The Brussels Post, 1908-12-24, Page 6BUSINESS CARDS, ,%. H. MaCRACKRN- leauor of Marriage Licensee, OP nee atGr0oery,Turnborry street, Brumele. MISS LAURA SPENCE reacher of Plano or Organ E'J•.,HEL, ONT. K 0. T. M. Brussels ,Tent of the Maccabees, No. 21 hold their regular meetings in the Losse Aaron, Seeker 'look, on the let and 8rd Tuesday evenings of oath mouth. Visitors always welcome, A, SOi1ERS, Com. A. McGUIIOE, R. E, JANIES HARRIS, Agent Howiak Mutual Fire Insurance Compauy Office cad Residence- WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND 1Z1202ANOx, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS, Af0. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- A. • nun, will sell for better prices, 10 better Esau in Mese time and lees °bargee than any ober Auctioneer In East Huronor he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always bearranged at this ofnoe or by personal application. ROBT. H. GARN!SS BLU18VALE. - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County, Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of TEE POST, Brussels, 02 tf VETERINARY. a . A. CUNNINGHAM- ...A UNNINGHAM— $0ner lira,lua.e of the Ontario Yet. erinary College, is prepared to treat ail ills. eases of domesticated animals 1n a minuet. ant manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Ueutletry and Mdk r'evar Calle promptly attended to. Moe and Infirmary -Pour doors forth of bridge, Tnruberry et,. Broesehe. Phone 47 H LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. /J(T M. SINULAIR- Y 1' a Barrister, BolIotLor, Conveyancer, Notary Poblio, da. Office -Stewart's Itlook 1 door North of Central Hatol. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, ROUDF00T, HAYS & BLAIR- BARItISTERB, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES POBLIC, ETC. W.Paoony T, 00 . o . C. Hess H G. F. RBram. Olncee-Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, GOBEato&, ONTA100. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, (DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of 0utario and First -elite. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univeraity. Offior next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, r3kr,ki}N," Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS: ANY even numberodioeotion of Dominion Laude in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta exoapting 8 and 26, not reserved, may be lhomesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a famit y, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of 00e -quarter section of 180 cores more or less Entryay be made ereouall at the local land office for the disttlot lit which the land is situate. Tbe homesteader is required to perform th800011tione connected therewith under one of the followiugplans: (1) At least six months' residence upon and cultivation of the laud in each year for three years, (01 If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the bomheteader resides upou a farm in the vicinity of the laud entered for the requirements as to resi- dence may be satisfied by such person re- siding with the father or mother. (3) If the Battler use his permanent resi- dence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the re- quirements as to residence may he eatle- fled by residence upon the said Mod. Six mouths' notice in writing should he giyen to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, W,W.CORY. Deputy of the Minister of Interior. N. B, Una athorized publimttlou of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for, INGER SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST I Machines may be seen a MoICAY & SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system Enay be arranged for. 1 also handle the Nordheim- er Piano. S. CARTER, S AGENT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Bros o1s s S alb Works eau get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon IVMoc ney,. or man, - 13xUssels. Business Cards 'riie first was an action for assault re -_- ----- suiting in actual "bodily harm. The de. A. H. MONTEITH fontlant is ht resident of 1•)owick and the Barr'ister,6oliotlor, emery, rte., snocos60r to tr0ub)0 is between herself end iter sisler- le,B.Iuaodonald. Office over Standard Bunk, in-law. nuts the matter. was settled he Brassel8, the defendant's apulogiziug orad hie DR, HAMILTON , husband's going security for hergood Sureties.. Office opposite the PostofCice behavior fol' a period of two years, being Dental aur butted in ti sunt of law Wifl visit Gerrie the first and third ' Soo. rhe cam• Monday of each month. 03.0nl pla1nant also was bound over t0 keep OR, T. T. M' RAE Beebe/or of elediulne, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College or Pityy• siuiaps and burgeons, Ont. ' Post -graduate Chicago Eye, Ear, Noss and Throat Hospital, Chicago, 111 Ex -Mouse Burgeon to St. Mich- ael's Hospital Toronto, Office over 11', 11, Smith's Drug Store. Tele• plume connection with Uranbrook at all hours, DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel, BRussHLs Gonia SOUTH GOING NOATIo &call 7:05a m I Express 10:55 a m. Express 11:25 a 1n Mail 1:44 p 111 Express 8:02 p m Express 8:09 p fit WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express........ 8:.11 a In iExpress ...... 11:80 8 m Express 8:11 p mi Express ......... 7:47 p Huron Co. Court. The semi.nnnual sittings of (be Coun- ty Court and the general sessions of the peace were held by His Honor Judge Doyle, opening on Tuesday, Dec. 1st. '['here were four jury cases and two non jury cases on the Conoty Court calendar and on the criminal list there were three eases. The court lasted un- til after 6 o'clock on Saturday when an adjournment was made until Monday morning to .hear the last case on the civil list, Thompson v. Cameron. On Monday a thither adjournment was made in this case to January 5th. The County Cout't business was as follows : The Londou and Western Trust Co. v. VIeConueU,-'two actions On prom- issory notes, The plaintiff company is the administrator or the will of the late Dutton McTavish, of .Hensall, and the defendant is Leonard McConnell, of Brucefield. Mr. McConnell and Mr, McTavish were in the horse business to- gether, and one of the notes, for $225, was given by the defendant as his half of the purchase price of a horse. The second note, for $375. was also given in payment for a horse. and was made by lilt. McConnell and Mr. McTavish. 1`be plaint,fe paid the second note and sued the defendant for his share of it. The defence is that the notes were paid, bet not des'roved when paid. His Honor dispensed with a jury in these cases. Judgment reserved. H. J. D. Cooke. solicitor for plaintiff. W . Proud - foot K. C., counsel for plaintiff. J. M. 1 Best counsel for defendant. Hall v. Moyes -The plaintiff, Wnt. Hall, is a mechanic, who in his state- ment of claim said that on August 4th, '1908, the defendant, J. W. Moyes; en- gaged him to operate his automobile at a weekly wage of $15. The plaintiff worked up to Nov. 4th, when, he says, he was discharged without cause and without notice. The action was for $138 balance claimed as due the plain. tiff. The defendant denied hiring the plaintiff to work for himself, but he says he did, as manager of the Huron Construction Company, engage him to work for the company, commencing Aug. 95th ; that the plaintiff tvas dis- charged for good and sufficient cause ; and that the plaintiff by negligence ace broke and injured certain parts of the machine incurring an expense of $82.15 whey operating the machine without instructions to do so, The jury return- ed a verdict for the plaintiff for $923, the amount of his claim, less the week's wages claimed in lien of notice of dis- missal. and judgment was entered °red accordingly. L. E. Dancey for plain- tiff. Wm. Proudfoot, K. C., for de- fendant, Davis v. Miller. -This was an action by Alfred T. Davis. the present proprie- tor of tbe Bedford hotel, against the late proprietor, Jonathan Miller. rhe action teas for $152, claimed as the value of certain chattels included in as inventory made at the time of the sale, which the plaintiff said were not the property of the defendant. The defence is that the purchase price of the business $4,850, was a lump sum for the business and good -will, and the inventory was not made up as a list of what was being sold, bet to assure that the defendant would not remove any of the chattels between the date of sale and taking of possession, April loth to May 1st, 1902, There was a counterclaim for teed supplied by the defendant for his horses and for use and occepation of the defendant's (07ernise8. jury g The ' bror ht in a verdict fir the defendant and the action on ,vas lisnis e d, the counterclaim also being dismissed. Each party pays bis Own costs, E L, Dickinson, K. C , tor plaiutiff, L. E. Dancey for defendant. Perdue v, Elliott. -'this is an action between Wm. Perdue, of Godericlh township, and Robert Elliott, of Gods - rich. The claim is for $163 76 for price of wood and timber and for services per- formed. The defendant admitted certain items of the amount claimed but set up a counterclaim, the mimetic of the account according to his idea of it beingi t The evidence in this $ 3 59. case was given on Saturday and argil meat will be heard in chambers E. L. Dickinson, K. C„ for plaintiff. G. F. Blair for defendant, Thompson v• Cameron. -An action for trespass. The plaintiff is Isabella Thompson, the owner of lands known as the Bayfield mill