The Brussels Post, 1909-6-3, Page 5SUSiNESS CARPS, I . MWOAACHEN—• .Issuer y, of ntesago oo1, o q 49 at Q%A40ry, T eru119zry atroet, 1}rnG9al4f, K. O. 7", M, mussels Toot of the M,1CottbeeS, No, 24 hold Choir rsgalar meetings In tllo ledge ltuom, lia8aor Blooic, On the 31)1 and sre PUOolO( evof Ofte of Paoli mouth, Vietjiwaye eloogle,A, B01I)I+p�r�, Mo0ULttq, It, II, WM, SPEINCE CONVEYANCER, AND ISSUER 0V MARRIAGE LICENSES ewe In the rest 011100, Ethel. 30.1 JAMES HARRIS,` Agent LToyiek Mutual' Fire Insurance Company oaio° and Residence-- WALTON, ONT. .JOHN SUTHERLAND mecumNea, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 14, H. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- non, will sell for better prices, to bettor :men in less time and Jess charges than any other Anotion ear in East Huron or tie won't °barge anything, Dates and orders eau always be arranged at this o81oe or by pouf mal 800ltoation. ROBT. H. GARNISS BLVNVALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable, Sales arranged tar 4t the office ot. Tab Pam Byusoele, 22tf 1EKAL AND CDNVEYANCINIL tAi M. Li1NOLAlit= v s'_e Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, k0, (lillee-S thwart's 131oab L door -North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Batik. d)It0UDFOUT, 13AYE1 & BLAIR- BAliltISl'ERS SOL1(W02'Ito, NOTARIES .IlUSLIO, 1110, W. Paouneoor, K. O. It, 0. BATE G. W. lir•.AI. Othoes-i'hoeo formerly ace aided by 2loeoro' Cameron & Bole, GODIIIIOS ON'r&nlo. DENTISTRY OR. R. P. FEIL,D. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burg000sof Ontario and First-class Honor graduate of Toronto. University, OBlce next 20 Grower's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, «�,, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS: ANY even ottmberad'eeotiou of Dominion Laude to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, may bo homesteaded b any person who is the sole head o18 family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent o1 one-quarter Boothia of 0'00 aoree more or less. Entry may 40 made personally at the local land ohne for the distrie1 in which 1110 laud is situate, Tho homesteader is required to perform the conditions°ovum:nett therewith nod e0' one of the following plans : (1) At least six mouths' resadones neon and cultivation of the laud in each year for three yearn, 12) 11 the father (or mother, if the father Is deceased) of the bomootandor resides upon a farm to the vicinity of the laud entered fir the requirements as to reef. deuce may be eatieaod by such portion re. sidlug with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has his permanent real - donee upon titration laud 02400,1 by him lu the vmiuiby of his homestead, the -re- uiramento as to residence may be cabs. 11 0by residence upon the said laud. Six mouths' notice in writing should be given to tLo Commissioner of Dominion .Lauds at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W. W. (101tY, Deputy of Ibe Minister of interior. N. B, Unauthorised publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. SAL Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. Stomach trnnlil" (a bt t a symptom oI, and net initial( true di<rasu. We thunk of Dyspepsia,Heartburn, and halite Lion as real Weenies, yet thoy aro symptoms oily of it certain seecia6 Nerve sickness-nothing13100. It Was this fart tb ,1 It '01 cnrr)rtly led Dr. Sheen In the u4 c.tim, of that HOTS t n pupt111ar etamnt'h B''111311]$ -1)i. 0111 of v L sir r0re.. (going direct to the etencrh ie rt t 1:.n ie right thin success and raver to Dr. ih, ,p a int n - le, with• out that original mat ,Ighh t t :I 1 rinelele, no Welt10.11hue ser m11L,h neat mi., O'er le balled, 1',n stomach (110112.0, 7,in,n)ng,.biliollsness, 12011 br0ath and sdll w 11132 I'lexlon, try Dr. Shoots R„Rtunttfvo-77,L1t•ts or ,Iquid-and see fory'ot7r- sett what (t can and wit do. We sill and 43214343• fully recommend Dr. Shoop's s: rat' iv Rest t 1i "ALL DEALERS” Pains of women, head Pains,, o' any pain 8toppecl in 20 minutes suec, with :1)r, Shoop's