The Brussels Post, 1909-12-02, Page 5BUSINESS CAROL ATUItAU L o ' -. if N Y • I � f auor511040410 sae aG l4r000t ,2o'M.aokreet, 0110 8 Y y t, raeoels, K.0. T. Brussels (',Vont of the 41“0 "408, Na. 24 hold their regular Meetings in the Lodge !room, Beaker 131004 oilthe let end end Tuesday evenings of soot month, Visitors uNvuye welcome. A, S051E122, Corn, A, Mo(4V2n7, 1i, R. WM. SPE'NOE • CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OF NIARRIACrj LICENSES Blco In the Post shoe, Sahel. 80.4 JAMES HARRIS, Agent How%ek Mutual 11'ire Indurauee Company 011106 and fiestdenoe- WALTON, ONr, JOHN' SUTHERLAND 2Nen88808, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. lir S. SOOTT AS AN AUCTION. • flon, W111 sin tot better prices, to better iron, In less time end leas charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or ho won't charge anything, Dates end orders can always be arranged' at thle o)ioe or by p ereonal application, ._ ROBT. H. GARNISS' BLUIBVALE - ONT,. Auctioneer for Huron County. Tonna reasonable.. dales enanged for ut bbd 01E40 01 Tna Po,T, B0110010, 9202 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCiNB, E. SIN CLAIR- • Barrister, Solicitor, Oonveyanoer, Notary rablio, deo. Oaloe-Stewart's Block 1 door North a! Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bade. pitOI7DFOOI', HAYS & BLA.IR- 8AltitisTERN 8OLIOi'P(Uts, NOTAat1ES CBGIO, 01TC. W. 1'aOOD10o0v,12, 0, fi, 0. Bare G. P, Bosh. 019oee-Those formerly 00oopiod by Messrs Camorou h Rote, Gonnaton, nx'111no. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEIL.D. D43NI'IO'r Graduate of the Royal -College of Dental Burgeons of Outwit) and Piret-alas, Honor Graduate or Toi onto University. 058ee next to Brewer's Po oto. Gallery, Brussels. ryt'.Will visit Ethel on the 2nd Mouday of ^a aeon Month. SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers CHRISTMAS SAILINGS TO LIVERPOOL loran, 80. John Prom Halifax Virginian Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Grampian Deo. 4 Victorian Deo. 10 Deo. 11 138sperlen Deo. 17 Deo. 18 BOSTON TO GLASGOW Protorlan Deo, 10 8 a. m. Nunlidian- Deo. 24 8a.ni. Ionian - Jan, 7 7 a. In. TO HAVRE & LONDON From St. John Prom London Corinthian Deo. 15 Deo:17 Sardinian Deo. 29 Dec. 81 RATES OF PASSAGE A000rding to steamer. 1st 01ass -570 00 880 00 and upward. and Class -40 00 45 00 47 80. 50 00 llyd Close - 28 80 27 50 28.78 Por full part0nlars of rates and saltines apply to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line. Brussels. ..•••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ♦ IWomeo • iapd • GI• Iris ♦ • WANTED • • a • • ns-mnohine nperntorc and for other 2 fnatory work, Oood tvnyOa 0nd ♦: steady employment, Wrtte ns, s Z The Clinton Knitting Cull • Limited • CLINTON. ONr. $1d•••ei••4••••fL•!*N••`•• Buslneee Qards MISS BERTHA ARM.$TRQNO Toaiohor oi' Piano 8tndlo at Carter's Atusio Store, ono door North of Clic Standard !127728, Brussels, 8.21 MISS PERLE SifARPE hos passed suc280afultY hot' second examine. Mon of the 5'lanot'orts l)opartm0nbof rho To. ronteConservatory 01 ¥wo,,,and 18 p107227581 to take pop1i0 at her borne, patinae 012001, A, H. MOIyTg5TH Barrleter, 8ollcitor, Notary, , o„ su0c8sear t0 4,B. Mnedoneld, pllloa over Stapdard Bank, Brussels. OR, T. T. M'RAE Bacheler of Medicine, Uulvereiby of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Plry. 0loian0 and Surgeons, Ont. 1 Postgraduate Ohmage 111 e, Bar, Nose and throat 2070Pitnl, Chicago, 211, Ex,I4ouoe Burgeon to St, Minh. acre Respites Toronto, OIHee over 11' 1t, Smith's Drug Stare, Tele - Phone connection with Urnnbroolt at ell hears, PR, HAMILTON Dental Surgeon. Honor Groduete Dontol Department, Toronto Univer0;ty ; Licentiate of Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto, . Office over .T. T. Roe& store, Brueeelo, - ABA Wroxeter Wroxeter the first and third Mondays and Gorri0 the second and fourth Mondays of el,0h month,. OR. WARLL,W Honor graduate of the Ontario V'eterinar'y College. Day and night calls. Office opposite 27100r Mill, Ethel. BRUSSELS 001t10 Bouma GorN0 Norma Moil ...... 