lots, 'rhe plaintiff claims that the defendants entered upon the lands of the plaintiff and plowed tip and destroyed abo'tt three acres planted with oats. The defendants claim that the lands are the property of the defend- ant Alex, Cameron but the plaintiff Maims that even if they are covered by the conveyance yet she has had peace- able, continuous and uninterrupted pose- essi0n and enjoyment of the same for el -swards of ten years, The other de- fendant is Frantz Cameron. This; case was riciinurriec1 The criminal cases were Rex v, Char. lotto Sp0tton, Rex v, George McLeod sod Rex y. George Letson, in all of witi0h the grand jury returned true bills, Rex v. George McLeod was au action for receiving stolen goods, the harness stolen some time ago from Col, Young, Goderleh.. The defendant is a resident of Colborne township, The jury brought (3 a verdict acquitting hint, G. F. Blair for the detenee. John McDonald, of Goderieh, who came up for sentence for stealing the earaess, having pleaded guilty, was re. leased ou suspended sentence. M, O. Johnston for the defence. George Letson was found guilty of the theft from the Hotel Bedford of a sum of money, but sentence was de- ferred until the June session, the de, fendant entering into his own recog- Menuee to be of good behavior and abstain from intoxicants, G, F. Blair for the defendant. H• J A, McEwan was chosen fore- man of the grand jury. The jury visit- ed the Iain and some of the members also visited be house of reluge, and roe ported everything attended to setts. factorily at these institutions. With respect to two inmates of the jail, the jury reported as follows : In the case of James Gunn, who )las committed no crime but who has been au inmate of the jail for some years, the would say that he appears to be very comfortable and to be getting every attention, and while for reasons of sentiment, we think that the jail is certainly not the proper place tor him, still, for other reasons, we cannot at present recommend his transfer to any other place. In the macer of Effie Ray, we recommend that some suitable home or institution be found for her ns soon vs possible, as in her condition the jail is not tae proper place for her to be confined. We note that the jailer, hlr. Griffin, complains very seriously of the lack of proper separation of male and female prisoners.' Strength Depends on Healthy Blood. Is Yours Rich and Pure? Blood is the soul of life. Cheek its formation, reduce its quality, lessen its red cells -you at once sap strength and vitality -you peril life itself. When you strengthen the blood, make it richer in red cells, increase its solid constituents, you supply the materials that rebuild -von fnr0ish that disease -resisting element we call strength. When you are weak and ailing -when appetite is poor -when mental efforts seems impossible, sleep hard to get, he sure your blood has grown poor and your nervous system in consequence is impaired. Nothing so quickly stimulates the formation of rich, red blood as Ferro - zone Ferrnzone's action upon the diges- tive power is immediate -everything you eat is converted into nourishment and building material. Ferrozone fortifies the action of the kidneys, liver and stomach, increnses circulation, and by these means throws into the blood a vast store of material to build up and to strengthen. Ferrozone by making blood and stimulating vital action, transmits to the debillitatel brain cells, exhausted by toil byaoxiety,or sickness, the strength they need, The beneficent action of Ferrozone on the brain is transmitted through the nervous system, and all powers of the body are enormously increased. Ferrozone enables the body to per - for all its functions i a rm ma normal and natural way, and with an absolute free- dom from 0051'110n, which is the most positive assurance that the body is strengthened -not stimulated. Whether the weakness you suffer is profound or of long standing, whatever the conditions are -if the blood is im- paired, if its redness is reduced, if its activity is lessened-Ferrozone is au absolute and rapid remedy. For any condition of weakness, de- bility or ill -health in men, women and children, you can't find so nourishing iuld strengthening 3 tonic es Ferrozone ; try it, sold everywhere in 50c. boxes. Arguments were heard in the preliminary objections to the peti• tion to unseat J. R, Stratton, M P. AT i i a caa s Barber Shop WILL BE FOUND Hot and Cold Baths where tip to -date service is obtained. --",*Coll and See for Yourself. TAT . SUMMEO S'uooi June, July and August leads into our Fall Tenn without any break. Enter any time, New Catalogue free, Write for it to -day. CINTBAL 11111411 COLLEGE 'rho Larges*, meet Reliable aka kind. W. FI. SHAW Principal Yong() & Gerrard etc., Toronto ?.....,••.....r,..