The Brussels Post, 1910-9-1, Page 1VOL. 39 NO. 9
New AdveetisOments
strayedound—M. ': ,.
Glove round -wee Poem,_a
Rimes -T. O, rooter/1s.
Lresklimo-D. 4. merry,
Daisy churn ale u9 Poam,Y
Data elaurn foraale—lett Po9m,
Roney for sobooi seeable -4a Smith,
f do t 1 jean Brown is visiting with
r 1 c aerl Mullett,
Bert, Elliott, of Chicago, is holiday-
Mg wider the parental wol'.
D. H. Oatu bell. eurrlvecl- home ont
P m
Monday,' after spending six months
in tlse West. '
Mrs, Weise an family, of Sarnia,
are visitiugg w1Eb her paecuts, S. and
Mrs. Lochliead, ,
T. and Mrs, Robertson, of Kansas
city, Kansas, are visiting his mother,
Mrs, A, Robertson,
Miss Mabel and J. Elliott of Chi-
can are visiting
e v a ting with their cousin,
T. llittand other Mende,
Miss Bell McDoutald, a£ Brussels,
has been spending a couple of weeks
with her brother, Joe McDonald.
Mr. at)ci Mrs, Bell haus returned
and resented their duties koro after a
three weeks' vacation with friends.
Maggie Paterson, of Brant -thea
fond, who has been visiting friends
here, has gone to Hallett, to visit
friends them.
Miss Mary McKee has returned to
her home in Toronto,after visitingWe
with her cousin, Miss Effie Grainger,
and other friends.
Mrs. J. Murray, of Palmerston, also
J. f Yukon, and Master S.
Murray, of Chicago, are visiting with
Mrs. T. Cummings. •
Robert McOutoltoon had the mis-
fortune to lose his barn byfire on
Wednesday night, Aug, 18th, The
fh'e. started about 11.80 but bad gain-
t headwaysg,
ed o much b foie noticed
to save anything, The loss Was COV-
Oled by insolence, '
mother had visited her Friday even-
in and deceased had chatted with
her as natal, Mr, Believe aud the 5
piotllerless- sone share. lei' ely i. ti
Y n• to
sympathy )atli of a wide eircle,of relatives
I y
and triends.
OBIruAmy.-As rnentin ed. week
a e last 1 e k
Robert Boll answered the imperative
call on Tuesda of last week, at the
advanced age of over 79 years. The
funeral service was conducted by Rev.
Mr. Anclve\vs, of Bluevale, Friday
afternoon, tire burial being made in
Brussels cemetery, Mr. Bell was born
in Lincolnshire, England, and learned
the boiler makingtrade. In 1859 he
was married to Miss soca Smith,
who died on May1St1 Rebecca
1, 98, Shortly
after thou d.Mr. and Mrs. Bell
sailed for Canada and deceased .work-
ed at his trade at. New Hamburg,pp
coining to Brussels in 1861,Sinc
u to
p the time of his demise, he
continued to live in the localityofp
Jamestown. About a year ago Ntr•the
Bell hada stroke of paralysis and Ile
had been confined to bed since Good
Friday at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Alex. 'Forrest, 1st line Morris,
with whom he made his home sines
her husband died 'ears 4 a o. The
subject o£ this notice is survived by
three sons, (Owen, of Bannerman,
Man. ; Jnq. R„ 8th lite Morris ; and
Wm., of Walton,) aud four daughters,
( Mrs. Forrest, of Morris ; Mrs. W.
Reharriel1, Iron Bridge ;Mrs. L. Frain
and Mrs. A. McDonald. of Gare town-
ship.) One daughter, Mrs. s• Chas.
in Mamtoba. Mr, Bell was
in politics, adhered to the
Methodist church and was a khndl y
turned intelligent man who made
many friends and kept P:LIl-
bearers wets Alex. Br vats; aP, and
M. Nlosea, Geo. Jackaou, Jas. Sharpe
and Geo, Crooks The old Yglk •aro
rapidly passing away but they are not
forgotten when they are cone.
The following guests from a dietanco
graced ,-P
g Ce the Mise on . 1. Hemphill i1r11
and wife lid Miss Harris,ppy
M s ON Wrnx•
• •d
etox , augbtetar Ireland; wife and son
and daughter, of Kincardine ; and
ilyrntlil, of ,Il'ixeter,' After the
wedding trip the . Jiie wi h s
settle in Trail, B, C, The good wishes
of many old friends here are extend-
it ought
g r to have been. Too .many
do o for little de.. Let us shirrs to
do qtr part bygiving all. cr can
the thereby receiving, and so increase
the interestg,6
and helpwon the work,have A
treat, enjoyed f r a q£ g Cll; , not-
lie, fora long albe; in the pro-
'gram ileo, was several beautiful seise-
tions on theirs splendid gramophone
P gr q e byRile
the testees. They were certainly en-
joyed. At the: next meeting Miss
May Johnston will be the capable
leader. Her topic will be " Why is
Autumn in Natureso -
aced with the Aatumn of our lives ?"
rile meeting will be held at the home.
of Mra. Wm. Moses in September,
.Ir'uther notice Pvill,bo given later.
grata Drops, Many le e y rs had that
grate tS iio l tom )ldte�y dce !?d
hnwere them to L uol
The hail stones as large as dual
eggs. Sof menel worn Mian away, and.
crop q£ wet'e letef, pre P,t'h
erne isalmost a Will no+fai)ure, Th
whole Cgrinty will not have 1t)Q
barrels of apples • i e -R, It. k
sea oth,
DEA'1lI 00 PTorrs�att.-!Lha deet
of M. Walker, of Wrughau), ctrio e
the last of the Huron County pioneer
occurred Sunday mornhu after a fel
months' g
illuass, 01 hisutg a pa)'alyti
stroke. He was in 76th] year. Th
furseral was held Tuesday afternoa
from the residence to rile Wingha1
cemetery. Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Meths
dist minister officiated. The ]ate Mr
Walker was a lire long Liberal and
pillar Of the Methodist church in l3ti
on County. He is survived by hi
wifealso in her 76th eat', six aon
and one daughter, NXls. S. E. Andel
son, of Northcote avenue, Toronto
The sous are Isaac and Elijah, of iii
far h j
m tear, wino= ; Geo, . am
Wesley, M business at Clinton ; R, A
Secretary of iv Judges sgoo oil till
, rs Division at sergeant
Toronto; Jackson, a. so�g�ant of th
Toronto police force ; James in oh.
furniture basins T'
ss at wglhwm ant
Thgmae residing at bbe etav]Ile, 'Mr
Walker was w true husbandd'kilf
father and Dna of the best o'f psi
enjoyed `the esteem ora,
hors. circle
)vide circle of friends who \vih syh)
patties with the bereaved.
• ' c `
x x �' �
Miss A11ce Wilton, of Brussels, is a
vhsitgr at Jas. Lon 'a,
Mise Diehl, of Tigicicersmith, is the
guest of Miss Norma Sperling,
Wm, Heather and sons, of 3t.
a Sunayecl with relative here.
i. McKay wife and children, of
Niagara F
here, a aIle, are visiting relatives
D'Iisa aids Moore, of Brussels, was
guest of Miss Viola Long fora few
Mrs, R. J. Ca ineren and son Ross,
o£ Georgetown, are visiting relatives
W. Siomgn }e Din to work with
Mr, McLeod, of Ethel, for the FLEA
"Miss Deane, of Cl}neon, miss War.
son, of Detroit, Mrs. Ballard, Kenneth
and Mac Ferguson, of Brussels,were
visitors at the Manse this wee.
To receive Dieters on how makehad
p to
a success of growing alfalfa, millet,
buckwheat, marigolds, potatoes and
corn high enough to be a resting lace
for the Bagels, call at the Model Farm
immediately on the South side of : the
The "tot 1 toot ref the threshing
engine is again heard on the morningBaieetdied
summoning the sturdyyeomen t
g y
smoulder forks and hie themselves t
their neighbor's barn to enjoy a.l}tte
recreatin in commingling with per-
spinet}on and dire for a clay, thus for-
getting the troubles at home. Th}s
would be afunn world without the
Farmer, and he's n funny fairest who
can live without his neighbor.
Wpmeu's Institute on Thursday at
Mrs. y
T, Oo 1111n's,
Mies •Annie' Elliott was visiting
friends in Fergus:
George Sponge, of Dorchester, is
visiting in the burg.
Chas. Taethe
ppaud, of Walkerton, call-
ed on old frlende in and around the
Nix's: Jas. Songster and fancily, of
Tara, are visiting her parents, Jas,
aud. Mrs. Elliot.
Fred. Terry, of Portage la Prairie,
Was a visitor at T. Elliott's for a few
days, also Fred. Terry, of Monkton.
Mr's. Arch. Robertson and dough-
ters returned to their home in Lis-
towel niter visitingfor a couple of
months with her mother, Mrs. H:
[i a
r l/
Township Cotton will meet on
Moeda 12 h inst„
y t t„ at Ethel,
Rnbt, and Mts. McAllister are speed -
ing the week with. friends in Toronto.
Nl ss Lizzie Dickson, who was home,
has pssuulecl her
for her vacation, teacher
position as teacher near Barrie.
Itis said the 10th con. will supply
thea bride for a well•known future.eent of
12th one. in the near
Miss Marie Jackson, who has spent
Summer with her uncle, , John
Jackson, returned to her home in
Toronto this weeh{.
are aortae to hear that MSS
'Mary Davidson, llth con„ was thrown
out n thou buggy, by the horse
gett}ng frightened bonein the lane, and
her collar broken. The
accident occurred Tuesdayevening.Brussels
w hope she will soon be all rigght•
•. Roe'sHarvest Home- services w111 he held
1u Roe's Church ou Sabbath, lltli
lest. Rev. Mr. Armstrong. of Chat
ham, will preach at 10.30 a. m. and
Rev. ng b ata p.e , Free-will
offering will be taken, A Sacred
Concert will be held Monday evening,
Sept.12th, at which agood programY
p P'
will be presented:time.
35 cents et Trt0 PosT to Tan, 1st
The new brick block is about readyY
for occupation.
Nlhse ans8,c' gone to her school
to resume teaching after a holiday at
her home here.
I. M. homy and Ot L bhe des went
l LnOknew ewih to the death of
Fleda sitsern . g
loot Ball Team zs expected.
hereon Monday evening of text week
to give our boys a game. Don't fail
to see it.
fant son are sorry to state that the in-
of Fred. and Mrs. Oster died
Tuesda morningand was buried
Wednesday afternon. He was 2 or 3
weeks old,
About 50 people from this locality
went to Jl incardine last Fridayon
the Excursion and had a good
Ethel Foot Ball. teamgave Brussels
juuibrs a elgae game on the lakeside
p ark, the score being 1-0 in favor of
The sad intelligence reached here on
Tuesday of the death of Floda, the
bright, 14 year old daughter of F. F.
g t y g
and Mrs. Fredman; of Lucknow on
Monday. She had been ill for two
weeks with typhoid fever but was
thought to be gutting alone nicely
when the end came. The Freeman
family left here last November and
many old friends will sympathise with
them in the demise of their clear one.
Funeral took place on Wednesday,
interment being made at Lucknow.
ANNTVERSAR.Y.--Sabbath, Sept.ll,
will be anniversary day ithe
Methodist churches on Ethel Oiccnit,
and is being looked forward to with a
good deal of interest. Rev. Mr. Arm-
strong, B. D., of Chatham, a former
pastor, will be here and will reach at
Roe's in the morning ; Union in the
afternoon nrMron ; ygc�Ethel in the eventing,
will not have to
supply for DIT. Armstrong so will em-
phasise the day at home and take
services at Ethel in the morning;
Rod's in the afternoon and Union at
night. Special music will be prepared
for the anniversary and a freewill
g will be asked for as entertain-
meets will not be held the succeeding
week. The many old friends of Rev.
