The Brussels Post, 1908-9-3, Page 1VOL. 37 NO, 9
New Advertisements
cont 1Oat•^Trneees I'.
Flair brushes -Jas.
Property for sule-T, Koiior,
Aitr les wanted -,Tao. OunnInghmn,
This Soltool-i1)l11ott Business College,
Attehd the herb—Oontral Business (allege.
Dr. J. H. Rivers, wife and little son
have been visiting at the Parsonage,,
Belgrave, with the Dees brother, Rev.
G, W. Rivers, TTie Dr. has been
practicing in Raymond, Alberta, for
6 years and is at present Mayor of
the town. Upon request of bis
brother hoe preached xn Belgiave
Methodist church on Burnley evening,
The sermon was excellent and will
not soon be forgotten by the congre-
Goderioh defeated Wingham in an
exciting ten innings game here on
Monday in the Lakeside Baseball
League. The score at the encs of the
seventh innings was 4 to .I in Wing-
ham's favor, and at the end of the
game 5 to 4 in Goclerich's favor. Bat -
tortes ; Winghatn, Dunlop and Bar-
bett; Goclerich, Wiggins and Dean.
Two of the leading hotelmen, of
town, were fined Monday in thepolice
courtfor in taction of the Liquor uor Act.
P q
In one case the fine was $50 being a
' first offence, and in the other ease the
fine was double that amount, the ac-
cusedaclmitting a previous conviction.
In each case costs were added. The
convictions name as the result of the
visit to town a month ago of a couple
of detectives from Torontee.
Miss Janet Black is the guest of
relatives in Walkerton.
Miss Sperling, of Wingham, is the
guest of Miss E. Bazlewood.
Solo. R. Gibson has returned from
an extended trip to the West.
Mrs. Elliott and son, of Wingham,
visited friends here last week.
L. Andrews, of Braudon, l.lIan., was
a visitor in the village last week.
Harry Jex has returned from Mus-
koka after an absence of several
Miss Cassie Harris returned to Tor-
onto on Sattrclay after three weeks'
Geo. Ferguson and Miss Ferguson,
of Walton, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Geo. Harris. •
Miss Lulu Rutherford returnedfrom
Brussels on Monday where she bac.
spent several eays.
Mrs. C. Siinlison and little son leave
for Hensall thus week where they .will
visit for sone time.
School re -opened on Tuesday under
the management of Principal Van
V elsor and Miss Sheriff.
Thos. Lovell and John McEwen 10E1
this week foe a six weeks' trip to
Prince Albert and vicinity.
The bridge has been much improved
in appearance by a fresh coat Of paint,
the Work being clone by Wm. Jex.
We regret to learn of the serious
illness et Mr's. S. Playford sr., bub
hope to hear of her speedy recovery. ,
Herman Morrison is the relieving
agent in the absence of our station
master, Geo. Allan, who is enjoying
two weeks' vacation in Teeswater and
For Sale
As I am leavingEthel I offer
for sale a good Driving Mare four
years old ; ono set of Harness and
a eiugVy ; also a quantity of flay.
All will be sold eheap as they
must be disposed of within two
I the' G. T. R. Station.
Mies Jean Davidson left on Satur-
day for a two weeks' holiday with
friends in Toronto and Hamilton.
kiarry Brawn has severed his eon -
lection with A. Munn & Co. by rebore
he has been employed as head clerk
for the last two years.
Arrangements are being made by
the officers of the Presbyterian thumb,
here to hold the fiftieth anniversary
of their church some time ie October,
Miss Kate Hazlewood, who has been
so successful in her recent examina-
tion, has gone to Toronto to complete
Me musical training in the Conserva-
tory of Music.
Listowel '
SAD DRAT/I.—Monday horning
when the men returned to work at
the woolen mills they found Arthur
Brook, son of the proprietor, aged
about 24 years; lying on the floor very
i11. It was learned later that he had
taken sulphuric toted in mistake for
medicine, from the effects of which he
(lied about three hours and a halt
after: being discovered.