•..,...• rrr.r,....,.1110111s. Cures colds and bot;aLs up the fever in 24 hours. If you "feel yourself taking cold", get a box at your dealer's -25c. or send direct if your dealer does not keep them. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO 1r ,avarlfhe. ittitT0 8tkii.r`T ..173i1 By -Law No. 13, 1908 A By -Law to Prohibit the Sale of Liquor in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron The Municipal Council of the enacts as follows 1.—That the sale by retail of spirituous, fermented, or other manufactured liquors is and shall be prohibited in every tavern, inn or other house or place of public en- tertainment in the said municipality, and the sale thereof, except by wholesale, is and shall be prohibited in every shop or place other than a house of public euter- tammeetin the said municipality. 9. -That the vote of the electors of the said Township of Morrie will be taken on tbe by-law by the Deputy-esturuiug officers hereinafter named on Monday the fourth day of January, One Thousand Niue Hun- dred Nine commencing al nine o'clock in the meriting and continuing till five o'clock in the afternoon at the undernheotioned mentioned places :- Polling Sub-divivision No. 1 -At the School House in School Section No. 1, William 0, Laidlaw, Deputy Returning Odicer ; David Laidlaw, Poll Clerk, Polling Sub.divieion No. 2 -At the School House in School Section No. 9, Geo, F. McCall, Deputy Returuiog Officer; Jas. Kernaghen, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 5 -At the School House in School Section No. 6, Samuel Irvine, Deputy Bettering Officer ; Robert McCrea, Poll Clerk. Polling Snb-division No. 4-110 the Town Hall, Thomas Miller, Deputy Re- turning Offioer : Peter McNabb, Poll Clerk, Polling Sub -division No. 5 -At the School House in Sobool Section No. 7, Robert H, Garnise, Deputy Returning Of- ficer, Wro. Garnise, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 0 -Al the School House in School Seotion No. 10, Silas Johnston, Deputy Returning Officer; Jae. Peacock, Poll Clerk. 8. -That ou the 22nd day of December, A. D., 1908, at the' Clerk's office in the vil- Township of Morris hereby lage of Belgrave, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, the peeve shall appoint in writing, signed by himself, two persons to attend at the final enmmfng up of the votes by the Clerk, and one person to at- tend at each polling place on behalf of the persona interested in and desirous of pro- moting the passing of this by-law, toil e like number on behalf of the persons iu- terosted in and desirous of opposing the passing of this by-law. 4. -That the Clerk of the said Municipal Council of the Township of Morrie shall attend at hie office, in the village of Bel grave ,at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon, on the sixth day of Jemmy A. D. 1909, to sum up the number of votes given for and against this By-law. 5. -This By-law shall come into opera- tion, and be of fall force and effect on and after the first day of May next after the final passing thereof, Council Chamber, Morris Nov. 16th 1908, (L, S.) .Reeve. Clerk. NOTICE. Take notice that the above is a Erne eopy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into consideration by the Municipal Counoit of the Township of Morrie and which will be finally passed by the said Council (ie the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, as provided by the Liquor License Act) after one month from tate first publication thereof in The Brunetti Postinewepaper the date of which first publication was Thursday the tenth day of December A. D. 1908 and that at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors the polls will be held. • (L, S.) •, W. Cr,sax, Clerk. BY-LAW No. 14, 1908 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS A By -Law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township of Morrie, iD the County of Huron, to the amount of $7,000.00, for the purpose of constructing cement or steel bridges and cement or stone abutments in the said Township of Morris. Whereas it is deeteable to erect a steel or Cement bridge with esmeut or stone abut- meuta tat each of the following plaoee in t the To yogis of Morris that 'e to as ' P I y,• - At t place where h rivert hehe e t o Maitland crosses Cncession road between Conces- sions, 1 and 2 at Lot number 8, to be known as Ornikehank's bridge, and at the plane where the said Maitland river crosses Con- cession road between Oonceeeiona 2 and 8 at Lot nomber 6 to be kuown as the Stone School bridge. And whereas it is deeirable to raise by way of loan for the said purpose the sum of seven thousand dollars mud it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Township