The Brussels Post, 1908-12-24, Page 5BUB CLUBBING LIST, Tile Pose has made arrangements to club with all of the leading Weeklies and Dailies and other Journals, Tis Post and the followiug named pap ers wilt he sent from uow until Dee. 31st, 1909, for the price of one years'' eebs.lriptlon, viz : WEEKLIES Pose and 'Toronto Globe... ..... 6o „ Mn!) & Empire,,.... , 165 London Advertiser r 6u " " London Free Pre s1 8o " Family Herald & Star ,. 1 8o " " Montreal Witness, ...,, , 1 8o Weekly Sun t So " Farmers' Advocate DAILIES Pose. and Toronto Star ...... " " Toronto News , Toronto (Sithe • 2 35 2 35 2 35 4 54 t'omtito ,Mail -Empire, 4 50 Toronto World 3 00 " ` London Advertisa.r.„„„• 2 35 When Premlnuls are given with any of the above named publications you se- cure them through the club with THE POST. Call at the odice or remit the amount by P. 0, Order, Express Order or Reg- • istered letter, 5o cents additional for postage on all papers going to the United States, addressing PHE POST, Brussels, Ont. gar. al gews tins PUBLIC and High schools closed Tues- day, Den• 22nd, for the Christmas vacation and re -open on Monday, Jan 4th. IF you have had your concert adver- tised in THE PLST, please remember that we should like to have an account of it when the affair comes off. Send it in at your earliest convenience; Tim t A. O. U. W,is doing 6 excellent work throughout the Province of On tariu. Since the -order was established iu 1877 there has been paid out in the Province of Ontario !n death claims nearly thirteen millions of dollars, Dote"r get mad if the newspaper tells the public in its news columns about any transgression of the law you may have been guilty of. Just think of all the truthful things it might say about your misconduct and hasn't. Better qnit your meanness. "Iu one of the intermediate rooms !h our public school nearly all the boys have become dull and stupid from the use of cigarettes, completely unfitting them for their studies. This is on the authority of oueof the teachers. Teach. ers are powerless, We are informed also that in at least one place in town cigarettes are sold to the merest child- ren. Seems to us it's about time some parents took a hand in this business."— Kingsville Reporter. Lost his Voice Entirely. Mr. J EI. Woods. of Point Rock, Oneida Co , N. Y., had a hard exper. ience. "A bad attack of Catarrh settled in my forehead and the pain over my eyes was so intense I thought my head would burst. My voice grew very hoarse and I coughed every night, and through the Winter could scarcely speak. My voice was gone. Two doctors didn't help me at all, The next doctor order- ed "Catarrhozone.” It cured me and now many others here use it also, My doctor says he doesn't know anything so good for Catarrh and Throat Trouble culla as "Catarrh z ” 0 out. Use it to -(lay, you're better to -morrow, 250. and $1.0o at all dealers. Try Catarrhozope. Aoo n G nI Inge --In , n a nutter column we make mention of a visit from Wm. James and stake some remarks regarding his new fire extinguisher Since the de monstration the matter has been in the minds of some of our citizens and it has been suggested that arrangements might be made by which the works for their manufacture might be established in Brussei sand i t con1un ti mt with s aueinstall a general machinery repair shop. We wish that such an idea could be car. ried iuto effect and through the menu - t fnctIre of o these extinguishers guisinera make the mime of Brussels known throrghout our broad Dominion, nisi i on, The _ repair shop t would be a decided acquisition and save many of the annoying delays which on - cur under- present couditions besides keeping money in the town which is NOW spent awayfi> m it. W11y Should the municipal elections in Ontario be held at one of the most iuconvenient seasons of, the year 1 Our municipal campaigns are conducted in tile last few weeks of the year, a time whet Christmas and New Year activities make it hard for many citizens to devote mach thought or work to civic duties. Ontario is alone among the provinces in adherence to thisuncient folly. The Ottawa Journal points out that in Qac. bee the municipal elections are held o the third Monde o9 