The Brussels Post, 1909-7-8, Page 5w • BUSINESS C Anil r $1 UT kI, MoCI'ACItEN Y Y • basuor of Marriage X+1090610, Hoe at% 1ro99ry1!l'urnbOrff 0treet, 'DXU3e014. Jrrossers Aleut of the Maoowbooe, No, 21 hold their regular meetings in the Ledge liuom, liael(er Brook, on the 1st and ltd Tiosdayevenings Of each mouth. Visitors al welo9w0. A 3Oyl6rte Dom, A, tdociVIR 7, WM. si r'o CONVI YANCE1B AND ISSU7+]EE' ozn MABM A(E LICENSES Illeo to the Pest Office. Ethel, 80.4 JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howiok Mutual Fire Inauranoe Company d 11 09100 and eaidence- WALfON, ONT. • JOHN SUTHERLAN D rn3gn41300, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. • AUCTIONEERS. IA • t•B. SOOTT AB AN AUCTION- -sits, will sell for better prioes,.to bettor anew in lees time and leas chargee Won any other Auctioneer in Plast Huron or he won't °barge anything. Dates and orders awn always be arranged at tbie Whoa or by personal application, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUE VA LE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. 'Perms reasonable. Bahss arranged for at the oMoe of Ton Poem, Brussels. 221f LEGAL AEC CONVEYANCING. %AJ M. SINCLAiIt- V V • Barrister, Solloltor, Conveyancer, Notaryl'ubilo, dao. O1Bue-Stewart's Block 1 door North of (loutral Hotel. linlionar for the Metropolitan Bank. pLt0UDF00'I', HAYS & BLAIR- e A1t1110114148 SOLIOI'rnitS, NOTARIES PU01,IU, ETU. w. L itoUDrooT, K. O. 1t. 0. Bess G. 2'. 80013. ONaeo-Those formerly ocoupted by &losers catner00 & Holt, 3081.10.00, ONTABl0. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST O,rduete of ate Royal college of Dental 801'geene et Ontario and 9100040am. Bomar t3rallnate of Toronto University. Oflloo Oast to nrower's Plintograpu Gallery, BRUSSELS. SALT Warmers or Storekeepers by coming a 0 I lu t the e Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. ALLN LI Royal MaiI Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Tuninian July 18 Aug. 18 Viotorinn Tuly 28 Aug. 20 Corsican July 20 Aog. 27 Virginian .............. .......,...,Aug. Aug.. 0 Sept. 8 MONTREAL. TO GLASGOW Protorian July 17 Aug. 14 llesporlau ...•July 24 Ang. 21 Ionian. ,Tuly 81 Aug. 28 Grampian Aug. 7 Sept. 4 ro HAVRE dl LONDON Pomeranian. .._........ July 17 Aug.28 Sicilian ....... ....,,,„TUIY 81 Sept. ll Corinthian , Aug. 14 Sept, 25 RATES OP PASSAGE According to steamer. 1st Claws -187 50 577 60 887 50 end ftp 21.d Class - 40 00 .I5 00 47 50 550 00 8t•at Obise - 7 00 28 72 For fall perliottinrS of rates and anilines apply to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line. Brussels, cosiness Cards • A. H, MON'r01ITH �auvSr13A,Barrister,aiSolicitor,, over ;Standard nnk Brussels. PR, 7', 7'. M'RAE 13noltelor of M9diolue, 'University of To001110 ; LAoentiuto and Graduate of the 00119372 of kil)•- 010iana,tl!n�d Surgeons, Out, Postgraduate Ohmage Eye, Ear, Nose and ifIll'oat Hospital, Uhioa o, Ill, Ex -house Surgeon to By. Miele eel's Hospital Toronto. 011100 over 7. ft. Smith's Drug Store. Tele- phone 091111000011 NIi11 Urn)1br.0ult at nil Bout's. DR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; l.ioentiate of Royal 0011900 of Dental Surgoons, of Toronto, Olhiee over J, Hoes' sore,brussels,la W61I vist Wroxeeer the 9rst and third Mondnye and Gorrie the second and fourth Mondays of 0aoh month, J. A, M'NAUQHTON M. B., M, D., C. M., Jreliow Trinity Medical College Toronto ; Member Oollege Physicians and Surgeons, Oat, ; Liaentiato Royal College Physicians and Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinburgh'; Fellow Royal College Surgeons, Edinburgh ; Oerti1- cote of Registration, Great Britain. Ofiioe, es formerly, on MILL ST., BRUSSELS Wea, Women DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calla, 09100 opposite ,flour Mill, Ethel. To 70,),1011010,7 wnlnrll 311_tvl is at least ant way to help. 1., ,;;th flea troy, 1.910 treatments, must bo 011., 1 local ono ;o coustitu. tlonal, but Lel h ,yn.tani, holm essential, Dr. ehooli s -ht t.uro 1.: the Local, Dr. Shoop's 11 tar.,divr the Constitutional. The formal D7 Shoop'o Night Oure-tea topical mucous membrane rel. ,ositnry rnnrdy, Mille Dr, Shoop's ltasnl.u,te ., wholly an internal treat moist. The licatnrntive r„urhos throughout the entire system. seeking the repair of all nerve, all tls3ttn nnd all hloo,1 nilinolts, The Night cure", as its nem., implies, does its work while you sleep. It , t1 .,sore and indent. ad 10110,0,10 an, races, heal 1107 weaknoosee and discharges, wt to the Itc to vivo, eases 2007001 excitement, 161,1 renewed vucor and ambition builds u» wa t d tissues, bringing nbont renewed strength. Vigor. and energy. 'lltlle Dr, Shoop's to hesyste Por pit tivo local help nee as wall Dr. yp hoc a.,'s '0 �al,) ICut re xR a 4tALL DEALERS" BRUSSELS 00330 SOUTH 1301Ne NOUTn. Mail 7:06 a mExpproos 10:25 a in Express 11:25 a m 'Moll , 1;44p Express 8:02 P m Express 8:59 p m Covraniax Pwwzi i' ° WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:41 amt Express 12:11a m Express........, 8:08 p m Express 9.16: p m. i trici Daus Seaforth Dan. McLeod, of Calgary, is laid up. with typhoid fever. Miss Oarrie Knight, of Toronto Uni- versity, is visiting Miss Sutherland, Centre street. 1. H. Reid has gone to Shelburne Falls, Mass., where he wilt spend two weeks with his owl, J. L. Reid. Robt. and Mfrs. Bullard and three children, of Brandon, Mata., are visit- ing relatives in this vicinity, at pros - 011t. Bert. Jamieson, of Los Angeles, is holidaying in this neighborhood and is at the home of his father, Gavin Jamieson, of Constance. John Morrison left on Tuesday of last week for Vancouver, B. 0., and will be away for some time, as he in- tends calling at a number of places on his way home. Forbes Bros., of town, who were awarded the contract for the construc- tion 'ol of the '1'uckerslnith Telephone the lines are putting upt1 System, tit t s an(1 have about 25 men on te job. A tickling or ;ley cough elan be quickly loosened with Dr, Shoop's Cough Remedy, No 'opium, no chlneo(orm, nothing unsafe or harsh, ,Sold by all dealers, Pain can be easily and quickly stop- ped. Pink Pain Tablets -Dr. Shoop's -stop Headache, womanly pains, any cin, anywhere, mminutes sure. 20 l' p re, e 26c. box. Ask your Formula on the druggist or doctor about this formula -it's floe. Sold by all dealers. are likely to take place. In several places the temperance people have one their opponents one better, in ftlees ill this Mar be the case, A Oarxtip or tate Sono of Scotland was organized hate last week, with the following; officers:- Chief, R. Bolithron ; Oiliertaiu Dr, Thompson ; . See, W. McKay 1111.-Setl. J. K: ; Tx'<os., .E, MODDIIeiI ; Olutp,, A, McPherson Mars, Donald. Bur118 ; Standard Bearer, A. Doltggall Guard, Jas, McArthur 1 Piper, Dun- can J. McEwen, A disastrous fire broke out at 7,80 Thursday evening in the second story of the machine shop of the Henoch foundry. Before the brigade arrived the. fire Was past control, and it was with great difficulty that they pre- vented the moulding shop and saw mill adjoining from catching fire. The loss, wlliclli is estimated at $8,000, is partly covered by le mra:ice of $5,000. The Hensalt Fouiclry Com- pany is controlled by London capital, the F. 0, Hunt Company being the principal shareholder's. Mt'. limit stated that he could not tell what the firm would do in regard to rebuilding. Nothing in the way of a dough is Vine 80 anuoyiug as a tickling, teas- ing, wheezing, bronchial Oough, The quickest relief coupes perhaps from a preser'iptiou known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Re- inedy. And besides, it is so thorough- ly harmless that mothers give it with perfect safety 0\'02 to the youngest babes, Tho 101121011 leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr, Shoop's Cough Remedy its remarkable cura- tive effect. Itis truly a most certain and trustworthy pl'osoription. Sold by all dealers. Wingham I. 0. 0. F. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit.ou Saturday, August 14t11. The annual union Sunday School ex- cursion to Kincardine 15 on July 22nd. Sunday evening, the choir of St. Paul's appeared for the first time as a surplice choir. Win. Nicholson moved his family to 9 t end the ill a Kincardine where they v p Summer mouths. The Bell and Union furniture factor- ies closed down this week for a short time for stock -taking. Mrs. Jos. Burgess has come to town from Saskatoon, Sask., to reside with her another, Mrs. John Bosman. Dr. Geo. Ball, of Toronto, Luther and Miss H. Ball, of Aylmer, were spending Dominion Day in town. Geo. Sr'igley met with abad accident while at work iu J. A. A'IcLean's saw mill. A piece of timber flew back from the saw and struck Mr. Srigley's right a1'm, breaking Principal Taylor and J. 0. Smith, of our High School staff, are in Toronto examining papers of those who wrote on the departmental exams. Mr. Tay- lor will examine chemistry, and Mr. history. Smith, t 3 e met on Tuesday �' Town 0 unetl lh(, r y evening of last week and decided to submit another By-law on July 26th. This if approved will place the water- works end Electric Light under a com- mission ; the commissioners to be elected at the next Municipal election. At a meeting of the High School Board held recently, all the teachers were re-engaged, and the salaries fixed fon another year. Principal Taylor's salary remotes the same as last year, $1500. Increased' salaries are as fol- lows -,1. G. Workman from $1,100 to $1150; J. 0. Smith from 81,000 to $1.100 ; Miss Dadson from $700 to $S00 ; 101iss Anderson from $525 to $000. Corns Cured for 25 cants. A. guarantee of painless cure goes with every bottle of Putnam's Coen Extractor. Use Putnain's and your corn goes. Beware of substitutes. Hermali Mrs. McMartin and son, 011009lie, who have been visiting at R. Bon- tliron's left for their home, Barrie. The Observer plant has been moved into the upstair portion of the Mc- Ewen block in rear of Dr. Tilon,pson's office. A grub is playing havoc with the dutch sets in this section turd accord- ing to some of the growers many of p the patches would not pay expenses. Rev, S. Toll and wife left for Wal- lterville on Monday morning of last week. till Sunday M,'. Toll was pre- sented with a fine china salid dish With fork and spoon to match, by his Bible class. Plugging the voter's lists bas be- come a popular amusement in muni- cipalities where Local Option contests Goderich Chas. Blackstone had the misfortune to sprain one of his ankles and in con- sequence is confined to his room theh'e- byOne of the sights in Goderich worth going a long "way to see is Registrar Coals' rosel'y behind the registry office. There are over. 600 bushes, em- bracing 250 varities and every one in bloom. The star says :-Abotit a year ago a case of blackmail was proven against a man and woman named Saunders, the complainant being Dr. Milne, of Blyth. The defenclauts were allowed to go on suspended sentence and to pay the costs before July 3rd, 1000. AS the year wilt be up to -morrow and the costs etre not paid, ib is likely the de- fendants will be before the County Judge to -morrow. The $20,000 issue of debentures of the county of Heron_ authorized at the June meeting for the purpose of rais- ing money for building bridges has been purchased by H. O'Hara & Co. The debentures bear per cent interest payable semi-annually, and the price to be paid is $19,870, or only $130 dis- count on the whole issue. Au issue of debentures by the county of Bruce, bearing 4i per cent interest, was pur- chased the same day by H. O'Hara & Oo. a tpar These prices are the best c for debentures received for some time. DOMINION DAY.-Goderich hada big celebration of Dominion Day, and the streets were gay with colored bunting anclflags and a large number of visit- ors from the surrounding country and nearby towns in town for the celebration. The program started with combined trades procession, c11IiLhumpian parade, floral parade, etc., followed by children's games and in the afternoon a league ball game between Goderich and Olinton, a tug of war contest, fancy driving competi- tion, speeding contest and athletic games for adults. A band concert was given in the evening on the square which was illnmivated for the occas- ion. Both the hand of the 33rd Regi- ment and the junior band of the Gode- rich Musical Society were on duty all day. In the trade procession the first prize went to the Doty Engine Works, ii one of their mar- ine showing i for a float sh( w g ine engines in operation. The second prize Wats won by 0. 0. Lee, for an ex- hibition of .plumbing with a couple of youngsters enjoying a bath, and the third prize went to the Western Cana- da Flour Mills Oonpauy. A. float labelled Obinese teles'', won first in the calithutnpian parade, a very novel sort of Taxicab came second and the "Slabtown Band" won third. A pretty littleillustratiou of the "Honey- Grand Union Orange Demonstration Counties of West Bruce, North Perth and North Huron, Brussels, Monday, July 12 Everything is being done to make it a record -breaker. First -(lass speaker's and good music. Special train service and low rates. Watch outfor bills giving railway rates, time table &c. Be sure and visit Brussels July 12 i You are Proud of Your Wife and Children Why don't .yon bring them to us to be phot.ographecl. ? We will give you a picture that will p ou r still. make prouder Always welcome to call and see our samples. BREWER'S Art Studio estrous • it terms Recent discoveries have shown that falling hair is caused by germs at the roots of the hair; Therefore, to stop falling hair, you must first completely de- stroy these germs, Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, will certainly .do this. Then leave the rest to nature. Does not change the color of the hair. 7ormule with 'mob bottle y Show It to your ers Auk himim :bout it, then do a he eeye Recent discoveries have also proved that dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp. Therefore, to cure dandruff, the flrstthing to do is to completely destroy these dan- druff germs. Here, the sameAyer's Hair Vigor will give the same splendid results. -.awe by the J. 0. Aber Oe.. Lowoll, Mao.+--, ninon" took fourth prize. A very prelty floral carriage, with at bevy of charming Newgate street girls within won the prize in this department, aid for the decorated bicycles the prize money was divided among the follow- ing young ladies: --Alii. Saunders, Gertrude Porter, Doris flays, Lena Roberts, Gladys Feild and Eleanor Hays, while Master Noble also won a prize. The children's races in the morning were keenly contested. The League baseball game was won by Goderich, 5 to 2. Batteries : Goderich, Wiggins and Dean ; Olinton, Monteith and Hawkins, The tug-of-war was won by Belcher's tome, Tait's second. The speeding contest was won by Rost. King, Prouse and Murrey com- ing second and third. Ars. Fred A1tu'- ney won prize for ladies' fancy driv- ing. The mile race, Beachom, Elliott, Castleman. The hnndrecl yards dash eDongall, McKay, Hiller. Fat man's race -Sennet, Smith, Castle- man. Obstacle race- Beachom, Elliot t. Castleman. Relay race -Dean Elliott,' Beachcnm. Entitling, hop, step and jump -Belcher. Running long julep -McKay, Belcher. Stand- ing long jump -S. and 1'. Belcher, Vault -McKay, Foster. Just the Medicine you Need. Your 0011)1• is bad, tongue is furred, eyes are cul, appetite 1s poor, your stomach needs tone, your iver needs awakening. Try Dr. Hamilton's Pills. In just one night you'll notice a differ- ence, for Dr. Hamilton's Pills search out every trace of trouble, You'll eat, sleep, digest and feel a whole lot better. You will gain in strength, ni have a clear complexion, experience p the joyof robust health. el To to1le puri yand enliven system there is Nothing like Dr. Hamilton's Pills 25 cts. at all dealers. McKillop Edwin Bell took in the boat ride from Goderich tx Lo Detroit and return. '' D. and Mrs. Crawford, sr., old resi- dents of McKillop, but recently of Walton, have gone On an extended visit to their children in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Miss Switzer, the excellent teacher at Manley's school house, returned to her home at Oraubrook last week. She says she has sulne notion of tak- iing 1t trip to Western Canada during the holidays. Mrs. W. Davidson left for an ex- tended visit to relatives in Manitoba. She was accompanied by her uncle and aunt, John and Mrs :Morrison, of Soafortl who purpose going through to the Pacific coast J. J. Irvine has been logging and tnlderbrnshingg on his new place dur- ing the last fortnight. He has now forty acres cleared on the plane and has never had either man or horse 'for as much as an hour to help him at the jib, Mrs. McLean, who was formerly Miss Alice Dundas, accompanied by her little son, is visiting at the for- mer's parents, John and hire. Dundas. Mrs. McLeou's house is in Toronto and her many friends here were pleased to again meet her. Wm. Holmes, formerly of McKillop, must serve his sentence of two years He was for abduction. Oen trttlt t inthe convicted and sentenced by the comity judge of Huron County ou a charge of abducting Aland Hulley, daughter of his house, whom he took from Sea - forth to Guelph. The appeal was made on the grounds that Holmes was taking the girl Home to her mother. A stated case. was submitted as to whether it was a case of abduc- tion. The question is answered in the affirmative, and the conviction sus- tained. A book on Rheumatism, by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Vis., tells some Plain truths, and in a plain and prac- tical way. Get this booklet, tail a free trial treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for some dis- heartened sufferer 111 your Vicinity, Make a grateful and appreciative friend of some one who is discouraged because of the failures of others t0 help him. Help ole to slake this test, and 1'll oet'taiuly help your suffering friend. into Nor0rlll Schools and 133 of these are also writing for ,Tumor IVi'atlieela• thin standing. Three others are writ- ing on Junior ,Matriculation subjects. Or. Clarence P, Thompson, whore - turned. borne a few weeks ago from Ban Francisco, lite slroeessftxlly passed the final exarx1naticn of the 0110010 Medical Council. Ile purposes return- ing West shortly, The Listowel High School Board have appointed two new teacher's, W. L. MoMrllan, of Peel County, is are pointed Science master at a salary of $900 per annnm and Harold Poldon, of , Norwich is appointed to the lower ' form at salary of $050. The Board has not as yet appointed a mathemat- ical teacher, John Bamford, who was appointed valuator of the machinery, &took, etc„ of the Morris Piano Co's, faotorv, handed in his report to the Council, his valuation of the machinery and other equipment being 810,070 and of the new factory building, $12,784, Making a total of $82,408, This ex- clusive of the property and buildings not destroyed by fire, the 11,111l assets being something over $40,000. After some discussion upon the valuation put upon re -built machinery, it was resolved that an advance of $14,000 be made to Morris Piano (;o. on their loan, under By -Law No. 584, in pur- suance of the repot of the valuator, John Bamford, appointed by Council, elated June 28th, 1000. Listowel Rev. J. C. Pomeroy, B. A., of Kin- cardine, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church during the month of July. ' Nearly a hundred people left the Listowel 0. P. R,stat-ion nn the annual Standard excursion to Toronto and Niagara, -Falls and were joined by a considerable number more at the vari- nus stations along the line, The 111d-Suunrtcr. Departmental examinations aro in progress at the High School. Ill, G. McDonald, of the Listowel Public School is presiding examiner, assisted by A. Torrance, of Wallace and 1MJt'. Ratcliffe, of Atwood. 'ritere are 19 candidates writing for First-class certificates whole or in part 45 candidates are writing for entrance Are your Children "Oroupy R" This trouble is deadly -must be stopped quickly, nothing is so sure as the Ner'vrltne Treatment. Give it in- ternally, rub it on the throat and chest, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. The marvelous power of Nerviline, both as a liniment and in Plaster form, will surprise you. For sore throat, coughs, colds, and pleurisy alone, itis used by thousands every day. Invaluable in the home, especially for treating the minor ills that all children are boned to catch, Large bottles 25 Sts. each, Nerviline Plasters same price, at dealers or N. 0. Polson & Oo., Kingston. Ont. Fordwich The following are the officers of the Epworth League for the ensuing term :-Hon. Pres., Rev. J. Ball ; Pres., H. W. Laird ; let vice, S. G. Gregg ; and vice, Miss Grace Ayles- worth ; 3rd vice, Miss Penhall : 4t11 vice, Hiss Flossie Ball ; Supt. Jr. Lea- gue, Airs. J. McKee ; Asst. Mrs. 0. Schaefer ; Sec., Aliso Mattie Bunston Tress.,• Elmer Fallis ; Organist, Miss Norma Lowick ; Asst., Misses Melissa Edwards and Elsie Severs. The animal Meeting of the Ford - with Union Weigh Scale Co. was held in Brown's Hall. James Gibson was appointed chairman and Wm. Wat- ters acted as Secretary. After the reading and approval of the last minu- tes, A. McLaughlin, the director's auditor, presented the financial report showing the total receipts to be $249.- 64 and the expenditure $107.89, leav- ing a balance of $81.75. The report wits unanimously 1 i animousl y adopted The old. board of diic,ct s et A A Graham EbnerI1a1lis and Alex Gibson, were re-elected Wm Watters was re -ap- pointed Secretary -Treasurer and T. G. Shearer and Alex. McLaughlin, audi- tors. It was decided to pay each director and auditor a salary for their of 70c. was de- ' fresA dividend sea v rlarocl Making'440 realized in divi- dends on ainvestment of $1.50. The directors were instructed to fence the street and ulake.a yard, so that it will he more convenient for those shipping. A failing tiny nerve -no larger than the finest silken thread -takes from the Heart its impulse, its power, its regularity. The Stomach also has its hidden, or inside nerve. It Was Dr. Shoop who first told us it was wrong to chug a weak or failingStoma ch Heart Kidneys, His prescription --Dr, Shoop's Restorative -is directed straight for the cause of these ail- ments -these weak and faltering in- side nerves. This, no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative even for a fete days soon become felly convinced of its wonder- ful merit. Anyway don't drug the organ. Treating the cause of sick- ness is the only sensible and success- ful way. Sold by all dealers. Trowbridge Miss Shier, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Mabel Tughen. Mrs. P. Cosens is visiting her 8011, Jared Cosens, of Stratford. Mrs: r r t s: l� tildes Jackson left on Tues- day day morning of last week for Win- ntM tes. J. A. Milhausen and little daughters are visiting the for'mer's parental hotue. Mr. Irwin, lately from the West, occupied the pulpit hast Sabbath even- ing in the Methodist church. John and Mrs. Ritter, of Milbank, spent Sunday and Monday with the latter's sister, Mrs. A. McLeod. Mrs. Robt. Hamilton and family left for Unity, Sask., where she will. join her husband who left for there some few months ago. Mrs. McCormick, also B. McOol'- nlick, were away last week attending the marriage of Rev. R. J. McCormick to Miss Eva A1. Godwin, of Parkhill. A1cOon,Mlcic-GODWIN,-The Park- hill Methodist Church was Wednes- day of last week the scene of a pretty wedding when Miss Eva May Godwin, daughter of Bev. W. and Mrs. God- win, was married to Rev. Johnston llcOoi'miek. 13. A., pastor of the Methodist Ohurch at Yarmouth The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion with marguerites and white festooning and the edifice was almost filled with the numerous guests incl admirers of the popular bride. The ceremony was performed by the father of the bride and the wedding music was played by Miss Kirkland, of Galt. During the signing of the register hiss Maud Robinson sang v The bride wets "The Haven of Love." bean Wilily attired in an empire gown of point d'espri over white taffeta with trains aid the crowning veil and wreath of orange binss0lns ; she was given away by her brother, Orville Godwin, of Washington. The brides- maid, Miss Iietta Ricks, of Amherst, burg, was gowned in pink taffeta silk t` Heductio rice For 30 Days To Introduce The ASTORIA HOE 11111 MEN we offer 10 per Dent off the price staxnped on shoe by tnaxlui'aetnrer. The material and workmanship 011 these slices are sto'ietly the beet and this 1s an exception- al chance to secure a high grade shoe at a )'educed pride. 'We have them in different widths of lusts' and different shapes of toes, Would be pleased to show you these goods. See our window display this week. Shoes of all kinds. Trunks, Satchels, Lap Rugs, Harness. 1. Cm and black picture hat and both she 1 and the bride carried beautiful shower 1 boquets of roses. The best man was' Benjamin McCormick, of Listowel, and the ushers overt Dr. G. W. Racey, Douglas Godwin and 'W. McCormick, of Listowel. Guests were' present from Goderich, Galt, Listowel, Am- herstburg, Washington, D. C. ; Kingsville, London, Malden and Flint, Mich. After the wedding a reception was held at the parsonage, Broad street, where the guests sat down to a delightful wedding breakfast. The br'ide's table was prettily decorated in pink and white and the guest tablas in green and white. After a very happy hour and short speeches anil toasts the happy couple left on the evening train, for Toronto and Mont- real, whence they sailed for England ou the S. S. Corsican. The presents, which were both numerous and cost- ly, bespoke the high esteem in which the bride was held, and the best wishes of the community wilt follow her to her home. Why Liquid Catarrh Remedies Fail. They go direct to the stomach, have very little effect on the linings of the nose and throat, and entirely fail to cure. Only by cleansing the air •••••♦•♦••••♦•♦•••••••♦♦•♦ ?Women :and Girls • • ♦ • ••• • • WANTED as machine operators and for other footory work. Good wages and steady employment. Write us, _ ei 0' 01 • • ♦ •• 0 I •• •• 0 • O • • 4. ••• • • • The Clinton knitting Co.,I • Limited • • CLINTON, ONT. • • • passages by relieving the iuflamuia• Lion and killing the germs is care possible. No combination of Antis- eptics is so successful as C'atarxdxozpne. In breathing it, you send the richest pine balsams right to the seat of' the disease. Irritating phlegm is cleared out, hoarseness, coughing and hack- ing are cured. For a pr,'nlament dere for catarrh, nothing e,liils Cata49r- ozone pleLs. and $1.110 at ill dealers, NATIONAL HOLE MILLS 09 the error that all Flour is lies in a r of of it c alike. The u aip trialo four White Loaf family Hoer The better baking and more of it you can do with 1a sack or barrel of our flour t,'i11 be a revelation to you. We won't have to ask 700 to try the sec- ond time -you'll do that of your own accord. Remember we have 211 kinds of Grain stria feed ii sack. tifm. rryL1e SUN F;E The Oldest Insurance Office in the World Founded 1710 BI -Centenary 1910 Home Office : London, England Canadian Branch, Sun Building, Toroaro 1 M. Blackburn, Manager er R B. ERRY, BRUSSELS RGENT G Ili 1.rt • 4 WELL BRED STALLIONS 1909 1909 Kaplan 2.032 and Costumer Will stolid for service this season at Lileir own stable BRUSSELS. ,Baron Del Kaplan a choice young Registered Roadster Stallion, whose tat clan) 15 1)eln1aroh ; producers of speed . w ill and dam. ],cion Wilkes ; gid dem, Jay Gould, allp I t , w lake a limited number of nieces, Intending breeders should call and see the horses for themselves. Wage 1'*,,'• & lu !&2;.w Ali y Ca II wi ,LC k PROPRIETORS BRUSSELS