The Brussels Post, 1909-1-28, Page 6Fashion Hints. lei y p lei lek .x,:k,.,4eariel teforleiet,-a FADS AND FANCIES, Late tailored stylea are severe. Tailored blouses are mannish, Crepe de ehiee is still quite need- . iris. Gowrie forewalking were never 'shorter. ' Girls are fearfully addicted to fur hats. Nearly all hats fit closely to the hair. ,karis is still helding out for the mall hat. All dye of castor or near it are fashionable Instead of a "V" the new decol- lete shape is square. Immense round muffs are forcing their way to the fore. Turbans of •fur should match the dolor of the furs worn, There never was before a winter • with -such a craze for furs, . Parisian women aro wearing huge shawls like those of sixty years ago. With the black tailored costumes gold embroidery is in great favor. Corded silks are making up waists for street coat and skirt suits.. Embroidery in heavy worsted or silk is employed on many new cloth gowns. The popularity of suede is waning, and richer colors are in evidence. Jet butterfly buckles are the lat- est and daintiest thing for slippers. Women, young and old, are wear- ing jet jewelry with gowns black and white. It seems to be the aim this win - tor to have all clothes as dark as possible. The little girl of to -day may wear just as much fur as her mother, in proportion to her size. The old-fashioned prunelle and prune colored cloth has made its appearance in directoire suits. Black hats are, as always, good style, and most striking and sue- r -wail hats of black and white are seen. For the everyday suits of chil- dren there is no more satisfactory material than dark blue wool serge. There is now an absolute ban up- on loose and wrinkled gloves; they must be tight, neat, and closely buttoned. Bracelets are being worn again in quantities, and this year they need not match in design, size, or material. Old blue is oee of the latest dyes for afternoon toilettes, and it is made effective with black embroi- dery. It is a pretty fashion to add a frill of soft satin or closely plait- ed chiffon to the lower edge of fur muffs, While white fox is the especial favorite of the winter, the black and the pointed fox furs are also quite fashionable. One of the most popular colors with fashionable women this winter seems to be purple in its almost innumerable shades. DISEASE COMES THROUGH TUE BLOOD To Cerro 'Common Allinsntfi the Blood beat be 'Made Rich ma Red. Nearly all the diseases that al - Bid mankind are •caused by bast blood, weak, watery blood poison- ed by impurities. Bad blood is the cause of headaches and backacbea lumbago and ,rheumatism, debit ity and indigestion, neuralgia end other nerve troubles, and' the dis- figuring akin diseases like eczema and salt rheum that show how im- pure the blood actually is. It is no use trying a different medicine for each disease because: they all spring from one cause -bad blood. To cure any of these diseases you must get right down to the root of the trouble in the blood. That is just what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. do. They make new, rich blood. That is why they cure these dis- eases when common medicines fail. Mr. Henry Baker, Chipman, N. B., says(—"About a year ago I was so weak and miserable that I thought I would not live to see spring again, I could neither work, eat nor sleep. My blood wee in a terrible condition, My entire body broke Rut with pimples and 1 small boils that would itch and pain and caused me great trouble. I went to the doctor and tried sev- eral medicines but to no effect. I was almost in despair when one day a friend asked me why I did not try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. I decided to try them and took alto- gether eight boxes. )3y the time 1 had finished them I was like a dif- ferent man. They not only puri- fied and enriched my blood, but built up my whole system and I have not had a pimple on my flesh nor a sick day since." To enrich the blood you must get the genuine Pills . with the full name, "Dr. Willi;ims' Pink Pills fur Pale People," on the wrapper around the box. Sold by all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. gets, a, tiny the se P Pn the THIS ATHLETE OF Bnawy River in the soutlieaat Gol'- �t Mar of 1`o South wales and intieli Sid- FI + TywT P 1 0 A .i ARS closer to Melbanrno friars to Sid- 1 I�lll!NIj may. In the next Parliament the fxues tion was re -opened and Dalgety WITHOUT RANCOR. A Story of the High Morality of Disraeli. Disraolx'e winning gentleness, his sympathies, so wide that prin- ces and cottagers