aoff* bog - bristle brushes :whichmake one shiver. .Noor ,by is also a faucet Each child puts his or her tub under the faucet and pours the ne- cessary amount of water into it cezd proceeds to scrub—,not himself cgt %1I®h' Cu f{utekly slope L174:°'roc Ida. eat ta throat Sad a 29 ennfs. herself—bat the child in front 1 novel sight .and a pretty one, • fo a lover of children, But one could not help thinhing what an instru- ment of torture that innocent brush could be, if the Small fingers that manipulated it did their duty viciouslyfancied sli, ghgagit,ng off some grudge or • When all are clean, the teacher turns on the showers, and they aro all thoroughly rinsed with first hot and then cold water. Bach child is obliged to empty its own tub, then tee clean, rosy little bodies dry themselves with rough towels, standing on the wooden latticed floor. Each' bub has to be carefully put away, the children dress them- selves, and they file u for prayers; and the business of recitation be - gine, TROUBLES 01? A DOCTOR. Sir Conan Doyle Explains lilby IIs Cave Up Medicine. An American lady asked Sir Con- an Doyle one day why he had 'given up the practice of medicine, Ho said the work was too hard, and to prove it he went on to tell of his first case "My first case 'came to me in the middle ef the night. It Was Janu- ary, and a cold rain was falling. The jangle of the doorbell awoke me from a sound sleep, and, shivering and yawning, I put my head out of the window and said, ' 'Who's there?' " 'Doctor,' said a voice,.' 'can you come to Peter Smith's house at once?' .. "'What's the trouble?' I asked, " `Smith's youngest girl has took a dose of laudanum in mistake for paregoric, and we're afraid she'll die.' "'All right, I'll come,' said I. "I tramped three miles through the cold and rain to Smith's. Twice on the way I fell on the icy pave- ment, and once my hat 'blew off, and in the darkness I was nearly half an hour finding it. "Finally, though, I reached Smith's. But the house was dark -shutters up—all closed—not a light.. I rang the bell. No answer. "But at last a head stuck itself gingerly out of a third -storey win- dow. " 'Be you Mr. Doyle,' it said. `Yes,' said I. 'Let me in.' 1 ` `Oh, no need to come in, doe - tor,' said the heacl. The child's all right now. Sleeping very quiet' " `But how much laudanum did you give it?' said I. "'Only two drops, doctor—not enough to hurt a cat. I guess I'd better take my head in now. The night air is cold. Good -night. Sor- ry to have troubled' you.' "I buttoned my coat and turned homeward, trying as best I could to stifle my mortification and an- ger. But suddenly the window was raised again, and the same voice cried : Doctor—I say, doctor' 1' "I hurried back. I thought the child had suddenly taken a tura for the worse. 'Well, what do you want?' I said. "The voice made answer ; "'Ye won't charge nothin' for this visit, will ye T " '0 HUMMING BIRD SLIPPERS. 'TOOK HE ADVICE G OF HER FRIENDS D' AND DODS KIDNEY PILLS 1IA1)L 11IRS. PAINC1IAUD ' 'YELL.' She inherited ill -health front her parents,. And for seven years Was a sufferer from Kfaney and heart Tro ublo. Whitworth, Temiscouta Co., Que., Feb, 30 (Special)—'.Chat sho.took the advice of her friends and used Docld's Kidney; Pills is the reason Mrs. Julien Painchaud of this place gives for the perfect health that shows in her every movement. • "T inherited ill -health from my parents," Mrs. 'Painchaucl says in an interview. "For seven years my Heart and Kidneys bothered me. I was always tired and nervous. I could not sleep, My eyes had dark circles round them, and were puff- ed and swollen, "I could hardly do my housework when I was advised to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. One box relieved me of pain, and six ,boxes made me perfectly well." Every woman who is feeling fag-, l ged, tired and worn out, should use Dodd's Kidney Pills. They euro the Kidneys, and every wo- man's health depends on her Kid- neys. 