7:05 a m Express 10:85 a m Express II :28 e m l Mail 1 A4 p m Express siegein_.Express ..,.,,8:80pm WALTON To. Toronto To Goderioh Express......... 7:41 8 in I.Express 15:11 a in Express,... ..... 0:08 p in Express 9:12 p m Mxl txht Deus Bl uevale BUTTER- PACT0RY:-The annual statement of the B1uevale Cheese and Butter Co. has been printed. On the year's business there tvLt9 an overdraft of $109.05, but the company is . in a good position financially, having assets of 34020.00 and liabilities of only 3273.05. The amount of cretim re- ceived during the 8tatson was 240,313 lbs ; amount of butter made, 72,954 !bs average lbs of cream to lb. of butter, 3 294,11000 ; average price, 23 30/100c. per 14 ; number of patrons, 207. Gonne A number of new books have been added to the Public Library. The butcher shop is the latest to adopt acetylene gas as an illuminant. On the recommendation of the chairman of the district, Rev. Dr. Chown, of Toronto, has appointed Bev. a 147. McTavish to promote the interests of the work in the Wiogharxl district, of the Temperance, Prohibi- tion and Moral Reform Department of the Methodist church. The territory covered includes all the pastoral charges from Kincardine to Ethel, and from Teeswater to Fordwich. What might have had a serious cul- mination occurred at the home of Jas. Johnson, filth concession, one night. Mr. Johnson had made certain connec- tions between his stoves. All was considered satisfactory, which did not however prove to be the case. The coal gas escaped to such an extent that the family, was nearly overcome. Mr. Johnson was least affected and he summoned et doctor to attend Mrs. Johnson, who was quite lordly affect- ed. to your Corn Troublesome? Whyt nn cure ' tt-eradicat ' e It with Putnam >' s Corn Lxtractar? No pain or 801'e-"Puteam's" is a guaranteed Success, try it. Goderich Tuesday evening the Baptist parson- age was the scene of a quiet wedding,, when Rev. G. R. Jones united John E. Ferguson and Miss !!label Baker, of Goderich. The groom is a son of Robert Buchanan Ferguson, chief of police at Walkerton, and is foreman of the rattan department of the Gocle- riob wheel rigs factory. The bride is a daughter of Peter and Mrs. Baker, of Stanley township. A vary quiet wedding was solemniz ed Wednesday morning of last week by Rev. Father McRae, of 'St. Peter's church,theeontractin,r parties being bliss Jean Young, daughter of Janles and Mrs. Young, of Loyal. and s> 113rbcrt Lamprey, of G9oderielx towel- I ship, The bride, who was attired in a brown t'a 1 venin snit With i h fors and hat to nnoteh, waft assisted b her sister, ter Mise 'z ]111. a while me , leE Ernest. acted as graonisman, After the 0715' 1. Cita) e th 11 e Molly a ou la loft an the 7.15 train for Toronto and other eitlee. Aro 'o7 $.,abjoet to Colds? Then don't load your stomach with Dough syrups, Send healing media- tion through the nostrils -seed it into the passages that are subjeot to colds and catarrh, Easy to do this with Catarrhozone, which cures !4 cold in ten minutes. Even to the lungs goes , the healing vapor of Catarrllosolle- ail through the bronchial tubes, nos- tr'il$ and air passages -every where a trace of disease remains w'Il Catarrh ozone follow. You'll not have onlds, nor will you eaffe0 from sniffles, bron- chitis or throat trouble if. Catarrh. OZ011e is used. set it to -day. 25 cts, and 31.00 at all dealers, Trowbridge Rev. J.', W. Ciiseus, of Clinton, paid a flying visit home last week. Miss Dae Carle' ie visiting hex' sister, M'P's. Will. Bartley, sof Wallace. Miss Collins has retnrned to Buffalo to resume her duties as Deaconess. Mrs. Russell, of New York, is visit- ing het' slaughter, Mrs. .