The Brussels Post, 1908-9-17, Page 4t lje `,3.rxtzsetz JJst THURSDAY, SL;11TEelHER 17, time THE CITY OF EDINBOBGH To theeditor of Tim Pose: Dl'1AR Slit. Sojourning in the city of Glasgow, that veritable hive of ulelds(i•y, with its million of people, the hum of macbluery is heard en every hand. Its ships cue at every pert and its commerce reaches every laud, while it sues may be found pushing their way into every clime. While we may have sumetbiug to say of . Glasgow at. seine future time tea capital ; Among other's we were much interested city of Scotland ie our theme in these in a beautiful memorial stone to David notes. Edinburgh is just 40 miles die. Keuuedy, the master of Scottish sung. tont from Glasgow amt on a fast train it On the stone mention is made of some takes from 4o to so minu:es to reach it, members of his family who came to an There is a particular charm about Edin- uutimely end by fire ou the continent. burgh that is not -to be found elsewhere. They were well and favorably kuuwu is 1t is very ieteresting to have a leisurely Canada. It is no easy taste he wrote to walk through the town to admire its a friend to grasp and sing Scotch songs, palatial like buildings and to look upon The lieart he put into his work cuustttut- the splendid ronuinents, for there are ed the grand secret of his power. Mau many that adorn the streets, the they are the stuff to feed 1 teelmy moral memorials ofdeparted greatness. There and spiritual nature strengthened by is to be seen some of the grandest seen- their study. Keuuedy himself cuuceiv- ery and tbemiraeles of ancient and mod- ed that his mission was to the Scut ern. art. It bas been called the city of abroad even mare than to the Scot at hospitals and has long been noted for borne and it would be difficult to exag- this distinction, 'These stately buildings gerute the cheering and elevating in - for benevnleut purposes, with her many fluence which he exercised amongst his educational institutions including the expatriated countrymen. In the Cauad- great university' with from three to four tau backwoods lie carried the settler thousand students, its doors open to all back to his native land and intensified mankind. Tuese are more of a glory to the patriotic feeling which has done eo the city than either the old castle or much to make the race a power in the Holyrood palace. A view from the world, Where ever he went he connect - height above the town shows its bound- ed his work with the Christian churches. aries greatly extended since we saw it Yours respectfully, 22 years ago. There are fine new streets 301116 Sm1LL1E. stately terraces, crescents and numerous Dapple Grange Sept, 4111 1908. handsome villas pushing their way outto the South and Southwest, bursting Watch Your Tongue the old narrow boundaries and spreading far out into the pure air and green fields. Yet notwithstanding its fine streets, If Furred and Coated, Itsa Looking spacious buildings and beautiful Stir- Glass Stonach Warning. roupdiugs the grim old castle and Holy - rood palace are the chief attraction for When it is the morning after the strangers. The castle is situated on a night before, you do not have to look rock from three to four hundred feet tit your tongue to know that the stom- high and on a clear day a fine v.ew can soh is upset, the head is aching, no be had of the waters„ of the Forth and appetite, nerves on edge with all the the distant mountains of Sterhugshire suiishiue of life clouded, and Perthshire. 