The Brussels Post, 1910-9-29, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS
• 1a8(Q0 Ol Marriage I41opnges,
Apo oS Orgoory,Turnborry street, Brussels,.
ifs O, 7", M.
13rneaoln;,cout of tut ldaooal)goe, No, 14
hold their regular meetings 111 52ld 11011110
Roam, na0ker !look, en the let and IM
T2osd2Y 011e144ga et aeon Meath,
Y1oitwo8lways %veluoule,
A, SON 22128, 0910, A, MoGUI1tf, 12, K,
puce l4 the Pest 011Ioo,'Rt491. 04.4
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
(moo and Rnoeside o — p y
i • SERI will Holl for better prices, to
better men, •in lose time and lees ;Burgos
than any other Auctioneer In hast Huron or
he won't charge anything, .nates and orders
o0n al•waye be arranged u1 this of80e or by
Personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Lerma re:namable. Sales arranged for
at the olfioe of Tan PORT, Brussels.: 2222
• Barrister, Solhoitor, Conveyancer,
Notary 7132Nd, &o, Oftloe—S towart's !look
l door Sor111 or Oeutral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank.
PUI31,10, ETD,
W. Paouna0012, E. 0. 14.-0. BATA
G. F. 12LAIR.
O111oes—T4oso formerly 000uplad by Meows
Oamerou & 11011,
0onoaroli, ` ONTARIO.
Royal Mail Steamers
Close of The St, Lawrence :Season
Tunisian Friday Oct. 7 Nov. 4
Victorian Friday Oot. 14 Nov, 11
Corsican - Friday.Ocb. 21 Nov, 18
Virginian ,.... Friday Oat. 28
Pretorisn ..... Saturday,Oct. 8 Nov. 5
Hesperian - .,. Saturday :Ont. 15 Nov. 12
Ionian Saturday' Oct. 22 Nov. 19
Grampian Saturday Ont.20
Reservation lists are now open, and as heavy
traffic is expected early reservations should
be made to obtain choice of. accommodation.
For full partioulars of rates and Railings
apply to
Agent Allan Line. Emanate.
The Allan Line, ?7 Yonge et., Toronto
The First Important Step
le to decide t e get n Business Education
and the next i4 where to. get it. Those
who ore nueinted with the worlc done 2YRt,
313 the pop1,ae - - 1;
}',t. Know that our feelllties are absolutely
rlret•oi,oa and Hutt thoSo who ahead'
ra are sura to bo highly eatisfleas They tae
9 also know Mir gradnnteO easily get %
coaltiete because they are "thoroughly
ter Write for catalogue. En-
ter nuy time.
"I W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Oor. Tonga &Alexander• eta, Toronto.
• •
To Machinery Users
and farmers
7YT14-,r-r" v-
The New Machine Shop of the
is now ready for business, ancl,
• with good Machinery and Skilled e
• Mechanics, we are in a position
to attend to your repairs prompt- I
• 1y and at reasonable rates.
• If you will lob us know your o
Zwants we Will give you honest I
advice and help if connected •
• with Machinery. o
• Give us a trial and, by coming ®.
• to Brussels, salve time and money +
• for yourselves,
Min Street Bruesets
Business 014,rds
Toao49r of Pismo
Studio et Oar'ter's Music Stere, o110 door North
of tho ltandord Bank, 13russele, 1f-tf
has passed successfully her mond exarnine-
t1o1, of 2150 Pianoforte .Department of the To.
)'onto OcnservatQry of Music, and is prepared
to take pupils ab her have, Pr)noeoo street.
OR. T. T. M' RAE
2nohelor of Medicine, University of Toronto;
Licentiate and Graduate of Me -Dollen of Phy,
Mims and Surgeons, Ont, ' Post -graduate
Oluosgo Eye, Ear, Nose 8124 Thr0nt 14ospltal,
Dhiongo,111. Ex -Houde burgeon to St. Mieh-
sel'a Hospital Toronto,
phone conned ion with Oranlit Drug
at a l hon es,
Physician rind Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses
London 1Eng,), New 10rk and Ohiatgo Hos.
pi Gala. 8psoial attention to disease of eye, ear,
:mound throat, Eyes tested for gleam.
