The Brussels Post, 1909-12-02, Page 4I el
I Je Xatiic1 4105t. 5t Vying of Qho10r• +
4aPhysician Gaye PhysiciaGaye ,'shouse
-- ands Dying In lhuropo Can Be
THURSDAY, DECEMBER a, t9o9 aVOISI With Proper .Meetiolnrt.
'Mutt is It thin keeps down cholerai.
cremes and Sentinex• eomp)aints iia
Amevont e Ask any doctor or live
druggist lend lie WW tell you "Nee-
' t
vihne" J ti s Tetley, a zlrilliau bottles
are sold every year to people who use
Nerviliue for A01134011 disorder, cramps
flatrle' ce and Summer
For tiny years
in most Oauadieo
homes no other Neu relieving meth -
clue but Nerviline le kept,
cares thetchea, pains aud Mudciolness Of
thee i 're family o quick i-
iw wl s c as Nervi -
line, v
Y q
"As far back as
I can remewber,.
at least fifty years'
ago, ' there was.
never a time that
our llonss was
without Nerviliue,.
In the Summer
titne, when the
children ate green apples and got sick
with diarrhoea anal, cramps, it was
Nerviline that cured thein. 1My lather
used Nerviline frequently to"cure gee
on his stomach anti acute indigestion.
There are but few inhume ailments that
Nerviline does not cure, and I know
of no medicine so useful ; iu fact so in
dispensible around the home as Ner-
This letter written by Mrs. N. C.
Butcher, a well kuowu resident in
Battersea, shows the high opinion en-
tertained of Nerviline by those who
have used it constantly for nearly
half a century.
You'll never regret using Nerviline.
Get it to -day, keep it on hand for an
accident or sudden case of sickness in
your hone. Refuse anything else
oleered you instead of Nerviline. 25e.
per bottle or five for $1.00. All deal-
ers or the Oatarrhozone Co., Kingston
R Chatty Letter from Mr, Nord
After our great send Off with rainbow
mist and beauty of Funehial end M.
derie, ' on Bentley evening, Oct, 34111,
we set sail onee more.. W bile Ftint:llia,
appeared vend and flowery, there is
still lots of poverty; One of our party
told of a weenie couple he bad seep tak-
ime loua a bag If meal and a' parcel of
rice, The latter peel broke, and after
gathering up what they could of the
rice an old woman cane along and pick-
ed up a few of the remaining scattered
rice reins. While we travellers pay
fifty cents each to slide down the hillside
the men who' hold the ropes and run be-
hind, besides carrying the basket, which
weighs fifty pounds, back .up the hill
again get the large salary ofz8 or ao
cents per day, 'to every bright side of
things in these Eastern countries there
is always a dull and gloomy lining. 011
Sunday evening a Christian Endeavor
meeting was held by Rev. F. A, Clark,
of Bostou, and others who are journey-
ing to India where a World's convention
will take place in the city of Argo, the
first of its kind to be beld in that coun-
try. Christian Endeavor Societies may
be found the world over. During the
night and all day Monday the sea was
cutting up, and the waves rose higher
than needful, causing many of the pas-
sengers a desire to lay down or lay up
' as they thought best. There was none
of that "giving up of everything" kind
of sipkness, nor like the Irisbman who
was leaning over the rail casting up his
innerself, when a friend came along and
said, "Are you weak yet, Pat ?" The
Irishman replied, "Is it wake you call
me 7. Begorra I can throw as Inc as any
of you." Tbere was just a desire to
keep quiet, some having an ache in the
head and did not show up at meal times.
It is a miserable feeling, and makes you
feel like walking back borne to find dry
land. 1Ve are fortunate in escaping this
sickness, and so could ,sympathise with
the rest. On Monday evening I was
thinking of our Canadian Thanksgiving
and what great reasons our Canadian
people have to be thankful for iu com-
parison with some countries. I also
thought of the nice thanksgiving supper
1 would get at Willow Grove church
where so many Mitchell citizens go,
were I at home. The sante evening a
meeting of the Travellers' Cinb was held
on board, when the different members
recited their experience at the last stop-
ping place, which proved very interest-
ing. .Tuesday morning came and the
sea proved to be more at ease, with the
passengers feeling more at home. We
could see the African continent and the
country 0t Morocco, at present engaged
to a war with Spain. Soon the city of
Tangier hove in sight. After a couple
of hours' sailing, the opposite shore
looms up before us in the distance.
