The Brussels Post, 1909-12-30, Page 3WANTED MUSH 45c, Ne. I. Alli Canadian Nide and Skin Company, Se Front St. E., Toronto, Oat. - �t9 eh etl e s '. t Many of the most attraetiee after- aeon costumes are velvet, and blank is onjoaing high fa mor, It is trim- med with fur or rich; creamy lace, and the popular form in which it ie appearing is in long coat ooe- tumes. In the beginning of the eeason French women wore hats with their tailored,; snits, but yuet"now the smartest hats are very large. Louie XVI shape, ' with a a brim in front ,and turned dire uhp at the back, is much wort, On' nearly every hat, wrap, or afternoon gown there is fur. NOT FOR MONEY SAYS MRS. QUIRK WOULD 1E BE WITHOUT DODDrti KIDNEY PILLS, They Cured His Lumbago of Twcn tY Yeurs kitaittiing, and ;kl.ado llinl Feel TWenty Years Younger Fortune Harbor, Nflda Dec. 20.— (Special)..—Sixty years of age,. but hale and hearty and with all the vi- gor of a young Iran, Mr, Richard Quirk, well known and highly rot- peeted here, gives all the credit forohis good health to Dodd'. Rid. ney Pills. I suffered for over twenty years he from Lumbago and Kidney Dig - h°11 etly ease' Mr. Quirk says,'"and after consulting doctors and taking their medicines, made up my` mind 1 was suit; incurable. I wee unable to _work And when I was persuaded to buy a box rent of Docld's Kidney Pills. To my not great and happy surprise I had not taken half .- ell.' .1 eeneri- ahli- encod great relief. Seven coves branch of the imperial ,service, side ,by eide with the French-Canadian Gera "tame Jaye below Kebek." Two years the rolicaii of one troop ineiudod in its rank and file a sou of a colonial governor, a grandson of a major general, 4 medical Stu - dont from Dublin, an Oxford M. A., two troopers of the imperial forcee and half a dozen ubiquitous Scots, For " litany years a 80n , of Oharlee Diolfens did honorable ser - i• wee' with this force, and there Served beside him a runaway cir- cus clown and the brother of a Yorkshire baronet. Several of the full privates have tucked away in the bottom of their mess -kit medals Well in South Africa, Egypt and Afghanistan, but the lost legion of gentlemen -rankers predominates, and it is Rugby and Cambridge out here on the unbroken prairies that set the fashion in' mufti'. manners. A compelling fe.otor making for dignity and decency in a border country as big as Europe is this little band of red -coated riders, scarcely 1,000 in number, spurring singly across the plains with sealed orders and turning up just when most wanted. The beat of the mounted pol man is from Hudson Bay. to -Pacific and from the 49th para to the frozen arctic, and he d not take tips or sleep on duty; cannot bluff him, you cannot b doze him, and it is not exactly e to try to "square" him.- Of man, as of Lord Bobs, we may s "'E don't advertise ;;' it is boast of tho service in Canada they seldom -"get into print." it is strikingly true that on margin of every page of the unw ten history of this great, lone la the figure of this solitary horsem is vignetted. the queer part of this recur note in drems is that one does become wearied' of it. Many women are wearing d as or ehraealithemums-on their door suits: They"'are artificial, delicate perfume is used on - silken or velvet petale. It is a novelty, and a very pretty one, and young and old are under the • spell of.these flowers. In children's clothes black and white checked materials are much used. Little coats of the same are worn over these dresses. There is a tendency toward short- ening the jackets-te such an ex- tent that a hint of the Eton is no- tice able. A few m dela show this new, or old, line, and it ie not un- safe to predict that the bolero and the very short jacket will bo one. of the spring styles. In Paris every woman who can possibly afford it has- a blue snit. It is of the 'dark color,' almost black, and; favor seems to be heaped upon serge so rough: and loosely woven that one wonders how it has been handled so suoaessfuliy by the tail- or. One very good model