Keep the Minstrel Entertaininent of
Sept. 151:h in saints. It will be a good
Miss Fern Eckmier is attending
school at Brussels. We hope her past
successes will continue to follow her.
James Knapton and daughter, Miss
Annie, ofParkHill, who were welcome
visitors at the home of Wm.. Moses,
have returned to their home.
Last Sunday evening Mr. Carr of
Wroxeter, tookthe service in Victoria
Hall. Rev. Me. West, of 'Bluevale,
preaches next Sabbath evening.
Alex. P. McDonald, a former well
known Jamestownits, is now engaged
as teacher at Watson,_ Sask. He
should fill the bill and we wish him
On Tuesday evening, Sept. 15th,
a Minstrel Show will be given in
Victoria Hall by the young people of
the co nmumity, An A 1 program will
be presented. Instrumental music
will be in charge of the Jackson
Orchestra, of Brussels. The chair will
be occupied by J. H. Cameron, of the
same town. You should not miss
hearing the "Uncle Eben" Quartette.
Rev. D. B. McRae is holidaying in
Miss M. Switzer visited in Fordwich
last week. '
Robb. and Miss Myrtle McDonald
are holidaying in the Queen City.
Airs, W. Smallclon, of St. Thomas, is
visiting at, the home.ofGeo. Smallclon.
Henry Siomon spent a few days in
the village visiting friends and vela -
Miss L. Tyerman is visiting with
friends in Mount Forest, Holestein and
Next Sabbath ;afternoon Eli Smith
will conduct the service in the Metho-
dist church.
Miss McRae has returned after a
three weeks' visit with Clinton and
Teoswatc'r friends.
V. Foerster was culled away on
Tuesday to attend the funeral of bis
ne bew in Lansing, Mich.
Alfred Raymann returned to Lon -
den on Monday aocompauied by his
two sons Earl and George.
John Knight arrivedhons Saturday
after a two months' visit, with friends
in St. Mary's, London and •other.
Miss Jessie Elliott, of Brussels, and
Miss Bessie Moses, of Jamestown;
were visiting Miss Jennie Armstrong,
teacher, here last week.
PIo-Nzo.—A number of the relatives
and intimate friends of James Knight
sr;, who resides on lot. 18, con. 10,
Grey, assembled in the bush at the
rear' of his faun on the banks of the
river Maitland to celebrate the event
of his having turned his 93rd birthday..
Various forms of amusement were
provided 'for the younger people of
the company such as swinge, croquet
and a fine raft for sailing on the river
which was greatly enjoyed by the
young sailors. The elderly members
enjoyed themselves insocial chat, dis-
cussing pioneer days and events, some
of which were quite amusing and
ethers justas romantic. .About 5 p.
Brussels Evaporator
On and after Friday, $ieptetnbee 11tli
200. PER ' BAG
will be paid for all good paribg Apples de-
livered at the Factory. NO Small or Soft
Melee yv, anted and if brought Will belie to
be Mulled out or taken 411MMile as there's no
market for theta,
in, the camp was started and the erne
fee prepared while the ladies spread
the table linen an the green banks
and the edibles loaded on the saino
anis all sat down oriental fashion and
did justice to the good things and also
to themselves, As the shades of even -
Mee began 10 fall the crowd dispersed
wishing Mr. Knight many happy de-
clining days and declaring flus was
the pia -nit of their lives. The
grounds were ideal for such occasions
and bhe company hoped to meet
again on similar occasionson the same
Dax)or, —Dr, 1'elld will visit Walton ou
Monday, Sept. 1401i, -and every two. weeks after
that date. Flo may be consulted in firs. Me.
Kim's hotel.
Rev. Me. Lang -Ford will resume his
duties in St. George's church next
Ino. O. McGavin, of 'Winnipeg,
made a flying visit stere during the
past week.
Rev. Mr. Tyler's subject in the
Methodist church next Sabbath inorn-
ites will be "The Htnclwx'iting on the
Among those who have gone to
Toronto this week are efi's. Dr.