This turns out to be the continent of
Europe, Spain being the particular
point of vision. The towns of Teneriff
and Algerious are seen, both looking
very beautiful through a telescope.
About 10 a. m. we sigbt the great rock
of Gibraltar, In two hours more we
enter the harbor and drop an anchor
half a mile from shore. We go on land
from the boat in Iarge lighters, which
have a carrying capacity of 500 persons
each. The rook fortress s f of Gibraltar is
the most for g
formidable and strongest in
the world being 1.460 feet in height,
with a circumference of seven miles.
There are some sixty miles of passage-
ways, all lined with bristling guns, and
needless to say, can withstand the attack
of the combined fleets of the world. It
is a grand thing the British have posses-
sion of this stronghold, because they
can use it to better advantage than any
other Europeau power. The fortifica-
tions are provisioned with water and
food, capable of defying a five years'
siege. It is unlikely that any nation
would be foolhardy enough to attempt
to wrest it from the power of Great
Britain, When we were here six years
ago,, we were conducted througb this
magnificent fortress, with British sen -
non commanding every position, but on
this occasion we were not permitted to
venture within those grim battlements.
I told our American friends that the
reason we were not allowed to view the
fort from within was because they were
such blo}vers, the soldiers thought they
might be blowu up. The rock Gibral-
tar is garrisoned by 5,000 men, with a
population of some ta,000 souls, princi-
pally Spaniards, Moors, Italians, French
and German. English and Spanish
currency prevails. The city has a large
dry dock and shipyard, employing hon.
reds of men. Governor Sir Frederick
Walter is the chief executive officer.
We now take a carriage and journey
over halter mile of neutral ground, with
British soldiers on one side of the line
Mid Spanish forces on the other, Then
We come to the town of Lina in Spain.
We pass the custom office and saunter
up the front street and square. We cid
not meet with as many beggars as we
bad expected to encounter, e and the town
had a more tidy appearance than usual,
Heavily laden donkeys are a frequent
sight, and here and there a poor, bare-
' footed woman, carrying a heavy bundle
u ber bead unaided or steadied by
hand, so perfectly balanced was it.
We met fine looking men in uniform,
saw funny looking shops and many
other interesting sights. The city of
Gibraltar has a fine main street and en
terprising street merchants. One of
our party purchased a telescope while
here, for which he was asked $to, but
he eventually secured it for $4, but the
instrument proved to be worthless at
that, and the purchaser tossed it over
board. One must be careful with street
Americans are great buyers of fancy
goods and leave a lot of money at these
places. ' Now we take a trip to Europea
Point where we view more fine gardens
but which are now suffering somewhat
for want- of rain. The rainy.. season
here generally appears in September,
has ailed to put
but as yet the weatber r f
itr an appearauce. 'There were four large
battleships in the harbor aid one or two
passenger boats about to depert for Eng.
tend and Australia, The post office cer-
'fainly did a thriving business upon our
Arrival, Oitr party posted over 7,
ked toi i
'letters er and post cards, s
sonic oft1eat be-
ing seut by myself, I would l
have despatched a few more, The card
and postage costs five ceuts, so volt see
it would cost more than the good that
could be derived. Once more we make
a retreat to the boat and resume our
journey, leaving Gibraltar behind with
pleasant recollections, In a couple of
hours we will be out on the Mediterran-
ean Sea. In the evening we were treat-
ed to a bit of lovely scenery, caused by
the silvery moon shining on the water.