'there are always a The real time to watch the tongue is large number of soldiers garrisoned in all of the time. If itis coated with 1r the castle and at certain times of the day white flu', or possibly with dark trim - they can be seen going through their utiugs, even if the stuulach does not evolutions on the castle grounds. They tell you by the :Leath pains of indiges- look fine iu their bright uniform, with flail that it ueeds help, yet the coat - the officers on borseback directing their ing shows that you are getting into a movements. As we enter the castle gate bad tray and that there is need of we come upon "Mons Meg" guarding '.en_e_nee the entrauee. She is a formidable look- .114-o-na is so positive, so sure, so Mg instrument of destruction but harm- reliable in its curative action upon the less now leaving beeu wrecked firing a stomach that Jas. Fox, the local royal salute lung ago. Amongst many ageut, gives a guarantee of satisfac- other guns oa the rampart.; is the minute tion with every 50 cent box or money gun, fiied by electricity from Greenwich beck, each day at one o'clock. The most in- teresting place in ilia castle is the crown Clinton room containing the symbols of the The militia orders recently issued Scottish iudepeudeuee. These were chruniele M. D. \McTaggart as having ,' hidden awaviu an oak chest for over been granted the honorary rank of one bundred years. In the year 18IS Major through theinftuunce of Sir Walter Scott Rev. Dr. Cook, of Ridgututvn, it and by ruga[ authority the chest was former pastor, is announced for Ep- opened and the cruwn, sword and seep- worth League auniveraary services on re were found carefully folded in linen Sunday, Sept. 211th, in Ontario Street and have been open forpublic inspection church. since that tine. We nest visit Holyrood W. Smillie, one of the pupils at thepalace, rather a gloomy place, It is of Collegiate met with a painful accident itself by no means an imposing build - while playing foot ball. His arm was ing but it gains dignity from its en-- p g, roundiugs and profound interest from Put out of joint at the wrist, when 119 history. This was the Edinburgh eh he lfif causing him o largeuch ane home of the lovable but unfortunate. The Fifth Form is the largest in the history of the School. It includes Mary Stuart, her rooms are almnsl the not Blyth, idents from ZuLI. v onlyart of the buildingthat remains btY prety much the saute nce her time. Exeter, Hensel', Brucefield, Bayfieltl There is 9 great banquetting hall adorn• and other points. ed with costly pictures, and photos of J'ohu Houston and sou Kirk, left men and women who made their mark in Thursday for Winnipeg, where the the world, some of teem for good and latter has a lucrative position. Mr. others for evil. but Queen Mary's Houston will remain for some time apartments are the chief attraction for and possibly locate there permanently. visitors, There is her richly ornamented tisld and Mrs. East were doing some bedstead with canopy coverlits and cur - ladder work about the house when a tains fast Fatting into decay. The gree- ladder which was leaning against the some t1•agedy enacted within those walls residence fell and sttttnk Mrs. East on we do mut wish to repeat the history of the left sent. It Caused a nervous which is known to all who care to read, shuck, and Mrs. East was assisted to The most famous Necroplis in the city is the house, but fortunately her injury that of Gray Friary Thane Geroge Bu- was not as serious as it might have cbannou, the most learned Scotchman in be'e'n' his daywas buried amongst hundreds of i Coats, of Goderich, was in town otherthe flower of the Scottish race Ear on Monday of last week judging the centuries lie here. It was in this yard Hewers grown by the school children from seeds given by the Horticultural that the solemn league and covenant was Society, accompanied by Messrs. Cot - signed b1+ those who stood for their civil and religious liberty, Here hundreds of tie and 1f 1.11 Kenzie. They visited the the Covenanters lucre imprisoned fit homes of the children whose names mouths exposed to all kinds of weather had been 1laudot8 in. The prizes and those who were cruely put to death, awarded were as follows :-Special for conscience sale•, were buried in one Prize given by T. Cottle was won by f orae of, this dune yard. A large Sid Grace ; 1st prize, Violet Barge ; Hay - memorial. stone still testifies to the fact. 2nd Grace 1Valker ; 3rd, Len Har - Winter• and Summer people are constant. land ; 4th, Wilfridthe Dickson. The ly seen winding