The Brussels Post, 1909-6-10, Page 3VOLINO
1 "Mtery, yeses apron grew en a.
tree, Yes it diff 1" repeated seven-
year-old , Jimmie, laugliiiig a•b
sister's reproachful look,
"I sem my mother matte it," said
Mary, taking up one Corner of the
dainty mushn apron and looking
ae it easefully,
"The stuff it is made of grew os
tp. little tree that looks just like
our blush -rose tree," insisted Jim-
mie. ",Aunt Ethel has a book full
of pictures about it, Coale and
see!" and taking Mary by the band,
Jimmie trotted out to the piazza
where Aunt Ethel was sewing,
"Aunt Ethel, did the stuff say
apron is made of grow on a little
tree like a rose -bush I" asked Mary,
Aunt Ethel took bold of the mus-
lin apron, and then nodded smiling -
.. "Yes, y dear," she said,
"your apron is made of cotton and
cotton grows on a plant, It Athe fruit o£' a plant."
"Well, I didn't know cloth
grew!" said the little girl.
"I will tell you about it," •.said
Aunt Ethel, lifting Mary into her
lap. "Then' when you hear about
Cotton cloth and ootton thread you
will know just what it means."
"Does thread, grow, tool"
"See,". said Aunt Ethel, holding
up the apron,. "this cloth is made
of hundreds of fine threads. So you
see the thread is really made first."
"Tell her about the • cotton -
plant," said Jimmie. .
"Some day," went on Aunt -Ethel,
"you and Jimmie will go to South
Carolina; and instead of fields of
grass you will see fields of cotton.
If it be in July, all the cotton -
pleats will show a round fruit
about as big as a walnut. In Au-
gust, when this fruit has ripened,
It bursts open, and then out come
lovely white fluffs of lint. And this
white lint is ootton.
"It is all picked from the plant
and cleaned, and then the white
strands are spun into thread, and
then the thread is woven into cloth,
.and your mother buys the cloth and
nuts Mary out an apron and sews
et with fine cotton thi4ad, and
here it is."
"There!" said Jimmie. "I told
you that your apron grew upon a
little tree."
"Who -picks the cotton lint 7" ask-
ed Mary.
"Negro boys and girls," said
Aunt Ethel.
"I must go and tell my mother
about Cottee," said Mary, ,slipping
down from Aunt Ethel' a lap. "Per-
haps she will set out some cotton -
plants and we; can raise our own
But Aunt Ethel shook her head.
"No," she said, "it has to be a
very warm climarte for cotton to
grow in, and a great deal of sun-
light. Your mother eannot raise
cotton here."
"Well," said Mary, thoughtfully,
"we can raise lovely roses. Mother
is at work now in the rose -garden,
and I am going to tell her about my
apron. Which do you think is best,
Aunt Ethel, roses or cotton I"
"What de you think7" asked
Aunt Ethel.
"Roses," :answered Mary.
"Cotton, of course," declared
immie. Youth's Companion.
houid Children 'Carry "Sun-
ny Jim" "Quinine:"
Should parents be permitted to
give "freak" names to' their chit-
dren 1 The question is raked by
the remark Mr. Troutbeck made at
an inquest on a child with the name
of "Sunny Jim." "Children," said
the coroner, "should be protected
against eiesaults of this kind."
Registrars of births, an official at
Somerset House, London, England,
pointed out, have power to refuse
the registration of oertliie names--
ames-names that suggest blasphemy, for
instance -but rarely do they refuse
names, even of the "freak" or-
der, which parents strongly desire.'
1f they died refuse such names, the
parents could still adopt them in
ordinary use.
"Parents do nob realize what a
handicap an extraordinary Chris-
tian uamo is to a child, especially
to a boy," said a London school-
master recently. "It is always a
handle for chaff, and the unfortu-
nate bearer of it is never allowed
any peace."
Children born into the. world in
times of national excitement often
roeoive a name suggesting the per.
tinier event or person that is up-
pe.rinost in the public mind. Thus
during the South Afl•ioan War
there were scores of registrations
of Bailers, I4:obeets, Ii.Mafekngs,
Pi•eterias,. and SO ort Among
eases of esijious Christian names
which have recently come to light
through' the courts was ono of sev-
en brothers, are registered as "Win
Iialn FFarris." They_ were known
its "Wil]iitm Harris No. 1," Wil-
liam Uarriss No. 2," and se tau.
