The Brussels Post, 1909-4-15, Page 1VOL, 37 IVO, 41
New Aalvertisernents
Ballo for Sale—hut. Qpph',
Salad totntoa6-J.11, Rosa,
Psis . or sale -Backer Tiros,
Until for service—Jos, 8l,
License transfer—W. etude,
8 neetnelos found—Tug Pon,.
Stools for so lo -3, >
Petit a i ,1 wanted—W, os waorsale . E. Weigh
forsate-7olm endow;
Nota for eredi ng1-W, 1. Sjnaws.
Notice :pal to craw -1 ,—W, M. 8lpclah',
Carpet chaffer'—a, . Bon.
` ; fletuo
NEWSY.1'1E318.—Mrs. D, Howe and
daughter are spending Easter week
with her father and mother in Palm-
erston,—aliss B, Grainger, of Newry
school, is spending her holidays at her
home in Forestville.—We are pleased
to see Allan Miteheil out again after,
Itis severe attack, of la grippe.—John
Sangster is spending Easter vacation
at home with his mother. --Henry
Armstrong is spending Illastei week
with friends in Toronto.—stir
s. R. IDlc-
Ree, of Treherne, Man., who has been
visiting hese for the past few months,
has gene to Toronto where she in-
tends making her home.—Miss Nettie
Mitchell is spending her Easter vaca-
tion under the parental roof.--Grahaur
McDonald, of Listowel, visited our
burg for a few slays this week.—J. 11.'
Johnston, of Trowbridge, visited our
village this week while home on Iris
Easter holidays, -D. A. ;Stewart, who
has been' in Berlin for the past 2
months, spent Easter week at twine.
—W. Coats and MISS Coats, of Tion
bridge, Sundayed at the,home of Ed,
of the discos on .the Managing Board,
In polities deceased was 00 lode -
pendent Co. se
P n_ lvativo, Liis widow
'survives hini, also Ater 50138 -Peter
Ws William 11„ Davtd S. and Oye
W, and three daughters, Mrs, W. M...
Soott, of Blyth ; Mrs. J, B, Fells, of
East Wewanosh, and Miss L IC. at
home. The remains of this worthy
malt were borne to the tomb by hie
foul, sone and two sous -hi -law on Sat-
urday afternoon, Rev. J. A. Ferguson,
Assisted by Revds,'lllsssr$. .Rivers, of
Belgrave ; Hartley, of Blyth,; and
Taylor, of Knox College, taking the
service. Despite the inclement weath-
er a large number attended the fun-
eral to tender sympathy to the be-
reaved and look oncemore on the
race so well known and generally
loved and respected. A large number
of relatives and friends attended from
a distance, namely :—P. D. and Mts.
Scott, Lowville; ' Joe and Miss Elliot,
of ltliltou ; Thos. Chisholm; Hereby ;
D. McOoll and Chas. H. Scott, of las-
teeing; 0. Sumner, H. Odell and E.
H. Walker, of Loudon ; Miss Elliot
of Hagersville Dr. Scott and Masten
Laddie, of Southampton ; 0. 'Tru -
bull, of Walton ; and Mrs. McKenzie,
of Teeswater. The bereaved family
will be accorded the sympathy of the
eounnuuity its their sorrow,
131 USSE.LS, ON 7'4 RIO,
Saturday in order to continue his
studies at the Western Unlvermity foe
the conning year, show the esteem in
which he is held by the members of
us the vestry,' - ,I;hbt•, D. Cuuniilgiutln
James Gaynor, of Milbank, is -spend -
his holidays under the parental
Miss Elsie Davidson, of Ethel, spent
last week visiting her friend, ,bliss
Nene Fogel.
Win. and Mrs, Baker, jr., spent
Easter Sunday at Mrs. Baker's
mother's, Mrs. S. Rowland,
Behave Mrs. D. Quinn left on Good Friday
morning for Mooyejaw, Sask., where
0; P. It. Special low rates on Tuesdays, c�u, she will join her brothers TTomand
log Moral' nn(1.1pnil to western poilov vitt the - '
only through line. Fres settler's ;outlet., LPO Gayunr..
tialcuts and all information at :Town ticket A. Fogel, of 'Maysville, who has
otos, Blytll; J. McMerchie, Ageitt- 57.4 been visiting his parents here returned
A WORTSLY PTONEssloPnssEs Aw AY. home on i\londay his brother Bob le-
-Another of the East Wawauosh turning with him.
pioneers. passed peacefully away to The annual vestry meeting of St.
the Great Beyond in -the person of David's Ohnrch, Henfryn, was held
David Scott, who succumbed after a Tuesday afteruoun at 2 o'clock' with a
short illness of pneumonia, on Wed- large representation of the vestry
uesday, Aril 7th. Deceased Was present, 11e Rliauclal statetnetit
born in Scotch Blook, Bsquesing, showed a detected increase on ineewe
Halton Co., on March 13th; 1851, and of previous year, and after paying up
toots consequently 73 years of age. In all outstanding accounts showed a
18(35 he was married to Miss Elizabeth neat balance on haud. Over x;100 has
Elliot, of Scotch Block, and settled on been spent on improvements in the
Lot 35, Con. 7, East Wawanosh, church buildiug, a parish hall had
where they have resided ooutinually. been purchased,'an increase hail been
In the early seventies he occupied a made in contributions to the M. S. 0.
seat a at the Council
out- and
O n C.
Dios. Miss. Pnudnl
a Huron
cillo• and flrsn as Reeve. He .was one College. Thane was a marked in-
of the first elected school trustees of crease to attendance at Sunday ser -
.S. S. No. 13, and for 40 years scolio- vices and at Holy Commmniou. The
tied in that office acting ns:See. rr eas., liberal parseiven to the incumbent,
all that time. 111r. Scott was a loyal Rev. H. P. Westgate at the 0hrist-
member of Knox church, Belgrave, pias season and the granting him
since its organization and held many : leave of absence from Monday- to
IThccum carpet gleaner
Tiv Very Thing the People Require
This easily handled but perfect working machine
is guaranteed to do first-class work and can be handled•
by any body. It cleans Wool, Tapestry or Brussels
Carpets without lifting them from the floors or remov-
ing the furniture. IT RAISES NO DUuT.
We have installed one of these modern machines
and have it for renting at a very moderate figure. Call
at the store and see it and get instructions as to the
simplicity of its working. If you once use it you will
be convinced of its value and will never beat a carpet
R. Leatherdale eh Son
Furniture Dealers
G roceries
A choice stock of New Groceries has been plac-
ed on our shelves and will be sold at close
prices. Also carry nice and goods oods in Fancy anC
or no
is always kept t
1 t0 -date and I d aUY
��f�C v 1
HaI9 I
is as
good las the r
� best.:-
�a ar{mpg}
: J
ButcherShop r
n '
Butter and Eggs taken In exchange for goods.
Amhereyou co do business so if arcn the e lool•out for.
real bargains call and see lie.
M itch!!
and Ohm. ' Eels .
wardens, To their mntiiiug_ zeal
mooch of the Success of the year is dee.
Will, J. limiter 'was a visitor at the
parental home here fora few days'
during the past weak. He has been a
resident of Gcurgetown for several
Months past hut hits, accepted of a
morelucrative. position :alt Oshawa
and, left for there on Monday o1' anis
FRoai Noywms, haelr.—,il: letter..
from Gin field Lurig, who reeeutly
went West says :—Ail sending you it
few facts that have liappeeed in the
Weotsince wearrived litre 00 April
2nd.' Allarrived safe and 50111161.
Thos;' Wlltfaslsuu'14 awl company's
car aernee(1 all right on the 711 inst.
With everything in first -chefs condi-
tion. We give 1111. Ni011015o1n pralso
for his good caro of the bosses, &c,
Thos. illiamusonand limey McMann'
disposed of their best team of horses
with a profit of 8201.00. Thos. Wil-
liamson has bought a House one of the
best in Nokomis. William Woods
and Garfield Long have purchased a
barber shop and pool room and tante
possession shortly. Jno, McFadden
bought two lots in town and has
started to build on one of thein. All
are enjoying the best of health and
like the town fine. Tweuty-eight
horses are going to be built shnrtly,,
There are two railroads the G. T. 112.
and 0. P. IL here.
NOTES. -4. meeting was held in the
Town Hall Weduesday evening of
this week to male arrangements for
celebratingJuly 1st. — Miss 1 ate
FIaztewooretnrued to Toronto on
Tnesday after visiting het parents,
W. 0. and Mrs. Hazlewood.—Mies
Sophie Robiuson is the guest of Wing -
haw friends. --R.. 1llutch and family
visited the formier'sparents in Clinton
over the holiday.—Misses Ida and
Lottie Paulin returned from Toronto
on Mouday.-Mrs. 0. Reis and daugh-
ters; Eton and Lilian, hove returned
frow a visit with 'le latives in Milver-
ton.—Crosby � Leckie, of Wingbam,
spent Good Friday with his brother,.
Geo. Lacikie. 131iss Lulu Hemphill, of
liensall, is renewing aequaiutauces
iu the village.—lfrs. Armstrong and
Miss Cassie McDougall spent several
days of last week in Whatton.—D. D.
Sanderson made a business trip to
Waterloo last week.—Roy Hamilton,
of Thornhill, spent Sunday with his
pas etas, .Inc. and illus. Hamilton.—
Miss Nellie Black, of Harriston,
spent Sunday here with her parents.