their way to the Martyr's' flowers grown by Bwchildren1were of monument. Au old:writer says, "the a good quality and shows that they hied taken guile an interest in grow- sufferers may have been possessed with enthusiasm but the pen ecutors with an jug teem infernal spirit " Listowel The handsome Princess street gardens J, L. Avnolcl has started a roller rink lie in the valley separating the new from in McDonald's Music Hall. the old town and are greatly admired by About 500 people have left Listowel all who have a taste for the beauty of by ei, P. R. end G. T, R. for Toronto trees, flowers and neat walks, Princess ,blur, Street the great thoroughfare of the city The engagement., is announced of stretching from East to West is one of C. Witter, sole of B. Witter, of New the finest to be seen anywhere. Among- York, and formerly of Listowel, to st the mouinents erected on the terrace Miss Florence Sticfel. The wedding walk that to Sir Walter Scott is the most is to take place on November 25th. conspicuous and probably the most cost. There are 18.2 pupils enrolled at the ly monument i(1 the city having cost Listowel High School so far this terra, eighty tbonsand dollars. It is a worthy which is far in excess of any previous memorial to a groat man, Under the year. A fifth teacher must be em - foundation stone there is an inscription ployed, and we understand the Board written by the great Lord Teffery. We is tatting steps to secure one: give a line or two it runs thus :- .1. A. Kelly, of town, scored a This graven plate deposited in the base victory at the Canadian National Be - of a votive building on the 15111 day of hibition, Toronto, taking lst prize August in the year of Christ 1840 and withhis handsome ch'iver in a class of never likely to see the tight again until fourteen competitors. John Watson all the surroandiugstructures are drum- teas also a prize Winner With his bay bled to. dust by the decay of time or by team of roadsters. human erelemautal violence. May they Arepresentative of tire1 Dornininn testify to a distaut posterity that his Government was in town looking up a couutt,ycneu began on that day to raise site for the proposed new post office, en effigy and architectural monument to custom house, etc. We understand the memory of Sir Walter Scott Bart," that prices were named for three 1i£ - There are many places of interest ferent sites, that at theoorner of Main aroand Edinburgh worthy of a visit. and Docld streets being looked upon John KnoiYs house, with bis motto as the most likely. graven on .the front wail '•;Love (God - Elizabeth Geiser, -beloved wife of above all and your neighbor as yourself." Rev. J. 1I. Greuzonbach, German There is St Giles' Cathedral, he pride Evangelical minrster, passed oil aw a y on of the 5c0ttisi Presbyterian chui0h • Sept.Seel in her 44811 year, Her Leith the great shipping pert tied forte- death followed an operation for en In beliri with its spa0lous promenade pier ternal trouble, and is a prarticniar•ly and its extensive seedy beach. .On a sad one, owing to its suciclenness and good day it looks as if the half of the the fiw1. -that she leaves it, family of people of Edinburgh were out strolling on the bands, ' Nv oue sbvuld mis55eemg the Perth bridge who have the oppor- tunity to do 50. 'There are thirty men constantly engaged in painting it. It takes them three y010's to go over it and then bugle to repeat the pruues5 maul. We had a look through the Grouge eemetefy, nue of the world's historic places, What multitudes of the illustri- ous sous of enmity lie here? Men Wiese Baines are known the world over. 'The people of Ediouurgh are out lacking in paying due respect to the nlenlory of those wltosefives have been a blessing to the world. Airs. Carlyle tells tam MI visiting her native place atter an abeeuce of twenty years ane names which she missed on the sign boards bile fuuud on the grave seines and su it is here. five small children. The funeral took place We Monday afternoon to Fair- View Cemetery, John Scutt, cattle acaier, lost his valuable driver, "Edna, Seat," on Wednesday afterneou of last week, She dropped dead in front of the Queens tenet after being driven in 1t'o0.1 the farm by Jas. Scott. 11 is thought that she had ruptured a blood vessel. Mr, Scott had been offered $300 for her, but would not part with Mae Slie was the foulest road horse in the neighborhood, and will he quite a loss to her owner, Goderich Hotel Goierieh has closed for the season. The Goderich College of Music had thirty pupils registered on the open- ing day and those iutevesled look for 41 successful terns. The congregation of North street Methodist: church is ritisillg a contri- bution to the fund for the relief of the sufferers at Fel'nie 13, 0. A large steam shovel and a contin- gent of Italians etre excavatiug the bank below the O. P. R. retaining wall, parallel \vith which one of the sidings will run. John McDonald pleaded gnilty be- fore the judge to a charge of Stealing .some harness from Col. Young. I•Ie is out on bail and will mime up for sentence at -the general sessions, Agent Jim. Straiton, of the G. T. R., eft on au extensive trip to the Parific coast. He will be absent about a mouth., aiicl during which time R. Middleton, of fork, takes charge of his duties., Goderich defeated. Blyth in the Lakeside League baseball match here on the 7th. 5 to 2. Batteries, Blyth- McArter and Somers. Gociexich- Wiggins and Dean. The game was of considerable importance es each Were well up in the league and this adds another to Goderich lead. The death took place Sunday morn- ing of Captain Jas. G. Parsons, for many years • 0118 of the well known captains on the lakes. He had been in poor health for sunle time, being much troubled with rheumatism, but his death was rather sudden, being caused by heart failure. Captain Parsous was sixty-five years of age and was a native of Goderich. His brother, George Parsous, died some year's ago in Detroit, and his sister, Mrs. John liosely, died only a short time ago in Toronto.. 'lis half- brother, Benjamin Parsons, was the first mayor of Goderich. The captain is survived by his widow and by two sons and one daughter, Hairy Par- sons, manager of a branch of the Bank of Montreal at Montreal ; Lionel Parsous, superintendent of the Gode- rich Elevator & Transit Co., Limited, and Miss Parsons, of the Public school stair, of town. Captain Parsons was a Reformer in politics, and in religion he was a member of the Anglican church. Have a Good Complexion. First of all you need plenty of blood -the reel kind.. Have it pure, or otherwise blotches and pimples will renter yy•our' natural charms un- availing. Nothing can egnal Ferro - zone, either as a former of rich blood or as a skin purifier. By driving out humors, Ferrozone cleanses inside just as water does outside. Because of the nourishment and building properties it contains Ferrozone brings the system to a high point of vigor, from which shines vim, am- bition, good spirits. For good looks and good health, take Feitozone, all dealers in 50e. boxes. • Shoe Polish A Wise dealer will always show his honest desire to serve you by giving what you ask for. -,_ Black and all colon, at all dealv., IOc. and 25e tint. 181 glewood, Ile, and Capt. Duncan Buie, of Buffalo ; also ones sister, l Mrs. Curtis, of Blyth Mrs. -Gracey , tv05'at member. of St. Andrew's church and the faneral service tt as conclucted by Rev, D. Perrie, her pastor. Inter- ment took place on Friday, Dr. P. Macdonald, 0. P. Smith, J. Mc - Murchie, of Blyth, and Chas. Naylor, of Essex, being the bearers. Mr. and Mrs. Naylor, of Essex ; Mr. Weir, of St, Marys ; Capt. Buie, of Buffalo, and 14rs. Curtis, of Blyth, were present to sympathise with the be- reaved family. Blyth Joe Bell left for another year at the medical school. Representatives of Blyth Bowlers were at Wingham tournament Last week. On Sunday evening, Sept. 20th, 'Rev. W. Ijenclerson , will preach a Harvest Thanksgiving sermon in Trinity church. Mrs. H. McQuarrie left a peach at the Editor's home, which was a peach. It teas pulled from the tree in her garden and measures 9x8 inches. Editor Kerr, of the Standard, took part in the Jubilee program of Brus- sels Methodist Sunday School singing two solos on Sabbath and another on Monday evening. Miss Rebecca Jackson has recently returned from the West anti is visit- ing at the home of her brother, 'Win. Jackson, for a few days before re - teeming to her duties at Mimic°. Miss Lena Livingston, who has been in Toronto for the past few weeks taking lessons in Ohina paint- ing, will have her painting on exhi- bition at her home for those desuiug to see them and take lessons. THE FAIR. -The annual Fall Fair will be hold here on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 20th and 30th. There is a good prize list 1'eacly. in the way of attractions there are four speeding events. A 2.40 trot or pace fur a parse of $75.00 ; a 2.25 race with a $100.00 purse ; a flee -foe -all few $100.00 mid a green race for $30 in prizes. Clinton brass band will be in attendance. The Fair Directors will not manage a Concert this year. The officers are Robert Ferris, Hon. President ; T. W. Sloan, President ; Geo.:Taylor, lst Vice, ; Jas. Cumming, - 20d Vice ; Wm. Jacksou. Secretary- Tx'eastwer, Directors are A. 33, Carr, J, B. Tierney, Jas. Denhohn, duo. Harr, W. Pollock, D. Laidlaw, R. B. Gowan tend A. Elliott. After a painful illness of many months Mrs. S. Gracey departed this life on Wednesday evening, August 20th. Cancer was the trouble, and though she underwent an operation a few months ago the disease hacl got Y her Lo • o firm a hold uponsystem steto be eradicated. She suffered tench but bore her illness patientl although at times she grew weary 02 the pain and r ed thewish that she expressed might soon be released. Mlrs. Gracey was born in Detroit about 61 years ago, her maiden name being Catharine Huie, She was married to her now bereft husband about 2S years ago in the village of Blyth, and for 22 years was a highly esteemed citizen of horn: She a woman of la wa s a ggneighbor and tine cltaracl'.er, a kind trues friend. 'rlaree dauhters re- main who have lost a kind and affec- tionate mother. There are also two brothers, Capt. Daniel Buie, of En- Sornething Can e Done To Stop the Increase of Catarrh In Brussels. Catalrrbal troubles are increasing, not only in Brussels but all owe the country. Catarrh is a germ disease and to cure it, germ life in the nose, throat and lungs Must be destroyed, and this can be clone only by breathing Hyomei. There is no dangerous stomach drug- ging when Hyonei is used ; uo tablet or liquid mixtures whereby the diges- Cion Is often destroyed. The People's Column Breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comes with every outfie, ar,ANTED. A person with sane money be Its healing balsams penetrate the VAI join in au extremely p 10115alilo business, most remote air cells, destroying the in which large profits tai be made without cata rrhalso erms that quick recov- risk. References given. Investigate. g ery follows. L Box 54, Brussels, Ont, The complete outfit costs but $1.00, COMFORTABLE COTTAGE, stable and 14 and. Jas. 1F ox agrees to refund the acre of laid for sale, 'Turnberry street, honey should Hymnei fail to do all North, IIrtteeels. Good well, fruit trees, 0e. that is chtishouled for it. Possession could to tb���e given at ease. For further premises. Articulars LEOX.t loLAUO73LIN pply7 tf on the Roya] ID YOU EVER FIGURE THE COST of a single day's baking -the material, fuel, time and labour -and consider that it is all wasted if the baking is a failure ? " Results are usually satisfactory or otherwise according to the flour you use. Is it economy, then, to use a flour of uncertain quality when a few cents more will buy No ri Grin You know from daily expe- rience, at home orin the barber shop, that the question is - •I Why doesn't• a razor hold its edge unif rmiy from heel to head without honing and grinding?" Whether it is a safety,with the certain tax of new tlades, or the ordinary open -bladed razor docs not alter the question. You want the comfort and satisfaction of a clean, smooth shave every morning with the confident knowledge that your razor will be ready for instant ese the next time needed. The Carbo Magnetic razor le the only razor uneendIllea, any guaranteed to do this. Thirty years of sfudy on the razor situation has perfected a. new secret • process of ELECTRIQ TEMPERING that positively merges every par- ticle of carbon (the life of steel) into the metal --giving a dia- mond -like hardness.uniformly throughout the blade -some- thing absolutely impossible with fire tempered steel -used in making all other razors. But test this razor in your own home -or if you prefer, have your barber use it on you, Give us your name- or call and see the "Carbo Magnetic" razor, and we will, Mate our proposition for test; Ing these razors ,without obligation on your part 50 purchase, together with our free booklet," Hints on Shav- ing." This book illustrates the correct razor position for paving every part of the face. STRAYED from the premises of the under- signed, Let 28, Con. 15, Grey, on or about August lst, 0 good Leicester ewes and 6 iambs. The lambs have long tails. Any information I leading to their recovery will be thankfully received, LUSS 0. SPEIRAN, g' 10-4 Monorieff P. 0. VOR SALE OR TO RENT. -The undersigned 11- offers his well located property in Brussels for sale or to rent. There are 64 acres of land with comfortable house, with ;eller, stable, orchard, well, &e. Possession on Aug. .15th. For price, terms, and other information apply to JAS. DUNFORD 011nton or THE POST t d n or lh ru eels. 01108.DI}NFORD La 1 o N Dakota. g Local Agents, Wilton & Gillespie Allani I Lose TURBINE STEAMERS -0 - L r LIVERPOOL NTf?EA r o Virgginten sails Sept, 25 Tunisian Rails Oct. 2 Victorian ends Oct, 8 Corsioar sails , „Oct, 18 MONTREAL. TO GL.AS Hesperinn soils Sept. 20 Ionian sails Oet. 8 Grampian anile Oot, 10 Protorinn sails 001. 17 cot. 22 Oot. 00 Nov. 6 Nov.10 GOW Oat. 24 Oat. 81 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 MONTREAL TO hMIRE 4 LONESON Sept. 28 - Oat. 10 Nov, 10 Iistsandfultintomuatfon apply W, H. iCERIe, Agent ,Allan bine, 13raesele. Parisian nails Sieilinu to 0r nnilhrgn, s 1 - FhHr a flour that you can depend upon to produce light, crisp and wholesome bread or pastry ? Royal Household flour does not vary in quality -does not disappoint. It is made from selected hard wheat, milled by a most modern process which guarantees absolilte purity. And purity in flour, is a matter of the very greatest importance. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Li .;lied Montreal. 44 ACRES OF 0110I00 LAND for side 011 adjoining Walton vilD•lThere i boundary, f j g windmill, , 00. is t frame 11015 orchard, seed- ed well, windmill, &al on the premleep pe it all. so or he down and 1e a desirable ng prop arty. Poor health the reason for selling. For farther par- ticulars as to pprice, terms 00„ apply of the premises to DUNCAN. MobUAIG. 524E FARM FOR SALE. -That very valuable farm belonging to the itnderaigned, situated 8 miles from Auburn station and 0 miles from Blyth, containing 200 nares, School at corner of lot, 20 acres of hardwood bush, 2 neves of orchard, first-class buildings, well fenced. well watered, in a high state of cultivation and ex- cellent soil.; one of the best farms in the oonn- try. Terms easy. Apply to THOS. BROWN, 61.8 Blyth P. 0. Notice Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by ma Honor the:Ridge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Council Boom, Brussels, on the Twenty-fourth day of Sept., 1008, at ter of the °look in the forenoon, to hear and determine complaints of errors and ondseions in the Voters' List of the Village -01 Brussels for 1008. Dated at Brussels this 8th day of Sept. 11108, 10.2 P. S. SCOTT, Clerk of Brussels. Notice ! NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario 'Voters' List Act, by His Honor the .judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, on Friday, the 25th day of September A. D. 1008 at. the hour of 10 o'clock a. 111,1dtrite Township Hall, Ethel to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voter e' List of the Municipality of Grey for 11X18, A11 persons having business at the Court are required to attend et the said time and Ulnae. . Dated this 20111 day 7011Ng001NT09H 8 Clerk of Grey. 41 Situati with leading business houses t GREGG SHORTHAND await our graduates. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and fall modern aflise methods which .olteure rapid advance - meet. HAiID taught ht the only teacher 1n b Ontario, who attended the Auth- or's Sott0ol, curses-stenorn L don - 4 Throe C,lereinl, fl'elegr ph9, Y' ° r. Enter any day. Write for particulars, 1. Fall term Sep opens t. let p P NINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE Geo, Spatton, Principal. t91 ate" � �`' � . �t�%� This School bases its claim ti ti forSupport upon Merit alone pp p ELLIOTT !1/ tar/Wadi LEADING FALL FAIRS �q e. rE-era-a+ ateettiQ't Seaforth `,...,Sept, 17-18{p Attend 'the •est ! .L,( Exeter Sept. 21-22 ' Listowel......... Sept 22-23 Goderich Sept. 22-24 Milverton Sept. 22-23 Zurich ...:Sept, 23-24 St. Mary's Sept. 23-24 Palmerston Sept. 23-24 Wingham Sept. 24-25 Moorefield .Sept. 24 -es Atwood Sept. 29-30 Ripley...-. ..................... Sept. 09--30 Blyth........... Sept. 29-3o Brussels..... Ort. 1-2 Kirkton.... ...... Oct. 1-2 Fordwich ..:...................Oct, 3 Tiverton , Oct. 6 Teeswater Oct'. 6-7 Dungannon Oct. 7-8 Underwood Oct. 13 Bodmin Lime WORKS - is head -quarters for Fresh, Pure, No. 1 Lime. highest recommends given as to the quality of it, having proven itself No: 1 on Government buildings. 25e per Bushel, Delivered Write or 'Telephone to A. NICHOLSON II SONS, Belgrave Get Your Photo. Taken at Brewer's 1 am sure if you want a Photo. tee can give you Sstiefaction and our prices are right. Visitors to the totvu are invited to call and look over our work. Views taken on short notice (11 ) exult charge for going to your home.) Copying and Enlarging. We have a large collection of Post Cards of Brussels, Ethel, Walton, At- wood, Cranbrook and llluevale for silo, 6 for zee, Also have a dice assortment of Frames and Mouldings. Give us a call. • H. R. BREWER TORONTO; ONT. grade con rens superior '•p Has high , p i• tl fteaching i along to and ttna ode of sod teaching talent. Hundreds o loge dentscoout nnnuoli from this College , shi- ll y g tog p110 1ettire 1I Let 115 educate on g y r r fttalll° an plc Mint. Wo will fo oI p t Y Q��p , S4 tla it right Catalogue free. Fluter g 6 any trine, ii( Y0 W. J. Cor. Yon e tt Alexander bts. ELLIOTT, ��qq g i Toronto, hV Ji CENTRAL STRATFORD. IT is recognised as the Largest, Best 17 .l and Most Successful prnoWuel if training school in Western Ontario. Three departments - Commercial, Shorthand Telegraphic Our graduates secure good positions I and forge to the front. Write for our .0 free catalogue, you will fled it interestleit - yy 1115. You may enter et any time. ]• Elliott & McLachlan, Principals. C•F SIIMMEB 5 c11001. June, lulu and August leads into our Fall Term without any break. Enter any time. New Catalogue free. Write for it to -day. CENTRAL EVSINECC =RE The Largest, most Reliable of its kind. W. H. SHAW Principal Yonge & Gerrard ate„ Toronto 111 IMPORTANT NOTICES l VARM FOR SALE, BEING Lot 10, Coe. 18, Grey, contenting 100 1 U5. Apply to WM. W001)8, Or nbr oli FUSE AND } ACRE OF H land for sale. Comfortable 11we11- Ing ; hard and soft water under°over; up. pie, plum tad cherry trees, &m. Possession owl be given at oue°. Vo( price, terms, &o, esti at 01.1E POST. INGER SEWING MACHINES ARE THE BEST I Machines may be seen at 141oKAY & SHAW'S Hardware Stole, Brussels. Easy payment system may be arranged for. - I also handle the NordYleiln- er Piano. - S. CARTER, AGENT SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by corning to the Brusselsa S It Works canet an kind of g Y Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels,