The Brussels Post, 1908-11-19, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS, T T H. WORM/REN— T V o Ismer of Marriage Moen See, 0t. ileo atGr000ry,Turnberry street, Braaeela. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teaohe,r of Piano or Organ ETHEL, OIVT. K, O. T. M. Bromide ;Tout of the Maooabeos, No. 24 hold their regular matinee lit the Lodge Room, Booker Block, ou the let and 8rd Tuesday evenings of each month. Visitors always woloome. A, BONIERS, Com. A. MoGUIllE, R. B. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Ouloe and Reald000e-- WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. P S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - Ran, will sell for better prices, to better men, in lees time and lees chargee than any ether Auctioneer In Haat Huron or be won't charge anything. Dotes and orders can always be arranged at this office or by p arsenal application, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUI.VALE - ON T. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of Tau Pows, Brunets. 2211 VETERINARY. !`1_ A. CUNNINGHAM— ‘,..A • Ronor Gradua.e of the Ontario Vet. erinary College, le prepared to treat all ale- eaaee of domeetleated animals in a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Vetorivary Dentistry and Milk Purer Calle promptly attended to. Oleee and Infirmary -Four doors North nt bridge, Tnrnberry et. Braeeele. 'Phone 47 k LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VY•M. SIN OLAIll— • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o, Oftla e -Stewart', Sloo( 1 door Nor tb of ()antral Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. Y)a0UDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BARRISTERS,et:mo mils, NOTARIES 701LI0, ETU. W. i'aounyoow, If, U. R. 0. Hses G, F. BLAB. Offices-Thoso formerly occupied by Mesere Cameron & Bolt, G000uron, ONTAnro. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, I16NTIBT Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeonsot Outarlo and First -Mese Honor Graduate of Toronto Uutvereltyy, Office next to Brewer's Photograph G allory, 851 28ELB. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS: ANY even numbered' Beaton of Dominion Laude iu Manitoba, Bask atobowan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 28, not roeerved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 yearn of tme, to the extent of cue -quarter emotion of 160 acres more or lase Entrymay be made ereonall. et the p y }coat land olllae for the dietriot iu wblab We ]and is situate. The homesteader1 is required to perform nder the 01 the ioueoong plan therewith under one o[ rho following plane and o ltivaatiou of the laud,inreaollxen year pfor three years, (2as)tof(hebii0deceedtoueetender, rookies upon a farm in the vicinity of the laud entered for the requirements as to reel - deuce may be satiodod by such person re- siding with the father or mother. (9) I1 the settler has n11 permanent reel - donee upon farming laud owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the re- quirements as to reeldence may be sails• sed by residence upon the said land. Bixmootbe'untioo in writing ehouid be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lunde at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. w.W.0ORY. • Deputy of tb o Minister of Interior. N. B. Uuanthurieed ppblioutlou of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for. SINGER SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST! Machines may be Been at MoKAY (46 SHAW'S Hardware Store, Brussels. Easy payment system may be arranged for. I also handle the Nordheim- er Piano. S, CARTER, AGENT SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Bru sets al _ :. Works S S t can get any kind of Salt they require, Gordon Mooney, .Foreman, Brussels. Business Cards .4. H. MONTEITH Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &u„ sum:000011 to A, B. Macdonald, Ofaoo over Standard Bonk, Bruseel9, QR, HAMILTON Dental Surgeon, Oflloo opposite the ])ostotiao, toe - Will visit Gurria the drat and third Monday of each month, 60.01n DR. r, T, M'RAE Bachelor of Medicine, 'Dniversity of Toronto ; Licentiate and (+radunto of the Collage of Ph9• sioinne aura Surgeons, Ont. 1 Post•gradunto Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 22uspltnl, Oblongs, Ill. Ex -blouse Surgeon to St, Mall - eel's Hospital Toronto. Moe over 'F.R.Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone oonnoutlon with (rmrbroolr at all hours, ainNieD Foram le, .u. war BRUSSELS GOINOBOU'ra Goiso NORTH m 7:06 n m Express 10.66 n m Express 11:26 n Moll 1:44.1) m Express 8:02 p m t Express 8:60 p 111 WALTON To Toronto To Goderialr Express 8:41 a xn I Express 11:80 a in Express 8:11 p m Express 7:47 p m pista;i.ct ttcb Atwood Elmo Fire Insurance Co. !net on Tuesday afternoon. John Farrel, who has been in Port Perry during the past six months as butter -maker, arrived in town on Tues- day evening of last week. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church, Atwood, held their fifth anniversary on Nov. 15th and 16th. Special services on Sunday, and on Monday evening a concert was given in the church. Miss Emma Sharman, soprano soloist, of Stratford, and Miss Bleats, elocution. ist, of Brucefleld, tools part. A little excitement was caused in front of the }neat shop, when Mr. Klmnp's pony, which was hitched to the buggy, became frightened at gone boys playing with leaves. It sudden- ly turned around quickly, up -setting the buggy and running down the roach a distance of about 200 yards and stopped, breaking the buggy consider- ably. Tickling, tight Coughs, can be sure - 1y and quickly loosened with a pros- cription Druggists are dispensing everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Re- medy. And it is so very, very differ- ent than common cough medicines. No Opium, no Chloroform, absolutely nothing harsh or unsafe. The tender leaves of a harmless, lung healing mountainous shrub, give the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Re- medy. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressing Cough and to soothe and heal the most sen- sitive bronchial membrane, Mothers should, for safety's shite alone, always demand Dr. Shoop's. It can with perfect freedom be given to even the youngest babes. Teat it yourself 1 and see. Sold by all dealers. Blyth The walls in Industry Hall have been brightened op with a blue coat of kaisomine. The Lord's Day Alliance of Blyth held their annual meeting in St. Andrew's church Monday evening. Thos. Brown sold his valuable 200 acre farm on Wednesday of last week to Geo. Snell, former blacksmith at Londesboro'. The price was $8,500. Possession will be given about New Year's. A meeting was held in Dr. Milne's Hall for the purpose of organizing a Y. M. C. A. in Blyth. Mr. Fleming, the County Secretary, was present and after reading the constitution and explaining it thoroughly emotion was madeits for x adoption. The fol- lowing were appointed by the County Secretary as the Board of directors:— Stanley Buchauan, M. Robinson, P. Gardiner, S. Popplestone, G. Waui- bold,'A. Wilford, and E. Bender. Invented Safe Headache euro. Away with headaches, be clone with dizziness, bad stomach and biliousness. A eine has been found -use Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills and enjoy the health they so surely bring. Nothing but health- ful vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamil- ton's fills. They cleanse and purify the whole system, act as a perfect tonic. Safe for children, girls, women and men. Sold in 250, boxes by all dealers. Goderich Rev. John Carrie, B. A., spent Thanksgiving day with his mother. He has been appointed rector of St. James' church, Fergus, by the Bishop of Niagara, and was formally induct- ed last Sabbath. Clerk Mcliim presented a petition signed by about 450 names, asking the Council to submit a by-law for local option, to be voted on at the municipalelpections. Ire had examined sante and it had the necessary number of signatures. Wild geese seem to be plentiful this year, although very few have become the prey of eagle-eyed marksmen. Albert Goldthorpe discovered a flock of about 40 soaring over lois farm and winged one ont of the bunch] with his rifle, It was a twelve -pounder, and R. C. King and family joined hint for the wild ggoose treat. Dr. Millyard, who has been with Dr. Whitely for some time, left on Tuesday of last week to further pursue his chosen profession. He will be absent six or eight months, and will take special courses in the leading hospitals of the world, notably New York, London, England ; Paris, II'rance' Berlin, Germany etc. Mrs. Wm. Cox, widow of the lata Captain Cox, of the British Exchange, died in Toronto onTth inst. Her re - Mains were brought to Goderich on Monday and placed beside diose of her late husband in Maitland cemetery, The funeral took place from the 0. R. station on the arrival of the after- noon train, Rev. Mark TTarnbull, roc ter of St. George's, conducting the 'ch01110» sorvioe, and the pall bearers were `.]edge Holt, Chas, Stager, 1!