Menzies, George Ferguson and Robt.
Misses Jackson, daughters of John
Jackson„Morris, and Miss Driscoll left
on Tuesday for the West. The latter
goes to Morden, Man., and the other
young ladies to Moose Stow.
We regret 10 /tear of the decease of
Olive, the 11 year old daughter of A.
M. Snaith, a one time resident of this
locality, whose home is nate at Sas-
katoon, Fever was the cause.
The Conservative candidate in
South Huron, John Seexrit. ex -M, P
is a brother of Mrs,"` Wm. Neal, of
Walton, and know u to a number in
this locality. He resides in Stephen
The Garden Party, under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid Thursday
evening of last week, proved quite a
success. An interesting program was
presented and the financial proceeds
were $45.00 or .$50.00.
Friday, Hila inst., is the date of L.
N. WilIiamson's auction sale of farm
stock, implements, &o. Sale will be
without reserve as Mr. Williamson
intends removing to Seaforth to en-
gage in the livery business.
A story is told that a gentleman
from fixe South was visiting here on a
recent Sabbath. He asked the hotel
authorities to have his horse bitched
up and tied outside when they locked
the stable for the night. Early risers
saw the grey steed still tied up Mon -
da morning.
Fore BALL.—A close and interest-
ing game of foot ball was played here
between Brussels Junior's and our
team, resulting in a win for the visit-
ors by 1 to 0. The line-up was as fol-
lows :—
WAxerOLi Sinyssicx$'
J Gardiner
God 5' Gerry
Cumptxell .. Bnoks O.Soobt
11 Farquharson.. - }l...(1 Arnretrong.
JMcDonald ) FHunter
Coates Txaolra j W scoff
MBlair ........ ..... RPlurigh
M Dodds ..N Ionderaon
.T Oar•ti�r ..•Ii Lotvey
F McKim ,Forwards ...A McMillan
1 1 t ith Sino(r
r •'� ., M Millan Ninlfl ire r ..
Referee -H• Chritz, goderic e
There is good material in each team
to put thein in line for championship
honors later.
Dasw,u,. Dr,Feild, dentist, will visit N]titel
en Monday. Sept. 7th, and every two weeks
niter that date.
A ntunber from here are attending
Toronto Fair.
Jno. McDonald, merchant, is away
to Termite on a business trip.
Mrs. S. S. Cole has gone to Sault
Ste, Marie to visit her father who has
been ill.
Mrs. A. Stevenson and son of St.
Thomas, aro visiting with relatives
and friends,
A good time is being looked for-
orward to for Labor Day at the local
pie-nic here.
The.Qnarterly Board chose Robt.
Pearson as lar represehtative to the
Wingham Distract meeting.
Thos. Luaa5, of Ilenfryu, who has
been ill of typhoid fever, is getting
better we are pleased to hear.
Rev. Jno. Henderson arrived home
last Saturday from his holiday in the
Northland and took his regular work
last Sunday.
Township Clerk 'McIntosh :has not
rg oYhis been enjoying it good ood health
' t
of late but we hope he will soon be as
well as ever.
ADDRESS AND PR5s]fferea .ON.—The
members of 0. E. Society wont to A.
them a surprise
G. Welsh's and glove 1
pity bfEmmeline
a• a ore. Miss went
West to be married. They presented
her with pearl handled knives ants
:forks acoppipapied by the following'
gttcjlessl the' eysniug b¢ing spent fu
155510 i4ndgalnos
Den leanerD—We, the
of Ethel Young People'sSootetY
learn will regret of yeer intention to
leve our vicinity for a ne, couxltx
a v y w v
new home and new friends We tvtsli
to express our appreciation of the
faithful and hearty service rendered.
by you in, the past years. You have
been a valued and p�ainstaking worker
mu in oSunclay School and in our
Young People's Society. 'rout* kind
ly manlier and cheerful ctispnsitiou
have antlered you to the hearts of all..
