The Brussels Post, 1909-4-22, Page 4JP Enter Any ' m W Time! WiNGNpM BUSINESS COLLEGE et tested in be crucible e clue be lttof e porteneo, o ltlei rho aro of public opinion, aid !ne clot boon found tvliee oe. ceii 1 eneeelia of our glts Itte tea has act lige. exconod, Nobthalnrgetiesit altgobgf 9' est grade modern Deatuees Sehcol �n western Ontario, Individual insbrnet't 5 NO vacation. 0 Nell courses Encyst qday, Write for iv Mi der:]. CEO. SPOTTON, Principal tlje lintoseto tiom 1'13T,11jSIlAX, APRIL 22, Tsot) D E OUR 1WINNIP u ll'fT1A1. Spting is Muting 0n smartie, tbro9gb out Western entitle, Farming opera tiees that have been in progress ie tb Chinook section few several weeks a Eastward exteildin Lastward zutd the farmers u g Manitoba will shortly be at work getting 10 the 1919 crop.' Rivers and takes are bl'eakieg ..up in goo(! ever. e season. Inc la the. Red' and Asslciboine is on the rnQye,and wiii go got any day, leaving the rivers open for navigation. The Spring flight of grows -sure harbingers of Spring -set in a week or ten days ago and net only crowe but other Summer birds have arrived. Geese are coming in as fast as the grain stubble is uncover. ed, and the ponds and sloughs are open- ed up, Good Friday was a splendid Sprlr Clay and the sports season opened with football games, paper chases and 'trap shoots. SPRING. TRADE. '! ER\ AC'r1Vk With Spring at hand, trade operations have taken on even greater activity,tban that which has obtained since the open- ing of the year. Winnipeg bank clear- ings for the week ending April 8th. showed the effect of this active Spring business. The 'figures for the week were $32,476,387 as against $9.77(,7o5 last year, and $1o,681,570 fur Inc corres- ponding week of 1907. According to reports from the build ing inspector's office the first week of April has given the building total for the current month a good start, the ag- gregate cost of structures for which permits were issued during the past week being around' the $400,000 mark. It is also reported that the total for Inc year to date will eolipse the total for any coirespending period in any former year, Ther is everyindication that Y e a April will establish a record in the line of a monthly building total. ROYAL BANK'S NEW BLOCK The Royal Bank management has be- gun the work of building itsnewblock on Main street near the Bank of Toronto. The store building that has occupied this site for some years is being torn down and a fine block will be erected, four stories high, and 12o feet deep. The present quarters of the Royal Bank in Winnipeg are far too small for the rapidly. growing business of this bank, e e LABOR TROUBLES DISAPPEAR Trouble among the building trades workers has been greatly feared for a time. pp ast. It seemed likely m d tke that the Y building trades unions would seize upon the o op rtunity offered byremarkable p. activity to their line of work, to strike for higher wages On the other hand, the Builder's Exchange has been report. ed as unalterably opposed to wage in- creases. In this situation trouble ap- peared to be fairly sure to occur, but it has bean announced during the week that there is practically no danger of labor trouble this a h s ear to interfere with the building operations. For a time it was thought that the Builders' Exchange would insist ou paying the bricklayers ewhich an hourvhicb would be a dropof 55 five cents from last year. It is reported, however, that the builders will pay 6o cents and as trouble with the bricklav ers was most feared, it is believed that the danger of labor troubles has vanish- ed, GREAT NORTHERN WILL RUSH WORK One of the important anuouaeenteuta of Winnipeg railroad, d _ wnk recente made is teat of lamesHill, • • tot m as "bat I J the Great Northern will dthis Sum mer. "Direct connections with Win nipeg by September first," was Hill's terse declaration. Plans and 'specifies tions for the work to make this possibe. have been filed witn the Manitoba rail• way commissioner, R. P. Roblin, and provide for completion at the time set by Mr. Hill. The plans show practically an air line from the border town, Noyes, between 6o and 65 miles, and when complete will permit the cutting down of the time be• tween here and the Twin Cities consider- ably. The C. N. R. line now used by the Great Northern, is 68 miles long from the border to the city. A modern and commodious depot will be erected on the company's land, on Pauline street between Pacific and. Ross, two blocks West of Princess street. This means. that Winnipeg will have three direct outlets to the South. The charter under which the line will be built is of course, the Midland, which was bought by the Great Northern and Northern Pacific on equal shares. 