The Brussels Post, 1908-9-17, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS,
II, MeallACKEN--
• issuer of Marriage Lloensos. Of.
doe M Orooery, Turnberry atreot, Brussels,
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Mee 1n tea Post Office, 8118,3, 30.4
K. O. T. M.
Brussels ,Tout of the alllooabees, N0, 24
hold their regular meetings ha the Lodge
Room,. Banter Block, on the 1st and 3rd
Tuesday evenings of pooh month,
V3eltOrs always weloomn,
A, BO NIB RS, (low, A, MOGUI1(E, 13. 8,
Agent Bowiok Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Mos mud Residence—
'I N•
3 for better rises to
hottero. • 000, will 2011 0 b r p
than 1 o, In Auctioneer
ohne and lade chargee800
than Other A nyt anything,
i0 3*0 Huron or
1)O wowa ybarge rnyghing, Uatee and orders
' can always be arranged nt tale office or by
pers,oal applloatian,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable, sales arranged for
at the office of Teo Pon, lieues0ls. 2233
• Honor Gradua.o of 111e Ontario Vet-
erinary College, le prepared to treat all (Ile -
annum of dome8tleated a01ma10 in oonipot•
ant manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary 1)sut122ry and Milk Never. (Jails
promptly attended. to, °glue and Infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, 1'uruborry et.,
Brussels. 'Phone 47 k
`1` •
M. SiNer, LS0A11oO—
r, i0ouv eonce!,
Notary Public, do, 0ffiu0—StewaresBrook
1 door Nor t1) of Central Hotel.
20)101tor for the Metropolitan Bunk.
PUB lit), 810.
W. eaoOnrooT, K.0. 1t. 0, HAYO
O. F. Bolan.
011i0ee—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Cameron & Holt,
Li O0NaIOH, 00'1'681110.
emanate of (be Royal (lollegRe Of Dental
Surgeons()) Ontario and First-olase Honor
Graduate 01 Toronto University. Office
next to Brewer's Photograph fishery,
Business Cards
Barrister, 801101101', Notary, &u., eue0000or to
A., B. Macdonald, Oill*e over Standard hank,
„ Brussels,
Dental 8211700)), Office opposite thepostollio0,
t.' Will visit Hoopla the Bret and 1111rd
_..__ Monday of such month teem
17R, T. T, M' RAE
13a011elur of Medicine, University of Toronto 1
1 iosntlate and (3ratinatu of the Cu1)0319of Yhyy-
sl0)uu0 anti Surgeons, Ont. Yusb-Rt'nduote
Chicago Bye, Ear, Nose nod Thrust Hospital,
(hicuou, Ill 1bratet re Surgeon to Ht. X4011.
eel's Hospital Toronto.
011cuover h,R.wlnowt Store, Tele.
pions uonneotlon withirnnbrood
at all house,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY evennumbered:section of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan cud
Alberta, excepting B and 20, not reserved,
may bo homesteaded by any pursou who is
the sole head of at family, or guy mole over
38 years of ase, to the extent of sue -quarter
motion of 100 dares more or leen.
Entry may 1)0 made .personally at the
local land office for the distrrot lu whish
the land is situate,
The homesteader Is required to perforin
the oouditiousoouneoted therewith under
one of following plans ;
(1) At least six mouths' reeldallee upon
and onitiva6lou of the laud in each year for
three year's,
(2) If t11e father (or mother,. if :the father
is deceased) of the homesteader resides
upon a Yarm in the vicinity of the laud
entered for the requirements as to reel,
deuce may bo satisaed by snob person re-
siding with the father or mother.
deneefupon farming s lurid OwuedUeby Lim
hi thevrofuity of his homestead, the re.
gniroasoots as to reside000 may be saiin•
lied by residouoe upon the said land.
Six mouths' notice 111 writing should be
gluon to the Commissioner of Dominion
Lauds at. Ottawa of intention to apply for
' patent,
W. W. 0011Y.
Deputy of lbeiniutetor of Iu6erior.