You will be missed by us but we trust
that you will fill a large place in the
congregation with which Tem may be
c ] 'e tie 'i t re e
„ons cup t1 1R elle T,a use• � xteu<1
o you on l least wishes for yonr bap,
pieces and pray that God may hast
His ll.ght around you and that His
kind Providence map surround yon in
your new home, We ask you t i cc,
sept this Oabinet of English Silver
wave as a token of our regardsfor you,
trusting that it may serve as a re-
minder of our pleasant relationship
here, May we all meet, around the
throne above to hovels forever with
Hero Jigned'in behalf of Ethel y,
R, S. C. L. The recipient made a
brief but most apeman fete reply.
Itis said one of our villager's came
nearly experieueing a ,'Bold up" on a
recent night while driving Thorne to
Ethel by some unknown party oa the
Oth con, The fellow attempted to
catch the horse's bridle,
Several of the Ethel pupils are at-
tending the High School department,
of Brussels school. We wish thein
success in their studies and expect
they will give a good account of them-
The 50 acre farm belonging to Miss
Bateman has been purchased by Thos.
Bowes, whose 100 acres adjoins it,
$2,000 is said to be the price. This.
givee Mr. Bowes a very nice properby.
Miss Bateman has gone to the United
Arrangements are being made for
the auniversuu'y services in the Metho-
dist church here for Sabbath, Sept.
131h, Public service eWill be held at
10.30 a. in. and 7 p. m. Rev, Mr, Sal-
ton, of Trowbridge, preaching in the
morning and Rev. 1:. F. Armstrong,
13. D., in the evening.
Township Council on Monday, 14th
Quite an area of Fall wheat is being
put in by Morris farmers.
David' Agar and Wen. McMichael
areaway to Rostock working with
Andrew Hislop, stir. ``fillets went
The steel supersh'uetnre, known as
the Sonnneaville bridge, 5th line, over
the Maitland is being placed in posi-
tion this week.
Mrs. James Douglas has gone to.
Toronto to attend the Exhibition and
while in the Queen city will act as
bridesmaid for her friend, Miss P.
The five year old son of Chas. G.
Oampbell, of the first line of Morris,
fell out of an apple tree and broke one
of his area. The litte fellow will
a few weeks of not pleasant holi-
Invitations are out for the marriage
of Miss Susie E. clanghtee of Mrs.
John Manning, 5th line, to Herbert
C teningham, of Palmerston. The
date set is Wednesday, Sept. Stix, at
12 o'clock noon.
Writing from Govan, Sask., on
Ali,, 22nd, Sydney Bolger, formerly
of al . rris township says :—"We are
having a fine harvest here. Wheat is
about ball cut and is a good crop in
tine district.
W. R. and Mrs. Cloakey, of Toron-
to, have been spending their vacation
with relatives and friends in Morris
township. Mr. Cloakey is a son of
W. It Cloakey, formerly of the 6tb
line, Morris. The former had the
misfortune to run the tine of a fork
into the side of one of his feet while
visiting at the home of David Mc-
Outcheon. We hope he will soon be
o. k.
Apple and poultry buyers are abroad
in the. land.
Meat meeting of Grey Council will
be held on Monday, 28111 inst.
Miss May Glazier, of Clinton, was
visiting Miss Mary Cole, 7th bus, for
a few weeks last month.
Mrs. Wm. Armstrong and Miss
Florence are spending a few days with
relatives in the Queen city.
There are some 80 appeals to be
heard at the Voters' List Court on
Sept. 25th for Grey township.
Miss Annie Brewer left on Tuesday
morning for a few months' visit with
friends en Towner, North Dakota.
Misses Mary and Belle McDonald,
9th con., have returned from a very:
enjoyable visit of 6 weeks at Goderioh,
Miss Mand Lamont, daughter of
Mrs. Malcolm Lamont, loft for Win-
nipeg on Tuesday wbere she will make
an extended stay. We wish herr a
pleasant time,
Monday of this week Oliver Turn-
bull, 15th con., took an exhibit of
choice Leicester slieop to the Toronto
Exhibition where we hope hewill
meet with his usual success in prize
'We are pleased to hear that Mrs. D.