„ Downing, Col, Young, deo, B. Cox, deceased's son, and Ivin. Cox, de- ceased's grandson, accompanied the r 1l e tains'faun Toronto 1 ntc to Maitland cemetery. Hay Fever Positively Cured. Beyond ax)y liability to relapse, it is guaranteed that Catarrhozono will at once relieve and care Hay Fever. Alt druggists sell Oatarrhozone. Two mouths' treatnleut $1.00. i s - Sortie John Waters, of Orange Hill, is having his !rouse veneered, his stables cemented and fitted with the latest in watering conveniences, Alex, Edgar, jr., and James W. Edgar were at Ayr attending the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. George Black, of Blenheim township. James Edgar, sr., who is a brother, also at- tended. On the 5t11 of November the Orange- men held an entertainment here. Rev. Mr, Fart' was the ehairm(tp and addresees were given by A. H. Mus- grove, M. P. P., of Wingham, and Essery, of London. Dr. Chisholm, M. P., was expected but was unable to be present. The Gorrie Orchestra contributed selections and Harvey Sperling sang a good song, Read the pain formula on a box of Pink Pain tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there lit a better one. Pain means congestion -blond pressure somewhere. Dr. Shoop's Pink Putin Tablets check (lead pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and see 1 20 for 25c. Sold by all dealers. Fordwich Howick Council held its November meeting on the 18th inst. in the For - resters' Hall, Fordwich. Jos. Mahood moved from his home near Lttkelet to Forclivich, where he will make his future hone. Jas. Cattanaeh, has returned from Haleybury's. He visited his brother in Guelph Hospital on Thanksgiving DJohn Strong has purchased Robb.. Mosgrove's farm, lot 10, con. 0, How - ick, for the sum of $4,800. Mr. Strong is now well supplied with land, having 300 acres. 5. G. and Airs. Gregg returned from Monkton on Saturday following the funeral of the latter's father. Mrs. and Miss Peuhall arrived on Tuesday and will make their future home with Mr. and Mrs. Gregg. Nov.1880, the present English church was opened during the incumben- cy of Rev. T. A. Wright, rector of St. Jude's church, Brantford. The nine- teenth anniversary of the opening services was observed on Sunday. Rev. T. A. Wright preached. Earl Bradley, C. P. R. brakesman, hacl the misfortune to have his foot and ankle badly bruised at Markclale. He is now in the Western Hospital, Toronto, and is doing as well as can be expected. He is a brother. of Station agent Bradley. The election of officers for A. Y. P. A. resulted as follows :-Hon. Pres., Rev. T. H. Farr, B. A. ; Pres., Percy Hainstock ; Vice -Pres., Mrs. W. Watters ; Secretary, Miss T. Spence ; Treasurer, tllarshallArmetrong• Look - Out Committee, W. Wallace, Mrs. E. Spinks, firs. J. H. Wade; Topic Com., Messrs. Farr, Wallace, Watters and President. The night of meeting has been changed to Wednesday. A Cure for Corns. Cheap acid preparations are useless -use the old stanclasd-Ptttnam's Corn Extractor. For fifty years Put- nam's has bet:lt the one painless cute. Seaforth Thos. Riehardsou attended the Ath- letic meet in 'Woodstock. The Board of Trade are making ar- rangements to hold a monthly horse fair. The first one will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 25th. W. Amen has h purc 1 asci a block of the Colemanro err East of his saw mill, to get more yard room for the storing of logs and staves. E. A. Neelin left for Winnipeg, whore he has a position in the Union Bank. On Friday evening about twenty of his gentlemen friends met in the Bank of Commerce rooms, and presented him with a handsome smoking set. Dan. McLeod, of Calgary, is visiting with his parents, W. (J. and Mrs. Mc- Leod. Dan was a member of the Olymptic Lacrosse Team from Canada which was in