(Rev.) Salton, Henry Carter is under the. doctor's care suffering from an attack of tonsilitis, W. Leech and eon Earl, of Montreal, are visiting the .former's sister, Mrs. J. R. Code, Mies E. A. Coseno Is spending a few weeks' with her brother, Rev, T. 1V. Cosens, of Clinton. Dr. W. H. McCormick, of Flint, Mich„ is spending a few days at his parental home here. Alex. McLeod has returned home looking hale and hearty after spend- ing the Summer in the West. Rev. Mr. McTavish, of. Gerrie, oe- cupied the pulpit here Sabbath morn- ing and evening and took, up the con- nexioual hustle. Are you stemless, Nervous? Two horrors crowded into one life -- the prndllet of poor digestion and a poisoned system. There is just one cure for this terrible condition-- plenty ondition-plenty of fond -but mind you, fond properly digested that's the dif- ficulty, to improve the digestive power of the stomach. Get rich nutritious blood, strengthen the sys- tem and chive out poisons, -then comes vitality, endurance, power. Ferrozone does all this and more,it makes sick people tve11, weak people strong, changes "nerves" and lnsonl- anis into robust health. Take Fer- rezone and health is yours. 50 cts. at all dealers. Listowel Mrs. F. W. Hay is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Christ Church annual Choir Service will 4e held 011 Sunday evening, Dec. 5111. W. Ramsay, B. A., principal of the Listowel High. School, leaves at Christmas to accept a position in Regina at high salary. A. 0. Bricker and H. Goddard won 9 firsts and 2 seconds at the Galt Poultry Sliow held last. week. The competition was very keen. • ilirs. M. Farnconnbe, who hacl the misfortune to fracture her arm by falling clown the cellar of their resi- dance through an open trap door, is progressing favorably towards re- covery. 14Irs. Scott, wife .of. John L. Scott, of the Listowel Bazaar, was removed to Stratford Hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendici- tis. She is still very low, but the physicians in charge are hopeful of her recovery. A La men s y 14Iiasioflary Banquet will hheld McDonald's nal 's music ball l en Friday, December 3rd, at '7 p. on. A tasty dinner will be served by the Laymen's Association, after which a choice program will he rendered. John A. Patterson, 1i. C.. and Rev. T. E. Egerton Shore, M. ,A,, B. D„ assistant Secretary of foreign mis- sions for the Methodist Church, of Toronto, will deliver addresses. Several tinges during the past week since the terrifflc sleet storm struck this district, have the trains on the Stratford -Palmerston branch been held up at stations along the line and another trails has had to be used to despatch the stalled train owing to the break in the wires. 411 through the enmity terrific havoc was wrought by the heavy rains and the ice on the trees. Hundreds of heavy limbs were torn off and in many cases telephone poles were blown down, rendering the 1 We have them Comfortable and Warm For the Colder Weather and Glue us a Call A. Strachan -A11 lines in Underwear for Children Misses, e , I9e 9, Lltdies Gents, including the best Stanfeld's'0nshrinka,ble. -Boys' and Men's Snits and Overcoats. -Girls' and Ladies' Coats. --Bost Flannels and Flannelettes. -Best Gloves, Mitts and I:losiery. -Boots and Shoes, Felt Shoes and Slippers, .Rubbers and Overshoes. --Ladies' and Misses' Reek Furs and Muffs. •--Ladies' Fur -lined and Fur 00211s. -Gents' Fur and Fur -lined Coasts. Everything at right prices wimetemiONMIONISSINWRIPONWParalleteente rhe Physic,an The best medicines in the world cannot take the place of the family physician, Consult him early when taken 111, 1f the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask bim about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. We i n iumh our MOWN! wq batt •1..105) tiers rfoq, our m.dioli,N wn alae iotl to eon. alt o � f e%'S do6te;- IIII Bilious attacks sick-headaches,indiges. tion, constipation, dizzy spells --these are some of the results of en inactive liver, Ask your doctor if he endorses Ayer's Pills in these cases, The dose is small, one pill at bedtime. 