—Lambert Stinson spent several days
receutly with friends in Owen Sound.
--3. R. and Mrs. Wendt spent Good
Fraley with frieuc1 s
in HtL7rlStn 11
Milduiay.-Miss Bailey visited over
Sunda in Brussels.—John hn Bravnr
y e
tuiued to Toronto nn Moo
da Dr
McKenzie y
)zee was a visitor in Toronto
over the holiday—Mrs, 0. I Sander-
son 131E Hawthorn 1 n 1s the
guest of her
sister, Mrs. W. .Rutherford.—Arthur
Stott, of Hickson, spent a few days
with r his father, Jas.
Shea, of How-
Mk.—Miss Beatrice Howe, of Ux-
bridge, is spending the Easter holi-
days at her home here.—Norman
E:albfleisuh spent Good Friday in
Mi)dmay. — Stewart McKer•cher is
hove from Brussels for the holidays.
—Miss Cora Sheriff is spending the
Easley vacation at her home in Wing-
ham.—Mrs. Thos. Lovell is recovering
from a very .savers illness. — W.
Hardy, of Orangeville, spent Easter
Sunday tvith his brothel, H. Hardy.—
Miss Effie Powell leaves ou Thursday
for Regina, Sask.—\V. T. ,'father, of
Keene, spent several days of last week
with his son, W. J. Mather.
A number from Anbnrn aucl lo�ali-
ty were ea Blyth, Thursday of last
week, some attending the Temper-
ance Oonvention and others taking
iu the Spring Fair.
SUDDEN DEATEt or ,IAauos YOUR(}, --
With sad startling suddenness cauls
the news last Saturday of the demise
of a must worthy and highly esteemed
resident of this place, iu the person of
James Young, whose stalwart figure
and cheery wanner were Known to
everybody in this section of Huron
County. ouu V .
t T bile at
work in
Y1his mill
here SaLnIcbo afternoon, Y 1 , about $
o'clock, be burst a blond vessel and
despite all that could be done the vital
spark fled within half au hour. Truly
in the midst of life we are in death.
MIr. Yonng was born in Colborne Tp.,
Huron Om, 00 years ago, and had been
engaged in business hero for the past
80 years @s saw -Miller, Cnnh'aetor, etc,
and for a few yews VMS also iu the
hardware business. Ho 60113) arqlrni,i 1 -
ed with a. very wide circle, and iu his
Mistimes relatiouswits honorable and
lipl'i **int to e, marked degree, welt
worthy of amnlatinu. In fraternal
Soeiety week deceased toner a peoui-
n )
He tt
e t part. Husa Past Tlasi•el• of
Morning Slay A. F. and A.. M. Lodge
at, Ca1'law, atnd in a'member'ship of 130
years only Missed four es501lnes,
The Canadian Order of Foresters was
enthusiastically L lnsiastically supported by hint and
he was not ata iu1'regnent delegate at
J.iigh ruul't. Particularly Mr, Young
was t1 loyal Liberal who did no small
shale in keeping tate Rag or Liberalism
living, For a number or years he
11e1(1 official position in the Ridingand
was President of Notch Huron Assent-
atios at the time' of his death and also
of West T:Tuio,s Assisi/Ohm for Do-
minion pnrpnse5. Tu church relation-
alai) rlocaase(1 was a1 faitlrfo
member ' i
o the Ptesbyte inn ehnreh Every'
THU1.sDAY, 4PRIL 15, x9o9
in the interests of this locality. ales,
•i 'Yonilg Was Miss' Elizabeth Forbes, to
'.fvitoru he was married in Bu l'elo, N.
Y.,and who withtwo slaughters,
1f ieses ltuby and Olivesul'vli'e, to hold
i u ki tldly remelt) beams a true husband
and loving father. : Alex. Young, 'of
Wiugharn, is a brother of 'deceased,
anti there are four sisters, ales, Thus,
Stranghatt, East Wasvauosll ; Mr's. A.
Molienzle, Kippen ; Mrs, T. Anderson,
of fibre, Michigan. The funeral took
place at 1 o'clock Tnesday afteenoon
to the Colborne arniotery, and was
tinder the direction of the Masonic
Lodge, Rev. J. R. Mann, pastor of
Knox church, .Auburn,- being the olli-
Mating clergyman. The bereaved
family wilt share largely in the sym
patby of a host of friends. No com-
munity can Mee such a titan its the
late James Young without causing a
vacancy that will be very difficult, if
not impossible to fill.