Dental Surgeon
Boner Graduate Dental Department, Toronto
University ; Licentiate of Royal Ogllege of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. (Aloe In Smith
look recently oa12t
l; 1 a
y r eased by Dr. Fend.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Oollego. Day and night calls. OBloe opposite
Flour Mill, Ethel.
#9,11 .tl'e Remo Na tl I ?
GOING 11001111 Go1Ne Nowell
Mail :05 a 121 Express 10:55 a in
Express 11:25 a in Mail.,. 1:44 p m
Express' 9112 p m Express 8:50 p m
Cawde.r r CIFIC
To Toronto To Goderloh
Express 7:41 a m'Express 11:87 a in
Expreea 5:00 p 1n I Express 7:25 p m
Going East - 0:54 a. m, and 8:85 p. m.
Goingwest - 12:44 and - 9:47 p, In.
All trains going East connect with O. P. It, at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T.
G. B. stations.
GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent.. .
Rzsfrid tl.eivs
ria I?uring the absence of Rev. Dr.
Dougall, who is taking a well earned
vacation, the pulpit and other ditties
of North St. Methodist church will
be discharged by Rev. •T. L Wilkinson,
of Aylmer. • • '
Tho charge
against the
g g young man
Knerchinski, of taking the clothes of
a young wonau who was bathing in
tho Maitland in Jttne last, was again
before P. •2I. Butler 11uc1 after hearing
the evidence the accused was sent tip
for trial at- the next court of compe-
tentori di � '
1 s toot,
A very pretty .house wedding was
solemnized at Guelpb,.wl1en Mass. Lula
Grace, second claughtet' of Geo. and
Mrs. Stiven, formerly of Gaderich,
was married to Alexander Leslie
Singer, D. D. S. of Boston, Mass.. The
ceremony Wee conducted by Rev. Dr.
Dix of Chalmers Church. . Dr. and
Mrs. Sieger loft for New York before
taking up their residence in Bosbou.
Ooliu Me[vop, aged 21, was drowned
Tuesday afternoon of last week neat
the outside breakwater, opposite the
harbor. With others he was sailing
in the harbor lvhensuddenly liclvor
was missed by his friends. His hat
and coat were found floating on the
surface, but the body did not reappear.
How he Mille to fall out of the boat
is not known. The body was grap-
pled for. M0Ivor was- a native of
this town and unmarried.
'Following names of clergymen who
have been hoard were submitted ' to a
vote at Knox Church last week : Rev.
Wru. McDonald, B. 1)., of Lanark ;
George L. Ross, B. D.., of Chariot=
tetown P. E. 1 ' • T. J. Thompson, Al.
A., of Sitatford and W. D. Lee, of
Waterloo. Cu first ballot Mr. Ross
received a clear. majority 'of votes
east, trod on motion was made un-
animous choice by standing vote.
Messrs. Sihialie., Tom, Mitchell and
Oust were appeiuled delegates to pre-
sent the call at a meeting of Presby-
tery to be held shortly, when, if it is
sustained, it 1vi11 be forwarded to the
Presbytery of ChariottetoWu for their
Bluevale •
Rev. W. J. West M. A., attended
Mai tlaudPresbytery ab Winghaam last
Contractor Haney has begun
the building of t1 0oloniol veranda at
the lVJanse.
Howard Stewart, who underwent
an operation at Loudon last week, is
progressing nicely and his early re-
covery is looked for,
- The Harvest . Rome social at
John MoNaughton's 1111 Sept. 20111
was a grand success. • Mr. and Mrs.
McNaughton make splendid host and
TURNBERRY COUNort..-Minutes -of
Council meeting held in the Clerk's
office, Bluevale, Monday, Sept. 101h,
Members of Council all present ; the
Reeve in the chair. The miln1105.01
last meeting were read and adopted
ou motion of Messrs, Wheeler and
Enihertord. Moved by Mr. 11:Iulvey,
seconded by Mr. Rutherford, that, as
the "Act" re Dog Tax mune into force
in March last, taxes, aced di ng to the
Act, be collected from the owners or
harborers of all dogs in this amnicf-
palfty in; accordance with the Act for
the protectiol of sheep.—carried.
Moved by Mr;Kelly, seconded by Mf.
