The Brussels Post, 1910-3-31, Page 7STOMACH MISERY
CHAPtPER, V..—.(C'ont'd) -
Ho loaned toward the colonel
wh,o, on hcarixtg the word, saki;
Itis useless, my dear Ivan;but
tell int, eon are sent, then, on an
vxtiraordinary mission?" •
"So extraordinary that the gone
eral allowed me only two hours to
make my arrangements,"
"And what is its purport "
"Yourself, my dear Alexis Step-
"Mo! of what ant I accused V'
"Of negligence, or rather inn;
prudence. It thorns you placed all
your important papers in a casket
and had the singular idea of de
pocking citing it with your banker.".
"I could not but believe it. a
safer plate than my' own house. 1
was known to the Nihilists who have
agents everywhere, and was uncer-
tarp of Some of my people."
"It is not the less true that the
box has been stolen, and doubtless
by those whose measures you ap-
"True; and I was wrong not to
render •an aceou nt of the affair to
those who have a right to know. I
had reasons for acting thus, which
I will explain presently. - May 1
ask by whom the chiefs have been
eo well instructed?"
"You do not suspect? There is,
however, a French proverb which
asserts that one is never betrayed
but by his own."
Betrayed by my own ! I here
here neither friends nor relatives."
"Yon have an intendant, my dear
Alexis Stepanowitch," said the en-
"Vacili l what; this knave has
been acting the spy on me and cor-
responding with the department!"
"He was authorized to do so,
thateI can inform you. .You must
be aware that, in foreign parts
especially, each one is watched,—
sometimes by a comrade whom he
is himself charged with overlooking.
It is a system of mutual observa-
tion, against which} it is useless to
recriminate. And I enjoin you vary
earnestly not to let• fail your anger
upon} this subaltern who was, after
all, simply exercising lux func-
"I will beware of doing so. He
would be capable of inventing ca-
lumnies on me to avenge himself.
Perhaps he has already done so,
for I suppose he was not satisfied
to narrate the story of the casket?"
"He wrote that instead of open-
i+,g' an intelligent inquest „you haci
set to work very clumsily." •
"Then he has stated that I have
laid hold upon a young man who.
seas suspected of being the anew -
pliers of the thieves V'
"He has told all. He has exposed
the means to which you had re-
course .th obtain possession of his
person and the embarrassment in
Without the sinews of war and
the necessary 'facilities for doing
b little progress can be
which you now find yourself bow to
dispose of him. He even declared
that yon were on .the point of clo-
spatehing Isim by the sooret meant
that are macho nsc of on great occa-
sions, And T will not caneoal from
yoti that he animadverted warmly
upon your course."
"C1iticisln is easy, but I should
like to know what the rascal would
have done in my place. It is true
that, despairing of extracting any-
thing from , this earned, I had
thought of sending him to Siberia,
but I have abandoned the idea. 1f
you could indicate to ire a method
of disposing of him without coin -
premising. anything, yon would
oblige me infinitely."
"Well, we will talk over 'all this
at dinner. And after dinner, if you
wilt; we will go to the opera."
"I the with pleasure, my dear
Ivan Ivanovitch," 'said the colonel,
laughing, "that business does not
hinder you from thinking of plea-
sure while, in Paris."
"All goes together perfectly. You
shall see. I have reason to believe
we shall not lose ,our evening: But
let as begin by preparing ourselves.
My appetite is voracious, and I
mean to do justice to the cuisine
and wines. el France."
Whilst talking they. had reached,
the fashionable cabaret recently
opened on the Avenue de l'Opora.
Borisotl desired nothing better
than to enter, for he was greatly
annoyed by thisbonebshell that had
fel en. into his life, and this desul-
tory conversation unnerved him.
Wine unties the most discreet
tongues, and he hoped that at table
this representative of the great
chief world unmask his real pure,
Ivan Ivanovitch spoke french ea
fluently as Inc own tongue, and or-
dered his repast with an ease which.
gained him the esteem of thee wait -
No one supposed hint to be' a
Russian until the end of the first
course, when the'colonol, who had
hitherto confined hitnself to cur-
rant trivialities, in endeavoring to
lead the conversation back to the
interesting topic took the precau-
tion to return to his native tongue.