'Healthy Kidneys mean pure blood, and pure blood carrier new life to run down organs which sup- ply the body with energy. If you're a suffering woman ask your friends. They'll tell you out of their own experience to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. HE WENT QUICK. Curious friend—So Iter father does not appear to like your visits. Do you feel a kick coming? Aggrieved Suitor --No; I have al• ready felt a kick going. Many Tiny Birds Killed for Artist's ]Fad. .A certain artist in Paris has re• cently created his chief d'oeuvre, which is a pair of tiny slippers fash- ioned from the breasts'of humming birds. Soft, glistening things they are, shading from green to gold and from gold to green as the light falls upon them. He made these slippers for the sheer joy of working en such dainty things, and he hated the idea of selling them to any of the smart women who know of theta and come to his studio when they want .the very latest creations in footgear. Many humming birds were slain that their breasts might be used in these slippers, and great skill' was required in putting the plumage together so as to give an effect of lightness and delicacy. BABY'S OWN TABLETS FOR ALL BABIES Every mother of young children should keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house. No other me- dicine has relieved so -many little ones of the ailments that afflict them as have Baby's Own Tablets —no other medicine can be given baby with that absolute sureness of safety as can these Tablets. The mother has the guarantee of a Gov- ernment analyst that they do not contain a particle of those harmful drugs that make those so-called "soothing" stuffs 'so dangerous to the life of the little one, The Tab- lets never fail to be of benefit. Con- cerning them Mrs."Jno; A. Albert, Qaragtied, N. B,writes :—"I am happy tp state that I have used Baby's Own Tablets for constipa- tion for my two children with great satisfaotion,'l The Tablets are sold by .ciao dealers or at 25 cents �ioheti m Vbe Dr. Williams' Me• eineBrockville, n Co.,o., k , 0 t. Silas ' Worky��� tip yo t a job digging poiittoea�e ) l er Sure I do, providing it B digging them out of stanyy'-I' A Mild Pill for Delicate Women. —The most delicate woman can undergo a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills without fear of un- pleasant consequences. Their ac- tion, while wholly effective, is _mild and agreeable. No violent pains or purgings follow their use, as thou- sands of women who have used them can testify. They are, therefore, strongly recommended to :women who are more prone to disorders of the digestive organs than men. Only a fighter Jr a runner can afford to call a man a liar. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, eta Many who talk about life as a trust would have a hard time ac- counting for the interest, The Jape Old 1L They supplied the Menthol found In "The 1) ,S L" Menthol Plaster, which relieves Instantly backache, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism and sciatica. Wife—"I want to talk with you about some things we need for the home." Husband—"What are they?" Wife—"Well, to begin with, dear, don't you think we need a new bonnet?" 19frs. Window's Soothing Syrup Ras been used for orcr SIXTY-FIVE YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERI'ECT SUCCESS, 0 SOOTHES She CHILD, SOFTENS the OURS, ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and le the best rmnedy for world MBp sura oa'nd ayskrum/110, Wons,erowpart of the Soothing Syrup," and bJuontteeleax,0th0O.1LnaaDr0aaxnn rsk�aToSnntd lap. RDvgxa_lA,G Beautiful Girl—"Gardener, don't make a flower -bed there. It will spoil our croquet ground." -Gard- ener—"Can't help it, miss. Them's my orders. Your father says he is going to have this garden devoted to horticulture, not husbandry." �'fRY MURINE EYE REMEDY, for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Byes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart—Soothes Bye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1,00. Murine Bye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Rooks and Eye Advice Free by Mall, ®Murine Bye Remedy Co., Chicago. Visitor—The intendants treat you kindly and considerately, 1 hope. Patient (in hospital)—Yes, the nurs- es have been very kind, but the sur- geons have treated me in the most cutting manner yeti ever hoard of. A safe and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms is Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. Fred—"There seems to be a lot more fuss made of Miss Goldkot's singing than Miss Robson's, and 1 am sure Miss Robson bas by far the tidier voice." Jack—"Ah, yes; but Miss, Goldlot has by far,. the richer father." The Oil of. Power.