Pinic Pain Tablets. See full formula on 25c, Box, 80111 by all tlel111i1. . • BusJneete Petrels Main street next to the Chair Vac - T MONT 1rH tory, and purpose 1t4ing tan the A, 13t'p6a01s, n40col. d sta nd Making s a,h and-3arr1st0l, Solicitor, Notary,&o.0)1(000000' 00 sGNe 00114;lfeuit lodge 1B,14Aodoaald, Stadard Bunk lrknes0resgned $llpc'n- tendeet of Om _let,hodist Sunday School a 6(102411 time ago and 8, L,: Adolph ie now lit Charge. A few figures showing the finenetal sine of the elteI'eh'0 woric will be interesting, Meisetehip o1' the chnroh, t 7'1 Tot rll, colls2)11004 £ot' Dlissioue, ;(41117;00 001inexiun21 Panda, $242,40 ; Pastoral sftppcu't and circuit urposes, $2002,- 00 ; for Trustee Board purposes, $1200.02, melting a total for - all pm - pesos of $40611,02, an illoreese over the year before of $162. OR. Te r. M'RAE 13401/01/)1 of Medicine, University of Toronto 1 Lleentinte nod Graduate of the college or Ph y- 2110(1110 101 goat• radIAte Obtoago Aye, Aviv, 1,7008 01011 Throat Os itni, Chien/to, 1e, Es-I3ou043Surgeon to St,.leiele eel's lion Mil Toronto, Moe over ,al R. Smith's Drug Sto26. ;rote. phone 00ln160110n w1111 OranbroQk at an 110)1rs, Dfl, HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor (Graduate Dentin Department, Toronto Uaiverettty ; Lieentlote of. Royal College of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto, 'Of iso. over J. T. 10023e' 6801.0•13P040008, viol) Wrox0100' 1110 first end third Mondays and Gerrie the amnia mitt fourth Mondays of ea0ll month. ON. WARP4.AW (Tenor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Any end night on11s, Moo °ppo414o 1rltnr M111,Athol. NI) if; _ ,1war BRUSSELS GorN( Soma GOlNa Noarn Mail7:08nm Express 30;56nei Expiese 11:25ain Mni1 1;44pm Express 8102p m Expre60 8:130 p m amagram ?4G'I,t4zc WAL.TON To Toronto To God/11,10h Express 8:41 11 alI Express 11:00 it In Express 8:11 p m Express 7:17 p n1 Mi trixt Stirs Seaforth Juno llth is the date of a lacrosse snatch between the Beavers and Galt players. Leslie Watson, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff ]sere, has transferred to the brancli•at Cobalt. 00 exhibition over the bar of the Commercial hotel is the tanned skin of a snake nearly nine feet, long. This is rather' a 1lnicm0 00110slty. Ibis the intention of the local lodge of Elle A. 0. U. W. to have the screen work put on by seine of the leading Members of the Grand Lodge, at an early date. Seaforth horses had their clay on. May 211i at Mitchell. Jimmie Dick's Bell Larnbert, \von 1St motley, Frank King's Genova Bars succeeded in lend- ing second money in hen' class. Rev. F. H. Larkin was in Chatham on Sunday lIlay 23vd, assisting at the funeral services of the late Col. J. B. Rankin, whose death occurred in Cleveland early in the week. The de- ceased was a pillar of the First Pres- byterian church, of which Mr. Larkin was a forinet pastor. Contains no Caustic Acids: It's healing and drawing—that's why Putnam's Corn Extractor is bet- ter than cheap acid substitutes. In- sist on Putnam's only. Exeter R, W, Disney, proprietor of the Mansion House, has eentetl Mr, Leavett's Park at Grand Bend and will conduct that famous Summer re- sort this year. A regrettable accident occurred re- cently at John Pedlar's when Mrs. Tilos. Kestle, of Ilderton, full down the cellar stairs, when she bruised her forehead and sprained her wrist. She is recovering nicely, however. Little Miss Florence Tr'iebner,. who underwent an operation at Victoria Hospital, London, recently, has sufficiently recovered to be able to r04.11111l7 t her home in Stephen. Her case was a critical one and for several clays her condition hovered between life and death. A quiet but pretty wedding W60 solemnized 111 Detroit when William John Smith, formerly of Exeter, was maerie4 to hiss Catharine Pauline Jackson, of that city. Atter tt short trip they \Sill reside in Detroit. Their many Mende here join in wish- ing them a prosperous and happy married life. Luther Penhale meet with an un- pleasant and painful accident on Sat- urday tiliurclay evening. He was at the home of D.11ti 03,( and rues inst• 1 ' t set 0f tak- ing a snap shot of the Misses Mack with a tiash-light kodak when the flash burst forth before he expected it and touring in contact with his right hand burned it quite severely, so much so that (.he assistance of a phy- sician had to be sought. Patin anywhere stopped in 20 min- utes 8013 with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Patin Tablets. The fo1m01a is on the 25 cent box. Ask your Doctor 00' Druggist about this formula! Stops womanly itaius, headache, pains anywhere. 