Marsh, who was iojured iu the recent
runaway accident as making as favor-
able progress as could be expected and
her numerous friends wish her a
speedy recovery.
HYe�L.— hursdaY evening,
August 27111 t '7.45 o'clock,R. T.
Sharpe, of Orystal City, Man., was
united in marriage to Miss Emmeline
Welsh eldest g
daughter of A. G. and
Mrs. Welsh,0th con. Greyy,
the aero-
nony bein
performed at Grace
church, Winnipeg,by Rev. 3, W.
Sperling, D. D. :l'ley will make their
home in Orystel Oity, Man, Many
good wishes accompany thein,
There was an error last week In xis -
porting the Grey Council meeting in
that a motion of Sas ate-
Fadzean and John dot that corrugat-
ed steel pipe culverts be placed on the
Fulton Dram, Cons. 15 and 10 and on
side road 13, carried. An amendment
of John Brown and John Giant flint a
wooden culvert be placed ou the above
drain, carried, and ;without delay
ConnoillorMeFadzean has let the con-
tract of the wooden enlverts'to Thos,
Alcock and' the worst le under
R. ants Mrs. Peterson were visitors.
With 1lr. appl Mot 13s1 eo;p,. of
lock; during the past week, Mr, Peer
son is me old resident of Gtey baying
Spent 68 years in the township anti
has never been ill a day excepting a
spell with the measles when 19 years
of age, This is a record nob often
tluplicetect, Tho doctors would loot
be overwox'kedef Mr. Pearsoe's sturdy
type )rovailed, His father was one of
the pioneers, moving from Godericlx.
Alex. eluJlonicld, ibli con„ is taking
in the Toronto Fair,
eIrs, Marsden Smith le enjoying a
visit with bee daoghters in Toronto.
Anniversary sermons will be preach-
ed in ,Roes and Union churches on
Sabbath, September 131h, A1• the
former church the annual entertain-
ment will he held the following Moo-
onday evening at which a choice pro
gruun will be rendered. Rev: L, F,
Arutshrong, B. D., a former pastor,
n 111 preach at Roe's in the ruorniu ,
Union in the afternoon and Ethel in
the evening, Rev. Mr. Salton, of
Trowbridge, will conduct services at.
Ethel in the morning, Roe's in the
afternoon and Union In the evening
of the same day.
John E. Anderson, formerly school
inspector' at Brockville, who was
found guilty of bigamy and sentenced
last May to seven years in the peni-
tentiary, Kingston, died in the prison
hospital Wednesday afternoon. He
was about fifty-two years of age.
Anderson married Miss Jamieson,
daughter of leev. Mr. Jamieson, of
Renfrew, in Aril last, while he had
wife and family
y living in Toronto.
After a month of married life in
Brockville his crime was discovered.
Anderson's remains were shipped to
Wingham, Ont., a4 the request of
relatives. He died from cancer of the
throat. He had an operation some
years ago for what he thought was a
tumor. Anderson had nothing to say
on 'xis deathbed regarding his action
in mining the life of the Renfrew
clergyman's young slaughter, and
made no request of any kind.
:fem. H. GOVmet Dee -mea ID.—A
vary sudden death occurred here on
Friday last when a life long resident
of this township passed away from
the effects of heart trouble. We refer
to John H. Govier who was born
here over 56 year's ago and Ms been
a continuous resident of Hullett ever
since. On Friday morning be went
out toplow and continued bis work
until about the middle of the fore-
noon when he was suddenly taken ill,
and passed away about 6.80 the same
evening. The deceased leaves a wife
and six children to mourn bis loss, and
they have the sympathy of the com-
munity in their sad bereavement.
The funeral to Ball's cemetery on
Monday was under the auspices of the
Canadian Order of Foresters and the
sex'viee at the house and grave were
conilneted'by Rev. J. L. Small, B. A„
of Blyth.
Blyth th took the final game of base
ball from Lucknow by a score of 11-0.
The baseball boys go to Goderieb on
Labor Day.