iu Januar y ; Ne Brunswick on the lstet 'Tuesday in Oct, Nova Scotia on the third Tuesday i Noy, ; Manitobn on the first Tuesday i Dec, ; in British Columbia on dat fixed by different menioipalities, and i Saskatchewan and Alberta on the se on;i Monday in December, Winghann Miss M. Fisher is able to be in th postofSee again, after her protreete illness W, J, Armour, manager of the Wm Armour estue, left on a business trip t Victoria and Vaocouvet 13, C. Mr, Cullens, Provincial Secretary mid Mr, Fleming, County Secretary o the Y, M. C. A , met a number of th boys of Wingliam After the plan ha been explained to theta, the boys de tided to Ot•gan150 a Boys' Branch of th Y. M. C. A„ with the following officers Misses Ball have sold their resiclenc on Patrick street to Mr. Leans, of lea Beh1>ore. Possession is given January lilt. Improvements are being made in the Town Hall, by installing closets; with waterworks attachment, Mr. Boyce is doing the work. —Chairman, F, Gillespie: Vice.Chair• man, H. Dore , Secretary, B. Slackatl ; 'treasurer, J. Mitchell. Friday evening was selected for meeting, W. H. Green has secured the fran- chise of Rainy River for electric light- ing, power and waterworks. He intends, putting in a plant there in the Spring. Bert. Vansickle of the baggage trans- fer line met with an accident white un, loadinga heavy hunk at the Queen's Hotel, It slipped, and tailing on one of his legs, broke it at the ankle: An Oakland (California) paper re. ports the marriage of a former resident of this town, Stephen G. Pelton, brother of Mrs. J. B. Ferguson, thusly i—A very quiet wedding was that of Miss Mabel Smith and Stephen G, Pelton, of this city, who were united in marriage Sunday. Nov, agth, in Oakland, The ceremon took place i n he yt stud of the v First Methodist Church, and was per - Formed by the Rev. Geo. White, in the presence of Miss Pearl Boner and J. Herbert Bennett, intimate friends of the young couple. After a wedding break- fast. Ilr. and Mrs, Pelton left on a honey- moon trip North, The bride isa sweet .and attractive girl, and is well and fay. orably known in this her home city, while Mr. Peltou is the well known builder and contractor. n I• -hu Barr, 11>e well knoiyn Councillor w 21id stoat:man .of klnllett, was successful in winning the following prizes at the Guelph lent .Stuck Show:—Shorthorns —Steer a years acid under, tot and 3rd ; steer i year and under, 41h, Grado, end cruises—Steer,"3 Yarn's and under, Arthur Saar, 5th : cow or heifer, 3 Years of over, ,3rd and 5th ; steer 2 years and tooter 3 stoma by on nrnateur, Arthur Burr, 3rd. Sheep—Purebred yearling Leicester, 3rd ; pure bred yearling Leicester (block teat), end ; grade, 3rd ; grade (block test) 3rd, Belgrave Rev. W J Brendon, of Port Cul - borne, was visiting his brothers in this vicinity, Mrs, W. K. Johnson, of St, Thomas, is spending the holidays at the bonne of Henry Johnson here. Miss Annie Johnson is away on a two weeks' holiday with her uncle, Dr, J. C. Johnson, at Adrillti, Mlch. - K, J, Clegg, 13, A.. well known here, has accepted a position on the High School staff, at Nelsuu, B, 0,, and will commence his duties after the holidays. His many friends here will wish him success. The officers elected for 19oe for L. O. L, 46e (Belgrave) are us follows ;—W, M., Wm. Johnston ; D M., H. Leish- man ; Chaplain, Robs. Owens ; R. Sec., Bert, Watson ; Min, -Sec , F, Shoehot. tom ; Treas., Wm, Bryaus ; Lecturer, W. Little ; D. of C., Wm. McMurray ; Committee Wm. Love, Dr. Hamilton, Robb. McCrae, Alex, Leishman, 'Thos. William`s. 0 u es 0 c• e d u e c1 0 0 1e your Back Weak 7 When the back drags and aches. feels lame over the spine,—when there is in- digestion, headache and constant tall to make water, beware of sick kidneys. If 'neglected, this condition develops weak- ness and -soon you'll be unable to work. The one remedy you can rely on is Dr. Hamilton's Pills l+ -very symptom of disordered kidneys they cure by remov- ing the cause. You improve immed lately, day by day you will experience benefit from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Best for the kidneys, liver and stomach. Sold by all dealers. Blyth Horse Fair 013 Tuesday 29th. A giant