The Brussels Post, 1909-12-30, Page 114 (Nod
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' 542.
Business Cards
Toucher of Alamo . •
fitudie et (Niter's Musk, Store, one doer North
of the $Pandartl Bank, 13rinsWIS
has Panto Hut:easefully her second examine.
11013 of tilt) patnetorto Department, or tilt T13.
0Oleie1'Y4G0r.r Plualo,,iitt la prepared
to hike untie et hue 1300'4't'121013119 street,
Barristiev;Soliottor. Notary, See., suocessor to
A. B. Alinaloneld. Ofliee over Standard l0t1111.
yi-2. T. T, NI, RAE,
Baoholor p1 Niedianie, University of3Toronto ;
422220111 to 0121.1 Graduate of the Gol legs of 1,119.2
sloians and Surgeons, Onr•, Post.graduste
Utneage Bye, IMP. Noe Mel W111'061 Bosultel,
Ohmic., Ill Ex•Tiouse Surgeon to si. Miele
sot') Floantral, Toronto.
Office oval, P'. B. smith's Drag sfom Tele.
phone oonneot woh Orem,2 ooli tit all bow...
OR. HAailli-TON
Dental Surgeon
Honor Graduate Dental 0)931)21, Toronto
UniyorsIty ; Lieentinte of Royal ()allege of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto Office over 0.
Eu114'1.4911), Brussels.
Will visit Wroxerer the first and third
kientlaYs altd Gerrie the second and fourth
Mondays of snob 11101112112
Honor graduate or the Ontario Veterhia4
College. Day and 1119131 1,221)13, Office opposite
Flour 11111, Ethel,
OMNI) Tgitraw EdirAnUr
Express , ,,, ..,11 :23 a m Mall 1:44p m
EMail 7:05 a in I Express...... 10:35 a m
xpress 8:02 p m Expiess 81309P Di
Ca,v,,Ixtraw raeLeir
To Toronto To Goderlob
Express..., .. 841 a m Express .......11 817 a m
Express 8:00 p rn I Express 13:1931113
The Scrub Stallion Nuisance.
"Shoot the scrub and imprison the
(Miler" was the verdict of one farmer
when questioned AS to 1110 coirri.e he
Would pursue in deatiug with the 11 Lli•
sauce of scrub, cross-breds and grade
stallions which stand lel' service at
nominal fees and fill the country with
nondescript colts that are net ther fish,
fowl nor good red herring Perhaps
this advice 10 22 little drastic tut regards
Ole 03413er at all events, He isnot in 1.1(2)1
to blame fur lie makes his living 1)3.1113131ly, His horse cost little and -is woith
less, so why should'he charge much for
his use? We would like to see him
have more regard for the es
ffect In
wotk is paving upon the horse -t mania
industry, buta Olic° around and at)
other within. will reveal the tact the
most Of us are more coucerned w1th the
profits to be derived therefrom, than
the good that may be done Mt Leigh tee
particular business or calling and It
improvement and advancement 1111101 Is
attended 'to„by the rest of MEM kith!, 1 e
the public sr. large.
Toe real culprit in this instano
instance 4, n
the man, who owns and travels the non
deseript but the than in whose eye 0
dollar looks so large that they 1111,,'l see
the flu:ter of ten op as beyond it and
who, thereforhe e. use tv1)91'0111 11 putt
their tnares MaYbe they are not. the
blooded mares, but just common beasts
Will they ever throw colts better than
themselves uuless bred to something
with better individual qualities and
stronger blood lines than they have?
Never the sum The scrub son
11011 would quickly becttine tt gelding il
1130scrub rarinc-rs and 'arab ee
who patronize loin would rake a t1212311111.1212311111.1!)themselves and look around the edgt
of the dollar.
Auother farmer stiggested a license
Fee of Sae $500 a year, 11(1 all hilt pu t
bred stalhous. This metisure, (2m
would be a little heroic nod 11111peopie
wouldn't stand tor it. Yet when 920
look at it right, a license of 4i5oo is
placed upon the ill bred stallion and il
Is paid by his patrons, who think they
0131 93111109 cheap colts. They are cheap
too ; they came 0110117 and they'll go
cheap ; they cost little NMI tliey'll fetch
little, 'Po secure fifty colts from a scrub
stallion whIch,.had they been got from
good prepoteut stallion, would have
been worth at three years old, an average
of $2o a•piece more, is for • the 79110110eb03)92(15 'to tar theinselves $1,000.