Rutherford, that the Cle1'k be in-
strneted lo enter on Collector's roll
for this year all unpaid drain taxes
also all amounts requited over esti-
malted cost to complete the Bing and
braueh drain.—Carh'iecl. Moved by
Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Wheeler,
thab John Rutherford be appointed
A quite Home wedding was .con-
summated at the residence of A,
D1vea•clerk of Morris, when ion hi
second daughter Helen was united in
marriage to Alexander Smith, of
Detroit, on Wednesday Sept. 21st, by
Rev. W. J. West M. A. The bride
was. unattended and looked pretty* in
a gown of fawn silk, Miss Mary King
played tite wedding march. •
Tonic IIT M
There is an immense difference between a tonic and a
stimulant, Up , one day, way back the next; that's a
stimulant. Steadyro ress
e that'sP it day by day toward perfect
health; a tonic. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic,
a strong tonic. The only Sarsaparilla entirely free from
alcohol. Do not stimulate unless your doctor says so.
He knows, Ask him, Do as he says. ,/, Ca ewe s.
�y ,,L rrrMa
Constipation is the one (great cause of sick -headache, biliousness, indigestion, bad
breath, debility, nervousness. Ilas your doctor ever recommended Ayer's Pilisto you?
to attend meeting at O'Maally DI'ltin,—
Carried. Moved by Mr. Kelly, second-
ed by 81i'. Rntllerlotel, that . the Col-
lector's sectu'ity is satisfactory to this
Council.—Carried, Moved by • Mr.
:Kelly, seconded by Mulvey, that Mr.
Clerk be instructed to e11tel' on 01 IS
year's roll, all assessments on Jermyn
drain provided Motile Council -lets
the worth -Carried. „ The following
aecounle ii'ele passed eanei cheques is-
sued —H, 13. Elliott, advertising,
$150Ditty & Stewart, repairs to
Ladis's bridge, 828,10 ; Duff & Stew -
tart, building foot bridge, $2 ; Duff &
Stewart cement abutments iron
bridge, $800 ; David•Breen, dliti11 andLilo, 10121 col. 810 ; Richard Wilton,
repairs, Jobb's bridge, $8.50 ; Daviel
Dunkin, tepid t ingraclet, $11 John
Burgess, refit,,. pouts room, 81.50 ;
John 13nrgess, Bryce drain. $1.50 ; D.
Jowitt, gravel mud damages, $1.98 ;
W. Abraham, gravel and damages,
$2.138 ; John W, King, gravel and
damages, $5.80 ; Theo. Finneu, gravel,
$1.75 ; John ',,McDougall, gravel and
damages, $4 ;'Samuel Vanetone, dam-
ages, 1900, 1010, $3 ; Allan McTavish,
gravel, $4,20 •T. Montgomery, darn -
ages 81 ; R. Palmer ; gravel and dam-
ages, 55.07. Moved by Mr. Mulvey,
seconded. by 12[r. Wheeler, that this
meeting adjourn to . meet in the
Cleric's office, Blnevale, on Monday,
October 24th, at 10 o'eloolc, a: m.
JOAN 330ROE58, Clerk.
FARR.—The congregation of St..
Stephen's Ohurch- Gorrie, assembled
iu goodly numbers at the Rectory on
Monday evening el! bast week to spend
afew hones with Rev. Mr. Farr and
family prior to their denartnr'e for
BI yth, and took the opportun i ty to pie-
sent the following address and also to
give Mr. Farr, a beautiful gold -headed
Cane and Mrs.: Farr, a Secretary
Rev. T. H. Fai'r—.
Dear Friend 121 Ohr"it.—It, was with
much regret that we :learned of your
intention to sever your connection
with this parish, and as a congregation
we are taking opportunity of express-
ing Our sincere sot•4.Ow at your re-
all i eahze how you have
-striven (luring the five years of your,
incumbency to build us up in the true
virtues of the Church, and with your . s
faithfulness and earnestness have we
been edified in the truths of the (Jos.
peg and in the exposition of our Boole
of Common Prayer, We trues the
Lord will guide yy'ou'andyours in your
new sphere of labia', and that you may
be the means under God, of turning
many from darkness tanto lighb'and•
from the power of Satan unto 02141512,
that they rimy receive remission of
their sins and an inherit11100 among
there that ate sanctified through
faith tl 1 r our Lard Jesus Christ. Yon
will accept this gold -headed. Cane and
Mrs. Falco this Secretary as slight
tokens of out' friendship for you both
and oily appreciation of your labor.