of Morrie for a sum sufficient to repay the said sum of $7000.00 (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-law) with interest at the rate of 4,} per cent. per annum, the proceeds of the said Debentures to be ap- plied to the purposes aforesaid and to no other. And whereas it is desirable to issue the aaiddebenturee at one time and to make the priuoipal and intereet of the said debt repayable by equal yearly sums during the period of ten years, being the currency of the said debentures. Aod whereas, in accordance with the provisions of the Consolidated Muo- ioipal Act, 1905, to amount required to bo raised annually by special rate for pay- ing the said debt and Interest ie the sum of 804.0 PY 6 a. able in ten a q bmf annual $ PY principal a menta of rinoi al and interest com- bined. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the irowneltip of Mor. ri a000rdin the last revised A e smear Hs g to es a Roll thereof is $2,106,600. And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said 'Township of Morrie is $18,607.70, of which neithee prin- sepal nor interest is in arrear. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Morrie ens acts tee follows :- 1. r'or the purpose of raising the sum of $7000,00 to be expended for the pur- poses o h id loses aforesaid a liTe R the said ITownship of Mortis rtis for a sum sufficient to repay the said sem of $7000.00 with in - tenet in same of not less than one hnu- dred dollars each ellall be issued on the 16th day of may 1909, each of which de- benture shall be dated on the day of the issue thereof and oha11 be payable within ton years thereafter at bileBoost of 'item. ilton, in the 'Town of Wiegilatn without °011P51000. 2. Emelt of the paid Debentured shall' be signed by the Reeve of the said Town- ship or by acme other person authorized by By-law to sign the same ; and also by the Treasurer thereof, and the Clerk of the timid Township shall sulci thereto the Corporate seal bf 111e paid 'Corporation. B, During the cemencyof the said De- (enturee there that( be raised in endf year by special rate on all the rateable property in the said Township of Morrie the sum of 9884.06 for the 5yiiurpoee of paying the mount. due In each of the said years for prinoipel and interest in respect of the hand debt, 4. This 13y.Law shp11 bake Wed On the final passing thereof. 6: The votes of the duly qualified eleo- tore of the said Township of Morrie shall be taken on this By-law at the followen g limen modis that lac e - p e , a to say :- On Monday, the fourth day of January, A. L., 1909, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and cootie- uiug until five o'olook in the afternoon of the same day, by the following Deputy Returning 0 oars iii and Poll Clerks that is to any :-- Polling Sub.divieion No. 1, at School Ebuis in School Section No. 1, William O. Laidlaw, Deputy Returning Officer ; David Laidlaw, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 2 at School House in School Seotion No. 9, Geo. F. 130eGall, Deputy Returning Officer, James Kernaghen, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 8, at School House in Sobool Seotion No. 6, Samuel Irvine, Deputy Returuiog Ofleer ; Robt. McCrea, Poli Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 4, at the Town Hall, Thames Miller, Deputy Returning Officer; Peter McNabb, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 5, at School House iu School Section No. 7, Robert H. Garnise, Deputy Returueug Officer ; Wm. Garnier, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 8, at School House in School Section No. 10, Hilts Johnston, Deputy Returning Officer ; James Peacock, Poll Clerk. nd 8. On Tuesday, twenty-second da Y Y Y of camber, A D.,1 B the Reeve of De90 the said Township f Morris than. attend at the Clerk's office in the village of Bel - grave, to the said Township of Morris, itt ten.o'oioo)1 in the forenoon to appoint per - eons to attend et the various polling plaoee aforesaid, and ab the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behaif of the persons interested in and promoting or op- posing the passing of this By-law respect. ively. 