Don't waste an time looking back
at your mistakes; there is more tun
in looking up the mistakes of ether
iDx'. 1Yiliiam'a 1Bk Pia! Bring
30a1tb and Strength to Women
ata flritioel Time,
Few women reach the age of fifes
without enduring muoh suffering
and anxiety, Between the years
of forty -Ave and fifty health becomes
fickle,and acute weaknesses arise
with rheumatic attacks, pains in
the back and eiders, frequent bead -
Reims, nervous ailments end depres-
sion of spirits,
The secret of good health be-
tween forty-five and fifty depends
upon the blood supply, If it is
kept rich, red and pure, good health
will be the result, and women will
pass this critical stage in safety.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills kelp wo-
men of mature years as no other
medicine can, for they make the
rich, red blood that means good
health, and brings xelief from suf-
fering. Mrs, C. Donavon, New-
castle, N. B., says; '.!About two
years ago I was greatly run down
and very miserable. I did not
know what was wrong with me. I
was hardly able to drag myself
about, had severe headaches •and
no appetite. I felt so wretched that
I hardly oared whether -I lived or
not. I had •often read of what Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills had done for
others and I decided to try them
and I can now truthfully say I
found them all they are recommend-
ed to bo. Under their use my health
•gradually came back; I could eat
better, sleep better and felt strong-
er be every way, and before long I
was enjoying as good health as ever
I had done.',
` Dr. WiJlianiee Pink Pills cure by
going to the root of the trouble in
the blood. They actually make
mew blood. That is why they cure
such troubles es rheumatism, neu-
ralgia, indigestion, kidney troubles,
headaches sideaches and back-
aches, and the ailments of growing
girls and women of mature years.
Sold by all meclicine dealers or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Oo., Brockville, Ont.
Arsenio Is Taken to Beautify the
Arsenie-eating is indulged in in
England to -day to a considerable
extent. There are dainty dames in
London mansions who swallow the
poison in profusion. So, too, do
the foreign -born East London arti-
ficial -flower makers; the object in
both cases being the same,namely,
the beautifying of the complexion.
Very minute quantities .of the
drug, taken daily for long periods,
give the skin a dazzling -purity and
delicacy of coloring obtainable in
no other way. Even a coarse,
blotchy face is transfigured and
beautified by it.
The girls and women in the fac-
tories—mostly aliens -are fully
aware of these facts, and not only
make use of the poison themselves
for that purpose, but smuggle it
outside, and give or sell it to their
friends and acquaintances.
Not long since a Polish Jewess
was prosecuted for this at a Lon-
don police -court, when ittranapired
that she had for years been a'vic-
tim to the arsenic habit, her aver-
age daily dose being half a grain.
Her system, the police surgeon ex-
plained, had undoubtedly . become
inured to the effects of the poison,
since such a quantity introduced
daily into the (system of an ens
immune person would very quickly
be followed by serious symptoms,
and probably death.
Opium, in the form of laudanum,
is largely used in the factory dis-
tricts of England and in certain
of the counties. Laudanum is a
poison, but it is also an ordinary
article of commerce, ,,,nd there' is,
therefore, nothing to prevent a
chemist from selling, any quantity
of it to any person giving anything
like a plausible explanation of the
purpose for which he 'requires it.
Somevictims of the habit will con-
snme as much as three ounces
daily; yet a single drachm has been
known to cause death.
Ether drinking is common among-
st the natives of Connemara, Ire-
land; who ono also in the habit of
dosing themselves with tartar
emetic, probably the most, loath-
some of all toxic drugs. This they
do under the impression that it is
a preventative of—soma say a euro
for- consumption.
A mother should not expect that
her children will escape all the ills
to which babybood•and childltooct
are subject, but she can do much
to lessen their severity and make
baby's battle for health easily won.
73aby's Own 'Tablets should be kept
in every home where there are lit -
tie ones. They are mothers' ever -
ready help and Baby's best friend.