'amongst us. Signed on behalf of St.
Stephen's Ohurc2 congregation.
H. V.IIoartrs, IsAno WAD17,
Gerrie, Sept. 1011), 1010, Wardens.
The reverend gentleman made a very.
appropriate reply.
The entertain,nent held last Friday
evening by the Mission Havel of 82.
Andrew's 0)1urc11 was quite a success.
Thee INNS 11 good attendance and the
children acquitted themselves well in
their repitations, solos, exercisesand
choruses. Mrs. Gould and her
daughters were present from their
Oanadian home in Kipper), now on fur-
longh ft'oin Formosa. Chinese sougs
were sung and Mrs. Gauld gave an
interesting address, Rev. Mr. Feat
also spoke. During the evening NO
address was read to MIB: Gimlet and a
contribution of $15 made to the
Chinese hospital, Formosa, At the
close of the program refreshments
were served. Following was .the
program :—Opening Hymn ; Prayer
Chairman's address ; chorus, Mission
Band, "The Light of the World" ;
greetings, Iona Stothers ; - Chinese
song • exercise, "A little child shalt
lead thein' recitation, "Mite song,"
Olive Parrot ; grapaphone ; recitation,
"A. penny," Madeline Stothers ; solo,
Mary McMutchie
recitation, "OurLord ;n
His Harvest," Luella Cook ;
exercise, "What a little child can
do recitation, "Jesus loves the
children," Jean AfcMurchie ; song,
Flora Gould • graphaphone; reci-
tation, "Somethingg for Jeans," Carrie
Sims ; solo, Jean McMuo'chie ; chorus,
Mission Band, "Sowing for the
Master" address Rev. MI Fear ;
Hymn address, Mrs Gauld Ohinese
ong; Presentation ; chorus, "Little
Missionaries" ; Refreshments.
Clearing Sale of
A discount of 25 per cent
will be givenfor oash or trade. We
wish to clear out this line so offer
the public the benefit. Sizes from
Children's Suits to the largest
man. It will pay you well to buy
Rain Coats
to sell at HALF PRICE. Good
stock. Don't miss them,
Heavy Kersey Norse Blankets
to be cleared at the low price of 65 Cents each
or $1.25 per pair. See tbem.
These are a few Special Bargains from
our large General J'tock•of Merchandise
Try our American Coal oil at 25cp er Gallon
Highest priceaid for all kinds of farm m Produce
51°'' ®o Head of Live Poultry
Wanted, to be delivered on Monday of each week, commencing
Sept. 19th. Ali kinds at highest market price.
We 11101
18 Busiaess, Call and See our Bargains
Pholle GEO
2 15 . M. MITCHE11s Merchant Ethel
Grey Council
Pursuant toadjournment the
Municipal Co11no11 of the township of
Grey tne12111 the 'row;aslhip ,hall, Ethel,
on Sept, 12th. All the members of the
Connell, present, Aliu5tes of lust
meeting were read and adopted. The
schedule for the distribution of the
balance to the credit of the Beauchamp
01'5511 drain and extension was
accepted and the treasurer authorized
t0 pity Over the respective amounts t0
the .,nunieiptblities interested in the
scheme. By -Law No. 11 of 1010 levy-
ing the aulount pf 52.8)0 ettels on lots
18 to 27 inclusive in the 18th coil, of
Grey to meet the costs of survey by
Lewis Balton O. L, S. of the townline
along said lots was put through its
final stages and passed. The WORTS
of the telegraph poles and wireloaf
the 0121 con,'01' Grey were notified tN
have the same removed, The tender
of 1,1'red' MoOraeken for the painting
of the four bridges for 5100 was
accepted. Red lead and oil to be used
and the work to be completed by
October 1511) next, The von tract for
,the Krauter drain was given to Henry
Aleoelc. The amount of his tender
being 5580,00. The contract for the
Locking drain was let to 11. C. Arm-
strong ; his tender, of $308.00 being the
lowest received. The Reeve was
authorized to let the contract for the
Whitfield drain at anytime if a
satisfactory contractor could be found.
The Clerk was instructed to notify the
contractors on the New McTaggat t
death and etl1 eon. drain to have their
contracts completed without delay.