1t=Msd. b7 the 1, O. haste Cy„ rawer. *7227 -- streets in the villages and towns im- passible. Several minor accidents through the country have been re- ported in Listowel. It has been found that the 312,500 voted for the installation of the Lis- towel electric light plant has been.con- sidorably exceeded. An estimate will therefore be made of the amount re- gnired to complete the plant, includ- ing the local shed, aqd a by-law to raise the atnount of debenture will be preparecl for the next meeting of the council. ere To Move off a Cold. Cough mixtures "dope" a cold --but don't euro. Above all else, keep the bowels regular and stimulate the eleminating organs. More valuable than any sough syrup are Dr. Handl- ton's Pills. They clear the system of every trace of cold -the dull head- ache, aching limbs and cough disap- pears. Take the pills before retiring, they work while you sleep, and by morning your cold is broken and passes quickly away. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills in 25 et. boxes. Fordwich The last shipment of cheese was made on November 12th and the price was 110. A. 11. Nlusgrnve, 101. P. P., gives it "Travel Talk" in Brown's hall, Ford- wich, ou Thursday evening, Dec. 2n0. The members of the Local Legislature journeyed through New Ontario last' Sulnnler, and Mr. Musgrove &minl- panied the party and will give an account of the trip. Mils. A. 'SCOTT PASSES- 11 W'AY,- Sunday night of last week Mrs. Adam Scott fell downstairs fracturing her 81(1111 and otherwise injuring herself and passed away on Mondayafter- noon being unconscious to the last. She had just returned from a trip to the West to visit her sons at Elva, Man., 411d had visited her sister at Bolton, and arrived hereon Saturday night. The late Mrs. Scott was born in the township of 17soa, Simcoe Coun- ty. In the year 1882 she settled on a farm near Lakelet with her husband, wherethey lived until three years ergo when they retired to Fordwich. Her husband predeceased her on 14Iay 19th, 1909. She leaves a grown up family of fit4 sons and a daughter to mourn the loss of a loving mother. Of the family George, Robert and John are in Manitoba, William and Adam are on the homestead near Lakelet, arid the daughter, Mrs. Geo. Scott resides nearMrs. Galt. iIts. Scott was a cons ; st- entme bel of the Methodist church. The deceased was in'her 6511 year and was a woman of a cheerful and kindly disposition, an obliging neighbor, and a loving mother. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon and inter- ment made in Lakelet cemetery. le your Chest. "whooey 7" Tightness and wheezing means your trouble is deep-seated. To delay is dangerous. Inflammation must be drawn out at once. Rub the throat and chest with Nerviline, and put on a Nerviline Porous Piaster. Relief comes in an hour. The counter- irritant effect of the plaster relieves the tightness and strain, draws out the soreness, eases the� pain. The penetrating qualities of Nerviline en- able it to soak to the very core of the trouble, and you experience a feeling of warmth and relief that proves the danger is past., For weak chest, sore throat and tendency to colds, the Nerviline Treatment beats all others, try it. Wingharn Geo. Day has taken over the milk business of Geo. Dennis. During the month of December the stores will remain open during the evenings. F. H. Walley was at Ingersoll at- tending the funeral of his mother, Mrs. G. W. Walley. Sunday evening, Rev. D. Perrin commenced a series of sermons or, the life of Saul, the first King of Israel Miss Alice Coad who has been em• ' played hi F. 73. Walley's drug store for the past two years, left for Elm• wood. where she has secured a siturt- t101L The first shot in the opeuing of the Local Option Campaign in Winghana tvtll be fired on Friday evening of this week (Dec. 3rd) when Rev. Dr. Chown, of Toronto, will address a mass meet• ing in the Town 132711, The editor of the Advance and his wife left on Monday of last week tor Pasadena, Oaiifornia, tvihet'e they will spend a few iuoutlls with their son. ill beneft Mrs, is hoped , Hall's health, Which change 1 as pot been good for some time. Dr. and Mrs. 'Agnew returned home on Tuesday evening of last week after a several weeks wedding trip. 'While away they visited at tt number of jAmes in the Canadian West, going as fats as Vananuver, DUO visiting at mommouvemmutgawanismammemminnweimmesommumomeiveamia. ppoints fu California and at Rochester, 141inn. Wald Chicago, Benjaluin Scotthad the forefinger of hisl of 0hood Severed at the second fatmachine ne which he WASworkbya mach working at Walker ¢ro Clegg's up, hnlsterxng factory, Town Clerk Ferguson received a eonlmunicatlon from Andrew Oar• llegie in which he expressed a willing- nese to make a grant of money to Winghain for the erection of a public library building, providing the usual I.' eondltions axe carried out, al William. Allen, of Chitham, was accidentally a1 1Y slotand killed at Dau. church while deer -hunting. A Harvard astronomer says the earth will probably pass through the tall of le o galley's 1 comet n May ay nein, Atwood Connell will meet on December 4th for general. business, Miss Jacobs, of Blyth, spent a fete days the guest. of Miss'Evelyn Turn - Biala Cheese and ,Butter Co. ship- ped their Oelobt'r cheese up Thursday of last week to Lovell & Obristu)as, Montreal. 582 boxes at ile. The Bee says Iing11 Richmond spent ,Sunday is Fergus with his wife who underwent an operation a week ago, We are pleased to state she is progressing favorably. Robert Peebles who has been run- ning the bake shop and cunfi'etionet'y store for the past Summer, sold his business last week to D. D, McCallum, of Iiarriston, Possession was given on December let. Wm. Holmes xeeeived a message by wire from his brother, Thomas, of Oxbow,. Stating that his another, hies. Arthur Holmes had died Saturday morning of last week. Mrs. Holmes and her husband, who survives her, were among the early settlers of Elina township. The City Ministerial Association, of Stratford, has become active in a movement to discourage Sunday fun- erals in that city. Among the extensive exhibitors of fowl at the Galt Poultry Association Show, was W. Jacob, of Mitchell. Over 900 birds were shown. The death ocentred on Tuesday, Nov 23rd, in St. Marys, of a former esteemed Stratford lady in the person of 1471x. Daniel Duggan, wife of the St. Mary's merchant. DANGEROUS DANDRUFF Will Make Canada. a Baldhead- ed Nation if Not Checked M. Pasteur, the great French Phy- sician of Paris, once said : "I believe we shall one day rid the world of all diseases caused by germs." Dandruff is caused by germs, a fact accepted by all physicians. Dandruff is the root of all hair evils. If it were notfor the little destructive germs working with a persistency worthy of a better cause, there would be no baldness. Parisian Sage will kill the dande'utf germs and remove dandruff in two weeks or looney back. James Fox guarantees it. It will stop itching scalp, falling hair and make the hair grow thick and abun- dant. It pelts .life and lustre into the hair and prevents it front turning gray. 1t is the hair dressing par excel- lence, daintily' perfumed and free from grease stickiness. It is the favorite with 290111en of taste and culture who know the social value of fascinating hair. A large bottle costs only 50 cents at leading druggists everywhere, and in Brussels by James Fox. The girl with the auburn hair is on every package. Canadian News L. S. Hancock, postmaster at Ridge. town, is dead at the age of go years, A military corps will be formed at Queen's University, and the kilts will be worn. William S. Perry, brakeman, a eman from Peterboro', was killed while shunting at Oriina. George Spence, an old man from near Toronto, was found dead io Small Lake, near Cobalt. Serious charges of graft and protect. ing criminals are made against the Council of St. $oniface The Presbyterian Foreign Mission Society will undertake to raise 330,000 for industrial work in India. A colored boy named Alonzo Lane died 'at St. Catharines from convulsions, sad it is supposed he was poisoned by eating cream puffs. The Coroner's jury at Uxbridge re- turned a verdict against Arch. Mc- Langhlin for the murder of his wife and two children, who were found dead in the