Tile Western fever has been very
manifest 10 this vicinity this
,Spring. 0. H. Holmes and family
and G. 11, Dark and fancily left on
March 23rd for Manitoba ; A. E. Fox
and family, April 5th, A. F. and Mrs,
Piercy go Apr11 13th to Saskatchewan;
J. Struthers and family April 20th,
and also a number of individuals have
gone and a number nwl'e are waking
preparations. The Anglican church
seems to be the heaviest loser at this
time, as no less thau 23 aommunirauts
llavegone to,MlaeiWirt and Seekateh-
The Master services in the village
were largely attended, and bearty
throughout. Special music: was ren-
dered in all. Rev, J. C. Reid, B. D.,
11ac1 appropriate discourses in the
Methodist church : Rev. Mr. Price.
of the Baptist church had for his
theme "The Empty Grave"; Mr. Hy-
slop Dickson, Mf. A., of Knox College,
occupied the pulpit of the Presbyter-
ian church ; Rev, II. P. Westgate,
of the Church of England, Look for
Inc text, the first part of I Cor. xy,
20, and spoke on the proofs of the
Jas. Wright still continues very
Miss Eliza Outt, of Blyth, is visit-
ing her uncle, Jobe Cott.
Ml's. W. H. Marshall and baby visit-
ed friends near, Belnlm'e last week.
Miss Scott, of ilarrislnn. was visit-
ing her friend, Mrs, J. D. Miller, last
D. and Mrs. Taylor were railing on
relatives and friends in this locality
last R•eelt.
1Ir•s. George Eckmier spent Easter
week tvith her father, Mr. Hall, and
sister, at Ethel.
Rev. Mr. Somerville, of London,
took the service in Victoria, Hall on
Sunday evening.
y ring.
Miss Bessie Moses is v' •' '
Isltnll her
uncle, .Ictuses Moses, of Kincardine,
and other friends.
Mrs. Mulligan 1s visiting her
ter, t White -
to Mrs. 1.
rs John Waddell, of \Z hlte
,hitch, this week.
Nelson Mn )
Mitchell. e f Molesworth, tl , call-
ed on some of his friends around
Jamestown on Friday.
Robert and
Mrs. B 111 '
a ta1r1 and
family, of Wroxeter, visited at his
Mother's Sunday, Edward Barnard.
Miss Mina McKelvey spent Easter
with her sister, Miss Alma, in Toronto,
and her brother, Lorne, of Hamilton.
Miss Belle Strachan enjoyed her
Easter holidays in Toronto with her
eonsin, Miss Mary Livingstnn, and
brother, James. of the Dental Oollege.
It is reported that Ward Caldbeck,
will return to old Ontario again. The
West may have its attractions but
Ontario has many advantages in her
favor' also. We. will welcome Mr.
Calbeck back.
Wednesday afternoon a very quiet
wedding took place when Melvin('
Willets and Miss Catherine A.
Wright were united in marriage by
Rev. NIr. Perriu, of Wroxeter, at the
home of the bride's parents, Jas.
Wright. May their joys be many.
Sc13ocL REPORT.—Report of j. 5.
No, 4, Grey, based on promotion ex
inns, of April lst, 2n13 and 5th. Total
number of marks 750: honors 450 ;
pass 370` 1-01ttss Sr. IV—Thos. Good-
fellow 588, Arthur Johnston 515, Alex.
McDonald 452, Jelin McDonald X1;37,
William Smith 4.24, Roy McDonald
410, Roland Huffman 805, Emma Lake
377, Ben. King 285, Jr. I\r Edgar
Lal'' n e
lou 111 000 Edna Lit r',
ttnlete x13
, c noxa 512, Sato. Bnrl.c.
435, rt B1•yaos 43,1, Geo. Johnston
341. Sr. III.—Louie plain 510, Pearl
Payn 507, Laura Smith 503, Mary
Smith 400, Edith King 452, Lily Ring
402, Aknee Snit 820, Elsie Jolrnstou
207, Go'dnn Holt. Pt. TI—Adeline
Johnston. Gordon McEwen, Earle, sl
1luEfmau, May Berke, Herold Jaekliu. v
Pt. I Sr,—Alex. Ring. Pt. I Jr.—Jas. i'
Thompson. Stanley. lfcforlald.