N.13. Unauthorized pnbliostIoo of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid for,
If you want a really good article
in the Buggy or Wagon line go
to the old reliable Cober Carriage
Builder on Market Square, Brus-
sels, where you will find a $ret-
olass assortment.
Best of heed made :`arm Wag-
ons with different widths of tires
and different heights' of wheels.
Extra large . hand made Wheel-
Be -rimming Light and Heavy
Wlieels, Repairing, Re -painting
end Re -trimming attended to 011
Shortest . Mks.
0 018 0 13011011 G0I111 001,18
Mull 7:00 a an I Express 10:66 a m
lrxproos 112511111 Ah111 1:44 p m
Express.. .. 8102 p in Express 8:51p in
To Toronto To Goderioh
1.x311'022 8:4111 111 I N'xpress 11:80 a in
Express ......,. 8:11 31 u1 Express 7:47 p In
Peter Gardiner has purchased aRoss
engine from the Robb. Bell Co., Sea -
forth, for use 111 the hay pressing,
Pete, finds This one a mac 1 t more
serviceable c
'' a engine than ll the old one.
''IcKm>;oP 0077N011,.—On Sept.5th
the Council met as a Oourtof Revision
on the McDonald and Canada Co.
Drains By-laws. As there were no
appeals against 13y -law No. 5 1008 the
McDonald Drain By-law it was finally
passed. Throe appeals being laid
ag,ainst the Canada Oo's. Drain 13y -law
slight changes were made in the as-
sessment and it was finally pltseecl and
the Court of Revision was closed.
Council convened for general business
at 8.80 p. m. The claim of O. A.
How*e, Vet. Surgeon, of Dublin, for
.$174.75 for a horse which got his leg
broken in a culvert on sideline 5 and 0
was settled for $140.00. The contract
for constructing the Canada Co. 3i'airl
was given to Crowley and McDonnell,
of Rostock, they to commence work
at once. Accounts to the amount of
$151.70 were paid. Council adjourned
to meet again at, the Huron Hotel
Dublin, on Monday Oct. 5th at i
o'clock p. In. M. MuIt111E,
Township Olerk.
Have You A Horse 7
If yeti want to keep him in shape
never let him suffer pilin. Rub on
"Nerviline"—it is noted for miring
strains, swellings and stiffness and.
sore muscles. • For internal use in cur-
ing cramps and colic, Nerviline is it
perfect marvel. In every good train-
ing stable you'll find Nerviline be
citrase it keeps in trim and redlines the
veterinary bill. Farmers, stockmen
and all horse owners should buy Ner-
viline and prove how invaluable it is.
Good for Man or beast. 25c. for bottle
at all dealers.
(Intended for last week)
D, and Mrs. Ferguson, Miss Zetta,
also Mrs. McDonald and Masterpong-
las, of Teeswater, spent Labor Day at
'Los. A D Mc(.as
h and Rob. were
visitors at John Straohan's last week.
J. T. Strachan returned with them to
Pine River.
J. D. and Mrs. Miller were among
the thousands who took in the great
Fair at P00011to. Their trip wa0 ex-
tended to Niagara Falls. The boat
trip was delightful.
ex -Reeve and Mrs, Turnbull were
visitors at; Kincardine this week. The
former's brother Win., who resides in
the lakeside town, is in very poor
health with scant hopes of iinprove-
Mont. He is in his 70thyear and has
been failing for several years. Jas.
Turnbull, formerly of Brussels, who
now lives in Kincardine, has been
bothered with his "game" limb that
troubled hien while here, but is able to
resume work again we are pleased to
tel'y, The Brandon papers speak
thou : The 11PM11 ocenl'1'eci at the
13rnudon General 1lo,.pitsl 1,1 '1'holuus
N.ohertsun, .31111' "f 1.110 be:,( known
agl'ieu1tut'al experts in The neighbor-
hood, '141*. It,lhrr/eon had been a
patientsutfeeet• Int the lostitutiou for
the past few weeks, sutfeeleg from 1t
coiuplioation of diseases, which result -
eel III his death. .lie was head of the
1Cxpeei113eolal Perot under the Rimer.
11%011110ut from its ilieept1(l3, Some
three years age lie east, In his lot with
The Spring Park Mowery, leavi(Ig
thea]ahnnl it year back to lake up
farming on his own aeconnl, De -
(Tamed was It fell' prominent member
in the Ho'(ieul1utal Society, with
W11011.1 he: held the office of entomolog-
ist fel two y.eals the funeral took
place from the residence ttf 50I limn
street to the Brandon cemetery,
Melly of the deeettsed's Most intimate
friends were at the graveside, The
pallbearers were 11. 131.otr n, CI. Sykes,
H. Boyer, 13, Patplore, II, 0011,1)0, and
13. D. Wallace.
The bridge gang are busy (a•e('t'ilg a
new railway bridge.
John Gaynor, jr., has started The
frame work of his kitchen.
Thomas Lucas is slowly improving
from a severe attack of typhoid fever.
S. S. Oole, of Ethel, is doing elle.
brick work on 11344 hely house in
The harvest; thanksgiving services
Of St David's chard: will be heli. 00
Sunday, Sept. 201,11 at 11 a. 111. and I3 p.
Question For Every Reader.
If you
sold find a simple
remedy for keeping all organs healthy
and strong—wouldn't you vise it?
Most pills are harsh, cause pain and
sick stomach. -Dr, Hamilton's Pills
are diffel'ent-1111ey regulate and
cleanse the system so gently, act so
silently you scarcely realize you've
taken medicine. You are cleansed—
appetite improves—color clears—sleep
is restored. Every man, woman ewer
clrilcl is helped by Dr, Hamilton's
Pills. Try a 25c. box.
Have You Ugly Warts?
Cure theism with Putnaln's Painless
Corn and Wart Extractor. Fifty
years sn0ceess is a guarantee of its
tnerIt. Beware of substitutes.
Threshing is in full swing now and.
grain is turning out fairly good.
Lawrence Armstrong has started to
Brussels school He is a bright boy
and should do well. We w1511 hien
Morris will send a good many Lib-
erals to the Latu'ier demonstration to
bo held at Clinton on the afternoon of
'Wednesday, Sept. 23rd.
Wm. Jas, Gasemore, son of Jas.
Oasemoro, of the 1st line of Morris,
cried in London on September 8rd.
The funeral took place from the resi-
dence of his father, on Sunday, Rev.
Q. E. Jeakins, B. A., officiating. The
'funeral was well attended, the Young
Britons accompanying the 1'emains to
their last resting place.
OBIT. -011 August 18th there passed,
away from this life a former well
known young roan in the person of
Thomas Robertson, eldest son of A.
K. Robertson at the age of 47 years, '7
months and 27 days, leaving a wife,
formerly Miss Agnes Baines, of Sun-
shine, and a fainly of five, three girls
and two boys, one an infant three
months olcl, to mourn the loss of a
kind and loving husband and father.
Deceased's father and mother, who
are both very feeble, a brother James,
and three sisters, Mesdames John and
Thomas Sample and Mrs. Alex. For-
syth, all of whom may still be remem-
bered by many in and aeowld Brus-
sels, also survive. Lovely wi'eattis
and sprays front the following cover-
ed the casket of one who delight-
ed in their cultivation :—Inclepeli env
Order of ]foresters ;• Daughters of Be'
he1ta11 ; A. andl'Irs. Weir.' ; 11. Brotvn';
Spring Park Nursery ; H0rtioeltural
and totestry Soolety. B. Baines, of
Lethbridge, Alberta, arrived in time
to itccofnpally the remains to rte last
resting place h1 the Brandon' seine -
bride's going away guown wee of dim:
green ('111111111 broadcloth, u•ilh hal to
match, The very tunny heel 1'31 151
au(1 M.N. .1el'ulyn, who arP
kl1own, wish ThencMinty yrtu's uP wo))
tied happiness.
5,0000ured of Huy Fever,
Instead of atm:ling patients to the
nlountatins, doctors (11'67 11012' pr eserih•
lugg "tlatarrhozuue," 1t relieves
quickly and peru11tnently ernes Ilay
Fever, All druggists sell ('ataerll-
l)'nne. Plenty 10 enrc Hay 1''ev1u' 1'01'
Mrs, Lemuel Felton left foe New
Liskeard %hcl e she will visit her
daughter, 112 0. 11, Marton,
;lir' Alex. Simpson is to he ('on-
gr'atulated having won first i11 the
butter soaking contest at 'Permits, the
cash value of which in $25,
T. G. Ratcliffe, Principal of the
public. school, while heaping to fix the
furnace at the school had the first.
finger 011 hes right hand badly cut.
Ml'. and ills. Price left for their
home in England after spending three
weeks' visit with their son, Wynn, of
town. Mrs. Price accompanied then]
to Toronto.
1 IRFI.—Abort eight o'clock on Mon-
day evening of last week fire was seen
cooling oat of Chas. Lucas' balm
which 1s situated at the North of the
village, the alarm was given at once
and as it large gathering 1VIte at the
Jubilee serial at the Presbyterian
church, which is not far off, help woos
WW1 at hand and succeeded in getting
out the lI t
implements were 1t the
barn also fails horses that had been
put 7) cin the 111 there for the evening. g
barn was a 110W structure lust trotted
last Fall and filled with hay and grail
was consumed along with the build-
ing. How the fire starrted is a
mystery as 11&'. Lucas hoar no ' lights
aroun(1 the burn That evening and. was
attending the Jubilee social at the
time waren it started. The fire begau
in the hay away from the horses and
what any one could be doing in there
with matches cannot be figured out.
The barn was insured for $;800.00, het
the amount will not begin to cover
The loss.
ATwoon JUBILEE.—Phis fine con-
gregation of strong Scotch Presby-
terians, which composed much of the
brain and brawn of Elma in the early
days and which to -day is a oralit to
the "Blue Banner of Presbyterianism"
delebrated with characteristic dignity
and zeal the fiftieth anuiversaly of
elle forming of the church of their
fathers in the then Queen's Bush, the
little one has become a thousand and
the praise of her good works has gone.
Throughout the land. Only 4, minis-
ters have held the pastorate during
that time, Revds. Renwick, Henderson.
McLeod and McVicar, who is still do-
ing splendid work for his blaster. To
the officer's of the Robert Cleland
stump of character who stood by the
Minister in the dark clays as well as in
the bright clays andllevel' even dream-
ed of fleeing from duty to a cave of
Adnllam, the Billie Centre church
owes a debt of gratitude. On Sabbath
and Monday the sun smiled upon the
good people as if an approval- of their
past record, while the members of
sister 0ollgregatiol1S vied with each
other in paying lhonor to Atwood's
jubilee. So that at all three services
the fine large church failed to accom-
modate scores of people within hearing
of the minister's voice. A fine paint-
ing of the late Rev. Mr. Renwick, the
first minister, graced the wall behind
the pulpit, while on the pulpit sofa sat
the other thleennuistcn:s of the church
past and present Rev. A, Henderson
concluded the forenoon services turd
Dr. McLeod, both the afternoon and.
evening services. Needless to say
theaddresses were characteristic of
the men, appropriate to the event and
thoroughly appreciated by the people,
On Monday afternoon the Old Folks'
Re -union was held on the Manse
grounds and it wits a memorable
gathering. Only six or seven of those
who sat at the first communion table
were present, lett they were not the
least youthful in spirit ie the re -union
meeting of all ages. The old choir leer
by Geo. Hamilton, sung of Scotland
and of Scotland's God, and the vener-
able and well known Robert Cleland,
presided with grace and dignity and
while he reviewed the past he spoke
of future hope the ,fire of early
clays flashed from his eagle eye and
held his hearers at will. The other
speeches were delivered by Rev. A.