The boat is proceeding nicely, and we
retire to our little rooms, baying faith
in the captain and his crew. After a
two days' sail, we will arrive at Naples
in Italy, where we enjoy another few
hours on land. An old legend says, "to
see Naples sud die," but we prefer to go
further. I must now wind up with,
Yours truly,
Toronto Daily Star continues to keep up
its remarkable record of growth, setting
a pace quite unprecedented in the his-
tory of Canadian newspapers. During
the last year it has added over 9,000 to
its list of subscribers, and now has a
circulation of more than 68,000, a figure
more than 55.000 greater than that of
any other Toronto paper, morning or
evening, or both. It is bard to realize
that only ten years ago when the
present management assumed control.
The Star was at the foot of the list with
only 6,000 circulation. While its ,corn•
petitoi•s have been standing 8011 or
growing slowly it has forged ahead,ead un•
til now it has commanding lead. That
itsprogress continues •1 n unabated
co a U
rate indicates that there is nothing
forced or inflated about its growth, but
that it is a healthy natural development,
the result of a determination to give its
readers the best paper, combined with
the ability and hard work necessary to
put the determination into effect. The
Star could not show 15,000 subscribers
more than any competitor. if it was not
the best newspaper.
Perth County
Mrs. 0ggersby, au aged lady of the
Fast ward, St. Marys, fell and fractur-
ed her hip. Owing to her great age
her recovery is doubtful.
A large number of the friends of
John Donald, bear St. Marys, who
has been laid up for some time held a
plowing bee for him and plowed be-
tween thirty five and forty acres,
Joseph Delellies, Italian, was sen-
tenced to six months in Central Pri-
son for shooting wit1] intent to do
grievous bodily harm to his compan-
ion, Dominico Baccari, at Atwood
Cement Mills on Sept. 2, 1909.
Roots of all kinds are reported good
in Mitchell district and some ate very
large, especially the turnips. George
Urquhart, of Fullerton, has grown
two which tippedthe scales at 20f and
211; lbs.
It wa•5 rumored on the street in St.
Marys that the anti -local optiouists
might make trouble for the by-law in
case it should carry fu January, owhtg
to the voters' lists not being posted in
time this year. The temperence 0001-
mittee is not worrying about the
matter. To secure the required num-
ber of votes is the main thing, The
policy of the Ontario Government has
been to enforce prohibition where the
vote of the people demands it, in spite
ftechnicalities. 1 is ointed out
o 1 p ,
too, that it requires mote than a alight
technical error to upset a by-law in
any cruse.
A brief notice of the sudden death
of Miss Mary E. Wahl, daughter of
John Wahl, formerly of Stratford,
and niece of Peter and Mrs. Wahl and
Mrs. Maurice Dillon, Stratford, was
given. The Toronto Star of Wednes-
day of last week contains the follow;
ing particulars •-Rushing through
the rain and into iter home, 60 Sullivan
street, and falliug into the arms of
ber amazed mother, ;Miss Mary Ellen
Wahl, aged 20, gave a single gasp and
died. The circumstances of the young
girl's death make a sad story. She
had gone out at 2 o'clock yesterday
afternoon to go down town and buy a
piece of 11311810, which she bad promis-
ed to sing ata wedding in St. Patrick's
amide tomorrow morning. Return-
ing three hours later she alighted
from the car at $padiiia avenue, and
tan es fast as sire could to her home,
about a b)ock East. of 8padina. The
short ruii overtaxed her heart and For Polling 'Division No. raven, at
caused her tragic death. She ecoid Lougee %Gail, Craubrcok, and that Allan
not speak a word before she fell dead.i Cameron be Deputy Returning Officer.
in. her mother's arms. 8 -That on Monday, the Twenty-seventh
r41'4°41v.*'*''rdw14'44rc*FIVE CUPS FOR ONE CENT
a East Huron Liberals 10,4
The Mengel meeting of blast
Buren Lihecals as constituted
for the Dominion House, will be
3 'r se
held 'n the Iowr klai I Ba is le
a ld1 1 ,
e be' • r t -d
01 " us 'Dau ru 10k1 a
a Illi da a
, ,
1'0''0 •s r'a+
I , w E < to n ai ciliac;:
p. ' 4
ceivulg the 'li•easurer's report
and outer btieiness will be tisane-..
it be
a0 pi ie meeting will ted. A tbl n
held 1n the evening gat 7,30 n
1'- o'clock, at which addresses: will 4
be given by boar and. oetsicle P4
North Huron Liberals will1
eobract iu Wingharu on Tuesday; �
December' 21st,
The Brink of Oonunerce has ilitro-
duced what is for Stratford at new and
very useful feature in the form of
safety deposit boxes, These will be
kept in the bank vault and will be
leased to customers ate moderate rates
in which to keep iu safety valuable
documents, such as mortgages, deeds,
wills, eta, or other small valuables.