Mx. Armstrong will be glad to have
the opportunity of greeting him once
"" "' - --'--- `-- =
•••d'•4'•4'•+•+•+•+•f ••••14.0♦' 14+.44.0•44.0•44444,•••+•444••
i Get a+-r'av(
Fly t
i• From us and protect
• our horse. We -have
them neat and durable
• and low in price,
tt OUR /T ��' N �7 L
te will please yon, Try a Set-in•Gennine
or Solid Nickle-each of these
In these lines we have a good
P 3 Sets Second-hand
a Genuine Rubber $9.00 Solid Nickle
• n
'' tor'
Perth Count
l %: -� -
t"' rarr�rNj
There is a whooping cpu h e . sin .
g k
m St. Marys.
St, Marys L0c1Ce, No, 493 A. F. & A
M., Will he dedicated by the Gatlin
Master on October 24th.
Jgrden th wiled 260 bushels o-
wheat off 4tz acres on Saturday Sol
Geo. Lawrence, Logan.
Miss Vera Hazlewood ofKirkton,
has secured the Townline school, be•
tween FulJarton and Blanchard.
W R. Stone, of SG. Marys, has sold
the entire output of his bee hives
about a ton and a half to a Brussel:
Dlr. Hicks, postmaster, Mitchell,
received the plan o£ the gground floor
of the xo used new otSce for his
p' P
aPpp seval,
Dlr's. J. D. Moore has sold the Shand
farm of 200 acres, near M°Culleugha
Hhll, Blanshard, to H. H. Stevens,
manage!' of the Molson's Bank, St.
Nissourh Rifle Club was second. .in
the Canadian Cnp series at the Ontario
1 tli a a\vazdaLtivasmproL steel ono tin
ground of the competition being aper.
only to the militia and awarded tc
anotherteam. class of the Methodist
Sunday school, Mitchell, usly a ring
about sixty, were sumptuously enter•
rained by Wm. and M. Puschelbme
on Friday evening.
William Stinson, Logan, Inas genes.
ously donated $39 in cash to the
Mitchell awarded
edAgricultural iisdraw hl
awardedin sizes to heavydraught
agricultural and general purpose colts
-three prizes in each class.
Mrs. Doherty, of Stratford, won the
lrrize at the Merchant's picnic for he.
mg the oldest lady on the grounds,
Mrs. Doherty who is in her 97th year
is quite active and recently paid s
visit to her grand Son in St. Marys.
James Aitchesou, thresher of Avon -
Avon -
ton, had his back severely injured by
the tongue of a threshing machine
which he was removing from the barn,
An operation was performed upon
him at the Stratford Hospital and the
unfortunate lean is said to be to-
gr Mitch favdvocat
Advocate says :-Boys fro
8 to 14 years of cgs were 9ociga s Sun•
day afternoon smoking cigars and
cigarettes. The law should not only
enforced, but slipperr ]host oases
should the appliedwllbe theft
automy at home. Theywill out
future hoe for all good and
Thos. Thompson, formerly of the
851 con, of Blanshard, is .enjoying
hepmoved some d health in NorthDakota.
earsaaNgtr: whither
feels so well that notwithstanding he
has passed his Sand birthday he was
able to take part in the sports at
Sayles, N. D., where he came in
second in the old mens' race, and was
only beaten by a -man years his
Thos. McHughes, Chicago, a form-
er resident of Logan, fell from a train
last March while on 'his- why to New
York, receivingsac 'in titles that for
a time his life as despaired
sparred of. An
arm was •broken .(n tlu'ee places, left
and right le
]e broken in two the knee
taken ly between tJia kr i40 wail nnl{lo
Recently he came to Michell and has
been derethe care of a doctor,
who found it necessary to take off
three or four inches of the leg. The
operation was performed on Tuesday
of last week.
i e in frontl,c of the Mathesonho
coni Mitchell, nn their way acme
from ehnreh .Sunday evening, a ri
driven by Richard Byers, Fullartori
was con into by another rig,. driven
by a couple of your men from Stmt..
ford, upsetting the buggy and throw -
1a Mr, Byers and his sister 0n to h
hardgroad with the
Such force as to cause
slight injuries to the young lady and
almost ruining her dress.
d ess. They
were asshsted by- M : Albeit
r Albert
1)010 Harper• and In ens who were
teat bytSt the time, `TB rdrivingarmeg
that Stratford men were iure
Miss By is h the their hot eccn d e.
Mies Byers helot their Iroise and tea
fused to allow it to budge while Mr;
Harper drove back to Mitchell ai iI
lata tho matter before the' Felice
Magistrate, who50 110 wil dispatched ternition
oo r 1u to the sot+ne wil.H it
Coppin tstia0 cli i f
to grit the P11is as nby eetuayi of
possible. This - was done by 88,5
}�`4•fi6 Lot. damage to buggy and }(i�,5
Wm. Watson, of Belgrave,
g e, was
visiting Jos. Smith.
Miss 011ie Scott 19 at present visiting
friends at Toronto. •
NIrs.Jos. Spears and son, ofLueknoW,
are at resent visiting Mrs. E. Rogers.
p g g
Frank Howson, of WallaOebur is
at present visiting Victor and Mrs.
Mrs. J. Barber, of Orillia, who has
been visiting with Mrs. Keys returned
home Tuesday.
Miss J. Gecides and brothers, Evan'
and Cameron, are at present visiting
at J. 0. Johnston's.
of fine black
Quite a large taken out
bass are being out of the river
here this Sumner.
The funeral of the late Mrs. J. H.
Sellers on Monday was largely attended
and was one of the saddest we have
ever had here,
Jas. Masters has returned from the
West and resumed duty, and Roy
hetagent there,Whitechurch to relieve
H. B. Churchill, formerly operator
s Palmerston, intends leaving for
Kenora short] where he has secured
a osision with the O. P. R.
Jos. Smith, David Patton and David
Tewhtt have all been on the sick list
clueing thepast week, but we are lad
g g
t see thein able to be around again,
School opened on the 15tH inst with
Dir. VanVelsor as Principal and Aliso
Brock, of Wingham, as junior. Both
are new teachers, and are givingbe
satisfaction. good
, i ara,r.,`l.+.".,, �+r.�t
,,r...r ,,„
"r ~
„..,,,,-, 'r e....+ °
s"�•• C
��� }}Jno.
r. '1^ 4[!
1 y
a 1L -'n ^'
Rubber, Goldoan
are favorite Trimmin s •
assoctmeot at popular prices:
Single Harness
$4.50 Imitation Rubber $3.75
The sound of the steam thresher is
heard in the land:
Every person is through Harvesting
and crops aro
Mrs. Jas. Speir is visiting hi Tor-
onto for a couple of weeks:
GnvermantInspector George Oalbhck
of Cobalt, was visiting in this locality
this week. •
Miss Levy, of Goderich, is visiting
her Friend, Miss Jennie Jordan, of
Mrs. Addison, who has been ill at
the home of her daughter; Mrs. W. H.
Fraser, is improving.
A number of Morrisites took in the
annual Sabbath School Excursion to
Kiueaidine last Fnc�tay. p
A fine new piano has been laced in
the home of Elston Cardiff, 6th line.
The sale was made by S. Carter, of
B nsseise were not,- as manypersons
took in the Excursion to Kincardine
as would, owing perhaps to the not
very promising movnhng.
BIc YIrvLD.-On the farm of Duke
Jordon, 5th line, a single head of oats
of the '"White Giant" variety pro-
duced207 kernels of good quality of
oats.0 Who can beat this 1'
The funeral of the late Mrs, J. H.
Sellers to Bluevale cemetery on Mon-
day was largely attended: Our
syrnpat•hyis extended to the bereaved
husband and family.,
The phones on the let are all in
good working' order again. and every
fellow who cannot get time to visit
his sweetheart may,have the privilege
of talking t; her quer the phone.
Morris and Turnberry township
Comhr„„ils•-will meet on Monday19th
instant, in regular sessions, at the
Township Hall, Morris, and at the
Olerk's o.ffine, Bluevale, respectively.
A big improvement has beeu made
to the barn of Chas. Forrest, 1st line,
Morris. Building's now B6xSOft. with
cement stabling. He also has a
cement silo and a windmill making
the outfit complete.
Rev. J. W Andrews or Bluevale cir-y
cuit preached an excellent sermon on
Sabbath hast at the afternoon appoint.
mento on the subject of 'Oonsecra-
tion,' The sermon was much ap-
predated by his hearers.
CARD OD' TxANKs.-Thenndersigned
wish to express their sincere thaules
to the many friends for kind words
thoughtful deeds in the hour of
their. bereavement. They will never
be forgotten. Yours gratefully,
SAD DEATH, -Early last Saturday
morning this community was sadden-
ecl to their hearts' come :at the news
that Mrs. Joel H. Sellers, 3rd line,
had taken her life by banging herself
to a tree in the orchard, by a line
taken from a set of harness. She had'
•retired to test as natal the night
previous and chatted with her has-
hand relative to t1.0 succeed-
in dayand purposingHemphill,
holiday visit' in the near future. Her
health had been somewhat unpaired
ostrain. , hervous system stem feeling
was the
Annie Armstrong, seccud daughter
of Richard S. Armstrong, 4th line,
Some 17 years ago she was married to
Mr. Sellerand they took up residence
on North 5 Lot 22, Con, S, where they
had a comfortable home, Five sons
were born to them, the youngest
being about 5. years old. The fnnerai
took place Monday afternocni to Bine-
vale cemetery ansi was very largely
attended, }llustritting the deep aym-
patty fait for the bereaved, Iter,
Andrews, of Bluevale, conducted
an appeopriate service. Between 8
and 4 a. an, Saturday Mrs. Senors Had
risen from her bad and when missed 'Wroxeter,
about'4 by her husband' and she, fail-
to answer the call, searc}z was
only t be rewarded shortly
afterbyt findingy her body,wrd s Mein
, her neck being 'dislocated.
Dirs. Hernias had been essisting Mrs,
Sellars for some time with Her house- in
bout ciuthes. Deeeased was a bright, starved.
body Who was most highly took
by the community, Her : shortly
Several •from this locality are taking
in Toronto Fair.
Wand Mrs. Bailey will taken
p to the West next week
We wish them a good time.
It said Me. MAIM, teacher here,
will attend the Medical College this
Pall hence a change of teachers will
be necessaryfor which we are sorry.
Church, Moncrieif, will hold a gran
Harvest Home Festival on Tuesday
evening, Sept. 14111, which 110 one
should rales. A fine supper will be
served from 6 to 8 o'clock, after which
the somewhat famous Autograph
Quilt and a pair of fancy pillow shams
Chohee disposed of by Auction Sale. y
pr gram will be rendered bev.r.u
Musical and Literary talent from
Brussels. Walton, Monkton, Union,
Atwood and Keep the as mwell as
local tel
Sept. 14.
C C. � � +
o l • �••'r♦ g ••g•♦�r•� • II •3.1 ♦ II • g ♦ F ♦ �o•l•♦ l♦�v♦fi ♦ ? ♦e a h♦ g ♦ �• g • p ♦ g p
WANTED, a girl for general honse•work,
Applyifae. •. E.. RAM, Wroxeter.
25 cents in advance, gets Tan POST
to Jan. 1st 1911.
Mrs. J. Gilpin, of Gilpin, Alta., visit-
ed in town last weeka P
Thos. F. Sanderson visited friends
inBlaevale on Sundaylast.
W. E. Black is assisting peter Pat -Jas,
rick, of Forestville, with his harvest.
Noel Dickson, is spending two
weeks the guest of relatives in Tor.
Mrs. Robertleae, of Radisson, Sask„
is renewing acquaintances in the
Editor Watters, of the Fordwich
Record, was a visitor in the village on
Miss Agnes MoKercher has returned
from a few weeks visit with relatives
in Brussels.Mitchell
Messrs. Nesbitt Laing and Redman.
McGlynn visited friends in Mildmay
Sunday last.
Mrs. R. Laing, Mrs, Wm. Wright
and Pearl visited friends in Moles-
worth last week.
Mrs. W. M. Rutledge and children
have returner -Jilt a two months'
visit in Manii oa.y
Miss Bessie Lovell, of Chicago, is
the guest of her mother, Mrs L.
'Lovell, of Turnberry.
'Miss Ella Smith, of Wingham. was
the guest of her parents, Jno. and
Mrs. Smith, over Sunday.