of $20 was given Blyth Pub- lic Library by the Council. Service will be held in Trinity church on Christmas morning at 10 30, Rev. ,elid .Mrs. Cooper entertained the cholr;tif the Methodist church on Wed• ne;tday evening of last week at the parsonage. A very pleasant time was enjoyed. J v by all. Aspecial Sunday School service will be conducted b V the pastor in Methodist church on Sunday morning. Dec, 27111, In the evening a Song service will be held onthe same sAme d ate. The notices are out calling for the Nontinat.on meeting to be held in Indus- try Hall on Monday, Dec. 28th, from 42 o'clock noon till one o'clock for nom - leaden of Reeve, four Councillors and five school trustees. St. Andrew's Christian Endeavor Officers for rgog are as follows:—Pres„ Miss Anderson ; Vice Pres.Chas. , Barrett ; Rec.-Sec„ Miss A. ,Cowan ; Coe. -Sec., Miss Cuts ; 'Tress ,` Walter James ; Organist, Miss B. 'Taylor. The Epworth League of Blyth Meth- odist‘ church elected officers as follows ; —Hon. Pres„ Rev. W. El, Cooper; Pres.,Miss S, Bentley ; est Viee, Mrs. W. H Cooper ; end Vice, Mrs. D, D. Crittenden; 3rd Vice, Miss Emma Moser ; 4511 Vice, Mrs E. Bender ; Sec„ Gen. Wambold; 'rreas.,'F. McPherson; Pianist, Miss Pearl Gidley asst, Pianist, Miss Emma Moser. Reports from the various Committees were sub- mitted showing the League in a healthy and prosperous condition, After all expenses were paid a balance of about $too,00 remained in the hands of the treasurer. The membership had in. creased during the year by nine new members notwithstanding some re- movals, Xmas Goods at wi Grewar's We are handling the best goods that money opuld get and feel stare our prices will be as low as any, quality considered, Our Aim will be Quality first, not how cheap, BUT HOW GOOD, We think the best not too good for any of our Customers, - Nothing but California Navel Oranges 3 Prices per doz, 3oc to hoe Hunt's Chocolates and Bon BbnS. Every boy and girl lilies these goods, Perrin's Fancy Confectionery and Biscuits Known from Coast to. Coast, - High L ss Segars Good. Clean stock of Groceries New Dates Fisc Fruits ail kinds Bananas, Almeria l3rapea Raisins and Currants OYSTERS AND GOOD OLD )CHEESE. Peculiar Weakness in Women. Many women suffer • untold torture from nervous debility arising from dis- orders of the feminine organs. Day by day they grow worse. A ,false sense of modesty prevents them using a good remedy like Ferrozone.—an•1 it would curs them. Lost nerve force is brought bacic—new vital energy is supplied -- irregularities disappear. Ferrozone does restore weak pale women. For those who suffer and and work hard to bearoth' n mg supplies the health pp a and vitality that Ferrozone so surely brings. Guaranteed free from alcohol and sure to cure, 50c, at all dealers, Listowel Mrs, James Kinoade, who has had a very serious attack of inflammation, is now making a good recovery. The annual ball of the Listowel Fire Brigade will be held in McDonald's music halt on 'Tuesday night, Dee. 29th. takCecil Hamilton, barrister, was en suddenly ill on Sunday evening of last week, and on Monday was operated neon fur appendicitis. The operation was successfully performed by local physicians, and although Mr. Hamilton is still very weak, he is progressing as favorably as can be looked for." Tuesday') Toronto World of last week, in its report of the cattle market, says : John Scott, of Listowel, one of the best known live stock men in Western On- tario, was on the market with a lot of good cattle, amongst which was one of the five cattle that sold at the top notch of $b per cwt. This was en extra choice heifer which weighedil'15oo lbs„ and wps bred and fed by Amus Smith, the well known breeder of shorthorn cattle, at Listowel, Ontario. Goderioh Miss Cameron lett on Monday after. 