Rev. Mr. Fergnson, agent of the
Ohildren's Aicl Society, Stratford, on
visiting a home found at mother and
four children, the woman sick in bed,
without fuel. The only toed in the
house was potatoes. The father had
been out of work for some days.
Their: presen t wants were attended M.
Bich Bed Blood
You Will Never Have It as Long'
as You Have Dyspepsia
Just as long as you have dyspepsia
your food will not properly digest, and
the nutritious elements in the food
twill not be extracted or absorbed, and.
impoverished or watery blood will Business is booming in Stratford.
follow. John Campbell died recently in
This condition may not be apparent Chicago in his 71st year. He had
at first, but ib will come just as sure as lived in Stratford for 87 yeat•s and
the sun will rise again. moved to Chicago eight years ago.:
Any stomach ailment including all He was a nativeof Iuvarness, Scots
formsof indigestion, can be promptly laud. His wife predeceased 111111
cured by using Mi-o-na tablets, a scion- thirteen years ago, also one 501) seven
talc treatment unsurpassed. years ago. Two sora, Alex. ituci Nor -
It stops fermentation, Belching of man, survive, both in Chicago, and
gats and taste of sour food ahnost at his daughter-in-law lives on Blake
011 ce. street, Stratford,
is certainly ari economical beverage,
yet this Is all that
One pound will make 220 cupssTEqcosts.
of the purest and most delicious Tea
The mighty power of Mi-o'na to in. It is reported that a protest rutty be
vigot'ate and restore the stomach to made against the last voting in Bien.
perfect, condition is known every- shard on the $20,000 bonus to - the St.
tvltere. Marys &;W. 0. railway, ptoj.ected to
11ii•o•na cures by building up -by -run front St. Marys to Exeter, on the
banishing the cause. For thin people ground that te number of tenants
it is a great flesh builder, because ie voted who are not owners, The total
causes the stomach to give more and vote was 244 for and 240 against leav-
purer nutrition to the blood. It cures ing a narrow majority of foul'.
sea and car sickness and vomiting of I
pregnancy almost immediately. Jas.
Pox sells Mi-o-na for 50 tents a large
box and guarantees 16 to cur's or . er, in the Village of Brussels, in the Co,
mane book. tt of Huron. Pursuant to the power of sale enn-
Y t tained in a certain mortgage which will be
produoed at the time of side, there will be
offered' for sale by public auction, at the
American Hotel in the Village of Brussels. on
Saturday, the 4111 day of December A• D• 1000,
at tbehoer of Two o'clock in the afternoon,
by F. S. Seobt, Es auctioneer, that certain'
parcel or tract of land and promisee in the
'Village of Brneeele, in the county of Huron
and Province of Ontario, composed of village
lot number ehundred and thirty -8MM.
acWre of l street, 110 r lessng one quarter of 1111y
sore lea comfortable more or l ra• On she poopshey
and is a mestblframe house, tern and
and a frame enable, good well, cistern will
other conveniences. The property wile bs
offered le for n sale subject to reserve bad. Terms
of Sale. -Ten percent of the purchase money,
to ba peal to the a Vendor'slanSolicitor at the
time of sale the balance thirty or
thereafter when possession will be given. For
further particulars apply to auctioneer or to
the undersigned. W. M. STNOLA IR,
Vendor's Solicitor.
(PBOXOUA'1, moi -O Mf)
Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs'and Colds, or
money back. Sold and guaranteed by
:rAlulS FOX, Brussels.
Local Option By -Law
A By-law to prohibit the sale by retail of spirituous, ferment-
ed or other manufactured liquors in the Municipality of.
the Village of Brussels.
The Municipal Council of the Village
of Brussels, in the County of Huron, hers -
by enaate as follows
1 -That the sale by retail of spirituous,
fermented or other manufactured liquor is
and ehall be prohibited in every tavern, inn
or other house or place of public entertain-
ment in the said municipality and the sale
hereof, except by wholesale, is and shall
be prohibited in every shop or place other
than a house of public entertainment in
the said Municipality,
2 --That the vote of the electors of the
said Village of Brneeele will be taken on
this By-law bythe Deputy Returning
OE -
there hereinafter named, on Monday, the
Third day of January, 1910, commencing
at nine iu the forenoon and continuing on -
111 five o'clock in the afternoon, at the fol-
lowing places :-
For Polling Division No. One, at the
office of Jobe Leckie, and that W. M.
Sinclair be Deputy Returning Officer,
For Polling Divison No. Two, at the
Council room, and that N. F. Gerry be
Deputy Returning Officer.
For Polling Division No. Three at the
residence of George Birt, and that Peter
Scott be Deputy Returning Officer.
8 --That on Monday, the Twenty-seventh
day of December, 1909, at his office iu the
said Village of Brussels, at the hour of
Ten o'clock in the forenoon the Reeve shall
appoint in writing, signed by himself, two
persons to attend at the final summing up
of the votes by the Clerk and one person t0
attend at each polling place on behalf of
the persons interested in and desirous 'of
promoting the pestling of this By-law and a
like number on behalf of the persons in
and desirous of opposing the passing of this
By-law. •
4 -That the Clerk of the said Municipal
Council of the Village of Brussels shall at-
tend at the Council room at the hour of
eleven o'clock in the forenoon, on the
the Fourth day of January: 1910, to sum
up the number of votes given for or against
this By-law.
6 -Thio By-law shall come iubo force
and take effect as from the•ftrst day of May
next after the final passing thereof.
time Read d the firer and oma this
First day of November,
F. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
Take notice that the above is a true copy
of a proposed By-law which has been tak-
en into consideration by the Municipal
Council of the Village of Brussels and
which will be finalty passed by the said
Council (in the event of the assent of the
electors being obtained thereto as provided
by the Liquor License Aot and amend-
ments thereto) after cue month from the
first publication thereof in THE BRoesens
Posen, the date of which drat publication
was the second day of December A. D.
1909 and that the hour,da at h
therein fixed for taking the and n p
votes of the
electors the polls will be held.
Local OptionBy-Law
A By-law to prohibit the sale by retail of spirituous, ferment-
ed or other manufactured Iiquors in the Municipality of
the Township of Grey.
The Municipal Council of the Township
of Grey, in the County of Enron, hereby
enacts as follows :-
I -That the eels by retail of spirituous,
fermented or other manutsotnred liquors
is and shall be prohibited in every tavern,
inn or other house or place of P
ublio en-
tertainment in the eaid Municipality and
the salhereof, exceptwholesale, is and
arae ex e byw I
shall be prohibited in evry chop or place
other than a house of public entertainment
in the said Muuicipelity.
2 -That the vote of electors of the said
Township of Grey will be taken on this
By-law by the Deputy Returning Offioere
hereinafter named on Monday, the Third
day of January, 1910, oommenoiug at
Mee fn the forenoon mod continuing until
five o'alook in the afternoon at the follow-
ing places :-
For Polling Division No, Ons, at school
house, Lot twenty, Oon. one Grey, and
that John MoEwan be Deputy Returning
For Polling Division No. Two, at school
house, Lot six, Con. eleven Grey, and that
Wm. Work be Deputy Returning Officer,
For Polling Division No. Three, at school
house, Lot ten, Oon. fifteen Gray, and that
Oliver Turnbull be Deputy Returning
For Palling Division No. Four, at school
house Lot thirty one, Con. (sixteen Grey,
and that Neil MoTaggart be Deputy Re-
turning g Officer
For Polling Division No. Five, at the
Township Hall, and that Geo. McCall be
Deputy Returning Officer.