'Mete 1)r. Shoop, liac(ue, (Vis., for flee trial to prove value. Listowel .Listowel races, June 22, 28 and 24. F. S. Howe, who some months ago disposed of the King Edward barber shop to Jae, Armstrong, is again in possession. J. Cecil Hamilton has purchased the .7. 0. Burt property on (lain Street West. Itis a desirable house mid lob in a good location. 10'. W. Flay has purchased a large two -seated Russel automobile, Ile has an export chauffeur engaged to r1111 the machine. David Osborne, of Buffalo, who spent the past Men 111 with his mother, returned. He has 1t good position with the New York Central Railway and has Just, been advised that he has been transferred from the Buffalo to the New York office. A stranger' succeeded in flim -flans - ming (1. cleric in Tovell's 6 and 10 cent stole on Victoria 1)ay in an easy man- ner, Ho bnngli t 15 cents worth of candy and tendered what on first glance looped like a $10 bill in pay- ment.The clerk gave (lint $0.85 in change but Woke up with a sleet a little later when he found that. the "$10 bill" was nothing more than a $1 bill raised. The tocol Orangemen expect soots to have a lodge room( of their own in town, They have been negotiating and have practically closed a deal for a long 1e114e of the Martin building on Belgrave NI wsy NoTliO (Leo, Daley visited relatives in Mt. loon csb,•—Jan,. Winson visited his son hi Chatham during the .holidays, -firs. Daviel, ofOliuton, was w holiday visitor al, ill', end 1111'x, Mc - Orae. --W. 1Vray spout a few days with his brother, in Loudon,—Mvs. Wm, Wateoe is very low and not much hope is entertained for her re- covery.—Ms's, Battey, of Seaforth, spent the ,Holidays at her brother's, spent Armstrong.—lienl'y 'Johnston visited his brothel', Dv, 30hilston, in Michigan, fora few days recently,— Miss Howson, of Clinton, tva8 .a 'h0lh- day visitor at the house of J. L. and ]Vers. Geddes. --Mr. and Mts. eiproat and sol, ol'Mooch, and Airs. Pelton, of.Atwood, were guests at D. end Mrs, 8p1'0a0s, of LloIgratvr..--13. Wilkinson, of ].Ripley, visited at Um horse of W, 1I. and A'L's. Whaley, where he visited his aged mother.—Miss Robinson, of .Toronto, daughter of the late Dr. Robinson, the great Presbyterian missionary of L'he Northwest, is the guest of Miss Tessio Iialllday,-130'8, W. A. Porteous, with her son and daughter, Master Harry and Miss An-. dere, of Winnipeg, were visitors at J. A. and Mr's. Brar141011's and other seda- tives. Aro You Drowsy after Meals? Is there a fuhiess in your stomaclh— a drowsy, lazy desire to sleep—this isn't natural in healthy folks 111n3,1 only e(clirlt when 1110 -liver -(8 torpid. You. need a stimulating tonic -need. Dr.. Hamilton's Pills to stir your liver and put iife into Sleepy organs, You'll feel brisk.aud.lively—you'll eat, digest and sleep well after regulating . with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No medicine so universally used, so 211i1(1, so Sure to benefit; as D. Hamilton's Pills. Sold by all dealers in 25c. boxes. McKillop Feeetuan HackweIl left forWestely Canada on Tuesday May 18th. Alber- ta 1s his. destination. The Sabbath school at Bethel, which was closer,'( clueing the Whiter months \vas opened last Sabbath. J. J. Irvine has let a pasture lot, be- ing part of bis old homestead farm to 3011u Se01710t, for this Serio)). John Leeming who has been learn- ing telegraphy at Stratford Business Oollege for the last six months, has we are informed, got at position at Tavistock. A number of sympathizers of henry Stimore, who has very ill and unable to work for several weeks, were around and collected upwards of one hundred dollars for him. lir. and Mrs. Stimore are truly grateful for this generous gift, The former is now able to be out around with Lie aid of a cane. A garden party, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aicl. Society of Bethel Methodist 0hnech, will be heed. Tues - (lay evening, June 22nd on the lawn of Edgerton Roe, 14th concession, three miles East from the Nortel gravel road, Bl'oadhageu brass band will be in attendance and. the program will be lengthy and. varied and no ef- fortsa will be spared toward making the entertainment pleasant and in- teresting for those who atte11d, ele Tell some deserving Rheu:nlatie serf. fever, that there is yet one simple way to certain relief, Get Dr. Shoop's book on Rheumatism and a free trial test. This book will snake it entirely eletu' how (Rheumatic pains are quick- ly killed by Dr. Slump's Rheumatic Remedy—liquid or tablets, Send DO money. The test is free. Surprise some disheartened sufferer by first, getting for hits the book from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Hensall Thos. Laing is nursing a black eye and a bruised shin, the result of col- liding with a lumber pile while trying to catch a baseball. On Thursday, 10th alt., death re- moved one of the last of the pioneers of this place, in the person of Mrs. Andrew Muir, in lien -82nd year. Hy. Iteyuolds, whose health has not been (Ory good for the past few weeks, exsects 10 leave shortly to visit 1U0mbe11$ of his family in the West. The death of John Alexander, one of the old pioneers of Tuekersmith, took place of Saturday, May 22nd. Deceased who 4104 nearly 80 years of age had hived o11 lot 7, eon. 13 for many years. His wife died a few months ago. - The deceased had been very snceessfnl, owning two lino farms in Tocktl:smith and 001110 valuable property in the town of Essex, He also owned a flue gra\=el pit which was a never failing 40101.0? of 1070nite. The funeral which took place o11 Tues• - (/BRUSSELS {L1gm� G.'" EE °' HOUSE Planta and Flowers Any clean tit y of Tomato, Ceulli- flower, Calm y and Cabbage Plants. Tomato Plants Mc a box or Se tt dozen loose, Fine coll00t111) of Flowering Plants. Chaim lot of Geraniums and Annuals for bedding. B081cm and Japan ivy can be put out any time in Summer - 15e, 20e arid 215e each. Floral Designs made to order, Agent for Date's Out F110701 0, MISS KELLY ressing If you wish a high -Class hair dressing, we Are sure; Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved for- mula, will greatly please you, it keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes it look rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting at the ends. And it keeps the scalp free from dandruff, Dow nal change the color of the hair, 3or0lala with eeob bottle $bow i8 t0 g00t orshim 0bout it, doctor then deem be aaya At the same time the new Ayer's Hair Vigor is a strong hair tonic, promoting the growth of the hair, keeping all the tissues of the hair and scalp in a healthy condition. The Bair stops falling, dan- druff disappears. A splendid dressing. --Stade by Cho 3. 0. dyer Co., Lowell. Maur- --- day was attended by (1111.050 )1)141173,0'. The interment took place at Mc;Taggalts Cemetery, Oommencing last Sanday and eon - Hinting during the S111nn1er' mouths service in Carmel Chareh on Sunday evenings will continence at 7 o'clock instead of (1,30. As Norman Jarrett was tiding to 1Iensall on his wheel recently he rata against a stone an 11 was thrown with great force to the ground. His head \vas hurt and two bones of his left hand broken. LETTER FROM A FORTY-NINER. Here is a simple, Interesting and ein00119 letter -Nom a ruggedpioneer of '114, who braved the dangers of the overland trail to California, It should appeal to all catarrh victims. Santa Rosa, Dal., May 6, 1908. 110011/6 Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. I. Dear Sirs :-1 was afflicted with catarrh and tried a number of mute - dies, but received 110 relief. I pur- chased an outfit of Iiyomei, and be- fore T bac( used the bottle I noted a marked relief. I used it for at mor14.h a1' so, and thought I was cured and stopped using 1t for at year of! so. Thangllt I was getting catarrh again, and started using it again. I use it every morning, and keep myself clear of catarrh. 1 consider it the 'best catarrh. medicine that is used. I have often recommended it to myfriends. 1 and 81 years old. I came to California in 1840, and of course am not as vigorous as 14Va9 68 years ago. 121y address is 811 4111 street. fours truly, W. _tock. Hyo 1101 (pronounced High -o -are) 18 guaranteed by .las. Fox not only for catarrh, but for grip, coughs, colds, bronchitis and croup A complete outfit, including inb611)1', costs only $1.00 ; extra bottles of Hyomei, if afterwards ueedocl, cost but 50 cents. Wingham 'Winghaw Company, 38rd Regiment will go into into ()amp at London, on June sib. Jtobt and Mrs. Johnston, of Mark - dela were visiting for a few days with 11'ingharn friends. The proposition for a half holiday every week cawing June, July and Arsgust has fallen through. The regular sacramental service will be he1c1 in St. Andr'ew's Presbyterian church, on Sunday mor•uing, ,Tuve 0th, Piinc'ipal Taylor, of the High School and Principal Stalker, of the Public School, are among the depertluentat ex(uni Hers. W. A. Campbell and Thos. King made lt canvas of the merchants for $100 to secure the \en.tering vert out 0u its round. The Brunswick hotel has been sold to J. E. Swartz, of the Queen's hotel and the new pl opriOtol' has taken pos- session. lir. Swazis \'ill t \ tanthe two hotels,''tl n 1 i Ivan Joh ustorllts manager at, the Brunswick A. J. Nicholls proprietor of the Central bakery, left or an extensive trip through the Manitoba and the prairie provinces, where he will visit. relatives and friends at ditfel'ent, 1101111s. 1Ie will be away for some weeks. Fordwich L. C. L. No. 1142 will hold a lawn social on 'rueeday evening Jeno 1.5111. Recently. a ear of 11001' was shipped from Fordwich Flour dill to 111111, Quebet', Trinity church A. Y. P A. have de- cided to hold a grand convert in Brown's Halt on the evening of .Tulp 1st. Pr'eparatcl'y seethe? was held in the Presbyterian church on Friday after- noon and sacrament was dispensed at the Sunday mingling serv(('13, Mrs. John F. AlILau Mitt received word of the death of her youngest brother, William 'Fisher, of Devyer Hill. 1-1e died very slldde111y of heart trouble, While sowing m111ge15 Abe Johne - ton's horse ran at a brisk parte. fol 1t few rods '2i 1hW111 ,, Albrecht on its back and the seeder ho nping along at its heels. it. lists frightened by the passing train. The animal District meeting of the Wo11len's Inst little will be held 111 Mts. J. McKee's Friday afternoon June 181.11. A representative gathering of ladies from Got vie, Molesworth, Ethel, etc., ib is expected, _Miss _Intton, evangelist, is the guest of the Misses Ball at the parsonage. She took the.seb)ect et the Emmen League on 107141ay night. and con duct- c botI morning mid 3,v3,tie,s(twi(.e in 111e. _Methodist church on Sunday, A.r, timid ent befell Samuel J'ohnst1)) cm Saturday, 1.5111 inst. While exca- vating a hole to Bary a large stone, the earth gave way' and the stone slipped into the hole and fell on ;lit'. Johnston's font, bruising it badly. Witih the aid of his son 'lhotltas, who was near by, he soon extriritted hhn• self, It was a narrow escape, Mr, 301)0161011 is improving nicely, 0' 3l 1 .I. ?e utr' x veal ih(li n u 7 ' It if 1. )11)1)1 Sunday School Ads/w alle/I tlrcid(d to ((1,111 111» annual Coevert11011 111 the 211e1hodist ehurell on '.i'uestlay ,fuue 21)1(1, conarienohlg at 1,30 p. in, A. I A good program of Sunday School subjects was mapped out. Albin Bary Galbraith, who resides with her eistsr, Mrs. 11', J. Clegg 011 the 1011) con. had narrow eseep0 ell Tuesday morning of 10.82. week. After attending to sow( 110034011014 dulle6, site went to the woodshed to hang tip a