When you run
out of Flour
next tithe change for the better
by ordering 13 sack of White
Loaf, The better things to eat
Y013 Will 121)1 once commence to
enjoy at your house will be your
Those who try White loaf Flour
011903 alWays become its. steady
138099.ers. Do you think they would
013110228less the flout Watl better than
they had had before P
Of this sem *Soo should hate goee in
higher fees to the owner of the pure
bred stallion, The ether .800 12 a
license fee for the scrub, paid by his
patrons, The illustration is simple and
true to the fates. oolv the eso increase
value in tne colts is; too low a figure f
4150 would actually be nearer the real
experience, as anyone 19130 has tried the
value of intelligent breeding to good
s allions will testify.
Still another farmer suggested that 2211
scrub stallions be castrated .at Sight.
This is getting nearer the mark and sorne
thy perhaps, we MeV' got to t't 71800,
where this action would he colfsideren
ti oral 11011 proper -just as we 1020
111 Me I 11111111r (32) mes and other
pesis Public ()pluton does net yet
jus2ify such aciloo, however and the
government would be foolish that 1,101;
such '1 step t o v ao ce if the pettfile
1303.19)3 133' Ire) ,be peowe2331
.2 who)" 21-.11 22211 011.222 lethal iffe flays-)
1233) 2)) 041 11t) 01,21 11011 1•11, b 01
Ori (Me 'OM 111111e 14,11 14/(111) ILI 11)11.3)
.11, 1111,11,r13vr 1)0' 2Igr1(111 1 1.1 111.1
S0Ci011r'S 1111111' '3 1;01131111 (ie.:Maid
;hat a.lscrubLoos he °idol vti 111(131 9211
ed HOW T11111 1, coold pass resolotion
emboilt to such a 111,900111?
niere is a lot of ignorunce mixed up
ip this hosinemt too, lVlany mei] would
(lir better if they. knew more and saw
further ahead A men must know
something 3)1 23)9 principles ot breeding
before 90 11)3)2 practice them. He must
know sumething of horse judging, breed
ype, conf of troti on, etc., before Ile Car,
obtain the services of a good stallion
'1'11e size of the service fee is not always
ft true measure of the worth of a stalliou,
Therefore the suggestion that with
every stallion enrolment certificate there
should be issued another certificate by
. the Department 01 Agitichhute, stating
upon it any unsoundness ant: vital
blemishes the horse Mae have, together
with his chief characteristics both do-
sirable and undesirable. from a breeder's
standpoint, is a wise, timely and good
one. Some at It...St, (2) onr Di 00ineoll
Doptli3 merits of Agr e• w 11 k
2221 tOWalas 111I31 foal pr,-poee 2,1 1.2(111)111,
24321), 13211.), eer, ;itt 229 licen,
(9,10 01 11 41,11113', .2 11 .0 ral(1 • lie ('),2231l
.ff 1(1, busitus- ef tray, .1121., or 1)123(1
t242,11119 lot serVret 3 081 11 11 ..,10 .11,11. •
2M, rebel the '111,i111 1 t,p 22•111,21i
in thie 31)0! 1132 rests not wit'l
o 111191409 governments, but with stallion
users scrub SialliOn 211 it. eventual
ly b cut oat by oilier means, lint 1110
001.901, qt iCkelit arid best 11101 11,311 lies in
lhe tanners' haetis ; sintply quit usiti.
e •
Paralyzed by Lumbago
Manual labor 01 even light exercise
is impossible with lumbago The.
muscles stiffen tint like steel4o move
means agony. Only a powerful reale-
.dy tutu penetrate deep enough to help.
