The Brussels Post, 1909-7-22, Page 5illimINERH CARDS, NV' JL M0011AOKFoN e Issuer of Marriage Moonset, 01, doe at Cir09erY,`1'9rnner'ry street, Bfrunela, K, OST, fill, i' e B baa is ,Tentt of the Ivlo 111 }io No, Si hold their,111regular ok, oags lu the d Itrd Roonh, llnek9i' illoe k, on the rat and 8rd Tuesday evenings of aeon month. A, SOMEvR1S,tCorgiwaYs A Mao4Vlftt9, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCE1i D ISSUER V PNof MARRIAGE: LICENSES + Mee ID fila Post Olnce, Ethel, 00-4 JAMES HARRIS, 'Agent Howiek Mutual .Fire Insurance Campauy U11hoe and ltesldeuee- WALTON, OivT, JOHN SUTHERLAND 008900000, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. � i1•S. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION. • - non, will sell for better piggies, to better oleo, in loss time and less charges. than any ether a00t1Onee,' In Bast Huron or be won't obargo anything. Dates and orders eau always bo arranged et this °aloe or by personal applieution, ROBT. H. QARN!SS BL'IIEVALIB ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the o10oe of Tan PoeT, Brussels. 22t1 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. UT M. S1NOLAIR- V V • Barrleter, Solicitor, Ouuveyeneer, Notary Public, &o.\ Odic e-8 tewurt's Block I door North of Central hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Sauk. pti0UDFOO1', BAYS & BLAIR- BAR1tI8TkR8 SOLICIT(IRS, NOTARIES roma°, E'I0. W. PuonnyooT, K. O. 1f. 0. Have G; F, 131,AI11. °MBoos-Those formerly catenated by laiessrs. Cameron & holt, ON•OAnlc. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, ItIN'I'I4l' Uraduats of the Royal College' of Ceuta] Surgeons of Ontarm and Girst•oluss 110uor Umlaute of Toronto University, Oniee next to %ewer's Ahntograpll Cd alien, URUSS14L8. SALT N ,,. Farriers or Storekeepers by coming to the, Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. ALLA LIN Royal Mail Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Tnn101nn 10 Victorian Tillyy 28 Aug. 20 Corsican Tuly 80 Avg. 27 Virginian . Aug. 0 Sept. 8 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Prot orian July 17 Aim. 14 Hesperia!' Tuly 24 Aug. 21. Ionian Tuly 81 Aug. 28 Grampian ............... --Aug. .... Aug. 7 Sept. 4 TO HAVRE & LONDON Pomeranian Tilly 17 Aug. 28 Sicilian ....:July 81 Sept. 11 Corinthian Aug. 14 ,Sept,28 RATES OF PASSAGE According to steamer. Lit Ohms -$007 00 $77 00 $87 00 andUup 2nd Class - •10 00 40 00 47 60 00 Drd Class - 27 00 28 70 Forfalt particulars of rates and sailings apply to W. H. KERB, Agent Allan Lane. Brussels. Cough Caution Never, positively never poison yearnings. Byer! tough -eve,, from a simple eolcl only -you should always heal, soothe, and case the irritated bron. olnal tubes. Don't. blindly suppress it with b A111)61'91141poison, It's strange how 5201 2 things finally colpo 900111. For twenty years Dr. Shoop has constantly .warned people not to take cough mixtures or proscriptions containing Oplum, Chloroform, or shelter poisons, And now -a little late though -Congress says "Put 10 on the label poisons ,aro In your Cough Mixture." Good! Very gBood I IHomo/tutor thisveryrensonmothene, and arbors,. should insist on having Dr. Shcop's Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Shoop's labels -and n0noin the medicine, else it must by law bo on the label. And It's not only safe, but it is said to be by allose that know it best, a truly re. rearkable mid! remedy. Take no *hence then, particularly with year children. Insist on having Dr, Shoop's Cough Cure. Compare carefully the Dr. Shoop package .tfith others and note the difference. No poison marks there! You can always bo on the safe side by demanding Dr. °`;l'hoop's Cough Cure "ALL DEALERS" Business Cards for whom lie was driving. '['lie Lord- A, H, MON rEiTH arltr, of oar. B r s a Boli of t u, u000 s• A. 13, Macdonald, 0Nilleo 010E 8011 decd Bank, tlhoeoels. DR, T1T M'RAE e Boetlelor or Medicine, University ,er Toronto I L ieentinte and Graduato 02 the College of Phi•- aiciau0 and Surge01'0, Ont. kost• y•�raila0te ()imago 30ee, 10,,r, Nose and 11.11roat Bos ani, Olilongp, ili, Ex-7douoe 8urg09n to St. 0Iioh• ael's t 1 Toronto, npopi ' OJReo alai as R, with Gr Drop Sat al Tele- phone