He first questioned Mouriatme
adroitly with regard to the chief.'
and certain employes sof the"Third
Section, and if there had still lin-
gered any doubts as to the authen-
ticity of the mission with which said
Mouriatine declared himself charg-
ed, they must have been dispelled
by the first replies of that person-
age.' The envoye was thoroughly
acquainted with the 'nest secret
machinery of the administration
which he represented. Evidently
lee played an important role in the
political police.
It was the new -comer who took
up the thread of conversation where
it had been dropped on the boule-
"My dear sir," he said, pouring
the colonel out the dozenth glass
of eliquot, "I must protest in ad -
e moss very r vane against an intention which
made in any country. you might attribute to me. I did
�':itbout--our enterprising Banks not come to Paris for the purpose
ready at all times to provide the of sustaining
ingt even sties} steward sag Inst
facilities with a quick transaction of yon
business', ready at all times to open and you may fcount OD his
Branches es, t most oat -of
way places, , iho rprogress the denunciations iations ha e beenlisttene Incto
gaowth of thisecountry during
last ten years would have been at, to thea whether v1 something
con -
greatly retarded. better may not be done. .Import -
Everyone can recall how quickly
Import -
the Banka responded to the need .of alit pth er'sshaveobeenateoleit it is
stable progressive Banking condi- you + a to disaster ;and ins
tions in the Yukon when that Dis- not an irreparable
die ourselveseenc? ou
trict was opened some years ago, ctcacl of
A latter and more recent example the discovery of the thieves, we
exists in the new Branch of the must extend our operations. It
Traders Banka recently opened at is
cmhiefs we msuust eeash and notnd o
The Porcupine Braneli of the lno; even know the end of the are Bank was opened before vie ti mettle sect
even proper transportation facile , affiliated."
fiefs T hoped to arrive
ties could be had—opened at a tiro
the future of at by persuing the simple soldiers,
when strict notless 'of persist; in the belief that if
site district nothing but a houi;y and 'I .p
loin in doing business could be ox- this Carmel
ect cerns tdin
peeled by the Bank—opened also. 11 a theft of J 1 ta peS,
when the meed wits greatest—,when man who instigated him, and
place in the
it teas most -necessary to facilitate man occupying
Mining transactions, property aseociatioX."
; butt
transfers and transmission of Gash, "Perfcttly. slightesti cconception
Dceds and Documents in connee- have not the
{tan with the opening of this Dis- ,r•ite this woman is. Between our-
tries saves, m} dear Ale you Tiauks ,nay truly be said to
be oar nation builders and to their
credit it may also be stated that no tied with a number of Russi-
ans Banking system exists at the occupied r pass throng,'
an who reside itt o
Stratford Centre, Wolfe Co., Que.
"I have been completely cured of a
frightful condition of my Stomach
through the wonderful' fruit tnediciee
,Fruit-a-tives'. I could not eat anything
but what. I suffered awful pain from
My head ached incessantly,
3 was told to try 'Preiita-elves'. and
sent for six boxes. Now I ant entirely
well, can eat any ordinary food and
never have a Headache_"
�eoc. a box, 6 for $2,50,. or trial box
ase. At all dealers or from P'ruit a
tives Limited. Ottawa.
mens. "
"That tall young man at the
other end of the hall?"
"Yee. He is the nephew of niy
banker, and took into his head yes-
terday to questior me as to what
I had clone with M. de Carnoel. I
asked him out of my house. He
announced that he would send me
his seconds. .I have not seen them,
but am not without anxiety with
regard to that madcap."
' He scorns - little inclined to pick
a quarrel with you. See, he has
taken e seat at a distance, and does
not appear to notice you."
' It was true. Maxime Dorgeres,
whom chance lead led there, true
to his promise to the countess, was
net thinking of 'resuming with the
colenol the stormy conversation of
the day previous. He did not look
toward ]lorisoff, nor the latter to-
ward hila.
But the companion of the colonel
had attracted his attention from
the first, and whilst affecting to be
absorbed in the menu, ho cast sto-
len. glances at Mouriatine.
"It is strange," he said to him-
self, '`surely I have seen that Pace
somewhere—and that nut long ago
either: T hiuve a memory for faces,
and this one is not commonplace.
He certainly has not a French
head. Probably he is Russian,
since he is dining with that scoun-
drel Borisoff."
On their part, the two foreigners
haci resumed their drinking, and
talking in Russian as before the ar-
rival of Maximo.
"Lot ns forget this gentleman
and Tether' to the wenn of whom method. These ladies ingratiate
we were speaking. We have rea- themselves by every means with the
son to suppose that it is she who enemies of their sect, that they may
conducts everything in Paris, and' surprise their secrets and hinder
tion It wet thus that two months
age elm was here openly, ander the
protection of one of one generals,
who was here on furlough."
"I must at bast know her name,"
murmured Boxisoff.
"She changes it frequently, When
I stet hoe It was Madame de Gar-
ohes, Here she Iles assumed, I am
told, tome vulgar name, But had
you boon bettor informed of what
transpires in the camp of adven-
tureeees, this one could not have
failed to attract your attention, to
say nothing of her beauty, which
is marvellous."
"I confess I had not even a suspi-
cion of her existence," said the col-
enel, somewhat pique; "and un-
til the contrary is proved you will
permit alae to doubt the feet of her
having stolen' my papers."
",She has not taken them with
ho: own hand brit they were stolen
by her orders end under her in-
''Then she knows mel"
"She has possibly never seen ish America Assurance Company
you, but she meet have been aware given in another plat* in to -clay's
of the nature of your casket, and issue. • The profits on the year's
of the deposit of this casket with trading amounting to $213,111,!50
your blanket. Around hor swarm give evidence of the'satisfactory
agents obscure, but well informed condition of. the company's affairs.
The surplus to policyholders stands
at $916,863.55. The premium in-
come was $1,058,239.05 and out of
Start! n1YaO h.** '4''AWL'gMVtii
d Y�Ej Al 1
[11.1 0 pi milli
!1�61l9G� !howl 1 11111111
i- •u e• a e n
Page-lieuoes hear nest—Styles for I,atrn,, Parks, yaruts pad Railroads, 14,000 Miles et Page
IFeuCea and 70.000 Cage Gates now in use ie Canada. Cur 1070 peucea aro better thea ever, Pat's
Mates for 1010 Lave Galvanized Frames, Cot our latest prices nod booklet,
Largest farce and gate ntaaetfaenners in Canada 909
Annual Statement . of the British
Antei'icit ASSI11 naec Company,
Attention is directed' to the annu-
al filnrtncicel statement of the Brit -
Alexis, smee
leave aeon in France you might have
used more sagacity, 'Thus, see havo
known at hone that you have been
and always rea•'ly to do her bidding.
She had but to make a sign and the
casket was brought to her."
"Yon admit, thea, .that this, this were paid Are losses of $839,-
Caenoel was .of the bane,, and that, 004.20, and other expenses of $660,-
1 was not wrong to secure him?" 817.04. Interest and other receipts
"On that point I am not yet set- are given as $54,723.15 and this
tl ed It is possible that he gave I brings the, profits up to the very
indications, and may even have, satisfactory amount mentioned
given them undesignedly. This above. The British America Assnr-
lady is very skilful in snaking per-
sons speak. The thing is to ascer-
tain whether she had relations
with the young man, and of that I
can easily satisfy myself."
"I am curious to know how."
"Dear Alexis Stepanowitch, yon
shall see, and that shortly-. I came
to Paris to clear up this matter. If
you wish, we will begin this even-
"Where 1"
"At the opera. The lady will pro-
bably be there. She has returned
to Paris without a cavalier, to
spread her nets in the hope of cap -
tering a Russian sufficiently high in
place to serve without suspecting
hey'. 'Why should you not be this
Russian ?"
'I! you are' mad ! You have just
said that she knows what my Go- '""-"`
ctepation is in Paris."
"The more reason for her seek-,
ing to connect herself with you. 11
she has not already tried it, it is
because the occasion has not pre-
sented itself. Remember, she is
persuaded you will take her simply
fora femme galantc. She will not
ante Company was Incorporated in
1833• and since the organization the
fire losses paid Have reached the
enormous sum of $33,620,764.61. •
"I say," cried the business man
to the detective, "some fellow has
been representing himself as a col-
lector of *urs. $e has been get-
ting in }acre moneY than any two
of the men we have, and I want him
caught as quickly as you can."
"All right; I'll have hien in gaol
Though the balanced -ration idea
may have been pushed too far by
extremists, who reduced feeding
problems to a basis of nrathornatieal
quibbles, while failing to accord due
weight to such important, practical
points as succulence, a palatability
unci wholesomeness, nevertheless, it
Lias a soiid basis in fact. While rio-
in less than a week." body knowsexaetly what is a .per-
reat Scott, man , I dont want fectly-balanced ration for 'en9 nei-
to put him in gaol, ,T want to en-
gage hunt"
Wot do they mean, Jimmy,
when they say. money talks?"
"'l dttnno unless it's the wonder-
ful way it says good-bye to yer."
ntai, whilo the needs of individuals
differ, and while other factors enter
to complicate the problem, still
there is ne gainsaying that economy
demands attention to the com-
pounding ox rations, to insure that
they will: contrtin riot only a stdhci
ent tutal amount of digestible inn•
tris-nts to leave a .:surplus reel
maintenance, hitt that a reaso aeo:a
proportion of those nutrients shell
SELLS Lisa sorry !...44,165 65 consist of the'. IndltpeL'?3a111e.a e'
eELt9 FUa ••YT • rnent protein, w•ltieh 'enters se'
GILSON largely •: into the composition of
v' . • " GASOLINE
' S ENGINE blood, flesh and milk -solids, We
rorl' nplu Cre.,,m. have yet to -hear of a- cow melting.
s n.e.,.r..ciara..wa.a94.- a teat milk record, or of a herd
,Aakte eiieler-all ideas. yic ding a high yearly average ul
EL, r:aaLPx, OIiT. .milk, that w'as not fed a tole ably
well-balanced ration.
Bath experiments and everyday
feeding practice have demonstrate
tit' wisdom of malting reasooalie
effort to feed approximately' l,al-
anted rations, :purchasing, when
necessary, feeds rich in pretrial,
such as bran, oil cake, gluten meal,
cottonseed meal, or peas. The
writer recalls hearing his grandfa-
ther remark once, years ago, hang
before balanced rations were talked
about, that he had never had tet
tet results in milk production than
when he fed a few peas. He
know why, but if he could haat c'
salted Henry, heetvoeld bave loam -
ed that peas contain 18.8 per ant
of digestible protein. as cotnp•lree
with about 8 per cent. in corn, 8.7
in barley, and 9.2 in oats. Oil,ake
meal carries 29,3 per east. of diges-
tible protein, and cottonseed meal
37 2 per cent., while wheat bran, (a
much less concentrated feed) p^:-
sesses an average of about 12.2'pee
As the average ration of farm
grown roughage is more or less de-
ficient in protein, it is usually pro-
fitable to purchase feeds containing;
a high percentage of it, or be tier
still, to supply it by growing el•+vtr
an I alfalfa, the former contai.ti,tq
8.8 per cent. of protein, and the late
ter 11. per cent., or about num-
tenths as much as wheat bran. Al-
lowing for the greater percentage
of crude fibre, and for the fact t Bret
it is not always possible to cure the
alfalfa into first-class hay, we aro
still safe in calling it worth prow'
ably throe-gle.arters as much per ton
as bran for feeding along with corn
silage. Indeed, many dairymen ob-
tai n excellent results from corn si-
lage, alfalfa hay, and very little of
anything else.
Just by way of convincing skeet}
cal readers that we are not talking
or writing "hot air" when advising
the use of balanced rations, we ap-
pend a note received the other day
from a Lambton County Subscrib-
er. Early be the year be had writ
ten us, propounding this query:
"Having on hand abundance of
corn, barley and oat straw to feed
mileh cows, evil? it pay me to set,
the barley bran, in order
to have a more balanced ration 1"
In reply, we advised him to sell the
barley and buy bran and oil -cake
meal, and suggested a ration de-
vised according to las probable
needs. Writing a month 01 so later,
when his cows might naturally be
expected to have shrunk in their
milk flow, he says:
"1 have followed your advice,
and, as a consequence, my cows are
now giving about ten pounds more
milk per day on cheaper feed than
they formerly bad.' --Farmer's Ad-
CfSI letUltell.'fill juttis;tte et
For the baby often means rest for
both mother and child. Little ones
like it too—it's so palatable to take.
Free from opiates.
An Druggists, 25 eent>.
A flavoring used the same as lemon or ,anti o.
Bydissolving granulated sugar in water end
adding Maclaine. a detieioue syrup is mono and
a syrup better than maple. Maclaine is told b,
recipe book not
sSUe. Co Seattl . and
suspect that you know anything
about her. She supposes herself to
have all the advantage, and asks
nothing better than to attract the
than most formidable to her sect.
This. is, as you Hurst know, their
present bate than that, that at pre-
tend ohtains in. C`antr,da
Pat ie, wlzt aro not worth obsole-
te the. North portion of New On- 1,
• r, nose. Nihilist. rascals are directed
tare; the Traders Bank hrzs�lt stllnb 11 tp bya French rvo-
of Branches that afford exceptional in this country n eb but
opportunities lor•tunities for prompt and. safe incur, and .that this woman I i what is the matter, my clear friend?
You ere r' not listening."
"'iixeteie me," said Borlseff,. 'tit
Porcupine, llathrieon , airs, Hai .g- gentlemen who contrived just now
ctistraeted my attention for a mo-
s . It is ' wollnrg)i certain dust
I am firmly convinced that she or-
ganized the theft of your casket."
"You say she is French?"
"French by birth, but of Polish
origin, and intimately connected back in their own coin."
(To be continued.)
their action. They have 7iways one
for tin the enemy's camp, and thus
it is that they accomplish so much
harm. Now is the time to pay them
methods of, condtieting business
They now have Branches at Seal -
Miry, Srtt:lt Ste. ll'urio, North toy,
with all the enemies of Russia."
"It is very extraordinary, if she
lives in Paris, that she has not been
marked out."
"She has only recently been
de -
not+need to the Third Section; but
y,u might have met with her, for Nee, eacebentltl Discovery Gives
she must have been revolving round Startling Results—.Pats flesh on
you, so to speak."
"In the world in which I move1"
"No, my clear Alexis; you move
only in the true, and it is a mistake.
Otte chief said so to me the evening
before my departure,"
"What world should•I frequent to
satisfy him?"
"All of them, including the hall
which you have ,entirely neglect-
Thin People and Rounds Out lnn-
perfeet Fi:gnres.
Simple Prescription Given.
For women—and men, too, for
thar natter—who can never appear
stylish with anything they wear, be-:
cause of abnormal thinness and an-
gularity, this remarkable prescrip-
tion is destined to solve the prob-
"Because there was nothing to Torn, As a beauty maker for the
bo learned'theee. You know as wall1 figure it is simply wonderful while
as I do that in this country the it adds brightness to the eyes, and
femmes galantos are not engaged
in politics, especially foreign poli-
ties They make the most of us
willingly, we Russians, but they do
not conspire against our govern-
"There are exceptions, and the
person whom I have mentioned is
"Then this person is a demoisel-
le --a cocotte, to speak more pre-
cisely "
"She is an irregular, but not one
of the creatures whom one meets
evcrywhero. She ie very little
known. It might be said, more-
over., that she is intermittent, for
she does not always reside in Paris.
She is to be seen at Nice, at Mona-
co, at Geneva, and her journcyings
have always one end. It was at Ge-
neva that slen was pointed out to
me last summer."
"Ah l you know her then by
sight 1'
"Better than that. 1 got present-
ed by one of my compatriots, whom
she had bewitched andmust have
ruined. I had some suspicion that
she was enrolled among the Nihil-
ists, but there were no proofs, and
I did not concern myself about her-
erseriously, This winter we have re-
ceived detailed reports of her pro-
accclings. Thanks. to het charac-
ter of pleasure•seeker, no ono
snoods her, and she has every fa-
cility for connecting herself with
those Russians from whom she
hopes to -extract valuable informa-
color to the cheeks and lips.
,requires ne particular dieting, but
wets as an aid to nature by its pe-
culiar action ou the nerves and
blood supply. The blood and
nerves distribute over the body, all
the nourishment or flesh building
elements obtained from the food.
The trouble with thin people has
always been that they do not ab-
sorb or retain enough of the fleshy
matter to make them gain in weight
even to a normal extent; but this
new discovery of blending certain
harmless drugs is a revelation to
science, and hundreds have gained
from ten to forty pounds in a few
weeks. 'There is no danger of be-
coming too fat. When you get the.
right weight then stop using,
The general health and strength
is greatly unproved in anyone from
the age of sixteen to sixty. Women
soon get plump, with well rounded
arms and full bust, and men be-
come straight, strong -looking and
In a half pint bottle get throe
ounces of essence of pepsin and
three ounces syrup of rhubarb.
Then add one ounce compound es-
sence cardiol, shape and let stand
two hours. Then add ono mince
tincture cadoinene compound (not
card:miens), lake a teaspoonful
before and after meals, and weigh
before beginning,
q< —
Fast friends are sometimes Iooee
Ceres the sick and acts as a preventive for others. Liquid given on the
tongue. Sale for brood mares and all others. Best kidney remedy: SOc and
$t a bottle: 55 and $10 the dozen. Sold by all druggists and horse goods
hooses. Distributors: All Wholesale Drug Houses.
Well, this brand will make your
house a prince amongst its neighbors,
It will tell atone and prosperity about
yourself. It will make you happier in
your home.
fitd•y 9iJ��—�Ramsays Paints
bring happiness to your hone. They
never disappoint. Von are secure in
buying this old.rutablished, well known
brand. Always genuine and of great
repute ro,' tone and beauty. ''ou can •
have our -handsome booklet on house
painting to help you if you write 110.
Ask nor Booklet "W," free.
Established 1545,
The Paint Makers, - Montreal.
Fairbanks -Morse Cason e Engines
These engines aro so simple that nn,tvorugo farmhand can operate them. They wore es -
pedally developed to meet the needs of the au mar, and will tumble you to Nance lobar ensu,
cud help you cern 10 :e money outof your firm than over before. net readymay to run your
faun in an up•tn.dato way by cutting out ibis emnpleto advertisement and sending for
catalogue O 15 ,us—N. rade.
. 1 Company
America rt, y
ASSETS $2,ois,17o 18
Unearned Premiums and other Liabilities 1,106,306 63
Surplus to Policyholders - $ n15,863 55
Lossses paid since incorporation in 1333 $33,620,764 6
Fire Premiums $1,658,=34 65
Fire Losses
$839too4 26
Cxpenses.... .............. 66o,8.t7 04
Interest and other'Redeipts
Profit an Year's Trading
W, 11. elerIKL1;, General Manager,
Applications for Agencies at
dressed to .the Secretary.
1,499,851 30
$ 158,388 35
" ,...," • ••$,,x42.1.1...2
P, 14. SIMS, Secretary,
unit resented points to be ad-
� g
.1 millionaire famous for his love
"f horses, and also for the very low
prices he paicl for them, saw a very
good-looking hack in a Quaker's
stable. As usual, he bid a low e frig-
,iiia for the animal, which, to hi
surprise, the Quaker accepted.
His snspicioue unnamed, the rich
man inquires, if there MILS tlllything._.`� e
the matter with the horse.
"Have no fear, said the Quak-
er. "I assure you that you
wilt be pleased when you 'see him
The horse, ellen hone, turned
out an ieveterat.c fibber; nothing
could indnee him when in harness
to move it yard.'
The angry millionaire interview-
ed the Quaker and exclaimed :--
"Yon assured me when 1 bought
th' Horse that'1 should be pleased
when I saw itis W." „
"So I ,did, ray 'kt'iend, was the
reply., "and you will be pleased
who) you sot Min go 1„
117}-cr}' Innes company, and usual
Ys finds it.