7. The Clerk of the said Townebip of Morris shall attend at the eaid Clerk's of- fice at two o'oloek in the afternaou of Wed nsoday, the sixth day of January, A. D. to eum the numb r o votes given 1909 a f v a v u f. .0 P g for and against Ude B •l t mw. b By -late. at the Town l in the of n hi h l w l T v a I of Morrie, this 7th day of December, A. D 1908. Reeve Clerk, TAKE NOTICE, That the fore cin e a tree o0 o a s u R g g copy proposed B .law which has been talon itt- to consideration and will bo finally paused by the Coundi) of the Municipality of Mor. eta (in the event of the assent of the oleo - tors entitled tovote thereon being obtain- ed atter one month from the first p`ubli- am ion in Too Bnneemr.a POST now° a er tit0 sato of which first publication Was 'I"huroday, the tenth day of December. A. D. 1908, mod that the votes of tihe duly gqnalifled oleotora of the said J.'ownehip 02 Morrie will be taken thereon on the day. and at the home and plaoee therein fixed. Dated this seventh day of December, A, D„ 1908. W. CUBIC. Oleek, THE MAPLE LEAF By 5, Rettl.talf. We all revere the older lauds, From which our fathers venue; 1 Yet Canada 1s (1101'e t0 ue, We mingle with her fame ; , And the Claimant rills of kinship, No foe need try to sever, Or the sun -kissed emblem o'er 11 ,11- "The Mnple Loaf Forever." Then while the British ling shall wove, O'er =entitle glen and river, Round Thistle, Shamrock, Rose en• , "Thetwinelvlaple Leaf Forever." To mingle with "God Save The King" "The Maple Leaf" we bring ; Let anthems loud in loyal praise O'er woodland glories ring ; Apd while the maple proudly waves The coward knave hnust quiver - Green, crinlsom tinged or golden brown ."ria Maple Leaf Forever." 'then while the British flag shall wave, O'er m0utain, glen aucl river, Round glory's camping ground entwine, "Tho Maple beef Forever," The triumphs that our fathers woo, Are'hold in memory clear, And Empire ties but stronger seem, With every passiug year ; theie d While th sl1 Id arena ns, Is far too strong to quiver, God bless cur land and emblem grand, "The Maple Leaf Forever." Titer while the British flag shall wave, O'er mountain, glen and river, Found Thistle, Shamrock, Rose en- twine, "The Maple Leaf Forever," This favored lands' so rich and grand, The half can neer be told, Of riches spread from sea to sea, But waiting to unfold; The Maple waves o'er all alike, Its beauty changeth never, -- Inspiring choice of wildwoocl chnrnls- "Che Maple Leaf Forever," Then while the British flag sball wave, O'er mountain, glen mud river, Round glory's camping ground entwine, 'The Maple Leaf Forever. This Combination always Wins. How often we hear of people who have had an aching joint or muscle for. years. No more speedy remedy can be adopted than to rub on Nerviline and then apply a Nerviline Porous Plaster. At once the muscles begin to resume their wonted vigor and flexibility. In- flammatory symptoms and pain disap- pear, Nerviline Plasters can be worn by the most delicate child or aged person. They are invaluable as thousands have proved. Used along with Nerviline they are guaranteed to permanently drive out any muscular ache, pain or stiffness. ' Try these remedies, and judge for yourself. 250. at all dealers, or 1', C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. Canadian News Thomas McBrien is dying of injuries sustained in a fail from a warehouse, it is alleged he was robbing, at Toronto, Wreckage found uear Cape Ray, New- foundland, leads to the fear that the steamer.,Soo City is lost, with her crew. Medical and School of Science men engaged in a fierce snowball fight, at Toronto some 800 students being involv- ed. 'rhe Hindus have rejected Geo. Swayne's offer to go to British Hon- duras, and will remain in British .Col- nnIbl A fina, e parsonage, the gift of the Mas- sey estate, was handed over to the trus- tees of Hope Methodist Church, East Toronto Further subscriptions to the Ham - mond endowment fund for the 'Toronto Free Hospital for Consumptives bring the total up to $42,220. The congregation of Queen street Methodist church, Toronto, raised be- tween 000 and 000 for the reduc- tion of the eburch debt. Condemned by Physicians. Unscrupulous dealers often prepare corn remedies with caustics and acids. Refuse such, and insist on Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, It's purely vegetable, safe and sure. The four young children of J. Scharf were burned to death in a fire that de• destroyed the familydweliingnear Haw- thorne in Russell county, The Oakville Pop Works and the Welland Vale factory at St. Catharines were burned. Loss in the latter case will amount to about $50,000, Fire in the Canada Cycle & Motor Company's garage at Ottawa destroyed five automobiles, including a fine vehicle owned by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Joseph Milroy shat foo,' men in a Wainwright township lumber camp, near Dryden one of wllotn will probably die, The shooting was apparently un- provoked. 1. ( ]ab 11 an William Harry Dil of g d W Law- son were found guilty at Hamilton of taking ballots and offering them for sale. u wassent to the Central Pri:- Dill o h s ab g on for two months and Lawson for four, To stop any pain in 20 minutes, taste one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. See formula on the box. Ask your Doctor or Duggist about this formula. It can't be bettered. 