F C. FuASER, Tea.chet s
Uailoa ME1i7'INO.-013 Tuesday even- he
Ing a very enjoyable 1111100 meeting of (11
the P)trnsets' Club and Woman's In- l,.
stitule, {was held here. Owing to the 1
ineiemt'ury of Thr )leather the curd- s
lt'nee was not a: largo as at 10301407 p
n1ee1inga however ,L very profitable la
and iusl1117ti313 proguanl wit8 present- fu
ed Robert 9'
R alt . to trh 1
a rat making a 'e •
L very
1 v
capable chairman :—Cr;;an const, Mims
Ina Bryans ; acl>lress, "Why do hays
leave the facia, Wm. Masts --he ad -
t ised ns to brake our homes ns nti t ne-
tive as possible ; solo, `"Tinos 1 nry," by
Dnugcld Strachan ; papal nn eel hire and beautifying our homes,"
Miss line Moses ; reel intim), Miss Ber-
va :13ryans, address 'Ld),callon on
the f'ar'm," Ohatlos Forrest --got the
hest obtainable Mien1iii, iota we
a could be Utc balmiest. people til the
twined 3 visit- 3(1)Miss Tom knell
ldt(.8s, T c lunrl, Rn( tan ; rr eitcltic)n
co non Sidle r panes, "Saving Steps'
y Miss :Elsie btritehaln ; W. Fraser,
ltievale, spoke at considerable length
W. H. ,T ERR, Proprietor
on "The advantages of the farm life."
The meeting ee1101taded by the singing
of the National Alt1'1etn, The Fer1i1-
(418' 01111) 10111 hold their meeting o11
Apz•il25th, The Woman's Institute
will holditsnext meeting at the house
of Mrs. Sa1111, Snell, on April 20, The
1neetillgs are largely 041011ded end
pt'ot c v('ry interesting,
J. T. Strachan, of Toronto, Is spend-
ing his holidays with his parents 11111 ,
Ile has bad a very active life at the
University during the past year, ant
only being organizes of his year U1
University polities, blit also represent-
ing his year at tits Annual' 0ldtoriat
Contest of University (u 1 ;e, held
last January. He also r •presetrted
the College as Mist te11(11• in the.
University Glee Club, whieli rendered
such excellent music: in Toronto last
Winter. We congratulate him and
wish him continued success in his
AM8043,—Dr..051111, dentist, will vi'lt1C,ha1
0n Monday, April lstb,:and every .two week..
lifter that date,
POTA MRS WAl,msp.-T am shipping al oar of
potatoes from Ethel Station and will load on
Frulny and Saturday, April 18111 and 17th and
Monday eon Tuesday, April math And 28th
Poetics having potatoes to'.d l may bring flet
in and get the highest cnoh prices. Only good
nntatoes wanted. A quantity of dement on
band. Pertiea.wanting it for early use min gut
it at Ethel. W. E. 0.cnn1as.
:sties Alice Davies spent Easter with
friends in Stratford.
Township Council will meet next
Monday in the hall here,
Mies Jilla Hansuld ;s home from
Clinton for Easter holidays.
Mrs. G. W. Pollard visited friends
in Btantfo•cl and Rochester.
Miss McDowell, of Drayton, is the
guest of her sister, Mr's. (Dr.) Blair..
Mr. and Mrs. Callan, of Innerkip,
spent Good Friday with Miss Agnes
Miss 13. Bl'yans, our junior teacher,
has gone to her Monne to spend Easter
O, J'. and Mrs. Sparrow, of Wing -
ham, enjoyed Gooch Friday with the
Misses Spence.
Mrs: G. Eckmier and Misses Fern,
of Jamestown, are the guests of Miss
Hall this week.
11r. 'Rarity, of Wierton, was visit-
ing over Easter with his daughter,
Mrs. A. H. McDonald.
Misses Irma and Ella Mitchell are
visitors with their grandparents, Geo.
and Mrs. Colviin, Brussels.
Airs. A. Tindall, of Listowel, and
Miss Attridge, of Wingbam, spent the
holiday at J. Kranter's.
R. J. Davies, of Toronto, visited his
father and sisters and other friends
101 a few days this week.
:hiss E. McKee is home from How-
lett, where she bas been visiting
friends for a couple of weeks.
Mrs. A, George and children, of
Listowel, and W. Eckmier, of Toronto,
spent the holidays at J. Ecl(miev's,
Miss M. Campbell has returned to
Toronto ai"ter
spending two weeks
at Iter borne on the 4th con., Grey.
111r. and Mrs. McDonald, lir. and
Mrs. an
Matheson,of Ripley, and Mrs.
Brrutten ofStratford, t attord, spent Duster
at 3. Putland's.
This week T. and Mfrs. Watson, the
former''s father and a nephew Ieft for
the West. Wo wish them a safe
jonrneyand .
the beds of success.
Miss Grace $ntchinson was visiting
her grandparents, Jas. and Mrs.
Breckenridge and other friends in
Godericli and vicinity daring the
Easter holiday.
Wm. Kreuter was at Galt on Good
Friday attending the Foot Ball annual
meeting of the Western Association.
A. lively team will be on the green at
Ethel this year.
Wm. and Mrs. Graham have moved
to the house across from the school
which he bought from S. S. Cole.
Miss Annie intends dressmaking and
is now ready to attend to the needs of
the ladies.
Township Council will meet next
iionday, 10th inst.
Schools re -open next Monday after
the Easter vacation.
Russel Hayes, of Loudon, spent
Easter with Miss Minnie Fox.
Minutes of Grey Township Commit
may be read on page 4 of this issue.
Spring work is now engaging the
attention of the farming community.
Mrs. Marsden Smith and Miss Man•-
tha Smith were in Toronto for Easter.
Miss Jennie Rands, teacher at Snlu-
tnerhill Huron
was home foe
f the
Easter t(t vacat'❑
Miss Ella iticliinn.ou, of M'onkton,
as been enjoying the Easter vacation
t. the 110m0 of her mother.
James Armstrong, 10th con., was at
Auburu on Tuesday atteuding the
funeral of his old friend, ,rats. 3 ouug.
Thos. Strachan and Chester' Aru3-
r00g attended the Tewperauce don-
eutinn at Blyth Thursday of last
Russell Wheeler, of Snutbamptol,
pout the Laster holidays et his home
Ire, 148 holds 0 good position as
iholsteree in the Bell Fueniture
tlotory in that town.
Wes. Armstrong, s r nnsh•un
sen of Jas. Arin-
tt•nug, IOtlt con was visiting at the
mental home over Sunday. He has
lien a pnsitioe in Aurora and left
r that place ac.e o n Monday. nl)dat'.
1 We 131
In well. .
Tuesday of this week Mrs. T4 u1.
Moffett, Ott eons underwent a
Medical operation at. the Clinton
'hospital. We trust she will seen re-
gain incl' old time vigor. Mics. Moffatt
will not be able 10t'etuen home for'
several weeks. lit'. Moffett aeeom-
ptlnied his wife to Olintee.
Goon STOc•IC.—Duncauscn Bros., of
the 17th eon•, have purchased a longe
iluproved Ynrl(311ire hog, "Sonny .11111
\ oc lw'' by
1 Med cd
A.Hislop, ufAr)1 Appleby
1 Y
and from d u m tlult famous tall feeding
Vain of T. • Blethour, cif Thus fold
Duncanson Bros., keep good stock.
Their motto is 'Ile best is none too
torn r a nal
E a g 1 had hey sun )o t 71,),',(111,(,8-
and his
I l It
silv tt is
t tt ells uolu
i3 ) Ir
1 cum-
IleCli0a1 lwlill the enirllllg 05111v 0, P, l)
I It. ralllvay, Mt.. Young worked hard 13
Wut, Jacklie, 4t1 con., has par-
(lzased the Bordwich Hotel and livery
in connection and wilt take possession
about May 1st. His sons will wank
the Milne farul. Local Option is in
force in Howiek so the hutel will be
run 013 temper/wee principles, The
uew.proprietor will go in for a first -
Mass boarding house.
1$C11:00L RI;p0160.---54001 report for
S, S. No, 5, Grey. Classes examined
in Spell., Arida, Oomp. and Lit. IV.
—Bert Dunbar, 820: Alex. Collins,
270 ; "Emmet Clarke, 70, 111.—Itos8
Oouses, 333 ; Will, Oawpbell, 801 ;
Isaac Clark, 270 ; Elsie. Rea, 252 ;
Frank Lindsay, 207 ; 011ie Hudson,
-A1 ; Ernest Mea 155 • *Aunts'
;J100. II. -Jla6 ie Coates, 20
0 , Jen
Collins, 275 ; Lyle 13u Ut'ord 271 ' 1
Savage, 200; L)zzle Kleinscirotl' 3i
1 tea, 2.34;
Alex. McDonalcl, 198 ; Amite Clark,
157. Sr. Pt, 11. --Very Good—Gurdon
McDonald, Eva IIuclson, Harry Hud-
son. Jr, Pt. 11.—Very oocl—Ida
Brrtrin(-r, Harold Bradford, 13s00y
Ii.leinsehrolh. Sr. I.—Very good—
Maud Dixon, Gordon Rea, ,ie1111stnn
Arulstrong. Inter. I.—Good—Mabel
Clarke. Jr. I.—Gond—Get. Campbell.
F'aic'-,label Ward. L. Sit tnc11Art,
The item In last weeks PdsT relative
to De. Fend visiting Walton next
Monday professionally was a mistake,
It should have been under Ethel head -
Thursday night of last week the
train did not reach here from the East
until early morning Friday owing
to a blockade on the railway near
Last Monday Hoist. Coutts met
witli a very painful accident. While
up on the windmill he got one of his
fingers taken off. We hope he will
not suffer much from the unfortunate
A change is proposed in the pro-
prietorship of Walton hotel. F. H.
Miller and John 0. Eickrnier, of Brod-
hagen, will succeed Wm. Thames•,
taking possession next Month if trans-
fer papers are secured from North
Huron Liceuse Board.
Rev. A. E. Jones, of Auburn, will
preach Educational sermons 111 the
Methodist churches of Walton Cir-
cuit next Sabbath as follows :—Wal-
ton, 11 a. m. ; Bethel, 2.30 p. 111., and
Providence at 7 p. m. Goilections
will be taken at each set. vice in aid of
the Educational Funcl. Rev. H. D.
Tyler will conduct the service at Au-
burn on the same date.
Misses Dora and L;I1feWatson spent
their Easter holidays in London.
Harry Duncan, 4th line, left for the
West on Tuesday for a holiday visit.
Will. Ireland, 3rd line, is spending
the Easter vacation with friends re
The heavy gale that was blowing
Wednesday of last week wrecked a
of windmills blew down
and tuts limbs from trees.
Dins 111arede11 of Omaha Neb., is
pLily hymaMaooneytislt, 10
who herhas dnot aughterbeen, Missen-
joying very robust health lately.
Dr. F. Lambie, Mrs. Lambie and
baby, of Toronto, were visiting old
friends iu Morris and Brussels. He
holds a good p081110n ,1s lecturer and
demonstrator in the Ontario Veterin-
ary College.
At the Blyth Spring Fair Thursday
of last week Walter Miller took est
prize for his Car'r'iage stallion ; Peter
McCall was awarded and money for
his heavy draft team and ,las. Speir
received the red ticket for Short Horn
boll u11(101 2 years.
T1iAsics.—Miss Lily Mooney desires
to express her very sincere thanks to
the fellow members of her Sunday
school in the Methodist ehnich at
Brussels for their very kind and
highly appreciated gifts of flowers
since herand busts the young
ladies and their teacher may be richly
rewarded, not forgetting other friends
who have also remembered her.
IIYstsawasa Thursclay evening of
last week Miss Lillian Kelliugtou,
formerly or the ;Ir•cl line of Morris
township, 1063,6 unite,, in marriage to
\Vur. Arthur ltanhuoy, of Stanley
township, The ceremony was per-
formed at the Outwit) street Metho-
dist Parsonage Clinton, by Rev. W. E.
Kerr. The numerous relatives and old
friends of the bride in this locality
will wish her and her husband many
s yams.
Mast 9.
Aw sis—Another of the pioneer resi-
dents of Morris township passed assay
on Tuesday evening of Inst week, in
the person of Isabella Allen, relict of
the late Robert Warwick of the and
line. The deceased had been enjoying
good health until the Saturday pre-
vious when She was stricken with
eougestion of the lungs, resulting in
her demise. Mrs. Warwick was born
in 1830 in the Township of Montaigne,
Lanark it county,
parents n` ents be'
tives of Irelan11e1•In early girlhood she
m ved d
) t t her parents to Hallett
township, settling in what was then
all bush. Forty-seven years ago she
was =tried to her lute hnaban(1 in
Hallett and then moved to the and
line of Morris, residing nen the sante
(tl tit op to
til time lie of
1her death. In
religion itirs. Wafrwick was a loyal
Presbyterian. She hacl been a good
neighbor and was held in the highest
esteem in the counnunity, in which
she had so tong resided. Mho was one
of the few remaining monitors of the
township. Dir. \•Vat'tviek died some
five years ago. A family of four sons
and throe daughters are loft to mourn
the loss of a kind and loving mother,
The children are 1—Mrs, \\Ttxl, Golley,
1 it
D S nsr
t l,'
Seattle, t Wroth.
Dins,'C G Campbell,
n1 c
1 ll
13101018 1id1(w 01' Agersville, Atte
loltn D nt 131u5sels 1inbcgt ilnri
George, on the homestead, T11,10,2 -
oral tool( place Thursday afteruoul at
2 o'clock to 1'3hievale cemetery, Rev, to
Mr, West offciatiag, The beroa,veol
relatives will 8116018 ill the synipatbly
of the eounnuuiy, ,
Bova 13uLu 1'lrxtczlASE.u: — Last
week Jas, Speirp urchased front llax'-
vay Smith, of Exeter, a Well 'kno)vtx
reec er t tl ( • ' a'( Stiffish b 1 , 1e 1)10 nal t ,. a,ut(:h Short,
Born Bull, "J3o1cl Boy" at ag ood fig -
ore. 'Phis auiznal was shed by "Gula
Drop," a lst prize wiener in a close of
18 at Toronto, As a two year old,
,bald es a sire his get has woo. as 11111ny
111•st prizes at Tulvutu during elle last
three years as any other two Cana
diau-bred bulls, of any other foto
tommted bulls. "Bold .Boy's" clans is,
out of a cow of the Vainly strain int -
ported. He le also a full b1otliec to
tile Bret prize w1112r a he iud aU1i
Vale,-Toluto last Fall. lite 3301
113 11s
clatss at Clinton, rand also cap-
tured sweepstakes for best bull on tale
grounds. At,Blyth last {week he assn
carried away the red ticket.