Henderson, who, with eloquence and
tenderness, dealt with the early
history of the congregation. Dr. 'l0'
Lead, in his own masterful way, spoke
'lir. Hooey, of town, has ripe straw-
berries on his vines for the second
time this season.
Geo. Mason has been suffering front
a severe attack 0f sciatica, requiring
the attendance of a physician.
H. and Mrs. Bishop, forntel'ly of
Wingham, have gone on a six Months'
trip. They go to Vancouver and in-
tend to spend the Whiter in 0(llifor-
Geo. Ansley, of Winnipeg, is spend-
ing a couple of weeks at his home.
George has a responsible position in
the head office of The 14IcL(tughlin
Carriage Co.
Thos. Bowers has made a record
with his pure bred games in the
poultry department at the Toronto
Fair, 'L'. Bowers made thirteen
entries and won twelve first prizes.
.r Chas. A. Barber, a former employee
of the Advance, now editor of the
Pilot Mound Sentinel, has entered the
lilatllrnOnlal estate, having been mar-
ried to Miss Mary Adeline Endicott,
of Pilot Mouucl,'Manitoba.
Harry Ansley, of Winnipeg, is visit-
ing with his lxtrents, Jno. and Mrs.
Ansley, Lower ,Wingham. Mr. An-
sley's many friends here will be pleas-
ed to hear that he is now recovering
nicely after his recent severe illness.
W1DD1NG.—A quiet home wedding
took place at the parsonage, Wing -
on September tembel OC1 i v
Lillian Corte, daughter of when Miss Rev. W. G.
Rowson Was united in marriage to
Victor A. Te1'usy11, of the township of
Morris. The nuptial knot was tied. by
Rev. David Rogers, of Seaforth, an
old friend of both contracting -parties.
The bride was dressed 111 crepe de
*hens trimmed with F1'encil valeu-
*lennes lace and ribbons thud carried. a
shower' boquet of bridal. roses. The
bride, whn was unattended, entered
the parlor on the arm Of her father to
the strains of the bridal march play
ed by Miss Reece, of Clinton. Invita-
tions were issued to friends in Eng-
land, British Columbia, Saskatch-
askatchewan, Toronto, Calgary, Tilsonbuig,
Barrie, and London and after the
ceremonythe guests sat clown to a re-
past carefullyprepared and daintily
served. The rooms were decorated
with linopings of white awl pink and
fine full bloom asters of delicate pill:
wel'e scattered through the rooms and
on the tables in rich profusion. The
many beautiful presents witnessed the
esteem in which the pair are held.
The grooms gift to the bride was it
beautiful sunburst of pearls. The
This `IvoinuU 255)33 that Lydia E.
I'I,-1 heal n rw'egetltbie Compound ri
her life.
Mine. lamou Cit llul, 1lallt S icrld,
lielleriver, Quebec, Writes to Mersa,
"1 want to tell you tl'r. n !Lout
Lydia E. Pinlcham's Veget'• Com-
pound, I would not be. ail Per
months I suffered with painful and
irregular periods and infiammatlon of
The feminine organs. Doctors could
do nothing for me, and said I roust sub-
mit to an operation as I had a tumor,
One of my cousins advised me to
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound as it had cured her.
"1 did so and 110W 1 have no pairt
mud am entirely cared, Your remedy
is deserving of great praise."
For thirty fear;: Lydia E, Phlk-
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
woolen who have Leen troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-
ing -down feeling, flat ulency,indiges-
lion, dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't You try it?
Mrs. Pinkcham invites all sick
women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
�r"�i"•:pti•-.i..y�1u''ar'i!-'.l�(i�:.riw'�i. ice'` .., •d`.a^+it^'�,.3til;}yv
We want you t4) see
the Steel -Ribbed kFirepot in the
The Pirepot of a
furnace being in direct
contact with the fire,
contains its most effect-
ive heating surface,
Any increase in this
surface therefore,
greatly increases the
efficiency of the furnace, That is why STR>~l;
RIBBED PIMPOTS, which have three times as
much racliaidng surface as any other style of fire
pot, enable the t(H]CI,A" Furnace to save from
Io. to 15% of your fuel bill.
This, is only one of the many exclusive features of
the "Ueda" Furnace. We want to explain them till to
you—and prove, by actual tests, that the "Hecht' is lite
best and most economical furnace you can roily. Stop
in any time fora "litchi" talk and denten:tat:Don,
soelety ei eles of 0p1'iugtlelll, who
14311vrd c8l'rapti,ulal benefit from For,
1.00431,', 4l13 ; : "1 felt it 111)' duty to
111111H' known the value of i''et'rozone,
1 trouble was poor weak blood, and
an a eonsequen1e my lips were pallid,
and My cheeks had no '10101', 1
I wasn't at ail strong and required n
bracing tonic Ferruzolte soon brought
of the changes daring his pastorate
and of the big heartedness of the
people. Rev. J. S. Hardie, of Listo-
wel, recalled the many noted sons and
daughters that the congregation had
given to the church and the country.
Andrew Little, a student of Queen's
College, modestly spoke as a son of
the church. Mr. Hunte told how as a
true blue -Presbyterian he was discov-
ered by the late Rev. err. McPherson,
and since :has discovery he had stood
loyal to the congregation.
In the evening a platform meeting
was held ie the church, which was a
splendid success. Song and speech
flowed alternately for three hours.
Everything was sweet, strong and
fitting for a jubilee celebration. The
minister, Rev. McVicar, worthily fill-
ed the chair. We eau only name the
host of speakers for historic purposes,
Revds, Reid, Price, MVestgate, Fergu-
son, Cameron, Hardie, McLeod and
Henderson.' A11 honor to Secy. Loch -
head and his committee for the admir-
able arrangements and splendid execu-
tion of them plans for this mem0l•ltble
ealur I n lily cheeks, impel *r ('(1 Iny nil-
petite and made ale htl(lllr"et' titan I
Often been In years. I ii(r 01' 11e1'"
rapine because it 18 so simple to take
and works so gale y," ,
No blood remedy existe that has the
ower' to fire, to heal, to restore, like
; try it, fiticr per box at any
chug stole.
The klowick hall Fair will be held
on the Agricultural Grounds, Ford-
wich, on Saturday, October 3rd.
Mts. Granville clog a very produc-
tive hill of potatoes on Tuesday of
last week. Thele were forty-three
fair-sized potatoes altogether weighing
8 pounds and 0 ounces.
Jos. Mahood, of Lakelet vicinity,
has rented the house recently vacated
by J. J. Gregg, for a year and will
take up his residence in town. He
WM erect a cottage on the old Barnet
property next Summer which he re-
cently purchased.
On Monday evening of last week
the officer's and d'ir'ectors of the Ford-
wich Branch of the Upper Unmade,
Bible Society and their wives met 311
the basement of the Presbyterian
church and preeent0(1 the retiring
president, W. Castel], and his 'fancily
with a family Bible, the presentation
being macre by the two village col-
lectors, Mesdames E. Spinks and W.
Watters. Mr. Casten made a very
appropriate reply and short addresses
fall of remiuiscenses and kind words
for the Oastell family, were made by
Rev. J. Ball, T. Goggle, J. Rowe, J.
H. Rogers, 3'. 11. Johnston, W. A.
Edwards W, Wallace, W. E. Wade,
8, Strome, J. Legett and Editor Wat-
ters. Rev. A. B. Dobson presided in
his usual pleasant manner. Lunch
was served by tate ladies and the hap-
py gathering was dispersed with the
benediction. Mr. Castell is removing
from town.
Impure, Thin Blood
Clogs the Kidneys
Slows the Heart
Fags the Brain.
The Metropolitan Bank
Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of
Two per cent. for the current quarter (being
at the rate of Eight per cent. per annum) on
the capital stock of this Bank, bas been de.
Glared, and that the same wihl he payable at
the Head Office and Branches of the Bank,
on and after Oct. 1st, 1908. 4
By order of the Board,
General Manager.
Toronto, August 251.11, 1008.
Weakens.Every Part of The Cody.
dausos Organic Diseases,
Just as strength is the natural out-
come ofpure blood, so is debility and
sickness the result of impure blood.
To know how quickly, how sorely
Ferrozone cures, to see how %rebuilds
and restores, you have cnly to read
the following letters—read therm care-
fully—see if the symptoms resemble
Miss Evelyn M. Gaetz. of Kingston,
writes l "1 have had an attack of
blond disorder whichbroke ant in
horrid looking pimples. They W01'0
ugly rod disfi1nrieg blotches that
ruined the appearance of my face. 1
tried all sorts of medicine but the
pin1f)108 didn't, leave I was recom-
mended Forrozouo and gave it a trial.
i noticed an improvement after the
second box, and kept up the treatment
which (finally cleared lay skin. A8
the result of Ferrozone I have a clear.
healthy complexion and eau recom-
mend it to all ot11110 young Women
similarly affected,"
Another young lady well 1010W11 111
4 dears of Bus3m sels is proof superior qual-
ity, workinessmanshipBrusand durabfu11ilityof 0f ththee wheeled 11(38
Mat Ewan & CO. turn out. Our business is increasing
every year and our Buggies have improvements this year that they
never had before. Our steel tires are almost double the thickness of
any other buggy on the market, and our wheels are all the best stand -
arc] make with extra deep rims. Have you seen our dash support
braces? They can't be surpassed, so there will be no more broken
clashes, This is a preventative, Our lops are of the BEST and we
have a pateut for the back stayes to prevent them from getting loose
or flapping. Trimmings are the very best of No. 1 leather with eight
different designs in workmanship, We use the lead and color paint
and the best standard Varnish on the market. Both Light and Heavy
Buggies to suit any customer and have also Rubber Tired Buggies of
all kinds. A peep into our two large show rooms will convince any
skeptic that what we say is true.
Also a number 0i Farm Wagons always on hand made from the very
best of seasoned timbers Oak gears. oak wheels and spokes and heavy
maple axles, all with capped oak hubs. Any width of tire you wish,
1ds01auy height of wheels.
Old Buggy Tops lined and covered complete and made. as good as new
at small cost. Our famous Artist, WM. C. SMITH, is here in attend-
ance to repaint your old buggy and make it look the same as new. It
would really pay anyone to take a holiday and spend his whole time in
L'wao's paint shops and show psoras and see what etre bave a nil what
we turn out. You will be convinced to buy both buggies and wagons
and get your buggy repainted at Ewan & Co's up-to-date Carriage
Shop. Call and get our terms and prices and buy tram a reliable firm
and support borne industry.
Summer Shoes
to clear broken sizes iu Chocolate,
White and Tau Oxfords.
Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords, regular $2 50, reduced to $2.10
Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords, 2.00, " 1.60
Misses' Chocolate Oxfords; if
1.50, If 1.25
Misses' White Oxfords, " 1.00, 80
All must go to make room for Fall Goods now arriving.
Harness Department
Single Harness Reduced for 80 days—
Best Rubber Mountings, regular $30.00, reduced to $25.00
Nielile or Imitation Rubber, " 15,00, " 12.00
Balance of Dusters reduced to cost to clear. '
Fly Nets, Rubber Rugs, 'Trunks and Satchels lowest prices.
'W'Fnr sale, comfortable Dwelling House, nicely situated, nice grounds, fruits, &c,
Roller Flour Mills
is now in full operation. It will save you
money to have your Oats "Flaked" before
feeding horses
rrR- our New rneo a
Made from White Wheat, .Healthful and Invigorating,
Don't forget that our "White Loaf" Flour
is still taking the lead for Bread Flours.
Ir'All kinds of Feer] kept constantly on hand.
WM • de R. Ai ,.
R. V