'These companies also shared equally in the cost of the right of way into the heart of the city. The line to be built from Noyes, le, 0., to Winnipeg 1s a joint euterprise of the Great Northern and Nortnern Pacific railways, both cotnpanies being equally interested. 'rhe terminal station and office building, etc., will also be erected and maintained by these roads. Here. to -fore this has been recognized solely as a Great Northern enterprise. BIG ELEVATOR DUILDINGPLANNED The National Elevator Company has plans for building coo elevators in West ern Canada, The company is a new one formed for this purpose and bas a cap;• tal of $5.000,000 and will have too new elevators ready for the 1909 crop, Eaplauing the need for these elevators Dr. lohn G. Knoll, of Buffalo, New York, one of the chief officers 0f the new company said : "Americans do not be- gin to realize the wonders of the Cana. dian Northwest. there are 15,000,000 acres under cultivation now, and in the near future 165,000 000 will be cultivat- ed. The figures are staggering. Every Veer 200,000 persons from the United States and Europe are going into this district. The increase in land cultivat- ed i5 25 .per cent each year, At the present minute there are a74 elevators in operation, and'. there should be 3,500 of them When all the land is under cultivation lheresbould be'16,000 eleva- tors to take care of the grain." MR. DAWSON TO SPEAK Editor A, i• Dawson, of the London ' Standard, will address the Can"dian Club, of Winnipeg, on Wednesday of this week on the subject "Imperial' Un derttrking within .the Empire," When he was in Winnipeg, last year, Mr. ]Dawson delivered a most interesting ad dress before the Canadian Club and will be warmly welcomed this time, I1 Rutting Revelation. oD the game whloh they were to play li 1 11 ! I . with Freston, but Were tied np by train as seat ise, The friends ref Mlve Mary MoKonslo, of The seet'eterystreastlrcr's report London, were aetoniahed to hear that she had germ into Consumption. . p This sad intelligence .game as a shock to Miss iileJenryio's Many friends, In the early Itall she cors- traeted a heavy cold which developed ra 4d 1Y into catarrh, and finally made snob rapid advances that the bronchial tubes and lungs beeanle af* fected. Although the doctors said nothing short of a change of residence to the South would benefit, on the advice of a Dundas street druggist Mise lble- Kenzie decided t0 thoroughly test Catarrbozone, which is warranted to cure all diseases of the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes, Miss McKenzie says : "After my druggist had recommended Oatarrh- ozoneI spoke to lazy friends about it and they all said it was such a good remedy that I commenced forthwith to inhale it five or six times each day, 1 breathed it deeply into my lungs, and felt its beneficial action very quickly, Certainly no case of Catarrh or Bronchitis should go un- cured if the sufferer can .get Catarrh - ozone, which is a sovereign remedy, worthy of the highest recommends.- tioha.,l Miss McKenzie's case needs no en- largement. ` She was in a critical con- dition, apparently beyond the ttid of doctors' medicines. Oatarrhozone has cured her, and others in her condition should no long- er experiment with uncertain, untried treatments, but should turn at once to catarrllozone, and in it they will find relief and cure unobtainable by other means. Remember the name, Oatarrhozone. Complete outfit guar- anteed to cure. Prioo $1.00. Small size 50 cents. D1u g6rists or N. C. Polson Se Co., Iiingstony Ont. Foot BallA ssociation At the annual W. F. A. meeting at Galt on Good Friday the morning session was given over to a discussion of amendments to the riles. There was proposed as a sub- stitute for article 10, page 31, the fol- lowing :— A committee on protests and ap- peals composed of three neutral