house after a fire. Sit' Wilfrid Laurier spoke strongly in favor of enlarging the Welland Canal to a deputation who went to Ottawa to urge that matter upon the Government. The Premier was not so encouraging in his reply to another deputation, who wanted the Ontario power legislation disallowed. CUREO OF CONSTIPATON Mr. Andrews praises Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. Mr. George Andrews of Halifax, N.S., writes: For many years I have been troubled with chronic Constipation, This ail- ment never conies single-handed, and I have been a victim to the marry 111nesses that constipation brings in its train. Medicine after medicine I have taken in order to find relief, but one and all left me in the same hopeless condition. It seemed that nothing would expel from me the one ailment that caused so much trouble, yet at last I read about these Indian Root Pills. That was indeed a lucky day for me, for I was so impressed with the state- ments niade that I detertnbned to give them a fair trial. They have regulated my stomach and bowels. I am cured of constipation, and I claim they have no equal as a Medi- cinl+oe," r over half 'a century Dr. Morse's Indian Root Piils have been coring con- stipation and clogged, inactive kidneys, with all tike ailments which result from than. They cleanse the whole system and. p f�e blood. Sold everywhere 26c • • . d• • k ♦ • •• • . • • . • . •• • MISS Jean Armsil'aog, and 01ci and well known r s a !dentf Ont., n' o Lyn, Q 1 ., w s f4luud dead In her house by neighbors, 1s death 1 as I1 cf Alfred Hastings, of Port Stanley, hotel porter, was natural, Re. f. car ling to the finding at rile inquest, We know of no other medicine which has been so suc- cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. In almost every community you will filid women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Veg- etable Compound. Almost every woman ou meet has either been benefited Y e ted by it, or knows some one who has. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con- taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex- clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless.; The reason why it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism, restoring it to healthy and normal activity., Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. Belleriver, Que.-"Without Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable Compound I would not be alive. Por five months I had painful and irregular periods and inflammation of the uterus. I suf- fered like a martyr and thought often of death. I consulted two doctors who could do nothing for me. I went to a hospital, and the best doctors said I must submit to an operation, because I had a tumor. I went back home muck discouraged. One of my cousins advised me to take your Compound, as rt had cured her. I did so and soon commenced to feel better, and my appe- tite Dame back with the first bottle. Now I feel no pain and am cured. Your remedy is deserving of praise." - DIrs. Emma Chatel, Valleyfield, Belleriver, Quebec. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills 'peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. ••••••••••••••44411,44+40-1.44•4.444444+•••••••••••••••••••• Xmas Comes Soon. Our Photographs are more than good Photo- graphs -they are True Portraits, bringing out all that's best in character and individuality. • ,Get a dozen for: Xmas Presents. Make your appointments now and avoid the t e holiday rush. t. Sittings taken early in the day are the best, Past Cards 3 'for 5e, BREWER'S ART STUDIO• WELL -SHOD BOYS AND GIRLS. They need good, strong, warm shoes --no paper in the soles, nothing but solid leather d honest stitching, c hipr Our school shoes are neat. They keep their shape, They please':the parents because they wear so well. A youngster dry shod seldom needs a doctor. Here are a few prices th,3t prove Our values are right Misses' Pebbled Boots, laced or buttoned 1 25 Boys', strong -and durable, bal. or blucher 1.25 to 1.50 L C. RICHARDS