'Womanly paint, head pains, any pain gets instant re- lief. -Box of twenty Pink Pain Tab- lets, 250. Sold by all dealers. A misplaced switch in the Grand' 1 runk yards was reeponsible for two empty freight cars dropping into the river at Windsor Oil Monday Morning. 'The yard engine pushed a train of empties towards a sale track, but instead they ran directly down the track to the car ferry Huron, which was lying at her dock. The bumping post at the rear end of the boat gave way under the shoots of the collision and the cars were precipitated into 30 feet of Water whole they still remain, The stern of the Dar ferry was considerably damaged and she will be compelled to go into dry dook fol' repsirs. Au epidemic of measles broke olit recently in the Manitoba : Agricultural College, Winnipeg, and twelve students were confined to their' beds, Tho faculty held an emergency meeting on Monday end decided 10 11696 a gtta7an• tine established, The stndeuts hats visions of eating their Christmas dinner in the college instead of at home and deeidecl to take sudden leave of the in, St/lotion. Accordingly after all the professors had retired 142 made good their exit by way of the fire escape, and took the trains for house before the berth') officer bad an t,ppurtenity to interfere, Lectures had to he abandon • od, A Cough ]Vledkine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a regular cough medicine, It strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. Good for e as y coughs, hard coughs, desper- ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your ease, take it. If not, don't take it. Never go contrary to his advice. Wo pubnuh our formulas 9yom 0oumeQocao ers We urge yom to ooa.ult year doctor The dose of Ayer's Pills Is smell, only one at bedtime. As a ruin, laxative doses are better than cathartic doses. For con- stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick - headaches, they cannot be excelled. Ask your doctor about this. Made by thea. O. dyer So., Lo•i» an. irao. -- Allan n°aoi l Line Winter Sailings TO LIVERPOOL ]i'rom St. John Halifax Corsican mile Doo.18 , Tunisian anile tan, 1 DecJan. 210 Hosperisa sails Jan. 16 Jan, 16 TO GLASGOW Ionian from Portland Dao, 16 Laurentian from Boston Deo 24 Winter rates-s'irat Cabin 970.00 ' Second °laser 940.50 ; Third class, 921.50 and $27.60. Per sailings, lists and full information apply to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brueaeie. E Winter Term opens Jan. 4th E Arrange now to attend the famous ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. yp This School stand's to -day with - LL out asuperior in the Dominion. LiNearly all Colleges claim to be the bestbut elaiming to be so, does not 11 make them. so. Get our Catalogue. Read it fromcover to (toyer. See for g yy tto ndvnn gas iii owe telege is doing and t ELLIOTT, Principal, db' It Oar. Yong° .&Alexander els., Toronto. i4 Winter Term opens Jan. 4th 1,G CEN i l6Af1 gg gi7 A d.k L f STR ATFO R D. ONT. IT This school is one of the largest in the n (,) Province. It is noted for the thorough- dl nese of its work and the mos of eta (4 dem students. Three departments - Commercial, Shorthand Telegraphy h g' PY U. Our graduates ars in dmnnnd fie Bust 91 Hess College teachers as well as office B assistants. Get our magnificent oate- logue, it is free. Elliott & McLachlan, Principals, p MONTHLY Horse Fairs ! BRUSSELS The regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held for the season as follows : THURSDAY, DEC. 3iat, xgo8 " FEB. 4th, 1909 MAR. 411-1, 109 APR. 1st, 0909 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present. llert Strength Heart Strength, or HeartWoaknoss, means Nerve Strength, or Nerve Weakness -nothing more. Poe. itivoly, not one weals heart in a hundred is, In it. self, actually diseased, It is almost always a Madan Uioy little nerve that really fe all at fault. This obscure tterve-the Cardiae, or Heart Nerve -simpyIly needs, and must him, ,more power, more stability, More controllhlgB, more governing Strength. Without that the Heart mist centimes to fail.. and the stomach and kidneys1 these same CtlIltr011Lnq nerves. also have Thio clearly explains why, as a luedlelno, Dr. 8hoop'e Restorative has iu 00 bast aorto so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr, Shoop first sought the cause of all 11,11 painful, palpitating, sulooat. Ing heart distrese, Dr. ahcoe'o Boetorative--this popular proscription -1s alone directed to these Weak and wasting -nerve centore. It builder it R0 it'streo tb n r offers r g a, s 0 reel, genuine heart help. you would have Strong Her, sld L nation, hose ;nerves.- reeetabish •11toaheaded, with s hoop c e 0storativ _.. 0.S t..'"ALL DEALERS.".,1 0