large pati. Having done so she' im- mediate! returned to the kitchen, 11(181 Galh1'aitdl had just gut lit the door when /+he heard 80(0101..1110g hit the pan, lucking mute tt commotion, Upon 111 \eetigatnll it proved to be a 3411'8y rifle Willett, which hit the pen and thee an iron palter which was hanging of the 41(111, It then glaluted and eteuelc and split a board, 11 Is 1'e - ported that one of 1110 McLeod boy( was sheeting woodchucks 00 Air, 8tlone's farm near by with an army' title with it rlulge (1f two 111:1, s. After a careful 8cavelt the bulk'(( is is round 1211(11211133 (211(40 as the paint of a luau's 1111(4er, there is a huge clew( in the side o1' it, (there it struck 1113, poker. Ii' you would have a safe yet vert aill Cough Remedy In the home, try Dr. Shoop's—at least once. It 18 thnr- mighty unlike 1111y other Clough prep- aration, Its taste will be el1Lively uewtoyou- 11111('»0 i1isalready your favorite Congil 1Rellledy, No 0(11)1111, chlnrol'oru1, oe any other stupifying ingredients are. used. The teed et. !caves Of a harmless, 1uug-heeding moo tit -nitwits shrub, give to Dv, Shooks Cough _Remedy its wonderful curative properties. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy pre- scription. Sohl by all dealer's, Blyth Last Saturday Finlay J. McIntosh took. (3008005107) Or 1118 Jive modern teenlentxtable. It i, a credit to the owner andalso to the workmen who erected it. A change on the O. P. R. twinge the morning train 4131)84) 1(d1'1'11'l( £11115101131'. 111)17 earlier and the eveutug train from TOMS 10 late(', tale itloa i0 to give the travelling public more time in the Queen City. The marriage. or Miss Hamlett, daughter of .1. J. _lcCau'hey, of Blyth, to James Reynolds, at Detroit, is one of the hiterestiug society events slated for Wednesday next in the R. C. church in this place. 13AF11 BALL.—Ate exhibition game of Base Ball was played on the peek here last Friday evening betweeu:Clin- Lou and the .home team who coin - Wise pail of the League. The day had been cold ulidplayers did not clue to hart themselves throwing the ball. Breaks were numerous and costly on both sides, The hone team (von by It sore. of 10-18 and an inni1ge to spate. Following was the•line up 1- 01a3tmoN 'R 0 1011770 11 0 EJo1111nten, 1b _11 4 Carter, 213 ,,.. ,. _, 2 4 0 Riley, 8 10 4 D Somers. o ...... .........0 0 McConnell, e s1 4 ;huts, 1(2..............2 1 Hawking, 0 2 8 Buchanan, sa...... 2 2 Earley, p 8 1 1 26(500, Alexander 2 11 8 0 10 Somers, 1'1..,. 0 4 McRwan,1 f .,,_.,.. 0 4 McMillan o f 0 2 W Johnston, o f 1 1 Taman, 811 0 4 (4ndinurdson, r f. 1 M43Arter, p 1 4 Total 18-27 Total 111-24 (Tinton -0 8 0 8 2 0 0 4 1-18 ]fly tb - 1 1 1 8 2 0 2 0 x-15 ((x CLUB IRE-O'RGA-o1ZEn,-Last Thnesdlly evening, at the Com nevcial Hotel, Biytli, the Gnu Club re-organ- ized iorgan- ized for the season. S. H. Gilley was in the chair. The folln\ving officers trete elected for the coming year ;- 1-1011. President:, Jas, 11c111nrchie ; President, S. H. Gidley ; Captain, Joe Blaney ; Tleasuter, E. Mason ; Secre- tary, J, Blaney ; 1st Lieutenant; N. Taylor ; 21111 Lieutenant, A. Coombs. Managing Comtuitte.e, J. Dingwall, D. Stalker and 10. Seinen, 1(. was mov- ed and (carried that each member be charged 501', and that the annual re- port be seuf. in. The rifles will be left FE1N 'Fidi YEA Cured by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound MARLTON N.J. I feel thatLydia.E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable Compound has given me new life. 1 suffered :for ten years with serious female troubles, in- flammation, ulcer- ation, indigestion nervousness, and could not sleep. Doctors gave me up, as they said my troubles were chronic. X was in despair, and did not care whetherilived or died, when I read about Lydia E. Pinkbam's'Vegetable Compound; so 1 began to take it, and am well again and relieved of all lay suffering. Airs. (kiionGE Jonas', Box 40 Marlton, N.J. Lydia E. Pinkha :es Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and (herbs, contains no narcotics or harm- ful drugs, and to -day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases we know of, and thousands of voltmtarytestimolualsare on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass,, from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, my ceration, displacements,llbroidtumors, irregularities,1)er.odiepain8, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every suffering woman owes it to her- olf to give Lydia E. Piukham's Vege- table Compound a trial. If you would like special advice about your case Write a confiden- tial letter to Virg..Plult:hara, at Lynn, MASS* Fier advice is free, and always helpful. !Ingle At Reduced Prices for30 See our nice display in Rubber Trimmed or Solid Nickle harness, Also Dusters, Lap Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Trunks, Sat- chels and Suit Cases all at Lowest : riices. We .offer Eine- New Covered �o �t e a Bargain All complete with Rubber Rug and Floor Cloth. Repairs in Harness or Collars attended to promptly. Harness Boots and Shoes n. r s at Cbnrlesworth's hardware store so that they may be handy for the ranges. Joseph Slathers hacl the frame build- ing, formerly The Staudarcl office, re- moved to the rear of the lot to snake room for his new brick residence he purposes electing. The frame 8trnc- ture will be fitted lip for a stable. Owing to a break in the breeching of the harness the black (hiving mare of J. J, McUanghoy, took fright last Friday evening while being driven on the street. III attempting to hold her one of the lines gave way and the ani- mal made off. The front robber tired wheels were damaged and the mare bad a few scratches before she was caught. Driver escaped injury by jumping out of the rig when rein broke. In sickness, if a (10rta111 hidden nerve goes wrong, then the organ I that this nerve controls will also sure- ly fail. It may be a Stomach nerve, or it may' 118.70 given strength and support to the fleart 0r Kidneys, It AVMS Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restora- tive was not made to (lose the Stom- ach nor to temporarily' stimulate the Dealt or Kithu-ys. That old -fashion - ell method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes directly to these fail- ing inside nerves. The remarkable success et tide peesrril,tion demon- strates the wisdom of treating the 1)04(2al cause of these failing organs. And it is lndee4 easy to prove, A sireply five or ten days test will 8111201), tell. Try it °nee, and see 1 Sold by all dealers, The Oldest Insurance Office in the World Founded 1710 Bi -Centenary 1010 Home Office t London, (England Canadian Branch, Bun Building, Toronto, B, M. Blackburn, Manager B. GERRY, BRUSSELS AGENT 00 EWAN & CO. have the best and most up•to•dat.e Buggies on the market, Three•gnarter Buggies in black and seven eighth Buggies in black, stripe or any color, with auto seats and ail , wheels have a sleeper rite and thicker tire than any other Boggy. Two shote rooms full of all kinds of Buggies to choose 'frum— every one fully warranted. Each Buggy has dash supports and maul protectors for the seats. We have also installed a machine for putting eh all kinds of Rubber Tires, All kinds of repairs done on Buggies. Re -painting a spec- ialty. 'Pops relined or recovered and made as good as nett, at a shall cost. Special attention given to special orders. All kind(; of heavy and light Rigs made to order. Don't Fail to e us a call before making your purchase sse trod let00 1300113 Brussels for or Igoe. All kinds of repairs in stock. Best Dunlop Tires always kept on hand, The Ewan & Co, Carriage Factory, Brussels .111e ei WELL BRED STALLIONS 1909 1909 t �C1�� 2.0 0 and 4StlJi6'ner Will stand for service this sea20n al their own stable, BBRUSSEi,S. Baron Del Kaplan • • a choice young Registered Roadster Stallion, whose 1st dace is til end dam, Baron Wilkes ; 2(1 dant tl • 000111 all a narwi 3 Jay ploclucers 0fspeed, will take al limited nuwber of stares. Intending breeders should call and see' the horses for themselves. Scott a r. m. eek PROPRIETORS BRUSSELS