of: this material has a short Russian coat butaoning from the left shoulder to the bottom- of the left side, but with- out a belt.. A fiat -turned -down col- lar clasps the'base of the throat elosely. This and the cuffs are trim- med with black braid. It also is placed in. straight lines on each side of the back and front. Through large embroidered eye- lets a scarf of black silk is thread- ed from the neck to the bust line down the front of the coat. Silk fringe edges this unusual trimming. Then' kirt has the effect of a short yoke in the back which widens into a long apron -front tunic. Under the lower stitched edge plaits fall to. give fullness at the bottom. A lovely blue blouse of chiffon over gold net is worn with this suit. The rage for blue' is certainly ac- ceptable because it is becoming to nearly every woman, and is one of the most serviceable of thfs season's colors. Adherence to one color is observ- able just now in the new evening dresses. This does not imply l the PY h use of one form of material : only; several, some substantial, others of filmy tulle t r chiffon, mingle to pro- duce the' desired effect. A beautiful example of this idea is a toilette of delicate sea -green shade; the underdress is composed of soft, clinging moire, while the tunic that veils' it And the corsage are of mousseline de sole of an- other shade of green. Ermine is applied to the tunic, not as a bordering, but as a.aup- port at the hack and the front for the draperies" of the , tunic. Stripa of ermine support the cor- sage, and a' knot of fur holds in place the short, draped sleeves. There is a pleasing' effect obtain- ed by this combination' of two or three shades of one color. The blending of `lights and shadows ib much more easily obtained than a harmony of contrasting tints, and amateurs will welcome the innova- s. ,, a , n , Velma'"antles are extremely sat- isfying in alma.'splendor, comfort and grace, and tseason has elic- ited well-deserved pxufa 'for the evening cloaks. out- cured me. That was in 1900, and I and am still cured. I would pot be with - their out Dodd's Kidney Pills kr'any just money:• I am, twenty years younger In memory of the shawl drapeia les, fringe is frequohtly seen' en the full cloak. Fur is still used to edge many mantles, and, of course, the Ioftness of the material ;insures graceful lines in the panier effect. As cold weather ri b ngs out furs, It might be said that two-thirds of *lad smart walking stilts seen on the fashionable sections of the city are ' banded and collared with this trim- , ming. If it does not match the coley of the suit it accompanies it is in decided contrast. • Not only doee'fui' decorate the walking -costume, but the afternoon tailor-made, the festive evening *gown and the sumptuous lounging robe worn only in madam's private quarters as well. The fur that is cat yin g cif all honors as a band - lag a lag is from the most plebeian fur be iizig animal, the skunk lee pelt is thickly grown with glossy lar of the length exactly suited to time purpose for which it is being used, Besides skunk there are sev- eral other glossy furs that are use- iul for such purposes and of which only the ctlnning,ittrlier knows the genealogy, hon before I tool: them." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kid news. Hen.ithy kidneys '•tretie the impurities out of the blood. That's why they cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, and' other diseases'catlsed by the presence of uric. acid in toe blood. NEW COUNTRY 7!'O BE BORN. Jews Are to Establish Kingdom in Cyrenacia. A new country is about to be born into the'world, and the world so far knows little or nothing of it. It is to be called ;Cyrenacia, and is situated in Northern Africa, be- tween Egypt and Tripoli. Here the Jews' are to establish their long -talked of kingdom. From Roumania, from Russia, and even' out of England, they are pre- paring to move. The preliminary regulations have been kept secret for fear of inter- national complications, but it is. now known