Pilona uonnaotiel wilds U,'nn0vogl[ at all 1lvurs, DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Denial Department, Toronto University ; Lioe,tlate of Royal College or Dental Surgeons, of Toronto, Oillee overJ.:, T. Itoss' store, Brussels. sa-wi11 visa W,'oxo5er the first and thud Mondays and Gerrie theemendand fourth Mondays of atoll !Death. J. A. M'NAUQHTON M.13., M. D., C. M., Fellow Trinity. Medical College -Toronto ; Member Cotlogo Physicians and Surgeons, 0,16. ; Licentiate Royal Collage Physioiens and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh ; Follow Royal College Surgeons, Edinburgh Oartid- ebbe of Regietrotion, Great Britain, office,es formerly, on MILL. ST.,BRUSSELS DR, WARDLAW Boner graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls, Oilieo opposito Mow! Mill, Ethel, BRUSSELS GOING SOUTo GOING Nowell Mail 7:00 a m Express 10:05 a m Express 11:20 a ,n Mail 1:44 p to Express .,...... 8:02 p in Express ....,8:50 m p WALTON To Toronto To Goderlch Express 7:91 a Express 12:11 a m Express 8:00 pan I Express 0:15 p m i strict CA Atwood John 'Welch left for Owen Snand where he has secured a situation as baker. The Municipal Council will meet in the Agricultural Hall on Saturday, July 24th. Mrs. J. A. Turnbull left nn Tuesday ofg week last w .ek for Redland, U1al„ to visit Ernest and Mrs. Turnbull. Thos. Blair,' of Langley, B. O., is visiting his brother, William Blair, 14tH. con. Itis 27 years since Mr. Blair left this section of the country. The Hamilton families of the 14th con., have all fully recovered from their recent attack of scarlet fever. The quarantine is lifted and they are now free to go about. The call front Atwood to Rev. T. D. 14Iccullotigh, of Harriston did not come before the Presbytery of Sa lgee's at its last meeting, Mr. McCullough hav- ing decided to decline. It is under- • stood that the Harriston congregation has increased the stipend to $1,200 and a free manse. Mat. Chaplhan, 2nd con. of Elma, had a narrow escape from serious in- jnry. He was loading gravel from a pit on his farm when it suddenly caved in on him, burying him up to his waist and knocking his ]lead again- st the wheel. He received a bad cut behind the ear and bruises nn his leg, but fortunately was not seriously in- jured. Pain can be easily and quickly stop- ped. Pink Pain Tablets -Dr. Shoop's -stop Headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c, box. Ask your druggist or doctors about this formula -it's fine. Solcl by all dealers. Jamestown OIIT the Townshipof'Ior i Morris lust a most worthy and highly respected resident on Sunday, July 4th, in the person of James Wright, Isle had been ill for about 8 months with anaemia of the blood from which dis- ease he seccumbed. Mr. Wright was born in Berwickshire, Scotland, and Caine to Oanada wifhhis parents when he was 0 years of age and settled with them in Galt. After he had grown up to be a young man he moved to Mor- risbank, then left for Brussels, where he had remained for two years before he changed to Molesworth and after living there for twenty -years he pull- ed ap'stokes and settled on Con. 1, Lot 80 Morris, where he died after four- teen years residence, The deceased was married 87 years ago to Lydia Wismer and as a result of their happy union he leaves to mourn his loss one son and font' slaughters :-Wm. H. Wright of Wingham : Mrs. Marshall, of Wroxeter ; MIs. Walter Riggin, of Fort William ; Mrs. Melvin \Villas and Miss Bertha at home, The pall- bearers were Jnn. andias.'McLeod, F. and Alex. Wright, Hugh Edgar and Thos. Wright. Rev. Mr. Perrin offi- ciated at the house and grave, inter- ment taking place in Wroxeter ceme- tery. A Ouro for Corns. Cheap acid preparations are useless -use the old standard-Paltam's Oorti Extractor. For fifty years Piut- nahn's has been the one painless care McKillop At Osgood* Hall Mr. Justice Brit- ton finds that Ernest McIntosh, a young farmer, of McKillop township, who was driving to load of hay on the Heron road between! the townships of McKillop and 'Tuckersmith on the 0111 of October Hast, and when his load shifted and lie dismounted to adjust it, he was not guilty of negligence in leaving the 001115 on the ground when he went to the yeas 01! the wagon to loosen the binder, with the help of a man that happened to be passing. His horses were quiet and there was nothing on the road to frighten them, but \viten the binder was loosened part of the hay fell on or near them, causing them to ram away and Collide with a buggy or wagon whi011 pass- ed, causing slight injury to Martin A tickling or dor cough corn be Ryan, a farmer of McKillop township, C(illicitly loosened with Dr. Shoop's, and severe injury to Margaret Ryan, ough Remedy. • No opium, no his wife. The action was brought by chloroform, nothing unsafe or harsh. these persons against McIntosh and Sold by all dealer's, his brother, Geo. Stewart McIntosh, ship, >.Mlr. Justice 13h'itton,, who tried the iteti0n al Ciotiericll 101411011t a jury,. loose dianlisseol 1t witlhout costs, If, he nays, in the opinion of a Divisional Court, the plaintiffs aro entitled to r 00Ve'- t his s 1 6 it opinion the d a should be ill favof Margare01 Ryan for. $890 and of Martin Ryan for $100 for his injury and pain, and to inelndo nhecliea] services fol' himself and wife, 01.1)01 nursing fat' hie wife, with costs, It appeared in the evidence that 1at'uest Moll:Welt was willing to c011- 41'Ibnte sohnethieg tangible towarcia reducing the loss to Margaret Ryan, and his Lordship hopes he will even yet' do so. Ilia Larilsliip does riot see what. other thing, in the light of all tihat was present to his mind. Would have suggested itself to 13iuh to do than what he did. A book on Itheilmatism, by Dr, Shoop, of Raoiiie, Wis.,tells some plain truths, and in a plain and pr00o- tloal way. Got this backiot, and a free trial treatment ' of Dr. Shoop's Rheronatio Remedy for some dis- heartened sufferer in your vicinity. Make a grateful and !appreciative friend of soine one who is discouraged because of the failures of others to help him. Help ore to snake this test, and I'll certainly help your sulfa' ing fries d. Belgrave C. Mo01e11aud shipped two car loads of cattle from This farm. Miss Mary Porterfield is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ferguson, at Bayfield. Miss Elsie Clark, of Belgrave, left on Tnesclay of last week for Waskada, Manitoba. Hugh Campbell, of Manitoba, is at the home. of his parents, Jiro. and Mrs.Oarnpbell. ' Mr. French, of Remitters, has n'e- turned home after spending a few days with Wm. Olark. D. E. Johnston, 0001 0f Dr. John- ston, of Adrian, 14.ich„ is a visitor ,at his hide's, Henry Johnston's. Rev, Clu'istopher England and fath- er, Joseph England, of Oaro, Mich„ called on old friends in Belgrave. Miss Flora Reith, of Strathroy, is a visitor With Rev. and Mrs. Cook at the parsonage. Mr. Cook is her uncle, L. Williams has hacl the extension to his dwelling house and store paint- ed, which will add greatly to its ap- pearenee. MIs. T. Hill, R. and Mrs. MoOrae, and G. Nicholson, of Belgrave, were among those who took in the Masonic Exclusion. Miss Harrison, ales. Cook and Mrs. J. A. Brandon have a couple of fresh air children each from Toronto, for a couple of weeks. Juo, and Mrs. Putland, of Ethel, were visitors at John Sca ndrebt's last week. 3Tr. Pntland has disposed of his hotel business. Armstrong & Co. shipped three car loads of cattle on Monday of last week, and a car load of hogs on Tues- day. Price of hogs, $7.80. Mrs. J. Horner, of Badaxe, 1Vlicll., is visiting ]ler sister, Mrs. G. Daley, of Morris, and also her sister, Mrs. Thos. 'tiller, of Vancouver, B. C„ whore she had not met for over 20 years. Invented Safe Headache euro. Awtay with headaches, be clone with dizziness, ball stomach and bilious- ness. A cure has been found -use Dr. Hamilton's Pills and enjoy the health they so surely bring. Nothing but healthful vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They cleanse and purify the whole system, act as a perfect tonic, Safe for children, girls, women and men. Sold in 25c. boxes by all dealers. Listowel Listowel's Civic holiday will be pro- claimed for Angnst 4th. Miss Edna C Lee has beenSL 1 CCeSS• ful in her Intermediate tileorY exam- ination at the Toronto Conservatory of Music, having passed with honors. 