The notion of the Tablets is gentle
but thorough. They euro colic, in-
digestion, constipation, diarrhoea,
allay the irritation at teething
time, destroy worme and promote
healthy, natural sleep, And the
nolle' has the guarantee of a gov-
cr'nment saudeslt that this medicine
Contains no opiate or narcotic„
Sold by medicine dealers et by.
mail at 25 ciente a hex from the Dr.
Williams' Medicine` Co., Brockville,
Greet Britain's' Royal Family Are
Continually Doing thud,,
Very difficult it is for Royalty to
step uown /rem the emineeee of
'weir nigh position, e.;ne reigning
family or street lsritain, however,
has provided many insLanees where.
lege rank has been €orgolieat .
A few days ago, for example, the
Prince of WOMB arrived iteexpect-
edgy at St, lYlary's Hospital, rad-
dingten, of welch lla is president,
and spoke kindly to each Lemont.
but there wasa tiny gentleman of
five, who was playing with a box
of bricks, and it happenedthat ho
was in the middle us a failure at a
difficult- building feat when his
Royal Highness camp to his assist-
ance. The merry, laughter that
came from 'the pair allowed that
each was thoroughly enjoying the
Queen Alexandra is patron of
numerous charitable institutions,
and her acts of kindness are in-
numerable, and. easily 'sailed to
mind. In the early 'nineties, when
she was Princess of Wales she wasappealed to by an East Encwoman,
whose only child was dying. The
simple, illiterate letter roused all
the motherly sympathies of the
august lady, and she set to work
to get the child the best medical
attention, and
How practical the Queen isYarearwas
shown a few years ago by en inci-
dent that occurred whilst she was
being conducted over a huge block
of fiats, intended to kill the slum
tenement system. The rooms were
bright, cheerful, and cheap; but
the Queen had not been in the
building many minutes before she
pointed out to the officials that
there was, not sufficient cupboard
and shelf accommodation, • The de •
feats were remedied.
When King Edward was Prince
ofeWeelearee could walk about Lon-
don without being inconvenienced
by gaping erowda. One afternoon,
near Pall Mall, his Royal Highness
went over to a nesitating blind
man, and gently 'conducted him
across the street. Someone, whose
dame is unknown to this day, saw
the kindly act,and recognized the
august guide.. Next day a silver
cigar -box arrived at Marlborough
House, bearing an inscription re-
cording the Prince's ` deed, and
signed '`One Who Saw It." It re-
mains one of the most treasured of
his Majesty's possessions.
The Qiieen has had many amusing
experiences in the course of her
visits of mercy to children's hospi-
tals. The mites lose all their awe
at 'the sight of her Majesty's re-
assuring smile, and they follow up
their shyness with demonstrations
of affection that have become alarm-
ing before now In. the children's
ard el a famous London hospital
one of the patients set the example
which was enthusiastically adoptecl
by the Best of the ward.
Last year the Queen announced
that she would be responsible for
the upbringing of a little girl in one
of the schools on the Royal estates
who had lost both her parents. The
girl's future' is thus assured, and
she has already started on a train-
ing that will fit her for her future
Queen Alexandra once compli-
mented an old Scottish woman upon.
her skill in darning socks. •
"Eh,:1 ken see, ma lady, that ye
know haw to mend yer husband's
socks yersel'," said the dame, with
a smile;, "an' 'Ws we marrit wire -
men who know these things !"
Her Majesty smilingly left the
housewife fully convinced that the
Queen- of England darned her hue
band's socks!
The Tsar of. Russia is a man who
would rather pass the time with his
children than rule an empire. On
one occasion a diplomat' famed the
Tsar on his Bands and knees carry-
ing two of his children round the
room on his back. Nicholas laugh-
ingly invited him to join, but the
starchy uniform of the official pre-
vented his doing so.
Then there was the daily pro-
menado in Kensington Paris of the
infant heir to the epanish throne.
One day the Queen of Spain was
seen tallying to another fond
mother, who happened to be taking
her baby out for en airing; and in
the scene, recorded for us by the
camera, one got a practical illus-
tration of the saying that "love
levels all."—London Liuewers.
A traveller passing throng's the
Broad Top Mountain district, in
northern Bedford County, Pennsy-
lvania, last summer, came across a
lad of sixteen" cultivating a patch
of miserble ,potatoes. Ile remark-
ed upon their unpromising appear-
ance and expressed eft, for auyono
that had to dig it living out of such
soil. "1 don't need no pity," said
the boy, resentfully, The traveller
hastened to soothe his wounded.
pride. Bub in the offended tone of
one wife has boon misjudgel the boy
added: "): ain't as poor as you
think, I'm only workfn' here. 1
don't own this place,','
GOOD BUT1'ETl IN D1'1N111.A.1111.
Mutter in penial Kingdon, Said to
Pe Best In World,
The wealthy women who have
gone in for dairy firms should
take ,notice of the fact "Chat the but-
ter of Denmark is considered super
for to any other iu the world, and
consequently Bast about to find
Danish dairy maids, The butter
peeked in Denmark seals for $1 a
pounds and ie ehipped in two and
three -pound this to such warm re-
gians as South America, South
Africa, Egypt, India aucl the East
and West Indies, stm eding the ell -
math) changes perfeouly, It is said
that no preservatives are used, and
that the remarkable properties are
due solely to the care taken in the
scientific sterilizing of the inilk and
cream, It is also :maintained thae.
there is no secret process, but,
ri:everi heless, sage the New Yorlc
Tribune, American dairymen wbo.
journey to the most famous Danish
dairies, and even travellers o0
pleasure bent, are all refused ed-
inission to the butter -peeking es-
tabliahments. The Denials peckers
import from America 1,000,000
pounds of butter annually, which
they re -pack and ehip to the ports
mentioned, tee same butter not
attesting these trips when cent di-
rectly from this country.
Mme. Edna Bertonelle, a seam-
stress in the Quartier Montmartre,
Paris, is held to be the youngest
great-grandmother in the world.
She was married at the age of four-
teen,, and her first child, a girl,
married at the same early age.
When Edna was thirty-one she was
a grandmother. Her grandson
married at seventeen a young wo-
man's few days his junior. On her
forty-eighth birthday Mme.Berton-
elle was a great-grandmother.
A handsome brochure, artistical-
ly illustrated, has been issued by
the passenger department of the
Grand Trunk Railway System, tell-
ing of the beauties of the Lake of
Bays district, in the "Highlands of
Ontario." A new feature of this
district is the new hotel -the Wawa
—at Norway Point. The hotel it.
self has a page illustration reflect
ing the summer glories of wood-
land and water, with a. brood of
seven wild geese soaring skyward
beyond the tower. Tho concise
description embodies the story of a
charming resort.
A copy can be obtained free on
application to J, D. McDonald,
Union Station, Toronto, Ont.
If you owe the corner grocer,
Pay, him now!
Do not ask for credit—no, sir,
Pay him now!
If you owe the landlord rent,
Or the butcher a red cent,
Don't wait longer -be a gent,
Pay him now 1
A Medical Need Supplied.—When
a medicine is found that not only
acts upon the stomach, but is so
composed that certain ingredients
of it pass unaltered through the
.stomach to find action in the
bowels, then there is available a
purgative and a cleanser of great
effectiveness, Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills are of this character and are
the best of all pills. During the
years that, they have been in use
they have established themselves as
no other pili has done,
"I wish you would give me that
gold ring on your finegr," said:a
village dandy to a country girl,
"for it resembles the duration of
my love for you—it has no end-
ing." "Excuse me, sir; I choose
to keep it as emblematic of my love
for you it has no beginning."
Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
Relieved by Murine Bye Remedy. Corn.
pounded by Experienced, Physicians. Mu•
rine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain.
Write Murine Eye Remedy Co. Chicago,
for illustrated Eye Book. At L ruggiate.
It is well known that many ani-
mals appoint one or more of their
number to act as sentinels to guard
against surprise while the rest are
asleep, or feeding, or at play.
Among the animals—using the word
in its widest sense -that aro thus
prudent may be named the follow-
ollowing: Wasps, ants, chamois and
other antelopes, prairie -dogs, wild
horses, rooks, swans, Australian
cockatoos, zebras, quails, certain
monkeys, flamingoes, New Zealand
silver -eyes, shags and other birds,
marmots, niouilon and other sheep,
orals, African wild cattle,, bean
coos, elephants, etc.
THE FISHERMEN $upetocrbipoo ev ir esirSnyng 11a -
An Enghsb farmer with rr taste
for statistics has made a calcula-
tion of the value of the forest bird
to the farmer ane gardener,
Ike 'reek _the Terrible Disease in
'lime and a g -
Single Box Made Mim a Well Marl.
South, 'aguish, g , Cape Breton,
Juno 7. —(,Special).--iiow easily
and quickly Dodd's Kidney lulls
banish Rheumatism and other symp-
toms of Kidney .Disease is well
known in the case of Miehael (J.
Williams, a fisherman living in this
"My kidney disease started from
rr strain," Mx. Williams says, "and
1 suffered from it for about three
months. I had backache, stiffness
in the joints and Jtheumatisei.
Whoa I got up in the morning Iliad
a bad taste in my mouth; 1 perspir-
ed. freely with the least exertion,
and I was always-: tired and 'eery-'
"One box of Dodd's Kidney Pills
cured me and I believe they will
ewe others who are suffering from
Kidney Disease."
If you have any two of the eymp.
toms mentioned by Mr, Williams
you maybe sure of two things. One
is that your kidneys are sick, and
the other that Dodd's Kidney Pills
will curd you.
Dodd's Kidney Pills have proved
in thousands of cases all over Can-
ada that they never fail tri euro
Kidney Disease of any kind or
"I suppose the Jimsons must feel
terribly about their son being ar-
rested for stealing?"
"Mot at all. On the contrary,
they are very -much elated. All the
papers spoke of them as the highly
respected family:"
Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals
it as a worm medicine; the name
is Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator. The greatest worm destroyer
of the age. -
"Where do the Hottentots live,
Meryl" a public -school teacher
asked one of ber pupils.
"I don'tknow, 'm," said Mary,
primly. "Ma won't let me visit
en- of the people in this neighbor-
A Woman's Sympathy
Are von discouraged? Is your doctor's
bill a heavy financial load? Is your pairs
a heavyphysical burden? I know what
these mean to delicate women—I have
been discouraged, too; but learned how to
cure atyselt. I want to relieve your bur-
dens. Why not end the pain andstopthe
doctor's bill? I can do thio for yell and
evil} 1f you will assist: me.
All you need do is to write for a free'
Pox of the remedy Which has been placed
a my hands to be given away. .Perhaps
this one box will cureyou—it has done so
for others. If so, I shall be happy and
you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a
postage stamp). Your letters held cond-
nentiallY. Write to-dav for my free treat-
ment MRS. If. m CUR1t. ii, Windsor, Ont.
Wife: "What do you think 1 The
cat has eaten every bit of the meat
that I have just cooked!" Hus-
us-band: "The poor thing 1 But never
mind; I will get you another cat l"
Trial Proves its Excellence.—The
best testimonial one can have of the
virtue of Dr. Thomas' Eclectsic
Oil is the treatment of bodily
pains, coughs, colds and affections
of the respiratory organs, is a trial
of it. If not found the sovereign
remedy it is reputed to be, then it
may be rejected as useless, and all
that has been said in its praise de-
nounced as untruthful.
The Lawyer's Wife: "What does
the paper say about this season's
suits 1" The Lawyer (absently)
"Large cheques will be the correct
thing in law suits this season."
IMITATIONS ABOUND, but insist upon
getting the genuine, "The D. & L." Menthol
Plaster, which has stood the test of years:
It cures; imitations don't. "'rho D. & L.'
is made by Davie & L&Wr0nee. 00.
An old sea captain was visiting
a certain exhibition, and was great-
ly interested in the mechanical sec-
tion, where a fine array of steam
whistles was on show,
"How far can that one be
]ielird 7" heuzzer," asked, pointing to a
The young man in attendance was
only a deputy, but lie }promptly re-
plied, "Sixteen tides."
"Sixteen miles 1" said the old
salt incredulously,
"When I say sixteen miles,"
elaborated the. youth, "I mean
eight miles this way and eight miles
that way."
Tommy had been punished.
"Mamma," he sobbed, `did your
mamma, whip you when you were
little V'
"Yes, when I was naughty,"
"And did ber mother whip her
when 5110. WAS little 7"
"Yea, 'romnly."
'`And was oho whipped when she
was little'"
"Well," inquired the child, his
brain cleared by the position he had
just occupied, "who started it,
anyway li r
He computes that on tbo average
each bird nest contains about liii'e
fledglings, and that during the per-
iod of four to six weeks, when the
young birds ere fed by their par.
eats, each nestling consumes about.
fifty worms, .flies, or other insects
every day. Now, suppose that the
consumption lasts a month, During
that time one 'hood will eat about
7;500 insects,
Suppose ,that eaoh.insect de
strays during its neural life only
one apple, pear, peach, or plum,
tuts farmers will save 7,500 individ-
ual fruits by labors of one : pair
of parent birds. This estimate he
considers very moderate, for there
are some insects, each one of which
does a great deal more : damage
than he estimates,
One small fly, for example, causes
th,e florists, great loss every year
by piercing the young buds of the
chrysanthemum, and thus causing
the flowers to come deformed and
worthless. One of these flies has
been known to bore into sixty
chrysanthemum buds in. a single
day, and thus cause the, florist a
loss of $25 to $30. By protecting
the bird nests and eggs the ravages
of insects would not indeed be stop-
ped, but they might be lessened
in snob a degree as would greatly
increase the income of the farmer
and gardener, for, as insect de-
stroyers, a robin is superior to the
best spraying machine ever 'in-
vented, and what is more to the
purpose, they work without pay, be-
gin before the sun is up, and keep
on until dark.
Give Holloway's Corn Cu'
re a
trial It removed ten corns from
one pair of feet without any pain.
What it has done once it will de
Customs Officer (after searching
trunk)—"1 tbought you said you
had only wearing apparel? What
are these 1" (pointing to some bot-
tles of brandy).
Tourist—"Oh, they're my night-
will inaugurate May UM, two through trains,
Chicago to Seattle.. Wash., via St. Paul, daily-
ailyLaw rates to all North and South Paeldc Coast
points A forty page folder descriptive of the
Ataska•Yulron Exposition free for the asking.
For information In regard to rates and train ser•
vice write or call on
J. A. YOOICK, 84 Ring 5t. East,Toronto, Ont.
Hostess : "It's beginning to
rain; you'll get wet; 1 think you'd,
better stay to dinner." Departing
Guest: Oh, dear, no. Its not
raining so badly as all that l"
The change of dietary that comes
with spring and summer has the
effect in weak stomachs of setting
up inflammation, resulting in dy-
sentery and cholera morbus. The
abnormal condition will continue if
not attended to and will cause an
exhaustive drain on the system. The
best available medicine is Dr. J.
D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. t
clears the stomacn and bowels of
irritants, counteracts the inflamma-
tion and restores the organs to
healthy action.
A commercial traveller was
bragging about the magnitude of the
firm he represented.
"I suppose your house is a pretty
big establishment 9" said the cus-
"Big1 You can't have any idea
of its dimensions. Last week we
took an inventory of the employees,
and found out for the first time
that three cashiers and four book-
keepers were missing. That will
give you some idoa of the magni-
tude of our business.
"Mother, when did you first get
to know papal" "Several years
after I married him. Why 7"
is the best, remedy
. .
known for sunburn
heat. rashes, eczem€f
sore feet,, stings esdd
blisters. A skin food!
411 Drseolslr and Stores• -500,
Peak's Hair Grover
gas NOM' fulled to atop Falling Llaiq. It Beef*
ttvel9 kills the Dandruff Ger/O. are 45 SOU !f#
convinced tot ,aerial',
• Write for Doserlptive Pamphlet
Tho Poe* Mfg 80., 128 Victoria 5t., Tgroptp, 0
iWBaiva`f<Ri;e"I,u'tpier AfENTS WOMENt e'
CASg. ignite Balt »Bad estate
our capita' t Our eiSh
elms* tee's sea on doYnt
In every home, Bre unfold,
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cobalt stooks bought and sold on commission,
tone Distance Phones—Atah, 2070, Maio ?XL
A number of rag. dark red Shorthorn Buns, 15
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Lowest prices over quoted, bine catalogue,
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has be dote perfootly by our Frenob Proc... Try 1,5
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egomania, TORONTO, cTTAwe a QUEUE()
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sterling. Nor Agenciesat nnropreaontod volute,
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Wpo oaonnag COBALT Poo5lraln.0
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