The Brussels Post, 1908-4-2, Page 4''ig22iMEZV'e ` .IAYAYA-YaM204s4F?abAXIM4a6,ZYAW&MOV
uneaten "We outwear: no tik at least
' n. H 41'8 Oaths to H 10Yp t a4 this
eo Mr. Whitney's wtehog or idea of the
redietrtbatiau,and we hope the discos
Won in the Legislature will lead to Hao
0bang88 a8 will a low of honest approve
by any fair monied 9nau• It ie never to
late to d0 right.
od riot Signal remake 9 --Tb
The G e
Hoot' ouut' w uo bin
m der of u G
Berry uu y
alters of au autrege upon the people o
not o000ty. A deliberate attempt 1s bn
ing made by the Coneer88tive party t
frue6rete the will of the el8099re a
Huron by 80 dividing the ooauty ae c
aengre a majority of Beate from
minority of votes, and to carry on
title design the prin0iplee that .hone
gover0 i the m•klug of ouuee tnencie
bare been violated in the must barefaced
manner. The 008 91vative maobiue lute
been engaged for some time in trying t
find Dome way of carviug two gate Con
899199409 agate out ot this °aunty and the
result is shown in the ann0en0Bmen
that Huron is to be /divided as show
eieewhere for election to the Legislature
01 000ree it is a rank gerrymander and
ie utterly without juet1Bcatlon• H.
Either, the uuly Conservative m8mber iu
the Leei-latare for Huron, Ina provided
for lemma 9 iu the South riding, wbioh
has a Conservative majority of 800 to
400, North Horou ie probably regarded
ae eats for 150 Conservative majority,
while the centre riding has a Liberal
majority of 700 or 800. 11 le said the
redlatributiou is along the lion of one of
the piano sent to Toronto from the Con
19891918 ve head quarters in Goderieb with
the exception that instead of placing 'hie
town iu Centre Huron the plan of the
local OooeervatVee was to have it in
South Huron. The wily Mr. Either,
however, did not want any interfereeoe
from the ambitious Tome of Goderioh,
and he baa bad them oast into a Grit
wive where they w19 be utterly help,ee9.
Naturally the Goderioh Conservative, -
are °blaoting very strongly to the a1'
r8ugarneut, and we nudeattand they are
seeding very urgent repreeentatous. m
the matter to the Goverumeut at Toron
to. And what is it all for ? To give the
eliok Mr. Reber a ears .eat in the South,
and to provide a sale p 99091 i0 the North
for a high minded patriot iu she town el
Wingham who desires to serve hie
country without the tisk of a defeat at
the polle • and, further, to "hive the
Grin" and get two Ooueerv8tive 88868 to
one Liberal oat of county that has an
.aggregate Liberal majority of several
hundreds. As we have already suggest-
ed, the public will steed a little joukey,ug
by the parties, and the Liberals of Huron
were probably prepared to take their
medlbme in the rearrangement of the
1'i 1IDge ; but 'wbeu the publf0 intermit
and the arid of tb8 people are wantou,y
violated 6118 reepoueible party worts
danger, and the 11houeet" Government
wbie1 has deliberete.y set about einabuq
n seat may boa that it has gotta a lace,
too far. The ebape of the new North
Huron remiude one of those Deobebund
doge—"halt a dog high and a dog and a
half long." Setae Huron resembles a
cop boot 1 while Centre Harm) doeeu'l
look like ally thing else on earth.
(1",) .� $ Pat, da W believe b h
TII U&9 tm..Y .APR, 9, 1908
017ow0E WAIRINOTON'a hletoria hatchet
twith PlinyWhitney'swas not 11
t i i hJum9ehln Whftne
'.pals hulloing of electric rondo or the
seaming of flying machines will be im
pertain 9 ow in oaeetitoanoiee whore the
lay, o119 movers dietaneee eooh R8 HOr0n
Go. p011110iane have to face.
Winn Har.y Eimer, 9t. P. P. for
South Moron, who l8 oredit881 with or.,
iginRting the Haroa gerrymander, dies
we have no doubt a photograph of hie
hive will be found imprinted On bis
Tbiitriev; Jttne 9111, ie being mentioned
as the probable date of the Provincial
Elebt(gll6 The present ae8eioa of Par.
Bement is expected to conclude before
Easter and prorogation will follow abort
ly after, I1 above is 0or9801 the cam-
paign will be abort and sharp.
Hos, A. G. ihfecKas, the well known
leader of the Ontario Opposition, made a
epenoh on the badget last week that bus
not been superseded for many a day
along the line of sharp-aritioiene
without bitterue0e and the die -
()onion of caoetrootive and mach
needed legislation without c8rp-
ing and aoandelmongiog• He has been
preceded by bri11t,0t Liberal leaders in
the House bat be will weigh ae many
aun088 to the pound as any of (hem with
the same experience. 1'llr. MacKay has
ability withont any doubt and is broad
enough to enrvey the field along the line
of pro bona pub ion,
THE .& 12UN GERRY.1t4 WER.
TnE edam and injuatifiable propueed
gerrymander of Huron Co,, as outlined
lestw eek P
has stirred u a breeze not a
it bydelegation,
one efded ones her, Sud
ccmernbuio89io0, and newspaper or999098m
Ron' Me, Whitney has bad rather a
breezy time, ao mach so that a re a9
rangemeu9 was promised, poeeib,y 110
more favorable to the Liberate nor re-
moving the appropriating of 2 oat of the
8 Beate to the government—if the fair
minded 8)9010re will give their assent ou
el tin Judging the 10 8al
ea o day. J g6) p po
geographically, upon the basis of popula-
tion, or even ordinary fairness it is light
weight and proves an0outrovertbly that
Hon. Mr. Whitney hag not much
faith la leis present majartty. It also
shows that the oft vaunted sentiments
about the fairness of the redietribatmu
was simply froth as far ae Huron is
-oonoeroed. The reae0n given fur
dieropting this Go. is that Goderioh and
Helle99 townships were divided but this
severance could have been adjaeted with
the greatest ease and it bounds very
noneensioal to have mete a fairy tale told.
O:d aesooiatio00 of the past in m0n1-
aipal Ooteu9y Coattail and trade relations
have been thrown to the winds and cue
object only secured viz to capture another
conetitnetioy. There might be au exonee
offered for such 001891dieh gerrymanders
if the question were 0pr00g on the Oom•
m1(988 bat not Ba in this Daae as TEE
Pon was informed last Sommer of the
proposal by a delegate to the East Her-
on Conservative Convention, held at
Brussels, and also by leading lights iu
0110 party in both Hoath and Weet Horuu.
The matt who bit off more than he could
(thew tae been heard of before and mane
some fairer divfoiou is made there is a
chance that the injustice ce of the gerry-
gerr -mander may cause a different result on
election day than is now expeoted. If
Huron Co. outline is a sample of what
the government tails fair play deer pity
the nanny if they leant a little toward
the one side. The wirepallere of Heron
should try their hand once more ; take
a sheet of blank paper and a lead pencil,
then, after being blindfolded, draft a new
layout of the Ca. It could not be mach
more inconvenient than the one publish-
ed last week and might be last ae fair,
Following are a fete extrao6e from the
Go. pree0 relatwe to the Gerrymander of
Hem :—The Cliu9on News-Reoord
(Joneervutive) ;Bye : Olt0ton should be
In South Huron.
Clipped from the Clinton New Era :—
Ae anyd0ecv111 Bea by a glance the 918dmg
has been divided into two 80re Uou8erva-
tive ridings and a Liberal riding. There
wee formerly fair fighting grodnd and
the bean man to win, whittle ie as it should
be ; but now almo99 anyone, so long as he
be of oernem p0918101 l Matting, can be
elected, It looks as though Mr. Woaoey
i8 making ready tot an 89eotuo, and is
picking mane 0091861 tie00188 from wbioh
he wants a supporter, Well if that's the
case, he has do0e a 90.4 job. We Dud
no fume with the G;tenement tryr,g to
noun 80roeg sesta for its supporters, so
loug as geogrophioal features are
recognized, bat we will be twinned it
VOoeervativee themselves approve Of elle
The Goderieb Star (Conservative) nye:
—It will not be argued that there 80
any improvement in the new 81'r j
ran9em601 on the bailie of popnhtttou, 1
and the orowdiug tom one Helms u6) three
oat of the toter towns In the minty 10 not
tie be *tilted from any nemesia or
plaint 86a06p0in9. From the merely
petsiea0 point of view the rearr.1ngement
m8a999, teeming the SgUrea of the chic, 016)
ot 19054 that South Iduton wit have a
' Con88rvatrv8 DUO lrity of of 050 or 700.
Centre. Huron a Lateral meju,lty of
about the camel uuu North Ductal writ be i
A. Hislop, M. P. P.
an the Budget'
A. Hielop replying to G. H. Fergasol,
M. P. P. of Grenville, in the House
Thursday of last week said that the
,set speaker had feted to show what the
Government had a0oompdeOd. "They
came m p edged to give the people obeap
power, and hew nearer are they to
it to -day ?" They all admired the Hou.
Adam btu a 81'89191 he had not
A am Ba(tk, n pp y a
the enpport of ,be Government in his
p0w8e pointy. The cid G0vernmeu9, he
argued, had managed to do ju-.1018 to
every puma department by w0reesiug
the expenditure uuly $1 a heed 911 thirty•
,11ree years. Let that be contrasted with
an increase by the pr9880t Government of
6181e8d 111 three years. "Whet will
happen if they remain in Mho- thirty
years 7" (Cries of "Bankrupt.") .Ylr.
Ble,op farther propbeeied that the
Government's promised law reform
would nut amount to anything more than
a broken pledge.
The debate was then adjourned till
In reeumiog the debate on the budget,
Mr. H,elo ;aid the Proviuotal Treasurer
had talons far short of the standards for
economy net by him while In Oppaaltiou.
Whoa the finances of the Provence were
fa a fair chaps at the present time, they
were no better than when the present
Government came into power. Lonna
of deoreaeiog the expenditure, es premie
ed, it has 900re88841. Mr. Htetop made -
80m8 comparisons with previous Libera
Admfuietratioue. If the Ouueervativee
w806 091 at the same rate, he ola,med, the
expenditure woutd be 929,000,000 fu
thirty year8.
"If the present rate of speed is amain -
tied," deol8red 99191. H,a9op, "in the name
of a very short time the expenditures will
have assumed Binh proportions as will
have alarmed even the Government's
III .et optimistic adwirer; "
Continuing, he mated that urge some
of the present revenueba,t been removed
from the Buie of Cobatt Lake, eta , but
had 50 nut been for the farseeing policy to
the late Government these amount.
waaid never have been r, oeived. When
in Opposition the preeeue PrORI001a1
Tre8uurer "bad beau carried away watb
hie own verbosity," added Mr. Hislop.
During the last three yeere, be said, the
aaaufolpal act Dad been ;uhjeot 90 more
111 winged tinkering than ever before.
"I don't think tub liquor Donee Saw
was ever tidy deeper in politics than it in
new," he mentioned, and thea he stated
that the present Goverumeut had failed
to enforce the aw any better than before.
The pre88nt Government had tumid fault
with the fotmer Liberal Guveroment tor
tRkiug more thou 9260,000 a year nom
the muntoipelit1Bs, but now they tbem-
9eve8 100k a6 mach se 9587,000 a year.
Todohieg noon law reform, ear Hl;lup
Said the pre88ut GOvernme0t were not 1,
bit nearer the premised Saw reform than
when in oppd8lr0n Net9her had the
present Government done anything
toward; redacting the oast et tren0porte.
flan, ae had been promleed. Another
premise tett Unfulfilled wee regarding
16): making 01 a batt, r morke, for beef.
UOu8ervuti1988 year; ago, he 81910, titled to
08,t the banding of eOiol:lzar,ol mace
1b,ibery'' bni. u, ye.,Y tan been
expensed 9310 000 191 these road; Ai
the same time mar illa9up adm161899 that
Very Stylieb.
a�ti,t-t,jyxyt� �iCCi'*tiasa+ert'mce lctost�.sar1;
In addition to our very complete range
of DRESS GOODS and SILKS We have
• just received and passed into stock a e,
good selection of NEW and Vb;BY STY-
• LI14Id DRESS TI3flttMINGS. 0 0
SVe extend a cordial invitation to
the ladies to call and see them.
Dressmaking Rooms upstairs and
all work done up in the Latest Style
and Beet Workmanship.
April Standard Patterns, Designers and Fash-
ion 8110868 received. Petterus only loo and 150.
Fashion Sheet Free to those who pall for them.
Our Spring Millinery Opening (O
0, was a. Decided Success
f (cit
The Latest and Most Fashionable 1
1 Li
Goods are on sale and at Moderate Prices
If you have not made your purchase for this
season call and see our styles. Your pat -
ronage will be appreciated.
tagAt2i91 WAeSrAtrittiV,SMPig aYbeiWICagMIZEME7AesMY/W=0.891= M21E,Z,YAMEtiCate8M=,b
at our Genuine Rubber Trimmed
.-ingle Barons, regu-
lar $20.00, reduced to 17 , 00
Our Team Harness at the low
price of 1¢20.00 with collars surpasses
them all. Examine them,
One Robe left, regular lit y
pride 99.00, going at... .... 110 I
Trunks, Satchels, Plush Rugs,
Rubber Rugs and Whips at lowest
1 "Repairs in Collars or Harness promptly done.
Is C. Richards
snob an expenditure wee probably jueti
tied1 bus it showed thee the Government
bebeeed the poboy of its predecessors
was a wise one. (Applause )
aOaoT 0099110 sortem8.
Before the pr88eu1 Government had
been in puwer twelve months they bad
men away umber Iim'ts without proper-
ly advertiemp them. '1'haug0 the Con
eerva9lvee had mare080d the expeuditnre
upon the farm at Guelph Mr. Hrlop
fatted to see what great Jmpruvemeute
had b86u ao0ompliebed., 00miu19 10
09100911019181 topica, Mr. Hislop 0a9d the
Government had 9nareee841 the expeum
tore to pabno 8ohoole to a very hotted
extent. Much had been heard of the
power queeuon, he ;std, and the Premier
had taken upon himself to aeue0re the
policy of pravitme Goverumente. When
the pre.eut Goverment Dame 10911 aloe
they know what d,ifiummee were it. the
way of cheap power, After ale expeudi-
tore of 970 000 the people seemed ' nu
barer cheap power Chau before. The
Gaverument were going to make power
"0heap es air" bot Mr, Hlelup thought it
mostly "bot air," Iu 0001010090n Mr.
Heslop made a strung plea for ref0re868
sou, that grain and other Drops
might be aoabled in future years by etude
uours a the vin
o e a- wen a nPro Province made w
more desirable p.00e to live. H8 emitted
.911 Fraua., Germany and Japan ad
examples uL what the policy of reforesta•
t9uuhad done.
That languid, lifeeee feeling that omens
Spring and early Sommer, can 88 quickly
°hanged to a feeling of ba,•yauey and
energy by the judicious sae of Dr. Bhoup'e
The Restorative is a 080ati'18 tonin to
tired, run down nerves, and but m few
donee is needed to eatiefy the 99981' 6bet
Dr Shoop's Restorative l8inn tut ly reach
mg that tired Spot Th, indoor life ul
Winter nearly always leads to eking eh
Ciro(1189iou in general, 'Phe ou8tomary
lank of exercise mud outdoor air tin up
the liver, stagnates the kidueye, and oft
thane we8keue the heart's adieu. ITee
Dr S• oop'. R8Otnretivea low weeks and
all WI 9 be uhmuge11. A few day. test will
lel' you chef Yea tyre 'a 111,. the right
1. meth. Yon w11 eaetly 949991 8n10y mute
the Ohauge from tray to day, time by 81.
Settlers and squatters 188 Forrest Re -
Serres to be Moved
The Winnipeg Free Press of March
20th refers to a form. r B• e8eelite, being
a son of the late Jou. N. Koeoh929 and a
brother to Wm. Keeuhtei, of MoKi9op,
and hire. (Rev.) D. Perris, of Wakeham,
as follow° :—
A, 1108011181, ;he newly appointed in•
epeotor of foreet reserves, bee arrived in
the city from Ottawa to begin hie ee88oa'8
datle9. Mr. Ku80171.81, who le a
brother of Dr, Kneohtel at this
city, was appl•inted to hie preeent 11001111 n
Di the forestry brand) of th8 department
of the interior at the beginning of the.
year. P evtone y to had been for seven
years engaged to Hamar work in New
York Btate, H,,, w. rk there inoiuded
olaeel80a6ion of the laude of the Adtron
dank tercet reserves showing the areas
forested, watered, denuded andburnt ant.
He aleo ea9abliebed the tee, mutinies
attended the mauling of 6w" and a half
minion trees end had ahsrgs of the fire
fighting Benin. 1.. 1904 he made a
nursery at the Si
forest y Luu 8 eEpueitiml
where he env, 00.000 Itv1Og tame fn an
area of 60 by 120 bet. For thio he re
oelved a -dyer meds. and fr. ID oent -
mie8imd by which he ' was employed a
gold medal. Subsequently he went 90
Europe, whore he etudfed and photo-
graphed the tenets of Germeny, Austria
Franoe, Switzerland and Int y. Mr
Kneel-' tens brine; wide experieuce,to
the embargo of tie Ounadian dudes.
"vly Drat work," said Mr. Kueebtel to
a Free Pree representative y eterday,
wi-I be to amnia ee1tlere a0a0pylrlg ian,10
elsewhere. By ankh my from the
munoier of the i,ner,Ot I wr11 der .hem
tree 0 °berg° Ruud and and Wil fur
nigh free Lraueportltti0n for 911em88)984
and famille8, their furniture, etook and
anything else they may need to take, .I
will go with them to their new hymen
and veal 888 that too one stiffens for the
ne0e..ariee of life I wet do all in re,
power to ea -6)81. them to Malta the all.nts
ae easy a9 V0401 hie. Ie 61118 world I am
to have the 188186/008 of J, Bence Walken
OOminietd lien Of imm1Ktat(on,
00,09058l909 efrir 01999091
"The foreet 91890rve0 have by sot of
purliaml al bran tinfoil awn from sett s
maul bl•ceuee the lands ere not Da for
91Zr1001(0918, eat they will be very pectic
able if kept under forest over, stun
they will, If rightly 117a ed
timer perpetually to tarnre of h
1'0Bio whioh the (nerves are located
They R LI aloe itC1te] a home for game
(uimain, game birds, song birds and fish
On 693080 9/0099708 119818 are 009110 bona
fide eettle1'0, and there era ells nine
others who located 99,er0 some four 01'
live years ago, bet who 1107e no title to
the laude they are 000apying. While it
i0 the intention of the mihiet891 of the
interior to carry out the purpose of
parliemen9 to keep the 91889rv80 for forest
peepone, he is very deeiroae that every
matt ahanld have a square deal. He
offers to those who have title to their
)nude Rood h9me0lelld8 8986w190re and
91800mp81880 for theme improeomente ;
and to those who have no title he offere
good homes688d9 tree of obarpe, and free
transportation. He desires also that,
in malting the change the 889tler9 be
9901 to as 1116)19 herd091,p ae p, eel ble.
"O.. Ronne MOu„tal . reserve tire a
,.nob r of half breed eguattere who w,l.
probably g:, either to the dlebriot im•.
medhately West of L Ylauitobo, or 9.,
lends Booth of Riding moan9atu. The
laude on whioh sue sett ere 6a 'Part e
Mountain r. serve are Rased 80 locate are
le the neighborhood f Benito ,n the
Swan River region. 'titre ,S a Rood loom,
i v,88 is evidenced by lettere in the
poseeseion of the department from
sett ere from the Tart e 91 amain ee
serve who took tip lane Thera last Fad."
After securing the lraueferenue of these
settlers Mr Keechtel will take up his
regular d Ilea ie onuoeati"U with the
re erne Hie imeng08rtere will be for
the o; mineSgmmer, in the Riding'
Mountain reoery , ba, he will also visit
ae far as praonoabie the other
Wee,ern teeter es, whioh now number 1,
all twenty. Experimento iu affores a
tion by the elmple method of p aol -.g
ends in in the krouod with a ooveriug of
saudare to ue 010808.981y made. Soft
woods priootpally will be employed in
thane experlm,nta—variu09_ vatlatlee of
plop and Opr.,0 , tam8ra0, 01311109 god
whit. Isiah There are greed201111 91.1
of -end at Boiesrvar, and these wilt be
set out in the Turtle M.,uivain reserve
once the from is tint of the wound
Should trees grow from these seeds the
afforestation of the reserves with pines
and soft wood will be a comparatively
inexpenei.e matter.
Dr. Geo Ball, of 'Toronto, was vieit-
fug fora few date at hie parental home
in mem.
Harry Ansley, formerly of `gingham,
ie d1 wnh typhoid fever in the hospital
m Winnlpe9.
Mee. H. 0 Elliott was summoned to
Port Huron on Monday of last week ow.
,84 to the seriousilluese of her suiter11n•
taw, Mrs Mae Greer.
If aenefaot0ry arrengomeute can be
made, a promenade concert will be
held in the High Sobuol before the
Easter holidays.
Mtoe Matbeeon, teacher of the junior
form of the Public School, has tendered
her resignation, to take plane at Easter,
The Board regrets that this has been
080608ary, on anoxia of the idneee Of a
The undersigned is prepared
to attend to all work en-
trusted to him in the above
lines with neatness and des-
patch. Prices reasonable,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
We have a large stock of
Ladies' and Gents' Watches
to dispose of at
Our stock consists of the
most. reliable High Grade
Good;. You will be thor•
ouglily satisfied with the per-
formdtlee awl term. of o119* of
0(1r Watches. O,ir guaran-
tee is of value to you. Our
i' -(lee lower tben city e'tor, s
L. 1'J A CKASO \'
on -alcoholic
If you think you need a tonic,
ask your doctor. If you think
you need something for your
blood, ask your doctor. If you
think you would like to try
Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa-
rilla, ask your doctor. Con-
sult him often. Keep in close
touch with him.
Wo publish our formulas
We ba8188 aloohol
from our modlolusa
Wo ergo you to
oou,u99 your
Ask your doctor to name some of the
results of constipation. His long list will
begin with sick -headache, biliousness
dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then
ask him if he would recommend your
using Ayer's Pills.
*Made by the J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, ffieea.+-•
T _
Aw wll`A
Just the practical
you need
Apply to nearest C.P.R.
Agent, or to
District Pass, Agent,
500 AOS
in Nursery Stock
Agents wanted at once to sell for
Fall, 1908, auto Spring, 1909,
delivery ; whole or part time ;
liberal terms ; outfit free.
Tho Thos. WI Bowman Son doll std,
DSI R. J. -Nhltfi.eld
New York
Eye Specialist
will be at the
American Hotel
Dv y Tllullsday
1' a ed '0 properly examine
P ape P P y Your
e8. 91341 7 glasses.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of Alexander
Nichol, late of the Township of
Morris, in the County of Huron,
farmer, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given pursuant to "The
Revised Statutes of Ontario," 1897, ohnpter
129rand mnendnlente thereto, that all credit.
ors and others having clalme u4.ein0t the es-
tate of the said Alexander Nichol who died
on or about the 8th day of March, 1008, are
required on or before the 48)1 day 014)&91,
1908 to send by post prepaid, or delver to A.
13. Macdonald, of the Village of Brussels, in
the county of Huron, Boltoltor ran Robert
Nichol and James Niohol, the Executors of
the last Will and Testament of the 08id de-
ceased, their Christian and surnames, addres.
see and descriptions, the full pertiouhrre of
their claims, the statement of their 800019nts
end the nature of the securities if any) held
by them.
And further take notice that after sun
Inst mentioned date the said Executors will
proceed to distribute the eeoets of the de-
eoneed amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which
they shell then have notice, and that the said
Beeoutors will not be liable for She said 910•
eet8, or any pert thereof, to any person or
persons of w tnoe old Jn noting shell not have
been received by them et the time of 8(1819
Dated at Brussels 17th day of March, 1008,
07.3 Solicitor for Eixoautoro
When Children Cough
give them that old reliable remedy that never fails to cure
Friar's Cough Balsam
It stops coughs—breaks up colds—and heals inanmma,
don in throat end bronchial tubes. AbsOlntety pure and
safe for children. 25e a bottl. At druggists or from
NATIONAL 02910 A CHEMICAL CO. United . LONDON, est, 01
�1'�'.�„iti'•�i,�.+F.l'r'i?:h' O1N',il>1;;+*r.'rit&�'y.rFit
AR'fl'lh; SAES.
. f'A' Pr.k9w11NT0, dao•^UI, B. Swett, Auctioneer,
has been In8trtiet 41 by the untitlhignud t0
'el) byy 111911110 auet111n a6 Ne Lot 24, Le.n.0,
Morro.,on Friday, April 81'., et 1 o'clock
t110 following valuable pr'oper'ty, viz, :-1
mares) yearn oleo ext foul to baron lira 1111111'0
1s1'n1a Id !bum 8 y
aen old,to
a Sll
posed t 1 1y tos, milking, ddr
,O 8,400ser rising:: years, ;Unduepining
' yuoatMAIM rising 1year, 1 Spring calf, 1
full brit
Uhoetrl whits saw 1n peg 8 store
pigs, 0 pin 8 1110111114 old, about OU 110118, .1
turkeys, 1 McCormick hinder, 1 Mu0ormluk
bower nearly naw, 1 Mo8arrul090 steel hey
rake, 1 twelve'hoo Peter 11au1ittun end drill
new, 1 net hobo; lei MIA 1 IuwLw' wag011, 1 set
icon bet7'ohvs, 2 weeping plows, 1 gang Ohne,
1 sunder, 1 root palpee, 1 wheelbarrow, 1
water trough, 10911sy chum now, 100 hue, of
Heed oats, 80 bus. Need pens. n quantity of hay.
Hay and g1'1(119 011 teems Or Nelle. .Bale Imre.
served an n'oprletOr is giving up farming.
Teems -All 9um8 or 6)0 and 011801. Osil1, 070r
that 9911(0119911)0109119.00797194. will be given on
furnishing approved fo108 notes: 4 per. cent.
off for wish 011 credit ,,mounts• )GLIJAH
?BABA, Proprietor.
11,1919ENTe, 990.-1 11. Scott, auctioneer,
lull ,arched Distractions trout the under-
signed to sell by publit: tinetiw, lit Lot 18,
0011, 14, 81030919031 On euesdoy, April 7th, et
1 o'clock .flu. following property :-1 mere
6).i-ing 1 y eine, 1 general purpose Horse 7 years
uld, 1 111111 a riehlg 11 yours supposed In foul to
1lowurdeu, 5 00ws $opposed 111 cliff, 6 heifers
supposed 191 calf, 1 fresh milt wow, 1 heifer 8
years old, n steers rising 8 years, 12 steers 2
years old, .( Heifers 2 7.9'ere Ofd,, 2 pigs 4 11109.
ld a number of turkeys, 1 sulky plow, 1 set
ol,luuul0 harness, 1 Mogen disci harrow, 1
light wegun, 1 walking ploy, Sade unreserv-
ed ole proprietor In every W,+ked. Terms -All
s11111a m' ail end under cash, over that amount
8 months credit will be given or furnishing
approved joint nute0; •1 ler emit. off for wish
on credit amounts. 120131', UOUTTS, Prop.
Let 10, Uuu. 16, (Inv , containing 100
`c a 'Apply to Will. W0008,Or,lobl ok
lJ 110der9lgu8,1 Lae aonto M99 of 9046100,
ennui seed oats f0r sale. Aptly 00 Lot 11,
dun 10, l3,'ey, to WM, UON AIR,
90.91 - 8ru;suls P.O.
00001) C01110ORTABLE
Roue, ,toil •
13 60 , ell; S IDI,, with for elle
1100 Queen; art Stian reet , B u encs lauds for Hula
uu 8188 Street, Brussels. AIN 0
8183811 JOHN 00J3Ef2.
14011 fur sm. 0 MM./MU/le welt.
ug, bare and soft w Iter u , ler cover ; ap•
p In, 1119110 elm elinrry breve, 990. Puaee981„n
e au ue given at 091 1b1' 4
1, u pries, terms, .,a
0,111 at DAN POST,
p I ____..-..,
[ue sale repair t Street, table, table
uuwe lu good repair am,dl stable, Rood
well,1186091,., 999 Pueeoentou 190y dine. For
'09198el' particulars apply On the ermines
to 8, CHAIVF0100, 13fuosols, '18.11
). Colt s, a ally and gelding, rising 1 year
out, bred from 'Scotland's Hope," tar Bale.
Their joint weight is over 1,700 Busy terms
to a reeponelhl • purebaser, 48,11 sell team
either snugly 118 as 8 team JA8195 '4(01919-
6187, 09 Lot 26, 001.4, Morrie 17.91
-a: in a eminent doing bueluees
which will pay 1ploud,d dividends and
double your motley wtchl❑ 0118 year, Au-
eolutely sale, sound and legitimate. inves-
tigation solicited. For all particulars ad-
dress D12AYYEn 1121 Care 01 tails paper,
For Sale
In order to ohm the estate of the late
Thos. 11YoLauohliu the 1ux00utora offer ter
Halo the real estate consisting of a 0umfort•
able 6•roomed house and 11(110 cement sit-
uheu built In 10117, i sore of laud, hard an 1
soft water, together with a large commad.
ions stable, drilled well and 0 Dares el good
land dlug1110117 601'000 the scree( from (99999•
ling Mums, llbrpurue mare and price apply
6o P. 600'1'1', or A. 81'EWAItl, Qeeou 01,
Wool, 13 russets. 18.60
7Jit�' i'Mlt tiff
Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest
ANY 8788, uumu0red section u! 1)owiulo0
Lauda l8, Al
91818 Mai
20, •not rase cul
Alunrtw excepting ,
p g 8 uy t 20, 1110 1 100091 8
may be homesteaded. ny a y ems 11 l0 tle is
he mile beau t 6)t 11141111 y,cit ugly . m.aln Dunt
18 years 01 8.0, 90 the stXtt,,1 of uuu-9a.r,Or
081101 of ,,UU Ile, BB More or 1890
klutry may Unmade personally a9 the
,seal laud 0111,8 for sue distrlut to which
698 laud lO oltuate.
Toe boulo69oader,9 (09911'0,1 to perform
the a0e1deti0O9000080101 thOrtlWihh under
01,8 of duo 10110w1llg p 119011 1
(1) At least six mouton'. residence upon
Ind OUl61vutmu 01 tun laud 111 cant year ,e1'
throe ,
12). 11 the Dither fur mother, i1 the Yat her
18 ueo80340919108o0) 01 the homesteader' resides
11110.19 ottani 10 'tie violoity 01 the land
entered for the requirements as to 1.801•
dnoue may be 99.190841 by snob person re=
aullu6' W169 Ulu eat(161' u1' ,901090.
(0> 11 the setter bas hie 881wuueet S96i-
084(e upwl larmiug laud owned- by him
to the vicinity of els h0wentead, the re•
119ircmu8t8 as to 68elllehne way h0 eatle-
tied Uy 1081(10000 41100 su0 Saul ,wad,
1121180960e' vi -thou 191 writing Should be
,lvnu LU 99,0 00mwisoebe1 01 Dominion
muds 86 Ottawa o'f-ta6001tue t0 apply ler
W. W. 01tY,
Deputy of the Minister of Ietorlor.
h. 0, Unauthorized puulluab,00 84 this ad.
08rtl,oweul W111 not be Lata lor,
n'113.z1.f LINE
Turbine Steamers
Onrsiuou $'nom-St.Joba Hall fax
Bat, Apr, 4
Virginian ,., 91(1,9991.90 B
Bat, Apr.11
'Pubis!, n het. Apr 18
V1099110.0 F11, Apr, 21 Sat, Apr.20
Prom-P0r91aud Boston
Protortatt Thur, Apr. 0
Ionian Thur, Apr, 18
9 re/AMAMn s-- Tbur, Apr, 53
Nnmitliau '11,111r, April 80
Foe 8aillu88, bets and tun intern:nail:0
apply to
"IV. til. 1(131111,
Agent Allan Litho, trues010,