England, and won the world's championship ; never losing a game. Dan. was highly pleased with the trip and states that the Can - adieus were royally entertained. -----The Star Grocery ET H E Lv Buy your Groceries at the Star Grocery where we sell everything tip -to -date, of best quality and at moderate prices, If you have never been in our store we invite you to call and have a look over our stock and get our prices. We feel satisfied we can suit you both in goods and prices. It costs not11111g to look in and we are slimly% pleased to see otir friends. We have our new stock of Raisins, Cur- rants anti Peels for Thanksgiving and Christmas trade, We have just received a very pretty and well selected smolt of l'haulcsgiving and Hallowe'ol, Pest Cards. Remem- ber your friends by vending them some of (hese cards in aeaa0(1. Our kestenrant deportment will he eotn• tinned through the Winter, We will s•1ve Hot Bovril, Beon end Tomato Stews, etc, Highest'!',' de and Cash prices paid fol' Perm Produce, Poultry and Dried Apples. Salt in hulk or by the barrel. Good Bread always en hand, W.T. 8 -pence ETHEL A. Joynt drew probably the heav- iest mingle loadof coal ever drawn in Seaforth, o1' elsewhere, the other daty, the weight being 6,500 pounds net. The team that drew this ixnnleuse load ogle nota heavy one, but only an average tears. Hugh McDor,ufd, eldeet son of Angus McDer•inid, of the Huron roan 'West, died at Las Animas, Colorado, on October 25111, aged forty-two years, Deceased went to Colorado about ten rave ago and ham resided there ever mince, About five weeks previous to Itis death he was taken down with ty- phoid fever, and his mother and broth- er went to his bedside. While they were there he took a change for the better and they returned home. Just after their return, However, word was received that he had suffered a re- lapse, and he passed away as above stated. A clergyman writes : "Proven tics, those little Candy Cold Cure Tablets are working wonders in my parish," Preventics snrely will check a cold, or the Grippe, in a very few hours. And Praventios are so safe and harmless. No Quinine, nothing harsh nor sicken- ing. Fine for feverish, restless child- ren. Box of 48 at 250, Sold by all dealers, Clinton The second well of the waterworks system was completed and the driller left for his home in P001011a. At a meeting of the Quarterly Board of Wesley Church, Rev. Air. Jelliffe wag unanimously invited back for his 4th year. Sunday School Anniversary services in Wesley church on Sunday 22nd. Rev. R. Millyard, of Godexich, a form- er pastor, will preach. The ladies of the W. M. S. are send- ing a bale of quilts and clothing and a box of fruit and jellies, this month to the deacouesa house, Toronto. M. D. McTaggart, Joseph Wheatley and T. Cottle went to Toronto last week as representing Clinton Horti- cultural Society in connection with the Provincial Horticultural Union. Andrew Taylor tats this year able to have new potatoes for Ms Thanks- giving dinner. This unique experien- ce resulted from a second growth of potatoes from some that had grown and been loft in the garden during the Summer. Edward Taylor, of Rollo, North Dakota, has been elected Sheriff, win- ning by the very handsome majority of 500. Sheriff Taylor succeeds his elder brother, Andrew, who held that position for four years. Messrs. Tay- lor are nephews of Andrew Taylor, of Clinton. As the funeral of the late Mrs. Mon. teith was on its way. to Baird's ceme- tery, by way of the Bayfield road, the horses attached to the pall bearers' carriage became unmanageable while passing the railroad, breaking the pole. It was necessary to delay the funeral a few minutes, while a fresh conveyance and team was procured. Archie Cousins, contractor for the cement walls of the new bowling alley, met with an accident which will handicap ]rim in his work for some time. IHS was attending to his big gasoline mixer when his left glove caught in the cogs and drawing in the fingers it ground off the tops of two of thein. The auction sale of faro] and''pas- ture land that had been advertised freely in this neighborhood, for the past three weeps came up on Tuesday, IOtlt inst. The auctioneer used all his arts and blandishments, but failed to discover a single bidder. Mr. Ritusford, however, will receive any offers for all or any portion of the lands so offered. The pasture land in Hullett is valuable property, and could be used by drivel's or buyers of cattle to good advantage; for finishing cattle, there is n0 better pasture any- where. Any Weakness in Your Back Sometimesou experience pain and weakness without much offering. Later on the pain will surely come. The trouble can be stopped now by rubbing on Nerviline-rub it in deeply over the spine, and then put on a Nerviline Porous Plaster. In these remedies you will lind wonderful and I nick relief. They will spare you from an attack of Lumbago which is the outcome of neglected pain in the back or side. For all muscular pains, strains, and weakness, Poison's Nerviline and Nerviline Plasters have no equal. Refuse substitutes. Listowel The annual meetingof the North Perth Conservative ssociation will be held in Milverton on Thursday, Nov. 20th, at 11 a. m, in Grosch's hall. J. Fl. Gunther, jeweller, has been suffering from a severe attack of sciatica for the past two or three weeks, and is at present confined to his house. Win. Boehler, of town, has purchas- ed the Hallman farm on the 0th 0011- cegahon of Howick, about a mile and a half from Fortltvich, from Mr. Bar- bour. The farm contains 110 acres and is considered an excellent farm. The price paid was $5,300. Mr. Boehler will remove to the farm in a few days. A third attempt was made a few nights ago to burn the skating rink. These attempts look like the work of boys, and if ea, the guilty ones should take warning before it is too late, for if caught they may look for a long tertn In the penitentiary, also for some mother's heart being broken over her son's disgrace. A case of considerable interest to the farmers of Elam and 'Wallace was thrashed out in the police court last week, Four young men were arrest- ed by Chief Harwiak on a charge of stealing seven ducks. They were bailed out by friends, and appeared on Tpesday morning before Chief Magis- trate Trehune. All pleaded not guilty, and after a preliminary hear- ing the case was adjourned until Thursday morning. A large number of witnesses had been subpoenaed, and the town hall wits crowded. H. 13. Murphy appeared for the prosecu- tion and F. R. Blewett for the defen- ce. Sohn Hamilton, Reeve of Elena, Was the complainant, and identified one of the stolen ducks, which had turned up at the shooting match held in town on Thanksgiving day. The Y' ' erms Recentdiscoveries have shown that falling hair is caused by germs at the roots of the hair. Therefore, to stop failing hair, you must first completely de- stroy these germs. Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, will certainly do this. Then leave the rest to nature. Does not change the color of the her. Formula with ooh bottle 3, Showit to you• dootoe ars Aek him about it, then do es he wave Recent discoveries have also proved that dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp. Therefore, to cure dandruff, the lirstthing to do is to completely destroy these dan- druffgerms. Here, the same Ayer's Hair Vigor will give the same splendid results. —Made by the J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowen, Mese.— itemised parties were "Roy McLellan. John ICaufinan, M. Kemp and G. Hamilton. The evidence brought out at the trial, and the subsequent admis sion of the accused, went to show that they, with two companions, had been clown to Hes0on on Sunday, and in coming home Monday night the premises of Reeve Hamilton had been visited and the clucks taken. The case resulted in McLellan and Kauf- man being fined $10 each and to pay $3 each for the ducks. The costs, in- cluding witness fees, etc., amounted to about $35, and was divided equally among the four young men, making it a pretty expensive lesson for them. The alternative in case the fines are not paid is one month in jail. Several other farmers lost fowl on Saturday and Sunday nights, but no other case was pressed, Magistrate Prehune in- timated that in future he would show n" leniency to poultry thieves. The Mighty Power Of Mi-o-na .iii-o-na, that extraordinary and per- fect, stomach tonic, will relieve dyspep- sia in twenty-four hours. It will clue and is guaranteed by Jas. Fox to the readers of THE Pose, to cure the most pitiful cases of dys- pepsia, if taken according to direc- tions. Mi-o-na tablets not only cure dyspep- sia, but all stomach disturbances, such as vomiting of pregnancy, sea or car sickness and the stomach sickness after excessive indulgence. Mi-o-na cures by strengthening and invigorating the flabby stomach walls and after tt course of Mi-o-na treat- ment, constipation, if there is any, will entirely disappear. Mrs, S. Beast, of Clarksburg. Ont., says :-"A. bad stomach trouble that had bothered me for years, baffled and puzzled skilled physicians, was nicely relieved by my using Mi-o-na. My trouble was on account of food not digesting but fermenting in my stom- ach, forming agasthat gave me untold snitsring and pain and also made me weak, nervous, irritable and unable to rest. Since using Mi-o-na I can go to bed at night and sleep and wake up in the morning refreshed, I cannot speak too highly of iYIi-o-na." Ari-o-ua is a most economical treat- ment, a large box of tablets only costs 50 cents at Jas. Fox's and the dyspep- tic, nervous or otherwise, who does not give them a trial is losing an opportunity to regain health." Ten charges of violating the liquor act by selling on election day have been laid against one hotel at Winnipeg. Frank Arlcles, of Owen Sound, has been sentenced to jail for three months for selling !Iquor to a railway employee. The Grand Trunk Railway has been indicted by the Grand Jury at Guelph for maintaining a public nuisance, re- ferring to the station. d r /70 gRILIIAMr STOVE "Black Knight" Stove Polish does away with all the dirty work of keeping stoves clean. No mixing -no hard rubbing. "Black Knight " is always ready to rise -shines quick as a wink -and puts on a bright, black polish that delights every woman's heart. Equally good for Stoves, Pipes, Grates and Ironwork. If you can't gel 'Black }Knight" in your neighborhood, sand pante of dealer and lbs for ai100506000. The F. F. AALICY CO, 2,IMITre, IIAMIt1f08. 0111. led A mulatto named Robert Collins was arrested at St. Catharines for passing forged checks. Returns tram Prince Albert, Sask., indicate the election of Mr. Rattan, Liberal, by a large majority, Rheumatism promptly driven from the blood with Dr. lhoop's Rheuxna- tic Remedy, Don't, waste time with common remedies. A test will surely tell, In tablet or liquid form. Sold by all dealer's. McKillop Jolla Murray has returned from a flying visit to friends in Iowa and Minnesota. Jame. Lockhart, having sold his farm on the 5th con. of McKillop to Percy Smith for $5,500, has removed with his family to Sarnia, whore he has been all Summer as manager of the cement business for F. Gutteridge. Mr, Lnclt;hardt has been a resident of McSi lop nearly all his life, and while the many friends of himself, Mrs . Lockhardt and fatally greatly regret 1 their removal they all cordially wish them the best of success in their new home. Hensail Anew elub to be styled "The Forty or More" is soon do be organized in 1 Henault. Our Foundry is increasing its capac- 1 ity for casting pipe so that the daily output will be larger. Sehlender who has been running the photo gallery here for the past few months left for Berlin where his fam- ily resides. He dict not find the busi- ness here satisfactory, On Wednesday, Nov. 4th, a happy event took place at the residence of Mr. Sheppard, Beamsville, when his daughter, Nellie, was married to Hugh McMartin, of the firm of Johns- ton t& McMartin, Henson. The event took place at 3 p. in, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the con- tracting parties. Rev. Dr. McIntyre officiated . The happy couple arrived here on Thursday evening and are being warmly congratulated, 1`he rumor lhi.t 11,.11, kir. Henna will enter the 11odeiel politica! arena isle-' Vived, What isdescriiled as A nlrntnlatl1 of iron ore Ilas Leen discovered in Glouces- ter sootily, N. B. Wm, Netts, of Beamsville, was drug- gecl under his wagon when his horses ran StwaY, and fatallyinjnred. While plsviogrugby at Varsity field, Torinto, Friday afternoon. Bert, Mal*. , udnt n ernrof' . Alex, Mavotystya , 0fe11 eandat 'P, r"nio, 1./; lord (110 leg broken,st John Bishop, Ottawa, !las been up. pointed Local Master of the Supreme Coact for Oetari0, and. Deputy Regis- trar of the Chancery Div;sion of the High Court for Carleton Loral Master Of Titles for Ottswe au,l Cat lel county in succession to W. C. Scott 1off lo 'l'OLMtlr, M. P., 13A aOWITs»,' - 'I'11e Liberals of Wiarton to the Dumber of abet» sale hundred entertained John 'ro!mle, 17. P for North, Bruce, toa banquet Friday evening, 'i'he affair was quite informal, and a very pleasant 000101 spirit marked it. Mr. Tolmle was toastedl in the most hearty manuer, and spoke in warm terms of appreciation of the timer done him -and of regard for his many friends in Wierten, Speeches were made by J. 1. Campbell. at Hep.. worth. Hon. A, G. Mackay, who was particularly well received, and J. J. i -luster, of Kincardine. Mcaseges were received from H. H. Miller, al, P., and C. M. Bowman. M. P. P It. isn't so difficult to strengthen a weak Stomach if one goes at it cor- rectly. And this is true of the Heart and kidneys. The old fashioned way of dosing the Stomach or stimulating the Heart or Kidueys is surely wrong ! Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. "Go to the weak or ailing nerves of these organs," said he. Each inside organ has its controlling .or "inside nerve." When these nerves fail then those organs must surely falter. This vital truth is leading druggists every- where verywhere to dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. A. few days test will surely tell ! Sold by all deal- er's. 'fudge Prendergast, of the Supreme Court of Saskatchewan, stumbled on the sidewalk 1n Regina 1a 0ud fell, 1l breaking 1n CoughCaution g Itis ankle, D Cameron McCallum pleaded guilty Never,positivelyneverpoisonyourlungeisgoYi o cough -oven lama a simple cold only Sou should to theft from the Farmers' Bank, and always heal, soothe, and ease the irritated Bron- avas sentenced to four years in Kingston cbial tubes, Don't 12111161• suppress 11 with a Penitent isry. 1 stupefying poison. It's strange how some things With the sailings from Owen Sound 8nallyeomeabeot. Fortwenty ytfif-' h BhooD $ bas constantly warned people not to take cough on Salnrday, Nov. 2x, and from Fort ' mixtures or prescriotlona containing Optus, William on 1'uesclav, Nnv. 2q, passes• I lateoEhough-Congress 510 sse,s A 11201 bhe,ob 1 ger service on the Canadian Pacific lake ; if poisons are in your Cough Mixture.' Goodl steamers will come to an end for the sea. Vary good! IIIorenfterforthisveryrensonmothere, son, Later sailings will be with freightonly, with the exception that the Man- and others, should (1500100 having Dr. Shoop'e Couch Cure. No poison marks on Dr.' Shoop's labels -and none in the medicine, else it must by law be on the label. And it's not only safe, but le is said to be by those that knowit bost, a truly re- markable cough remedy. Take no chance then. Dartiaulariy with your children. Insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Compare carefully the. Dr. Shoop package with others and note the difference. No poison marks there! You can always be on the safe side by demanding ilobe and Alberta will take any second- cla,s or deck passenger business offering before the close of navigation. Information has been received from the township of Harvey, via Young's Point, of a fatal gun accident A ten- year•old lad named Roland Ayatte, with a companion of the same age wasThurs- dav returning from school, the latter carrying a loaded shotgun. By some means the piece was discharged, the contents entering Ayatte's chest. His companion ran for help, but when it came the boy was dead. SPA Dr. Shoop's Cou i Cure "ALL DEALERS" Thea` conomy Range is a Leader This Range has six boles, a 1S -gallon Reservoir, andick N le Base. It cells at —High Warming Closet $6.00 extra. A cast iron Range "Corona," mix holes, Reservoir, with High Warming Closet— A four holed Range with High Shelf and Reservoir for only $36.00 $28.00 The best Bargains on the Market to -day DON'T MISS THEM Qerry& Waiker. NATIONAL :Roller Flour ills OUR NEW "FLAKING ROLL" is now in full operation. It will save you money to have your Oats "Flaked" before feeding horses try our New BREAKFAST FOOD Corneola Made from Wilite Wheat, Healthful and Invigorating Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour is still taking the lead for Bread Flours. 1a -A.11 kinds of Feed kept constantly on hand.. WM e &R, e -. -,'Y.e. P. YN BRUSSELS