1l7ord has been received of the mar- riage of Miss Lina Rothwell, slaughter of S. and Mrs. Rothwell, to L. Yawns, of Virden, on July 70h, at Brandon, Man. Mrs. gyros Hacking mid Miss Mary Hacking left on Tuesday morning of last week for their new home in Nel- son, B. O. visiting at Fort William and Red Deer, Alta„ on the way. Four representatives of Knox al m'ch, R. Ross, A. Yule, T. L. Ham- ilton and J. Hamilton, attended the meeting of Stratford Presbytery in Stratford on Tuesday of last week and presented 1110 call of the congregation to Rev. D. W. S. Urgnhal•t, of Kip - pen. The call 31115 sustained by the Presbytery and arrangements made for the induction into the Listowel charge on WTednestlay, July 28th. 0000440000000000000010000pp0 9 4 s i ••4 Over one thousand siu- P dents enrolled byour cbain 4 last year. It pays to at- • tend a link of this great • chain, for "IN UNION 1710(RE 2 IS 8TRENGTh." The demand for our 0 graduates is THREE TIMES the supply. O s 4 s •O • • • ›+ • 4 a,, s • e S r • • Iv Y• in O 4 • w a d • • WINGHAM S 2 Business College 44 • ORO. SPOTTON, PRIN. ••444444444.4444404404400000 11000 "VT Other •schools engage our 2 graduates for teachers, A • special course for teachers. Graduates of two years • are now earning $2,000 per. minutia, Three c0tn'se8-00MhIER- OIAL, STENOGRAPHY Mid 4 TELEGSIAPHY,0 MI PERM OPENS AUG, 3O . Write for particulars. 2 • r•our ,-n r ;I 6 , fy Con r �. Is It Inclined to run away Don't punish it with a cruel brush and comb! Feed it, noun- ish it, save it with ,Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Then your hair will remain at home, on your head, where it belongs. An elegant dressing. Keeps the scalp healthy. Dog; not chow the color of the hair. rormulO with rook bottle Bho deet vyoor ersLok him *bout it, thea do oro ho naso We certainly believe this or we would not say so. Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now made from our new Improved formula is a great preparation for the hair and scalp. Stops falling hair. Cures dan- druff. Promotes the growth of hair. •-Mace by the J. 0. A,jer 00., &OWOU, xreee. Bs•ino Willes, now owned by W. U Kidd, and frn'mel•ly the property of T Il. Rolls, pared a halt' mile ha the re- markable time of 1.00. This is the fastest time that has been macre on the track outside of the exhibition given by the Tel. The Standard says :-We under- stand that arrangements have been made by the Post Office department for establishing a rural free mail de- livery on the town line West between .Listowel .and Molesworth. Some of the boxes are now up, and the -de- livery is expected to start in a few flays. The route will be known las Rural Route No. 1, Listowel. Nothing in the way of a Cough is quite so annoying as a tickling, teas- ing, wheezing, bronchial Dough. The quickest relief comes perhaps from a prescription known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Re- medy. And besides, itis so thorough- ly harmless that mothers give it 31(111 bperfect safety even to the youngest abes, The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its remarkable cura- tive effect. Itis truly a most certain and trustworthy prescription. Sold by all dealers. Blyth Miss Mary Cole, of Morris, is a visit- or with her grandmother., Mrs. Hood, Grand Trunk Agent McTaggart and wife are away for a holiday outing for 2 or 8 weeks in Muskoka. R. Vint is attending the Masonic Grana Lodge at London as represent- ative of Blyth Lodge this week. Four cars of flue export cattle were shipped from Blyth by drover, P. Weston. They went to feed John Bull. The half mile track is getting in good 511000 and probably several mat- inees will be put on before the Fall is here. While unloading coal for Jnn. Wil- ford, Joseph E. Taman had themisfor- tnne to be bitten on the arm by a horse. Postmaster McKinnon, who has oc- cupied the post for the past 35 years is not enjoying his customary good health of late but his many friends hope he will soon be fully restored. In St. Andrew's church on Sunday G. F. Blair, of Goderich, gave an ad- dress at 11 a• m. on "The Laymen's Missionary Movement." The evening Service was taken by Rev. John R. Wilson, of Mildmay. ima . v DR. WILFDRD a fAR$TI7D.-The mar- riage of Florence Claudia, daughter of Mrs. Gaviller and the late Dr, A. C. Gaviller, of Glenhm'nie Lodge, Grand Valley, and E. 0. Wilford, M. D., L. R. C. P. and S. Edinburgh, of Blyth, was solemnized on Wednesday of last week. Rev. B. R. Strang -ways, 13. A., 13. D., uncle of the bride, conducted the ceremony. The bride wore a becoming gown of white embroidered batiste and travelled latex in a snit of white poplin. In the Autumn Dr, and Mrs. Wilford will go to Ghent, Mina where Dr. Wilford will identify him- self with the work of the 1Methodist China Inland Mission. Any Weakness in your Back? Sometimes you experience pain and weakness without m0011 suffering. Later on the pain will surely come. The t•,ronble can be stopped now by rubbing on Nerviline-rnb it in deeply over the spine, and then pat on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. In these remedies you will find wonderful and quick relief. They will spare von from an attack of. Lumbago which is the outcome of neglected pain in the back 010 side.. For all muscular pains, strains and weakness, Poison's Nervi - line and Nerviline Plasters have no equal. Refuse substitutes. Wingham Thursday, July 22nd, is Civic Holi- day for Wingham. 43 tickets were sold at Wingham for the Masonic excursion to Port Stan- ley. Miss Bessie Marsales suceessfnlly passed. 11e1 junior year's examination at the Macdonald Institute, Guelph. During the Summon: months, and mail further notice, evening service in 5t. Paul's will begin at 7.80 instead of 7. W. J. Howson purchased the Cen- tral bakery business from A. J. Nicholls and tools possession last week. Rev. D. Perlia left Tuesday of last week on a trip to the West; going las far as Edmonton. He expects to be away six weeks, Robert Currie left last week for British Columbia. on a business trip in couneetion with the winding up of the estate of his son, the late James Ourl'ie. Dudley Holmes has donated a. hand- some Set of books to the student in Wingham High - School malting the highest. number of marks in mathe- matics at the Junior Teachers' exam- ination. a,1 v 1,/et I.. Fred, Pugh was visiting fora few • dare at his lsoino in tenor and left on ° ',it! , ° I i a 1 ver Nut f las week ','' tw 1111 ue '1 r 11pn, 13. Os stere Ile has secur'itd a good poli. • tb,n, '1' three yeas' old soil of. 10. (3. Nicholson, formerly of this town, Was acci ntal'ly poisoned at his Kanto in the est. 'The child tale poison that Mal been seettered to kill gophers, D Iced Hal, owned by j. 1t, Swarts, of t. town, won her thief race for the aa011 tat Te11'e haute, Incl., oil Tee ay of last week. The race was a 2. pace l'or'a purse of 011,000. The trail Was heavy and the beat tilno 51005 00•}. 1. I' i'e(ho1't8 from Regina give par- ticulars 0t the accident which befell our former townsman, David Lou seed, and which was briefly 10- por 1 in our Bast issue. He was wor ng in a sash and door factory and li through a trap, injuring his spin He le so badly hunt that no hop aro held oat for his recovery. aft.. ougheed's old 'friends here are ver sorry to hear of this accident. The embers of the I, 0, 0. in, at Re- gina re giving lir. Llnlgheeit every attention. TI following are the ntlicees of Maitland Lodge I. 0, 0. F. for the present terns as installed by W. J. Haines, D. D. G M. at the regular meeting ,-Jr, P. G., N. L. Fry ; N. G., W. McKibbon ; V. G., Wm. Britton R. S., John F. Groves ; F. S„ r J Elliott ; Treas., Il. 13. Elliott ; Wa John Lamont ; Con., A. A. Fleming ; 0. G., P. S. Deans ; I. G., J. Dodd • R. S. N. G„ Jos. Guest ; L. S G., Jas. McGillivray ; R. S. S., Bell ; L. S. S., J. W. Pearen ; Cha W. J. Doyeli. A failing tiny nerve -no larger than the est silken thread -takes from the art its impulse, its power, its regularity. The Stomach also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It was Dr. Shot lvlso first told us it was wrong to drug a weak or failing Stomach, Heartor Kidneys. Ills prescription -Dr, hoop's Restorative -Is directed straight for the cause of these ail- ments -these weak and faltering in- side eves. This, no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative has of late 03011 S0 rapidly in popularity. Den fists say that those who test the Restorative even foe a few days s00n become fully convinced of its wonder- ful i cit. Anyway clon't drugthe organ.Treating the cause of sick- ness the only sensible and success- ful \ y. Sold by 1111 dealers, flu eta \\r be aJ 11is ac sd Oa le ate lar e1 c ici 0, es Y 1)l Re- gina 1)t its ala s1) 1)e til bo War., nln W. N A, Chap., $n I11 la el ,p r•1) ,S gi ts- ne sin gr gg Ol 1)l 11e 18 00 Perth County The furniture factories of 'Stratford in tend holding a picnic to Goderidi or Port Dover on August 14111. Logan L. 0. L. No. 008 captured elle tumors for being the best dressed lodge at the celebration iu Olinton on the 121h. Dicing a thunder storm a colt owned by George Henry, Sed con., of Hibbert, because frightened and ran into a wire fence nearly severing a leg. The Ottawa Citizen says :-Judge Mabee, of the railway commission, has a refreshing habit of saying what he thinks and meaning what he says. Rev. John Kenner and Mrs. Ken- ner, of Mitchell, left on Tuesday of last week for British Oolumbia, where they intend to visit friends for some weeks. The parents of little Johnny Lash - brook, Mitchell, caution the public against giving him tobacco. Anyone doing so after this date will be pros- ecuted. The general hospital building fund, Stratford, was augmented to the extent of $100 by the proceeds from the exhibition given by the Eel in Athletic Park recently. W ixi. Fawcett, of Fullarton, lost a team last year for which he had re- fused $550 e- fs el$OJ) Again last week a four Year old gelding,worth .200 was found dead in his u lIu 1 t ro field. Miss A'htiheron who has resigned her position as teacher in the Mitchell Public. School, was given la canned goods shower by a number of her lady friends. She will shortly be married to a Manitoba gentleman. Tilos. Heal, late of Fullarton. has purchased a 200 acre farm close to Toronto. He gets the crops, including 150 acres of hay, horses, &c. Among the buildings on the place are a fine new bank barn and block -cement dwelling• At a special meeting of the St. Mary's council Thomas Clark, of St. Marys, was appointed to the position of clerkship of the town of St. Marys in the place of Leonard Harstone, lately resigned. Armour Ford was appointed town solicitor. The Mitchell 'Advocate says :-The High School Entrance Examination is not very creditable to our Mitchell School. last year every pupil who wrote passed, and this year about twelve failed. Of the honors .1541 one was taken by a Mitchell candidate. Wnl, Monteith, and fancily, of the Thames road, left for High River, Alberta, where he and David Duncan purchased 050 acres between thew. They were life long settlers of Usborne and were highly respected and their leaving is much regretted by all who knew them. The foundation of the new wing of the Oollegiate Institute at Stratford has been completed and the brick- layers4lre now at work. The new addition to Shakespeare school is also well tinder construction, and it is hoped that both will be finished by the time school starts on the 7th of September. Under Help Wanted Experienced operators on Pants, Knickers, Overalls. Constant em- ployment the year round. High- est union wage paid, piece work, Inexperienced hands to learn op- era ti n g. Taylor- Anderson - Southgate Co. SEAro/PTH Limited *4 i • • i ° 4 •4 •• •0 ° •O • • • • O' • 4 0 0 4 ° 09••@ 'wts*.S10g1oof*SwP4•@P•ostoo 000!it0tio. •tF••ossoo "E3elrrron-te Millinery Parlors" Special JUly Sale ar 4 At} nn iron Ladies `pThis 1s for you and your d Lelit9S 1 Special Benefit. ° 4 Owing to the lateness 4 the arrival of the Hummer senlcon this year and still holding 00 001'ossese1on a lot o1' choice and attractive Summer fiats slid Bonnets, we have decid- ed to hold a Special July :Sale and give you the benefit of out wisdom and tract in buying, Therefore we intend to make you the following Special offer for The Month of July t -The choice of all our Trinicuecl flats and Bonnets At Exactly ane -halt the Regular Marked Price J in order to intake room for Our Large and Elegant Stock which we have already I,iiltaoecl on ovcler i'or import for the Fall trade. Come early and secure some of these bargains. Bring your friends with you. Edith man 4 4. 4 • 0 • e 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 O 0 ° 0 •a • One Price and Cash only. Mourning Ooods a Specialty. • ° 0000040440440040400404444040404044044400+44090444000 4 Chester E. Avery, one of Mitchell's successful candidates at the recent Normal school examinations has been engaged to teach at a school near Lucknow at a salary of 5500, He is a son of Reeve John Avery. John Taylor, who had been a resi- dentof Mitchell since February 18130 left to spend. his remaining days on the farm with his son, in the township of Hay, on the shores of Lake Hutson. Mr. Taylor woriked as a shoemaker on the bench for 54, years, part of the time with the late W. Abbott, the late James Keeler and the last 10 years with W. R. Cole. A Mitchell Dr. was called to Fullar- ton to attend John Robinson, father of Mrs. Alfred Price, Mitchell, who met with a serious accident while de- livering milks at elle Sebringville Cheese and Butter Factory, While unloading, a ran was blown from the waggon and falling at the horses heels the animal ran away, throwing Mr. Robinson with great force to Uhc ground. He was picked top uncon- scious and it was found that his collar bone was broken and a shoulder dislo- cated. HE ENJOYS HIS MEALS NOW For He Keeps a "Little Digester" Handy Mr. Glassco, of Toronto, wrote us on May r3th last : TREE Cornaaax MBDICrNni Co., go9 Church St., Toronto. Dear Sirs, - I wish you would send me another box of your "Little Digesters". All the members of my family have been using them and have obtained the most satis- factory results. I congratulate you on your success in putting up a tablet for the cure of Indigestion. I suffered for years and tried everything that was recommended to me. Nothing gave me relief, until I was persuaded to try' "I,ittle Digesters". Now I never suffer from Indigestion. I enjoy my meals and am not afraid to eat, because I know a "Little Diges- ter" after each meal will digest my food. I recommend them to all my friends who suffer from Idr Indigestion gesho and would ould further say thatyou maypublish the P above if you wish. Z know there are thousands of people suffering from Indigestion who will be glad to know there is a safe and sure care for them. Yours very truly, (Signed) E. S. GI,ASSCO. "Little Digesters" cost a5 cents at your druggists, or by mail from Coleman Medicine Co., Toronto. 25 Po you Peel Used Up?. You're discouraged and played out -scarcely enough energy to think, and less to work 011. The reason 7 Ston are run clown, Llinicl is thin, nerves are like Indian rubber, not like steel as they ought to he, Use Fer rezone and the tired feeling will go -- it can't stay because 1•i, 1u nutritious blood and the bodily vigor Ferrozorle makes, crowds out wen': noes of every kind. Use Ferrozone t„td you'll feel like afighting Icing -full of energy - filled up with ambition -...ver ready to. work. No strengthening tonic so potent. Neglect not a day longer. All dealers sell Ferrozoue in 80 et. boxes. AN 1 Rain 9 the error that all Floor is alike. The proof of it lies in a trial of our' White Loaf Family Flour The better baking and more of it you can do with a sack or barrel of our flour will be a revelation to you. r u Rwon't t have to askY try n un t the sec- ond 0C•cud ti i - mc ot'll 'o y n that of your own accord. Remember we have all kinds of Grain and feed in ,tock. Wm®Ao Pryu e tat SUM F 'M9 111/61111131allaransimium91111011.`IMMSE811=122321KOEM The Oldest Insurance Office in the World Founded 1710 Bi -Centenary 1910 Home Office : London, England Canadian Branch, Sun Building, Toronto, H. M. Blackburn, Manager B. GERRY, BRUSSELS AGENT ,4,77-0711,114 taE,^�a•itaq hy you houI Advrte in The Post The Biggest business men of the country 'lave found that the easiest and surest way to spell snrcess is, A-D•V-E 1?•T-I-S-E. Suppose the newspapers hers did 1 1 ); not publish the uses, how would people know wllIot is happening ? If you don't publish "store flews," how will folks know about your goods ? You can never sell the goods people do not know you have. Advertising is telling folios about your stook, Shopworn and out'of-date stock is the penalty many merchants pay for not ad'ei`tising. Try an Advertisement for a rnonth and you will see how well it works -.._.. "4fL�!' 009 d � •,