Following accounts were presented
and paid:—
E, Collie repairing on bdy. d. and E ..g 1 00
R. b1oDenald, gravel 0 88
S• Holmes, gravel 8 60
lohn Oontes, to pay ehovone,a 8 50
1V. E. Sanders, tile for bdy, G. and W180
D. Oooper. gravel - - 24
G. %ranter & O0., spikes 46
W. 0. Ellacott, repairing road 1 00
Jas. Hamilton, Grey's portion work on
bdy G• and E - 2 50
John Rea, gravel 1 g6
Goo. Cleric. gravel` -
Thos. Stevenson, 18 24
Jos, Savage, digging Award drain 5 50
8, Dunn, gravel„ gravel 12 90
eo. Spelran, gravel 16 88
Geo. Spoiran, preparing grovel pit 4 20
S. Burke, repairing culvert, lot 17, eon, 8 2 00
W. Holt. drawing plank and repairing
bridge G. and: W. bdy...:.....• 4 50
A. Reyuard, repairing culvert, •lot '15
ca0. 8 2 00
Jen. l uuas diggingditeh •(2, end l2, bdy
Grey Po, tion 27 08
A.H. Macdonald, part salary 200 00
W. Rathwoli, repairing culvert 50
Wm. Milne, culvert bdy. G, and B.
Grey's portion 4 00
Council adjourned to meet again on
Oct. 3.
Here's a Kidney Treatment We Want
You to Try at our Risk
With advanced age comes derange-
of the
d ,
and associate
organs. Nature is unable to perform
her proper functions and requires
certain outside aid.
We are so confident we have the aid
so essential for restoring strength,
activity and health to weak or dis-
tressed kidneys that we are willing to
supply it with the positi ve understand-
ing that it shall cost the user nothing
whatever, if for any reason it fails to
give entire satisfaction.
After a thorough experience with the
most successful kidney treatments, we
are satisfied that Rexa11 Kidney
Remedy is the oue preparation which
embraces all those qualities so neces-
sary for giving prompt, and permanent
relief .iii all classes of kidney and
urinary ailments." ,
Inasmuch as a trial of Rexall Kidney
Remedy can be had at our entire risk,
there is no reason for anyone hesitat-
ing to put it to a practical. test. Why
not try a bottle today, on our guaran-
tee ? Two sizes, 50o. and 81.00. Solcl
only at our store—The Recall Store.
1. R. Smith.
Maitland Presbytery
The Presbytery of Maitland met in
Winghalm on Tuesday Sept. 15111,
the Moderator, Rev. Me, Bremner,
presiding. .Elders commissions were
received from Messrs 8lnth of Wrox-
eter, James Henderson, Kinloss, F. D.
McLennan Lochalsh, AL Clark, St,
Helens, John McLennan, Molesworth.
Calvin Ohurch St. Helens was granted
the privilege of raising motley by
note or mortgage on their new manse
lately erected. A committee was
appointed to confer with the three
charges of the Presbytery giving less
titan the minimum stipend with a view
of getting them to cone up to $850.
Rev. Mr. Perrin presented a call from
Belmore and McIntosh in favor 02 Mr.
Jas. Stied McMillan offering stipend
of 5900 with Olanse and two weeks
vacation. Provisional arrangements
were made for ordination and induc-
tion, the call having been sustained.
The moderator to preside, 12[r. Duncan
to preach 1'11. Tait to address the mini-
ster and Mr. Perrin the people. The
date of induction to be fixed by the
nioclerator and clerk. Messrs. Bell and
DicEaohorn were appointed auditors,
Mr, McDonald was presented by Air.
Tait as a student entering on his
studies for etre ministry. Be was
certified to the Secretary of Knox
College. Rev. S. H. Moyer was
appointed moderator for the ensuing
six months. Commissioner's to As-
sembly reported their diligence at its
meetings 111 J11110. Revs. Mclean and
Lundy were appointed on the execu-
tive of Y. P. 8. It was agreed that
the question of church union be laid
on the table and that the question be
taken up as a special Jeaturs of the
December meeting of Presbytery. It
was agreed to hold simultaneous
Evangelical campaign throughout the
Presbytery between Nov. 0th and 20111,
R. D. deuteron addressed the Presby-
tery on the Government annuities
scheme, and was thanked for his
excellent address,
The following standing committees•
were appointed :—Home Missions—
Messrs. 1'etrui Hardie and Perrin with
diel n Missions—Messrs.