that the powerful Ito Society (the object of the society is. to procure' a territory upon an aut- onomous basis for those Jew who cannot remain in the lands where they at present live) sent an expe- dition there quite recently, and' though their report is not exactly favorable, ole it is, OII: the other hand not so unfavorable as to deter the bolder Jewish spirits from attempt- ing an organized scheme of colon- ization. A thousand lusty young men, armed for protection against the fierce Arab nomads, are to be the pioneer settlers. After them. will come the older men with ; their wives and families. Transporta- tion will not be difficult, for she new holy land lies within easy dis- tance of both Russia and Palestine. It is even nearer southern Europe. Yet it has been closed to Europeans from time immemorial. This is owing to the jealousy of the Turk- ish Government, which' has abso- lutely declined, except on very rare occasions, to permit traveller's to pass into the. interior. Yet Turkey welcomes the Jews as Jews, the reason being that they have behind them neither soldiers nor gunboats, so that thre is no fear of the `Porte being called upon to pay compensation in case a few scores of them are killed by the de- sert tribesmen. And this is en eventuality that is very likely to happen, for no more dangerous people exist anywhere than the fierce fanatics who now'ec oupy the territory which it is pre- sently proposed to call by its ancient name of Oyrenaeia. Pear - son's Weekly. FACTOR FOR DECENCY. The Royal Northwest Mounted Police Force of Canada. The royal. Northwest mounted police force of Canada is a com- bination om bination of all sorts and conditions of men blown together by the roundup of the winds of heaven, writes Agnes Dean'Camerbn in Century. In the ranks we find Western bronco -buster, Eastern logbirler, lumberjacks, unaspired Cockneys, Cree-Scot halfbreeds, time -expired men : from every ISSUE NO. 52--0s. ice - the Ilel nes you KING.,,THE GLOBE TROTTER. a£e this theay that Yet the rit- nd, an children, has 43 grandchildren, and several great grandchildren, and fapensinionoth,e enjoyment of an old.age SENTENQE SERMQNS, Moet of our irritability comas fromtherohuad,nting the rough videos in That is a dangerous religiaa which would not be known but for its label. No amusement can be healthy that does not give us a better heart for living. If your virtues are writ in heaven they' will be visible on earth without a telescope. Much so-called religious effort is an attempt to make others feel as bad as we do, It is better to help one lame dog than to waste all your' powers tak- ing about loving everybody,, The thing that worries some saints' is that God seems to be doing things without consulting them. The people who cry for practical preaching are the first to deme ad "the simple gospel" when they get bit. Many a saint would have lees trouble wrestling with the devil if he would get out and wrestle with a ball for an hour or two. PRECIOUS STONES OF INDIA Diamond Industry Limited—Ruby Mining Profitable. Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, epi- nels, tourmalines, garnets, ru crystals, and various sorts of amu, and jadeite are the precious atoll found on India's cural strand. 9 ruby and jadeite are the only ston of considerable value .produce Large quantities o. turquoise co from t ikkine and Tibet, that fro the latter country being horde darker blue, and, therefore mo valuable. The importation of .p thous stones into India amounts a nually to. about $4,900,000.