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The Brussels Post, 1908-9-17, Page 6
gigasto•Ctouisolooeassoocsexsoecto.roa H OUNO FOLKS CLARE'S SHOPPING. Clare trivped along the city street, "Your slippers surely are shame - Lilly worn out, Flaxie,” she said, looking tenderly down at the dolly in her arms, "I kept thinking about them all the time the hoot man was fitting my new ties. But never mind! He has a whole glass box of the sweetest little shoes for you to choose from. And here we are now!" Clare was so little that the man in the shop had to open the door for her. "Good morning, Mr. Gray!" she said, "I've brought Flaxie in to get all kinds of shoes and slippers to wear this summer, just the way mother got them for Mabel and mo. We're going away to the coun- try to -morrow, you see." She plumped Flasio down in one of the chairs where people sit to try on shoes. Mr. Gray smiled. "Let mo see, you're Mrs, Holden's little girl, aren't you? Yes, I remember ; you were in yesterday. Well, we'll do our best for dolly. Solve blue ankle - ties perhaps would suit her?" "Lovely!" sighed Clare, settling back in a chair beside Flaxie, "And a pair of red ones, too, please, and some high button -up boots to wear on cold days. I want them all to be loose and comfortable," Mr. Gray opened the glass case and brought out the three pairs, as Flaxie's mama directed. "Put out your foot, Flaxie, dear, and try them on," she said. "Oh, aren't they beautiful and shiny? You must be careful of them." Flaxie, as smiling as her mama, wasrom tl fitted. "They seem just right," said Clare. "Yen don't thinly they'll pinch her toes, Mr. Gray?" "Surely not," he replied, grave- ly. "They're a half-size larger than her old ones. Now shall I send them over to your house, and the bill with them?" he asked. "Yes," said Clare, rather slowly, fox she felt a little uncertain as to this matter of the bill. "Only Flax - is must have a new pair of rubbers, too, to wear in the wet grass, and, oh! a pair of those cunning rubber boots, so she can wade in puddles if she wants to. You must sit still a few minutes longer, Flaxie, for I can't risk your getting wet feet." Mr. Gray tried on the boots and rubbers very quickly, and in a short time Clare and Flaxie were on the way home, "Well, that shopping is attend- ed to 1" thought the little mother, contentedly. Just after luncheon there came a package to the house. "It's from Gray's!" exclaimed. Mrs, Holden, "Why, the children's shoes came yesterday!" "These are probably Flaxie's shoes," remarked Clare. "I was just longing to have them come," "Flaxie's!" exclaimed the whole family together. "Yes, and they're lovely," an- swered Clare, snatching the boxes and tumbling out the little shoes. "And a bill for three dollars," added Mrs, Holden. "Why, Clare, how did you happen to buy things without mother's permission?" "Naughty Clare!" cried Mabel, reprovingly. "Don't say anything, Mabel. She didn't quite understand," said Mrs. Holden, Then she took Clare into the library. Afterward Clare told Flaxie all about it while she got her ready to go out in her carri- age. "You see, Flaxie, it wasn't like the times when mother sends us to the store for a yeastcako and tells us to say, `Charge it,' Because she didn't tell us to go. We went with- out her knowing it, and now some- body's got to pay Mr. Gray for the shoes. And it wasn't mother that bought them; it was you and I, Flaxie; so I'm going to pay for them out of my housobank there on the bureau. Mother's getting the screw -driver now so we can open the little door. And we're going to take out all the pennies and nickels and the dimes, Flaxie, and count out throe dollars, Then we're go- ing to Mr. Gray's shop this after- noon and pay them to him. Come here till I tie your bonnet, dear. Mother says that there will be hard- ly any pennies left in the house - bank at all afterward. I've been saving them so long, too! But then, Flaxie, it is the only way to do if I want to he fair, isn't that so?" And it really seemed as if Iflassie nodded her head, --Youth's Com- panion. FALSE, 'Truth crushed to earth will rise again,' " quoted the maraliz- 01' "According to that," rn;oin id the demoralizer, 'there Is no truth ,n eggs rr Farmer Barnes—"I've bought a lrarometor, Hannah, to tell when it's goin' to rain, ye know!" Mrs. Larncs—"Tc tell when it's goin' to rain:! Wiry, I never heard o' snob oxtravaganceI What do ye s'poso. Providence has given yo th' rheumabi WI" ST. VITUS DANCE A Some Case oared by Dr, 111 - Baia Pick Pills. St, Vitus' dance is a disease of the nerves brought on by a mor- bid condition of the blood. It is a common disease with children and attacks females oftener than males. The only cure lies in plen- ty of pure bleed, because good blood is the life food of tho nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills-oure