The Brussels Post, 1908-12-17, Page 9BUSINESS CARDS. 'VY' H, MaOZi7ACIfEbt-.. • Iseger of Marriage Dleenees, Of. age at Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels, MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Plano or Organ ETHEL. ONr. K. U. T. M. Brengel° 'Tont of the Mucoabee•, No. 24 bold their reenter meetlegs in the Lodge Room, Backer Blook, on the hit and 8rd Tuesday evenings R 0 e O t 4aob mo g at . h VleitoreCo always W0100016. A, BOtdE1tB; Oom. A. MoQUIRE, R, R. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Eowick Mutual Fire Insurance Company o.moe And Reeldence- WAL.TON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN 1.7 INIMEANoa, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN Af7CTION- • unn, will sell for bettor prim, to better meu in lose time and less chargee than any oilier Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't obarge anything. Detail and orders oa0 always be arranged at this oaloe or by personal application. ROSr. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Bales arranged for et the Mee of TUR POST, Brussels. 2211 VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM- ...A • Houor Graduare of tbo Ontario Vet- erinary College, le prepared to treat all die - :nom of domesticated animals in a compet- ent manner, Partloular attention geld to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk braver, Calls promptly attended to. Olaee and Infirmary -Pour doors North of bridge, Tnioborry at., Broeeelo. 'Phone 471r LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SIN °LAIR- • Barrister, Bolfoitor,'Conveyancer, Notary nubile, deo. Ul1oe-B tewart'e Block 2 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, pttoUDF00T, HAYS & BLAIR- BAR1tI8TERS, SOLICITOUS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETC. W, PRounpooT,E.O, R. 0, Hays G. 0', BUM. olil000-Tbooe formerly ocoupled by Metiers Cameron 11 Bolt, eon nfon, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D, DENTIST Bradgate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and Pint -Masa Honor Graduate of Toronto Uuivereity. Ofoe next to Brewerb Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS: ANY even numbered% eootlon of Dominion LandsseptiManitoba,gaok not rase and may Alberta, homesteaded 8 and 28, not reserved, maybehomesteaded ll any person m who la 280 ears head , of a tamely, or any male over Be atone of 600, to the extort o, one-quarter eoaEtoa of 106 scree more or lees. Entry may be made personally at the looal land °Mee for the diohriot in which the land is situate. The homesteader le required to perform the conditions 0on00oted therewith under one of the following plans: (1) 4,0 Least six months' residence upon 0131:1 cultivation of the laud in eaoh year for three years, (2) It the, father (or mother, if the father is deoeaeed) of the homesteader resides upon a term In the vicinity of the lana entered for the requirements as to resi- dence may be eatieaed by snob pere011 re- siding with the father or. mother. (81 It the settlor has hie permanent reel - donee upon farming land owned by him In the vicinity of hie hom0SEead, the re- quirements as to reoidenoe may bo Retie.. 0ed by residence neon the Bald land. Six mouths' notioe in writing :Mould be given to the 0ommi8e)oner of Dominion Lando at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, W.W,CORY. Deputy of the Slinieter of Interior. N. B, Unauthorised publioatlon of this ad. vertieemouE W1111104 bepaid for. S INGER SEWING MACHINES ARE r BEST/ Maehine9 may be seen at MiK AY & SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system may be:arranged for. 1 also handle the Nordheim- er Piano. S. CARTER, AGENT ... T SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Balt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, 2 �tlr6EY1#21]I" A Brussels. uain s i3 e s Oarda heel attention of the wnr1,I 1•; tract the attendance of visitor~ and the 4 1' S No 9 have 1 1 rt very neat . nt, ,th 1 t fin' pole erected and l l I liar effort cored, ALBERTA'S CROP Y12,).le While a complete esti turtle of the 02 put of the1908 cum for the pretence 1 Alberta is not yet avaliattle the (leper meet Of, agriculture hn0 compiled 11 following, based upon threshing aper tions, Winter wheat this year• has marl a record sbowin)4' ns shown by 111e fu lowing summers, a y of the Het'ea q!i an K yields 111 Winter form Av'e y'ret per Acreage, Yield. Aer 154,4.87 2,844, 5'1.8 18 4 004,330 2.397.584 22 q 400,702 12,058,597 30.0 .73,986 1,442,065 09.7 A. 11. MONTEITH BAarristea Solicitor, Notary, &o„ 80000ee¢r to t3 M d0 Officio over *endued Hanle, Bruneelo, DR. HAMILTON Dental Burgeon. Oiaoo opposite the poetoiaae, r Wil visit Gorrle the area i third Monday of each month, 54091 PR. T, T. M'RAE Baebel r i 0 Of Radioing, to of the ( of Toronto - y UCO 0 , Licentiate and Graduate of the O011ego of Pla elela0a and-Sur0oous; Ont, Postgraduate Chicago Bye, Bar, Noso and Throat aiosp tte1, Chicago, Ill, Ex -House Surgeon to St, 6liab' aol'e hospital Toronto. O 1100 v V. R i oat of . smith's n DrugBlore. Tele- phone uonneation with OrnnbrU)i at ell Hours, PR. WARLJ,,,W Honor gradonte of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and alight male, Office opposite Flour Ethel, QI SD Teems �'u z war BRUSSELS Gof io BOtfmn Goma- 2'010710 Mall 7:05 a m Exproan 10:55 a m Rlxproao 11:25 a in. Mail 1:44 p m Express ,..,,,,. 8:02 p m Express 8:50 p m WALTON To Toronto To Godertoh Express 8:41 8 m Express 11:80 a in Exp1•ess 8:11 p m I Express 7:47 p m THE GREAT WEST. The Winnipeg Board of Control has approved and passer! the specifications recommended by -the chief engineers for the letting of tenders for construction and eq',ipment in connection with the electric power development on the Win- nipeg river for the city of Winnipeg. The tenders are returnable Dee. 28 and call for the construction of ; (a) the general works ; (b) the transmission system ; (c) the steel towers ; (1) the tr:msmission cable. It is estimated the work will amount to $1,500,000 end tenderers may include or group together one or more 0f the various portions of the work to be clone. The Manitoba government has award- ed the contract for 25,00o telephone poles to J. L. Nelson, Winnipeg, who will duriug the Winter months cut and distribute them to points throughout the province, where they may be required for next year's construction . by the government-owned telephone system. The larger portion of this big contract for poles will be secured from the ter- ritory tribe tory to the Grand 'Trunk Pacific railway East of Winnipeg, An authority on the building question has informed your correspondent that Winnipeg will break all Western records next season, stating that the building in r9o9 will aggregate over $16,000,000, This is altogether probable, as apart from the tower prices on. building material, it is a well known fact that money is much easier, in fact capital in many cases is now eagerly looking for good investment, large amoucts having accumulated since the actual return to the country of the marketing money of the 46,000,000 bushels of the 1908 wheat crop that bas been sent out up to this date. The Winnipeg Clearing Houser ns for week ending Nov. 26, 1908 re $21,546,368. Compared with $15,064.- 440 in 2907 and $14,348,564, in ther• responding week of 1906. The returns show a remarkablen- crease in business, there being nearly six and a half millions increase r 29o7. returns a ,064 co i over na greater note frnl have ug gree U2 othn new West t Pacific Rupert, ears rife plied 1 the from ons Hun- dreds lake Superior fon, in an from est, have able and t110 lug The project of holding a world's fair at Winnipeg in celebration of the land- ing of Lord Selkirk's settlers 9s now taking shape. At the annual meetings of several organizations last week, in- cluding that of the Winnipeg Industrial Exhibition association. the question was discussed at leugth and many practical suggestions have been offered as well as substantial financial stipport iu tlleunder- takieg. The general opinion through- out Western Canada is that the project o aworld's E Fair soul d er Pa W. Dag es yes the en0ouragement of the Dominion and Provincial governments, inasmuch as the progress and prosperity of the West Would be advantageously exploited. Winnipeg centrally .located 017 the con- tinent with remarkably good transporta- tion facilities th tz o a byt wall o t d b greatly increased and rnbailly doubled; 2 splendid hotel 00c0mmodatioil and ulids so well adapted for such a put- % hat id e s 1 b an ideal situation to at. t en0rmotts crowds. and thentteetion ie civilized world to the thrilling y of Western Canada, its social and tial proipo7ity, 8111 Its 1((nits p0s- RAILWAY DEVELOPMENT Western Canada is engaged in t- i0na1 ucdertakings of much gl r magnitude i n proportion topopulation 1 than is the.case with any other country In the world. Statistics compiled n official sources show that railways contributed to the business builds of the West to a most remarkable de one new, town having been put on e map in Western territory every t day tor the past eight years. The Canadian Pacific Railway's through line from Saskatoon We o Wilkie has male rapid progress inthe past season. The work of locating the main line of the Grand Trunk P c between Edmonton and Prince R0 which has occupied nearly two years, has been completed, the survey parties forming the big force having ren Ashcroft, B. C., on their way out it past week. The National Transcontineutal section which embraces that territory n Winnipeg Bast will employ four thous- and meu throughout the Winter. of cars of railway material are being shipped from the head of navigation over the Lake Sup branch and unloaded at Waco stat from which point satisfactory work distributing material can be carried throughout t theWinter. g The Eastbound tourist season, f Western points, opened on Dec, and in order to accommodate the heavy traffic this season the railways brought into commission all avail sleeping. dining and tourist ears several importaut chauges affecting Toronto and Montreal trains have been made which will facilitate the handl of the increased business, 1912' CENTENNIAL AT WINNIPEG Will gro 1)080 of tl stot• !nate sibilit" a y in the future history of-oiviliza- tion would be an event that Would at' t. 1t' 0- 110 a- 1 Spring * wheat P l Winter wheat Oats . . Barley Flax c Iz lc no ( rut ,1 the Illi (leen will be able to rt•lehrnttithe j holidays right loyally In the future, .plisses Aland and l3essio Davidson, who have been eufoyiu( 1t pleasant three months' holiday 41111 their die, Ler in Cartwright, Manitoba, have re, turned home. Miss Mary lt'ackwoll, who lute heel/ organist at Bethel for a number of a years, hair re ai eat t ua.tt left on Moue 1 ' day for Detroit where she expecte to reside, Mise Clara Davidson hue been a appointed to 811 the varallcy ae or- e gituist, M'. ' ( 10 Ii2 t > Cil I l Council 19nt at C,alaer'a 8 Ball, AN batman, 0n Tuesday Dec. 8th, all the men -there present. Mentes of 3 last mooting passed. ?Taulbee of 8,046 01,883 7.82 OILOANt2A•rluNs AC'1•IVE To make more out of the year to cone than has been yielded by the year now passing seems to be the efforts shown by the various Wiunipeg business or- ganizations, who have held thew annual meetings ie the past week. That busi- ness men in the West believe in organ- ization ii shown by the fact that no few- er than ten annual meetings have been held during the weel , and the ambition and energy tor greater achievement and more progress by the men of affairs, who are wombat lug time and 1110130y in the development of the country, em- phasises the necessity of en /metatiou for the promotion of business prosperity Of the more important of these : eseion5 the following are the presidents who were elected fur the ensuing year, Western Associated Press, President M. R. Nichols, Winnipeg Telegram ; Winnipeg Industrial Exhibition, Presi• dent A, A. Andrews, Winnipeg ; Union of Mauitoba Municipalities, President J. F. C. Menlove, Virden, Manitoba ; Associated Charities of Winnipeg, Presi- dent D. W. MoDermid, Winnipeg; Winnipeg Grain Exchange, President Hugh Baird, Winnipeg; Alberta Stock Growers' Association, President Frank Whiteside, Red Deer. Alta; Advertising Men's Association, Winoipeg, President C. A. Abraham, Winnipeg; Manitoba Live Stock Association, President, W. H. English, Harding, Man. Preventics, the new Candy Cold Cure Tablets, are said by druggists to have four specific advantages over all other remedies for a cold. FirsL- They contain no Quinine, nothing harsh or sickening. Second -They give almost: instant relief. Third - Pleasant to the taste, like candy. Fourth -A large box -48 Preven tics -- at 25 cents. Also fine for feverish children. Sold by all dealers. McKillop ITntended for last week) Sam. Davidson was hone front Stratford Business College for a few days. Frame Hackwell and mother, who have been enjoying a visit with friends in Michigan for some time, have returned home. George Hall and son have returned from the West where they wer'e doing homestead duties. He speaks of mov- ing, his family out, in the Spriug. Air. Wamsley, who has been assist - in Rev. . Mr. gTyler'in his gospel meet- ings at Bethel, gave a stereoscopic en- tertainment in the same church on Wednesday evening of this week. If there is any one thing 'that a woman dreads more than anotherit is a surgical operation. We can state without fear of a contradiction that there are hun- dreds, yes, thousands, of operations performed. upon women in our hos- pitals which are entirely unneces- saryand hat e been ' Y avoided. by LYDOA E. ¢T' M:1 l'S VEGETABLE©®I'"POUN ' t Por proof of this statement read the following letter, Mrs. Letitia Blair, Camlifton, Ont. writes to Mrs. Pinleham "2 was sick for dee•years. One doc- tor told the It was ulceration, and an- other told me it was a fibroid tumor, and advised an operation. No one knows what I suffered, and the bear - lug down pains were terrible. "Y wrote to my sister about it, and she advised me to take Lydia L. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "It liar cured Inc of all my troubles, and I did not have to have the opera- tion after all, The Compound also helped me o a t ss safe! P through roe , „P y gh Change of Life. g FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN.' For thirty' years Lydia E. Pink. ham's 'Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs has been standard remedyfor femalethe ills and has positively sltiyely cured thousands :o� 'women Who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, Periodic pains and backache. Mrs* Pinkltam invites all sick WO111Cn to Write her for inutile. She has guided thousands to I health. Address Ly ?anis accounts wel'e' sassed and cheques issued for satire, J. McMillan, collector iof truce, vvas present and received 0t few damlounts. Only about One third of elle taxes for this year 60(1 Meld, All luxes not paid on of before the 11(11 Dee, nre liable 00 have a per cent adder!. Nomination meeting' 4111 bo held at Caldera Ball, Winthrop, on alonday Dee. 28th, Next meeting of Council will be held at the COunnel•rlal Hotel, tleaforth, 081 Tuesday, Dee, it -,tai. All accounts and all Statute Labor , lttnl'2� 911 r s cold 1)e presented be- fore that dune 111, MentelIE, Clerk, efe To Stop any pain in 20 minutes, Luke 1 ' one U t 11)',' Dr, `,hp0 r'a Pink Pain Tablets. 1 tt1 J `lee formula, on the box. Ask your Doctor or Duggisl about this 0101111x, It can't be hollered, '1,019 patine, head) pains, t In r' , ane gen fn Ito 'v Y1 g dG re - Mt 13ox ,f twenty Pink Pain Tab- lets, 25e. Sold by all dealers. '-CaNo., 131 1 08 A By -Law to Prohibit the Sale of Liquor in the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron The Municipal Council of the Township of Morris hereby enacts as follows :- 1. ---That the sale by retail of spirituous, fermented, or other mauutaetured liquors is and shall be prohibited in every tavern, lou or other house or plane of public, en- lertainenent in the said municipality, And the sale thereof, except by wholesale, is and shall be prohibited lu every shop or plane other than a house of public enter- tainment in the said municipality. 2, -That the vote of the electors of the said Township of Morris will be taken on the by-law by the Deputy -returning officers hereinafter named on Monday the fourth day of January, One Thousand Nine Hun- dred Niue Commencing at niue o'clock in the morning and continuing till five o'clock in the afternoon at the undermentioned mentioned places :- Polling Sub-divivision No. 1 -At . the School House in School Section No. 1, William C. Laidlaw, Deputy Returning Officer ; David Laidlaw, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub.divieion No. 2 -At the Sohool House in School Section No. 9, Geo. P. McCall, Deputy Returning Officer; Jas. Rernaghen, Poll Olerk. Polling Sub -division No. 3 -At tbo School House in School Seotion No. 5, Samuel Irvine, Deputy Returiug Officer ; Robert McCrea, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 4 -At the Town Hall, Thomas Miller, Deputy Re- turning Officer ; Peter McNabb, Poll Olerk. Polling Sub -division No. 5 -At the School House in School Section No. 7, Robert H. Garnise, Deputy Returning Of- ficer, Wm. Garhios, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 6 -At the School House in School Section No. 10, Silas Johnston, Deputy Returning Offlner; Jas. Peacock, Poll Clerk. • 8, -That on the 22nd clay of December, A. D., 1908, at the Clerk's officio in the vil- lege of Belgrave, at the hour of ton o'cl&ok in the forenoon, the Reeve shall appoiut iu writing, signed by himself, two pereoue to attend et the Seal summing up of the votes by the Clerk, and one pere0n to at- tend at each polling place on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of pro- moting the passing of this by-law, and a like number on behalf of the persons in- tereated in and desirous of opposing the passing of this by-law. 4. -That the 0/ark of the said Municipal Council of the Township of Morris shall attend at hie office, in the village of Bel - grave ,at the boor of three o'clock in the afternoon, on the sixth day of January A. D. 1009, to sum up the number of votes given for and against this By-law. 5,-TineBy-law shall come into opera- tion, and be of full force and effect on and after the first day of May next after the final passing thereof. Council Chamber, Morris Nov, 1611) 1908, (L. S.) ..Reeve. Olerk. NOTICE. Tele notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed 13y -law which bac been taken into consideration by the Maoieipal Council of the Township of Morrie and which will be finally passed by the said Council (in tbo event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, as provided by the mouth from ntheor Lfirstspoblioe tatiou ) after thereof in The Brussels Postinewepaper the date of white] first publication was Thursday the teeth day of December A. D. 1908 and that at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors the polls will be bell• (L. S.) W. Cndnx, Clerk. BY -LA '.'`,' No. 14, 1908 OF THE TOWNSHIP .OP MORRIS A Jay -Law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, to the amount of $7,000.00, for the purpose of constructing cement or steel bridges and cement or stone abutments in the said Township of Morris. Whereas it is desirable to erect a steel or cement bridge with cement or stone abut meets at each of the following places in the TownshipnP of Morris that at0say • - At the place where the river Maitland creaser' Concession road between 0ouces- sions 1 And 2 at Dot number 3, to be known ae Oruikehauk`e bridge, and at the place where the said Maitland river crosses Con - melon road between Oonoeeeione 2 and 8 at Lob number 6 to be known as the Stone School bridge. Aud whereas it is desirable to raise by way of loan for the said purpose the sum of seven thousand dollars and it will be ne0eseary to issue debentures of the said Township of Morrie for a sum su0oieut to repay the said sum of .97000.00 (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-law) with interest at the rate of 4i per Dent, per annum, the proceeds of the said Debentures to be ap- plied to the pnrpo0es aforesgid and to no other. • And whereas it is desirable to issue the said debentures at 0130 time and to make the principal and iutereot of the said debt repayable by equal yearly Bums dnriog the period of ten years, being the currency of the said debentures, Aod ,vh5reae, in accordant% with the provisions of the Consolidated Mun- icipal Aot, 1908, the amount requited to berated annually e n tall bye r Y venial ate foeP ay- ing the said debt and interest is ,the sum of 9884,05 payable in ton %qual annual payments of pt'iueipel and interest com- bined. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the'Pownship of Mor- ris awarding to the last revised Aseesenlent Roll thereof is 92,106,800. And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Towoobip of Morrie hi $18,667.70, of whish neither prin- cipal nor interest 10 in 81'rear. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Morris en - rots 5s follows ;- 1. For the purpose of raising the sum of 97000,00 to be expended for the pur- go0ee aforesaid, Debentures of the said Township of Morrie for a gum sufficient to repay the said emu of 97000.00 with in- terest in gums of not lees then one hun- dred dollars emelt 011511 be issued on the 16th day of May 1900, eaoh of which de- benture1 e tall bon ed d t on the day of the beam thereof eitof a d n shall bea Il p y b e within ten year0 thereef tee et the Bank of Ham: flea1, in the Town of Wiugham ,without 0009000, 2, Eaoh of the said Debentures shall be signed by the Reeve 0f the said Town- ship or by memo other person authorized by By -low to sign the same ; and also by the 1'reasnrer thereof, and the Cleric. of the said ' g d sownslni -halt atttloh thereto Corporate of the the Corseal s 1 said Cnrpol'atfoln, 8. During the emeency of the said De - be (tutee these shall be raised in atoll year by external roto on all the reteeble property in the geld Township of Morrie the euln of 6884,05 for the vermin of paying the amount anon each of the Dadoars for pei0ipal and iatolieot in reaped of the • Dad debt; 4. 'J,+bis Dy.LfIttiy.shall take effect on the ifinal paseing thereof. 5. The votes of the duly qualified elec- tors of the said Township of Morris shall be takes on this $y -lacy at the following times and places, that is to ea w g On Monday, the fourth day of January, A. 2„ 1909, oumnmueiug et the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and cootin- uiug until five o'olock in the afternoon of the same day, by the following Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Dierks that 50 to any Polling Sub -division Na. 1, at School Hoose in School Section No. 1, William 0, Laidlaw, Deputy Returning Officer ; David Laidlaw, Poll Oler11. Polling Subdivision No. 2 at School House in School Seotion No. 9, Gen. F. MoOall, Deputy Returning Officer, Janne Aeruaghen, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No, 8, at School }lone fn Sohool Seotion No. 6, Samuel Irvine, Deputy Retorniug Officer ; Robt. Meares, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 4, at the Town Hall, Thomas Miller, Deputy Returning Officer; Peter McNabb, Poll Olerk, Polling Sub -division No. 6, at School House in Sohool Seotion No. 7, Robert H. Genies, Deputy Returning Officer ; Wm. Genies, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No. 6, at Sohool House in Sobo0) Seotion No, 10, Silas Johnston Deputy Retnruiu g Officer 'James Peaook, Poll Clerk, 6, On Tuesday, the twenty-second day of December, A. D., 1908, the Reeve of the said Township of Morris shall attend ab the Clerk's office in the village of Bel- gravo, in the said Township of Morris, at ten o'olookfu the forenoon to appoint per- sons to attend ab the various polling plane aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or op. posing the passing of this By-law respect- ively, 7. The Ofark of the said. Towoohfp of Morris shall attend at the said Clerk's el - fine at two o'clock in the afternoon of Wel. ue0da.y, the sixth day of January, A. D. 1900 to sum up the number of votes given for aul against this $y.iaw. Dated et the Town Hall in the Township of Morris, this 7th day of December, A, D, 1008, Reeve. v, •. ,.,...;Clerk TAKE NOTICE. That the foregoing is a true Dopy of a proposed By-latv,vhteb has been taken in. to ooasideretion and will be finally passed by the Council of th% Mlwtoipali+y of Mor' ria (in the event of the aeeent of tato etee- tnran itl o t d ,e to v1 thereon e can 1n b0 b 'n- g ota ed) eine one month from the drat pt,bif- Catfon in Tan $ntxseiso,s PORT uewapeper, the ante of which first publication was Thursday, the tenth they of Deoomber A. D. 1008, anti that the votes of the duly mutinied eleaten of the said Township of Morrie will be taken thereon on the day and itt the hones and planes therein Reed. Detail this month day of December, A, I)., 1908. W. tiLA,nt, Clerk, Grey 11'0 nre pletteed to casualiy hear than George Oxloby, vette moved. to Alberta from the 10111 con. had a good crop during the . past season threshing About 3,000 buahelrs of grain, May he often have bis granary filled is .the worst wish his 01c1 friends 11e1'e have for bile, John X. Baker and family, 91.11 pen. novo moved to their new brick resi- dence nc which replaces s the n'e ued by fire some ago. hr nm - erous friends hope they may enjoy man7 happy YeArs io their comfort- able house. Now that the house on the other plass is vacated some are wondering 11 'Gad. will live there. Silicate REPOItT,-.Tho following le the school report of 5, S. No. 5,roy fru' the month of November. Nantes an In order of merit. • Highest pos- sible Mark 400, Those marked * were absent from ore U' a- t _ ioons, Class IV *Bet) .Dumb , 2n)) *Alex. Collins, 187. Class III -Ross Coates, 298 ; Wm, Campbell, 230 ; Elsie .!tae, 252 ; "Frank Lindsay, 180 ; Isaac Clark, 173 ; *Ernest Rea, 88'; *011ie Hudson, 67r Edith Flood, 48. Class II -Margaret Goatee, 808 ; John Savage, 269 ; Jas. Collins, 2666 • Lizzie Kleinscroth, 210 ; A2nlie Clark, 311 ; '''Lyle Bradford, 209: "Alex, McDon- ald 143. PL. II Se. --Gordon M013011 - old ; Eva Hudson, Harry Beason. Pt. 11 Jr. -Ida Bremner, Henry lileinschrotl, Harold Bradford, Sr, I -Gordon Rea, J(lingttln Armstrong, George Campbell, Mabel Clark. Jr. I -Mand Dixon, Carl McDonald, Harvey Flood, Rebeeoah Kleine- chroth, L. A. IIZs,CKAY, Teacher. ARE YOU EASILY DISTURBED 1 The nerves are the great controlling force of the body. They govern every action, every function, Upon their vitality hinge your energy, your power to think and act. But alas, your nerves are weak 1 You have burnt up youl'uerve force, 0150(1 need to-updthay.at reserve you so badly Just one way to win it back, Build up with Ferrozoue. It restores worn out 1107ve0, because it supplies thein with nutriment and building Material. Fetrozoue gives you "grip" and courage -makes the blood tingle through your veins --fills you with the feeling that a powerful and strength- ening medicine is winning you back to health.. C. R. Zink, a prominent citizen of Lunonburg, N. f3., proved Ferrozone was tt marvelous tonic and says "Nothing I ever used gave sack prompt, strengtheniug effect as Fer- rezone. I was down, quite nervous, no appetite ata in a generally used -up condition, Ferrozone gave a wonder- ful amount of new strength, quite re- stored my nerves and made me well. 1 can recommend Ferrozone to every man who works hard and needs a tonic," tal force to theyna ves,rrby ishenr chingent andvthe blood, strengthening the heart,-Fer- rozone 1ssure to help any man, wo- man or child in ill health ; try it -50e. per box at all dealers. Canadian News The steamship Borne was ashore near Gaspe, Wm. T Copp died suddenly at Hamil- ton last Sunday. Wormwith & Co.'s piano factory at Kingston was burned. The funeral of 'John Camerou, post. master, took place at London, Ont. The new poetical the Quebec, Insane Asylum f was burned, eausiog a loss of $3o.0oo Queen's students at Kingston bad a lively fight with the police and six of the young men were arrested and fined. Young Brooks, who escaped trona Lindsay jail and was brought back, committed suicide in his cell by hang- ing himself. Annie Babcock, a Brantford domestic, swallowed poison in mistake for head- ache powder. and died in convulsions. '1'he Winnipeg police have captured a number of men whom they believe to constitute one of the most dangerous gangs of confidence men that ever oper- ated in the West, lodge Ritchie fined two policemen $20 each for assault. 'The charge was bre Lathy in arresting one Wm. White on a drunkenness charge, He resisted and was dragged through the streets, hand cuffed with a baton through the chain The case will beappealed. An unexpected rush of orders has brought the announcement trent Lako Superior Corporation that the rail mills of the Algoma Steal Company, Sault Ste. Marie' will resume work , o k tit prospects of continuous operation, Prospects for a gloomy Chfistm*s for a thousand men nre 0111(5 banished, and there is general rejoicing in consequen- ce, A loaded rifle and childish curiosity on the part cf Albert Cecile's five-year- old son, Isadore, resulted in the atl- cidental killing of three-year-old Ber- nedette Cecile at the family home in Sandwich East oo Saturday. Isadore pulled a loaded rifle from the table, where it had been placed by an older brother, and pulled the trigger, There was a report and his little sister dropped to the floor, shot through the brain. Mts. Thomae Wagner near Wetas- kiwin had a terrible experience during the past week, when she lost herself while reterniug from the bush, where her husband was cutting timber, She wandered 570011d for three days and two nights, and t as:f 1 v . 0a ad in g au ex haunt ed e0ndi inn t t by a search party, which was organized immediately after her dis- fespearan0e ryes known. She Was about six utiles away from her borne at the time. tent down before the eyes of her nus band, 1Virs. Wm. Mot:enough Friday evening met her death on the Grand Trunk crossing, at Rockwood, Mrs, Mc- Cullough h who w I g as about sixty years of age, a01d the wife of a well known pro- duce dealer of the village, was walking with her husband when they found, the e `(Sl' i ..117 h l0 C. lecl b a f'' � V freight h t o t t t 1, siding, The freight broke to clear the crossing, and they darted none; be- tween the cars just 11s the thl.0u411 11m- 00nger train from 'Toronto Dame aloins the main line, tits. MOCulloogh i thought she could cross, perhaps thiuk- big the, train would stop a+ the station, With a word to her busbatnl •::,e left his side anti was I,ui Irtl t0 i5sualt death by :. the engine, tops air Failing Ayer's Hair Vigor, new MI. proved formula, will certainly stop failing of the hair. Indeed, 1, we believe it will always do this unless there is some disturb. anee of the general health.' Then,a constitutional medicine may be necessary. Consult your physician about this, Does not change the color 0 the hair. yormula with 040)1 5051(0 � show it to goes ers datt aut. him About it, then do n. ha 1017 The reason why Ayer', H air Vigor stops falling hair is because it first destroys tbe germs which cause this trouhle. After this is done, nature soon brings about a fail recovery, restoring the heir and scalp to a perfectly healthy condition. .---2740 by the'. C. Ayer Co.. Lowen. Mass.--' Ailan y1° a° .ane a�1 Winter Sailings TO LIVERPOOL Corsican sails From se. Tahn. Halifax Tunisian sails Dee. 11 Deo, 12 Hesperinn:esils-.,........ Tan. ,Tan,an10 TO GLASGOW Ionian from Portland Doo10 Laurentian from Boston Des,, 24 Winter rates -First Cabin 902.50 upwards; Second, $42.20 ; Third class, 521:60 upwards, Por sailings, lista and fell information apply to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan: Line. Brussels, itWinter Term opens Jan. 4th .1,4R rb Arrange now to attenil the Famous n ELLIOT`I° rtrr' Wf TORONTO, ONT. This School stands to -day with- u out a superior. In the Dominion. Nearly a12 Uolleges claim to be the s best bntclaiming to be so, does not make them so. Get. our Catalogue, Read it from cover to cover. See for yourself what this College le doing and 11 the advantages it offers. V t W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Li' Oor. Yonge & Alexander ate., Toronto. Pt Winter Tera opens Jan, 4th STRATFORD. ONT.v This school is one of the largest in the Province. Tt w noted for the thorough- c, nese of its work and the success of Its Pp students. Three departments-- 19 Commercial, Shorthand 0 Telegraphy Our g 1'4000e are in demand as Mud- Telegraphy College teachers as well as ofhoe assistants, Get our magnificent mita logue, it is free. Elliott & McLachlan, Principals. GT MONTHLY Horse Fairs ! BRUSSELS The regular Monthly Hol'se Fairs will be held for the season as follows : THURSDAY, DEC. 3(st, 2908 FEB. 4111, 2909 MAR. 4th, 0909 APR. 1st, r9o9 Leading Local and Outside Boyers will be Present. RhetiY t r n t ii, tisrNi Thaw found a tried and tented tore for Rheu- matism! Nota remedy that will Straighten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony growths back to flesh again. That le impossible. Bot b ran no surely kill the pains and pelage 08 this deplorable ' d isunse. In Germany -,tit},. a Chemist in the City of whirMend tags Ingredient withapit%D,BhdoereRheimseemedwate Dr, ponebnraeip(t. Was that last ingredient, I susoslsfully treated many, many Cages of Ilbenmafdem 1 butnow, at last, it tint- formly cures all curable rages of this heretofore enu5h.drooded dlseaso, Those flan/Mike granular wastes, found inRbeutnoticMead scent todissolve and pass away Solder the action of this remedy. as freely as dose sal ar wtlnn added fo pure WA 1.. And t n ho when . , o dies h o Ved, these ndisono a wastes freely mos from rho gyst0m, and the rause 0 Rheumatism ie to8l lOrdVor,, There to now no rc51 ne0d--no actual Pifer to t7riTflar ]menet with• outholp, We 6011, and in t0nildeneo I0o0mmoad y. Dra RO h a, enn "ALL, DEAI RSf° Remedy I