J.331108 1'1 boli DE(SAsl•.1,.—A form-
er well known Morrisite glassed away
al, Deloraine, Man., on ('.nod Friday,
in the person of James Patch, who
has retailed in the West for' theP ast
10 years. lie had leen ailing for the
part few months w1L11 congestion Of
the liver and kidneys. Dir, Petc1
was horn in York (Jo.,.OM., where 11e
was m111'a'ied nearly 50 ye1105ago to
his Pow bereft pa3'tuel, Miss Sarah
Pearson. They lived at Ingersoll and
Blyth before moving to Morris 28
year's Since. Pam' sons I Win., in Or-
egad ; Walter and Joe, at Deloraine ;
and .Jou. of Brussels) end two Baugh -
tees (nils. Cowan, of Boston ; and Mrs.
Sisley, of Agincourt, Ont.) survive.
1111•. Petah adhered to the Methodist
Church and was a Ouuservativr
politics. He was buried at Deloraine
on Sunday last. Mr. I etch was au
honest, honorable slat tvho enjoyed
the esteem of the community. 1 -le
was 74 years of age. air's. Petah is 11)
very poor health we are ;orgy to hear,
having been in the hospital, Win-
nipeg, nearly all last Winter. The
bereaved family will share in the
syn m
liathy of any old friends in this
Blyth Spring Stock
and Seed Fair.
The annual Spring Fair for the ex-
hibit of Live Stock and seed grain was
held at Blyth on Thursclay of last
week and attracted a large crowd al-
though a number of entries were not
forthcoming owing to the gale of
Wednesday andthe bawl condition of
the roads. Thursday Old Probs. was
in a better mood, and there was a
large gathering on band by l p. m.
Exhibit of grain was larger than in
some other years and the excellency
of the display drew many a favorable
comment from both Judge and sight-
seers. Some very choice animals were
exhibited in the horse and cattle line.
There were noPig
s entered.
At; 4 p. in. A. J. Reynolds, of Scar-
a well known n farmer,
gave an u rltirestulg inurtual address
in Industry Hall on boil cultivation i
rotation of crops pure seed, &c.'
Numerousuestions were asked b
members in the audience and answer-
ed by the speaker from which helpful
points should be gleaned.
The Prize List was as follows
Clydesdale Stallion— Jas. Leiper,
Percheron Stallion --John. E. Ellis,
East Wawanosh.
Carriage Stallion— Walter Miller,
Ruodster Stallion—Thos. Reynolds,
Heavy Draught Team in harness—
Leiper Bros., Huilett ; Peter McCall,
Shortltoru Bull, aged—John. Barr,
Huilett, lst and 2nd.
Shorthorn Bull, ender 2 years—Jas.
Speir, Morris ; Jas. Shobrook, Huilett•. •
Polled Angus bull, under 2 years
0. Mc Gwen, Huilett.
Judge for Horses and Cattle was the;
well known H. G. Reed, V. 8., of
()NE RUtilit6L EACH
Spring Wheat, any variety -411d -
Ward Dexter, 3no. E. Ellis.
Oats, white, any variety—,'red Aus-
tin, R. B. McGowan.
Oats, black, any variety—A. bv.
Jim. Barr.
Bayeun Barr. 2- • ,
roti ed—
y, Baur
ward Dexter.
Barley, 0-rowed—R. 13. McGowan,
John Dingwall
Field Peas—Jno. Dingwall, A. W.
Timothy Seed—Jno. 13arr.
Red Clover—T. 11. Taylor.
Potatoes, any early variety—Ed.
I3aggitt, Jno. Barr,
Potatoes, general crop—Ed. Hag.
gitt, Juo. Bate.
12 ears Corn, any variety -W, .3.
Andrews, Thos. H. Taylor.
The awards were made in grain and
seeds timer the capable management
of A.
Reynolds, of $ctlrboro Junc-
Prosideut, Thos, Stottu, and Some..
1111'3', W. Jackson, supported by the
s were r
e 1 n hand
LOa 'n
to business and give useful iuforma-
tion to those desiring it.
There 60118 n0 entry fee charged nor
admission to the 11a11, everytlullg be
ins open to the public but it. wan et
good advertisement for the next
Blyth Fall Pair, the date of which v h wits
be announced before long.
The hotel stables and yards were
well taxed In supplying aceommnd)1,
tint' 10 the large number of visitor,
and their conveyances on hand-lt L
(lay, l a t
A voting Italian sentenced to fifteen.
0, 14 in peuitenonary for shooting his
..,t, .1t 'Montreal, asked the Judge to,
.akc it flanging.