The surest relief canoes 'vont rubbing
in Neeviline. It sielts Min the Voify
foot of the (aeuble-penettates whet).
an Oily littillleal1 caintot go. TO pre -
Vela ltisobagif retneniug put on a
Neevilitie Porous Plaster which re-
moves if tfiatuination mid straiii from
the 111124elett, and 114.1,0 11,1 a gO.trd "tram
tilartel and 0:Cp0;a114. Nilt 121 19' 34111 011
qttickly eure LIWele 1 911124.1 re0. 113.11
dealets 01.11 Poison's Nee9111110 and
Neevililllt Poiou0Plastoro, Refuse all
Halley's Cornet, which is engaging
the attention of astronomers, is 11019 135
million miles &stunt From the earth.
both Oh the Same side of the nth. Bu
at present they are inowng in alntost
epplsite directions, that Is the cornet's
titbit 723130310 the sun on the opposite side
limn nat of the earth's orbit, and I bete
l'ore' 1)10 diZtAnce bez veep toe earth and
the comet ' 113 now increasiog. 'Poe
cornet is now visible 2132111 11 telescope 112
the Western evening sky, On March
24 11, the earth and comet will be on
ettael IT (Immo te soles of the sun,- 165
motion es apart, and then for eeverai
data the comet will be invysible Ibm the
earth V)) 10)1 the comet emerges from
the '(4)5 111 the sun, ahem ApI)) 1st 11
dell be mible here 111 the morning ,
ing before dawil, and may he seen with •
out a telescope. Theo the earth and
comet repidly approach each Other. and
89 they come nearer the comet increases
rapidly in apparent size and br11lianc2
On. May 18111 it will agaiu disappear le
the sun's rays, but this time it will be on
the same side of the sun that the earth
is though not visible in Canada. On,
the night of May Igth, the earth 0114 0111)
will flash apart. and the earth will
probably sweep through the tail of the
comet. After May 18111 the comet will
outdo its greatest splendor, and appear
in the evening sky for a few days before
lading away in space, not again to be
seen from the eat tle for another 75 years
There is ant:alter comet now visible
near Pettus in the South Western sky
which was first sighted in' Soul h Africa,
and is know as Derake's (menet or Comet
loto A. Ti has been seen at Toronto
early in the evening, but it is now
ravelling £119111. from the sun and will
soon disappear
Cure For Sick Women
When pains gathee round the hips
and lodge in the small of the bank -
when to stoop oe heed seems impos-
sible, when diet), spells slid bearing
down pains are evee present, -that's
the time to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
Irregularities disappear, vital energy
restored, book trouble is forgotteu.
The ailing sulk 11301311321 gaihs strength,
improves 111 looks, increases in spirit
-hy using Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They
tetra the conditions that rob her of
health and vigor. No medicine so
helpful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 250
at all deaAevs.
SosOot. Rnrost —Pito following is
the lemon of 8, 8. No, 0, Morris, for
the tnotith of Jan. Exam. is Geo.,
Spell., Arith., Comp. and Read,
Total 4501-Se4 IV -R, Ourtie, 845,
Jr. IV -R. Bone, 885, Jr.
Shaw, 850 ; J. Yuill, 1345; 0, Sellers,
273 ; J. Warwiek, 214; W. Sellers, 174.
81.. Pt. Show, 402; S.
2811; .1. Bowman, 8119; (4. Bone, goo,
,11.. pt. II -M. )30wman, 814. pt.
11. Sellers, 880 : L. Settees,
• (i, 1310OunottEN, 'readier, ell keit is lel ore (111 I 890) fleet/ale
Colds on
the Chest
Ask your doctor the medical
name for a cold on the chest.
He Will say, "B ro n c hitis."
Ask him if it is ever serious.
Lastly, ask him if he pre-
scribes Ayer's Cherry Pee
torsi for this disease. Keep
in close touch with your
family physician.
vir• yebUelt enr remade.
tiers 7.--ATtor,
When you tell your doctor about the bad
taste in your mouth, loss of appetite for
breakfast, and frequent headaches, d
when he sees your coated tongue, he will
say, " You are bilious." Ayer's Pills
work well in such cases.