O. H. Besse shipped two ears of
flour to Montreal.
Voters' List Court will be held on
Monday, 21st inst., at 10 a, m,
Mrs. R. R. Douglas left for Regina
owing to the fact that her son, Peter
Douglas, was i11.
The )fvisiOn Oourt calendar calls
for a sitting of the Court in Blyth on
Friday, Sept. 25th at 9 a, in.
Ecl. Wilford, M. B. left last week
for the Old Land, where he will take
a course in the hospitals of Edinburgh
Alex. Eller and Frank Metcalf giver¢
away at London as delegates from
Ivy Leaf No. 565, to attend the 'High
Court I. F
Percy i4IO.¢Ih.vain, son of R. Mcllwain,
of Nile, and a former resident here,
died in Goderich hospital on Monday
morning from typhoid fever,
John Bruxisdon & Son had the pro-
perty they recently purchased in town
brightened up by the pafuters' brush
tinct the carpeuters were at work re-
pairing the building.
3, R. Ohellewpresented the Bowling
club with an arm chair asone of the
prizes to be eollxpeteclfor inthe Scotch
doubles which are now under way,
S. H. Gidley has also donated a fancy
vest to go as acoinpaulon totheabove.
Trinity church will holdtheir annual
Harvest. Thanksgiving services on Sun-
day,:Sept, 20th. The Roder will con-
duce the service in the morning and
Rev. W. Henderson, of Wiax'ton, who
was rector of the church when it was
built 80 years ago, will take charge in
the evening.
The ministers of the village (net on
Monday forenoon at the Parsonage
and formed themselves into a minis-
terial Association. Rev. W. H. Hart-
ley was chosen Presielent and Rev, 3.
L. Small, Secretary. The Association
till meet al.
v a nattlae m la e o
5th at 2 p ln. Thsneighbox'ingele gy-
men will be invited and it is expected
that Rev, 32i'. Leckie will read a paper
on "Messianic 1
c .
of iuu r ksfrom oxo Clinton, played a
friendly game here Tuesdayand were
defeated by 18 shots. Three of bhe
oontests were close and exciting but
Harlands rink had hard luck and. were
down 16 shpts. .The following is the
55050 :—
Olfntou Blyth
W. Gral a
tm Ai1I.l McKellar
Gc ah
A L.tro
S met T Stalker
3, Wiseman
Ed, Alag4n
J Hoover, sk -20 A.W. Sloan, sic, .18
J. 3'. Mortise T Blaney
J. Ratteubury J. H. Ohellew
W. J'acksou le. A. Al3dtweon
D. Forrestete ek 18 S, 13.4 Godley, sk 17
D. McOorvio' ;}', Emigh
W, S. 1Iolll33ee Dr. Oheelesworth
Wit Pt 1lpeltliug- t', Colter le
Dr, Agnew, sk,;15 T. Scott, sit, .15
J, L. Canrtioc 1), B. McKinnon
Hamilton J. Hamilton
J, ,7olenston I. Powell
S.Ylarlaud, sk. ,8 Dr. Long,.slc....24
Total ,,,....,01 Taal ,,,..,,.14
illy lei 18s/rats tip.
Prof. Shone 02lfingston, end M, G.
Lamellae hove been appointed Come
missiotlersof the civil service, and the
new 1001 cane into face '1'ueadey,
TUB annual meeting of the (10» -
(Sal' Reform Association will be held
in the Temple Building, Toronto, on
Wednesday, Sept, Otb.
• *
IT is said that Hon. Nelson Monteith
will retain the portfolio of Minister of
Agriculture for Ontario and will have
a safe constituency opened for hint in
the near future.
Towner° Base Ball team appears
to be doing its best to get to the bot-
tom of the list in the Eastern League
championship. They would have at-
tained the cloubtfin honor had it not
been that, somo'of the other knights
of the diamond are such splendid
Trim Toronto Fair is on this week
with its annual program to attract
the people. While many will attend
it is just a chance if there is the
throng that often took in this web
known exhibition. Toronto does well
to boom it as the Fair is a great
money maker to the city and the rail-
r*• *
TULSDAr, Sept. 15th, is the date
set for the Liberal nominating Oon-
vention in the Sottth Riding of Huron.