mem- bers, appointed as occasion demands bythe president, through the secre- p sc g secre- tary -treasurer, shall decide alldisputes toq , and differences arising out of matches which may be referred to it. This committee must meet at the call of the secretary -treasurer upon receipt, by hire of all evidence submitted by the secretaries of the clubs interested, when committee has reached decision it must forward it at once in writing and signed to the secretary -treasurer, whose duty it should be to notify the proper parties." This was adopted after a hot discussion. The six -mile limit of qualification was also fixed as follows : "That rule 5 be further amended by adding the following sentences after the words otherwise 35 cents. Full responsibility as to age, place of busi- ness, amateur standing and general eligibility of each player most rest with the club registering his name. The fact that the secretary of the W. F. A. has certified to each and every name on list doesnot a s •t the club of that, responsibility." The following fficers wre appoint- ed : President—D. A. McLachlan, Strait - ford. Secretary -Treasurer -T. G. Elliott, Galt (acclamation.) Hou. Secretary—D. Forsythe, B. A., Berlin. District vice-presidents : Southern—G. C. Wilson, M. P. P., Dundas (acclamation.) Oxford—W. F. Kuhn, Woodstock. Central—S. Lutz, Berlin. Perth—J. McCutcheou, B. A., Strat- ford (acclamation.) Huron—F. Sills, Seaforth (acclama- tion.) London—W. Govenlork, London. Bruce—Dr. L Doering, Mildmay (acclamation.) Grey—Dr. Murray, Owen Sound (ac- clamation.) Niagara — G. Phemister, Niagara Falls (acclamation.) Pee].—Rev. S. R. Robinson, OaIedon E. (acclamation.) Hough Cup—R. S. Hamilton, B. A., Galt. The rule was established that "the home club must give sufficient notice to visiting club of hour appointed fai- ths orthe commencement of the match," and that the last sentence of the rule be struck out. A long discussion took place on Mr. Forsythe's resolution amending the rules so as to provide that thatches should go on at the specified time, All kinds of compromises were offered from ten to thirty minutes, but none were accepted. The opinion of Sec- retary Elliott was received with favor, he arguing that ten to twenty min- utes, meant money to the home play- ers. Mr. Forsythe, whose proposal was the one which drew the greatest amount of discussion, finally consent- ed to let his proposition stand as a notice of 'notion. To amend competition rule 11, page 30, the following clause was inserted : "The secretary -treasurer of this league shall then immediately send a written notice to the sem etary of the club de- fending, explaining in brief the nature of the matter in dispute." Also, it was provided that furthermore, each club shall receive clue notice of the date of meeting of the protest com- mittee and the right shall be allowed either club to be represented at its own expense at this meeting for the purpose of presenting its case more fully, but no representative shall be present while the members of the committee are seeking to arrive at a decision. In future visiting teams ate to be allowed four cents mileage for 12 men and the mileage is to be adjusted even upbetween the teams. The return mateh mileage is to be equal to the mileage of the first game. Owen Sound was granted $30 as re- bate transportation and Tavistock $20 showed a bMelte° in hand of OK White Wyandottes Qlyth A gang of surveyors were doing some work in Blyth. Miss ltluriel Chellew, of London I' ortnal (college, was spending her ol Iti da'$'9 in town. Sem ay Rev, Ir, Small began Ills thirda ' i ye t1 n the pastorate of tat. Andr'ew's church. An informal dance will be givers in IndustryBall onFriday evening n g h y the Bachelors of Blyth. The hardware store of 11L B, Charlesworth 18 DOW open in the shop formerly occupied by N, B. Gerry. A number of Free Marione from town attended the funeral of the late James Young, at Auburn, on Tuesday of last week. Rev. W. H. Cooper preached mis- sionary sermons at Loudefeboro on Sunday. Rev, Ii, E. Currie occupied the pulpit of the Methodist eliurelt here. David and James McGill and Fred. Rath left on Tuesday of last week for Edmonton. Messrs, McGilltook their moving'picture machine with thee will operate in that section. Yirilliana 0. Moffatt wile