—Nide by timid*. O. Ayer Co.. LowelLNeal
gie Speir, John Passmore, Dick
Alcoa. Jr. 'IL -Gladys McNeil,
Ernest Michie, John Little, Andrew
Nichol, Sam. Alcoe.k, .Willie Clark,
Elsie Connond .James Nichol, Willie
Oonnon. Sr. IL -Norman Speir,
Ivan MeAt ter. Jr. IL—John McNeil,
Russel Maeke. Pt. IL -Maggie Clark,
Annie Alcock. Pt. L -Everett Nichol
Harold Watson. A.: E. McGowate. i
'i during the year, 11 ; n ssas:r ebsconde
-me-- ' during the Year, a ; number diseherge
dui tag the year, 7) mother of tomtit
Op. mcsistees int:Ball "Mot PIBIO , it: honee on rot „December, 409, 118
Healed Mr. Wdeonos Sores melee, 51; ; females, ao. Admitted de
,, lug the year from the several munieipat
When the sewers of the body --bowels, ties, as Follows 1 Townships ;-Gocle
kidneys and skio ducts -get clogged cp. rih, 1; Colborne, 1; Howlett, z ; Wes
the blood quickly becomes impure and WaWalloSn, X ; Grey, 1 ; Morris, a
frequently sores break out over the body. Aslifield, 1; MeKilep, 2; Steph00, 2
The way to heal them, as Mr, Richard Towns and Volag) 0 t --Clinton, /
Wilson, who lives near London, Ont., 1 Wingbain, 2) ; Exeter, / ; Blyth, 1
found, is to purify the blood. Be I Brussels, A. Nationality of inmstts ad
writes; '1113)113321 during the year :-Scotlend, 2
"For some time I had been in a 1019) Irelend, 6 ; lengland, 2 ; Caneda, 3
depressed condition. My appetite left Germany, 31 Fleece 1. Cause o
me and I 1100O began to suffer from intli, pauperism 1-111 health, 4; old age, 6
gestion, Quite a number of email sores intemperanee, 1; imbecility, 3 ; mobill
and blotches farmed all over my skin, I I ty, 3, The net emount expended fo
tried medicine for the blood and used support of inmates during the year
many kinds of ointments, but without aftet &ducting 8763' received from
satisfactory results. What was wanted paying pntients was 84,339,34 The
andwas Ialoottiko:doeagblot uctleinanvea
iliingfor some meth- lieu! ed 0111. et thirteen and One qintrtet'
of the blood, averttge expense per initiate per day is
cine that would accomplish this.
At last Dr. lYlorse's Indian Root Pills farm aceoents for the year, totalling 86
cents. The expenditure on 1101100 nnd
were brought to my notice and the p,re 4.30.8s (bum which must be deducted
one of the most wonderful medicinal' I
have ever known. My blood was puri-
fied in t very short time, sores healed up,
my indigestion vanished. They always
i he value of produce sold, ete„ lomake
the net amount of expendense da stated
libOVV). Walt made op as fo'h,w.t.; per.
resew improvements, 818a In • eq it I
have a place in my home and, are looked Elevount, aitata 44 1 hired help, Nouse tied
upon as the family remedy.
the system thoroughly. Sold by all
Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cleanse $f'11r511;',04;19,46,,,i5aun'es.'!Tn9skpeacntodr, itcliePelpvleni.e.,nutsci
p matron, 42,227 05 ; physician's salary,
dealers at 25c a box.
and appliances, 8317 of) . repairs to
budding aud turneure, 4349430 1 Pro.
visions and clothing. 42,7 i 8.57 ; fuel
schools was generally satisfactory.
work, and some are teaching elsewhere.
The discililine and management ef the.
• .., 35 ; a ing minutes home,
• •
and light, 8670 67 ; books, postage and
Im.pector Robh, of East Huron, also etc., 83(2.601 incidental expenses, 4132. -
reported a scarcity of teachers, stating 05 ; sundrt• accounts for farm, 434743'
that for the first time in twenty years I 1°101 46,430 82 Tbree build red duffers
have been paid in to the credit of the
unti•ained teachers taught in the itispe0 county during the year, for the care of
torate last 'year. There were fnur of i
these Trustees ar8 finding it almost :19111,,:leuni...7nalteih,,oal above. Dr, nvQrn.c9b,°°J'atwl:asplbme.seill.
ers at reasoeable salaries. Ift
mpossibleto obtain duly qualified leaqh- ..0,,,,_, of the house op Refuge.
