The Brussels Post, 1909-3-11, Page 4to 4xlt5otts 1 1351
'.PFIVR.SDAY, MA.ILL I.1 11, 1969
Defer take all the mining etuok ad
yertiSenleft8 for gospel or youareapt e
fall from grace.
election in Alberta on
Monday, e2nd lust, There were! only
two Conservative members 10 the home
la,t 20ed!,
W11A•r's wanted badly ill eon Provin
cial system of ednoation is a change
that will improve the bad writing `and
make better readers of the points. If
Dr, Pyne cant prescribe a COnsuhatiutl
should be held with people who know,
Tat; rivalry of one oily with allot het
in attempting to steal industriesmown
be designated petty larceny nor can
those interested always be credited with
a full 16 ounces to the pound of genuine
manliness. Some of the promised deals
are of the "round square" pattern.
Some of the speeches at the Dominion
Alliance Convention in Toronto last
week were not a whit more complimen•
tary to Sir James Pliny Whiteley titan
were his remarks to the large delegation
that waited upon him. He may get a
jolt some day that will shake him out of
that cranky style of address he so often
assumes both in and out of the hone.
Molasses will always catch more files
than vinegar, Sir James.
A HEALTHY sign. of real waking up
along the line of Farmers' Institute
work is the organization of Young;Mens'
Chiba and Women's Societies. Some of
those old wizzled up, gray headed
speeches of the visiting delegations art
surely dry enough to burn well and
something of a fresher
make wayfor sou n s
and more practical character. A pro.
gram patterned somewhat alter the
plan pursued by the travelling dairy,
&c., of former days would be a big im-
Another month of increased bank
clearings shows business in the West to
be generally very touch better than 11
did last year. With the close of business
Saturday the total clearings for February
was $41,21(1,683 against $37 665,201 in
1908, and $35,177,890 in 1907.
Winnipeg has added another well
known financial bou,eto its atrea ly large
list of big institutions doing business in
bonds, debentures, etc., fn the firm of
H. O'Hara & Company, ot Toronto and
London, England. B K Thompson,
formerly a private banker at Watson.
Sask.. is in charge and the new firm
offices have been fully equipped ru the
Grain Exchange building.
The building returns tui• the month of
February also show an enormous in-
crease, 70 penults beicg issued at a cost
ot $157,900. In the same month last
Year 21 permits were issued ata cm.) 01
$10,35o, To date this year there has
been 107 permits issued or 44 buildings
costing $208,200, [chile in the fits! two
months Of 1908 there were only 52 pet -
mirs at cosi or $26,900 issued
The six brickyard., snuplvwg Win-
nipeg's demands. report that Inelr capa-
city will he taxed this rear, lhers'inrated
season's out put is placed ar 45,000.000
to so,000,000 brick The brickyards
are a very accur rte thermometer of the
building situation and there is little
doubt that 19oe is to be the greatest
building year in Winnipeg's Blarney sun
,passing the banner year of roots when
the building permits amount to $12,760,-
All telephones in Manitoba of. er Aprr
Int, will have benefit of the reduced late
that was brought down to the local
legislature last week. the definite an
nouncemeut of which has been received
with mg
much satisfaction in Winnipeg and
throughout the province. The follow
fischedule rates will be in
ing officialsch du of
Winnipeg -
2 party line business, unlimited
e39 00
5 party line business, and two
cents per outcall 25 00
Joint users' business, now $25, re-
duced to 15 00
Single line, residence unlimited
service, now $3o, reduced to 25 00
2 part line, residence, unlimited
service, now $24reduced to r8 00
z party line residence, and two
cents per outcall . 15 00
Joint users' residence, now $15 re
duced to. 5 00
Etension rates io residences, wall
or desk, now $12, reduced to.. . 6 00
Brandon and Portage -
2 party line business, unlimited
......• 27 00
z party line business, and two
cents per outcall 17 5o
z party line residence, unlimited
service, now $35 reduced to ..... 20 00
2 party line, residence, unlimited
Service, now 21, reduced to 15 00
x party line residence, and Iwo
cents per outcall • 12 5o
Residence extension sets, desk or
wall,now 32 reduced to 5
Singlebusiness unlimited
service, now $24 reduced to 20 00
• ,Single line, residence, unlimited
service, now $18, reduced to15 00
Farmers' Lines -
Reduce present 4124 rate to 20 00
Reduce present $30 rate to25 00
With the prospect of free land only a
little over sixty miles fror. Winnipeg
and not more than from twelve to thirty
miles from a railroad, a big crowd
gathered at the Dominion Lands offices
last Wednesday and clamored for front
place to get in their application for
Manitoba homesteads. In the Smith
eastern part 0t the province townships
3, 4 and 5, range. 15 East, near White
m031111 lake, and in township 10, rltuges
The Nlig'htY Powfsr of,Mho-'rn.
141''' la, that extraordinary and pet -
feet stomach tonin,,willlelievedyspep-
8ia ill .Weltty-four pout's.
It will cure and is guaranteed by
Jas. Ie'ox to the I eltdere of TUG POST
to eure the Most pitiful (Maes of dye-
trepsia, if Galton according to dit'ec-
1411-o-na tablets not only eeredyspep-
sia, but all stomach disturbances, well
as vomiting of pregnancy, sea Or Car
and the stomach sickness
after excessive indulgence,
Mi-o-na euree by strengthening and
invigoratiug the flabby s101118011 walls
and after a course of nal-o-ua treat-
meet, constipation, if there is any,
will entirely disappear,
Mrs. S. I(east, of Glarksbt rg Ont.,
Says; . "A bad 5101110,011 trouble that
lead bothered 111e for years, bullied
and puzzled skilled physicians, was
Ilicelyrelieved by my using Mi-o-na.
Sly trouble was on account of food not
digesting but fei'utentiug in any stom-
ach, forming a gas that gave me u11 -
told suiferiug and pale and also made
1118 weak, nervous, irritable and un-
able to rest. Since using 51i-o-na I
can go to bed at night and sleep and
wake up in the morning refreshed. I
cannot speak too highly of Mi-o-na,"
Mi-o-na is a most economical treat-
ment, a large box of tablets only costs
50 cents at Jas. Fox's and the dyspeptic,
nervous oe otherwise, who does not
give them a trial is losing an oppor-
tunity to regain health,
13 and 14 East, situated close to the C.
P. R. neat' Rennie, East of Winnipeg,
are open. In the Nortnern part of the
province, between Lake Winnipeg and
Lake Manitoba, about • 75 miles from
Winnipeg, township 24, range 3 East ;
township 26, ranges 2, 3 and 4 East ;
township 28, range 1 East ; township 25,
ranges t 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 West ; town
ships 27 and 28, range It West, are open
rhe soil in this district is largely of
first-class quality when reclaimed lot
Twelve townships to Saskatchewan,
forming a stretch of tmunlly directly iu
route to be traversed by the railwa,
Iron) Prince Alpert to the Pas has beep
surveyed and will be open for set,le-
rnent in the Spring. Adam Fawcett,
U. L. 5., who has just returned from
surveying this section .reports tnu0h of
this land as being covered with small
dead poplar scrub and is easily cleared
The land is North of 1 isdale. Sask , and
Melfortis the sub land office for rogfs
tration which is reached on the C. N R
The first legislature of the Province of
Alberta dissolved on Friday last atter
01101114 passed six? yOne bills Election_
will be held un March 22nd The prov-
ince has appropriated $50,000 toward,
the installing of government owned
pork packing plants and satisfactory re -
pt its were brought down in connection
with the newly purchased telephone
The province of Saskatchewan is
negotiating for the pu'ehase of the Bell
'Pelephune lines and is also considering
toe question of controlling the coal
mine, of the province as well as a system
of grain elevators.
The grain growers of Manitoba last
week waned upon Premier Roblin and
pr•'sented an immense petition signed ht
uvet 1o,,wu ferrule's asking that the gov-
ernnl'at take up the glte:-non of govern
mens o•rnershlp or tool tid of Iho pg,.
vurvt d grain e eva'ole to be opt -int
under a 0-111 tri i'm•
A ver'. up'i,ntsn0 I e,'h Oa 311,r54' `
811151 i the w boles ue trade en 1 to
OnWinton and out fink with Inc lett
nerehauts in the \est 1,01 the 1,118-.
est Winnipeg inciteae'ureta an
Wholesale Mei chants honk for a gond.
snand, Inlet nettle during the Sprung and
4ulllmer. and it c tip condition, .ars
tavulable there sill he glowing-ac0)104t
to giveof the whole of
Is Your Chest aWheezy 7°
Tightness and wheezing beans ynut
trouble is deep-seated. To delayis
dau 6eel Ous. inflammation must be
drawn out at °nee. Rub the throat
and chest with Nerviline, and put on a
Nerviline Porous PIseter. Relief
comes in an hour. The counter -irri-
tant effect of the plaster relieves the
tightness and strain draws out the
soreness, eases thepain. The.o
trating qualities of Nerviline enable it
to soak to the very core of the trouble,
and yon experience a feeling of
warmth and relief thatroves the
danger is past. For weak chest, sore
throat and tendency to colds, the
Nerviline Treatment beats all others,
try it.
One of the features of rural telephone
lines is that there is uo Individual line ;
the customers all being on the one line
here When ever. other nun.her than
their own is ruug and if they like to plat
the spy they can, !dough tt has to be
done very nuuselike to prevent the per
suns conversing Heim learning that en
other is "on " Exp-.rience shows, how-
ever, that this curiosity soon wears off,
Rs people seldom retail anything of a
very private or spier nature over such a
line But a correspondent 01 the Strat-
ford Herald makes the subieet a text for
a j•,ke which is not ru bad, in toe follow -
Ing : "Farmers in the vicinity of Se-
brmgvdle 11850 lately installed a tele
phone system which is proving a greet
convenience. It has
c onedrawback,
however; it is not private. all the
runes beingon one wire There 1 e e are
nine 'phones on the line. It is said that
one otherwise estimable lady has invent•
ed a h ad piece which will hold the
receiver to her ear while she goes on
with her knitting. In this way she
keeps in touch with the private affairs of
her neighbors. 'l'hlskind of butting in
has resulted in the invention by an Ellice
farmer of an indicator to be attached to
every 'phone, which will registet the
number of any other 'phone where the
receiver is taken down when q call is
made. It is not known if this will be
adopted on the line "
A three-year-oldaou of A. Flaherty, of
Brantford, was fats ly burned by his
clothing catching lire from a celluloid '
comb with ww
hfe) he as playing near I
the stove i H. R. Brewer
„. •
For $0 Days
The undersigned offers her entire
stook of dry goods at cost and below.
Entire stook must be sold without
reserve. Below are some of the at-
tractions t -
Flannelettes, 71y & Insertions & Ern -
Se brciideries, Sp,
Lining 4c 4c, 50 & Oo
Grey Flannel 20c Vests 5e & Be
Mulifl8o Fahey Braids 20,
Pillow Cotton 20e 5c & 7c
Art Muslin Oec Veilings 7c, 10c :&
Towelling 4e 12o
Print 5c Needles 2c
Tweeds 87140 Velvet Ribbon 2e
Cashmere Hose OollarSupports So
15e Buttons per doz.
Cashmere 19c 2o, 3e & 4e
And many other articles too numer-
ous to mention,
Come early and secure the Bargains.
Mrs. Skene
The Kinrade family, of Hamilton,
have gone to Toronto for change of
Two hundred men were laid off at the
Point St. Charles shops of the Grand
1'wo men were fatally injured while
thawing dynamite for railway work near
Hartland, N B,
rhe Great West Saddlery !;tore al
Winnipeg was damaged by fire to the
extent of $20.000
Alex Sutherland, ot Tavistock, was
found dead in a sno,vbank at Stratford
An inquest was held.
Catarrhozone Cures Bronchitis
Of Three Years' Standing
After Four Doctors Failed
A Remarkable Case
"I feel it my duty," writes Mrs.
Boyd, of Leouardville, N. B., to let you
know that I have been cured of bron-
chitis of tlu'ee years' standing by
"With the least change in tempera-
ture, of exposure to inclement weath-
er, I was attacked with bronchial dis-
comfort, wheezing in the chest,
hoarseness, sore throaty partial loss of
voice, and of the head. I
consulted four doctors and was treat-
ed by them all without any benefit.
"Catai'rhozone was strongly recom-
mended to me by several persons
whom it had benefitted and I was in-
duced to give it agoud trial.
"It quickly relieved my difficult
breathing, so.I got the complete out-
fit, bard rubber inhaler, etc., and I be-
gan systematically the Catarrhozone
tree twee t.
1.111 a few days the huskiness and
hoarseness disappeared, and my voice
because stronger. The miming of the
nose x1112 stuffiness of the head, fev-
erishness, difficult breathing, were all
done away with before I had beau
using Oatarrhozone very long.
"About six weeks' treatment was
sufficient to do more for me than fu'
doctors failed to do in three years'
time. It cured me and I don't believe
there is another such a remedy on
earth. Its action is speedy, pleasant
and permanent."
atarrhozone is a new,scientific
treatment, and i 8 guaranteed to cure
Bronchitis, Asthma Catarrh Cold,
etc., or money refunded. It contains
nothing injurious, and can be used by
the infant as well as by the adult.
1t is both a local and a constitution-
al remedy. The inhaler supplies
abundance of medicated ail which
cfan c
spreads through all the air passages,
killing berm life, and healing sore
sots as it goes.
The imptuities in the blood are
t ppFerrozone tablets,which
driven off byTe r
Ouncan's Barber Shop
Hot and
Cold Baths
where up to -state service
is obtained.
-*Ball and See for Yourself.
j 6
One Dozen
For the next few weeks I intend to
give i6 Photos for each dozen ordered.
This will include Cabinets and all sizes
smaller. Post Cards, 3 for 2;c
You are always welcome at our
Studio to look over our work.
Enlarging done on short notice.
A full line of Picture Frames aid
strengthen and build up the system
to such a healthy condition the disease
simply Can't exist,
Catarrliozone is recommended by
doctors and dru gista for all respira-
tory diseased. It relieves quickly And
cures pelrniunently, Complete outfit
costs $1,00 ;• trial slzo 50e. At Thaw -
gists, or N.'0. Polson &Co., Kingston,
Ont. Buy Vatarrho1oue to -day.
'While plowing ice near the goveen-
went hook, a horse belonging to
Walter Sauits broke throegil the ice.
The animal was hauled out by a rope
around its neck, none the worse.
W, W, Sunits bas between 80 and tngaarvzes
40 cars of loo G ppacked away in his store -
Best thing you, ever tried for Colds, La Grippe,
Coughs, Neuralgia and Heafiaciie.
Cures colds in 24 hours. No after -effects -26c.
At all dealers or from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO.
]louse at the . T. R. depot. It was
cut near the Government dook and
loaded into oars and hauled up' town,
Sir Hugh and Lady Graham were
the guests of their cousin, Mrs. Loftus
E. Daneey, coming up to say good-
bye to Mrs. Macey and her mother,
Mere. E. H. Parsons, before leaving on
an extended tour of the Continent.
Sir Hugh made his home with his
aunt, Mrs. Parsons for the fleet five
years of his life' in: Montraal, and
cherishes a very warm feeling towards
her for her goodness to him at that
Geo. Spotton is announced to leo-
Cure in G}orria 011 March 17th, under
the auspices of the Public Library of
that village.
Geo. Oruikshank, who has been an
inmate of the hospital, had an opera -
bon performed, which it is hoped will
remove the trouble.
Wm. Britton has disposed of his
moving picture business, "Wonder-'
land," to Geo. Corbett, ofSimeoe, who l
took possession on Monday of last
Mrs. (Dr.) Homey, who has been in
England Per somemnnths, and Mrs. C.
L. Laing, of Berlin, are visiting et the
home of their parents, Dr. and Mrs.
P. Macdonald.
In the formation of the committees
of the Legislature, A. H. Musgrove,
M. P. P., of North Eluron was placed
on three cnunnitlees-.Public Ac-
couuts, Printing, also Fish and Game
Abraham Snechtel, of Albany, N.
Y., was visiting with his sister, Mrs.
(Rev.) D. Perrie. Mr. Kuechtel has
recently been appointed Inspector of
Forestry 'by the Dominion Govern-
Jaynes Mulvey, of this town, ieeeived
the sad news on Tuesday of last week
of the death of bis daughter, Miss Ella
which took place at Chicago on Tues-
day. The deceased -bad not been in
good health for some time. The re-
mains were brought to Wingham aud
the funeral took place from the par-
ents' residence
arents'residence on Friday afternoon.
McGill University library has lest a
large number of books by theft,
Whither people have been swindled
out of $1,5oo by Harry Monroe, a
bogus -cheque artist from Winnipeg;
The mechanical unions of the Cane
dian Northern Railway have completed
their federated ' organ izatiou at Winni-
A deputation of the Dominion Grange
waited on the Government al Ottawa to
ask for some remedy for the various
trusts in Canada
Wheat markets in Canada, United
States and Europe advanced Friday of
last. weekto the highest levels they have
toued ason:
an cha debthisateseon the Monro, doctrine
the representatives of 'Bates College.
Lewiston, Maine, ,were :nwarded the tie
eisioeover Qeeen s debater+, King+.twit
b'r Wilfrit1 Laurier 1151' decide to se
lot Ottawa, as the Liberals of that city
want him, and Quebec East. Liberals are
willing to further his plans in.every say.
Charles Hodgson fell down lin eleva-
usrShall iat Perrin's confectionery tae
tory at London, Ont., and, landing on.
a pile of paper, escaped with a dislocat-
ed finger
Victor Legault, a Montreal lineman.
I set fire to his clothing by touching it
wire while 41>111)1)5 un it pole. and was
in imminent danger of Beeth whet) res-
enrct by a companion.
Because Olesahnnl-trustees of Section
N 1 9. near Anrierstbu•gappointed a
colored teacher, the white chtideen have
all been withdrawn from the school.
4r" v colored.
`aro r ea at ct l ted.
'l to
A part) of 14 0014 were hemmed in
ht• tater near \Idnrey, when 1r train
crew of the vlicnigait (Jew -ril :teemed
then train anti rescued the men anti
Stewart Tassie has purchased J. S.
Gee's stock of boots and shoes.
Mayor Fuerch received word of the
death of his sister, Mrs. Valentine
Voelzing, of Mildmay.
Noah Buschart is able to be around
again, with the aid of crutches, after
a severe siege of sciatica, which con-
fined him to his home for nearly three
months. •
Last week's Banner announced the
retirement of Wm. Olimie as editor
and publisher of that paper, he having
disposed of his interest to T. H.
and F. W. Ray.
A Listowel youth was sent down
for two months for entering a G. T. R.
freight car and appropriating some
herring, and will spend the Lenten
season in the County jail.
A. Walker, of Carthage, bought
from W. C. Kidd a standard bred
yt.nng horse called "Sidney Simond,"
half brother to Freebond, 2,04. This
is a tine young driver and will no
doubt develop into a grand horse.
Price paid, $U5.
The suit entered by R. T. Ketup
against the town, claiming $500 dam-
ages for closing a portion of Bolton
street, was opened in the Connell ,
chamber on Monday morning before
his honor ud Judge Barron as arbitrator.
F. It. Blewett appeared for the plain-
tiff. and H. B. Morphy for the town.
Miss Jean Mundell, while visiting
narrow fn Toronto hada rather
cape from death by ptomaine poison-
ing. While dining at the house of a
friend she ate some canned tomatoes
and in a shoot, time began to feel very
ill. As it happened the lady With
whom Miss Mundell was visiting had
Iuqttheweekbefrrehad a sitniler ex.�
PeriLuce aftereating canned sardines,s
and as she still had some of her medi- '
eine left, used it with such gond ef- I
feet that Miss Mundell recovered after
two or three days' rather severe ill- i
A Montreal correspondent says of
Fred. Taylor, formerly of Listowel :-
His speed is Taylor's long suit. He is
one of the three fastest hockey players
in the game, and there are thousands
of hockey fans who would tell you
that he is absolutely the fastest in
the world. Next to his wonderful
speed Taylor's strong point is his
stick handling ability. He can carry
the puck through an opposing team
with less risk of getting it taken off
him than arty one player in the 951111,.while at purely defence week he is as
good as at offensive work. As a
lacrosse player Taylor made a bit last
season when playing with the Capitals
Canadian News
lames Say' r, a Hamilton lineman,
A new belldiug 5t the, Preetun Cal &
Couch a Orkti.wag bh W11 down
10 al will a,sa t
Mrs Rau fKo Montreal, tl,-
ed by a highwayman, and is in a semen,
Manitoba Liberals refused to attend
the opening sesame of the Legfslatfv"
committee appointed 10 inquireinto the
voters' lists charges
A. W Malone, ex Chief of Police of
Simcoe, was 1011115 guilty of shooting
Constable Wilkins with intent. and sen
tensed to life imprisonment,
Alex Stevenson. a painter, of Sand-
wich, committed suicide by taking pails
Falling from a ladder to a cement
floor Jas McGregor was killed iii the el,
C. R. roundhouse at Montrose,
Sergt. Davidson who waft with In
specter Pelletier's Mounted Pollee party
was drowned at Marble Island.
Win. Riley, who is alleged to have
drowned a number of Chinamen who
were being amtttrgied Into the United
States, was deported from Fort Ei'ie
and will be tried for manslaughter, at
All kinds of
Land G
Votera n
Bought and sold.
33 4 131 Victoria et. 'Toronto
Notice to Creditors.
Notice 1s hereby given pursuant, to the Sta-
tute in that behalf that allpersonshavintory
ulahu, against the estate of Peter McNeil,date
Hfthe 'frcwsship ,f Grey, in the (Jaunty of
uron, Farmer, who died on or about. the ala•
teenth of February, 1909, are required on or
before the 26th day of Marcly1005, to rend b
port prepaid or deliver to the undersigned full
particulars of their claims, duly verified by
affidavit and the nature of security if any held
by them. Further take notion that after the
said last mentioned date the astern of the said
deceased will be distributed among the partied
entitled thereto having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall then have been
.TAMita D. MONArn Executors of estate,
Grey, !larch 114,1909. •
Auction Sales
ATTO1'ION !SALE or nest 810010, 1NPLE-
14ENP5, SU1tNt'nit5, et0.-F. 11. Scott, 11120.
!)cued, Into been m•trat•tt•d byy__Che undersign•
ed to sell b,s public auction 51 It Lot .8, Lion.
0, Mot ria, on Thursday, Mar. 18th, at 1 o'clock,
ot a
wnmep with the aidIlaSl11 cin : the following valuable property 1 span of:
Y W01 king honer one of them a black extra fine
s'rucled raft y oohs horse. 1 tvukur driving horse, 4 cows
supposed 10 be m mot, 2 int Sows. l furrow cow,
HAWKING 8 fat Aveiro llrs 8 yearo elu, 2 fat Keil era 8 y ears old,
4 heifer- 2 years old L steer 2)511501u, 2 steers
risint 1 year on, 8 heli, ra. rising 1 year, 2 tine
Yorkshire sowo. supposed to be in pig, I young
Ynrkehire sow, a number ur fine barred and
W1tlteRuuk fowl. 1 alnssey.Harris Mader No. 1
in good working order, 1 emits section knife
sharp, nee.. 1 Massey -Harris mower, 1 pea 2110"
ve-ter, i Noxen seed drill, 1 horse rake, I field
roller, 2 gets of double harrows, 1 Perrin two.
furrow riding plow, 2 Wilkinson plows No. 7,
I turnip.pulper, 1 straw cutter, 2funning 101110,
1 grass seed sower, 1 turnip sower, 1 turnip
-cuffier, 1 double wagon, 1gravel box. 1 double
sleigh, I sleigh box, 1 top buggy, 1 open buggy.
1 road oars Orilla make, 1 cutter, robe-, end
Norse blankets, 1 good buggy • tongue, 1 good
cotter tongue. 1 set of teen harness 1 set of
plow harness, 1 met of double light harness all
complete,.. 1 set of ameba harness, 1 riding sad -
die, 1 set grain weigh scales, binding and log-
ging chains, 1 dozen bee boxes and frame8, 1
cooling: stove, tom! dozen dining mann chairs, 1
bedroom suite, 1 bedstead, "dining room table,
catarrh It will stop foul breath wh,ffietrees, forks and numerous other artier
Catarrh Sufferers aro Nothing but
Hawking, Spitting and Blowing
Machines, says an Authority
Is it possible thatinthese days when
cleanliness and sanitary reform is be-
ing preached in the churches, schools
and public gatherings, that thousands
of people will continue to suffer from
catarrh when there is an absolutely
certain remedy always on hand.
13v0uiei (pronounced High -o -me) is
a pleasant, medicated and antiseptic
air. Breathe it in and you will mire
water eyes and cruets in the nose in las. $ole without reserve as proprietor has
y Y bared his fern Terms -A11 sums of $6 and
under oas11, over that amount 9 menthe' credit
will be given on furnishing approved joint
notes; 5 per cent. allowed off for cash on credit
amounts. Fat cattle to be cash. JOHN
MOONEY, Proprietor.
a few days.
11Irs. H. W. Wilson, of Johnston
St., Wallacebnrg, Out., 'says : "Yes
we are gt eat friends to Hyomei for the
reason that Mr. Wilson has had
catarrh for several years and tried
several remedies and doctors, but
nothing has relieved the trouble like
Hyomei. His trouble is from pains
across the eyesand a burning or huski-
ness in his throat. Sometimes much
difficulty in breathing, the glands in
his eyes and nose swollen and the
disease made him literallysick allover.