There Is not Much doubt but M. Y.
McLean, the present well known M.
P., will be again the standard bearer.
He has a wide experience and is in'.
close touch with the best interests of
the riding. Mr. McLean was elected
at a bye election rendered necessary
by the demise of B. B. Gunn, of Sea -
forth. A vigorous fight will be waged
fn South Huron as the Conservative
candidate, John Shera itt, is to strong
ALMOST every day record the de-
struction occasioned by the "didn't
know -it -was -loaded” gun in the hands
of some haix'brainedindividual. Why
any person with a grain of common
sense should point firearms at anyone
is a conundrum whose solution should
be the infliction of a penalty that
would teach a lesson for a life time.
The practice of permitting loaded fire-
arms to lie round carelessly should be
a forgotten art, especially in these
days of enquiring young Canada.
Many a heart -break has been occasion-
ed by the unexpected discharge of a
weapon and the wonder is that the list
is not larger considering the green-
horn character of many of the hand-
lers of guns and revolvers, who are as
much to bet dreaded as the rock -the -
boat fools.
* * w
WOULD you like to see Brussels
Fair cut a wider swath in 1908 than it
has yet done? Of course you would.
Well aid in its accomplishment by in-
vesting $1.00 and becoming not only a
member but a hustling exhibitor.
There ere hundreds of people, many of
them farmers, in whose interests
these Fairs are largely run, who have
never had their names on thenember-
ship roll. A practical demonstration
on your part would mean much to the
Society and prove a real help to the•
Directorate who do their best to at-
tain their ideals, often badly bttucli-
eapped for lack of support. There's
contatgiou in a boom and we would
like to see it tried on East Huron 'Fall
F ail. not that it is not ui live institu-
tion but that there is so much room
for a broadening process, Will you
be one of the hustiere ?
AN effort is being made to complete
arrangements for a special train On W.
G, Sc B. and L. H. & B. to Olfnton on
Wednesday edned '
sday 23xd ins(., the date of the
visit of Sir Wilfrid Leerier, the well
known Premier of the Dominion, laud
Hon. Geo.P. P Graham,
iniste' o f
M x
t i l
1 a \eays and Canals, to Huron Co.
1f this is done there will no doubt be a
bumper ceowd to hoar the above men-
tioned gentlemen. The electors should
make au effort to go, not only to hear
these staltvart champions of Liberal-
ism but to listen to the foremost ex-
ponents of the Opposition also when
opportumLy presents itself. This is
not the day of dwarfed puny panties
but a better clay.when meta of robust,
inlepencien1, yet well defined views
think, speak and sot for themselves.
What's wanted is clean politicians, in-
tolligene 'electors and public issues
worthy of this glorious Canada. It is
too bad that some public men ap-
parently delight to wallow in slander
and scandal but they are not the typo
who draw the ,masses nor sow seed
productive of praiseworthy fictions.
A government need i,otexpeet tc hove
it's work pass by unchallenged but
there is to great gulf fixed between the
wining seendahnonger and the
etttttesmanwhose outlook is not sir-
IV. H. ll. ERR, Proprietor
euniscribed by his party s horizon but
whopatriotically bends Ms euer'gir• s
for the advancement of the public.
weal. The Dominion Government or
this day can, both in and out of the
Renee, show ca°tlse why they are
n, l Y
1 i ) the
worthy of the cordis Supp t f 1
For the month of August succession
duties received by the Provincial Gov-
ernment totalled $275,808, including
$142,981 from the Hendrie estate and
$105,242 from the Dyment estate.
For the first seven mouths of this
year au aggregate of succession dut-
ies totals 5050,000, as compared with
5738,000 for the same period: last year.