` • The deanlond industry is limite and is carried on in southern Indi the northern part of the Indian pe insula and in the: central. province Ruby mining is carried on in fT per Burma and ,next to petroleum is the most profitable of the min al resources of the state, the value of the product being about $500,00 annually. One ruby of seventy seven carats was taken out a fa years ago valued at $133,330. Sapphires used to be mine.] i Kashmir, but the mines are no said to be exhausted. The yellow white, blue and. green varieties sapphires are found in the rub bearing gravels in Burma. Tb spinel is found in considerable quantities in Burma. Tourmaline stones of blue, green and black in coloring, are found in Upper Burma, Garnets are mined in Jaipur. Rock crystal, cut for cheap jewelry, known as valeam diamonds, is found in Madras. An- other quartz crystal, found in Kala bagh, is -cheaper and is used Lr necklaces, Chalcedonic silica is called ha ipik and embraces m�uly forms of agate, mined in the Dec- can. Agates and carnelians are cut and prepared for market in Bombay. Large quantities are shi•iped to Europe and China. Jadeite of beautiful green veins is found in other parts of India. rhe stone sells for $50 to $100 a hun- dredweight. ek er p6 he es d, COM m t, re re- after a Seed Drive deal ran ss tale!. timpani. • M of Painkln.r mixedwlt a 51aea 0hot w.ter ud sugar. It o is bee ev.ata ohille. Avotd snb- tStatn, there is bpi ou "pafahinar•—Perq d 'L'-960. and d8*. , Left Montreal Oct. 23rd, at 1 p.m. to walk . to Vancouver, 2,896 miles, or. the t" ' .,,.b • «flaring CATSPAW RUBBER HEELS. King`naased Port'Arthur,' 991 miles,. Dec, 14th. When will he reach Vancouver, 113 prizes offered nearest guess - BABY'S BABY'S OWE TAUNTS d. Mil LIFE SATJIR There is no other medicine for little 0000 as safe as Baby's Own Tablets, or so sure in its beneficial effects, 'These 'Tablets speedily cure stomach and bowel troubles, destroy worms, break up colds, thus preventing deadly group, al, lay simple fevers, and . bring the little teeth through painlessly%. Mrs, d, A. Weaver, Saskatchewan La,lding, Sask., says;---rrl have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little one in cases of colds, stomach and bowel troubles, and otber min. or ailments, and have never known them to fail in speedily restoring, the child's health, I think there is no medicine for babies like the Tablets," Sold by medicine des- lers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. THE TRUTH GETS OUT. "Ah, Mrs. Goodwin," said the person as he pushed his chair back from the table. ""I haven't eat- en as good a dinner as this since' I was here six weeks ago." "Neither have we," piped little Elmer from the place near the foot of the table. The Foe of Indigestion.—Indiges- tion is a common ailment, and few. are free from it. It is a most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se- vere. The very best remedy is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills taken according to directions. They rec- `,y the irregular action of the sto- mach and restore healthy action. or many years they have been a standard remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion and are highly esteem- ed for their qualities. FOR CHARITY'S SAKE. Have two small trees, one for the family and the other for charity. et. each one, especially the •chil- ren, hang some simple gift on this ree. The next day someone can istribute these gifts among'; poor children, for even in the smallest ommunities we always find those ss fortunate than ourselves. In. certain Sunday school this plan successfully carried out each ar. Contest free to all. F Each guess given a number in or- der .received, and prize Het mailed. Prizes mailed to winners. Guess. on a postal card. Write plain. Address Dept. B, WALPOLE RUBBER CO., LTD., MONTREAL. L TWISTING IT. d " Von say he called me a big d sausage?" "" That was evidently what he c meant." le "Tell me exactly what he said." a "He said you were thin- is skinned." ye o'-< A GENTLE INSINUATION. 5. Lady -""My husband gives me: a P piece of jewelry every birthday." Friend—" You must have quite a or- collection of them now, my dear." 0 Holloway's Corn Cure is the med- icine to remove all kinds of cores w and'warts, and only costs the small sum of twenty-five cents. n' w SCALY. f The social, like the musical scale, Y begins and ends with "dough." e Tearing Ream Signal, d.m tet delay etorma, Opium -laden m.doiine. " may (thick coughing, but the cold etaye. Do met trine; when you begin to ooagh take Lliaa'e Lang Boise■, fry. /r.m .0w' *plea, fan of b.alleg pewee. telt THE OLDEST CHORISTER. Now Living is George Arnold, "of Bosham, England. The most remarkable feature of the village' of Bonham, with its his- toric church and its relies of olden tunes; is its monagenarian choiris- ter•, George Arnold. King Canute's daughter was buried in the church- yard; on the church walls are thanksgiving crosses which Crusad- ors used to nick with their swords; but the grand' old man of the church choir, with his quaint me- mories of church ways, is of greater interest than all, George Arnold sang in the church choir when he was a boy of'eight, and for eighty-two years he has since sung in it. He is a bearded, sturdy fisherman, a real typo of the fisher folk ; such a type as artists love for their canvas; and hence he has often been a figure in Royal Academy pictures. Although 84 years of age, Mr, Fred, Moore still takes part, as he has done for the ant the choralp 74 Years, in portion of the services fit St. Mary'. Collegiate church, Stafford. He joined the choir when he was 10 years of age, and, with one ex- ception, has always' accompanied them on their annual outings. He Went with theta this year. to Black. pool. Mr. Moore is the father of 19 The greater the irritation in the throat the more distressing the cough becomes. Coughing is the effort of Nature to' dispel this irri- tating substance ce from the air pass- ages. Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup will heal the inflammed parts which exclude mucous, and restore them to a healthy state, the cough disappearing under the curative ea feats of the medicine. It is pleasant to the taste, and the price, 25 cants if within the reach of all. EASY'NOW. She—Marry you! Didn't you hear me vow that I wouldn't marry the best man on earth i He -That's all right. We can be married upi 1n a balloon. o e Jape Old IL They cappltad the Meathol and in "The D di L" Menthol Plaster, which area instantly backache, headache, oanrs1gia, .umati.m and sciatica. HEROIC. UNCLE EZRA SAYS: " Some men could do a better job_ at after-dinner apeakin' of they didn't eat so all -fired much." A Sure Corrective of Flatulency. When the undigested food lies in the stomach it throws off gases caus- ing pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belching or eructation of these gases is offen- sive and the only way to prevent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills will 'do this. Simple di- rections go with each packet and a course of them systematically is certain to effect a cure. It isn't how far you get on in this world, but how well you cover the distance you do make. •A URN tats Knew," will %.come a greet dimmer If It be allowed to reaeh down the throat go the lungs. Rip the *peril in the. bed with Allen's Lung sales■, a ea» rSmedy eontalaiat Ito opiates. Some people get credit for being patient when in reality they are too cowardly to start anything. There is nothing equal to Mother Groves' Korm Exterminator for de- stroying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. PETER THE G.REAT'S STATUE. A monument of Peter the Great hays just been erected in St. Peters- burg., and is the work of the cele- brated Russian sculptor, Leopold Bornstamm, The incident sym- bolized took place in the Bay of Oronstadt. Peter was on his way to visit some ironworks, when he observed some sailors in distress; He impetuously et uousl Y waded into the water, and was for several hours engaged in the work of rescue. Tho exposure hastening the end of Rus. sia's great ruler. TELLING. The benker't "teller" is he Who, when to the bank you go, If orereheckod your balance Politely tells you do. The real hero is he who can bear his own troubles as stoically as he does those of his friends. Try Murine Eye Remedy Por -Red, Weak. Weary, Watery Eyee, Granulation, Pink Eye and Eye Strain. Murine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain. Is Compounded by Experienced Physicians; Contains for Year Dye Troubles Drugs. Will Like Mnrine.. Try it in Baby's Eyes, for Sealy Eyelids. Druggists Sell Murine at 30c. The Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chl. sago. will send. Ton 1 -recreating. Ere Books WARY. Thompson — Suppose- a man should call yon a liar, what would you do?" ' Jones (hesitatingly) — " What sized man?" It Will Prolong Life.—De Seta, the Spaniard, lost his life in the wilds of Florida, whither he went for the purpose of discovering the legendary "Fountain of perpetual youth," said to exist in that then unknown country. q While Dr. Tho- mas' Electric 011 will not perpetu- ate youth, it will remove the bodily pains which make the young old before their time and harass the aged into untimely graves. ' BLAMING HIMSELF. "Did you ever get bunkoed4". "' Once, but I suppose it was my own fault." . "Hew was it?" " I 'gave a preacher $5o for. marrying me." Children Like i) PIS t CURE! %tS7'*T.MUrt Tat @mor tis It is so pleasant to take --stops the cough so quickly. Absolutely safe too Itatl contains no opiates. � Aa Dabataleq. 26 scull, a1 AN UNDERGROUND CITY. Dates Mack Two 'Centuries Before the Blrtit 01 Christ. Russian explorers have made a singular and most interesting dis- covery of .a subterranean city in Central Asia. In Turkestan, on the right bank of the Amu Darya,. in a chain of rocky hills near' the Bokharan town of I{arki, are a number of large caves, which upon examination were found to lead to an underground city, built, appar- ently, long before the Christian era, According to the effigies, inscrip- tions and designs upon the , gold and silver money unearthed from among the ruins, the existence of the town dates back to some two centuries before the birth' of Obrist. The edifices contain all kinds of. domestic utensils,` pets, urns and vases.. The high degree of civilization at- tained by the inhabitants of the city is shown by the fact that they built in several stories; by the symme- try of the streets and squares, and by the beauty of the baked clay and metal utensils, and of the erne- mente and come which have been found, It is supposed that long centuries ago this city, so carefully concealed in the bowels of the earth, provid- ed large numbers -of people with a refuge from the incursions of na- madic savages and robbers. fled AtL Nit4J.ar4F Ilmemmatten of Ib Kidneys, of the ladder, .1 the Rowels. qklo f tto8e 0 Bro tan.ti.. 05 alt, res , Cronp, ca- rr4 u.,,* Bead. crabs, Toothache, Nast - Ago . Chills, Chit h Teoldeee eahlds Waifs Bean �dsf Do you trap or ba Purer I am Canada's lamest dealer, Ipay10�tmsnseo.iYudr I pay mail and ex - preen charges; remit promptly. Also largest dealer in Baptistries, Sheepskins, ete. Quotations and shipping tags eent free. JOHN HALLAM TORONTO dyeing t Gleaning ! P.. svpephrtess peter week Yam "'SWIM AM MRAN MAINS 00." bah 0• maws w rem sow, sr mad Ml tkolsaot.Taruate, Ottawa, gashes Mgr i 3$ Xa AL. UV rte'" Mt Hair Promoter GROWS HAIR ON ANY HQAD Doo. and 51.00. Guarantee wish every bottle. For sale at Drug Stone sad Barber Shope, er IV+ARLATT HAIR PROMOTING CO., 03 Sathurat St„ Toronto FARM FOR SALE. 140 acres, 70 acres cleared, close to Bothwell, Kent County. Good, house and farm buildings, gond roads. Terme easy. Apply to Gibbons, Harper & Gibbons, Lon- don, Canada. A GREAT DEMAND FOR. PAPERSTOCK Alto WASTE , Iran. Metals, ALL GRADES. E, 9U-LANAdelaiFt Need Ste,' a Plume ter particulars. Main 4693. CHRISTMAS STAMPS HELP CANADA'S NEEDY CONSUMPTIVES THE net proceeds from stamps sold will be used for the extension of the work of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. The avail- able beds were trebled as the result of last year's Stamp Campaign. BUY THEM, USE : THEM. HELP THE GOOD WORK ALONG. THE BEST INVEST1iMENT YOU EVER MADE. ONE CENT..BACH. Not a 'single patient has ever lleeh refused mammon ntoth the Muskoka Tree. .Ilospital'fer Consumptives because of his or her inability to pay. EVERY STAMP SOLD I8 A BULLET IN THE WARFARE AGAINST TUB]IROIILOS18. If not en sale in your town, write J', S. Ronrutxso e, Sec. -Treat, National 8aniteriuim Association, 847 Rin g•• St. W., Toronto. Allinformation tarn- ished and stamps mailed promptly on receipt of order. COUGHS & COLDS LEAD TO CONSffnff TION Cold; aro the moss daugor,us of .0 form; of disc..., A aeslteted cold Node eo Dronhidi, Coneuwption, Pneamenia. "' Cpashs" aro the molt of irrit;tel crone 'eh1511ube/. ""PSYCH, INF,"autescough, by temovios Cie irtil.tin particle* and healing the in8ers*l membrane, It is a germicide and doter' er' the luberele perm. 11 is p ni at Weiatthen; the lungs, the liver, and tones op the *prem. It makes fer better health in all couditionsof human. ity,Get Ames and amen ugh will disappear. "PSYCHINE" atekes • weak people stront, it eataa oaygha of the moat obdu. roe kind and brash up a cold in a few. houro, Reit. far Free tempt*. Fa gals ie el 0nrstate and Drains see. A 81 per Made, Da T. A, SLOCUM LIMITED, TORONTO PO INVESTORS—Top$ animas TO burr or sell - Stooks will rend.n tmqly pereonalattention. S, M. Cathcart), lame ex. 43 Scott St„ Toronto. EDUCATIONAL. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE ---NEW system—constant practices. easeful instruction; few weeks complete eoureel tools free; graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly; write for Cates logue, Molar -Barber College 921 Queen East, Toronto, New Term Oar,winter Term begins andpnuary 4th. Our equipment, coume$ and 5151 faolaties are unexoelt.d, and'e, eau do better work thou ever before. Write ter sats. logue. RrItish•Setericao 5058»,., College, Y.M.C.A. Bldg., TORONTO. FINE DOLEaIS a day sure, made miens oar labor-saving machines. Experience nnneeeei nary. Everybody bays, They sen the mashes, Agents wanted everywhere. A' postal to.da *rings part -teeters, Charles Adams; Sarnia, Ont CAL VES Rata* Them Without Milk Dte.le,tOd .peel , Ltd., t rrne. ¢d cell Ltd.. Toronto,{O■a OPE FOR TN! DEAF -114 ACOUSTICON rime of the mantels e1 the 6levtrisal age. n nes thrangbent the world, Write for Bata ogee. e. Gene rel A fie Oo. of inYonne Street. Torooro nto. Canada, Ltd.,, A LL POUR SILVER GLEANED RI Opp H,NOT5. If .soaring, *r er Mg, palish. lg lust dip in warm water containing Bleetros" and wipe on towel Perfectly harms .s, geed SS coda for ppaaekaga. Useful bnbsehd ardor. gran PREF fors few minutes of your time and 2 cents postage. 'Economic SupplyOompauy, at, Catharines. Ontario. £STA3LSSHED IS75. F>sfN Mahe Eve'tryt6ing 1. Pon, 0.at., Jaak.t., tMaO w„.„ Ca a Gandt a URS p bit etc. write ,ora. RAW FU RS we pay highest prices, write for price not. D. H. BASTEDO & co., a King St.' E.. Toronto. The Hospital for =`01114707- Sick Chilure Te*HIS APPEA[ IS YOV! T11 2"17 ild REMEMBER in t Ontario Wh Oh Whose Pat~r- ents'Cannot Afford to Pay for Treat - mit is Treated Proc. s -- Tho Hospital for Sick Children had last yaw in tie cola and bade 1,155 patients-- 583 atients-583 of these were from 267 places in the Province. Sixty- five per cent. were children of peer people who could not afford to pay. Since its organize- �'tt�� etroll the Inatatution' rwo eceb WOW CAsaa has treated 15,613 those unableerto pay and ilwere treated free. If yon know of anychild in your neighborhood w ll o h sioh or has say deformity seed the earn* of the parent 8. Tile Oaeretcry. Th. Hospital for Sick Children is not a local but a great Provincial Charity for the Molt child of the peer man iu any GC1.re 0433.11C 18 A what part of Ontario has sumo claim Upon its help as the child wholivee within the shadow of 15a lla ik Torontowa, Th ere ware 80 eases of flub great treatsd 1 n iulsben+b i'A'1' far rfe .too liospI. tel lea yoar'and e7 bad perfect eerreotioU, Jet Walt if lit. --Tour money eon bele oke Hompttd to ee We cool work et ollaiilabanatkag also n'eaared limbs end drab toe dE roil, aloin. *'base kelp 'M. P1aiw Shiva Osa.ielbtettous to Joao* Robeseteam. phoostoteen, *rite Dotsgittat 04100111e1, ataa'JiMadr, iLs RoalpAllmf flortinok ChillamolACokkatiefilaiNutolati. Eintily mention the name of ChM gal.rr in writing to aedrerlifeerap