coveted and sought his counsel, his unselfish- ness, his plunk and his effrontery have been the subject of many stor- ies, almost as many, indeed, as those of his wit and humor, It has been possible, however, for his most recent biographer, Mr. Walt- er Siche], to give fresh instances of the high morality of Disraeli, al- . terwar'd Earl of Beaconsfield. It is not generally known that on at least four occasions during the decade of the fifties Disraeli offered to sacrifice his personal position to Graham. Palmerston and Gladstone succesively for the interest of his country and his party. In 1808 and 1869 Disraeli defend- ed Gladstone against the careers among his suporters, indignantly rebuking the 'frothy epouters of sedition," as well as those who "preferred remembr'ance of anis dental errors to gratitude for splendid gifts and signal services." between Sydney and Melbourne. Gladstone was a worthy foe. Dia- The Senate's choice was for Dal- raeli 'MS as willing to give him praise as he was unwilling to strike him to please the popular passion of the moment, and his nlagnani- mity was, frankly iteknowledged by Mr. Gladstone. When Disraeli stood for his last porta:lib---although snffering, he re- fueled to sit to Sir Jahn Millais Sir John noticed his gaze riveted on an engraving of the artists' find pportrait of the great leader of the Liberals. "Wonla yon care to have it)" in- iiired ,Sir John, "I was rather shy of offering it to you.,, "I would be delighted to have it," 1)ieraeli replied. "Don't imagine ttiat I have ever disliked letr. Glad - /stale; on the eontrary, my only diffiienity with him has been that I could never understand hitn.'t secured a majority in both cham- bers, Trouble at once began with the State of New South Wales. It was hotly contested that the spirit of the Constitution liad been ig- nored by Parliament and that Vic- toria had duped the house so as to bring this about. The condition that the capital was to he "not less than 100 Mules from Sydney did not mean in the opinion of the dissatisfied residents of New South Wales that o choice couldbemade of a spot snob as Dalgety, as remote :from Sydney as possible and close to Melbourne. To make matters worse the Fed- eral.legislators plaeed.a very liber- al interpretation on the provision that the site area was to embrace "not less than 100 square guiles.. They boldly dcelared for 000 square miles, or "A STATE WITHIN A STATE." CAPITAL OF AUSTRALIA SITE FINALLY CHOSEN IN THE PASS -CANBERRA CO UN TRY. Lies 193 Miles South-west of Syd- ney—Am Altitude of 2,000 to 3,000 Feet. Ever since the Commonwealth of Australia was proclaimed in 1.901, the question of a site far the capi- tal has proved itself a stumbling block. It is now announced that both the House of Representatives and the Senate have agreed upon the Yass-Canberra site. Thanks to the Tabfets my baby now always enjoys the best of health." Bold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 28c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Onta. SATS TIE OWES 11113 WONDICR- FUL ENERGY TO DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Zl'as Tortured With Elleunultisn and a Cripple '1'111 the Great Kidney Remedy Cured lliril. Six. Nations, Ont„ Jan, 18 (Specie1),--Fifty-two years of age, but still young enough to captain the lacrosse team, John Silversmith of this place can truly be looked on as a'wonderfel athlete: One would naturally think he was all his life a healthy man' But it was far otherwise, and he nnheeitatingly states that his wonderful energy. and vitality are duo to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I suffered from Rheumatism for over seven years," Air. Silversmith, The Government of the aggrieved says in telliur Ins story, .'and it State then fell back on the condi- finally )Made a complete cripple of tion that the site "shall have been me. My back was bent nearly dou- granted to or acquired by the ble and when I tried to walk I had Commonwealth," and declined to to ase crutches. Latterly I could grant the Dalgety site. The fresh not get around ab all and 1 suffer- ballot in the Commonwealth Paella- ed excruciating pain, meet shows that the State has "Two boxes of Dodd's Kidney triumphed. The Yass-Canberra' Pills gave me relief ; eixteen boxes site is much closer to Sydney than cured me completely." to Melbourne.Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure • Even now the question is not fin- •Rheumatism because Rheumatism ally eettied. Parliament has agreed is caused by disordered Kidneys upon a wide district possessing a and Dodd's Kidney Pills always number of excellent sites from cure disordered Kidneys. which a final selection will have to d•--'_ be made. Titis Yass-Canberra WOULD BE IN AWFUL SHAPE. country lies 193 miles south-west A woman went to a butcher shop of Sydney, its altitude being be- tween 2,000 and 3,000 feet, It em- the other day.to get a roast of beef. braces farming and pastoral free The butcher 15 a little old man, in - hold lands of fair quality which, cliued to be cranky, Ile began to when the requirements of the city cut the roast. She theught he was are satisfied, will be leased to ten- sawing off too much bone. ants. Some years will be occupied That roast will have too much in the building of the Parliament, bone in it, I fear," she said. theublic offices and the residenc- The butcher stopped and sigbed. es for members and officials. "Madam," he said, "that's the The Australians are notoriously cow's fault. These cons would be lavish in their expenditures on In awful shape if they had to run such matters and altogether the around without bones. city of Canberra is expected to be The woman said no more. one of the finest places in the Time tries all things, and as world, . Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup bas stood the test of years it now ROSY CHEE1tED BABIES, ranks as a leading specific in the Nothingin the world is such a treatment of all ailments of the throat and lungs. It will soften comfort and a joy as a healthy, and subdue the meet stubborn hearty, rosy -checked, happy baby, cough by relieving the iritation, Babies and young children can be and resore the affected organs to kept in perfect health by giving healthy conditions. Use will show Own Tablets, which will keep the them an occasional dose ofBaby'she its value, Try it and be convinced i stomach and bowels in perfect or- ofts efficacy. der. And when •sickness comes The teacher was explaining to there is no other medicine will cure f l the minor ills of childhood as speedily and safely as Baby's Own Tablets. Guaranteed to contain no opiate or poisonous drug. Mrs. M. Bernard, Eastern Harbor, N. 5,, says:—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the various ills from which little ones suffer, and find them a marvellous medicine. The story of this capital in the wilderness in interesting. When the Constitution was first submit- ted to the Australian people the location of the capital was left an open question, but as the fight for and against federation proceeded it became evident that Victoria was certain to secure the prize. The Premier of New South Wales, awakening to the danger, unexpec- tedly withdrew his support from the Constitution to which he had agreed in conference, and the re- sult was that the most powerful colony voted against union. The Premier gained his point and it was conceded that the capital should be in New South Wales, "at a distance not less than 100 miles from Sydney," From this vague wording has all the delay arisen. A BUSH .CAPITAL, Both Sydney and Melbourne be- ing barred. a bush capital it was to be. Half the country districts in New South Wales put in claims, while capital site leagues sprang up in scores. Owing to the wide range of the constituencies in Au - HARD HITS AT MEN. When a man admits that he is never too old to learn you may be sure that he ss getting pretty old. A man usually bogies to apprec- iate his wife about the time that he has killed her appreciation of him. Not one man in ten thousand leaves his impress upon his fellows, which probably is fortunate for bis fellows. Some men achieve matrimony, some men have it thrust upon them, and others are lucky enough to es- cape it altogether. What a man knows will some- times make a book, and frequently what he thinks he knows would make an entire library. Biliousness Burdens Life — The bilious man is never a companion- able man because bis ailment ren- stralia most of the Members of Par- dei's him morose and gloomy. The liament had not one site to Advo- complaint is not so dangerous as it este but often half a dozen, and ic. disagreeable. Yet no one need as the keenest local jealousies ex- suffer Pram it who cart procure isted their task was difficult. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. By The first attempt to select a site regulating the liver and obviating at the end of the first Parliament the effects of bile in the stomach was in 1003. Failure resulted. they, restore men to cheerfulness The House of Representatives se- and full vigor of action.mel leaked Tomtit, a site nee to the Victoria border, about balf way. STAMPS FOR SOLDIERS, ISSUE NO. 4-00. RENEW YOUst YOIJTl1. Never before has the struggle for social and commercial 000008e been so keen AS in our own day, and to the victor and the vanquished alike coarses a time when neryeeaed body ery for rest, Nature and sci- ence have combined to produce an environment where tired men and women may renew their youth, On the main line of the Grand Trunk Railway System, at St. Catharines, Ontario, as situated "The Wel- land," whero the ills of life are alleviated by bathing in the Saline Springs of the "St. Oatharinea Well," under proper medical super- vision and attendance. • Apply to 130 St. James street, Montreal, for booklet and further information. ' FOUL PLAY, Two Irishman were ,eking each other conundrums ono clay, and when their supply ran out Pat sug- gested that they should make 800)0 -"All right," said Mike, "Here's one, Phwhat is (bot goes around a barn -yard in feathers and on two legs and barking like a dog 1" "My, thot's hard ,I give it up;" •, answered Pat, after some moments of • thinking, "Phwat's the an- swer 1" "A chicken." "My, that's foine; but hosv'cl the barking of a dog get in there?" inquired Pat. "Oh, I just put that in to make it harder." A Woman's Sympathy Are you. discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy financial load? Is your pain a l,eavv Physical burden? I brow What. thesemoan to delicate women—X have been myy$__s�elpraBed4`,alt'to but eourObur-• dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctors bill? I can do this foryou and wf11 if you will assist me. All you need do is to write for a free Iof lstoGoginaplaced my handeway P rhap. thisone box will cure you—it has done so for others. It so, I shall be happy and. you will be cured for So (the cost of a postage stamp). Your letters held confi- dentially, Write to -day for rnv free treat- ment. DSit$, F. 11 CUI1.SAl3, Windsor, Ont. OVER THE LIMIT. Crawford—"Do you ever try flat- tery on your wife 1" Crabshaw—"Yes, and it always works except when she wants a new gown and I tell her she looks charming in her old one." Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor deranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. When a woman has occasion to visit her poor relations she always likes to talk about the trouble she has with her hired girl 1.1011' PO YOU DUMP* Different Motions et tho''Iiirtl► Pass the 'Night. The ordinary Canadian, in ardor to sleep well, likes to have a soft pillow under his head. The Jap, stretchinghimself out on a rush tnat on te floor, puts a hard block of wood under his bead, and is sleepless without it, - The robust elan of.Chia country likes to have the window open at night-time, both aural -tier and win- ter. The Russian, on the contrary, likes no sleeping -place so well as the top of the big stove in his do- micile, The Laplander crawls, head and all, into a bag of reindeer -skin; and often' the East Indian follows a• similar custom, thing, However, a more porous bag. This, it should be explained, is intended as a pro- teetion, not from cold,. brit from mosquitoes, The Gorman likes to Have a fea- ther covering, as wel1 as to lie on u feather bed. The Chinaman pre - fern a low eouoh, scarcely above the level .of the floor. The people of Northern countries prefer to sleep where there le plenty of room in which to stretch; while the inhabitants of the tropics are prone to curl themselves up in a suspended hammock.. Diversity of method in ,sleeping 1 After this, we should' think so. Always a Good Friend.—In irend. In health and happiness we need no friends, but when pain and pros- tration come we look for friendly aid from sympathotie hands. These hands can serve us no better than in rubbing in Dr. Thomas' Ecleotrie. 0i], for when the Oil is in the pain is out. It has brought relief to thousands who without it would be indeed' friendless. Teacher—"Yes, children, when the war broke out all the able-bodi- ed men who could leave their fami- lies enlisted in the Arniy. Now, can any of you tell me what motives took them to the fronto" Bright Boy (triumphantly) - "Locomo- 'tives." No fhltudltute for "The D R l;" Menthol Plaster, although Soma unscrnpnlouo dealers may say there the class the meaning o the worda,id everybody for pour ,Sy atntno,a, oto. homicide. "If I went' out in a is Recommended by doctors, hospitals, clergy boat," he said, and the owner knew it was leaking, and I was drowned, what would -that be?" Little Willie's hand shot up, and his face was -split by an eager smile. "Please, sir, a holiday, sir," he said. • Children Will do Sleighing: They tame bona covered with snore', Half a teaspoonful of Pain., by the use of Holloway's Corn. kilter In but awestened water will pror ant aur Cure." Others who have tried it Ill effects. Avoid substitutes, there is but end "Painkiller"—Perry Davis' -26w and 60e. have the same experience, Gentleman Lodger—"I say, Mrs. Napper, I don't care for your ba - telling is one connected with an con this morning! It doesn't seem open-air reception held at Syracuse fresh." Mrs, Napper—"Very a year or two ago. A tall negro strange, sir! The shopman said it pushed his way forward through was only cured last week," Gen- tile crowd and eagerly grasped the Hamas'. Lodger --"Well, Z'1 ell, it must have bad a relapse." Paper -hangings for walls were introduced into Europe from the East in :1078. Sniggins (angrily) — "Do you know that your chickens come over to my yard 1" Snooks—"I supposed that they did, for they never come back again." A lady writes: "I was enabled to remove the corns, root and ranch, Amongst" the stories which ex - President Roosevelt is mos -blond of ea -President's hand. "Yo' an ale war bo'n on the same div, Mistah Roosevelt 1" the Barky sald,enthu- eiastically. "De -lighted indeed to hear it 1'' the ex -President respond- ed, warmly, taking a fresh grip of the black hand and laughing heart- ily. "So you and I were born on the same day'? Well, well:" "Yo' am fo'ty-seven yeasts olcl, suit?" "I. am," was the answer, "An' ye' war ho'n on October 17th, 1858!" "Yes." "Ya -as, sub," then ex- claimed the Barky, shaking with rapture t ' `ya-as, suh, Mr. Roose- velt, yo' an me is bole twins!" She—"I see where a fellow mar- ried a girl on his death -bed, just so she could have his millions When he was gone, Could you love a girl like that?" Tae—"Where does she live 1" Useful at all Times.—In winter OT in summer Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will cope with and overcome any irregularities of the digestive organs which change of diet, change of residence, Or variaticii of temperature may bring about. Tho Italian Government has in- They should he always kept at hand, troduced what may be called "mil- and once their beneficial action be- italy picture stamps." Each regi comes known, no one will be with- ment of the Italian Army is now out them. There is nothing nause- provided with a specially designed acing in their structure, and the stamp for the exclusive use of its own soldiers. Each regiment has its own design. Thus the stamp of one regiment shows a portrait of its colonel, another bears the regi- mental colors, another the regi- mental motto, and so on. The Rus• pian War Office is adopting a si'm• ilar idea, and it is believed that these etamp8 at OnC0 increase regi - most delicate can use them confi- dently. Mistress (to new servant)—"We slave breakfast generally about eight o'clock." "flew Servant "Well, mum, if I ain't clown to it, don't wait-" A Naggging Bough rlxlro6 sloop ti eomfopt. way. Ynu can aungnor it with Aliart'a Lung mental esprit de corps and height- kaloam, wldni, ronoret hard branthlfig, para in en civilian interest an the army, the chest and Irritation of the throat, olio is freely to the children. Professional Taster --"I should like to undertake a fast of four I ENOUGH SAID Werke in this show of years. Hl'owi "A man rook $11 away Dwell will you pay inn 1' Show- last dight, men- "I can't give you any salary, "have anything againe but I still play for your keep," "Yep I 4 six-shooter," rum me you?„ ,s1P-4p. taw y f7e tai 1, .i Josh quaint t1 the uat .-. hiloc Billings, ,`tt��Q," 4 4 yhiloGeohorg who6o. mn>L- 1ms arefull of homely wisdom, once said: "The songet I live the snore I y = believeagaodeotofbow- t = els aro worth more than •.,t - a brains." n. a cod et of� ' g bewelpa 25 entkaa good 005 011, 76 acute, at. Wells srzo ora or by mail 6. C. W elle d'e Co., Toronto. There' 15 No Such. Thing as a harmieso cough. The (e0 cobad to nlmcstew f colds. It allays inflammation andclears the air 50088406. The tallest masts of sailing -ves- sels vary from 100 feet to 180 feet in height. CALVES RalsoThnomoWhutMilk. 