—It is not claimed for Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil that it will cure every ill, but its uses are so various that it may be looked upon as a general pain killer. Tt has achieved that reat- ness for itself and all attempts to surpass it have failed. Its excel- lence is known to all who have tested its virtues and learnt by cx` perienco. Mlnard's 1.1h1Mont Cures Cargbt In t ewiI, 0101,11 1 F PIbOTEC`T'S WXYI S. Makes Bleu Who I11 -treat 'Thein Spend Week -Ellis in Jail. Germany bas an intelligent' and practical method of dealing with men who ill-treat their wives. In- stead of sending them to jail for a continuous period, as is done in this country, and thus depriving the family of the man's wages for that time, the German offender is arrested on Saturday afternoon as he leaves his work and held in pris- on until tune for work on Monday morning, This plan is followed until he has carved the number of days of his sentenee, During the period in which the German offender spends the week -ends away from his home his earning are handed over to his wife: WILL IT REDUCE . COAL BILL! ,New Way to Put Fuel on Fire Util- izes Gas and Smoke. When adding fuel to a good bed of live coal in the furnace, cover one side only, the next time put coal on the other side. ' In this way the heat from the live coal tends to make coke from the fresh fuel by consuming the gas and smoke. Less draft is needed, too, and less of thel fuel goes to waste in gas and smoke, so that there is less gas and dirt in the cellar or furnace room and in the house by way of regis- ters. If large lumps ef coal are us- ed, a good way is to scatter what is known •as "slack" over them. The slack tends to hold the fire longer, and the lump coal will prevent the slack from forming clinkers. 0r9 1J Eire q�utchly stops coudhs res colole the l6rocl and lands. . . Eaa cent,. HOW HE GOT IT. "Where did you get your fur overcoat, doctor ?" asked one of his patients. "1 got this when Mr. Burrows had appendicitis, the doctor re- plied. A bottle of Bickle's Anti -Con- sumptive Syrup, tunaen according to directions, will subdue a dough in a short time. This assertion can be verified by hundreds who have tried it and are pleased to bear testimony to its merits, so that all may know what a splendid medi- cine it is. It costs you only 25 cents to join the ranks of the many who have been benefited by its use. "I told a friend of mine to sing h instead of brooding n over his trou- bles." "Good advice!" "I don't think so. Every time he gets a lit- tle bit worried now everybody in the building has to suffer!" "A Little. 0055 You Know," will immense a great dourer if it be allowed to reach down the throat to the lunge. .Nip the peril in the bud with Allen'; Lung Balsam, a sure remedy containing AO opiates. Society Woman—"I see by le day's paper 1 am referred to as 'one of fashion's butterflies.' " Her Husband—"Considering the way you go through clothes I should think 'moth' would apply better " PILES CURED IN 6 TO 4 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if .PAZ° 0INT- MEN'1' falls to cure any ease of Itching, Blind, Bleeding orProtrudingPiles in 6 to 1l days: 00u, Welshman—"Well, what do yon think of Conway Castled" Ameri- can—' `Wal, I guess it's a vurry fine old bit, but what on earth possess. ed 'em to build it so close to the Mallon 1" Warts on the hands is a disfigure- ment that troubles many ladies. Holloway's Corn Cure will remove the blemishes without pain. Wealth may be within the reach of all, but all do not reach it. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. In making love or playing cards, much depends upon the hands you hold. Atter • Odd Or16e don't tan to take a teaspoon. tul of Painkiller mixed with a glens of hot water and sugar. It surely prevents chills, Avoid Deb. Mantas, there Is but ono Painkiller "—Pony Datls'—afo. and E00. Miss Dreamer—When you stood on the brink of Niagara and looked into the seething, surging, unfath- omable depths below, did you 'feel that you would like to jump in? Mr. Tournier--No. I hadn't receiv- ed my hotel bill then. Some tarn their backs on ordin- ary principles to gaze at heavenly prospects, CURED HER KIDNEYS. Mrs. John Pettigrew, of Central Econ- omy, N.S., was practically helpless froth Rheumatism. She could riot stoop, and her limbs ached so that it was torture for her to be up and around the house. As Mrs Pettigrew put it, "1 was all Crippled up, 1 sa* Gin Pills advertised end sent tor some, and after taking only two boxes, am a different woman. Gio Pills are the only things that helped me, and 1 cannot say too much for them." If you have ,that dreadful pale In tha back—itou are torutred with Rm heuat• sm get you fills at once. Write National Drug & Chemical Co, (Dept. W,L,), Toronto, for free sample. hh..egutar size al dealers, 50e a box, 6 rot CIIILDItEN'S SCALP SOBE1i ARE HEALED BY ZAM-B11Ii. Some children ' are particularly liable to scalp sores, etc., and of - ton these break out with annoying frequency. Such a case was that of the daughter of Mrs, Albert Gas. dike, of 485 Amherst St., Mont- real Mrs. Gaedike says: "My lit- tle three year old daughter suffer- ed frequently from scalp disease, and try as we would, we could not lid the little one of this, We tried everything we could think of, but failed to effect a euro, until, we were advised to try Zam-Buk. This balm seemed entirely different to anything we had ever tried before a'nd from first applying it there was a marked improvement. The sores became lesa inflamed and less irritable. After a few days, they ceased to trouble the ehild; and in less than a fortnight from first com- mencing with Zam-Buk, they were completely healed. In view of these facts I feel it my duty to let mothers know how beneficial Zam- Buk is," There is no doubt that for scalp sores, ringworm, ulcers, abscesses, cold cracks, chapped hands, frost bite and similar sores, Zam-Buk is absolutely without equal. It is just as good for piles, varicose sores, poisoned wounds, cuts, burns and scalds. Rubbed well in over the affected part, it cures rheumatism, etc., etc., and rubbed into the chest it relieves the tight- ness and feeling of weight due to contracting a bad cold. All drug- gists and stores sell at 50c, box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co„ Toron- to, for price. Try Zam-Buk soap too. SOCIAL PROGRESS. "What is brie -a -brae 1" "Junk that's got into society." The Pill That Brings Relief. When, after one bas partaken of a meal' he is oppressed by feelings of fullness and pains in the stomach he suffers from dyspepsia, which will persist if it be not dealt with. , Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the very best medicine that can be tak- en to bring relief. These pills are specially compounded to deal with dyspepsia, and their sterling quali- ties in this respect can be vouched for by legions of users. Ella—"They had a very smart turn -out." Bella—"Indeed?" El- la—"Yes, they were ejected from one of the best hotels in the town," Yemen Down Signals does not delay storm■• Opium -laden "modoliues " may check coughing, but the cold stays. De not trifle ; when you begin to oough take Arlon', Lung Balsam, free from opium, ton of healing power. "George," said her husband's wife, I don't believe you have smoked one of those cigars I gave you on your birthday," "That's right, my „dear," replied his wife's husband. "I'm going to keep them until our Willie wants to learn to smoke." • Mtnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. "Then wealth doesn't bring hap- piness?" "No. Since we inherited money my people don't want me to loaf in the grocery. And I can't get no comfort out of loafing in a bank. The hours are too short." • Fairville, Sept, 30, 1902. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,—We wish to inform you that we consider your MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT a superior ar- ticle, and we use it as a sure relief for sore throat and chest. When I tell you that I would not be with- out it if the price was one dollar a bottle, I mean it. Yours truly, CHAS. F. TILTON. "You say you are in love with Miss Biggs?" "I am sure I am." "But I can't see anything attractive about her." "Neither can I see it. But it's in the bank all right." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE 5ROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it faits to aura. E. 1V, catove's etgnature is on each box, eta. Traveller—"I hope that chop is well done, waiter " Waiter—"Oh, yes, sir ; very well done, sir. It has been sent up before, sir." The Chicago Fire could have been prevented with one pail of water, but the water was not handy. Keep a bottle of Hamlins Wizard Oil handy and prevent the fiery pains of inflammation. ONE WAY AT A TIME.' Seven-year-old William had be- come the proud owner of a pet pig, and insisted upon having all the care of it hitnself. After a few weeks, as the pig did, not seem iu thrive, his father said to him: "William, I'm afraid you are not feeding your pig enough. It does not seem to be fattening at all." "I don't want him to fatten yet," William replied knowingly. "I'm waiting until ho gets to be as long as I want him, then 111 bogie to widen him out," Old Gentleman—"Do Iota Ise you aro the thirteenth begg has pestered me for mon. j1 Beggar—"`That's all right#, ain't superstitious."' AKI% A DOsi Gp' for CQyet UC EST HMEDICINE' AnENTs WANTsp, CANTOS171E8 WAN'rlsD Weekly ealtur 4,J Paid—Alfred Tyler, London, Ontario, M14.1• AND WOMHN WAN'1'N,n td reprsepae us f,00wlly, Two dollwra per day salt.. and romfn oston. 1Pa, 1.es once ooesaary. Wilts h L. N101104$ e0„ Limited, 'Toronto, I HA°"' T1015 414fthINE TRADE—Ng ayatose—constant practice--earafnl lneeriw lou—a few weeks' complete oenree—tools free, Graduated Darn twolro to eighteen dollar* weekly, Write for catalogue, Afoler Barber College, set gpcon, Nast, 'Toronto, FARMS' FOR SALE. hest ultTEW.(ed'r irAfthl LANGS.—Golf a mil. Let . lion stores in moat fertile distrlsIe. dpaalal rsppotiou excursion in April, write now, towart ds ktatltewe Co., Ltd,,: Galt, Ont Sponte wanted throughout Ontario pp q ut, Art"A . ,..0 r- .a . f a Heading about tbo 0 estunitieac1so supply Ooadtng in the Canadian west. Wo can s01 1pp 'sn with Information regarding. the boot of an resent opportunities for takhtg op farm lands In Ile most fertile IUulevelo ed eco o l'anadtan North•West. Our Information f the ulutoly reliable, and 1t Is /roe, Tho ,mopes( itealty Cotdpany, Dominion nxohaRo nLdg„ CANCER, Tumors, Lampe, eta, Internal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment, Write no before too late, Dr, Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Colllnewood, Ont. CHEM/LLE OURTAINSt and ell hinds of house brnrinro, also LACE CCiRT limo DYED AND CLEANER( LIKE NEW. Write to us about your. BRITISH AMERICAN 00E1110 00., Box113, MentraOl! The Heart ofa Plano is the Action. Insist ort the —O YO KJBL EL" Piano Action • A GREAT IDEMAN© FOR PAPER STICK WAST'lt.PAPER OF ALL GRADES. Also Rags, Iron, Metals, Rubbers, Ste. E. puLLAr Adelaide and Maud Sts. r'Toronto, Ont. Phone for particulars. Main 2693. 1, ELECTRIC . 'TORS POR POW -HIM ELECTRIC DYNAMOS FOR ILIGInTING BEST MACHINES, MOST ECONOMICAL In OPERATION. CANADIAN ELECTHICAI &MOTOH CO. L1111 TED 99-101 Queen St. E., Toronto Si a box Bs 6 for 25 efficient application The most highlyPP n „ 9 for the reduction of Swellings, Goitre, Thick Neck, Glandular Enlargements. Its Positive. PILESof all kinds, in any and all stages, quickly relieved' and positively cured. Cure your suffering and live quietly. "Common Sense" for Piles will do it, $t a box, $6. for 5 boxes, Mailed on receipt of price. LYLE Pang TOR€iNTO 718 WEST QUEER STREET tit Fires Lightning; Rust and Storm Proof Durable and Ornamental Lot us know the she of any roof you aro thinking of covering and we trill make you an interesting offer. Metallic Roofing Co. Limited MANUFACTURERS 1 TORONTO and WINNIPEG A 65A SAUCE FOR THE GANDER. A young man, who had not been married long, remarked at the din- ner table the other day : "My dear, 1 wish you could make breast such as mother used to make." The bride smiled and answered in a voice that did not tremble i "Well, dear, 1 wish you eould make the dough that father used to make."