Omit; in (coo the average salaries were
rura/ that the canses of death' among the in -
ItT :-As it has pleased
heavenly Father to take from
midst out esteemed friend and nei
hoe, James Strochait, we wish to
ptess Mit' deepest sympathy to yo
yone bereavement. mut we pray 1
the God of coin fort and consolati
who hatli proillised to Ile a Fa the
the fotherlees and a husband to
widow, will be all this IAA yon at t
time, SVC miss tam brother, we n
his hand grasp met his cheering wo
we miss 11 11 I 111 )21)9 meetingS, the in
lihn Ilio 81111(lay Sehool. hut 11
unteh moue %vi)] lie he missed by y
in the home circle, As 111.. 8tracl
always Look an active interest in
Mal eve). since its eret.hom aial
4484 for men aild 8416 for tvomen •
As„.» in urban schools 4891. tor men and 8442 3 1 aponlexv,
mat es d uri n g rt h.; emymetairmowilre,. 2; ; 20: ellnel ethr :
" fur women. Our schools
'vary ' "tile ti21811'lli(211,0114-'113 :01(n1;i1.9tffsV.,1.11t1;ttePeen).11ieTi703
(nW 'arTarnvh,aeangr eilio‘:20104,9.,,511;;‘ St lisn.s.P,e1ecete°srmRn°11'0' average MI I' at death was se vetity.eight •
glob- k_ene182,111gwwnirish ,l, fire gurtmtgarr,sstien,1,210dieri-i 1,1...7010110,..dr 1 ta,f, 1,111,(,:f»...1 8.1,:i::: 0: ':a., 13al isR, ir:111),.:girbit.,,et ri aFro,rf0.3111rn.011111pri e:isnrielnepgtt:tri sst.
u in '..
je:a-t :"le,Inilie:i it,ig.113 .1)71);:mr1 awn'e21ntris,!,:iiiinn111 g 3,1h3,710,::.: .,., .;:e 1 ile,r(:..d doling the Vear. 3.736 ; total
1!).ttl(,), 4101frif,,tnt,+,vr et,:it,ekviin[05::: 11 ammii, re,0!1.., !In, 111112(0 10,0,
thhi81= .iitiald tool sal') marry. ' '1"V ""801191S 1,1:1F1G7:121111110'11199).12:2e'c:81:(,i(18,t5lre9805v7e2tt.r5F,De8e85,2e42157i:s.1
4Aiin7g1;"21; 0 'Adotro"urnt'saiaeld hetolp,coeulnetV
,): ,H,,,,,,, "1 Refuge -.., Tr1t, 1:011 of
lilt _p.,A. '0,3' '1211110, in:wet:tor of I he I -11111,H a
OW , '
is8 Refuge nave the Following inform•t_ 91 12'..e1ovi:ualehr,, 1 It.1,,o,..1.61.2,13rar. Ni4t4,1214m 30 7ft.o t r . e
1,,,,1 .- To iil number Or ilims2e2.2 admir -
, 21 2.,n •• 1,iWW,),..., [ 2222212.2e 3 4 11 OM-
.,, . , ",,11 .'.., CM I ' M 1) 0, Mire , If), 8
1 11 1, , , , 1 11 .1 1 , 8 ' 4,11 o 31 ' A ; 1' , (11,113 i :4,,,97011,,dof Iphiem11::
., i, • ' 000 i 7 ; 2 , ob f le 1,22.
‘vaa « hn ultrni-21 it a ft, -i• ou lett a 11(1
helo)'ed Queen V.etorin, th•
it %vas PM. duly to 11 I1Vt'V
„Aieurtuw P,mtovre See t•,- t ry.
Satnestowf,, 261.11, 191.1).
is Your Throat tinsky 13
*Tira.i-lin• first 11,1, 0 wor,i , -.1aiTli -1:7:7-7-7,i'1176. ,rf•-.4:77,V...-F.T.-± -a.