* * *
Ttuasns, more h
annouueed. tlxa re-openinningthg ofsctheool townbell
school for the Pall term. Principal
Oameronand Misses Iolcialnus, Smith,
Downing, Ross and Ritchie were
iu theirrespective positions and there
was a large attendance of pupils, 60
being present in the 51. Department.
This number will be augmented by
perhaps a score before 11 niter sets in
and a good term's work is looked, for-
ward to. These are golden years to
the boys and girls who should not
lxerm11them to slip by unimproved.
The record of Brussels school is unsur-
passable andwe hope theaebievemeuts
of the past will prove an incentive to
both teacher's and seilolars to emulate
what has been done. Vs'hlle we have
been most fortunate in our teaching
staff it, is not dot/acting horn the days
gone by to say that the present in-
structors will compare favorably witlt
any of their predecessors.
SLR JAMES WsixmNpr, Hon. Dr.
Pyne and Mrs. Fyne and Dr. A. It..
Pyne were guests of Earl Roberts at
lunch on Monday in London. Much
to his lordship's surprise, the Premier
presented him with a silver nugget,
set on a base of copperand nickel.
and enclosed in a birdseye maple
casket, which his sudden departure
prevented the veteran frorn receiving
while in Ontario. Bari Roberts ex-
pressed extreme pleasure at the gift
and his regret that he had not been
able to visit Ontaa'iofurther. The nug-
get, bore' the following inscription :
—"Presented by the Department of
Lands, Forests and Mines of Ontario on
the occasion of the visit of Field Mar-
shall Lord Roberts, I3.. G., to Tor-
onto, August, 1908.
81st Annual Convention 1, C. F,
ChathanSecures Session of 1909.
The 81st annual conveution of the.
High Court of Ontario, Independent
tenter of Foresters, is Love a matter or
history, the business being concluded
Wednesday "light of last week with
the instalation of officers elected due-
ing the afternoon.
The 450 delegates who were in at-
tendance during the entire session
pronounced the gathering as one ot:
mostsuccessful no the History ofthn
Outside of the regular business,
which consisted of the appointment oi..
the various couunittees and the elec-
tion of officers, the discussion at all
tines hinged on the rate, question.
Subsequent to the electiuu of ofticere
a motion was made expressing confi-
dence in the Supreme court and their
rulings at the last session in Toronto,
Officers elected are :—
High Ohief Ranger, Robert H. Fos-
ter, Haniltou.
High Chief Vice Ranger, Very Rev,
Deau Davis, London.
High Secretary, lbs Henderson, Sat-
High'Tr'easurer, 'Win. McAndrew-,
High Physician, Dr. AlcGrego::
Brown, Oamtachie,
'lige Counsellor, Sohn Porter, Sino
Auditors, Fra
ult 14T
Blytu, and J. W. Sheppard, Cayuga,
Appointed officers are :—
liigh Jonrhai Secretary, R. A. Hat,'
xingtou, Methane
High Orator, Rev. D. .
It Dayfootc,,
He S. H., Robt. Gilmour, Loudon.
ll. J. W. J. R. J..5txgbton, Parkhill.,
ti S. 13., Richard Uouw!n, .Biexxheirn,,
ll. J. ]3., Thos, King, Appin.
Hag Marshal, Ld. Jones, Wiarton:
High Assistant Marshal, Lentacr.
1 9
La x<,a ter St.
High (.Oudua r
g t< r George 13, Montan.
Monk Wu.
Daniel u
el Robinson.,Sarna
High Assistant Messenger, A. II'.f
Phipps, Go'xxnsby,
High Organist, Companion-0.*Loy
Mr. Metcalf was elected IIigh. Audi•'
for on the first ballot.
Delegates from tehathafn and. Strat •
ford Wer% busyduring the eonvontiotu
distributing paxnphiecs setting fortes
the advantage of their respectivc'1
cities as convention towns, bu
evidently the (leathern delegeto i
managed to create the most favor'abii•u
impression as the vote Wag in then
favor and the Wad annual session wile,
go there,
Swift & Co., of Gtricago, are said i ti
be interested la an extensive stock. ar .
and ebbatoir 01 Winelpog, y t: