The Brussels Post, 1909-12-02, Page 1VOL. 38 NO. 21
W. H. RERR, Proprietor
New Advertisements
. ..- I AS jrpttee-nae: Po .
Dog o,t—w , Sahara.
Action 8 t u Robert Blair,
Auction 1 1
Fart PorNale sale—John Mom),
Etrr1 Xmas buying• -F. R ;3taoIe
Great ReDissoluticingon
z, Sale -Ferguson nren,
Ghent onyfrom Qr1jcalO tiItoae,
Testimony from prlllia—Local Option Own.
Dissolution Sale
WING . to our Mr. Ferguson retiring from
business we will put our entire stock of $25i000
of modern merchandise on sale 'at Greatly
Reduced Prices.
Take into consideration that this will be the largest
sale of modern merchandise ever held in this part of the
country, involving thousands of dollars, it will carry to
you some idea of the wonderful bargains that will be plac-
ed before you during this sale. The chance of a life -time
now stares you in the face. Prices positively reach the
lowest limit during this sale. This sale will only last for
a -short time -everything will go rapidly,
Bona Fide. Sale
Nothing Reserved
Everything Goes 1
Our customers have always been able to buy better
here than elsewhere, and we will see that they -always-
Remember our stock is the best, and the store that
has the best goods at regular prices naturally has the best
bargains when' those prices are reduced. This store has
never yet advertised a sale that has not been carried out
to the letter.
If you need anything in Dry Goodsi Clothing,
Furnishings or Furs you had better see our stock
before buying, •
You, know the stock, you know the regular selling
prices, come and see the enormous reductions in the
different departments.
Sale Commences
Saturday, Dec. 4th
Don't let anything keep you away from this sale—
you,can't afford it, for here you will find the mightiest
avalanche of majestic bargains ever brought together
under one roof in this part of the country.
We assure each and every customer absolute satisfac-
tion during this sale,
No goods on approval. Morley refunded if goods are not satisfactory.
If there is any difference between losing money
and failing 'to take advantage of this Great
Sale we fall to see it.
Fer assn
Butter, Eggs,Oried.Apples, Etc., taken as cash.
Vox* ealo M s. McMurray,
Mistrict zx�
t� hU
i� � s
Melvin Willie took a flying trip to
Peter and Mrs. Scott visited with
Molesworth friends.
Mre, Jas. Wright lo the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Marshall, of
Mrs. Mulligan is spending a few
weeks with her daughter, .Mrs, Wa-
dell, near Whitechurch:
Wm. McDonald has returned from
a trip to the West and is now a wel-
come visitor at the 'phone central.
Misses Stella Wright. and Katie
Scott were visiting with the former's
cousin, Mrs m Marshall and Mrs.
H. Moffatt.
Miss Stella' Wright entertained a
small surprise party to a watermelon
feast Monday evening. Amost enjoy-
able evening was spent in' music and
The report in 'last week's issue re
the Women's Institute social evening
was not exactly correct. The meet.
ing will he held in Victoria Hall on
he eveningof January6th but here
t u t
will be no . oysters served. Further
notice will be given.
Miss Nellie Black, of Harriston,.
visited her parents on Sunday.
Mrs. E. W. Lewis is visiting with
friends in Brantford.
Mrs. Wallace of Toronto, is the
guest of Mrs. T. G. Hemphill.
Miss Jean Davidson has taken a
position in the telegraph office.
Reuben San burn has rented
Wm. Montgomery's farm on the
gravel road.
Mrs. James Wright, of. Jamestown,
spent last week. with her daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Marshall.
Eev. 0. W. McKenzie left for Chat-
ham this week. Isis rumored that he
will not return alone.
The scholars of the Presbyterian
Sunday School have been practising
for their Christmas entertainment.
WmrMcLennan, whose healthhas
not been good of late, is spending
some time with his mother, Mrs. M.
A play entitled "The Spinsters' Re-
tain" will be given in the Town Hall
on Friday evening under the auspices
of the young ladies' M. M. M. Society.
Next meeting of Township Connell
will be held ou Wednesday 15th inst,,,
the statutory date.
Some needed improvements are be-
ing made in culverts and approaches
to bridges on various lines in the
Morris debentures' for the Smith
drain sold ata premium of $133.00 to
Brent, Noxell & Go., Toronto. Deben-
tures,amounted to $4,277.55.
Some say there is little probability
of a municipal election in Morris for
next, year and that the present
Council will likely be re-elected by ac-
Apparently a good job was done in
the construction of the new iron
bridge at the Stone school house.
With a cement floor the structure
should stand for many a year.
We are always pleased when an of-
ficial gives up office with a clear, clean
record such as the now ex -Treasurer
Brandon. The Auditors did a very
proper thing in expressing .a word of
A new brick residence will bo erect-
ed next season by Geo. F. McCall, 8th
line, on his 100 acre farm. The young
ladies are wondering who will be the
choice as housekeeper?
Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. J, L.
Small, B. A., of 1317th, preached in
the Jackson church taking the place
of Rev, Mr, Cooper, owing to Mars,
Cooper taking a turn for the worse.
Mr Small gave a fine addr
Messrs, Connolly &Nicholson drain
contractors, are asking the township
Council to pay a claim of $100 for de.
lay caused in their work on the Gees -
by drain by Grand Trunk railway
obstruction, Council is makiug'en-
quiries into the ease.
T. A. Reid, of Oweu Sound. a form-
er well known teacher in Morris town-
ship, was re-elected a member of the
Advisory Board in connection with
the Education Department of this
Province, Mr. Reid should make a
most member as he has had a
wide and varied experience.
• Walton
Mr. Hislop, 'ofClinton, -is a visitor
at James Smiilie's.
The Ladies' Guild of St, George's
Ohuech purpose ,holding a Bazaar .in.
W. Hoy's store on Tuesday, Dec.
Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Cameron
commenced a short series of sermons
in St. Geor e's Church which will
continue during Advent.
t g
Thursday of this week the induction
of Rev. Mr. Lundy, into the pastorate
of Duffs Church is taking place fol-
lowed by a Tea meeting in the even- S. McSpadden, whose husband
died at Minto, Man., a couple of
months ago, arrived here last week
accompanied by her two small child-
ren. They ;purpose making their
home with Mrs: McSpadden's father,
John Bennett.
An auction sale of farm stock, im-
plements, barn and timber will be
held at the farm of Robert Blair• on
Dec. 14th. Sale unreserved as Mr.
Blair is moving to the West: He bas
leased his farm to James Carter, it is
said, who will make an A 1 tenant.
Robert Blair has returned from
Outlook, Sask., where he spent the
past 11 months. He had about 6 acres
in crop from which he harvested 60
bushels to the acre. • Mr. Blair will
return in the Spring to his Western
property and may take the family
with him. He is well pleased with
the West and has good health.
Township Council will meet on Dec.
Mrs. Hoy, of Avontou, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Malcohn McNichol,
4th con.
Miss McRae and Miss McInnes were
visitors with Robt. and Mrs. Houston
last week.
This week the first issue of the Local
Option By -Law in reference to the
proposed vote in Grey is given.
The Sabbath School and day School
of S. S. No. 3 purpose holding their
annual entertainment on Friday even-
ingg,� 17th inst.
WANTED -by a young man on 16th
con. of Grey, a housekeeper, for the
newly purchased farm, one that is
good looking and a good cook. None
other need apply. Isn't that right
Duncan ?
Last Saturday while working in his
brush, William Oakley, who lives on
the gravel road miles: South of Brus-
sels, had one of his limbs injured by
a log. We hope he will soon be able
to get about as usual.
Etumor has it that Deputy Reeve
Grant may be opposed for the Reeve.
ship by. ex -Reeve Livingston and that
Councillors Brown and McFadzean
may fight it out for the Deputy
Reeve's chair. If this is true some new
timber will have to be introduced for
Councillors. What's the matter with
Archie McLean
AUCTION SALE: Malcolm McNichol
has leased his farm, Lot 27, Con. 4, to
George Dixon, for a term of 3 years,
and will take a rest hoping to recover
his health. He has been over 60 years
on this farm and never off except 4
months in that long time. Mr. Mc-
Nichol will hold an auction sale on
Monday, Dec. 131h, at which he will
dispose of his farm stock, implements,
JAS. S. SHAW has been selling off his stock of
Hardware very fast and has still many good bar-
gains to offer: Here are a few Specials :—
--4 only good. Neckyokes, 2nd -growth ash, 80c each.
-1 dozen Willow Basltets, 1?; bus., 40c each.
-2 only Three-way Pumps, complete with cylinder and piping, at
two-thirds regular value,
-Haff doz. pairs Dunlop Bicycle Tires, complete 88,00 per set;
outer covers only $8.00 each.
-Bolts, any number, assorted leo each,
-750 Razor Strops for 600.
-8 only $1.25 Razors at 60c ; 2 only $1.75 Razors at $1.00,
--4 only large Parlor Lamps at $3.50 each, regular price $5.00.•
-Shoe Grease, Sc per box.
--A big reduotioh on all Silverware.
- Seissors, all sizes and kinds, at 15% off regular prices.
-1 only Hay Carrier, with slings, fork and rope all new, carriage
and block only, triple rope style $0.00, hay fork $8.50, sliug
ropes short style 58.00 per set,
- i barrel Cylinder 011 at 45c per gallon.
-e barrel Red Engine Oil at 40c per gallon.
-i keg Separator Oil at 60c per gallon,
-Alabastine 20c packages for 10e ; 40c packages for 20c.
-Ali kinds of stove and stove -pipe blacking.
-Try our new American Coal Oil at 25c. per gallon.
Highest Price for all kinds of Furs -Bring youe in Fox, Coon,
� t k and Mink. Open season for Muskrats Dec. 1st,
reed out in the auditorium. Address
Jas Shaw
I O were delivered by hg: 11.B.
i Ooclrrane, B. A. ; Rev. D, Rogere,
S S. � • aster of the Methodist Church ; Rev.
&c, The people of the community
are sorry to part with Mr, and Mrd,
McNichol and wish thein the best of
the good things of this life.
The Deputy Returning r i
officers fel,
Greyfor the next election
will be as follows •--Div. No. 1, Jno.
MCEwan No. 2, Wm. Work; No. 8,
Oliver Turnbull • No. 4, Neil Mc-
Taggart ; No. 5, Geo. E. McCall ; No.
6, Ainos Smith ; No. 7, Allan Cameron,
Nominationwill be held Dee. 27th
and Election, Jan. 3rd.
Friday evening of last week Rev, S.
Salton, of Trowbridge, conducted a
cottage prayer meeting at the hospital
home of ,hIalcolm McNichol, con. 4, at
which no less than 63 people attend-
ed. A most interesting hour was
spent which should be productive of
good. Supper was served to 20 of the
company who tarried by Mrs. Mc-
Nichol at the close of the meeting,
ample justice being done to the ex-
cellent bill of fare.
DIED: Saturday of last week Ed-
ward Russell, eldest son of John and
Mrs. Gaynor, passed away from
earthly scenes, aged 38 years, 2
months and 18 days. The funeral
tooklace to Seafor•th cemetery Tues-
dayP Y
forenoon. Deceased was operat-
ed upon 6 years ago for kidney and
bladder trouble and enjoyed com-
paratively good health until a few
weeks ago wheu he contracted la
grippe bringing back the old ailments,
resulting in his decease. He was a
great favorite and his demise is re-
gretted. The bereaved have the
pathy of the community.
.Pig killing is the order of the day.
Wednesday was a busy day here.
Miss Walker, of Ethel, , is visiting
Miss Menzies this week.
The large poplar trees are being cut
down. That is a nuisance removed.
• Xmas Tree entertainment will be
held in Knox Church on Thursday,
Dec. 23rd.
Some from the village attended the
lecttue given, by Rev. Dr. Shearer in
Brussels and were well pleased with
what they heard,
CARD OF TaArsaas.-We desire to
express our sincere thanks to our
friends and neighbors for their kind-
ness and symyathy in the demise of
oar loving sister, Effie. Signed in
behalf of the Fox FAMILY.