°roue -it cures because it gels right lamee.r...22%.6.1:••
A vough 1111s:101s. ,1 ps q11.' t.,1 over
itlVeryt lung 112,2,e, ti ,n. ,)•oti• 3. 1.1V (1y. ge.:,.... 141.....7117"'"
.7.14,''..".. '
I be weak spots, drops into the 2,1 omach - • ti' •
anti dem; little but leirm digestion.
Ibis altogether 111 fru Pe ti 1 NI1i1,11 021 1 11,11.11 -
ozone, hveathe it) the vapor of healing ammter • \,..,
at the trouble. Yon inhale Catarth-
balsams that strengthen and restore
the, weak .throat tissues. You'll not ,..
and Otitaerh will disappear with the
have colds, or coughre-Throat trouble When wanted (r,..„ .4,
use of Catarrhozone. All dealers, 25c -e,.......,s.
examine ours
and $1.00. Get it. to -day,
The County Council
7v0, -
That grant of $to be made for flowers
around the Court Reuse ; 425 to each
of the Public Libraries, mid 25 cents per
tlav to each man of the 33rd Regt. ar-
t ndine tenni) this rear 410 to Ow
Prisoner's Aid Association, and 4(0 to
the Salvatitm Army'. work for destitute
child ren. (a) That ra) action be taken on
request for ald to ilagonal Sam'aritirn
as Muskoka and Toronto, brit that 810
he granted towaids Municipal Assoc's..
tion for betterment of Consumptives,
sod that tile warden and clerk sign the
petithm to the Ontatio Government.
(6) in connection with the letter of Dr
Bruce Stnith, re consumptive hospitals,
"we are of the opinion thar the time has
arrived when some action should be tak-
en in the matter, and recommend that a
committee of three be appointed to
obtain all the information possible with
regard to sites, tost of bullding, etc ,
and report at lune meeting " (y) Tha,
litto be granted to each of the three
womenZe Institutes in the county, and
425 to the 'Clinton Spring Stock Show.
(8) That each hospital in the county re.
Leive a grunt of $too on sante condition
as last year ; no free service (9) 'Phat
the whol6 Council consider the motion
tor a special grant ut 82,4i00 tcl each ol
the four High schools in the corsin
()o) That oo action be taken cm the
motion to increase the grant to rural
schools (i t) but that the motion
to double the grant to contienation and
8)111 0(051 ta111001a, tame as in former
years, be granted. (t2) Approving the
tretemier's Se( 1111 1100. We reported by
Dike:4N Me Le m lincl Scott as valuators.
Road and Stidge :-R(commendine
(1) Nom:lion with regard to convention
of Ntrional Rood Roads Association
(2) 'Ptla' action be taken joiritly with
county ol Middlesex to build a bridge
over the Sauble neer, McGillivrae town
sine, LtP. 80021 AS clause 3 of December
'eport ls 111)1)) loll bet ween the two town•
topo, (3) No ootioo oo motion of
Messrs. Gleen and Sturdy for ihorenserl
wages for concrete work en all county
contracts And (4) no action for a
speeial giant of $400
Repot ts of • Bette& Inspectors
spectot"rom in his report pon the
SchoolS of West Huron sou, d that
truStee, find 11 ditlkul to get competent
tem:bets. Two school boarde were un
ahle to st-etee enalifikd tetteber for
and the schools were :opeeed by
persons without professional treining,
531 1)1 )5 Inspectorate there were hi Tone
37 male tettchers and Ds female The average salary the
men waq 8523 and for the woolen $418
801100D is moo teitelters wit $371 and of
le 1113 9911. of 8, 5 , 3, 91951 18,..- 1902 9230)) 4257, 1 he conslent tieing() of
I 1 Pryue211:.0011Yi.i;—I11;Zo:,w01721;sr,so'6,1`71.9T '7'(1:41e):gercs t'11191:19tc:(e)81,09eN1::9) 9.10iar 10,11):11.
00))11011, Willie moloion, Meg. (itis. Sonic have entered opoo other i
'`'"-Lc, mat , drugs ado, ,
Inicals have on' planta.
tsfaVen ,
It will pay you as we combine good maY-zial with good
workmanship at moderate prices. 'They will please you.
Robes and Plush Rugs reduced greatly in
price for. cash.
All Accounts must be Settled
either by cash or note on or before Peb. 10th or they
will be placed hi other hands for collection. We
must have our books balanced this year and we will
not carry accounts over. •
Ear -1 set•of Seconcl-hand Team Harness and 1 set of Second- :1
hand Single Haruess for sale cheap,
reoweeemaiee""a4,4,,,,e,,,vve, eitimertoomegeeetoteeweeeeleaseelAAAAseweee
from woman's ailments are invited to write to PIO
addresses here given, for positive proof that,.
Vegetable Compound does cure female ill.
Tumor Removed.
liOld.diodago04,,suritrlde.,:ill,kre....A321:eynpa,Syy.erling, 11 Lang- Goebert, Als...PaLlirne.fti. TP..DrIfltdat f 'UP
ohmage, in..litrs. Win. TullYs„f00
fl,,onattl, Beaman, Fi'lusWhi2rigaw,.Millifeltb.".241Mni. Markt s.."1"10:
Cornwallville,N.Y.=Mrs. Wm, Boughton. CoffNeeovi.511;e•cMiar°2:.LMD.r.:7114190J°ra'n".
Claoinzati3O....tlre,SY ,liouall MeatriewAv Cincinnati, Oldo,..afrii, Mora Aur,pf
S. Market St. I
Milwaukee,Wis...bir Emma inure, 883 let Street.
8t" ""a0lan a of Life.
South Bend, loci.- irs. Fred Certia, 1014 S. yiirCi;;F;Irxriea:t:IAleiv:ea'Ul...-m'y,,%,16,y,""utimsfillUert10;,B:
Lafayette Street.
Philadelphia, Pa..= Mrs. IC. E, Garrett, 2407 rioffRalYaYtizedtbrim:1;yod.rd;1781,4;rird.......g;Wmlimm:11:::::
Kewaskum, Wis.2.22.1ta. Carl Dahlke.
North Garnet Street. , '11
Noah, Kentuoky.=51re. Lizzie Holland.
Brookfield, Mo.=birs, Sarah lousignont, 207
Paterson, RAJ,. 1VIArs. Wm, Somerville, 105 Wiierinilh'siliter7InM1147CMIlgursutiMir4,70.
Eramburgh Avenue.
r ty Tro_nbles.
Worcester 10084, MOO. Dosylva Ootfi, 317
Southgate Street.
Indiltug::,sttzbIrs..A.. P. Anderson, 1207
BI8Euo,Ps..=Mrs, W. E. Pooler.
Atwater Station, 0.=Mr1,. Anton Muelliaupt,
Street. •
DCalarkyti:eda.:lethir,aAtIo:mr.difte. IAddana
Guyeville, Oldo....NCra. Ells
Cincinnati, 01110.=Mrs.Z H. Maddooks,2135 :kb:netios:T48.1e'nPMnal.1".57,inniet:HEE arr, 12:1tm a ja ealLe . .1 I. 114-'40264 '.
mogGadilobizt, cjAhlyclu.,n2,e2m. no Alio* - unit mil
Nor...22.3..Li.eAldan. gel, Box 13.1. vw. tt''...., gmdtrialtras. Trouble.syLija..4,,
Johnstown, N.Y.=birs.Homer 2T, Seaman, 108 Tenth StreeL „„
E. Main Street.
eamlintl. Nero'. 1"14 ;170.7Pata.30. L A' WW1IMS'
Burtonview, 111.=111re. Peter Langenbahn,
Avoid Operations. ... PhiladGamell'ohtigirPeen Chall 010011,24
Hempstead, llitd..&rs. Jos. H. Dandy. Plattaburg,Mite.s.ahisaVernaWttkes,IU
Adrian, Ga....Lena Y. Henry, Route No. 3.
Indianapolis, Ind.=Beasle V. Piper, 29 South Female Weakness.
Addison Street. Willimantic, Conti...Mr& =to Donov
Loulsyille,Ky,=1Yire. somue,aresFourthSt. Woodande, Idaho...Elm
Bonth West Harbor, Maine...Mrs. Lillian-- iiiinianbida,..411:1...
Detroit, u.....„
Mich...Mrs. r
Fada Itoseattn, 644
Robbhis, Mt. Desert Licht Station.
Meldrum Avenue, German.
Dayton Ohio...Mrs.
Seotiville,Idleh...1k1 "'".• ,
Mosier, Ills.=.51rs, Mary Bali. ' lt fae4e1;14Car 1,t ,r,,e.,
Organic Displacements.
Ligionier,IncL=111re.ElimWooF.D.Ro.4. PortgEtvgamitt!=wp ...,...00,;.,-!„..1„.4. .Q,,,,,
Bardstown, Ey.=Mrs, Joseph Hall.
Me III. rif.,. Igai.= Mrs. Olara Watermann, E.03.4_14. , ,,,,
Lewiston, Malne.=Mrs. Henry Cloutier, 58 Vienna, W. V '''';‘'''''',$),
30918, No.
G. Moldazi, °renege, ArNoe...MPvra. ,,,, ..
22 rt.r.D. No, 2; Oaratydesntr Neet..J.Yolgra. Cr ri
liSlitrft:fii..T.-nrrs. Geo..rordy, Route Re, s, itiltipht°rerniZ31,-"ni.til30
CheaBtoer7,4.2.r. lc...Ma. Pala Wood. Siegel Street.
Ocilla, Na...15ire. T. A. Cribb. Christiana, Tenneektra. Nary W
Pendleton, Ind..,Mt s. May Marehall,R.R.44. Pee'llos°,.Terse3. ...Mrs. Ada Young Eagles'
Cambridge,, Reiliel1lbelander. Granitaille, Vt....11,7re. Ohm, Barclay, 01.,1
These women are only a few of thousands of living witnesses
the power of Lydia E. Pinkham'sVevetable Co
mpound to eure fm
diseases. Not one of these womell ever received compensation Dili
form for the use of their names in this advertisement — but =Owl
ing that we should refer to thebecause of the good theyIN
do other suffering women to 'prove that Lydia It
Vegetable Compound is a reliable and honest medicine, and that
statements made in our advertisements regarding its merit
truth and nothing but the truth.
farmer' of Huron. Born in the town-
ship of East Ws wanoah, be received his
early education at the Auburn Public
sbhool, and afterwards attended, Gode-
rich High School. Graduating from
there in 1883, he taught school with
marked success for several years before
entering the profession of dentistry,
During his residence in Wickham he
has held altnost every office of trust
which the respeot of his fellow citizens
could bestow upon him. Por the last
four years he has been Reeve of that
prosperous town, and at the January
session of the County Council was elect-
ed to the Warden's chair.
Have You Nervous Dy,5pep)a7
How it shakes one up, invades sleep,
Royal Mail Ste
From St. John Fr ,
Tunision....Friclay‘Feb. Sat pr
Grampian. Friday, Feb. 25
Comeau .Friday, Mar. 4 Ss,
Hesperian..Friday, Mar. 11
o , i-4s,eb.
destroys strength, adds real misery to ?Threats:ma.
i e. Not the stomach but nerves 0210 Tho
effected. Starved nerves cause the
whole trouble. You need Perrozone I TO H Arlf.r s CM
the elements that are needed to mak
because its a nerve food. It supplies 1. FS rt. 1; an ni anui a u we aWed. x f.2 Pa,.
r. m 'ttlX
, oo . L-.1.5 -,:e 412a,savings _
bank of heilth. The richer the blood
in red cells, the richer you're , sure to
be in health. Ferrozone quickly
makes blood, strengthens the nervous
system, invigorates the digestive or-
gans and presto! the nervous disturb-
ance disappears, 50c per box at all
RATES -op ssa.
Acoording to steamer,
119 Class -570 00 and upwards.
2nd•Olass - 42 50 95 00 47
81313. Class - 27 75 28 75
Por full particulars of rate
apply to
W. H. K
, Agent Allan 54n
A strong, rich
super-glutened Flour
from hard4festern Igh-vat
Makes good"bread
' -1.16 Vioditirlt Mt, '71N isittten W., voronto, 1,03A
TDOVOmerit 101i 0211nm
ae of this
;11, 11' 0. 0..40 ottiptl,
ad terttdera„