For Polling Division No, Six, at eobool
house Lot thirty, Oon, three Grey, and that
Amos Smith be Deputy Return/nit Officer,
day of December, 1909, at the Clerk's
office in the said. Township of Grey, at the
hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon the
Reeve shall appoint in writing, signed by
himself, two persons to attend at the final
summing up of the votes by the Clerk and
one person to attend at each polling plade
1 on behalf of the persons interested In and
i this
1 assn of
the , desirous ofpromoting
Bylaw and like nmber on behalf of the
i persons in and deetroua of opposing the
i ,passing of this By-law.
• 4 --That the Clerk of the said Municipal
! IC/outwit of the Township of Grey shall at-
'tend at his office in the said Village of
Othel at the hour of eleven o'clock in the
' :forenoon on the Fourth day o£ January,
4010, to sum up the number of votes for or
:against this By-law,
I 5 -That this Sy -law shall come into
(force and take effect as from the First day
of May next after the final passing thereof.
Read the first and second time this
1 ;fifteenth day of November, 1909.
W M. FRASER, Reeve.
F. 6. SCOTT, Clerk.
'Take notice then the above is a true copy
1 elf a proposed By-law which has been taken
1 unto consideration by the Muuioipal Conn-
nil of the Township of Grey and which
Twill be finally passed by the said Council
gin the event of the •assent of the electors
being obtained thereto as provided by the
.Liquor License Act and amendments
, thereto) after ono month from the first
publication thereof in 'ens 1lttlsatti a fear,
the date of whlob first publication wee the
:Second day of December A. D, 3909 anti
that the hour, day and place's therein fixed
iIctakingthe to of the electors tiro ells
f r E votes up
will be held
(( ALEX. II. sitAcIJON•ylID, Clerk.
Horse Fairs .
The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will
be held in Brussels as follows :
THURSDAY, DEO. 2nd, 1909
JAN. 0th, 1910
FEB. 3rd, 1910
MAIL. Srd, 1910
1VIAR. 31st, 1910
Leading Local and Outside Buyers
will be present.
• •
•BIC •
.l• •4+
lileductiont 4,
••on Buggies and •
•4• r
••t• \ mos •l+
A Go to EWAN & CO., Brussels, •
•l+ if you want a Buggy or Wajou. •1+
• They are making big reductions ,•1,
4 in prices to clear off their stock .
• as they must be sold to crake •
rroom for the very large number
• of choice Cutters, which they •1.
• have almost completed. The •
Cutters tore of all styles and all t,
• of the best material. Don't +
t neglect to call and see the leege •
• stock of Cutters for the coming •
t Winter.•
IEWAN & co■1•
•i Wholesalers and Retailers. ♦�r
Please send in your orders.
44•+.+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•4•• i+• -F
• c,
• .cr
• pan
• 4
• Four Courses :
• ...= Preparatory
• Commercial
4.2 eso Stenography
• Telegraphy
Falter any time, Individual
- Write for particulars.
_._ _
Business College
• GES. St'OTTON, p
One year ago Mr. George
was earning about
is earning at thea rate of
$902 per year,
Six mantke training at our 4,
Bueinees (college wade the 511- •
ferenee, Was Ita good Invest. •
man17 Be thinks so, His ad- •
drone is New Osgood', Sask.
lie§t Place 1n Oargula
e±tISGe1eve Shorthand
aueeoo preg esl
Graduates of this College readily
obtain ohoiee positions. The demand
far our graduates le fully live tipnw the
supply. Whiter ter=n opens Ise. 9rd,
New catalogue free,
W. J. ELLIOTT, PrlfcipnI.
Oor. 1oege & Alexander sts, Toronto,
Good man to take charge
of Cards, also a number of
girls for' knitting and sewing
machines. Best of wages.
J. T. Wood •
Knitting YFactor1 Brussels.
♦ r 2
2 To Machinery Users ••
•y •
2 and farmers •
♦ 1
• ♦
The New Machine Shop of the
• ♦ .
2 I
and MACHINE Co. - 2
2 is now readyfor business, and, er
• with good Machinery and Skilled •
• Mechanics, we are in a positiou 2
to attend to your repairs prompt- 2
iY andar
reasonable rates.