even the most severe forms of this trou- ble because they enrich the blood supply, thus carrying Mao neces- sary food to the nerves. In proof of this we have the statement of Mrs, Alex. Cameron, Summersido P. E. I., who says:— "Sense years ago my daughter Lena, then a child of ten years, became afflicted with St. Vitus dance. At that time she was attending school and the first indication I had that something was wrong, was that she appeared eas- ily discouraged in her studies. She was naturally a spirited child, not given to tears, but she would cry over what I thought should be easy work for her, The disease progress- ed so rapidly that in the course of a few weeks she became unable to hold anything in her hands, and we were obliged to take her out of school. She became so afflicted that she could not hold a cup to her lips without suddenly losing hold of it. I knew from the first by the symp- toms that her ailment was St. Vitus dance, and dispaired of sexing her cured, as it was looked on as such a hopeless ailment. She became so bad that she could not hold her- self still for the space of ten sec- onds. Her hands or feet were con- tinually moving and last of al] she would contort her features so that she was losing her natural expres- sion. At this stage I chanced on a paper containing a testimon-t.1 in favor of Dr. Williams' Pm- rills, describing the cure of a little girl afflicted as mine was. I hastened to get a couple of boxes of the Pills, and by the time she bad used them I noticed a decided change for the better, and purchased a further supply. By the time she had taken seven boxes she was entirely cured. Although she seemed thor- oughly cured I was afraid the dis- ease might return again, but it never did, and she has since enjoy- ed the best of health. I cannot thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enough for what they did for my child, and I hope my experience may be of benefit to someone a li1s- ed as my daughter was." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be obtained by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ,r HIS ALTERNATIVE. It is best to keep one's personal dignity at whateYer cost. A be- fitting sense of what is due one never comes amiss, even within pri- son precincts. This truth was ap- preciated by an Irishman whose expression of it is quoted by Mich- ael MaeDonagh, in "Irish Life and Character." The prisoner, refrac- tory and obstinate, flatly refused to work in the treadmill The man was brought before the governor of the prison for disobedi- ence. The governor asked him what reason lie could give for not fol- lowing out his orders. "Me go on the treadmill!" ex- claimed the prisoner, drawing him- self up to his full height of of- fended dignity. "Never, sir! I'd rather lave the jail first!" Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator lies no equal for destroying worms in children and adults. See that you get the genuine when pur- chasing. Forty-eight kinds of house -flies have been classified by naturalists. More Iron Needed in the blood of pale, ran down people. Nerrovbn," tbo best tonic, will put it thew. At 511 general ,tore, and Druggists. GETTING ITS STRENGTH OUT. Mrs, Wickersham had advertised for an experienced cook. The first applicant who came in answer to the advertisement was a stout, red- haired young woman. Mrs. Wick- ersham propounded several ques- tions to her, which she answered in a fairly satisfactory manner. Then she asked herr "How long do you boil tea?" "Well, mem," said the young woman, "some folks biles it longer, an' some shorter. It's all a mat- ter o' taste." "But you do boil it, don't you 7" "Oh, yes, certainly; but I've al - Inc thought that two hours was long enough to bile any tea. Von can git all the atren'th out of it in that time." SiMELT MUTILATED. Wanton Acts by Organized Groups of Marauders, Under the title of "Savage Sar- dinia," I1 Messaggero, the princi- pal ]roman morning newspaper, di- rected attention to tit© astonishing prevalence of lawless crimes in that island by organized groups of ma- rauders and savages, who often- times turn out to consist of some of the most prominent and highly respected fanners in the provinces. The other night eight masked in- dividuals, armed with guns and daggers, invaded a farm belonging to a benevolent proprietor named Calvisi, on the mountain side near Sassari. There they seized .the shepherd watching the flock, beat him senseless, robbed trim of the small cash be had on his person, and left him bound hand and foot and gagged. They then drove 500 sheep delivered to his enstndy a distance of a couple of miles to a lonely valley, where they ripped open 300 of these animals, and thrust their daggers into every one of the rest. Sardinia continues, as from time immemorial, to hold the record in all Italy for brutality, homicides, cattle wounding, incendiary fires and allied forms of damage to pro- perty. The criminal convictions for the latter crime are 4.32 in every 100,000 of the population. In tine single commune of Bitti, wherein the above vendetta has just taken place, no fewer than 1,500 sheep and 400 bullocks have been maliciously hamstrung since the be- ginning of this year. This extraor- dinary state of things is attributed largely to the notable deficiency of police and a rooted unbelief in the official administration of justice. M SENTENCE SERMONS. The greedy is always needy. Life is the mill in which men are made. They are richest who give the world most refreshing, 7 Making a name for gold does not make a golden name. Truth rests on facts, but her face reaches higher realms. Hope and aspiration joined make the energy of any life. It often takes a great load to get a man down on his knees. The failure to be feared is that of fearing to begin lest you fail. That is a good lesson on patience which is learned through pain. An appetite for flattery attracts our foes and repels our friends. Lots of people think that jeering at others justifies them for never trying. Pride simply is the dread of a puncture common to every pneuma- tic. article. When duty calls frons ease it al- ways will be found easier to obey than to refuse. For one man who desires to dou- ble his worth you will find a hun- dred passionately anxious to dou- ble their wealth. Fresh from the gardens of the finest tea -producing country in the world. Sold only in sealed lead packets, thus preserving its delici- ous flavor and aroma, WHAT HE MEANT. Muggins—"I ?hear you have been comparing me to a parrot. What am I to infer from that?" Huggins—"Oh, I merely meant to imply that you were not as green as you looked: That's all." Time Has Tested It.—Time tests all things, that which is worthy lives; that which is inimical to man's welfare perishes. Time has proved Dr, Thomas' Ecleetric Oil. From a few thousand bottles in the early days of its manufacture the demand has risen so that now the production is running into the hun- dreds of thousands of bottles. What is so eagerly sought for mast be good. The largest flower in the world is said to be the reffesia, of Sumat- ra; it consists of five petals, each measuring .1 foot in width. The change of dietary that comes with spring and summer has the effect in weak stomachs of setting up inflammation, resulting in dy- sentery and cholera morons. The abnormal condition will continue if not attended to and will cause an exhaustive drain on the system. The best available medicine is Dr. J. 17. IKellogg's Dysentery Cordial. it clears the stomach and bowels of irritants, eounteraets the inflam- mation and restores tlrc organs to healthy action. RURAL SARCASM. "That motorcar honk is very de- ceiving, ain't it7" said Farmer Green, "Yes," answered Farmer Grady. "It ain't always easy to tell whe- ther it's the hank of the goose nut on the road or the one in the auto." Angelina --"Oh, dear, the dia- mond in my engagement ring has got a flaw in it." Edwin—"Take no notice, darling, love should be blind, you know." Angelina --- "Yes; but 11 hasn't got to be stone blind."` LADIES 8 Fid your ,;sale and @ celd e a tree will re• calve a tree OathpllS 0y s7T,,OCUM'$Co pt..14p r3CNNTM:FL&L. TAN.& d power tl but harmless Tiigletab e mcdioino for ni gess peculiar to 'wont), and all Clsoeo arising therefrom. All. drdggists soli a fdv, or'ppost raid tor prfop from Dr: Limited,iT.. A. Slocum, Limited, 73jradina. Avenue, Toronto. Kin them ell. No cloud flies lying about when ucod a0 directed. — scl.n nv — 1 DRUGGISTS, °ROGERS AND GENERAL STORES 10c. per packet, or 3 packets for 25c. will last a whole noaeon, MONARCHS AND THEIR SAV- INGS. The Sultan of Turkey, who has an official income of about $4,000,- 1100 ayear, has long been depositing Ids savings with the Bank of France. The same institution is likewise honored with the patron- age of Bing George of Greece and King Leopold. The Czar has pre- ferred to keep his ready cash in the vaults of the Bank of England, where,. it is said, he has at his com- mand nearly $16,260,000 in Russian gold. The gold deposited by these monarchs, unlike other funds which come into the banks, never goes out again into circulation, unless it be by express command of the Itoyal depositor. MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. A veritable edition do luxe i hl is has railroad p anp e just been issued by the Grand Trunk to proclaim amongst tour- ists the glories of the cities of Mont- real and Quebec. The brochure is beautifully printed, and generally arranged in the artistic style of ear- lier clays, when the ornamentation of a volume was regarded as an im- portant incident to its presentation ui reading matter. It is also very well written, and gives an interest- ing description of the most inter- esting cities in Canada, with many illustrations from photographs that have not hitherto been published. Sent to any address on receipt of a two -cent stamp. Apply to J. D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto, Ont. "Miss Nuritoh talks so much about her mother's social position before she was married." "Will 7" "Did she really have any position in society 7" "Oh, lots of them! She never accepted a place as cook except in the very swell families." A Recognized Regulator. — To bring the digestive organs into symmetrical working is the aim of physicians when they find a patient suffering from stomach irregulari- ties, and for this purpose they can prescribe nothing better than Par - melee's Vegetable Pills, which will be found a pleasant medicine of sur- prising virtue in bringing the re- fractory organs into subjection and restoring them to normal action, in which condition only can they perform their duties properly. - NOT ti.SRSELF, Farmer (to medical man)—"If you get out my way any time, doc- tor, I wish you'd stop and see my wife. I think she ain't feelin' well." Doctor—"What makes you think Farmer—"Well, this mornin', el- se?" ter she had milked the cows, an' fed the pigs, an' got breakfast for the men, an', washed the dishes, an' built a fire under the copper in the wash'ouse, an' done a few odd jobs about the house, she com- plained o' feelin' tired -like, I fancy she needs a dose o` medicine," SECRET SKIN TROUBLES Rave you on sumo part of your body a sore, or eruption, or octoroons natal), which, hidde, tram the gaze of others, yot causes qqou bourn and hours of pain and inconvenience 4 If so, don't overlook this comforting faet..that Zam•Auk is daily curing just such chronic* pee as yours! It Neale skin diseases, ulcers, fostering sores, ringworm and sores due to blood poison. Write Zgan:•bak Co., Toronto, !far tree trial box, sending 15. /tamp, Ali stores laid druggists sell at 50 cents abox. IN SAME SIZED BOX. Mr, Flatwell (viewing packing - case in alarm)—"Look here! You must have made a mistake! I. haven't ordered a piano1" Delivery Man--"'Taan't a piano! It's your wife's new hat 1" "Tommy," said the teacher, "what is the half of sixty" Tommy —"I don't know, sir," Teacher— "Now, Tommy, .if two men stole six dollars and agreed to divide 11 equally between them, how much would they get each I" Tommy — " Fourteen days, sir." Talking is stated to be good form of etercise•—especially for sufferers from heart disease. LITTLE BUT GOOD. Time is money to everybody but a loafer. A poor opinion is butter than nano et all. When a man aims at nothing !lo seldom misses. Those who always pay cash sel- dom owe an apology, Flattery will make even a bru- nette light -leaden. Must women would rather bo tailor-made than self-made, ti1'hen a wise man gets really an- gry, be goes away and sits down. Fortunate is the man who nevus knows when he gets the worst of it. Never interfere with the busy bee unless you want a stinging reproof, Revenge may be sweet, but seek- ing it is apt to sora' one's disposi- tion, Happiness is not the only thing money can't buy; manners, for in- stance. If a woman would stop to think when she is talking, she might think to stop. Some people are too good to be clever, while others are too clever to be good. Tho greatest proof of a big man is his indifference to the arrows the little men shoot at him. Home Employment for Ladies LIGHT, EASY, PLEASANT. Such as any lady can do and en- joy. Any lady who wishes, and sees this advertisement may, if she writes soon, secure this opportun- ity to be independent, earning a good living in a very easy manner. Work any lady can do. For particulars address MRS. M. SUMMERS, Correspondence Department, Windsor, Ont. "Dear am Il' -the only woman you have ever loved 7" 'Yes,, or over w 1i. And is must have been the way he said it that made her mac?, Thos Sabin of Eg]ington, says: "I have removed ten corns from my feet with Holloway's Corn Cure," Reader, go thou and do likewise. Bibbs—"Mrs. Homeleigh says her husband is a great sufferer." Gibbs ---"I'm not surprised. How long has he been married to her 7" Like a bad habit a skin disease grows. Scrota- lows hwnoms eozenta nod all eruptions may be cured with lwanver's Coraco, nesistad intern oU by Weaver's Syrup, All Druggists. Niece—"Uncle, they say that there are more marriages of blondes than of brunettes. Why is it, I wonder 7" Uncle Singleton (a con- firmed and splenetic bachelor) — Ff'm! Naturally, the light -head - ca ones go first." Suffer no More.