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The Brussels Post, 1909-6-10, Page 5
OO$I.NESS CARDS, 1 s nor p 1tarrl tree at c#roo©ry,>L'urnberrp SGteex,8rpooalDot Kr O T M illueels ,Rout Of the Maaoabeee. No 24 hold thole teenier meo4lugo In the fledge Pgg 'a(Moller Yll1ge 1Of eitgl the and gKd Vlaitorealwaya 'wel00nle, A, 903IP14S, UgLn, A, A1gU'(1(It10, LK. WM. SPEl1PCE CONVEYANCER ARD ISSUER , .01F 1VT4.11•I3,iAGL LIO] NSES nice Its the Post Uflfee, Ethel. 80.4 JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howiek Mutual Vire Insnl'auee Company omoe and 040akdeuoe— WA -TON, ONT. JOHN -SUTHERLAND ' iN00ad1100, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 1' 8.. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. Elia, will Halt for hotter priee0, to better mon, in less time and lees charges than•ony other Auctioneer In Emit Hurou or , he won't charge anything. Dates and orders eon always be arranged at this Mee or by .personal application, ROBT. H. GARNJSS • BLUE VA LE ONT, Auctioneer for $drop County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged 10i at the office 0f TEE P080, Bruesel6. 2201 ifs+AL '&ONVEYANCCINlt, -M,: SINAIR— Y R- V Barrister, Solicitor bon vn auoer, Notary Public, Co. u1Pu a—S tewart'1 Wool. 0uiloitoe or the Metropo from Asst. )! )itOt)llF00'1', HAYS & HLAIR iidliltletehnS SOLSUI1.-6611, NOTABLES PUBLIC,. ETU. W. ra0009000, K 0, it. 0. 1ikye O. 0'. 11ae1a. Ofliaex—Thoeo formerly ocouele/I by Arosere Cameron 61 Holt, UnTemo. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, neterte'r Urmivale of aro Royal Qeliege of Dental Sweeties of ()Mario and C'h•a6.otase Honor 001kdliu0, of '1'orouto University, 0113oe next to 1A•ewer'e Photograph (Innery, BRUSSELS. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS A NY aO no nun a odh e,c Ba0n of0eDwamtaain ti Alberta, exoopWng 8 anti 20, 1100 reserved, may be hamoetoaded by auy person who is the solo head of a family. or any male over 18 years of age, to the extentofOne-quarter aeration of 1 i 0u earns r s m ore prrse s Entry may be mase personallyat the loca 1 land office for the dlatrlat in whish the thlaud is situate. The homesteader is required to perform the oonditons-connected therewith under one of the Billowing plans (1) At least six mouthsrem donee upon and cultivation of the laud In each year for three years, (2) If the father (or mother, it the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vieluity or the laud 00teren for Mho requirements as to resi- dence may be satisfied by each person re - aiding with the father or mother. (2) 11 the 0et01er has hie permanent resi- duum anon terming laud owned by bim iu the vioiuity of .his hbme0tead, there. qutremouts as to minimum may he. satire fled by residence upon the suit land, Six mouths'untiou in writing should be givou to the 0omn11saloner of Dominion Landsat Ottawa of late/Watt to apply for patent. W, W. (JURY. Deputy of I ho Minister of iuterinr.. N. Y.31unntherisod pnWimttlou of this ad. 1.)seineu0 will not be paid 100. Partners 01 Storekeepers by eomiug to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. StopThat CoId To check early co de or Grippe with "Preventive means sure defeat for Pneumonia. To stop a cold with Preventicl is safer than to let It run and be obliged to euro it afterwards. To bo sure, Pro. verities will curs oven a dearly seated cold, but taken early—at the sneeze stage—Whey break, of head oft thoseearly colds. That's surely: bettor. That's why they are cathed Prevontlos. Prevont100aro 11tt10 Candy Cold Cures, No Quin. lno no physio, nothing sickening. Nice for tho Children--and-thoroughly sato too. If you feel O'hilly,11 you 000310,11 100 oohs all over, think of reventios. Promptness may also save half your usual sickness, And don't forgot your child, if there is fovorlsbnose, hlghtor day. Herein/nob. f02 lies Preventible greatest °Moloney. Sold in boxes for the pocket, elaofn 250 boxes of 43 vendee. Insist or your drugglett giving Inc Preventics "ALL DEALERS"' Faille of women, head pains, or tiny baht stopped in 20 minutes stare, with Dr. Slump's Phllc Pain Teblets. See fill formula 001 25c, Box; Sold by all dealers, Business Carate A, M, MOIvr,EiTb . Do miatev f3altoibor ! t 1(2 over &o„ ielare12 to A. Is, Araodonald, Alilae ovor statrdard Butih, Brussel'', rR OR T r, M AE BS Moho oP to lSf 40010 r e aUniversityof theof Toronto• Lioano ,u and Graduate of the College of i?l1 060)00s and Surgeons, Ont. Peat.}{roduese Ohlcago E a, Tsar, Nose and 8throat 610, itai, O roair, y h O, Ilvl, Fla -Bowe Surgeon to Sb. ioit. (fel s Hoapltal 'Toronto. over 'injpotlosplono connection Smith's Utll aal hours, DR. HAMILTON Dental 8urg;oorl Honor Graduate Dewitt Department, Toronto University ; Lioentlnto of itoyel O011oge of Dental Surgeons, 00 Boronto. Druce over.); T. Hoag' store Brussels WWI!! visit Wroxeter the first and third Afondayo and Corrie the mooed andfourth. bnoudaye of esti, month. OR. WAROL-AW Honor grodaote of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night oni)a, 011loc opposite Flour 0110, Ethel, &taxaa rams ° £end IMP BRUSSELS GorNa Soup,, GOING Noreen - Exprees 10:00 a m Express 11:25a m Mail 1;44 0 Mail 7;05a m 1,) Express ,8;02p w Express 8:58p m WALTON To Toronto To Godericfi Express fres P a .,...:-7,41 pm Express 100m Igxpruss U;DO P m I Express 0:16:15 p m Mislaid C.eLDS Henfryn Talon Fraser, of Sarnia, paid a fly- ing visit to Henfryn. James Gaynor, of Mildmay, spent a few days with his parents. Miss Annie Cunningham" visited with Miss Elsie Davidson. A.lt'ogal, of Haysville, was here for a visit under the parental roof. Mrs, Wm. 33e11, of Walton, was visiting Iter parents, H. and' Mrs.Fogal. - Quitea bomber from cu here attended , the concert given in Ethel and report anenjoyable time. Listowel Walter Bees. have purchased the sLOOC next door East of the Tatham store, which they purchased.a short time ago, They intend putting new fronts in both buildings and will eon. vert thele into a modern business block. The following officers were elected in connection with the town band for the ensuing year :—Hon. President, John Watson , President, George Melrose ; Vice -President; J. N. Hay ; Tieastn'er, 0. A. Lee ; Seereeary, Frank Kay ; 14lauagementCommittee, G. M. Yates, H. B. Moonily, Andrew Porch ; Properby Committee, Harry Iirotz, Wesley Snelling.. H. 0. Secord, late manager of the Listowel agency of the Imperial Bank, who returned to town to pack up his household effects preparatory to removing to Balmy Beach, Toron- to, was given a surprise on Monday evenill of hist week bye a num g hr of his Li stawel' 'i #i er ids who met ab his home and presented him with a diamond stick pin, Herman Ebel's little boy Willie leas ran into al ad on a bicycle Yon Tues- day afternoon teruoon of Iasi week while on bhe sidewalk watching the t]e teleh one p gang at work He was knocked down and rendered unconsion9. Some of the telephone men carried him home and medical aid WAS secured. It was some hours before he came around. No bones were broken, and it is thought that he will soon be all right again. '0 If you would have a safe yet certain Cough Remedy in the home, try Di'. Shoop's—at least once. It is thor- oughly nuliko any other Cough prep- cLlattiou. Its taste will be entirely new to you -unless itis already your favorite Cough Remedy. Noopium, chloroform, or any other stupifying' ingredients are used. The tender leaves of a hairless, lung -healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr'. Sh000's Cough Remedy its wnuderful" curative properties. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy pre- scription. Sold by all dealers. Atwood Geo. Currie left Tuesday of last week for another trip through the West. Rev. R. M, Stevenson, M. A., 13, D., of Riclgetowu, . preached in the Pres- byterian church last Sunday. Robert Knox, postmaster, has painted the exterior and interior of the postoffice which gives it a clean anti neat appearance. Saturday Rev. Mt'.. and Miss Reicl received the sad news 'of the death of their sister, Mrs. Morton, of Spokane, Wash, Ter. The deceased had for some months been suffering from anaemia bet the sad result wl.10 quite unexpected. She had been iO11L1'ried about twoyears. 1' AM , Reid was re- lieved te- Iieved o his f Sunday inwork the pul- pit pit by R. B. Hamilton, of Milbank. At the regular meeting of the I. O. 0. F., the following officer's here elect. ed.' for the ensuing term :—N. G., Thomas Hamilton ; V. G., Samuel 'Watson ; Sec., L H. Swing ; Fin Sec., T. G. Ratcliffe.; Treats., Wm, Grosz. Jas. Newbi)1;ging was appoint- ed as a delegate to Glctncl Lodge which is held in Ottawa this year. Sunday and Monday, lath and 14th of June, the 111pworth League of the Methodist Church is to bold ahniver sa1•y services. Rev. J. L. Stewart, of. West China, is expected to preach. 100610ley evening an entertainment will be given in the church and lunch served an the church lawn. bliss Nicklhi f Milbank, violin is oviolinist, is to aLeaiet in the pt'ogram 0)1 Sunday 1011d Monday.: The following officers were elected ni 00111n'C1100 with the Fire Co. :—. Chief,' John Roger ; Deputy -chief, Albert Hammond ; Captain, fire engine, 8. Watson; Captain bucket brigade, G Laochlloacl ; Look after the loose, D. Barton'; Look after hook and ladder, 0. H. Menai/moo. Mr, Barton appointed led. Huck, Geo. 13rown and Geo. Greensicles as his aesistants,, 141', lefelf Acne appointed John San - dere, R014. Walker and Fred 13'1'0Wn BS assistants See,J,L'i'ettse T, G, Rat- cliffe Auditors, 8, Winson and Geo, h Iron ew . 11 d lin LLe s , s T.Roe, A Mon, Y n 1 JI YIQ d a a 1 Roger. o ei Hard Callousofr Quickly Cyretl, Sna111 the feet 10 hot watee and then wpply* Put Tam's Painless Corn Bie- er'acter—.it r0nieSeaavefs the calans quick- ly. Be sure you get "Putna)i1's 0111y, orth.. + ;Miss Ethel Troyer hes gone to spend a year in Magneteevau with her bro. thee, Wilfrid Troyer. Aruent is lowing a new lying and a modern verandah added to his' fine residence on John street,. 'Charlie Iia] s, eldest spoof R.,8, and Mrs. Hays, has Laken. a position in the local branch of the Dominion Bank, Mrs. Jas, Beattie has this season a lam1MIC liu1 Y ne display 1LV 0 f tulips and nar0)0500, .the finest we think in tool).' Mr's, Chas. Stewart and two child- ren, accompanied by bliss Nellie Mc- Dougall, leftlast week for the reveler's home, in Portland, Ore. blies Campbell has retained from Toronto. She was accompanied by her sister, ]Mrs, Taylor, n.ncl Tier dangh theerr,Summerwho will spend the Summer with Mrs. Mc,Qlnaigg'•, 'mother of Mrs. 2. Farquharson, of Joiiiee street, tinder - wait an operation at the home of lir, Farquharson, for the removal of cataracts from her eyes. The opera-, tial was successful, Mrs Leslie, 1v110 has been visiting with Hugh and Mrs. McMillian, of Trickersnrith, and ..other friends,left for her home in San Francisco last weep. Mos. Leslie was in San Fran- cisco at the time of the.ereltt earth- quake and has many interesting rem- iniscences of that memorable event. The annual race meet of the Sea - forth Turf Clnb will be held on their excellent track in Seafoeth on 'June 15 10 and 17. The association has ar- ranged an excellent program for each' day, for which -liberal pulses are being oll'ered. There will be two Harness races and one running race each day. Pain'121 r v a Hers stopped in 20 min- utes sure with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Tho formula is on the 25 omit box. .Ask your Doctor oe Druggist arbour this formula 1 Stops womanly pains, headache, pains anywhere. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine,. Wis., for free trial to prove value. Goderioh Rev. J. A. Anderson has just coin- pleted itis 21st year as pastor of St. Andrnw s ehureh, Goderich. West Huron Farmers' Insti tote aen- n0nnre the annual excursion to the Agricultural Collegeat Guelph, to be run this year 00 Friday of this week, June 11th. The Tennis .lawn on Pictou street has been well patronized this week, and many well contested games have been played. The :grounds are in good condition for playing. Perch fishing by net and angling alas been very good -the past week,. strings of over three dozen being a common catch, and commercial fish - in for trout ' gisatillapy a in�business. a The semi -militia' tour•ntuneut of the Huron Comity Rifle Leag•ne is leboet due, and it has 'leen decided to- hold it on Friday. Tune 250h, on Point Far m anti in connection with the event have a monster plc -nit and gen- eralor s is day. Robert Elliott met with another loss last Saturday night, in the destruc- tion by fife of 70,000 feet of lumber at his saw mill in ,Godericle township. He hacl left the mill in the after- noon and had taken every precaution to see that there was no clanger or fire. On the return of the Bowling Club excursion from Toronto ou Friday evening, Joseph Kidd wired ahead to Guelph /Incl presented the ladies of the party with fruit on the trait], and he was presented with an address in acknowledgement of his thonghtful- ness. • Thera Weee some lively trotting round the Count House &mare last Saturday night, end once or twice when ladies were crossing the road it looked as if a serious accident would result from the racing. If a person should be killed by this Saturday night racing the crime would. be envier. The Perfection ofWomanhood. Who sloes not envy and achnire a lovely woman ? The secret of her loveliness, of her perfection, is health. Sho sleeps well, eats welt, digests well intricate functions are vigorous and regular. Of all wornan's remedies, Ferrozone is the best, it vitalizes t11e functions upon which health depends —makes the purest, richest blood, gives perfecb complexion and lots of vigor. Every girl and woman who seeks health, vitality, bolts—let her get Perrozone to -day. Fifty tela boxes at all dealer's. Winghan's The artOnl!1 e of Winghain I i h Sello 1 i 11 n gAthi hater mar k being: high le. and Mrs. Holmes and family Will enjoy the Summer in tiloir.fine Lake- side residence in Toronto. On lklay 24011,4.. 11.I. and Mrs. Fralick of''Bitightail, ate beautiful ripe toma- toes of their 06031 raising this year, Si non Mitchell was attending the Grand Couticil of Chosen 13'rienels its delegate from Winghan Council. Hiss Attridge ltas been appointed Librarian foo' the Wi11 ]ham Pnbl'ic• Library in place of Miss Ethel Elliott, who recently resigned. The delegates appointed to ' High Court 0. 0. F. by Court Maitland are F. G. Spatting, ,tats II. Mitchell, S, A. Maguire and I 113 Elliott.g Lockhart, Ming i hal L 1n h0ha is been teach- ing Guelph Public School has tetnt'0ed home and is sendynlg stenography at lhe'Winghaul Business College. J. W..Pea014 and 6V. W. Hough are the delegates from ]Maitland Lodge 0. 0, 0, le to the a111161ai meetingg, of the Gette4 Lodge of Ontario, witirh Will be held in Otlawtt in August, Ageetleul0nr has been in town look- ing ave' the chair factory property with'„a viola to secllriug tette 51 place in Good • air- r ood Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im- proved formula, is a genuine hair -food. It feeds, nourishes, builds up, strengthens, invigor- ates. The hair grows more rapidly, keeps soft and smooth, and till dandruff disappears. Aid nature a little: Give your hair a good hair -food. Does not change the color of the hair. 8ormule with than bottle ay ;how it to your doctor ei', , def hiabout it, then de ac ho Nay. You need not hesitate about using this new Hair Vigorfrom anyfear of its chang. ing the color of your hair. The new Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents premature grayness, but does not change the color of the hair even to the slightest degree. ^-01142 by the J. 0. dyer Os,, Lowen, Masa.:•—• For Your Summer Holiday WHY NOT TAKE Ai Trip to Europe , Moderate Rates :131 LLA [INE sT[AMEflS Liverpool Clasgow London Havre New Steamers Superior Service For frill partioalere of rates and mailings apply to W. H. -KERR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels, which to manufacture organs. The Mee would be to organizeajoin e stock company. W. 7. Howson was laid up for S06'441'- 113 clays as the result of an accident. Ile was nnhitchiug his horse, when the animal started oft' palling Mr. Howson claws and injuring one of his knees, so as to confine hiinto his room for a few days. He is able to be around again with aid of crutches. Mr's, (Die) P. Macdonald and Miss l la eclorlald left; last .t week for ' then• new home i ne u London, the Dr. h ruin t secnr- g ed a dwelling in that city.. Dr. "Mac- Donald, Mrs. Macdonald and Hiss 'Macdonald will be greatly missed in Wi agleam. They always took an ac- tive interest ' st in the week ofS. St. An- drew's chinch. Look ahead for Illness. Sudden illness and pains conte in every family—to parents and children alike. But if you have looked ahead, mid have fight in -your home, treacly for immediate use a bottle of Poison's Nerviline—there isn't much to worry over. It it's a sore throat oar contract- ed chest, apply Nerviline and pot on a Neeviliiue Porous Plaster. If it.s colic, cramps, 00 any stomach disorder, jllst administer ten drops of Nerviline in, hot water, No family medicines acre more useful or more depended upon in emergencies than.Nerviline and Nervi - line Porous Plasters. They keep the doctor bill small, 25c. each at all dealers. Refuse anbstittltes. Belgrave OErL.—Thele passedaway peacefully at Belgl:'ave Sunday forenoon, May 80111 Bary Ellen Geddes, beloved wife of Wm. Watson, in the 44,1th yea,0 of her age, after' it lingering illness of about one year. Mrs 'Watson -vats born on the aid eau. of Morris, and was married :pita young to lir. TV— at-eon, She 1'esidcd in Belgrave ooutinn- onsly with the exception of a couple of ))ears they spent in Northern Michigan. AXls.'Vatson was of an Minable and kind disposition, beloved by all hoe friends and neighbors, and was looked upon as a counsellor and peacemaker among her circle of ft'icnds. Iu religion she was a strict Presbyterian and a Christian of hum- ble type,. It was in her hone where she was at her best. She bore her burdens of life faithfully with her husband and always tried to help her children ab hope. She leaves to morn her demise, ern 9e, hc.t' husband, two sons and one daughter—Hale ey, Will, and Isabella also her aged father, David Geddes, six brother's and two sisters, The brother are—David, Robt., John L, William, Adam and Dan. The sisters are --Mfrs, Wilson and 1111•s. V. VanNorrnan, The tenlaiiis were laic] to rest Tuesday of last week in the Brandon ce oetery. Selvico WAS con- ducted 111 Knox church by her pastor, Rev, 1. A. Fer•gus:ie. F fends floor a ,;. 0iet4iue were—T. 4140.101sou, of 0100. ton, Mrs, J. McKenzie, of Tiverton, 14. 1)taillond, Joseph and Mrs, Smith, ut1 t , and slaughter, Jno. Geddes, sr., 131pe. vale ! Mr, and All s. Russ, of lily 11 1 L 1104 ut 174 is There were also u large ca muu r l- b( r of;Mr, t Wttso lis b• itch(i , 11 Le Ill orYe 110u1 Blythie , Win and Qir' p01(1ts, Tim family have theSrl5Cereee sympathy in their beeeavement. N1W8v Ncensa,—liaii"y Hopper was ettentiiug6 Conference' at Loiidoneee Mrs, 111eJCenzie, of Tiverton, visited friends in Belgrave.—;Miss Wayrnetlr is visising herparents at Lnndesbol'o, —John Crowe, of Dtrbbingtol, is spending a couple of weeks at Win, Wray's,—Joyce McLean, G. T. R, re- lievitag agenit was visiting his parents in Belgrave for f4 few cloys.—Writ. Geddes and daughter. Mabel, left last week on a trip to Manitoba and the Brest,—Rev; (1, W. Rivers was at the London Conference, conseci0ently there was no service in the Methodist. church Sunday evening —Harvey Watson returned from Melita, Mani- toba, to visit his sick mother, For- tunately he reached hone in Milne '00 tali¢ to her before etre passed away,— Wilton & Westbrook cot. anti pecked 00 brunches of pine shingles roe J. A.. Brandon in eleven •hours end 30 min- utes, ;Mud no rush once -Wm. Wood - mem who has 11111(1(3 his home with Thos. and Mrs. 1ii11, of Belgrave, in; tends going to the House of ,Refuge at Clinton, where ho will spend the re- mainder of his days,— Frederick Scan/kelt left with Me. Bolton, of Listowel, surveyor. They will be en- gaged surveying new townships in the West this Summer, North of Prairie River, on the C. N. R. Sask. BRONCHITIS CO BH For fifteen years Mr. John Pearson, of Melvern Square, suffered from Bronchitis and throat irritation. Doctors failed to relieve but Catarrh - ozone cured quickly. The remarkable recovery ofebir, Peai'sou who for ears- was s Print Y real of Melvern Square High School, is convincing evidence of the exception- al curative power's possessed by Oatarrhozone. "For _fifteen year's" writes Mr. Pear- son. "I constantly suitered from Bronchitis and Throat irritation Until quite recently I was able to keep up my teaching but nay bronchial trouble became so annoying that Iwas forced to resign, "For months I doctored with differ- ent physicians and was not benefitted. My trouble gre/v more severe and ex- tended to the lungs, and I feared I woul(1 enol in decline. "Providentially I was advised to use Catat'rhozone, and I believe it really saved my life. Its immediate effect was to relieve the throat trouble sufficiently to give m0 perfect ease in speaking. Wibhin one short week all symptoms of Bronchitis had disa- appeared, ican fervently recommeld Cattarrhozone. I know it has no equal as a sure and speedy cure for throat trouble and Bronchitis." Every u L cell and air passage, all P g mats - ofth e Brea ' P thin o• g gnus are reached and breathed by the antisep- tic vapor of Oatarrhozone. It soothes and heals the inflammed mucous sur- faces, stops the cough, cleat's the nose and throat and chives every symptom of bre • nehttls ri lib out of the s g stem. 9 1'auri p iy the Mood of all poisons, and to buildup the system, Feuozoue tablets, which are included in every Catar'rhozone outfit, are very highly recommended. This local end consti- tutional treatment in Bronchitis, Catarrh and Cousumptioncannot be equalled. Catarrhozone is endorsed by physi- cians and ministers and thousands it has cured, Two months' treatmenb costs $1. Srnali size 50 cis. Sold by alt Druggists, or N. 0. Polson & 00., Kingston, Ont. Morris Council ',lie Council met ns a Court of Re- vision on the Assessment Roll is the 'rewuship REI), on May 31sr. Mem- bers all present and subscribed the oath required d 'Statute a 4 by J s Parish com- plainelof being assessed too high on NI Lot 17, Con, 0, case dismissed. Thos. and Arthur Williams entered joint owuets of Ne Lot ,, Con, 7. Win. Millerenteaed- tenantof S. pt. Lot r5, Con. 5. 13, C. Brandon entered E. S. Si Lot 3, COD. 3. On motion oP Short - reed and Wilkinson the Court of Revi- sion was then adjourned to meet again June 08th at to o'clock a, rn. Council business was then taken up. By -Lows Nos. 4 and 5 re Russell and Smith drains were read and provisionally adopted. BvLaw No. G respecting North 1-lurou Telephone Co, read 3 times and passer]. A petition was presented by Robt. Nichol and others asking for the con. slru ¢tion of a drain under the plovi- sious of the Municipal Drainage Act, On motion of McCracken and Wilkin - 0011 the said petition was eutertaiued and Engineer Rogor instructed to examine at ate t11e locality OCA(' described 1 desei bd and make his report the cotr Accounts were or- dered to be pied es follows :—R. E, 111C. Kenzie, 001010nt $05,00 Thos. Miller, repairs for road grader, $4.so; John Watson, Assessor's salary, 570.00; W. Clark, part salary, $140,00; le, B. Al- eck, putting in culvert, $3,50; John Watson, equalizing 'Union School Sec- tions, IiiirS.00 ']'lie Council then ad. journed to meet again after• Court of Revision en June este W. CLARK, Clerk, retia IS YOUR STOMACH WRONG? LITTLE DIGESTERS Will put it right quickly and surely. Money back if they do not cure, At all Druggists. "'clinks InJlepile ot-.,revs,n, 1e„n neMAlin aunt nun, 6wNRn fl or direct from Tlit COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO 25c, a Hex. 0 a:eSrIBl 418t0aao00Oleeelooco Yw•ewhores©ootoi eee8trat`,tmQs,Aor• • • • • and Return • •e 2 40 s , sSteel Steamer Sl and Ama Central Steamship line 44 a Kincarclioe io Detroit i s 0 s s ® ® 41 d nnrr hh 41s • Tickets 41 2ero w e Leave Kincardine 5 a, rn, Arrive Detroit 4, 15 p, m. • me Return June e th and d July qth. e el ® .heave ii,att nlr R a.. ,,, Central 0 ._... o tote e e to • H. T. Hurdon, T. J, Kennedy,41) • s Meals and Bei tri. Extra. tP Local Agent. Traffic Mana43, ger, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. Bir onchitis Creeps into Consumption. Coughing weakens the tubes and makes a resting place for the baccilli. l Why let Bronchitis become establish - 's easy to enr'e—just inhale Oatarrhozone—breathe in its soothing balsams :and relief comes at once, Oatarrhozone is so certain in Bron- chitis that every case is cured. Throat is strengthened, cough stops, irritation goes away, all danger of tuberculosis is prevented. For throat trouble, catarrh and coughs, Catarrh- ozoneThe Remedy. a"c. and $1.00 sizes at all dealers. Get it to -day. Master Chas. Marlyn, of Mitchell, white playing baseball on the eveniug of May 24th, bad the misfortune to dislocate a shoulder blade. Ai sickness, if a ceetain hidden nerve goes wrong, then the organ that this nerve controls ivill also sure- ly fall. It may be a Stomach verve, 01' #L• may have given strength and support to the Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Slump's Restora- tive was not ]Wade to dose the Stom- ach nor to temporarily stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That old-fashion- ed method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorative gnes directly 00 these fail - in inside us nerves, a The , 1ltc r emark able success of this prescription demon- strates the wisdom of treating the actual cause of these failing organs. And it is indeed easy to prove. 4. simple live or ten days test will surely tell. Try it once, and see 1 Sold by all deaiees. F 1 The Oldest insurance Office in the World Founded 1710 Bi -centenary 1910 Home Office : London, England Canadian Branch, Hun Buildiag, Toronto, H, M. Blackburn, Manager B. GERRY, BRUSSELS AGENT SWAN & Co. uggies and Wagons 0 EWAN & CO. have the best and most up-to-date Buggies on the market, Three.gnarter Buggies in black and seven. eighth Buggies in black, stripe or any color, with auto setas and all wheels have a deeper rim and thicker tire than any other Buggy. Two show rooms full of nil kinds of Buggies to choose from— every one fully warranted. Each Buggy has dash supports and mud protector's for the seats. We have also installed a machine for 'putting on all kinds of Rubber Tires. All kinds of repairs done on Buggies. Re -painting a spec- ialty. 'lops relined er re-covered and Made as good its new at a small cost. Special attention given to special orders, All kinds of heavy anti light Rigs made to order. Don't fail to give us a call before making your purchase and let us boom Brussels for rgoq. All kinds of repairs in stock. Best Dunlop 'fires always kept on baud. The Ewan & Co, Carriage Factory, Cay rl 1 Brussels a r j WELL BRED STALLIONS 1909] 1909 Kapia.n 2. 81 and Costumer Will stand d for cervi l ' service t ns Season at their own stain- BRUSSELS. tnh 13R. S U SLL,S• Baron bell Kaplan a choice young Registered Roadster Stallion, whose rst darn is 1)elmarcil ; and tlanl, Berea Wilkes; 3rd tram, jay Gould, all producers of speed, will taken limited number of inures, lulenditg breeders Should cull and see the horses for themselves. Scott & 1,.1:::r ick PR'OPR/ETORS eti BRUSSELS ' .0 0