Chas. Switzer, whn spent the past
season in the West, where he hasprop-
erty, is home ou a visit. His sons,
who have new farms out there, bad
1,100 bushels of wheat and 1,500
bushels of oats this year. Mr. Switzer
will return to the West early next
Spring and Mrs. Switzer may accom-
pany him.
under' the leadership of J, 1,, Tule„tl.
T. 0, M;, presented an excellent pro-
gram of music. The pastor, Rev, F.
H. Larkin, acted as chairman. The
night was cool and clear, and a large
rte d r
crowd was in a n i noe
The next Council meeting is to be
held on December 15th.
The new teacher's name is Chester
Avery, of Mitchell, and the salary,
Several from this locality will take
in the Winter Fair at Guelph next
Keep the Orange Lecture in the
Township Hall Fridayevening of
next week in mind. rganizer Bir-
mingham is a ready, well posted
LOCAL OPTION. -A meeting of the
polling division Chairmen of Grey,
the ministers preaching in the town-
ship and other friends of the cause,
will be held in the Township Hall
here on Monday afternoon of next
week commencing at 2.30 o'clock.
Ethel Literary and Debating Society
for the coming Winter will be :-
Pres., Wm Kreuter ; Vice -Pres., Ed.
Fulton ; Sec.-Treas., A H. Macdon-
ald ; Critic, Dr. Blair ; Judges, S. J.
Campbell, T. Keffer and Jno. Pearson;
Debating Oonr.-Pres., Vice -Pres.,
Sec. and T. Turnbull and J. Pearson ;
Literary Com. -J. K. Brown, Will.
Lamont and Garfield Dunbar. It was
decided to hold the first debate on
Saturday, Dec. 18th, and also to
charge an admission fee •of 5c. at the
door for all of the meetings, ladies
rich evaporator was totally destroyed
by fire Saturday afternoon. The fac-
tory was owned by D. F. Harnlink,
and was in fall operation. The fire
broke out at 4.30 p. m., and gained
headway so rapidly that the employees
could not get their wraps. It is said
the gasoline exploded.
Since the death of Jonathan Miller,
of Goderich, Ont., T. J. Muldoon, of
Quebec, olaims that he is the
heaviest man in Canada. Mr. lliul-
doon, who is a well known farmer and
machinery dealer, places his weight at
44111 pounds, but 1e pounds less than
the late Mr. Miller. A notable fact
about Mr. Muldoon's family is said to
be that his six brothers married six
the oldest brother takingthe
oldest girl, the next taking the nexb
girl, and so on.
ANNIVERSARY.- Tho anr11ivarsary
services in connection with the First
Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, were
held Sunday last. Rev. R. B.
Cochrane, B. A., of Woodstock,
preached morning and evening.His
sermons were practical, forcibe and
eloquent, and were listened to by
congregations, large con gre
g g g Monday the
anniversary tea meeting was held in
the basemetrtf
o the church after
which an excellent program was car
Neil Shaw, pastor of the Egmonclville
Presbyterian Church, and Rev.
1 e4•e4.•44+404..+5•114••...1.4440+444.4,444.•444..4.44•444.4440+10110. S•o°. 1 Sawyers, of Brueefiold. The chair,
Elim Livingston and Adaln McNen-
ole were visitors in Brussels on.Tues.
Miss Jacobs, of Blyth spent a few
days the guest of Miss Evelyn 'rum -
bull. , of Atwood.
There were no appeals concerning
the Voters' List in Blyth hence Judge
Doyle ratified the printed. list.
Mrs. (Rev.) Cooper took a bad spell
the latter part of the week but un-
proved somewhat shortly after.
WANTED. -The travelling public
want the Council to put 100 loads of
Food gravel on the North road lead-
ing out of Blyth. •
The Bible Society Collectors have
been making their annual rounds and
were reasonably successful in the
good work.
Miss Dora Addison, of Hullett, who
has been living with her uncle,. Wm.
Addison, has come to. Blyth to work
at the dressmaking.
Conundrum Who willg et the
Blytb Pastmastership 7 The one who
sends the first correct answer .will be
given a free trip to Auburn,
D, Somers, tonsorial artist, has been
under the doctor's care suffering from
an attack of threatened inflammation of
the bowels. We hope he will soon be
o. k. He does not lose many days
through sickness.
Tax Collector Westlake is raking in
the shekels and the cash at this date
is in advance of a year ago. He maybe
found at the Fire Hall each afternoon,
until after Dec. 14th., to receive taxes.
5 per cent will be added after that
date so a word to the wise should be
Tuesday of last week Miss Belle
Habkirk, a former• resident of Blyth,
joined hands in amatrimonial alliance
with Robert Habkirk, of Neepawa,
Manitoba. The old friends of the
bride will be a unit in wishing her
and husband a very happy and pros-
perous life.
We are glad to welcome to Blyth
Jas. Ouming and family, of East Wa-
wanosh, who have taken up residence
in the comfortable and commodious
home of the late Dr. Carder. 11 is
rumored that Mr. Gaming has pur-
chased the property and we hope the
report is true as it would make the
family a splendid home.
Principal Eastcott, of Blyth Public
School, was called to the parental
home on Monday owing to the sad
news that his father, whn is upwards
of 80 years of age, was dangerously
i11. It was only last Summer that Mr.
Easteott was summoned to the death
bed of his mother. He will have the
sympathy of the people generally in,
his anxiety.
Morris Council
The Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment in the Council room, Morris, on
Nov 22nd. Members all present, Reeve
in the chair. Minutes of last meeting
read and passed. On motion of Johns-
ton and Wilkinson, the tender of Brent
Noxon & Co., for the Smith Drain de-
bentures at a premium of $133 was ac-
cepted, amount of debentures 54277.55.
Messrs. ii Connolly Nicholson, pre-
sented a bill, claiming $too on account
of delay on Grasby drain contract, caus-
ed by obstruction on G. T. Railway.
Moved by McCracken, seconded by
Wilkinson, that we take no action at
present but investigate the matter.
Carried. The Auditors reported having
examined the Treasurer's books up to
date and found the same correct, their
report being as follows :-To the mem-
bers of the Council and ratepayers of
the Township of Morris. We wish to
express our appreciation of the neat and.
sstistactory manner in which the
Treasurer's books have been kept and
thank him for his kind and obliging
manner and for his willingness to ex.
plain and assist and also add that he has
honestly, honorably and faithfully per-
formed the duties of Treasurer of the
Township of Morris, for the past twenty ,
years and now since he has seen fit to.
resign his office and remove from our
midst, we express our regret at the loss
of a fellow citizen such as Mr. Brtindon
and we hone that to his declining years
he may enjoy peace and happiness
wherever his lot may be cast.
R. JOHNSTON, Auditors.
P. bluNAs, 1
Mr. Shaw presented his bond as Treas-
urer and on motion of McCracken and
Wilkinson the same was accepted as
satisfactory. Deputy Returning Offi-
cers and Poll Clerks were appointed as
follows :-
Div. No, 1-W, C.' Laidlaw and D.
Div. No, 2-G. F. McCall and James
Div, No. 4 -Thos, Miller and A. Taylor.
Div, No. 5 -Wm, Elston and john
Div, No. 6 -Silas Johnston and Jas.
Accounts were ordered to be paid as
follows :-Duff & Stewart, material and
work, $22.50 ; W. McMichael. filling at
bridge, $22.00 ; W, McMichael, putting
in cement culvert, 53.25: P. Rutledge,
ditch and culvert, $13,00 ; Wm. Salter,
gravel,• $2,So ; Wm. Craig, moving
moulds, $3,00 ; W. Corbett, drawing„
tile, 51.10 ; J Michie, putting in tile,
$1,00 ; Connolly & Nicholson, balance of
contract on Grasby drain, $197,00 ; Mary
Mills, farm bridge ea Russell drain,
515.00 ; P. McNabb, auditor's fees,
$8 oo ; R. Johnston, auditor's fees,
8 0 TBrandon Treasurer's
o , S.
salary, $90.00 ; R. Young, gravel,
$r o5 R Johnstbn municipality's shine
of ditch 57.00 J Coulter, filling at
stone school bridge, $540.00,
By-laws Nos. is and 13 were duly rend
and passed. The Council then adjourn-
ed to meet again on Dec. reth as per
stattite. W. CLAitx, Cleric.