Moyer; Foreign
and McRae with Elders.
]Ferguson, Matheson,1)tmea11 and
Elders. Sabbath School --Messrs.
Wishat•t, Lundy, Rutherford and
Eiders. Moral and Social Reform
with ahit7013 life and work—Messrs.
Mcliaohern, Tait,'•Perr]e and Rldet's,
Evangelism—Messrs. 1011011,1), Trait
Ferguson and Elders, Aaglaleutntioll
--Messrs, Spooner, McLean, Wisher',
alld Ehlers, Syst'elnatic Beneficence--
A'fessrs. Monson, West and Perrin.
Examination of Students-, Messrs,
Tait and McLennan, Statistics—
Messrs. West, Hardie and Perrin,
Baussats Fall FairThursday T and 1 a. r •'-
day of next week.
PAS/BAIRN you have a son or daughter
away from hone, Why not send them
J'ii,. Pos,? The cost will be less
than weekly letter and the paper would
often give more news than soya! al let-
ters. Only 25 cents to Dee. ,ghat, i9lo.
Oanadian News
13. W. Yates, formerly of Brantford,
hmime d himself in a Cleveland 7ail,
Sir Wilfrid Laurier ended his West-
ern tour with a great meeting at Medi-
; eine Etat.
. 'rho King Edward Hotel at Schreiber
was burned. A Finnish girl was burned
to death, and several of the guests had
111Lrow escapes:
Elector Murray WHs 11Med 13047 Alb;Alberta, by an employee namedWcods,
who stl•ac11 him with 4 whiskey bottle,'
Watches fw{,t
® oho
i Clocks ♦
�•, .
✓ •
Having opened a new .Jewel-
`e ry business. iu the Voa,den-:,
.i. Block, Ethel, I a111 rprepared •
• to meet the demand for all
o that is required 111 that line. meq,
12Special attention given to re
• pairing and all 170(111 pavan- 4.
4 teed.
Judge Bantu dismissed thirty infer ma• I 4 -
tions )aid against Montreal hotelkeepers
1 If
for violation of the license law,✓r
as the
nese i
d o appear. ear.
A committee of the Montreal City -
Council censured Mayor Guerin for plac-
ing the French flag behind the Irish
ensign during the Eucharistic Congress.
To realize the importance of fru-
gality is to acquire the habit of saving
—and of depositing your savings in
a Bank.
You need not feel embarrassment
in depositing its small a sum as one
dollar in the Bank of Haimilton.
Such a step will mean for you the
commencement of a new era of ease
anti eolltent.
W. S. 119115 Agent, Wroxeter
i Head Office
Brussels Phot.
• Portraits by Photography f.
• 0
2" b
0 'Erol'.&.'.• 40+4.` "0+.44+110' 11.4 •'II'♦.;.+4.1••4 .11/44 410 ♦')•.'3.40')0 1'.4..4..
Give Children Good Bread and Buller
OU may say bread is bread and all children want
plenty of it. In a way, that's true.
But it makes considerable difference whether the•
bread you give your children now counts just as a
"filler" or whether it counts for future health. For
there is a vital difference between breads made from
different flours.
The most healthful as well as the cheapest food
in the world is bread made from
Royal Household Figalir
This bread isn't merely something Growing children thrive on bread.'
to fill a hungry stomach. It is s made from ,,ROYAL NOOSE -
perfectly balanced food, rich in strength- HOLD". It gives thein just the ,
giving, blood -making material. nourishment their systems need and in
It counts for long life. the most digestible and tempting form.
It counts for a vigororts rotrntinitioil. And it is ftntural food. It takes
It counts for bone and muscle making the place of meat, at one quarter of
and good rich blood. the cost, and is more quickly assimilated.
And this because "Royal House- There is no better flour in the
hold'' is made limn the frltert world titan t,.ROYAL
wheat in the .world — the�Lizl HOUSEHOLD", it is best
famous Redct Sr
n r 1 J and most economical for
high quality gluten, most in
1 Bread, Pies, Cakes Rolls, .1 a
11304 "
all the markets of the world. Ji01; family •' all
.,.,r°'' y baling. ' 29
Write forOgSYvie "!took tor a Coote" sent frac—mention none Of your dealer.