1)0013 of last week on her way to Ber- muda, where she will spend the Winter. Her many friends hope the change of climate will be beneficial to her health. At the preparatory service in Knox cin nr t eh thirty-six y x new members were received into full communion with the church, twenty three on profession of their faith, and thirteen by certificate from other churches This snakes an addition of seventy five to the member- ship during the year. A :MoD. Allan has arrived in town from Great Britain, where Ire had been engaged for some time in promoting the Huron & Ontario Railway project. In conversation with The Signal he stated that the work of cot st 1 ruction an this railway would be proceeded with in the Spring. i5tgineers have already been at work at various points, atfd when the construction starts work will be carried on sitnoltaneously at various points, OwenSot t nd Meaf rd'Toronto, (`orun to, enc. Goderich and Kancardine are on the proposed route of the railway, but just when the railway company will build this part of the road is a matter of con- jecture, u '1`h t The undertaking 1 akin isa big on g e as O ,U00 UOUof �3 a iron ie • d issue indicates ndicate 8 Fordwioh residence here for the Winter Which she Mrs. Jas. Brown has closed up her will spend with her family, Wore. has been received that Miss fern McCurdy was married 01.1 Wednes day, gilt Inst., to Mr. Rutz, of 'Tavistock, Findlay Lynn, of the Wallace.Huwick boundary, has purchased lot 13, con. 2, Howick,fronl Wm. Jacques, of Esteyau, Sask. Chester Edwards has returned from the West after spending eight months there. He believes old Ontario is good enough for him yet. A. 8. Strome is piping !tont the springs at the grove to his residence and will force the water up the hill lute his reside ice by means of hydraulic tarns. E. Witmer is also pipits; bis residence. This will be a great convenience for both families. las. Cattanach received word that his brother john who has been in Guelph Hospital for some time was worse and he started for Guelph, Word was re- ceived on Saturday, 12th iust , that he was dead, He was interred in Elora cemetery on Monday, At tile last monthly meeting of L. 0, L, No. 642, tate followiug officers were elected for the ensuing year : Joseph Williamson, W. M, ; Victor roster, D M. ; Jobe Johostou, Chap. 13. S. Cook, 'treas. ; Isaac Garble, Rea, -Sec. I Wm. Goggia, Pluanciad Sec. ; rhos, Goggin, Lect. ; Arthur Spotton, D. of C. ; Jas. Doeglas, John Corbett, W. A. Edwards, Wm. Corbett, Joseph llatustock, Com. lilt toe. R, B. P., No. 335, Foedwicit, elected the following otfiuers for the ensuing Year . W, P„ Sir Kt. Joint Dane ; D, P., Sir 1 t. Win. Crawford ; Chap., Sir Kt. John Montgomery; Reg., Sir Kt, W. S. McKee ; 1`x555., Sir l31, W, R. Graham ; Lecte Sir Kt, Wnt, Flays nod Rich Gerson ; Lessors, Sir Kt, Thos, Nash and Wet. Ferguson ; Standard Bearers, Sir Kt,'John bowler nlnd P. voivi r)Yost--twee�/m .-'S'fi'o'.'ar WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 4th MORE YOUNG PEOPLE trebled by our management that any other In Onte,rle, treat demand for our graduates na 131'•17)255 Uollego Teaellers, Private Seeretaulea, Office Aealstonta, eta, The embodiment of • the )float Expert, Modern 5y terns known In Realness Stemma, We in- 4 vftaaoanppaMaon. Three Departinente, lunar akttled ltaetrnetm•a, OOM MEROIAL, STENOGRAPHY, TELEGRAPHY. Mldl Courses in all Business Collage and High 5ah801sebleela, Wingharn Business College \rZ GEO. spo'rrON, Principal �,r'. 6Y,'b rra'A'Ozty9Tat i ivSrl dv<;5:4NI.4tz,r. �v 4tibi� t a"(avl W, G, Coombe' has Metalled a switchbtardfor the Molesworth Tele - plume Company and le able to give le cunuet:00n with all local place's, 'Mrs. Me,leena f , S a few menthe visiting. and Moleswot'th, and put'posea 5'eturn- ' fug to the West in the Spring,. Leadbury DutoQuail ale in the field)fornu>mniel3�il Honors, Some of i,he members) Of the present Council will .also run. i F. and Mrs, McCully .left 0n Tnos- day of last week for Park Rapids, Minnesota, on a visit to their daugh- ter, Airs, Wilson, and Mr, McCully's brother, They intend spending the Whiter in the West, Samuel and Mrs. Scarlett, of Alberta, are on a yisit to relatives in leicKillop at present, It isa number of years since Mr. Seariatt went Voest where he is engaged in ranching North of Calgary, and his many friends in this locality are pleased to see him again. ' Is spending n, anti Saskatoon, 91 3 Zimmerman ; Pursuivant, Sir Kt. F. Dixon ; Committee, Sir Kt. Wm. Greer, 1. Bradley, John Dav, M. Wallace, Nelson Boyd, D A, Thompson and A, Willoughby, • Corrie Tames King has secured the contract for the management of the skating rink for another season. Herb. Williams, who has been attend- ingbasiness college in Chatham, arrived borne on Tuesday morning of last week, Mrs, (Rev.) McTavish has not been real well for sorne time, All will join in the hope that she will speedily be herself again. Mrs Lorne Shier received the very sad news on 'Tuesday of last week that her tether, Mr. Darling, died very snd. deftly that day in Port Elgin. David Braddock is not going to Cali o f loa i for ther p eseat. ivir. Brad nuc k. is not feeling extra well just now, and has concluded that such a long journey would be quite a tax. T. D. Edgar, who formerly conducted a hardware store in Gorric, is visiting friends in Howlett. Mr. Edgar's home is in Edmonton, where he is in the real estate business. His sister-in-law, Mrs, Florence, accompanied him, At a meeting of those interested in the game of hockey, the following offi- cers were elected:—blon. Pres , Wm, Stinson ; Hon, vice.Pres.. Thos, And• rew ; Pres„ H. V. Holmes ; vice -Pres, R. H. Stephens ; Sec., L. H. Stinson, Treas. ; Manager, W. J. Sharpin, Atwood Dr, Corry, of Colorado, returned to his home after attending the funeral of his mother. Rev. Harry McBain aucl clangh- ter Dorothy, of Welland, were visit- Lug at 3. McBain's. Peter Lang is renewing old acquain- tances in town and vicinity after an absence of 18ears. Mr. Lang is now living in the West. Will. Jolly's family had a narrow escape from snfl)ooation by coal gas one night. Several members of the household were quite sick in the morning, The regular meetings of North Perth Farmers' Institute will be held in Atwood, on Jan. 8th, 1900, and Millbank, Jan. 7th, 1009. The speak- ers will he 'W, F. Kydd, of Simcoe, and W. E. Shearer, of Bright. John Cowan of Donegal, , a had 12 head f ho t Guelph at the G Winter P Fair and inn several prizes also dis- posing of 11 head. Andrew Steven- son won a number ra r ofPt 'ize son his sheep and wild several of his Hook. Robt. Alexander, of Britton, hap- pened with a very painful accident by which he might have lost the sight of oue eye. Ho was going ant of the House when he slipped and iu falling came in contact with the door latch which penetrated his eye. Ile is do- ingnicely. 4 y Coughs that are tight, or distressing tickling coughs, get quick and certain help from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy, On this account Druggists every- where are favoring Dr. Shoop's cop's Cough Remedy. And itis entirely free from Opium, Chloroform or any other stupefying drug: The tender leaves of 133 harmless lung -healing mountain- ous 8h'Il l b1V '' eto Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its curative propetis. Those leaves have the power to, calm the most distressing dough, and to soothe and heal the most sensitive bronchial membrane. Mothers should, for safety's sake alone, al- ways demand Dr. Shoop's, It can with perfect freedom be given to even the youngest babes. Test it once yourself, and see I Sold by all dealers. Molesworth McMillan Bros. have installed a 18 horse -power gasoline engine in their cllt:r Ben.Opp'Dark has purchased Dirk Armstrong's property and is prepar- ingto move. olesworth Telephone Company have installed some 25 phones around Molesworth, Geo. Ooombes and Paul Doig have returned home after spending tire Summer in Saskatoon. .Miss Maggie Scott, who for the past month lots been confined bo heti, is fast gaining in strength. A M.issial Banal concert wa,3 held Thursday, Doe, 1751), at which a large attendance was preseet. 310. McIntosh, •East of here, pnl•- pposes.building a new residence, veneer brick, 110x6 54525041, He has a line farts. Molesworth Ohoes8 and Butter Company have disposed of all nils season's matte. The balance of No- vember sold for 1.11 oentw, Roy mien Mrs. Fraser leave returned to their home near Ingersoll, after spending a part of their honeymoon 115 the vicinity of .Molesworth. Charles E, Leopard, principal of the f arrisLon public 50h001 for the past our years, has resigned and ac= oetrrted the prineipalship of the Walkerton public school, Mr. Lep- para. Was fnrmetly 111 Phalle 0f the school at Iviolestv0rtlt, and his Mends in this section artpleased to note his advancement. Ilia salary Will be $850, elicts In the vicinity oft Wroaelee W. S, Fielding. the Canadian Min. later of Finance, arrived at Paris, France, on Monday. His visit to Paris 1s in comteOtlou tvith the Franco Cana- dian commercial treaty which was ne- gotiated last Summer, 'f he treaty was ratified by the Canadian Parliament and the French Chamber, but it has been held up in the French Senate 00 the ground that the Oonveution is too favor- able to Canada, Winthrop James Nicholson has got settled in his I1ew home. - Thos. Pethick has moved into Robt. Govenlock's house, John Grimalby has started up a grinder in Winthrop. Norman Hanna has returued from the Nest for the Winter. R. and Mrs. White were visiting thetate. ' t rs s Panent• Thos. and Mrs, Combs. Edward Broom and Herbert Combs have taken a job (.''0311 Robt. Hogg, to out 60 cords of wood. lbfiss Lena Trewartha, who has been visiting Mends in Mount Forest and Hairison has returned home. Wm, and 14Irs. Hestler and little son, of Saskatchewan, are visiting at the home of A. G. and Mrs. Ualder, Mrs, Joseph Cndmore, of London, is visiting at the homes of Mrs. Thos. Pet'llick, Mrs. Geo. Eaton and Mrs. H. Warden. TO THE PUBLIC. We are Agents for Parisian Sage. and Wo Know the Guarantee is genuine, Parisian Sage, the quick -acting hair restorer, is guaranteed— To stop falling hair, '1'o cure dandruff, To cure itching 0f the scalp,' To put life into faded hair. To make harsh hair soft and luxuri- ant. To make hair grew, or money back. It is the most delightful hair dressing mode, and is s great favorite with ladies who desire beautiful and .luxuriant hair. Price 5o cents a large bottle at Janes Fax's or by -express, all charges prepaid, from Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort F,rie, Ont, Seaforth Norman Nichol has taken a position h the hardware ware st ore of Reid & Wil- son. Mrs. Cleo. Martie hat)-, spent the past week attending her e brother, Mr. Malcolm, who s very . Illi. Miss s Belle Farquharson, who has spent several months at Spring Lake, Alta., arrived home on Wednesday of last week. BritanniaLodge, No. 170, will attend Divine service !11 St. Thomas' church on Sunday evening Dec. 27th. Rev. J. Berry will conduct the services, R. Hallam 1 u lacl the misfortune have the tips of two fingers of his left hand taken off, by- getting them eau ht' I u the jointer altar at he C fm• ' J mtur factory. e At the annual meeting of the Can- adian White hate Rock Uhlb, held at Guelph (luring 'the Fat Stock Show John L. Brown, of McKillop, was elected Vice -President of the Chile. J, F. Daly, was elected Vice - President of en ft 1 Wyandotte Otte O u Y 1b. A meeting of a number of represen- tatives from the various religious de- nominations of thetownwas held on Tuesday afternoon of last week which resulted in the formation 0fan associa- tion to be known as "The Seaforth Relief Society with the object in view of the amelioration of the con• dition o$ the deserving poor of the town. The society will be tinder the auspices of the different churches and the town council. ONE BAD MISTAKE Is Frequently Made by the Wisest of Brussels Poople. It's a serious mistake to neglect back- ache. Backache is the first symptom of kidney ills. Fatal complications may follow. Bootle's Kidney Pills act quick- ly to overcome kidney ills, tlo not delay until too lata, it may mean diabetes, Brights Disease. Read what a Brussels resideut says, William Lake, of Queens Hotel. Bros. sell, ;Ont„ says: "At the Drug ,store of Janes Fox, I procured a treatment of Booth's Kidney Pills and used for a weak, lame back and nn irregular action of the kidneys, This remedy worked as it should, relieving buy trouble and giving the whole system new strength and vigor. It is with pleOSure that I give Booth's Kidney Piile thy endorse- ment." Sold by Dealers, Price 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Co„ Ltd„ Putt Erie, Ont. Sole Csusdian Agents, Preventics, the new Candy Cold Cure Tablets, are said by druggists to have four specific advantages Over all other remedies for a told. First-- They contain no Quinine, nothing harsh or siokenitlg. Second -They give almost instant relict. Third— Pleasant to the taste, like candy. Fourth—A large bole --48 Preventicsa- at 25 corps. Also fine for feverish childl'en, Sold by all dealers, Makes Broiling Easy It is much more -convenient to do your broiling by lifting this Key Plate, theta to lift the cover or use the broiler door. You have more room, and get the meat directly over the coals, Notice the LowWarming Closet, a special feature of this year's ''Peerless Peninsular" ]ranges. Daylight Oven, ,Adjustable Damper, Removable Grate Bars, 'Thermometer in oven— are only -a fewof the con. veniel es i c . you shouldasl>: about. Step in at 553, (into nod go oyer the "Peerless Pcssiusular" Rouges, Wad to explsls their l5lprovee ills to you. - 72 - - BRUSSELLS WILTON & GIL LESPIE - MEMO DIVIDEND NOTICE The Metropolitan Bank Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of Two per cent. for the current quarter (being at the rate of Eight per cent. per annum) on the eapital stock of this Bank, has been de- clared, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office and Branches of the Bank, on and after the and day of January next. By order of the Board, W. D. ROSS, General Manager. Tonolero, November 17th, 1908. 1 i 1 1 1 . „y_a. 41 A Mess from N. Headquarters �^1HRISTMAS GREETINGS TO ONE AND ALL. We r _ know that every ane of you feel the same generous +r desire to remember those you love with appropriate and desirable Christmas Gifts this season, as hereto- fore. We are therefore pleased to urge you to accept the in- viting hospitality of our store in its Holiday garb, and to in- spect our large and very complete assortment of beautiful new Holiday goods, perfectly adapted to the wants of all classes of gift33301(et•S. We ate offering the advantage of all that is new and attractive in Christmas gifts, that your good taste will commend and your judgment approve. Our stock is so extensive and varied and withal so carefully selected, that we do not see how we ran fail to please EVERY - SINGLE PERSON who 18 looking for a really desirableandappropriate gift for a cranny, o14 or young. We wish to include' in our Holiday announcement this year the promise of economy in buying. We are going to be the people's Santa (Malts this season just so far as the fixed laws of legitimate business will permit, by selling you Christmas gifts of all kinds at the low- est scale of prices known to honest trade. We are going to make your money far-reaching and effective in exchange for Ohsistsnas gifts of merit and value. 'We want you to come and n see how little it takes to scour B suitable and appropriate 1tiLt8 ' if for r rhos e you desire g a to rernem be' t. For weeks past• we have labored earnestly to prepare for the Holiday trade, and Dur store is now fairly shining 1vit'h a beautiful array of Christmas gifts. Special pains and 111110b careful consiclera.- 51011 was expended to Make this collection of Christmas goods one whicli should include something really desirable for every individual from the youngest to the oldest. We have also made it a point to have a great variety in goods of all- prices, ranging from the merest trifle upwards, in order that you may make good selections at any price you feel able to pay ; grading and assorting our stock in sueh a way as to neer the needs of those who have little, as well as those who have much tOspend. We hope to every o e cry reader at our stare at an early date, as we feel that we can please you one and - ail. With good wishes, and - the compliments of the season, we Temalu, Very truly yours, FERGUSON & R055 THE LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FDRNISHrRs. 7a-- Don't forget the Great Sale of Men's and Boys' Clothing. Mantles going at almost Half the Regular Price. NATIONAL Roller OUR NE 'lour Mills I 'FLAK2 ,1Arpn�y}\I E GG is now in full operation. It, will stave you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses Try our New BREAKFAST'FOOD Made from White Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating Don't forget that our ((White Loaf" Flour is still taking the lead for Bread Flours, r All kinds of reed kept constantly on band, M .R R .i I'' tiusSEL.S