The Brussels Post, 1908-7-16, Page 61 tI -1, 4,H +..1 .1.10.7,+ .'a 4 I MRS. FRANK STROEBE .. ._. :......... ilii. ilii... ..,+ �e. • Erikio rS+ FADSAND DF.1N.CIES , •T12e negligee or flowered mull is end- Mg. nd- 1ii meat laver w.14 Milady ju t. DOW. • FhOrli is it great vogue for burred nue- terials-iawus, hinnies, and natenins. The present sleeve i,5 close, but rent tight; it amide the arm willean bind- ing IL lanbto'dered Swiseee, €inen flowered er in phalli whsle, are much u.wd in the making of tea gimes arl l jackets. (i0a t eftr is rre still I,1 _d in the. prey - ince of the elegant nogiig. e, and em- broiderxi crepe shames with fringe are used in sone el the elaborate gtsvns. For t dress. of silk or )citing, the cnll- lat t lea and slew's may be of lace or entl i''deted net., and the inserted veal set It ane may be of !wavier lae0. The line e 11.1..1.2 pr :•s ri s many charm- ing pi ssibilitee for trimming, leer the overseen. almost :nvatia ly is llydered in one way cr mooting. Of ,ours:-, with the Parieeenum swill zn (':,ening is the sigrl•tl 1:r the intredue ieal of the bizarre (.n,i the extravagant role that so often Cli ra t rives her dress. Aepieepeiale garments to lesson the dc:, rose ne-l.ok of mourning n het wea- ther mairlies feurel in g ,ran variety. Re- cauilsa fre,ru these ranks are voile crepe rte elene, oreu o tine .'.e sole, nuns veil- ing, Ioligee null, and fawn. S tlh ars r site eel t r.yli fe .as 1 not d e r pr ('i f"r niLurning and tho flowers should :how na toueh of cola. The sailor is remitted, but the ornam.'nta- tlen of ail millinery is confined to tune, net, or •riblon, Embroidered filet net bandy; oemtinue to by c:mei:t^nr-•us. One of th3 newest is wide, five cr six inches, worked heav- ily in barbaric colors and styles-- "Monlenegrine the buyers eel) it. The bards conn in various wi•lths and their price is not exorbitant. To say that et skirt has a high waist - 1 ne describes it only partially, For in- stance, it may Le gored er circular, or gored circular, or again, g,. reed plaited. It. may be fitted in to the figure, or it may hang from its bet m true empire faLshion. Three are so many versions that elmrst any lyj,•e of wen,an can be T• he tunic fele is Prem four to six inch- es wide. is out en the bras, is (lien of rill P1 -r material, end nreeis in a [Dint tackteck end font. This is applied to the Salt meth ene rote of stitching, It gives the ,ir •mane.: of the end of the tunic fall] :'ver the skirt, therefore els name. TLe exc:dlence et one guimpe e:esign lies in the fact that there :s not an inch d .surr•lus fabric. about the waist lane. where it is cl•:sely fibted. It carr he fared with a round er square yoke, as- curdine ifs the to;' outline of the dress it is WAT1 11 1113. cr the plastron exie;nd- ang to the waist line is elfin:flee. A &lofty ulterneon gown is carried cut in ictus 13h:e shantung silk, wtven with the now bright surfaced silk, and far s.ftVr end mere supple in `•xiure than the silks that were wcrn last yeor, and l,i '; wn Sonnetime a5 tuesere and soms Lues as shantung This new lo- u• blue, too, is a lovely ,shade and one which is almost univc ally becoming. Fai,ll on'a w:,ie diverse me lh:s seas,n hev • their compensating t ashes. The tall end naturally short wa G'ed women in the high waister gown leecomes all skirl. She Ilnds relief in the Grecian tunic, Which h 1,rea ks thal on Inc:hom waist 0 here and relies s the unb,olcn expanse- of ak et that otherwise would b' Intl. sled( for her. Tire ins urreful woman wilt find an menta ill:<. field r trimming , nmany of the Gilles on se:e this euerisen. Such vara+ten as shantung ondnyant. and tee Ike cordo spcttered with 'urge or seal 11 mcda;l:on., which can be.teut out and apr,liqucd on gowns for trimmings. Anel silks printed in eight wide stripes pats till effectively bands of trimming for elan ru ferlu'.s. N.+ garment could b++ mere delightful than the real French morning warner Le those tali:, spend their mornings in their l slim +.ntts. This dies net mean that many French women do not misuse this pretty gown by postrontng their toilet mitt they are going cut, iiut tine should not fall tale this mistake, even when ons has learned the fascatal.ion of the "matinee," as this garment is called. No part of a w;,matis outfit is ee he- earning as a well chosen and daintily itrad•a tea gown, and, while it is only in tell 'e3 for the most infe,rmel wine, it IS as reressary es a reception gown. While the lines are !thee 101;1 graceful, the iigute is usually fit led, and the loose Dewing effect is given by the drapery and sleevess. The letter often. are of the sample fri11 style, and sometim'av are Draped in Grecian style fon, the tip of the shoulder, the soft fabric Ratingen peep 1 nt� P neat , Iw 1 to Y the foot of the s]( et, Tinted lacca seem to grow more and mere popular es time goes on, and they are sena perhaps to the gr:meal advant- ege when they are ernpteyed feu the fahk riing el blouses rxunpesed of cluny insertion land intended for wearing with slc e s f sillcoline e1' crepe de chine. 'They are bathe; largely used. tco, fn combination with sills eoutaohe 13 iieUng I; r Ike' retaking of those small sacque coals which ore so easily slipped on Over 131•: ase, of ant re chiffon, and which Yelp 10 make e pretty picture when coat, House, and skirt nre ail of the same shade, DITTO. Wiliam had jut learned how .(o use fifty d110 rack Ile thoroughly alrprect- ated its use as a time-saver and deter- mined to put it to 000junt. Therefore, hes next letter 'mane rend like this: "'Dear Fulhel'; "I hope you are weft,. " " mother is " " Sister ' " '° brother " " "I wish you Were hero. u mother was " II U •stater 11 11 ▪ a lyre Cher " " "Wlltittim." "Sri seethe 11ke a Very 1'eenr'eed nets. I naheiLPa 'Wham for?"' • A Remarkable Recovery, Mre. Frank SLreiebe, R. F. D. 1. Apple inn, \\'is•, writes; "1 b gen ming 1'e,una a f .w 111,1114; azo, when ray heath and sheng'h were all gone, end I was no- thing by a nervous wreck, coald not sleep, eat (a' rest preporly, and felt no leer' to live. P.•runa made ale look ut 1e; in u different light. as 1 begun to regan my 1-st str.nglh, 1 certainty think Peruna is without a rival as a tonic and strength huilder." WILSON'S FLY PADS Fvary packet wul kill I morn flies than 000 sheets of sticky paper I —BOLD BY— DI',UCOfSTS, CMOaERS AND GENERAL STORES ace. per packet, or 3 pe okete for Sha will last a wholo aeaeon. JAIL FOR TAKING LOAN. Bankrupt Loses honor and Bank by Buying Horses on Credit. English law is always very strict with regard to bankrupts, who, having failed to secure a discharge of their bankruptcy from the courts, secure credit for more than $ IUD. Tlets Everard William Wylde has just found to his cost. For he has been sen- tenced to three months' imprisonment for an offence. of this kind and will in all probability entail the forfeiture of his ^,rocs of the Order of St. Michael and St. George. which he received for his services as de•ie'gele of the British Government to the Int:•rnalional Slave Trade Congress at Brussels in 188e. \Vylcle is a man of 00 years of age, who has spent a number of years in the For- eign Office, from which he was obliged after 30 years of service to retire on ce- ment of financial difficulties. He has on several occasions been em- ployed as secretary of legation and bears a name honored in the annals of the Foreign Office, where his father and grandfather served with distinction be- fore him, and also at court, with which his people were likewise connected. But he seems to have completely lost his head. having while an undischarged bankrupt, not only purchased race hor- se; on credit. but even leaving them trained by the well known trainer, Charlesle, Waugh, without having a penny In pay either the latter or the vendors of the horses. MUTUALLY TRAPPED. These was a moment* silence after the introduction. Wu/manlike, each was menially "sizing the other up." Then one si.oke. "My hull:and frequently speaks t f you;" she said. "Indeed!" returned the other. "\ly hi:el.aud thinks you aro wonder- fully clever:' „Really? Why, thud's the way my husband talks about you. He told mo how you reehlped and recoereet that eel parasol, and so saved $3.75.' "Parasol.! Why, I never touched r. until my husband had harped all one day un your cleverness in upholstering and relining a perambulator at a saving of WO." "Nensens_I The thing that made me do that was llle way my husband talked about that parasol, Then he got me to The finest tea grown in the world is the standard of quality used in prepar- ing "Salado' Tea. Sold only in sealed ked packets. retrimming a lest year's hal because eon were working over an old dress.' "But I never started to do that until my hull:and had te1t1 me five tunes about your hat, 1 wasn't going to ad- mit that you could be any mere ems ncin:cil l than I." "Why, really, I heard of (hut dress lwenly-fuer hours before I touched the hal' Impassible) "I-- " llocn she stopped and her eyes began to flash, "1 believe ear husbands--' afro begnn again, "I believe they have," chimed in the other, bcccming excited also, "1 L'S a vvicited shin o" "An outrage. They've just tricked us, there all.' "It was a regular plot. And to think bow he mnde me work, 111 get a new gown to -day." "Ann 1 a hat.''' The two women went into n n lllinnr's nerd spent all the money 111>y could scrape together. And the two then got mighty little for dinner thaLnighl, and when they complained they were promptly convinced that they aught to have said nothing. Don't ask tor a stone and expect to get bread, Creditor ---"I any, old men, why don't yen get out Of debt?' Debtor.-"Ilnvera't time, lecers Me busy gutting inn FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FB011 11118 BANKS AND BRAES. What is Going On in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia The price of the 4 pound loaf in Aber - de' -n has been reduced from o 13 to 12 t'C1S, The lwe days' show of tl e. Agrleul- lural wais held on the '.;e ts'oun F'testere is starting a crusobe against harvesting iminuture herrings in the Firth of Forth. Wm. Wale's and Wm. Mackenzie, Ioehg:l'y, have been fined 65 elleh 100 fishing with .1'tlinun I'e0. TLe:e kale lien large (trowels at rho Ednlanr;.h Exhibition; the attendance Let en.: day needled 12 005. At N. w' on of 1)eershaw, near Banff, Mei pt agleam wire fatally .suffocated by the Minos nem tt sieve. - Tho death is al neun-ed of Major C. E. h1:11, at Bancholy, ,.vest 41. He took part in the relief of Ladysmith. The Archaeologists of U a goev liavc got 62.3411 with u view to saving David Dale's net mansion -house, but 815,000 is rev - red. 1 n•c illy Il o !sand men are affected by Ih • shipyard . e k :alt in Glasgow. About U.t.ote of LL.cc❑ belong 10 the Clyde dis- trict. • A meta. rent. was unveiled in. East - hales Com len., Galashiel.ls, over the grave (f Private John hiorrisem, an In- dian Mutiny V;Mran. The dead boly of Wm Meldrum, ghillie, was found In Glenniol'e Forest. He was drat through the head and a pis- tol lay at his side. The Invereek School Board of Edin- burgh Lave 1 srned that some shoal pr,m 105 wilh:n their district are swarm- ing with hundred of rats. Knmalco'.m can offer more attractions than most places of elle same sire, and that is the reason why ft is becoming more and mere popular. • James drew, grave digger, was found hang ng by the lint deed in ltilmadock Celle:Lary by Lady Mui", of Deollston, and a lady arnpanton. Thea O. en Chinches Aesoc1aLien inti- mate that orrengements have b:en made by which St. Andrews Church and Rmceny Church of Glasgow will.bo open daily. - The splendid new bridge which Perms pert of the extensive scheme by the Caledonian Railway Company at Egling- ton 'beet has now boon opened for traffic. SUMMER. COIl'IPLAINTS RILL LITTLE ONES At the nrst.signs of illness during the hot weather months give the little oneS Baby's Own Tablets, or in a few hours the child may be beyend cure. These 't'able'ts will prev'ent.summer cemplainls if given occaslonully to wolf children, and will promptly cure these troubles if they sere unexpectedly. Baby's Own Tablas should always. be kept in every home where there aro young children. There Is no other medicine so effective and the mother has the guarantee of a gevernment 011013st that the Tablets aro absolutely sale. Mrs. E. Lelurn, Caril- lon, Qua., says: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I know of for re- gulating lite stomach and bowels. I thunkother should he without this v i, i Sold c -old by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 eenle a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ,p Of the 15,074 empty houses in Gins. gow, 14.000 are houses of three rooms and kitchen and under. The tramways can only be held responsible to a small extent for this. Is there anything more annoying than having your cern stepped upon? .is tlrero anything more delightful Than getting rid of 11? Holloway's Corn Cure w 1I do it. Try it and Le convinced. WHAT BECOMES OF OLD BOOTS. What becomes of okl boots and shoes has hitherto been almost as puzzling a problem as where all the pins to go. 1 he solution, however, is given in a Crude journal. "Old boots and shoes of lea- ther," the Journal says, "are cut up into small pieces, and then ore put for two days into chloride of sulphur, the effect of which is to Inane the leather very herd and brittle. \Vhen this is fully effected the material is withdrawn from Ma action of Ilia chloride of sulphur, noshed with water, dried, and ground to powder, It is then mixed with some substance that will cause it to adhere to- gether, such as shellac or other resinous maferiai meven a good glue, and a thick solution of strong gum, It is after- mills flr- vut s pressed into moulds toform meths, buttons, and a variety of other useful articles, Prussiate of potash is also made out of old leather, It is heated with pearl-ash and oil iron hoops in a large ped, The nitrogen and earben form cyanogen, and then unite with the Iron and potassium. The soluble portions ago dissolved out, and the resulting salt, added to ane of iron, produces the well. lalown Prussian blue. either for dyeing purposes or as a pigment." ISSUE NO, 28-08. FOOd Product m Libby's Cooked Corry ted There's a big diff er s ence between just corned beef—the kind- sold indsold in bulk—and Libby's Cooked Corned Beef. The difference is in the taste, quality of meat and natural flavor: Every fiber of the meat of Libby's Cooked Corned Beef is evenly and mildly cured; cooked scientifically and carefully packed in Libby's Great Wbi1e Kitchell It forms an appetizc ing dish; rich in food value and makes a sum" mer meal that satisfies! For Quick Serving :— Libby's Cooked Corn. ed Beef, cut into thin slices: Arrange on a platter and garnish with Libby's Chow Chow! A tempting dish for luncheon,dinner,supper Write for tree book lel-" oto loThingsketo Eat" loslsl on Libby's el your dealers. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago SCRAP IN THE MARKET. "But these legatees have black eyes," protested tho angry housewife. "Oi can't help that, mum," replied Marketman Grogan. "You see, the po- lalocs got mixed with the squashes an' got to Miin'.' Something More Than a Purgative. -- 1•c purge is the only effect of tunny pills 1110W on the matinee Pamelee•s Vegetable Pills are more than a purga- tive. They strengthen the siemech, where other pills weaken it. They cleanse the blood by regulating the liver and kidneys, and [hey :stimulate where other p111 compounds depress, Nothing of an injurious noture, used for merely purgative powers, ethers into their 0041- posihlon, CHAPTER I. Blinks -"The Ort principle (f anar- chism is to divide with your follewmen, is 11 not?" Winks--'iNo. The first ,prineeplo is to make your fellowman divide with you." If a dog bites you don't be soared. Bathe the wound with cold water and cov0t it with a cloth ,I, which weaver's Comte baa boon freely ,peed. Thu Corata relieves the pain caused by i c (grog of insects. TIIROUGII LOVE'S EYES. The Brido-"That woman we just, poss'- ecl has peer taste," The Groom-"Whydo you think so, dear? The Bride -"She merely glanced AL you." Worms cause feverishness. meaning And restlessness during sleep. Mother Graves' World Exterminator Is plcitsant, sure and effectual. If your druggist has none in stock, get him to procure it for yeti. AN OUTRAGE. "130 you have decided to get another physician?" "1 have," answered Mrs. Cumrox. "Tho idea of his ,presenibiing flaxseed lea sled mustard plasters for poodle as rich as we are," A. R. BICKERSTAFF l co., Stooks,n and Debentures. tiods Cobalt and all Mining and 011 Stooks of Canada and United States. Orders executed with promptness. 0erree• pondense solicited, 021 to 927 Traders Bank Building, Toronto, One, Phone Main 029. TACT, Tact is the happy way of doing things -tile loving way. 14 Is sensitive as to the feelings of others. There is a plant that grows in the desert -flet mimosa, Lt is called, and it is a sensitive plant. No sooner does ft hear the distant tram- ple of horses' feel noon the earth than it owls up its trembling leaves, There ale people like that plant, The tactful sail knows how to draw out these shy nail backward ones-lhcsO boys and girls that hardly (lenge venture le play a game in the playgiou.nd with others. Tact always finds a way to pub then) at ease, and bring out Wh0tcver good there is in them ---indeed, tact knows how to deal with all kinds of people. The Eiffel Tower, which is painted once every six years, claims, on an average, rive victims on each occasion, "Ile has no regard kr anyone else. Ito lies In milk of human Itind.nces." "01 I wouldni1 *Fly that, ilO:v'a very srseall. ,man, you know; probably ltd laps it, but it's condensed," THEIR FAVORITE EXPLETIVES. The Confeet°over-Fuelgel The Chinaman--Ba4st The Surgeon -Cut 1t Oull The U1ultamel'--ZOltnds1 rh I0ll1rit--•MJ,'rcyl 'rile raad:rmlsk-Stulll The Jolter---'lona(nsial The see:mutatant !Twenty-11mMMl The L unless uua eleid-o:,l The Advert is••o-Come! camel Ilse Reporter -Beat III 'rho 10 'a .alFiddlesUak. i The Intl ev Journalist-Horrorsl 1'h D ler-013 splasi' The 1.e. it ILI The Exi 1x00iioner-Hang 111 The ! c hat -Oh met Oh, myl The r Coo. --Che so ill 'rho Masseur -Rubber! 'rho Preaclicl'--heavens! The Meller-thimnl The Sinner -Belli HOPE FOR I1IM. "Rut," said the lawyer, "your case SC0111s 1301,41043. 1 dent see what 1 can do for yen. You admit that you beat rear wife." "Ins." replied the dc'entlanb, "But my wifh.'s teutimomy will cliseount that. S1,o'd' never udtnit that she was beat men HAVE YOU -STARTED To compete for 111e SEVI7N HUNDRED CASII PRIZE offered by the ORANGE MEAT people? 'ro those sending in the hn•gesbnuntier of Carlon britlems l eforc May 31. 1309. they offer Ininr '1.'\\•'0 DOLLARS PER YEAH DURING LIFE, or a CASA PRIZE OF SEVEN 1IUNDISED DOLLARS. Ask your grocer for particulars or send postcard to OR.INIIE MEAT, hint; ..'mil flat ti 1 i o,mat n. The 5 d receive hall n only complete and perfect food is milk, Token with ORANGE MEAT, which is made of the whole wheal, they produce no most evenly-bulaneed food the hu- man subject can s5lure. RIGHT BACK AT IIIM. Two famous physicians of different schools were introduced one evening at a dinner. "Sir," saki' the allo,rath, "I am glad to meet you as a gentleman, though I can't admit that you are a physician.", "Acid," l relied the homeopath. "1'm glad to no 1 you es a physician, though I cant ado: 1 that you're a gentleman." When going away from home, or at any change of habitat, he is a wise man who numbers among 1111 belongings a lathe of J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor- dial. Change of food and water in some strange place where there- are no doc- tors may bring on an attack of dysen- tery. He ihen has a standard remedy E f hand with which to cope with thedis- oreler, and forearmed he can successfully fight the ailment and subdue it. NOTHING NEW TO IBM. "Ostend," remonstrated his mother, "hew S. have 1 told you not to stare at people with your mouth open? They don't like it, nay son," 'But that gentleman won't mind ma,' hastened 'rummy, "lie is a dentist." A Quick Recovery from Fever and all siok- nosa 14 always the case when "Rerrovim " Lho heal tosio is used. 1t builds, it strengthens, it gives new life. Try lt. THE PIILOSOPIIER OF FOLLY. "A lot of people swear that there's nothing in faith cure," says the Philo- sopher of Folly. "And yet every doc- tor in the land knows that there's about nine -tenths of his salary in it for hien." Inc miners Prevent. -If To Know is to who work in cold water most of theduy would rub their feet and legs with Dr Themes' Ecl'ectric 011 they would escape n'nrscular rheumatism and render their against Ih a e ill ef- fects nether limbs 1 g of exposure Le the cold. Those set- ting out for mining regions would do well kr provide themselves with a sup- ply before starting. ON TFIII HONEYMOON. • The Bridcgroolm-"Ah, darling, I can see the lovelight in your eyes." The Bride -"Don't be silly, George. There is nothing in any eyes but cm - dere." For the Overworked. -What are the causes of despondency and melancholy? A dlsoredered liver is one cause and a prime 0110, A disordered liver moans a disordered stomach, and a disordered slomaelt means disturbance of the nerv- ous system. 'chis brings the whole body late subjection and the victim feels sick all over. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills aro o recognized remedy in this state and relief will follow their use. NOT --WASTED. Ak1 army officer in charge of a native dislr.ol in South Africa presented to the Kaffir boy, who aehd es has parLiculalr servant, a pair of strong, heavily -nailed ALT ilhoY bbo 0Y tsw. as de liBki ed with the gift, and at once sat, down and ;put the boots on. They were the vet y first pair he had over had in his life, and far several days afterwards he strutted proudly about the Damp. But at 1130 end of 1130 week he appeared as usual with bare foot, and the boots tied round his neck, "Hellen nand his master. "Why dan't you wear your boots? Are they too small fo* yau?11 "013, no, sah," replied the Kenn n'ar, "they plenty big. Berry nice boots, soh, 11011 no good for walking or running. lefako uml fcIlsh too much stow, 5911. Keep boots now for wear in bell," —4 ac A new sensation. A real ateh pleasure, CiteavittOl The big b Tobacco a c 0lU g. 227q o' legcrt 4311 )43''1,",' TI 114 I,IM1T, I'd like to dress any wife in antra, But redness knows I Cant afford IC' ley the prime For silken hose, PIIAR\iACEUTICAL, Dnobar-' II siletl00 is goldon, epeech must be emir," Druggists --"Yes, especially when 11 happens le be caustic," D fetor ---"flow's tllttt " r y,r: nitrate,' le Druggist -"Then its sliver n da , After a anon has 111101301 around the 1101'1(1 f0,' a. LW Yea I'S 30 1110111 IIIO'li11,1 with suecisss lie begins knocking the world, Mr, Al red Brown, of Merdlon, Ont. says -"For six years I have not known what it WAS to bo flee from pain. 140 olio ever sutured more from itching Weeding Piles than I.dld and I trled everything to get Mired but frilled. One day a friend of in ne who hod beep cured with ZA.n.nuk gave mo a part cf a boa m try, and the rel[ f !got was p,a343011001. l lhso booght a $lpply and before 1 and toed It all was comple ely cured.° Of all druggists And stores, 3ce.' AOENT5 WANTED. A roti obi. man 1n 00001 city and town in Canada with waterworks t0 nal)! h patent arttole needed in ever horde, hotel and, public hulking. Bells at eight. Rustlers f n' 8 once 10 y t 'da . \YtJto at hod are making GeoT.a y particulars. Ueal'. Colo, Owen Sound, Outario� FEATHER DYEING Olesnlag and Ourlln1 Aud 5 ,1 Glo11e leaned 1'1,0,1 can be .ea0 by poet, to per oc L 0 boob p,Ace le BRITiSH AMERICAN 01(141410 CO. bioxrn3:0L. GREY MIR A DISEASE L)S!l_®daATi/N11. only preparation t reallyrestoreGREYtla FADRD HAIR to Its original dolor. All drat U gists, 41.00. mdtaontlat advice given, Achim. THE OOLORATOR CORPORATION 179 )ting St. west, Toronto, VICTOR - BERLINER f HOP',�S All p •ices and sty es from $12.40 to ,'h'2., o. Write for free catalogue. DEPT, D TOR NIO GRIMOPNONE COMPANY. 264• Yongo Street, Toronto. Agents wanted in every town_ If Every Farmer Know how much money he could save by using u Patrbaldes.Merne Ja k-of•all-Trades Gasoline lin- gine to sang wood. neap water, grind feed, *0,, not be ab e s supply • tbo dqma nd wwu ildn PP e t tn•dn and WO Cut this ad. out ,u d smut t0 us y, will send you our (roe catalogue, Name Address The Canadian Fairbanks Co., Limited, Toronto, 095 Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. For pleuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. go CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto WHOLESALE LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronto and Monireai; LYMAN KNOX & CLARKSON, Toronto; NATIONAL DRUG CO., London. It Warrelar A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVESTMENT BO DS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. Cobalt orders' executed for cash. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, OF INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL FiND Ideal Manufacturing fi''remises IN TRUTH BUILDING Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING Step,, , Power, Neat, Eleetr1c LIMA Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance. Most Central Location. Four Large Freight Elevators. S. Frantz Wilson & Sons, 73-81 Adelaide St., West THE e ar-der Ciiy C'1111 C&dMines LIMITED (No Person al Liability) Authorized 0 r. st,;i l., m h ,003,0001100 DIRECTORS. Arthur Dinnls, Contractor, President. A. S, Wigmore,, Mgr. Holmes Ele°teleand Protection Co.,.Vlca.Pr'eofdent. Fred. Armstrong, Contractor, Sec.=1'reasalrar, F. H. Herbert, Archil-cl. J. C. Holtby, Contreotor, George Deltaic, Sr., Contractor. J. H. Tighe, Miner. BA NKISRS. Tho Crown Bank, Townie. AUDITOR. Henry Barber, Toronto. The property eonsislas of 28 40 -acre Claire immediately adjoining the now famous. HARRIS MAXWFd..L, and upon the same °mount of develop- ment should prove equally 58 good. 100,000 shares lura now offered to the public at 15 cents per share, Do not lose this GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY of invesling in 0318 of• the most prom. isillg properties -in the dietriche For (1x11 partloulars apply to HENRY a MAJLL, FISCAL (GET Vico. 8 Colborne Street) Teronto. le