lived 10'1'0• o �o notching ronlu for a pumbet of tears,was found dead inn hotel reedipg•room nt Guelph, ^'*ao '^r-^• The iicusa of l3ishe p s of feepert's Gerrie Miss Townseud, of Detroit, has ar- rived home to nurse her mother, who is seriously ill. The choir of the Methodist church has recently been ro-otganized with J Stanley Lyons as leader. The Bdgar farm, North of Gorrie which has been for sale. has been tis posed of, half to Charles lewin en half to Mr. Kreollete Vernon and Mrs. Armstrong, o Pittsburg, Pa., and Leonard Arm strong; 01 Toronto, came home for th holidays. The latter went back Toronto n Monday. . er on has 0 0 o V ❑ y received a pretty good offer inTorontt and may not return to Pittsburg. That inimitable window-dresser, S Sanderson, hasihas s been busy., and distinctly original design in Mr. Oaf son's window. Not to be outdone b the two milliners in town, he bas en deavored to produce a modern lady's hat out of very crude material. For instance for the hat proper he has turned' a basket upside down. Fox the rim be has coiled several feet of rope around the basket. For the ribbon he has a lot of colored tissue paper, and for the feathers he has a feather duster. It is really worth go- ing to see. • c1 1 e W s a Y • Why Suffer? Breathe Hyomel and Kill the Loath- some Catarrh Germs Just as long as you have catarrh your nose will itch, your breath will be foul, you will hawk and spit and you will do other disgusting things be- causeou can't help ourself. The germs of catarrh have got you in their Power ltheY are continually and a - sistenty digging into and irritating the mucous membrane of your nose and throat. They are now making your life miserable ; in time they will sap your entire system of its energy, its strength, its vigor and vitality. But there is doe remedy that will kill the germs and cure catarrh, and that is Ifyomei, the Australian dry air treatment. Joseph Dural, of 'Woodstock street, Tavistock, Ont., says :-"Catarrh had given me all kind. suffering sof suff rm For a lng time. There was a swelling of the glands under the eves and adjacent to my nose and the discharges would drop into my throat. I used several remedies, but never gut the relief that I did from Booth's Hyomei. I have been so pleased with Hyomei re- sults that I highly recommend its use to catarrh sufferers." Jas. Fox, the druggist, will guaran- tee Hyomei'to cure Catarrh or money back. Don't delay this pleasant anti- septic treatment. Breathe in leytmei and kill the germs. Jas. Fox will sell you a complete Hyomei outfit, including inhaler, for $1.00. It is also guaranted to cure bronchitis, asthma, coughs, colds, hay fever and croup. Canadian News' The Welland Canal was opened last week, Stock rustlers are active along the Western border. A colony of bees has been found in the city clock at Chatham. A prisoner named William Murray escaped from jail at Milton. The iydenham glass factnrt' at Wal- lacehurg was burned Loss Et mono Hour men were drowned off Port Morten, N. S , by their sailboat upset- ting The resolution to grant a subsidy to a line of steamers was adopted bt• the .'louse of commons Theinio 'nn S Dom n I & Steel direru.ry •+nneunced a rlivirlet'd of tort per cent to holders of nreferred stock The C. P R haslet the contract for building the Jackfish cat off About three miles of the old line will be aha. doned Mrs. J W Anderson, of Ottawa, was fined thirty dollars for having partridges in her possession She got them aS a present At Edmonton Deputy ,Warden Sted man of the Alberta Penitentiari" was murdered by a convict who hit him on the head with an axe. Janes Elliott, General Manager of the Molsons Bank, will retire, and a number of other hank changes are an - noticed at Montreal For assaulting Mr. Crocket, M P., Mr. Hanson was sentenced to a month in jail a' Fredericton, and ordered to pay the costs He will appeal. Gilbert Lee. a settler from Minne spoils, was found stiffocdted in a car with his etnck at Pinto siding. It is supposed his lanteru exploded while he slept Lnuls Saucier was slashed- with a knife by Emmanuel Hannah in a quar- rel about Sander's wife, and is le a critical condition. The parties live in Raglan township Street railway anutluclors at London, Ont., have teen provided with 'yellow cards containihig a entice against Spee ting in the care, which they hand to offending passengers, 1 White Leghorns White 1, '','i yyandottn lien is heeded 11p a bia'd bred lly 71. til'. .rout. Brockville White told the iii hate LP h ozna act headed by a cook bred, 1v Win. Ferguson, of Brantford. $1,00 per setting. • John Meadows, 41-11 Brnsst•ls 1', 0. White W a ndottes y and White leghorns h_ good Laying Strains $11,00 for 13 eggs. Three settings or Incubator lots atspecial rates. Wyan- dotte pen headed by bird bred by Mr. Hawkins, of Massachusetts. Leghorn pen headed by a Ferguson bird, Lrith- er'pen needs no commentas to quality. Have also a fine pen of Pyle Game. Communications answeredprompbly, W. E DUN. N BCARUSSEL.s A despatch Crum the tied 'stlys: Throughout the noddle and farther West seeding operations have begun, and will be general this week if the pre sent k,vely Spting weather eon tinnvs From Portage. la Prairie West, fanner are all. busy with preptu•atious, and much larger acreage than was seeded in 1 11 Ee9yt11'e lust what he all OR 1 O I� d e .•5 op area am , be. of coni e, iv pr.,hi, m atical a, this time, but It win telt I>e under 7,uuu ,lou scree- in O'hea', an n, Crr581' 511 111'er ga.ill'•1 . 111 a in', ti,, Ills' year This WelesPe is nut c n8 tl a t parte neer 'sactoo of the • d s , as net e has been devefopmeo1 a I n.ong •nr• Iltte. Of course e1uttnl Saabach east) ( ( rt whet e r su an 1 Nor hero Albe u. 1 errat rush of sett patent 05111 1' 2. (1 -eel yea , will see the most no \v land , roe ped Reports front tepreaeutaltve centers covering the tin ee lit,(tuers fan ie well, give a lair idea of the pre grv,..s „f the Spring work. J. _B. Laing. Provincial Mui leipal Auditor, died vets suddeult est 15 IX v I t m of a tat k o ell morn 1. \ t ru heart failure at Incra home in t n:o eH f u e h Mr. Lain • was horn In Cernousie Laing ,;hire, scot land, 0u Octotter end, 1837 He came to eanadt,.while a t'uung man, and settled in London, where he rotted- . d the firm of John S. Laing and Com- pany, wholesale dry goods merchants, one of the largest mercantile houses in Southwestern Ontario, Iu 1187 he went ro 'Toronto, and on the creation of the office of Provincial. Municipal Auditor, in 1897 by the Rosa Government, he be- came the lrstlappointee. Mr. Laing was in h s usual health the night before, bu: .was discovered text morning breathing heavily and died before medical aid could reach him. In his rapacity as Municipal Auditor. he visit - d a great many of the municipalities of Ontario and was a familiar figure to municipal men, who placed great value on his opinions and advice, which was haired upon long experience with financial afflti,s, A robber o x lace idaring r t o d oar' t was pulled off ou St. Lawrence street, gee read a in tin thin ougbfareon Satur- day evening in which a thief succeeded in sin 'siting a jewelry shop window, se - elides $3.000 worth of ilamLnhds, ter- rorizing the crowded street with a te- volver, and ieacbed a rig on La Gauebetiere street, where a confederate was waiting, and the two got away, and have not yet been loLsted, About half past sr vena man with a ISlse black bearrl smashed the window of Gro, ne'a jewelry store. seized a tray containing thirt\ eix diamond rings and emp led it in his pick•t He then started shout ing and shooting right and left with two htg. revolvers 'The street was crowded at the time, and ,y hen the shootirg started nearly every body rushed for cover. Fortunately only one person was bit, a bullet lodging in the leg of John Bertrand, who was standing on the opposite side of the street, but sever- al plate glass windows were broken by flying bullets. The robber rushed down the street firing and shouting until Ile reached Lt{ Gauchetiere street, here a rig was wailing and he got away. 1 here is no description of the. robber bevonrl his black heard which wise false, the crowd falling into a blind panic. w hen the sh.•"line displln• cont. menced, and no policemen were around so not the stiehtest effort was :Wade t0 stop the bandit. Makes Astonishing Cures Miso-na Tablets Cure Dyspepsia by Promptly Removing the Cause, or Money Back selected Iwonewbebop; Land, s t 1 t nl R e�Y, 1 R R J. G. Anderson, of St.Peter's Man,, fon' MoosoneeBishop olmes wl o ye. H a , s edfo t• ( r t o was transferred n la 0ab01 \ g a M e t to Athabasca. Dore init Pelletier was shot down at the door of bis settee at St. Etienne de 3e 1 r nolo ter • 1 • 1 ca. ' I and a' t tt l i n aa, ssln Q ) a who hid in a barn near by' and ted fired through a hole wliiuh Ile 0111 ill the door. A stelae thrown with tnoi,y force than precision of aim, at a dog, in Teestvaler, Moneta•n' mad t f 1 In a lot h i e o a e t n t 1111 large pato glass wiodows in the front of Gee. G. Crlvel'a boot and shoe store, It will cost sonhebody about $35,00. J. J. Stephens, of Teeswater, has re- to riled from Hamilton where lie under- went a eeeond operation on his eve '196sotte appears to have been entirely .ueuessful as he is ag n1" able to r, ad and to attend to the business of his oH'ice: The Chesley Enterprise is reepousiblc. for the following.; 'rife $gtiyrs submeled he Assessor Walks, of I5ltlerslie, show that 26on aures changed pend& during 1903 ilta value i)t' $117 010 ur $45 per eery: 'Tee toll shows a decrease of near!" too as compared with the pre- vious veer: l'he value of oh tire!) and school property to the township. is $r8,uno.' - Che opinion is general 111ruullhuut the township that properties shunld be assesses at their aatnnl vetoes. The assessment is slightly towel than 1 last year, ['he old guard of pioneers i$ getting smsllei every year, The. People's Column • CO.nFO1TABLE ROUSE .AND LoT von s — Hdla,—ttueU agger, water and L•ait dreg,. a Brua ele o • f li, '1'. HINGSTON, or P, O. bbess 150, L ort SAtii Utnofurtable house on William treat, B wt ens s acre tot, gaud 0weil. P. Eite01nnnd. fruit trees. Ifor Brussels. apply t. 1ttToaiaw•P S Sdotd,Biussele. tit.-'• There is just one way to cure dys- pepsia and stomach disorders, trivial or serious and that is to tone np or put energy into the stomach walls, so that they will be able to properly unix OP churn the food. Mi-o-na tablets quickly arouse the stomach from its inaction and in a short time it is able to do its work properly. Harry Dodd, of Bridge street, Hast- ings, Out„ says :—"For seven years T bad suffered and spenft tench motley doctoring, but all to no avail. I could eat but very little, as the food would ferment and soar, making gas, which caused •serious heart oppres- sion. I was in constant Ynisety, soul. gas would belch from my stomach, I was languid and weak and had no ambition. I did not feel like going anywhere or seeing anyone. There was a constant dull pain in the pit of the stomach. 1 was unable to sleep, was nervous. restless and would awake more tined than nn going to, bed.. I tried Mi-o-na and soon found relief, and in less than six weeks Mi-o-na had eompietely cured me. .'las. Fox, the druggist, sells Mi-o-na tablets at 50 cents a keg,e box, under a rigid guarantee to in all that is claimed for them or money back, i,.l Alit DRS +ta1No:-Stuteh. 3, braid. unu puffs tel 181,'elll .•elnuiags Ana nut' hair. Ut tern Troma tat ,.inaptly attended to.. , ,u B.S. 11 T: HINt:S LON, ,dill St., Brussels, AOOD norm 1 O: sale bring Lot 24 Lian. 8, V „„ewe is, also 2 1101105f ,n Brussels. Fur. ' Lot perneuliira apply to 211e, ty to. Km iy, Oiltin luiru,, 01 Millen. P. O. or lf.. S. Scott, unaele. tf OWES SER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable. Com pound Vienna, W. Va,-- "I feel thatI owe the last ten years of my life to D ilia E. Pinkham's yege- table Compound, AINRpyal `^t;' Eleven years ago I ,~t 1 n e mall a walking shadow, I had been under the doctor's _o— earebntgotnorelief. StJohn andHalifax to Liverpool My husband nor. . � P suaded ine to try Lydia E. Pinkham's From lit Jobe Halifax Vegetable Com- 'Grempinn — Apr. 17 poundanditworked Virghuon sails Apr, 18 Apr. 17 Tunisian anty.. Apr. 2•L like a charm. It re- pietoritnl sails Apr. 80 . May 1 &AV SZYAeLeA.elteAeLY. RROWAYAWAYLZ MDR keyed all xny pains and misery. I advise all suffering women to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. MRs. EMarA WIISATON, Vienna, W VEL. Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm- ful drugs,and to -day holds the record for the lagest number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi- cine in the country, and thousands of Voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass.,from women who have" been curefrom almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, Rl- p r ceration,displacouzents,fibroidtumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Lvery such suffering woman owes es it to herselfto give Lydia E. Inkham's Vegetable Compound a trial If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden- tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and always helpful. BCW.SFO1i BALE-lwuyoang Short Horu• .Suva, butn$Vfuram'vioe Yorssle, Good . pedlgrere Rod aii n15lnln every. Way. Furfur. Stock for Service - Principals. *This et5muer sails to Qdnttgow, Rates of Passage First Olnss-507:60, $70 and $80, -according to steamer. Sneond charm -815, 547,18 nerd $00, .. . 'Mil d Olaae-517.60, $00 and $01:20, For full particulars of Summer mailings from ' Montreal and rates apply to W. H. KERR. Anent Allan Line. Brussels, s?►' •a -v 3¢ a -t6, ;1IL sot t,k CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. With twetity-twn years experience to fit its credit this College 1s 1l cognised n8 • !�' the 'grente t practical teLdtdng se11oo1 in It • di lJ Western Onterlo, Three departments: j77 Commercial,. Shorthand, t' Telegraphy Ont. glasses lira the largest. our eonraen most rection! end our inytraat.ut' p a ex- perienced. Our grnduatem are assisted Enter note: Get bar freetatalogue era. e catalogue, Elliott �' &McLachlan iJ , to lositiona and Butneed fr*--,t"-a�'9t =. aJ_ 8C"� the,. 11, Siulars apply to JAs. SPED?, Lot 00, S..: ;,.-„ Con. Morris. or Brussels P. 0. 41-18 .. - _ DURHAM BULL POR SERVIOE.-The unndersigtted will Iceep Por service on Lot 14 Con.__ or , l m it . C n. Morris, i" 17 a t11 brede drby, ,Alex, Gard. "Jeer P'xvorite"' 72100 U ,Alex. Gard•` insp. Leedbur y which ie wellbr d, Syncing bock to the best families. ALLAN SPEIR, Fair- view Farm, Proprietor. . tf. 0)&15'O111:A13.,S residealee and jg acre of v Sind beingg Lut 212. Albert ,street Brun- sela Cor •,ate. lig cis -,-1 o i s n- ue w 1 u 1t with alt au vmueace+and are Simi could' be given u ppu ag ou e oven For turthyr particulars apply on 'tlie premises - ad es to Mrs. Sae; Ferguaotl,po D. Fer- guson, er- guson,'Eeeswater. tf. Mb E1ABLE- r Ti' O U VO AGS stable nail //v� j z V caro of land for .gale 'Puenberr •h• et y. e . North, Brussels. give well, ce.tit trees, &e. Possession could be given at gaga. For further particulars as to price, terms, &c., apply on the premises. ALEX, Mct.AUGHLIN, -7-1f COM0 PORTABLE new brick residence for Auld Ori 7tnrnberry street, Brussels, with (me aere of land, eligibly situated. Good stable, well, cistern. fruit trees bushes, &e. Also 50 acres of land, part. of lot 1, con. 12, Grey. Possession could be given t For y g v t r,uo, 5 if>urther purticitlars ae to price, terms, &c..np ply the premises or write Brussels P. O. FOR SALE OR TO RPJNT.-The undersigned offers his well located property in Brussels for sale or to rent. There are ajr, acres of land with comfortable house, with cellar, enable, orchard, well, &o. Possession on Aug. 1051. For price, terms, and other information apply to JAS. DlINFORD Clinton or THE POST Brussels. THOS. Dt1NFORD, Langdon, North Dakota. STOOK FOR SALE. -The undersigned has for sale at Lot 21, (ton. 12, Grey• -1 im- proved Berkshire hog, "Shady Nook •Swell," winner of first prize at several of the local Fairs ; 1 Berkshire sow due to farrow in May, and bred to Yorkshire hug ; 7 little pigs, York- shire and Berkshire ero•,s, will be ready to wenn about May 0th. A few choice young ewe being bred which will be forsale later on, also two or three good milk cows due to calve abort the last of April. J. P. MOINTOSH, 41-tf Oranbrook P. 0. PROPERTY FOR SALE. -In order to close the estate of the late Thos. MaLeucblin bus ExeIutorI, offer for sale the real estate consisting of a 7 roomed house in good repair, jy sere of had, together with 5 sores of brat - chief) land and large commodious stable, quite convenient to house. For full description mid location of property apply to P. SLOT"I, or A STEWART, Queen St, West, Brussels, County of Huron, tf. FTNA�ITCIER. AND ORGANIZER WANTED to promote a company in Canada to man- ufacture alarge number of new choice pitt- ants,made and tested. Same will sell at first sight inall lumbermen•aoutfits. Can be melt- nfeetmmed on royalty if desired or will tell outright if preferred. Do not reply unless you are reliable and in position to handle a good deal, Referennre exchanged. Truly yours, TH'O8. MOGR3GOR inventor .and 3m - rover on saws,. tools and machines, corner Mill and Main St., Brussels, Ontario, Ontario Liquor License Act. License District of Haigh Nuran, Notice i- hereby given that F. 11 Miller and John Li. EOM infer , of Idodhagen, have made appucaron fors lie transfer of the tavern lio- eoa, lou the preen es- known a. the Sage Hotel e Sr t BL to p 4 ;nth, Tit»ge ul W noun vd tt brit by willbun Ili mel, un,. that said apphrutmon will ht con. sutured at the meeting or the Board of l.icense 'Uonnn salon era 10 be held td. the Dins lay Rouse in the luwrn of Whtgheni. on the 15th day of May, 1000, at the hour of 11 u'el"ek a. in. A11 person• interested will .govern thenrs,•lvea ac- cordingly. W. CLEGG, Lieenim lut-p, ata'. Dated at Morris, April 10th, 1000. Notice to Creditors 10 the matter of the esl•ate 1,1 flush Hen - iv A tight, late o1 the i'owuship of Grey, to the County of Huron, ferule', deceased. Notice is hereby given linrsuant to "The Revised Statutes et Onto t W, 1507, mealier' 00 uhnptur 185,that till creditors mid others bay- ing Wanes a toast the astute of the eeid Hugh. Henry Wright, who died on or about the 20th day of April A. D, 10011, are required on or be- fore the BUthday ul.April, A.D 1000, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to W. 20 Smehih•, of the Village of Brussels, in the County ofBur- on,solicitor for SemuntJ. Wright and Jona- than Wright,. the Executors or the last will and testautent of the demented, their Christian and surnames, addreeo to std deeeriptione, the full partiaitlare of their claims, a statement of their 'amounts, duly certified, and the nature of the 9eeuritfes-1f any) held by thele. And farther hike notice that after each haat ntuhtloned date the said Executors will pro. mad to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the partiesentitled thereto, having regardonly to the claims of whichthey chair Hien have notice andthat the said Exeoutors will not be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof. to any person or pereone of whose olefin node() shell not have been) reoelved by them et the thin• of'ubb diaU9btitinir. Dated this 18611 clay 01April, A D , 1000. W. M, STNCLAIR, 31-2 Sbilottor for the Executors. POR 8111'5103,-8 Thoro'-bred Short Horn Bull (Captain Broedltooka) No. (740741 Lot 20 Con. 10. Grey. Terms -$L00, payable Jun. lst,1910. Further terga may be seen at the premises. D. E. SANDERS, Proprietor. BULL FOR SERVICE. - The undersigned will keep for service at Lot 00, Con 0 Morels the thyro' -bred ogler hart r:' $ $ Horn Bull, "Bold Boy;' bred by Barry Smith, of Exeter, and sired by Gold Drop, a well known prize winner. His dam is out of, cow of the yeility strain, imported. 'Bold Boy" is a full brother to the first priee winner at the Indus- trial Fair, Toronto. last Fall Terms, 52.00 for grade cows. Will also keep a pedigreed bull at $190 for service. JAS. SPIDPIR, 4l-4 Proprietor. June. luly and August leads into our Fall 'Term without any break. Enter any time, New Catalogue free, Write for it to -day. CENTRAL EVkINECC COLLEGE The Largest, most Reliable of its kind. W. H. SHAWPrincipal Yunge&Gerrard ate.,- Toronto 01116 tWWCIREXEZSENONEWINSEEnallatereleareielefeeliteLlaWSINIKORIMIEWIREIPS7 Why You £ho1d Avrtise in The Post The Biggest business men of the country have found that the easiest and surest tray to spell success is, A -D V -E R -1' -I -S -E+. 1-it.,ls.8p ibe lit-wsltalrers- did trot ptthlish the news,. 110 +-<tuld nyi,. i•nr,ti w•lalt is 'ill f'lteniltg? If you tl•.,ii't-tuirt>,h ' "111 l "store 55: ," b"n tt It fats know about your. goods ? You can never sell the goods people do not know you have. Arty; rtisiang is telling fonts about your stoat Shopworn and out-of-date stock is the penalty many merchants pay for not advertising. Try an Advertisement for a month and you will see how well it works ttvrs�s ev,e.sz,.,mt WeatileilineMentlegreeeleGnItennewarettleateSailie NATIONAL HOLLER 13 RUSSELS -.s WE HAVE Bread Flours Graham Flours Whole Wheat Fours Feed Flours ILLS Corneola (Breakfast food) Rolled Wheat Cracked Wheat Oatmeal Bran,, Shorts, Flaked Oats for horses and all kinds of -feed. WrnM & Pryne t. eft 1 *� r •.