The Brussels Post, 1908-2-27, Page 4Zlxw rs$1s.rrstt
7'•FI URS D 4Y, FEB«37, 1808.
V14AT 10 ti1a e 8 Cannery V
'.Cic Mauttuba euverumnet 1a putting
up the pros of telephoner' slime they uume
nosier their eoutrol. II tine is what
goveromeut ownership does the people
will not desire mush of it.
I; Hon, Mr Foy acuepce as the 8meed•
moats and (Manked proffered 40 hint relit•
tie's' to lata reforrn it wil make a greater
tangle of the statutes than ever. Surely
there should be some way of eneepbfyiug
law are that any ord(uary man might have
some idea ot what 1t meeua Bud at the
sable time secure at nowt s1, approximate
of what the extant -a of a suit m.gbt be.
It anybody eau point out any good
that le derived from the long dragged
out airwoman of the Speech from the
Throne in the Commoua and ProvinoIal
Legislature we wielt they'd stead up end
give it. Somebody is footing the bill
for these "wed been" of no pr808ioal
benefit sod not furthering legislation au
iota. A time limit both as to seugth of
speeches and when debate 00 addreae
would Mose maid save money to the
Tau mnah abused mitl10081re Andrew
Carnegie Is giving ate eno8m004 cam of
$126,000 to the $••oh Teheran cel, Iu•
statue at Bertin for invenmgatiou par.
poses (te ouuueation with this ravaging
disease. It will be a glad day to the
human family wbeu mediae! orreries osu
oomb141 erumen8ful,y the white 12448'8
plague, A mur8 widespread Interest is
taken In the darn of patients and in the
safeguarding of .110 puerto thou in any
past history of the warts.
Tangs mowmnra w1., be rodded to the
Dom,muu Rauway Uowm,eeiou end the
aoope of their work wilt be broadened to
enoompaee the terephoue, telegraph bud
express eyetems. The saiar). attached
to eaob member is ,$8,000 per auuum so
that it l9 apt nasty stuff 8,. take. Good
work has been done by the Commission
and 1n Bguimg for the rights Lf the
people emu wiping eat exurbanite chargee
nod uufalr dieonmuIatioun the matter
oL salaries is social evened up.
A HILL to before the Legislature to
abolie11 b..ouaiug. Where good has berm.
eaoompneh0d by the bonus ey8tem m
One 30868080 failure has been Written
Oct 81068y -nine. lteinia8.011 of 18x88 or a
free site, or coc4, might be worthy of
oo0eideratiou but easy mauufuotory that
has to be perpetually mimed to keep the
whistle mowing had better be permitted
to die young. The boons record in
` towns in Huron mud Perth Counties
would fill a big book and the story would
not be a rehearing ou9 either.
MI BOUEem=Y is one of the preening de -
monde of our lend and is a eUbjeot that
should be cradled, discussed and anted
upon. Great inroads have been made on
our forests and the removal of them will
affect to a very Becton,' degree the climate
water supply and agricultural interests of
this Dominion. h would be a pour con.
dition of affairs in this fertile land to
have to rea Jrt to irrigation to eeo0re a
productive Drop. lbs government shoe d
adopt a policy that would induce the
planting of trees thereby replacing the
forests of the past.
THEE; are 880181 500 8101p0mee under
incorporation in Cobalt and Larder Lake
are89, all no doubt making au effort to
prove that the sun rises and seta close to
their poeeeesione and that the pot of gold
lies where tbo rainbow touches the rook
on their maim. Total espi8ul4zation of
these 0omp81ie9 foots np to the enormooe
8080 of $472,328.000 and the total paid np
capital 079,278,838 Tropic seem to have
money to 81180 when it 0omee to mining
stook of whittle there appears to be three
varieties viz. good, had and indifferent,
the prepouderanoe not resting with the
Brat, Some of the oumpaoiee have not
void a share yet and is good many stook.
hold9re in others wish they bed not beau
90 ready to bite. The lormiug ale id new
4: mpaoies continues and 180 abartere
w 11 be sought. Before they are grant.
0! the government should enquire dfll-
g Qtly roto the busineee methods of them
se that the faring of °suckers" may not
b. laude a as eaeily as when the bait was
e.ta0rly grabbed 8t in the pad. Bio
thy dend8 may be a 0108 t ing to dream
snub but it taker' the 081918 to pay for
Wood and meati.
Godoricit re easily in need of a mar-
ket -an np-to-slate market -so the Star
Are Torr Mentos, Nervous:
'h'wo borror0. 010,9,lerl ado 0111 Ille-Ibe
product] of p•0r dig88tiun and n poteoned
8yet9m Tllere ie jest one ours for titre
terrible o0t,ditlon-fl may of blood -but
suited von food properly digested 1 thay0
the difficulty, to Improve the dlge9nve
power ot the stormed]. ]. Gee Hob nntriti•
one blood, 18trenpthen thesystem and
drive dab p0isone; then Comes vitality,
endaran09, power Ferrozone doe6 all
this and more, it makes mak people well,
weals people strong, 011Una99 "herVeetl
and 109omania into 101.ust health Take
Fet:ozone and health ,i9 yoar8.. 50c an
all dealer8.
East Huron
The following is n list of 0oh001
teachers and their post1.lij4e addresses
i1, the Iuspecturate of f) Robb, B. A.,
1,02(1 should be preserved ler tetarauce :
8, S. No.
t Ralph Langdon... Brussels
2 Rebecca McNair Craubrbuk
3 Mabel Zimmer...... ,.,.. litu4sers
4 Finlay FFr'aser. Jamestown
5 Lizzie McKay Cratlbruuk
6 Flurence Armstrong .. Brassels
7 Harry D. Ainlay C1'anbrouk
8 Olive nlcGlllivray Cron brook
9 Jeanie Roods-. ... ...... Moneritff
to Robert Forrest ........, •Cr'au110uuk
11 A ti. McDonald Lthri
et Elie Pomeroy.. ........ Etter.
12 Bessie Sommerville .,..,,....., 91 ;thou
U.4 George E, Steenneg,.Mulesworth
LI.3 Sara Hammond..., ..... Molesworth
U, 4 Jean Austin .Atwood
1 Jeuuie Trench Gerrie
2 Mantel Dobson. Lakelet
3 Blythe vlILaugblin Clifford
4 May Padfield
5 Sarah Padfield Gerrie
6 Hanna McKeeHurlislu01
7 Harry M Leopard (sun le
7 Irene G. Sheriff. ..:Gurrle
$ Tillie C. Spence Fordwick
o Annie Murray...-. ...... .,Furdwrch.
10 May C Skilling Gerrie
rr Minnie L. Ker Fordwteh
12 Mary Avlesworth Ford a:rels
13 Wm. J. Perrin... Wroxeter
15 An.nio B. Law . ,,. Huutin field
16 Norma Sparligg............ Moleswurth
17 1. Leggett Fortlwich
07 Nellie SegsworthFordteich
IS Babel Walsh Gorrie
U. 5 Emma A. Boyd... ..... Molesworth
t Ida Cornish., Clinton
2 Chas. H. Holland Clmluti
3 Elliott Somerville ...., ,,,. Cunstauce
4 Fawcett Sturdy............ Cousteau,
5 Edith Jenkins .Lundesburo'
6 Gertrude Campbell Matlock
7 Bessie Murch Luudesboro'
8 Grant Beaton Luudesboro'
Clara E Huston Londrsboru'
9 Freda Hess. ........... Antonio
to Jessie Wilson. Loudesboru'
12 Mae Petrie ,. ...1111201111411111
U. 5 Addi,uu F. Johns,... ..... Armour
Clara E. Sclater. Aural' ,
Tl JTav Hogg .........................Blvh
R.C. S.S. No. 2 Teresa Lamb "Clinton
1 Nellie S. Devereux Sear ort lt
2 Rae Guveu lock... ..... Seaforth
4 Foster Fowler.....:Setttorth
5 Camilla Prendergast-.. Beechwood
6 Violet Si mps0n...............Winthrop
7 Christopher White.-. Leadburt
8 Theresa Switzer Beechwood
9 Cecil Gowland..............Leadbuty
to Celina Durand Winthrop
12 Cora White Leadbury
13 Matilda Fowler Sealorth
2 Annie M. Hogdsou Dublin
R.C.S S. Mary '1' Canning. Beechwood
R.C.S.S. Stella Purcell.St. Columbian
R.C.S S. Clara McKenna Dubin.
R,C.S.S. Mrs. Scott ... Dubliu
1 Mary McArter .....................Blyth
3 Elsie Wilton .................... Brussels
4 Isabel McNabbBrus"els
5 Mary Edna Scott......, .....Belgrave
6 Carrie McCracken ............Brussels
7 Alex. McEwen Bluevale
8 Bessie Moses Brussels
9 Malvina Murdie.. ...... Walton
xo Belle Hendersou..........lamestown
I1 Melvin Dodds Walton
12 Weida J. Stevens Blyth
3 Alice M. Trotter . Blyth
17 Kate Marshall. ........ ...,... Belgrave
1 Eliza McEwen - . Hensel)
2 Thos. N. Forsyth......, Kipped
3 Andrew Scott Seafurth
4 Jennie Grant Clinton
5 Robert ,j. Beatty • ..Egmoudville
6 Emily Turner .Clinton
7 Closed
S George W. Holman...Egmondvilie
9 Thos. 0. Shilliaglaw.. Egniondville
to Aramantha McGregor..' K(ppen
1 Elsie Allen Wroxeter
2 Eddie C Robinson 4Vlancet er
3 John W. Ansley .,,, Glenaunau
4 Gen, EI, Scott Bluevet(•
Jean Black .................... Bluevale
5 lassie M. Garrick Wingham
6 Jean Carling. Winsrhum
7 Pearl 'Full,.......... Wingham
8 Pearl Z. Baker ..W(ngham
g Lizzie H. Vanstone Wingliam
01 Laura A, Ansley Wtugham
1 John Hartley 5 Lucy Stevens
2 Liz. M'Pherson 6,1•lattie Courtiee
3 Janet Wilson 7 Maude Wiltse
4 Clara Chidley 8 Annie 'Taylor
r W. j. Moffatt 4 10011 Govetlloek
2 Minnie MacKay 5 Leila D. Hest
3 Jessie Wiseman 6 Jessie Bethune
1 A. H. Musgrove 5 Lizzie G. Wilson
2 Maude L. Brock 6 Lizzie Cummings
3 13 B Reynolds 7 Edith Matheson
4 C. Farquharson
1 J.H. Cameron 4 Hattie Downing
2 elen D Ford 5 Gert(e Ross
3 Dora M. Smith 6 Jean Ritchie
1 Joseph Stalker 3 W, Thompson
z Olvotta Brighaln 4 Georgina Murray
I W. E. Vanvelsor 2 Elizabeth Henry
Clinton Collegiate institute.
A. P. Gundry. 13. Aµ; J, H. 'Tree
le8Vdq, B. A„ ; Miss I., R. Delmage,
13 A. ; Emerson E. Be,11, B. A. ; Miss
I Moir,
Seaforth Collegiate Institute,
G F. Rogers 13, A, ; 0. F. Coiling, I
B. A, ; Moss 1; A Teskey, 13, A, ; ;
Miss Mabel 81, J. Baird, 13, A, ; Huss 1
A. Chidley,
Wingham High School.
A Taylor, B, A. ; G.• W
J )
111001, B A ; J C. Staub, B. A. ; Miss
J. MaeVlu(nel, 81. A,
Are Toa BubJeet To Colds 1
They 1,1,1,'1 01841 )oil 11.108,vb With
04410 44)tup8. 1311048 888.81144 meulcatluu
41,1 1,4411 ,Ire uuet8lle-9e11d 11 11110 4818
pee age. hat ale eubjeue t0 etude and
ua68rru Rad) 10 410 81119 WI al Ua18rrh•
Lune, Wb,013 00088 a cold 111 len m(nttt88,
Evert t0 the lunge goes rhe heauog vapor
of Oatarrbuzoue-8d through the bran
Mimi tubes, 110818(19 and air pae8age8-
every where a tram, of d198888 rrmelhe
w,l. Uaisielluzuu9 follow. Y 8'14 utu
(Jove a ,dI, bur Wut )1101 90090 from
1.111 n, bronubltle or th11441 i,00b'8 H
58188118, 811.1 In need. 082 11 10 08).
25 oto. ane 01.00 at ah dealers,
0x4418 Fla. -British Columbia Sae the
Buent 81.014488 m N,8 world. We bad a
•tl648 %%altar 00 ab0tle three d,.ye al.0
an melt of mime the 1891 of J8uu8ry bet
09018lu98, Feb. 9,11 Was a be80Win
nay and pry et,e810 but we bed a b.g
'e1,, after 1681. Burne lovely day( mat.
!einem.) (Feb. 17th) I eat I1, the 9011
.y all 0p8u wn0uw sewing, 1,o fire u,
the mom. Ie 48 like May. Nu front
11, the aIr, 'today I woe out fur a we k
88d hoeing Wm pep. r 011 the sIepe m
1,l) return 808U1 ft 20 p. m 8. t down 0t•
tb Inept to read aim was oomlort,b•8.
Have 001 had my lur 008', asp 1,r in, ff
nut ono Winter 14041 01188 1,u fur about
ny ,.808. Outy two or three times au)
thing warmer than km gloves 1,u 0114
bawds. Today I2898 au abuad8uce of
Spring flowers In ehe gardens, 880w-
drupe,uruuneee, 0ow8np8 8110 thero88-
011soe8 auu 111809 Bre nude for
eov98. They tau me the tinny seas 11
ie &beet (.48r and we 81.1 have heaut,-
Iel w.aeber T80 Daily Tamen of Jan.
22ud (aye :-"Tile g81Uen of Dr, 1811(112
par 018198 114 UsOuueee .n 1011',mom. 'line
i8 very 0(10-08 an the 1101ye,' refuted lie
,,e,,er81() 8w8,18 the earl Hprmg .b8lurr
appearing. piss 8888011, 1uwev.r, they
ti8,8 8ppe8r80 before any mold 10884138,
eau are awmau0mg that Spring la at -
ready here. Kind reteembrenote to an,
01uoer8 y,
MARY M01(809
Vtotori8, 13. 0., Feb. 18.h.
011440 SIR -We 9,88.w8ye glad to g.1
an PO88 08 1 819020 10 bring ne bate
Le Di U.,ele again among our and fr(euu8.
E.e.ya tom id very quiet 0811 here. Ju -t
now 8110081 ate work 89 at a staude811,.
We have ban a Lovely Whiter 90 far,
wily about fuer (081188 of meow at for
mu81 nue the 0 dune' bed only bowl mein
98(040 The Snow to au008 all guns
988 )' aur ala like Fad weather Ou
18 1e always bright tied .noobny here
It in very Inman) here and we have very
11ain 410111108- only la grippe and that
etlmd 80 be quite commute 814 over 8110.
Waiter. nuly,
W 0. Cou9LEY,
Medteiee Hat, Ada., Feb, 20411.
DEAR EDITOR. -We are having M 1088114
W11nor Out 18889, 8128 13881 5 8808 eaw
Just euo0eh 811018 ler 'neighing aim not
too amu. Sun le ebuolug every Day auu
is quite a contrite!, to la -1 Winter which
wa8 a bard OLIN I think the West hie
Omura} beaten au t., ollmat0 either Sum-
mer or Waiter. We .fun It Bon ante are
oellIUg along well, I am working (11
them 81018 Waiter but expect to Au book
w uteri homestead i1, April for the BUm-
mer. We Have a 440018 half 88011011, me
1,t the beet runuu here aid It i8 umy 1#
codes from town. Expect et 40111 L
gene valuable by the int.• I 44.8 my
patent. Am hiring the 1otug of my Jm-
prev8meite Ito far, 88 I wurk i0 town
hu018 al 010118 which 18 rhe bent
onto for a be44luuer Until enough taut
id rangy for au llvetlote 80 pay me to
pee 00 au oa fit. Oqr little town 18 Duly
8 months 0.81. but 18 ((vet), tine Winter.
Ito a 9m8rt Miele pl&08 and 1s going
ahead last. Have some BUB b8Ul8iu448
anti two railways and (levels. There
wee tuts ot work last 80mmer and title
Winker aid times and wage' have been
g1,' d with the proepeot of them being
better next 88aeOn. The country got a
las (',auk set I1018 Pali o1, 80000140 of the
gram getting fruzeu re.altiug in a very
tow prate for wheat but this i8 n good
Wainer fat the fernier Money is maim -
but wt It .cod or. pe Mex1 harvest , very
thing wilt be all right egaiu. We have
aber011ee here, 0000erte, 8130we, 14 eka8
mg riuk and will have a echoed next
,prlhg. Au Ode Fehow8' Lodge is beton
ur(44bl280, Thor' are 994.9 a ['Umbel
of the 3 linked bre1baeu rnqud bete.
Lorre le getting to be a bog boy. Yuu
would not kuow him. He t8 e8roug two
healthy and hae not been sok a day
some we left Brussels. Primate any ane
myself are enjoy!, g good stealth, With
Mud regard' fr. m 1,e to you aU,
Yours Duly,
Nokomis, Seek„ Feb 16.
Morris Council Meeting.
00011011 met neoording to adjournment
181 the Morton r. nm, Morrie, o1, Feb
1Th Mrmbere alt present, Reeve in
h,• olio ' Mmm88 of 1881 meeting roan
sr d.eunliemed. On 1110840n of Shaw and
Campbell the Olerk was a10ar10ol818 10
eoi(006 lenders fur steel etroeturee to
rep11808 the Sommerville bndgeet" e8ti
mates to he made On two 80 loot (pane
and 01, 110 foot open, the Connor! too
ohonee between the two plane Te0der8
t be opened at the 'Pewit Hull on March
80 11, at 1 u'olOuk p. m The matter of
tele dPio ehmeo4 of ri tot 20, 0004, 8, from
8 8 8 1 8 and 8(I( 9111(11 the same to
S. 8. N , 6, woe taken up and n0 objection
to the prop() Fd ohal1t' Wee 0381118 by
easy of Ihtl Ill FfFt,11 p
interest, err pee. It WO.
moved by Nlr, T, }Nor, e000uded by. Mr
MoOmoheoo that the said of be detach
ed trom S. 8 No 8 and annexed to 8.
S. Nu, 8 and that the Clerk be inebraot.
ed to prepare a By law doufirming the
•14.010. 581186.1, The ' (door- 1r, el,
ell rt..1 pert in, the 1,11rrent sex
and ,.,, m '1011 of Oamp• ell and Sh8w
the slime wee 808Fp4841 ire 0881011448 11
/4000880140 471888 Ordered to be paid as fol.
�< ..f._,.,-." —..._. f '-•'�1 .aasr-� .,._...:•'�w�.:Y,�. r ............. _........ meq.•.—:..-• �..-.- -T ..»....
', .. i„
r .
of wide expel to m°, broad 04'1,11 •
able end uu1i'iug energy,41npley"1
by um, have Midi 1,o n Unl rieu um tau
inapas88(( In .nluada f.oa 6(1•.'1101'
Delta, System 1,u t 110111t41 barmier.
ri 01ednre
1418844 +`' v rare-L`elacraphy, S tap•
oerapuy and U. unneeded,
Neter any time. Iwe1v1 Mal 10.
po 81 48 N.vngn ti q asn,atsd to
0.41, l'tu,ra8lu I.0001hues n0 It
kneo, 1.1 p,,nul'''r(fut(.,1t.a HIA 12tomo,440
l, 4
p m
/'ANA11,n's I;nueTuS•r ' nntN ly Leal[
03t01202 11041111.08 • 40.1440111
A, A. HI&Nan, 01.44 Ph n ,
Vice.P1 1, clpul
Lige, •100'r'run, P,lOuipal -�-
lowe :-E Llvingetoo, p uok, $8 80 ;
17011101 pal World, le h bunks sou Isom
in8Ji01 ferns •, $8 20 ; A Orw,1n, re.
pairing un vera, 01 00 ; J,.o. Gibson,
gravel, $8 00 ; Rev A McNabb, great
ro nbran, 05 00 ; P McNabb, &motor's
eatery, $8011; R J0211481001, W1.114812
(alar), 08 00 ; A Y .use, o' men., $210 ;
T. 8. life' nun, be HI 0 of notary and
411101082, $52 (10 0.. motion of trio.
Ouruheooeau Taylor ISH Council then
8(j .urned to meet again o1, Mundt 80 h
at 10 o'oloolt a. m. W (rekx.
Che, k
Should not be allowed to Undetvaine
It is impoeeib'e to go into details
01, this eubjeot baa the experience of
many 8 pour w m81( who is orlpp.811
for life, jus, bet, tom she eidn'6 ere it
good remedy in time, bould be a were -
log to cohere.
When the Bret 081,518 of woman
110'•0 appear 11, a young girl, a great
dal depeudu 441 8e13ing her over tine
08,10081 9cage. ee that to yeare to come
-he will not develop green eiokuese or
W heti ehe complains of Muffled
lane, headache bearing down feeling,
give her a worse of Ferrizoue Wbluh
will carry her past the crisis.
In the tingle woman if any irregu.
tai ogee occur, F81,080012 Will be hyena
a 19m0(1y of remalkab.e potently and
Ferrozone is the ideal regulator and
menses ail organs of the body to perform
the r work properly.
It per flee the blood, tones up the
nerves and vital eoerg,ee. The 81012
soh i0 8treeg8he0ed, and digestive and
ad8lmilafive pr08e.909 ere improved by
61,8 good work of Ferrozone. It raga
Imre the bowels, owed 8Un0191tlull ono
pi es, and rep1(9088 0i8eese and deoxy by
11eaab and eareng'h.
There is noth(u44 better for the Dom
pl,xioo than Ferrozone. It rem0vee
the dark 0(80480 Irum Under the eyes,
removes and care alt manner of elan
erupao00, glve8 brigh,neee Bud btu.
loamy •4. 1118 9)88, a rosy aim. to the
obeoke, %bite!. the oeelb 81,0 (88810488 8
wed rounded, plump Mild ha:ma ma 801 m.
Ferrez,ne I' the .8d,e8' favorite,
8811 81100,11 Bou a 48.800 i1, every boort.
hold. Ie ,e pit -pitied nl the term of et
0111100101 (mated abet, 0uuveu12 (1 Mud
p eala0' to take. P toe per box 80u. or
three boxes for $1 26. 'Son by ab drug.
VC' lut.11r•.op.
Reeve Guvo01, ok wan at 898forth this
weep attending the 0pe0ial meeting of
Huron (Jo Council dean0g with the
Good Roads Moe, mem.
Mute Mabel Bullard, eldest daughter of
John Bei mrd, blaok880dh of tike v11lag8,
te eetiuuely ell from an 86.808 of It fl ,m
oratory rheomettsm. She (0 4101 Int•
proving 88 fast 88 her many fr(enu8
could wish,
FARE( BOLD. -B Ugh M8Ietoel1 hie Bold
Me fine farm 001111411111141 150 ,orae to hie
neighbor, Mr. Price, for the cum of
07,500 This mates ver Price the owner
1.1 800 sores of 448 Line lard as there (e in
the wwueblp. alJr. 810I068811 intends
smug Went in the Sprit's. He will have
aU anottun 94418 of farm etuek and im•
pleme0te about the end of Marob.
Harry Scott left for Peterboro, where
he 118e enuepned a position.
J,.hu Hubkirk left for Port William,
where he will engage in the driyiug
R -v. W. G Hanna, B. A., secretary of
the Lord's Day Alhanoe, will addree. a
publics meetitlg to be held in the 'lawn
Ha I nit Bonney evening Maroh 1st.
eommenoiut Immediately after 8440 oio.e
of the 0hureh 89rv1089.
Mr Yute firm been elected organist for
the First Presbyterian church. The
0hot88 watt 'tarried out by ballot by the
members of the o0ngregation on Sunday
last. Mr. Yule 18 a present in ohorge of
the organ 11, Ibe Presbyterian church at
()olivine, He will 18ke up hie duties
here about gene,
The public. library board met in the
Donnell °bomber for the 8ran988t(ou of
general busmen, to receive the reports
for the peat year and for the ele0tian of
offiuere foe the naming term. The mem •
bare present were F. Ho meelemd (oheUr
1081'), Mayor Bays, W Hama, Dr. F.
J Burrows, J L B(Nonin, (0eere/pry),
Jo, Partied and W. J. Moffett.
Dangerous s o 18. Extremely
g ug s xtreme y
perilous coughs. Coughs that
rasp and tear the throat and
lungs. Coughs that shake the
whole body. You need a regu-
lar medicine, a doctor's medi-
cine, for such a cough. Ask
your doctor about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
Wo publish our rora•ulso
W. 1190(010 141081881
tiers mWoeuer n.t ronunrtuo
Any good doctor will tell you that a medi-
cine like Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cannot
do its best work it the bowels are con-
stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows
anything better than Ayer's Pills for cor-
recting this sluggishness of the liver,
—Mea• b9 the J. 0. Ayer Ort., Lowell, Maas. -..-
The Bell 1onedry company ha- paid a
dividend of seven per cent ever since Ito
inenrporatinn, which ie moat eretifyittg
10 stook holders and evidence of efficient
management The old board of dusotnre
wee re.e'eoted for the ensuing v09r, viz.:
J (1 Grair, Geo. McEwen, W. 1i. Seethe,
51 Y McL'a.•, Wm Pickard, George
'Pa. buil, Dr Mu$01, R,ibert hell and .1.
Fn'8yoon A' a rroenl meeting of the
d,r,utnre, M Y M,:L,•en, M. P., was
aleeld president arm Wm Pickard, vice
119.1L8 108 YEARS OLD -A diepatob.
Worn Pe'erbo,o nays:-Iolwmai(on 4,88
been received here of the death at Nesbitt
]Ian , of tire, Arena, a tot trier re-ident
of Peterbsrn Comity who pae.ed away at
the age of 108 veers. Her maiden name
woe Margaret Jameson, and she woe horn
in Troland on August 16, 1800. She
earns 68 Canada to the early pert of the
0.1)80ry, 11100 eettied in Cavan township,
Peterboro county. Mr., Argue moved to
Manitoba with her gra0deon in 1888, and
had resided there ever'ei8ce. The family
1800000 ehnw that ehe would be 108 yeare
of age next Austen. Some other relative.
Maier Om eh Was 111 yeare old, The
tale Alrxender Jomeaon, of Bt. Mary(,
Wee a of hire. Arena, and had
passed th« 90 mark when be died. One
brother still survives, Thoe Jameson,
Peterboro, and one daughter now at 0129
age of 87 yeare. Mrs (Col.) H. A. L.
Martha Jameson, St Marys;
Mise Maggie Jameson, Mrs. Jas. Thome
eon, Toronto ; Mrs D. Creighton,
B'attshard ; Alexander, Wi Ilam, James
and John Jameson, Blanebard.; J. Wee
ley Jam80011, barn,ter, Toronto, and
Samuel B J8meaou, Inatome officer, of
R. giu8, Sa.k., are nieces and nephews of
the deceased. The Jomesone all Dome
from a feud noted for lonlevity.
After Once Tasting
no one wants an old-fash-
ioned cod liver oil prepara-
tion or emulsion, because
Vinol is a much.better body-
builder and strength creator
for old people, weak children,
and for coughs, colds, bron-
chitis, etc. If it does no good
we will r tturn, your money.
James Ft)x, Druggist
eart Stren1h
Heart Strength, orfeart Weakness, means Nerve
Strength, or Nerve Weakness -nothing more. Poe
'Sway, not one weak heart In a hundred Is, in it.
self • actually diseased. It 19 almost always a
1110uen tiny little nerve that really is all at fault.
This obscure nerve -the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve
-simply needs, and must have, more power, more
888billty, more controlling, more governing
strength. Without that the Heart must continue
to tall and the stomach and kidneys also have
these same controlling nerves.
This clearly explains why. as a medicine, D.
Shoop's Restorative has In the past done so much
ter weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoopfirst sought
the cause of all this painful, palpitatng; snffocat.
Mg heart distress. Dr, Shoop's Restorative-6hia
ocular prescription -Ie alone directed to these
weak and wasting nerve centers. It bnildel
It strengthens; it offers real. genuine heart help.
If you would have strong Hearts, strong dtp..
Kestion, strengthen these :nerves - re•establlol
them as deeded, with
Dr. Shoop's
When Children Cough
give them that old reliable remedy that never fails to cure
Friar's Cough Balsam
Itstops coughs -breaks up colds --and heals inflamma•
tion fpr throat and bronchial tubes, Absolutely pure and
We for children, 25c a bottle. At druggists or from
NATIONAL 081.10 a CHEMICAL CO. Limited • LONDON, Ont, of
8Tno1, latrnaOt8n00, ko F R, %cote
Auo Menem ,1380 1,980 tuatruotell by the u1+.
I819lgued to sell by public nuttier) at Lot
01 volt 7, Ore v, 001 Siwe Ione') 1l I+rl ley
5111' 001, at 10'01411,5, 1 h Polblwmg valu,lb'n
property:-) eeavv drought brood m tee 8
Years old In tun( to imported tome. 1 heavy
ratht brood are riot
-I u6 oals .,t
Dud 0 1 heavy
41 8r bo 10mer 80 1 ui-
10 3.894 1801.4 1 1 ursar and
(1 , Med lb 4181
6 Yenro, get by Bursar and 11,4444' Mad le foal
to ouportird borne ; 1 general purpose Rorie
Holm 7 yr ern old; 1 800.1 8trou0 driyiug
horse ri81u8 0 yeare ; 8 good a nye 8011110000
ie aunt to 68ero'-ural pull ; 1 tinier rlelug 2
teore ; 2 steer rising 1 year 12heifer maven;
8 Lbw Vain 11 bulls "880 Ilnu, 9 to 12 m' uth-
0 9 611,1 got b) leo, Kerr b8l1H; 22 para ural
.4119.ter car. s, must 9f tunes ore 10rl9Wrl•ll
uuw, 4hn baleueo 0011 kW r041 0I8re1-'i ane
1310 12081 1,11.:0e0a101 pris,. Mett•r1.111 r„
Mout yeare were bred by me and from '00,
1videb will be wild at this sale; 3 per. bre 1
Tura sown supposed to be 1,t pig, 1 Ulm" -
i br841 Yorkshire sow, 2nd arose Ir m 1210 1111
rpureed Sow, bar grand -duty Wad sold by D
: Ft841 ter 924080; 4 ttere bolls nn1808 pro.
vi',.ly 1881, 10 Ply un h It •all lieu 80 .01
ewer hied, I pure bred lir. 1 2,4 trolley 80,
1 bndor dud bb8a• c..1 ler buerly urw, 1
ma889)•Harri. mower, 1 oleo bar.. w n, ally
880, l Maboey-1.1(41119 u,.ltiv..tor 18,84, groin
8anner 00d green noisier 641 seed atm .88
new, 1 w1, king plow. 1 11;104 a civ, t •41,3-
b 4118 wall, 1 Lop buggy., 1 cutter. 1 iuoubutur
uuu 8ruudor, dlbu bay &a.1 9rd u mid 3 1.1(10
lands of 88849 p0aa8010 al, good y.1, 49104
vari0Ne8. late 0orinarve18 00 lnupr041,08
has 100,8(2 619 farm Mud 10 801,1 Went
'tame All sums el 95 mid nuder useu,8vet
uh(4tnmuuet 0 wumh8' meant wt I h0 given
1,u lu,u0shiwg ap.r„ved joint noes; 0 pa
cent per an.,uw off ler cash On o,L4d
ameu0ts. N. A. M1u0411, Plopr18te1',
the °mitre! part01 Grey, for sale n'
to rout. For further pul6,cular8 apply at
Tan Pu90, 8rusesl9, 83.68
140818, Cou, 15, Grey, o00tat1(ur 100
agree Apply to WM. WOODS, Or,rtlbro.I,
0, 0. 21-81
v 1' • issuer of Marrtugn Lioenseb 0!•
1408 at 81800883., Tm'nuurry street, hruoee, s
Fence Poste for tale, Apply to It, •64
W1LbEE, Let8, 000, 6, Grey, or Brussels
P.0, 20.81'
House and good Stehle with cement
Boor ; artesian well ; *mire laud ; for lode
on Queen Street,BrueleIo, Apply to
11 33 35 JOHN 00 131011.
l beteg Ni Lot la, om 8, Grey, "n
the eternities is aown sortable house, Sauk
baro, o,ehim', &o Poeseeainn can be given
at oboe. 13 miles iron lethal and 6lroe
Brussels For further particulars ap dv 1,u
the premises to P. LAMONT, or Ethel P.O.
R J. Whitfield
New York Eye Specialist
Will be at his home in Ethel every
Saturday, prepared to properly ex.
am(88 Eyed and adjust Glasses.
oomfortaele house on Prluodae etre,1
with stable and all 00 Ive111eh0,e Per fur-
ther apply 1) WE Emma
G. T. H. Agout, Wfnghum. 21.61
land for sale Comfort able ' well.
ing , hero and soft w iter nu ler cover; ap
y10,01881 and °berry treat, he. Pua,ess,uo
mu be given at °nee L'or prod, terms, &0.
0811 at 088 PO,T.
1J eIONED bad 4 ,6ner8 881 g e years, 6
Meal. l :sine year, acid a Heifer (hat oe
offers for wale Apple 80 Lots 63 & 64, Loi..
1, Merritt, 08J11m08tu0vu P (1.
Y1t1Elt Mo 12017C 11, -
ter 0018-410011 889001, conifer table
home to good repetr email Bumble, go, d
well, oielero, &o P0800o'iou auy Gime. F,,
nuttier 'man:mars apply on the pretenses
to S. C164WFOHD, 11run88ls, 48.81
1 e' brier• 188 -purl of 8m14b cloak.
20x86 eat ; •sod door fruw Arlene u Hutnl ;
Mimi) used as t8i(Orieg au 1 gouts' furnish -
i: g 0840Wi8umeut. For turtaer parneuwre
apply to DR, MOKelLVent, Brussels,
K. O. T. M.
Bruaeale Tent of the Maecub8oe. No 84
bold their teenier meetim0 m the Lodge
Room, Dan8e9 Block, on the 1st mud Sad
Tueetlay eveuiuge of each month
Waiters a(W8y8 tattletale.
A, SO11 ERS, Own. A, M0G17IIt1, R. K,
1leave been appointed by the Domihiml
Gnvernweut 10 pews Immigrants from the
United Rioguom 11, poeltiune as farm lab•
tonere 0r domestic eervunte i1, this y1011116)
Any portion aequiriug 01,0(8 Delp 011uu1d 1,004.
ty me by letter$Luting fully bud Mud i1 help
required, when wanted and wages oaereu
'1118 uumbere arriving may uo4 be wallet,
to supply all reque,•d bus ev,.ry 410801 wit.
be matte to provide dash applicant with
help required. F d. 8 O11',
()onetime Guverumela ampluymeut Agent
82-ly nn1008(8 0, U.
1 a•
Synopsis orf Canadian Northwest
ANY even 0um0nred emotion of Dominion
Laude In Manitoba, Saokatohewou and
Alberta,exeep8ing 8 and 26, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by soy 1)0601.1 woo Is.
the nolo head of u t14mif y, malty 12018 over
18 yeare of age, to the extout of Oue•quarter
81808iou of 160 emelt more or lase
Entry 111130 be made personally at the
local land office for the di8881811 io whiob
14(19laud ie eftuu19,
Tub u0w8st8uuer 00 required to perform
the el thefuuowitig plume
tberewlth Under
0,4801 rue 1n1(owiug'plau9
(1) At least six menthe' residence upob
and ouldv0tluu o1 the laud 11, anon year for
('2)980 1tyeatb8 fbther for wotber, it the tithe'
ie 4808080, y of the residue
epee a 18rm to the vlet Ate of the laud
en1er841 for the loquiremente as to reel.
deuu8 may be ea inked by Snob pereou re•
with rue
or mother,
8 It the
donee epee a fprmimi laud permanent
wu dUabyy him
In the vteleity of hie homestead, the re-
quir0meute ae t0 resldeime may be eut(s•
liven to tLe UOtrlmle,lo,or 01 0018114mi
L11000 1,t Ottawa of 7uteutlo0 to ail, ly ter
W. W.U,'RV
Deputy of .11e ,wear, ad Liter inn
' 8 iluduthor'lscd poulid 16.024 1,l this lel
, Vul'816umin6 will 1194 00 palm: tor,
Winter 'romp in all departments
of the Omitted lineuteee Uolle'ge,
offer,. splendid rudul <h4
for invading It rear (rumba pleas•
aptly and profitably,
Twouty-live tuauher,.
Catalogue free.
Nafte for H.
W, H, 894 i/V, Principal
E. it. titlAN, enicretary.
850ug8 11: Gerrard sta., 'Toroutu
iiilb;1111c,$a LiAttl) ,
0r t811LAGHH L1(J1l1N8L+'S
Ince Lt 4130 Pest 4)11(ee, 2.lbe1. 80.4
lz 151.1.11 A. C. A1111H21101VG
l8 pruparud 614 ;,lye n, .10 la 1,11 Piano
need iignu. '1'4ru1, 1,u lu.plmut.uu,..
1'u.8•mur odd,use-101ub8,110. 119.1.18009-
but 8, 0014.19, oro). 1: uplle Way 11880 tunic
1uo.eun 886110,8 uwu 110wd.1, prolUr,ed.
Teacher of Piano or Organ
Pupil; prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of i1Tuo1o.
Agent .Etowick Dfutual
Fire insurance Company
Office nod lteeid8000-
Rate 01 interest 54 per eeut per antrum, fleet
Excelsior bare Ineurence CO nonny
The Equity Fire than ranee Company
1,11 burgeon at60n4od to promptly,
Clerk 4th Division Ilourt
08. • time, will hell ler batter prices, to
,:4488 mon, IL 1080 1111/e hull 1086 elnime9
.emu any other Auotl.."0u, in hese Hulme er
le won't Oue0go etuytb0ng. Du488 mud ordure
do Jlway81,0 08(al,g0,1111 810,9 4111106 ar 07
.,11 nal 4pp11014110u,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms ;meltable. Kalea arranged for
at the ulnen of '1'1314 PUNT, 01089018, 221f
u :''rliftiT ill.
• Hotter ..10.111160 0f L130 UDtar10 Vet•
tautly College, .6 pt upar00 68 tre,444 all dill -
14498 L. 011088.41008.I 80181.1.10 111 a 001Lp81-
t 10(401188 1'11.4'11 alhu attention pull 10
ole. (nary 48 last.f 81,121,111'08 ,r 01,4118
.ruu,p6(y ,00,1041 80, clue audlu2rmary
l801. duora 061, 1 melee, L,luberry at,
tosses. 'Plume 47: It
L% 13. MA(MON /t ID—
It(4rri860r, Solloator, Notary, NM,
1uo8n8dor to G. F. Shur. (Mike over Otau.
hard Sauk, Hru98o18. Solicitor for Metro.
tektite 88.114.
M. 81NOLAIit—
V barlIaor A1110r, iUouvey1,u
,eery Jnl0'.-iewaris 8100k
.ouNinth01 410ntlul
Solicitor for the 818udard Hauk,
pLt0UDF00'l', HAYS tt BLAIR-
4A1(L/L8TelltH H1LI01'Pl118, NOTARIES
PUnl,1 ., 14'70,
W. l'a80n1oo0, li, C. 10. 0, 21A88
14. 10. 14(818.
Odluen-Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Oawurm, & Holt,
0 o090 008, ONTARIO,
irad1at9 of the Royal College o1 Doutal
iurgeuusof°Warlo add Fh'04.91,(08 11.0008
tracheae of Termite University, Office
test to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
It fe the. most atle00R9tnl buolno'e ft
traluog school I1, Western Ontario,
Our Co,uluerclat, She, Maud an 1 Tele -
g41 raphic Departments are in Menne
Of able luet,uot,r, of 0xperluu00, Ali
our courses -ere t11.11•411811
jnod pr+ogest We kayo become :1c
t of th01ltrinet80. (08 10111 1peeu Dere.
�( intuu Pr1 08,01. Out our free Data-
11,,00 aid 1188¢ what tvo ere doling,
.0 (1Umn1eY6I0100h 0o1e he {poll aH I1U8t•
LI1y1l Ile a III0u (•011,800 • 008 al'i0l,l'.to9. 81x.4• ,in'(r''
) 01118 err elft rn1g '1.0111yeult '.ate' at
14 "OW.
2d 148.131(1+ 4 4 ,Io .l(tl1L 1 h,
0) na „nl-
'id.,.�ln=.end=-t'iia-,Q,t9:'85Si�a�-:06"••.I1&�&�; hl.