—There are thou- sands who live miserable lives be- cause dyspepsia dulls the faculties and shadows existence with the cloud of depression. One way to dispel the vapors that beset the vic- tims of this disorder is to order them a course of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills, which are among the bust vegetable pills known being easy to take and are most efficaci- ous in their action, A trial of them will prove this. Miss Ann Teek—"He's a good- looking horse, but is he easily frightened?" Dealer—"No, mum; hut perhaps you'd better not get round in front of him." It will be noticed in the Singer Sewing Machine Company's adver- tisement that there are three ad- dresses at the bottom of the an- nouncement. Any one writing will (please address them at the nearest 'lone of the three places to his post office. Young Popperton—"Wife has gone shopping and left me in charge of the baby, and I am re- gularly put to it to know how to keep the little fellow quiet." Grim- shaw (after regarding the howling and contorting juvenile critically)— "I should think you could easily keep him quiet, both in a vocal and physical way, by gagging him care- fully, tying his hands behind his back, binding his feet together, nailing his clothes to the floor, and then administering chloroform to him." A new recruit was instructed that letters addressed to him must be insoribed, "Private." He told his friends, and letters duly arrived addressed to "Mr. John Smith, 'Strictly Private.' " ISSUE NO. $7-68. 2. Minds You Don't See in n &&wing Machimo, J Don't judge any sewing machine just by the way' 'it locks. eg Enamel paint and shiny varnish are good things, but they don't make a machines run well or last long. 1 Experience and judgment and intent cum' bined with manufacturing facilities, are the - things yen should consider before buying.' These points, combined with a rigid syn. tem of inspection and tests, give a lasting value to every Singer Sewing Machine. You can't see then:, but you learn them in the easy, effective working of every part—and their value becomes more plain to you after years of service. Bj( Every Singer is perfect when it leaves the factory—your daughter will say it's stilt perfect when you have no more use for it, Sold only by t milder Sewfllllid Machine Company TORONTO MONTREAL t INNIPEG 310 Manning Ohamberu 633 Hoard of Trade 5155 004 Main Street For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Fain, Etc. go CENTS, ALL DRUGGISTS, OR THE PANG° OO 'i'"Ali9Y, - TORONTO. W h or c sato --L v m an H roe. & Co 'Torento and Mont o at • Lyman,m an Knox aClarkson, Toronto• National Drug 00. ,London. We Advise the Purchase of rt Send for Our Special Letter. A. J. PATTISON & CO., STOCK BROKERS, 33-35 SCOTT ST., - TORONTO, ONT. MISS IT RUSH SALE Our great sale is a phenomenal success because our goods are good and our prices aro positively startling. ff you need anything for a wedding, a birthday or for Christmas send for catalogue or call. Watches, Rings and sterling silverware can be bought at very low prices. WAN ESS „► C ESTABLI51JED 1840 168 YONGE ST., TORONTO 0 Playfair, Martens & Co. Members Toronto Stork l: zuaacge,. Danadian Northern Railway Building, ' Toronto, Canada. Spacial attention given At. Meat° STOOKS, We hare last issued it now map of Leto Cehait Mining District, siring location, somata, ship manta and diddende, Coplee snarled to any addr000 ou reioipt of 155, DI ieountod 0000 for 31..00. Step i rt & Lookr'.;1 cod BROKERS COBALT-STOOKO Members of Standard Stook and Alining raxahango, 18 Adelaide Fa.. Toronto. Peaeaii7Tni Yket. NSW,Yen.a 0555, Li, R. OE CKERSTMF & CO.® Stooks, Bones, Oebanturee and Boal Estate. Cobalt and all Mining and 011 Stocks of • Canada and United States. Orders executed with promptness. Corros• pondence solicited; 021 to'627 Tmdere-Beek-Cdpoing', Torento,.058 The Mi1.1 Climate of - Virginia Ofers splendid opportunitiop'for stook raising, fruit growing dairying and general farming, Winters aro short, Climate lioaltl,ftl, Laud good and selling below its value but inoresatng in value .maul, year, Reny Canadians are titling in Virglnla, Write for ntnrntatfoa to C. W, iftl.lrrlt, Commissioner of Agriculture, Va. "I never was so happy before I" said the new Eenediek, "Marriage has made a different man of Sia." '1I'm glad to hear it," said hit riv- al, "for your wife's sake." fad Fi1v-1,La CURTAINS sod all kl0d0 of hour. I/angina, oleo 1000 CURTAINS DYED s messing, s Write to tie about ,nue. 60ITISII MASHIOMS 011E550 00„ Rex 15IL Henreid IC r ll fano 18 CANADA'S BEST AND 15 1.15E0 THE lVOIILII OVER Bell Organs aro also world famed Send for Free Catalog 1.10, 76 to Tho Boll Plhoaood ago Co,, (It, coolph; cot If Every Farmer Knew 1tow much money he could saO6 by using a ie'atrbattlte4iors6Jaek•of•att•Tredo,G11,101156 1ln., gioo 80 saw wood. pomp rater, grind feed, dca, We wealr] net bo able to supply lin demand. it this ad. out and Bond to us to.day,.and v a wi he0000Q you oar IMO catalogue, ;wine Addreat Vii Canadian Fairbanks 08., Limited, TN'10 t% sat ttontrea1,1i'lsnipes,'aidde r,[tt