05,01, nriggo flood Co., Ltd., Toronto WANTED. Agents, Stoma, everywhere; hand- some profits; sell our perfect, brass, kerosene, mantle, table - lamp; hanging or bracket -lamp; 100 candle-power; 3/ kerosene used; a wonder; sells on sight; re- tails $3.50. WEIBSTER SPECIALTY CO., Waterbury, Conn. . J. Pf T TISON Iia CO. 33-36 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, ,Stook Brokers & Financial Agents tta Co 10 AL res Are your hands chap ped, cracked, or core? Have you "cold cracks' which open and bleed when the skin! drawn tight.? Have you a cold sore frost, bite, chilblains, or a "raw' place, which aQ times makes it agony for you to go about, your household duties? if so, Zam-Buk will give yon} relief, and will heal the frost -damaged sisin. Anoint, the sore places at night. Zam•Bltle's rich healing essences w sink into the wounds, end the smart- ing, and will heal quickly. Read this Ladd's Experience, Mrs. Yellen, l of Portland, says: lis•o "I consider it only my duty to y A of the groat benefit I have derived from Zam-Duk. My hands were so sore and Cracked that it was agony to put them near water. When I did so they would smart and burn se if I lmd scalded them. I seemed quite unable to get relief from anything s put on them until 1 Inc. Zam-Duk and it succeeded when all ele. had failed. It closed the big cracks gave me ease, soothed the inflammation and in a very short time healed in hands completely. It is a wondorfu healer and should he in every home." Zam-Bah also care, ohahn0. ta,he,, Ltd manta, plica, lacers, festering ,ores,sore lends an batiks, dames, pimples, rfni-,corn,, Ke„ aafa, burn,, bruised, scalds, sprain,. used as an enlbr0 nation, 11 euros rheumatism. sciatica, naurnigt do, it all dru,,>lata and store, or past free no • aha 7•nm-D,tk Co, Toronto Price 60 c. a boa 3 for alas. CLEANING mutant LADIES' ae a 8UiT9 sen is done pertnotly by our Smell Proem. Try -16 Banish AReCaIOAN CIMINO 00, innestaar, TO1IONTO, OTTAWA 1 eueIS0 Rel fids Strength of Paige Ox Seel is Concentrated in Bova 0 is palatable, very nourishing, and .easily digested. It is no trouble to prepare. A.spoonful of BOVRIL stir- red into a cup of boiling water is the finest tonic and pick-me,np. and other sEooke b0urhE sed sold 0n oommirel 01 BO{IRIL is LSI JIU LIFE IFE '0orrespo0,todkaino1cgh' nd dors may ba wlrod ab 545tl yg 1000 0:000,0 - ,.;0 0" �l8. >cx ar^Aa%" 15•'0 �a110(. _.w.4.0c'✓r'e Write for Weekly Price Lists. Shipments Solicited. JOHN HALLAM - TORONTO, ONT. 'ss4a11•411Aw:a4 , ea .v"'get rs tea.- a BUY SNARED 1N T140 NEST MIN@ IN Canada's Gresttest Goltz Cama "sulalbp 00101115,' situated some 26 miles souti, of Neleno, can undoubtedly alabu this die. lrnetten, One year's erase meet has produced et ut w�i ch Is the.1. NuggoE," Stgrmieoa, the greato in ane r•enrthlemh,e has tn.lon.0ub during d0• velopmenb over 860,005 in gold, naturally paying for itself and the.web dono, A Four Stamp Mil is ilei' h, operation, prndu0ing from the second grade ore shout$10,aoo per month, Nome 2000,000 worth of ore Ie now blocked out and we can cele• Iv prsdlet there will he O'er a mlhl0n nest awing, 74> etteet 10000 onononite work it is necessary 'o poen n bleak 05 21,000 shal and res is nnw Pox tido to the ubhIt 51550 par share. We Invite. fullest lavas. ilgatlon, ht]QHTON R CAVAN AUG14, TIRO KERS, Dra}ver 1502, •N1505025, 8,0' Si Ir-tr72Lit Or, emomatte to 05 this yyear, to date almost double last year. TYllDItit'1 A Xai5Aet1N. Over we hundred trappers and shippers who had prerlanaly 04110 elsewhere dare been added to our list. IS0 ISY NOT V001 We pay bast prioov,.shipping espouses amt remit- Obit Ramo day. Nrlce natal application, A, lit E. PIERO£ & 00., bol RT. NAtJI, Hr. • , blONTrtudl,, ,0,o ,,.,.._ WHY DO So many institutions devoted to the higher Edo - cation select Bell. pianos? The fact that they use k:ad prefer the Bell is evidence of distinct merit f l Oa,, follows prolestiooal advice in acquiring an education, � by in not follow professional custom. buying Heli pianos? i.. • 1h0 only pianos withthe illimitable Qticit . , .�,7.aYelr^A Repeating Action. Send for (free) Catalogue No. 75, ShaZLLL P1AiiO iiOrgont5o..-Llmited GUELPH,ONTARWio HISO li.e � TRAYMOR �. OR ON THE OCEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. X magnifinent ton -story llro.proof addition 1s lust Wag .completed, nakloitbls 320114118 hsstolr-thanowcat and most tlp.to•date of Atlantic City ffotele. A sow feature la the unusual olio of the bed ranine, averaging le feet eggaoe. Livery room noiomande au 000an rlaw, hsth attached -with sea and fresh •witter. Choral• ease in every chsmber, Temperature regulated by'i'hermoedadt the latest ,Isrelel1,mont 1p 0tetsm heating, Telephone to orarfroo,n, calf erlrlleges. Gapsofby 005. Write Jorntnotrsto3 booklet, CHARLI 3 O. MARQ1JATTI3, T12AWtiQRB HOTEL COMPANY, Magog, D. S. W 1i17'E, President.