• If you will let us know your t
• wants we will give you houest •
• advice and help if connected •
• with Machinery. ••
Give us a trial and, by conning •2
i to Brussels, save time and money •
2 for yourselves. ••
♦ •
mill •
Street • Brussels
The People's Column
ICOR SALE. -Nine acres of Land with a good
brick cottage, bank barn and other out
buildingBs, also a good orchard. For further
particulars apply to A. J. M. Helm or Mrs.
Jam. Dilling, Oranbrook.
fruit trees.
rand [rt
Bre of -Good cellar, ware
NP. 0.800,
Enquire oY.R. T. HINGSIO ,
Brussels. 8241
MULLS FOR SALE -Two young Short Horn
Bulls, both Rt for service, for sale. Good
pedigrees and all right in every way. For fur-
ther Partionlars apply to SA8. SPEIR, Lot 80,
Con, 0, Morris. or Brussels P. 0. 41-1t
FARM FOR SALE. -The undersign edoffera
for sale his HOD acre farm being St4 Lot 25,
Con. 4, Morris. Farm 15 all cleared and in
good condition. All Fall plowing done and 9
sores of wheat in. About 49 acres seeded,
Good bank barn and frame house. 2% miles
from Brussels. For further particulars apply
to ARTHUR HERR, Proprietor, or 8. 8,
SOOTT,Brussels. 113±1,
G001) 100ACRE FAR61 F011 SALE, being
N 31 Lot 18, Con. 7, Morris, 75 acres clear.
ed. Brick house, bank barn, shed, orchard,
wells, &o.,40 aerea in prase, 04 miles frons.
Brussels. Possession on March let. For fur-
ther erms,&capply
on the
particulars as to price, t,r
r premises to THOS. by Nov. 1s prov, be
open to ,P. o IPnyearlt term if
will be.
open to rent for a 8year term iC emtublo tan•
ant is available.
OMFORTABLE residence and 34 pore of
r land, being Lot 212 Albert street, Bras•
seis for sale. House aswell built, with all con•
venlencas and poesession could be given at
once. For further particulars apply on the
premiseshire. Jaa, Ferguson, or D. Fel,
nxaon, Teeawater. tP.
100 *Air uFnRiFOR 8dAeEoOlt RENl1h-
lou sere Penn, Lot 8 Con. 2, Orel, Good
house and barn, orchard, &0- Picea well
watered and well. fenced; all seeded down
except 10 acres, 2miles from Jamestown and
nide to aohool. Possession given at once,
If not sold it will be to rent at suitable tenant
offers. For further particulars apply or write
to Joseph Coombts, Blyth, or F. S. Scott, Brae -
FARM FOB BALE.—Tho 100 pore farm, be -
ing the property of the late Peter 61 Weil,
Lot 211, Con. 14, Grey, 1s offered for sale by the
undersigned. There are 85 acres cleared, bal.
onto well timbered. On the farm there i
good bank burn,large oshod and m com-
honsePlareto in good
ad ondlttou
.155 A. MC For r JherAS 13. Mnular•r apply x tc
JAS , M0NAok P.
JAS. D 6lo'NAIR Exeo
store, Cranbr)okP.O., or F. S. HUOTT,
oats. 7-Et11
--0R SALE, --House and mire of land with
fruit Med. sea large born, poultry or,bongo and
woodshed. Acnes oEbsd parlor, sitting
room, dr kitsg roam, two bed ownat rs Give
Summer )1 ep' e a and pantry down eth e : cement boo rooms heated
1 large roe. with Gamont
floor and fronted by furnace. Wilt be sold.
cheap. MRS. LEWIS MoDONALD, Walton,
ICOR. SALE OR 10 RENT. -The undersigned
offers bitwell located property in Brussels
for sale or to rent. There are 54 nares of land
with comfortable house, with culler, sb11110
orchard, well, &o. Possession glyon at ones.
Forprles terms and other information apply
to JAS, ISUNFdRD Olinton or THE. POST
Brussels. 11108. Di