He cannot say enough in praise of
Hyomei and there is nothing that can
give better relief to catarrh than this
remedy, which we heartily recom-
A complete Hyomeimitfit consisting
of a strong, hard rubber pocket inhaler
and a bottle of Hyoulei, costs only
L and extra bottle if afterwards
'1.00 s
needed, coats only 50c each. •h. Jas. Fox
sells it and guarantees it to do exactly
as advertised.
Hyomei as
n i l o cures Asthma Bronchi-
tis, Coughs, Colds and Infant's Croup.
one _WANT
"Black Knight"
Stove Polish
does awaY with all the dirty
work of keeping stoves clean.
No mixing -no hard rubbing.
" Black Knight " is always
ready to use -shines quick
as a wink -and puts on a
bright, black polish that
delights every woman's heart
Squally good for Stoves,
Piped, Grates and Ironwork.
If you can't get. 'Black Knight''
Su your neighborhood, scud name
of dealer and 10e for full stud can.
The F. P. BALM Co. LIMim
1AMIL'fON, On1, 10A
m by virtue ot the powers 110111afned in a
d•ertain mortgage, which will be pro-
uced at time of sale, there will be
offered for sale bypublic auction en Monday,
the aftee,th day of March, 1909, at the hour
of two o'clock in 111e afternoon, at the Ameri-
can hotel, in the Pillage of Brussels, by F. S.
Smit, Auctioneer, the following property,
viz: The North half of farm Lot No. 6, in. the
7th Con., of the Township or Grey County of
Butou, containing 6U sores. On the property
is it good frame house iron chid, bank barn
I12s4e feet and good orehard. -la close to eehool
tine three wiles front Brussels. Terms of Sale:
Ten Per dent, on day of sale and herniate with-
in thirtydays. Fur further articular; end
conditios of sale apply to the undersigned.
DAVID 114GLI8 and F. S. SCOTT, administra-
tors to the estate of Hobert Ingno, Mortgagee,
Dated at Brussels tits 8rd day of Feb. 1990,
The People's Column
COR SALE, One et the beet farms in the
Uuont • of Huron, Ont. .Apply to Box 49'
betgrav,•, Ont. 84.4
011 SALE, - Choice Buff Orpington Chick-
s- at 100 each. Stack one., at $2.0b.
i $
P. BAHWit, tlinft u.
NAVAL -Hand ,telli, it, 'we ter and volt treas.
E11g11 a 01 l4. T. 61NG81ON, ur P 0 bus 800,
Brutsule. , 8.2-t1
ALo wt
F Lot Nou 19, U. U, tarry to towushtp, POr sale
or to rent. Apply at once to F. 8. Sco'r1,
Brussels, Ont.
FOilSALE.-COlnfortilble hon1e On William
street, Bruamais, ee atom lot, good well,
Ridden and fruit trees. For terms apply to P,
'Ormuz 01' F. a_ 9t ott, Brussels, tf.
zee 1I05 STORE, with residence upstairs, fOr
1 loomed "u•nb r•511409,Brim.
sole, e t all 1 tl 1y Pater a
Sens, ti set o property of the oats Pater the,Fergboth
Also and 11 cementer tools and lathe, bath
wuodandilon, &c, For ('I', nr particulars
apply to ALEX. STEWART, Queen at East,
Brussels, 6840
COMe01cTABLE COTTAGE, stable and 35
Imre of land for tale, Tut nberry street,
North Broeeels, (3005 well,Bruit trees &o.
Foseraslon could be given et nce. For further
partieulare as to price, terns', &le., apply on the
premises. ALEX, Mci,AUCHLIN, 740
CmOIFORTAB, E reidenoe and 3y acre of
land, Win�gg hot 212 Albert street, 13ruo-
.1s Igor sale. auntie le e',•llbntlt, w1111 all cut•
vr1uence• end pus esaion oonld be, given at
once. For fat thee particular; apply on the
premi,•s to Mrs, du., Pet queen, or IS. lrar-
en-•on. Tesswittet' 11,
A08O N,
1' FARM 1 it lit maim -
100. ,1 )Il 1'1,11 los 11, Ilan „e„• 111(111,,., , 8 t u, . 2, Grey. cater, h u-,• , nd tell n
ur11s,, &a. Pu,r 11'11 w 11101 H1.11 aye 11
P11,111 511 •1 100d 501311 ' x0 pt le at 2
1111044,0111 to aa•sto5ln 01,1) 1 nth to sl.i111111
Y,•s,•g norm Byrn al meat Fo, further nil d•n•-
nuu's apply let write to W (d (lo til lie• uOles-
worth, or F' S. Scott, Brnsmele. 85'tf.
FOlt SALE OR 10 RENT. -The nnnor igned
alerts his well WOW ed property in Brussels
for sale or to rent There fire 6k acres of lend
with comfortable house. With sellar, stable,.
orchard, won, Ae, Po80os8Ion on Aug.. 16th.
For pprioe tome, and other information npphv
to JAS. DONFOitD, Clinton or TRH POST
Brussels, THOS.DUNFOIOD,Langdan,Nortlf
Stock for Service
B0AR FORSERVICE -The undersigned.
Will lteee for servlae at Lot 14, Con 2,
Grit athorn..bred Berle -hire Boor. Tonna,
1,14, to be pied et thee of sorvlce Will ln•Ivb
lege of retu0
HAYDEN, Proprietor.
_, TO gni
13y Cooadlnn Poodle dlreot OHO
For Settlors travelling Settlers end families.
with erestook and without livestock
effects should use
Special Trains RegularTrains
will leave Toronto leaying Toronto
Loeb TUESDAY la 10.18 p.m. dally
MARCH rad APRIL Tourist Sleeping Oars
.4 10.18 p.m. Pastes5 Time .
No Chorda for Berths
Low Colonist Rates
Only Through Service to the West
Apply to nearest agent for full information and
free COPY of "Setters' Guide" or write R, L. •
Thompson, 0.P,A., 0.P,R,, Toronto
T. FARROW, Agent,
TEACHERS of ripe sokolesoldp,, `q\
,g. wide witching and business ex. YY,�f
77� eerienoe in lending C•anadlun
9 •
Antof fl, aell,ldn employed I by
-i ot$tilglg f1 Crolltizt, , hive n
v1 17,11j1;(311:11111 p nupet•ior, upoppreeuhnd our -
Honing. SS
rZ Each student is lilob'uct'ed privately SS(
tiat 11114 0W11 d1,111, Ws assist 0u1• gradu-
-sten to the best positions. `IX'
Three courses -Commercial,, Steno-. ,
graphy find Telegraphy.
Mail Unarms. Enter any day. r�
® Write forpurticnlm's. •�
Q Wingham
0 r��tt �)
CEO. SPOTTON, Principal
erg Avereeree ezeiyaxtwee vnvv4e 1�psi
June, July and August leads into
our Fall 'Perm without any break.
Enter any time, New Catalogue
tree, Write for it to -day.
The Largest, most Reliable
of its kind.
W. fir SHAW Principal
Tonga & Gerrard sts., Toronto
Royal Line
Weekly First Class Service
From fat. John Halifax
Hesperian sails Mar, 18
Virginian lulls Mar. 10 Mar. 20
Tunisian sails Mar. 27
Victorian sails Apr. 2 Apr. 8
Steamers fitted with wireless and the sub-
marine deep sea signaling 8ystem.
Winter rates effective till April 80.
Boston and Portland to Glasgow
St. John and Halifax to London
Minim] to Liverpool Montreal to Glasgow
Montreal to Hews and London
For anilines, lists and full Information apply
W. 1.1. KERR,
Agent Allan Line. Bruseele.
This school stands m. the forefront as
the lm•Keatand beat practical training
oohoolin Western Ontario. We have
three depart menta:
All i•� e departments am in charge of s
ed lnsta•uato,a and the
ad -
ars thorough andptmilked.,Onr grad -
nates eecm•e pond poaltfons,. Students
urs entering every week. Write for
je. our free ,Shrineue 111 anew.
Elliott &McLachlan,
1.1) Principals.
• - e'st:^ r ilae
Creat In Reputation, Results, In- W
fluonce and Thoroughness! Now
lathe time to enter the popular
and pronm'a for profitable employ.
wont. Our graduates readily ob-
tain good positions. Our .Snnd-
some°ttudonuai41401,. Write for one
to -days Students admitted at any
time. College open the atire year,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principe'.
Cor Yong, is Alss,wder sts., Toronto.
," '7 i r --
Horse �aoi
t t
5 re s
The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will
be held for the season as follows :
THURSDAY, APR. est, 19og