Miss Annie Shipley, of Glenwood,
spent a
) part of last week with her
sister, Mrs. 0. W. McKenzie.y
Miss Bessie Ritchie left on Thursday
for Winnipeg whets she will be en-
gaged hu her profession as nurse.
Inglis Sanderson returned to his
home in Toronto on Saturday after
spending two month's vacation in
this •vicin•ity.
T. G. ancvMrs. Hemphill. attended
ngofttomer's sister,
Misssw wedding
in HensallCalgary,
Wednesday of last week.
Miss Maud Sinclair, of Barriston, a
foes er of tceercin n thhe junkie, eddepart-
week With her cousin, Miss' Laura
Rev. B. A. Han, of Dochestor, N.
B., a former rector of the Fordwich,
Gorrie and Wroxeter parish, has been
appointed rector of Morristown near
Miss Jennie Montgomery, of Gerrie,
was in the village on Saturday bidding
her many friends farewell, prior to
her departure to Denver, Colorado on
Tuesday mountgg
y g• . . 'by
MATrustomAL,-A pretty weddln g
took place at the home of T. Hemp- "of
hill, King street, Henson, formerly of
on Wednesday of last
week abhi h noon, when his dao h-
tot, Miss Luht was united in marriage
with Royof Trail, B. C. After'
the ceremony Smith,which wasperformedA
by Rev, E. 3. Millyard, in the presence
of immediate relatives of the Contract-
artier a ell e
g p 'w prepared repast 110
The newly married couple
the evening trate South athd.leave
far tate Western province.
00 s
g 0:
5 ®
on 0
e .Me.
0 instituted
• instituted
• cheerful
Miss Etta Montgomery, of Detroit,
?pent a few days at the home of Wm.
Begley, of town. She is now visiting
at Wingham.
Cleve. Denbow, of Brussels, is an
ahatge of Thos. Stewart's barbershop
here while she latter is taking in the
Toronto exhibition.
Chas. Spafford, C. P. R. agent, has
been confined to his home through
illness but we trust he will soon be
abont his duties as usual.
Mrs. Robert McKayhad the mis-
fortune to have her kee put out of
joint at Grand Bend. We hopem the
will safest no inconvenience from the
Bricklayer Prior and staff, of ("Ain-
ton, are bus at the brickwork of
Mrs. John Mills' new residence, John
Stewart having completed the cement
Blyth re -open
the Fall term on Thursday of this
week. There should be a good rally
of pupils so as to get the clsses form -
ed up for a forward xvaroh.
Flax is a good crop in this vicinity
and has given employment to a good-
1y number of people. Ib is too bad
Blyth has not a mill of its Owtt to
work up the raw material
Reid M'o0ulloixgh, ofTeeswater, who
has been acting as teller in the Bank
of Hamilton here while Merle Robin-
son was eujoying a few holidays, re-
turned to his home last Saturday. Ids
made many friends.
Misses Edith andU
Keziah Mills o£
Blyth visited •daring the past week
their brother, ave Mills.
These young ladies have recenl
returned from Alta. where
they spent several years,
DIED Ax TEE Soo. -Last Sabbath
Annie Ratcliffe, beloved wife of
Albert E. Onllis, passed away to her
reward. The funeral took place from
the }tome Runes Wednesday
East Wawanosh, GVechresday after'-
noon., Inteoont was made at Ball's
cemetery. •
The Cement work is completed fon
the new enclosed- E0as at the Metho-
dist church. A new cement platform
to aid iti alighting or getting into 0011-
ve anew and a sidewalk o
y t oanneat it
with the present at the Metho- .
dist ih,mch is being bl]i'la The, pastor
is financing the lob which will be a
'eat convenience
i en reeve and nm e i for alle
who will be served by the improve-
TBD ORgrs. -A 0rnsbei�gnderlt to
farm and Dairy, publialled at Peter-
born writes as follows on August 8th' :
-Harvest isill .full swing. Threshing
has Just started. The wawa. c •
] lF at ludo be
many parks of the country will not be
mush over a half crop as the
p e main did
not fill. The straw WAS beau..”
he '�•�' 1f
T-1,aV}* had stintpa'9ae.. over parts Of
on Cn ciq' 1.1N1 l 't
and Mrs. Robertson, of Seattle
visited at A. Simpson's recently.
Several of the farmers have thresh-
ed, others are making preparations
for the 'save as the harvesting is
The Jamestown branch of Melville
W. Ti. M. S. will meet at the home of
Mrs. L. Eckmier on Thursday, Sept.
8th at 2 o'clock p. m.
THE LATE War. SoaxsTON.-The
death occurred at his home near Mid-
land, Mich., nu August 17th of Wm.'
Johnston, a former well-known resi-
dent of Fordwhch community, in his
78th year. Mr. Tobnston had been
ailing for the past two years, but was
able togo around. He was sexiousl
ill for two weeks previous to his death
which Was caused by hemorrhage of
the lungs. Deceased was horn in the
county of Monaghan, Ireland, and
came when 3 years old, to Canadawith
his parents, who settled in the town-
shiof King, North of Toronto, and
later in the township of Wellesley,
near Milbank. In the early days they
moved to Howick, where Mr. John-
stop settled on the farin-now ocoalpied
byhis nephew, Joseph Johnston. 80
p p
years ago, he emigrated to Michigan,
where be settle{] in Midland county,
About 1855 he was married to Miss
Eliza Jane Downey, who survives
Him. This union was blessed with a
fatally of 10 children, 9 of whom wets
born in Howick and all survive the
father. Mr. Johnston leaves 48 chit-
dren, grandchildren and grand-
chhldren, to mourn his loss, all of
whom were present at the funeral, but
10, Three brothers, T. H. and Samuel,
of Fordwieh, and George, of Grey
township, and one sister, Mrs. Arthur
1 ott nn, 'of Howick, also mourn his
1 Johnston was a member of
the Methodist oommuniou. Inter-
ment was made inPose1
on the 19th alt,
The monthly meeting of the
Women's 'Institute for August was
held at the home of Mrs. Hugh Moses
on August 25th, when a goodly
number assembled, despite the dis-
agreeable weather. After the usual
opening, the Moll was called when the
metnbera shown the interest
est taken,
responding g graciously In the way
expected. The most interesting
p heel astigg part
the program 'eras a "'talky byMiss
L. 1]. Strachan entitled "Baty we inaay
elevate, ourselves and `out' work.” A-
mon the 'many p Dints cllpentt
out wasean advice
plan each dvice to the women to
P a days work in: the horning
of that day, for every hour of the day ;
Winch was thought to be a s leedid
plan, Miss Strachancertainlyp
p spared
pains to have it interesting and it
was presented in a very capable man-
nee. The discussion On ""Genet
House-keeoitle was not as hen.Nt•.r ,ice
� • •
bein at hand we are
comprising many
Our stocks are being
of fine Dress Goods
at the lowest possible
and Woollens ;, New
examine ; and- do not for-
Below we enum-
Blue, Light
Black in plait l
[� #a 1 i
bheuCoat rine same nratec00 iale
ins set out 1 nn (p� �j
p.••.,:• ,, 1 4o tIJ Ial
choose from
Prices range 2 50 to 6 50
h : x �
and Boys
we have.
choose from in a O .
priced up to each
of Groceries always
3s ort hand
Ow i11g t0 the season
receiving- New Goods ':Daily
new and exclusive designs.
greatly freshened by new arrivals
in all and every popular shade
marked. price. New Blankets
Mantles that do you good to
get our Coat Sweater Department.
crate some Specials :
Dress Goods in leadingshades of Navy
Green, Very Dark Re, Parole and
and diagonal weaves. Prices per 3•ard'from
�i>'tl weaves, also tirelsirina colorings wake
full length and I fitting. Call ae
stook. Prices from ..... ........
�� ���
A. largo stock of all wool Blankets to
act mites that will suit anypurse.
from per pater P
Coat sweaters
For Ladies, Men
Just lance at our window and Uo cohvineed
the largest and beet stock in town to
wide ratnge of color combinations and
D ■0.13
Highest prices Proctttce, Fresh stool{
f •
t-• •
• 0
tut un c c arnag` to to DIlos I3yore for hrr 311 tttt)
r -