The Brussels Post, 1908-2-13, Page 4^-451t-e•;-- ..e • ., iCtiz "Raxt5;iet,$', gots 77-1U1i804Y FEB. 13. 1908 • TAD Prornoial Logi letttre aeeemb,ed On Wedneeday tif lest -week in Toronto/ for their OonUOl mention It the Morin Welted np cm the ffrist tiny of meeting hi any it dioatien- of what 'May 'follow a lively time le promised. Tool aftettilsAtiatititi 01 the Xing ,of Portugal and hie eideet eon above bow ilokle a thing publio opinion is. Nut Very long ago his praieee were loudly sung but today lie's a oorpee. Kingly benore may be great but theta ie much of olond Re well as sunshine In the palace as well no the cottage. youth of 19 years is now to wear the arown 131 Poe tugal eo etneeasor to his father, to be known its Klee Blenual, but there is a ory for the establehing of it republic and the probabilitiee are there le trouble ahead no matter What. form of Govern ment prevail% WESTERN UNIVERSITY. This ednoaliooal institution is lambed in London and as v0 vigorous effort te • being made to broaden its spnere u nee lotuses and aid sought from Loudon awl th BrOVince, through the Legisiature, the following fame will be of iutereet ;....- Weeteru Ualveretty was originally established pa an auxiliary to Huron College, an Auglioou Theologioal institm tion. A few yeare ago it became by aot of Ontario Legislation a tin denomination al inetitatiOn but coutrol practically has ' remained in the bands of Auglioau • ohuroh. Other denomination» and mass ot Lon. . don, 01119080 have heretofore been im different, home u moment fluatimai struggle. Owing to uneatietmtory financial the. dition of Weider,. Univereity the Ontario Government 9290 never reoogniz•d bettor degrees In epecial wanes, Omagh its regular pato degree has intoee vales art that of the other universities of the Province. This has caused many of the brightest etudeute, especially those in tending 10 10809 in felieh R01300113 00 go to Toronto for the fourth year. After long negottatione the Senate of Weetern Unit -aunty and City (Munch of London, have arrenged thee Western University shall be takeu over by the city wholiy or in part, probably whohy. Connell vrid make agreement for ten years to pay 1/6 f a mill oil every dollar of themity'e adeesernent as 000901 o trtbution toward the support of the Uuiversity. Legimation tu empower courted to do able will be aought at the present 9809100 CA Onte.rio Legislature, When University is pu, on soand finances) bests 11 ta exoeoted Mat 0138 Ontario Government wilt render help tbreet oo 1.ldlr00 80 8 has done in came of Qaeen.a and (Name University. We may %manila a supremely intermit iog experimeot v.za municipal Univer- sity, thing unkteown in Canada and probably in Amenia and found seldom in Earope. Why ahomel there be a ruivereity in London (u) London is the centre of the wealth hist and in ,09 biarly populated part of Canad.i. dm a good Milt/Vey centre end the oonventenee of large numbers wet be 'nerved by exiatthee ot vieoroue Uot yersity 10 London. Matty rein attend it who could not and would not go to Tor onto. (8) It fa in the beat interest of the country as a whole to bees centres of ed ueation radiating good ielinenees in various parts of the province. The presenoe 01 29 Uffivereity in (800030308(13' does muoh to elevate life, lutelleetual, moral, athletic'. Higher echniation and culture shonid not al. be bottled op in Toronto. We went a aniforosily high culture throughout the Province, The University of Toronto eepeoially but Moo Queen% and MoGill are bottom. ins overcrowded. Male building at Tor, outo already Inadequete for its 750 atm dents in Arta. Thi8 Arte fitoulty would be po itively benefitted 11 Borne 01 019 overflow mold be drawn off Uy other Universities. When an Arta college be- comes unwieldy the beat development of the average 111011 becomes irnposeible. He is apt to be lost in the crowd, to see and know very little of hie prefessore Ontside of lecture room, an to form very few.if any, intimate friendthips among • bisfellow ttudents. •((1) In a email Arts college, on the other band, contain between studeut and pro. testier is attestant and ithimate and tee • average man derives his inspiration from men more than from (00118, livery student knows every other student rather intimately, melles many bosom friends and probably learns to know human :ewe eetter thee be would were hie knowledge of his feiloWs • lees exaot Bud intimate. (o) Wnett the Weetern University has had it (Mande to grow, we *111 find there perhaps two, three or four hundred etudente A.rts, whose neain tune *011 be or should toe ealture. They will Andy coarse different enough to give variety ot training, but like enough to eaoh other to mate a etrone oommunity of interest and a harmony of ideals. Life in such an ibetitution Won d affOrd vreater stim- nitni and inspiration to the average stud- ent than (Muni life in a great offinplioated University of endless faculties tvbere be Would find himself auriounded °mob of the time by men with whom he had lithe oommou intermit and .whose ideate were perhaps Utterly fluoongenial 10 hien. This pdint is of enpremely importartoe but less generally grinsped than it shoold be. This year beet seen a event ewaketeing in athletioe et the Weatern. A cionmina tion illediettl, Arts and Divinity football team Wad organized and entered the City L0894138. It woo the olty oharripionship and then played& very creditibit tome in London agaitiet TheiVereity aollege, Tortinto. A Western Ilnivereity hockey team 13298 9180 ()retired City Ilookey Leagee. A. London beteteo legime Hockey League hag been orgemieled ooneiettng of Matte troth Modified Behold, Arti h'ae ffity, Collegiate ,Inetithte and. Foreet City Itheidege College, The eine of this Imegtie to develop (29(01(1 (1110111, At preeent 1ffe11ee fienitt hae (well 100 ethdenta. Al eXemmitunts 6 r 0,1• tarn/ ()wined the London dleds, outiorm eumpetotiore from Toronto and e. 10 proportion 30. 23111218818. Arte 00eu213' hoe nearly KO log,- 18'gor tide year then re. Statotath raffled this year by oritoduetiou tit severe half ettrly eeaueinati ne London Id well ,ttroneed over the pre potted improvement and broadening of the 082 ..008107 mid Owe is lithe doubi but that Weeletn Outddio wuu.d be levee Atmore in the worthy mom aud 10088 enutiolated coutierning Wtlettirti Cut vereitly. You Stomach Trouble • Whet, 300 ..ae en 81.11 21 10 ..I,0 1(11 ben woe 10 the 11, -ottle•thitg it eettie (68 0(0031(0(1 le needed lhat (10 heavy feeimg (0801 be ailed and appetite must be oreated Get a tumbler of wine mune eager, and then pour in tff of Nervittoe. 'You'd feel tip top it, a few mioutee. Neryillor tooeti, pots P.m and pti .p your movements. be fit teil I r bard uay'o work ny inking 14 rti Jor— loithieg better. Large, Matte 264 every where. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL EDUCATION 0 BINITTEE'S REPORT. The adileatiou matron tee mem mended thew there einem be a vends sohuol end contliMatiou antes grackle, tioo summation fu. 108 0.111/L3', to be held et the saute lime ano pimea a, the high mihool eterante, the wait, imunoil to pay the expeneeo of the ex atnicatioo, and the examiners to cue 0208 0! inepeotore and two rpm .11 .- teaohere to be elected by the Ileauhe•s' Inetitutee of Beat am) WestHuron ; that the Daeoprood Uffien S.. 8. be Marla u bigU sohoni effireuee eicanytha 11011 08utre for 1908, an requeeted 21 the motion of Meeere. Kee., maim ono Webb ; that. J. B. thinteron, of Brup Kee, aud It J. 5' einem, of Exeter, +fa appointed teouuty modal Helmet ex ammere for the yeer 1908, 10 actiord mina orit01. their aop11061.61110 81111 '6 mutton of 12lroeru, title ti er a0 Uo• emit ; that R. 13. Hays be a, pieta 1000080 for Seaton', Giteglate 00(8,1. Bamford for C.intuo, Tenstone for Witinham, and 40.tee Holt for Godertan, and that W. L E tot be appointed in 9(800 of R. W MoKeuzie (deceiteed) ou the boatd u Goderion 00 legiats ; that air lolloWing aMilnuts be pato the severe Inetitntes leve the lees collected fr, 03 county papile 52.444 64 , Clinton,52,170.36 ; Seaforib, -52,648 59 ; that Wdagliato reueitie a gratit $1,600, an additional nraut AO' he giveo • at the Join, session after the Legtem live grant bee Men appOrit unto, when 1130 9.0301(01 for 9001 on the mum ty is (1808 can by outnented Gilder the statute ; that 510 04, the Memo of the Stratford 1.10281.0808 Ittetnuter pupils frum (hie -0001310, ealeodiog Institute, be yam, but mat those 1 Elarrieton, St. Marys and ListoWel high school' tie 0.4 ailow.d, end then etaterneute rammed them fur (tor rectum t that ((30 818080 grants be mode to echuols (Whig Othatituation ulnae work.. The report 0088 W101)1.011 BMW AT JAIL AIM COMM Ehnen. The renuty property ounentittee re ported 0043091130234 eatiefaotery at the jail, the heating all that ouchd be de erred and the entire house ounifortable, with nine iimeetes-one for utauity, one for atiBELUIL, three for laro, ny and tone for vagratiey. The committee moommended that the outside wood work get a 0081 of 901118 and the inside a Goat of whitewese, arrauge merits having been neade t. r the 030180181 to be tow ted by Mr. Paffillit aud the work to b. dune by pi laolt (aim,. The comillittee rectitnnientieti that the aim k's room be 1111p...wed by the painting of the woodwork and patting ou 29 burlap skirtiug, papering the wade and putting iu hangieg lamp, the entire Wet not to exoemi 5100, and the work to be doe tunter Mr, Lane's supervietou. Everything waa In good ether a; the regi -try °Moe. The report was adopted. comas- P189910116. The county treethrer submitted the aortal statements of armanute 80(1 noted the fohowing :There teas nu floating debt at the ' end of the year ; there was 080b on intim 847(16 47, 82(21 onunty ratea unpaid, 516 8611.17 ; Mere „_,___ .9 Morn than Wail wae levied RR Ann 7 expended -thio emouut will be used in 18808010g the rate this year, 00003018. Balance from 1906 ..... 1 797 78 76 751 01 195 47 1 461 80 19 67 Interest 228 59 Sterling deb. einehig )111218 15.686 21 Division Court jury 22 94 Administration of justice 2,401 45 Jail ....... . 964 28 bothers Rebottle Ruade end bridgee Industrial home Bills peyable Ootinty rater, Lind tax Registry office Redemptiou acuutiot 14.997 29 1,028 76 1,448 89 66,000 00 $172,986 10 3IX2E9DITOR110. • Land tax Registry caw Redemptiort aocotiot ...., Interest Sterling debentures Offirenoy debenture,. Division Court jury fa d Administration ef ilia' Jail 600011111, . . ... Reboot mauegement Sehoole . ... Grants Municipal government ..„ Stationery, atm alisatillaneony Lunatics ()minty property Roads and bridges Industrial home Bide pipit:de Balance to 1908 $ 08 28 226 20 19 67 440 80 27,028 66 4 896 00 1A-Ivr.irle.':mistn mIttv.-14vrzt titetle8g09/1tHer- iVieVilfre8V-8..e!'.2eFereffefferlete..1534I.; :Ate. C'eXe-effIefettelielB .' teat'itereteffel hum Ip lower the *Ater In the 08111 white the bridge 10 eeitig emoted there ' 03 14 le possible IQ 110 Yo. The amount Of °Mere toned since Met 488400 01 the amnia. Wan lie 978 eo. Tub road anti bridge committee reoutumended :-Tbat the Mnder ot D Wetheimmoo, Allea Creig, be 80 oepted for the ciolierete work 100 the. three bridges, v194 , ,Wareen'e bridge, flenotin (conorete ettattneuts and ,'Op eretruotur ), Hal 'e brodgi, one 1321.8 North . of Hayfield (uatneut (8nti), W)ugham bridge, North of the tow') (for commie ab(0mente), bud 1101 teil for Werren'e bridge, tor the stlin of 85 000; 449.1 1038 tender of A 81•1 of .114011811, be )8001'p19)) f Wiligharn bridge for euperetructuri 0,18 the -um 56,585 Toe oommittee reperletl that in ezomioing the ender:, they tonini that at arch 0111— ver0 is much °beeper for 138038 bridge and therefore will abandon super- ai rum me. Ile moti n of Meilen. 110( 30 mid Oa 10,, re Wr setter bred f 811.. 0 031211.100 r6OOMITIBI111ar1 11361 th nutter hontd he considered aom lime 111 the near future, but melee 5 she Very taro expentthure on bridge this amen that no eo ion be taken ei oresente(Thie wag amended to the ef- feet gnu Munro Fraeer, Mnagrove aun he engineer report in Jima.) Regard - Hie th, upper dammiug of the Wine - bridge the committee mom - mended that, the matter be left in (M- ilan& .0 the engineer to deal wait the ,Viiighttue 000110(3 to the beet &fleet. - owe he oan ; regarding the Plolmee- vi le bridge that the road and brOge eiimmtttee ex mine the locality before he Jima minion and report to th. council at the June session i that Hi! Uo., vinebe 1, have the me of th. d wooden bridge at Wiughene fo, • porpose of eremnig the new aup- eriarffistore ; that the engineer eee that the neoessery egreemente are aigned ooth by the oemeut and map- eretruottire commuters and that the 01)001 cheques be retained until the (mistreats are oompleted to the eatie- (nation of the engineer. 0221IDITIONe AT Tall LIME of BEITME. I Dr Brum, Smith'e report of he .fl,ction 00 164 Quality huuse of rein- 1(0 `Titortt ere eeveral noticiettb e im provernente in the egthpmeill and 001- d1tinue of this hmee of refuge. The iernates appear le be well eared for, e though there is apparent need of more help, being employed to bri, g this house of refuge up to the stand— ard of 90036 other 0011111188. More help ehoold be employed. It ie neitleer Bale 0 nr riehz to depend Po moth en the 1. Matta tO „do the work. Coatgetent 'eremite sheuld be employed as at ether houses of refuge to supervise the work and keep the 9(808 in order. Phere shoe d be a hired than kept for thwhole year to wo.k the term 031 800(01 in earing for the inmates. Some errangernetite piloted be mad to OrWide the imp rude:Went and matron withu diumg-room fur their own nee Some provieion !Mould be made for inmaidne clothing in proper onmpart- menu. I, le uneanitary to pettnit omitting to bang about the them - 008808 11 with duet from year to year 1)30 furniehiuge are niaiii and soh- etantlal. Some rootns are more com- fortable than milers. 'Phe conditions in wh'ob the rooms were toned were more satiali,es,,ry than Ora the 0130801011 of my last visit." The eonffitione of moat feathres of the institution were reported as eatia- factory, 00131.701 AUDITORS. The following were the applicants for that poeitiou of 000813' auditor 01091 000, 00 of Hemel! ; F. S. .11eRee- zte, ; L MoFucil, Seat lib ; P Otsideinn, ()Linton ; 194. 8 Se- an, Elate!. ; J. Hoveolook, 14esfor2h ; A. Tuckeremth ,• W. J Mof- fett, eleetiorth ; N Clinton ; .1 E W. 14, Mc- Rerehe ,r W roamer ; W. IN, Qtt • I en, West Wawanosh Meier& MtQuilan and MoKerolier were eppointed, Mager. Bailie and Lane were appoint- ed aorlitom of oriminai juidioe acoonnte A. ;ninon from the tenuity of &Wirth, - ems asked the signing of 18 memorial to the fienteuen -Governor-in-Um:moil to. 8.030011 eeotiou 606 of the Municipal Act (in regard to liaudity of muntotpalitive for dernages through soo(1inte tin the hteliwaye) zio that it will not impose go heavy a burden a 13 at present on men- oipal oorporatione, and a memorial from the united minnties of Northern-- Meriand and Durham asked the sign- ing of. a petition to the Legieletive Assembly to amend the to'. Amend the SupplementaryRevenue Amt., 1899," so that no portion of 11311 •Monitto oil eoted from railway com- panies (Mali be deducted, bet that 113e Inli amount reoeived- ,shall be divided, es provided iu the mild act, unonget the several minor mutat:vendee with- in the Proviecte of Ontario. The ape - mai committee's report in fevor of.' sign ing both petitions wag adtpted. 231011408 TO TEE IthEiRITALS AND 3181810118 900100108. T138 executive eummittee retionemehd- et) Re motion of Minters. Taylor and Her. ma for grant of $20 Ift1011 10 all the Agri. ouloa rind Hurticultural Societies hot tug fairs in the county, that game be granted. Re motion of Metiers. Irwin and Mae srdve, thin the clerk be inetrnoted to neve $00 copiee of the ooneolidated by-. .889, of the homily of Huron Minted and riletributed among" the 8800161 Mithityl that the 299-90031116 26 palitiee 111 the 01(01189, 7 288 24 110 granted, the publicatiott to 10010910 all ' 223)4 23 by lime tip to date. 2 711 33 Thin emelt rffineher of the Council be '27941 63 'owned with a oopy of the oon-colidated 1994 00 eta(n)es of ()Mateo In atemedance with 5,248 40 motioti of Mesas MoDiarmid abd MO, 808 88 Milian, 57 25 That eaoh central Worben'o Institute 461 0g in,the 000.119 be granted $10, in soctord. 2 391 ' alma with mctiort of Meeere. MoMiliati 22,484 66 ithd 7 186 18 That the teitebere' Inetithtee of the 5enmity each 1900)08e a grant r 525 in 6 000 ( 0 4 7 meortianoti with motion Of Dr. Irwin and obi 'i L. fielkeld, t61.72,996 The520 be.granted to the Siok ren'e klueptial. 00'31427 1180230118" That no notion be *then With referencia Pettereon, road and bridge emn, 10 eppoiniment of delemites to attend a missioner, reported that he han .et mitt...mime to 118 held by the Netionai the ounteace of (Menu (0100 ei Flithiterlom Aerieetation In Tor0010 the per and abutments at E60.1 Ill March 4 it lent that $50 be eranteli 19 bridge and the ithritraotor wee at the 00oPlirriptitio outilturiurn at Gran, 0 - Work, Ile mimed That licate arrenge hero, (Tine o suite wee etruok out ) Went be Made with the toWn 01 Wing- That 00 901)0» be teken appoiuting delegele. to the Gond 13,11(19 Aosopietion, '12,181 526 be ottuted 1(1011 of ,he b 111 ore' Inat.tutee 111 !meantime() with motion 01 Meesre. SinIth and EettY. Re lopp'iaations of Goderiell ned Wing hum liospitale lor 14 kr1(110 of 6000 "001 tied Dr Gutit.'o hoopiei uI 0.1„wo for 5500, we rettortuneed that the tem of 5400 be grautee to 81(011 of tho abort. huilpitale, provided (het before 11,1' 9493.1 le plod the mermen) or owe Or, 61 ' nistituth u enter into an tigrembeit that Mee are public,' lifaipitetot and AM. jeet to Guverffinent ineyeetton,. end that on 800033111 01 'the graffiti retemnieed d they Il *4(9288 to provide •eoeurntrionation equivitient to th'rty !Ivo for pettitilit during the ear 1908 free of chorea l'..r goal petiente es have tie mese. to pay for board ur (tumid (0' 19f1)1111 manic palltuni in lite tionott of Huron may emod into either ef the 1 above named hospitale from time to time, I Red when Ike tituar.sities ut the Oattif quire immediate °limpet 'or for it b. d .t U. 811211 Ulf eu pr Red 11101 hei trertifloa 8 bf the Reeve of poi Mu; 0. einem.), where the patient resides in nether with 11101 of tin- attending phy el man thud be entlioieut smoothy for the ptitucie of any potent. Re minim. of G 91 19 (90(1. and Fl J A, McEwen for a gtent of 516 to pur- elniee ,were for th- Court House Square that the mina, greet 01 510 be Matte. Re motion of Menem. Bluegiove and Irwin, milting for a grant Of it county pediar's Heenan, tree of Charge, 10 W'. ter Oarrutbera of the township of TuroberrY, owing to hie being a °ripple, Out no aotion,be taken. '1'1110 WAR amended to grant the licenee. Re motion of Mesery Goventock 111.11 Harris, Milting Met 5100 be paid to County Engiueer Pau ereuu tu itoeititni to hie reenter gantry, for ep oitti work 10111194 (68 year 1907, that. the Reale be granted ; and ea to the propotiat for an increese of ea•ary to 51000 tee recommend thatei be taut over 112 the June Mauling of the Cumuli,. when it will be known whether the proposed 800,1 made eolleme will be carried out or 801 Re application' of Jailer Griffin 'for nu inoreami of ',Wary of 5160, we recommemi Mitt tio tuition be 1 88,11 (1')i., syn. 421101111Pd io ntve (13" ruler all month., of 5(00 ) Tiii- Report WM amended 10 1110 1 fleet that all persona or orgautzetions who reoeiee ettiy grata for any parpme fr. in the °entity submit ty....._fittttiontl statement to the ()aunty. 1 wieb that I might talk w.th all elOk one. 11080 the actual cattse ..0 Stoinech, Heart 8118 Keivey ei merits. To expetin in person 11,11; weak Btomaillt nerVes leads to Bruitutelt weakoese, I am bore, W8C1 d Were.' 41 1. And (' Is the 81.1.838 with weak Miens or weak K dome. Phut 18 why my preueripuutt Ur tihoopr Reetorativ, --en promptly remit A., id m8018 of the Somme, Heart mid Kollif ye. If wroug to Ortta 111a 81.111 On or otitnnhia the Heart or Zia 1.90 11.180e Weak inside nerves -imp:, nom more streneth My Reetor.tive le 1110 only preeoriptine niecle exprently fur the e aervee. Next to ,eeilin you per. Botettly, wile be 1. mail you tree, 01V new. booklet 01103t1ed "21681 To D .." I will itleo send itemp`ec of ruy Renturative 08 .811. Write fur the book to day. It win surely interest you. A.ddrese Dr. Sim et, Box 8,13800210, Wie. Sold ley all deatere. t.3 1 ft aft 1088 (*0. TUSUISEBBY Commit. -Mit-trues of Omen oil meettug held iu the 0 erk's tattle, Bluevale, on Monday, Feb. 10 h Mem- ber. of 0011 1.10i1 8 1 preoeut, Reeve in the chair. Mihnt, 8 of twit Motto g aeopted on motion of Memos el 0,1 and Kedy. The enclitere' report to jointed form was id before the ()tuned 11,1 fit al audit, Moved kit Mr 91' 11.8, , amounted by W.. Kelly Met the atiffitore' report adopteri se prin eit -Carried 'The them, we. insithuiet to Holl f r 10-1,11,18 l0r Townehip printing (rem the Witig hem Times aud Ativahoe, renders to 80.20,' 18 on the positive guarantee 'amp Hum for the year's printine. Al. parties whiffing °bang. e of •Pathroallinf that if it does not give.satis- nornaCiargstafnamt=11—Q.2.011, oz,ghs of Children Especially night coughs. Na- ture needs a little help to quiet the irritation, control the in- flammation, cheek the progress of .the disease. Our Advice is -give the children Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your doctor if this is his advice also. He knows best. Do as he says. We pulyboh our formals, We 1,118912 alcohol 9 from our median. tiers 00'.' urge 000 10 dootor If you think constipation is of trifling consequence, just ask your doctor. He will disabuse you of that notion in sho t order. "Correct it, at once!" ha will say. Then ask him ilbout Ayer's Pills. A mild liver pill, all vegetable. .---2,10de by the J. O. Ayer Co. Low.1i, nos., the nee of a Travelling Library. The toll' -wing were appointed ratters for the ear 19082-Preeiden8, 01.9.40. MOV1009; Vice 2, ealdelit, Dr. Kidd ; Trees. and Li•trallito, 2 H. deFtteltine ; Beoretary, T. G Ro o ffe ; Auditors, George Loch heed anti Rob. Knox ; Dirt -Mom Welter fro mi,teiti, RPV El P Weethate, Rev. R, Bonti, J. A. Por2pr, Thames D1011800, G Hugh limbminid. Alex Herne es d Walter Blitokweil, J A. Por' 21-1' Hod Tian -lite Delman were appointed it Mont:nom to wait nu the Dina Coon - 0)) to eeoure a grant for the Library. .3 retry lee eel. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the 6193808 01 J01111 For.. reet, late of the Townthip of Morris, In the County of Huron, limner, Notari8e8 ilaer.ehy given, Minium t (0 Ttevla. ed Matinee() 0WW1 1. 1007, 09ao.120, mai mn°11ugAatt that'1rtt"1 ni1l" liae14atiyelauea011 ae:0t13tee nahl John !foiled, W 1 1 11 ed 101 or snout Ute Othday .131008s', 1008, ere required tie or benne t40 18111 day of Volithory, 1088, LO mend by post, prepaid, or deliver to WIlliaul 0(0809 00 91(811 2311180 8208111r.1, et the euwe- althrof Hurtle, lo the ouhty 1301(18, 1(0 Exeoutore ofithe hot Will and teteiteumut outi eita,0800,1,10: W. name2 0011 addrethen math full parLontlar • ituaelWrletItio0u0oftethat'l °Mal oin'n'itit‘hthd o'14-4Ltuuripit 01,1 It Of any) taelg by th du 4084 imtime le lerilmt gtvoo that aft, r the ettia last oyenairtheci nate the BA. entols ' will preened, to (MAIO/a 0 8(10 tweet tee demeaned atnonget Me imitate petunia teem. to, litiviug reglad t, tue 0181.3,8 01 01.11613 they mall thou With 1191100 (10(1 that (110 18800010290 001 128 liable tor tun ethane, or uuy part tbereol,Lo any vertu it ad Naomi e 0113 they 18.1811 U0( (00801108 104108 Mut an perilous et 99)1 .00 madam Limy enull 1181 11,48 110r108 OM) be exeluded 31001 the l.eueiofa11.1 .81 113111 11 0381810 tin nd day oi Jointur e, 1008. W. e. eleut.eln, 803 • Witmer tor leinieutore. IMPORTANT NOTICES O I.1,A.R1VI FOR SeiLE, REIN ti Eut oeu, fe, they, ountatutug 100 auras Apply to Wal. W31008,41faubrooll Y. U. 1141 [1 WO DURHAM BULL, CALVES 8011 191f,080U100 .305 Cur 0810, 1,01 HO, 1../thas. 8, aloriee, or 310088016 Y. 0. Ja.tiled le.tt The Seed Fair of the Listowel A .onfm a Seeiet23 wilt be held in the T,.o fia I • it Frid et, Erb 14th. The Lhootte Ohm, factory ha, been giver, a more butimese.like appearance by the larae letterine of the firtn's name and what they tintonfaotore on the front and reed war 801 the factory D. Hibner Co are making preparmions for meting , he large addition to the faotory in the Spring, Rev. W. F. Price, of Mertford, has bee» off red and has rteeepied the pastorate of ah, Lierewe B8p1181 °buret), and will he nin ilthies here at mum. Rev. Mr, Pruitt Item been 111 Canada four year.), previnue to which he Wee pastor of a. I ego Baptist otingregation in. Bristol, E eiend, Th.. Oontity meeting of North Perth , t, 29.2 in Lenowel 0111 12001,1 80, Feh. hart 4th, for (he e eettotiof efficient for lir Mir, 8121 term 2-0 W. M -Joe Wolter ;11) () W. iel.-Jueeph Johmiton; Roo Sem- Gee. Raine'.; Fin, Seo. -R. B. (Vi mit ; Chanlein-13 El. Rothweit ; Treaeurer-Wm Welch ; L comers -W. 3 Tu' be 1 end A. Willoughby. It, roan decided 10 hold the 1244 of July for 1908 . in Dilutive], We Sell ebotilci send 1108)00 to 'tome member ef °oaten befiire nes, morting, Tne 1-- faction we will return the 1,1yrng 808001110 Were pewee I and netters entire amount of money paid on Treenturer netted 2 -Robert B enk, audit, 510 ; Alex MoB wee, en lit, 510 ; US for it. We mean this— Witigbam Time., pentium, 56 ; John Muegroi.e, attending eudit, 58 Moved and ask all those who are by Mr. Kelly, mounded by Mr. Butner- • ford that item meeting fin 11007 luij turn to sick and rocd strength to try Meet in the Clerk's office on Monday • stan- d Jg.ong 330040008, Olerk1 with . April 601, at 10 o'cloolt m James Fox, Druggist Grippe is sweeping 1038 0008893' Stop , BRUSSELS wIth Preventioe before it gets deep y seated. To oheok early colde with these lit, le Candy 00311 °nee Tebiets iP sore v sen-ible• mod Bate. Preventics homed" a no 00111038. 120 laxative, nothing Mash of sickening. Pneumonia. would never weer if early rondo were promptly brtiken, Alen good for feehri,ih chi d rem Large box. 48 lab ins, 25 tutus, Veet• pooket bozo sold by all deitlere: 8 0 v99000001 0.111 Harem, D D G.141 ,'i. Mc mber the Atwood midge, Na 882, I 0 0 0, inetamd thee Moine tor tin tini•rent 1 001( as foeowe lei G., T G. Rein) ; 0,, Jame.' Nw)o,o,i g; R 94. E HOOK • tiHinUat Wu lam) I Tr- all., A 1),o. soo ; Chap., 0 P Weeteete ; Wardeti, O Iranunne ; Coltrinotor, Tito. Ham,. ton ; 13 S. 8, T, Badantyne ; R 8 N 0,1 0 Swot,. Alter the i diip.ion of the minnt.s of the last 0.11111181 rnemine arui the Consults erarinn of the reports of the Secret .ri, the Lthearian and the Tretiourer her) been Memo ed of at the Publio fibrert, mei:dole, 011 m Aron of Rev, 5. 91 3V liar, seontided by They. the 1 1131118114 of the ftbrary were ant hot 'zed to eend a petition to the Minieler of Edueetion for 1.! idne s Weak Kidneys sorely point to weak Edna Nerves. The Kidneys, like tho.Reart, and the S tomach, (Intl their weakness, not to the organ itself, 13,03 In the nerves that control and guide and strengthen them. Dr. 81100ee 880(0000629 (1 a medicine specifically prepared to roach theei • controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone, is bane, 10 le a waste 00 11288. tinceof sooner se If 70110 back „aches or Is weak, it tto 01100c ec.alds, or la (leek aud strong, If you have apto 01 332394119 or other distressing or dangerous kld. kellt,tssog Shoop' nustomtive a menthe.0 rib see 10(181 (4 can and will do for you. Druggist recommend and anti HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS a NT even immured Beaton of Dominion • Lauds 111 laa211008,klaSketelupwan aud alberta,eaamoing 8 bud 20, out reeervett, may be homesteaded by auy penal 880 10 the sole head of 8 14188 y, many mule over 18 years uf 848, 10 the eateot of une-quirter 9908100 01 100 acres 280118 029 less Entry may LW made personally at the (8,293 (1(0(1 °Moe for 19(18 211312101 12 Whioll 038 (38801 eituate. he 110.80818811823 is required to ,perkiere 1010min Hams connected ttlereWitli onder out 01 the toliowlug (308881 et) et least ids mouths' residence upon mid oukivation ot the laud In each year lor 'three years, (2) 111039 tether (or mother, If the la, her le tieeeasei.) et the nomeeteauer resitlee 118011 818,28 10 the vial Ay ot the ittntl emered tor tato toquirements me to resi- deice way bo ta inlied by such person re- . entitle watt 0118 lather 00 mower. MU Mu battler Lab 818 permanent refit. 110)108 0(31011 81401(86 land 099(911 by at (08vioniley of 11113 utoneetead, the re. 48101210102t0 80 to reeideuge may he 1520101 ti.,f1 ify 2921222080 81,00,the eald DECOM. INDEPENDENT by %Id nevt.e.n,,,uer ln 1210 ELLIOTT I .,‘dlidd TORONTO, ONT. rt t,,,011,,,ri,,,110,,ietkey anfio,,,04,,,c,,N4,„,,gttoi : B 3'( iette Ilan 011W Ulu 0881. 1,8 .88,40141100 , WI 18 11 111rOry. 40I) „801801'18 138110800 .1) a8(0 12,111(111(0 0311200 nettled admin., ..; •loti—gult the Ilid. 11 alwayn Pain, (Li WrAn 3 .1 oat 0.0.2111 3330 0119.4119100, g110110340 i pen 84 t40 ;mar, ht.iW le 4 Iv good L11149 1.1 10,901.. 4.9L0611,0011 081V.1.11.41InluttniTT, 9(100(981 j1 ilOtat Y0141316 91413 11.19X99101111 8930 V 0p1....1.-,-.1t14,10,..1.--.941:;-:11t;-.4 eiamouthien tioe in wetting should be' giveu Lu Miutuiselober 01 Domlubm Land. 80 01189914 ol leteution to apply tor p W.W.o.,,T. 238(3017 0! the taiater of Waier.h0 eiiLIthfiteltilu,oi et this a d. er.ilL.pnor .._ .... . R. 01—Whitfield New York ,Eye dpecialist 23,9111 be at We him,. in Ethel every liaturaity, prepared to properly 88. 801188 alma and aufeet elawme. FOR SALE UR TO' RENT. -A eumloita bouoti on ?rumens stro..t wadi 8(8018 11.1441 411 00 I Veule 81.10.1. 1e0, 101- 1010. 980111.181.1.1% apply 8, 8630382, ageut, Magadan. , 2141 11 0U6E AND' ACRE ul? 11(11.1 for aide, boultortaute t,Wt21 , 11/Lru 40.1 Barb rrator 11080r OUver ; kJ- pl., plata awl coon, Green, 00. 20,8000.011 0411 08 g108001 mom, Lour prain, terlale. 0411 at rale 200T, TEE1tS FUR SALE -UNDER - f11014.813 1.14e 4 040e20 4208 04 .1 yea., 0 atuute &wag:1 pittre 4111.1 that ulterli for 9810. Apply 00 LauLli OS & 0,0, (An, 1,04,,00(o, Ur J4818,151A,Wu 2,11, 9*0213104 idonUntiALL. 1_1 OUSE AND ACRE Lul 113, 0t11.8-tilU01t etriset,, Uu111101t41.11c L.,u..u." 18 repu,r. • olllull e8401e, got., 8814 door,., 180 Nusseteibb eiry 23,310. etor nuttier parmeatarn apply 811 1110 la901l666 to ti. t Lim!. Brueenin, 40.81 BRICK 8.12019E '10 11EN'.12 BY 101,'—ourt of Collin oltam. tteatle .881 ; 2121 2000 Irvin Ainaliutto dutek ; 18,013 11•0441. ea minima 000 890481 nothodwillietal. Yur 180100r pariumaire 99 ply (9 4)11. aulia...V.ra, 310388889, K. 0. T. M. Brussels Teut ur 1210 alatteabees, No. Al hold their segular iunetaugo to 1310 Lou, Ninon, thanker moue, ou Wu let and atil 1210.218) 000010(30 211 mien mourn Viditula 8103170 W0100,00. A, tilflui.,140, Limo. 0.(818023110113, 13,11. if '0.1121. LABOURERS ANL; DU191E03T108- !01ay° been appointed Ley the nonunion (.490or2181n88 to bateo antultpauts 11,010 Gnu Uni.eu laluguoin 118 111.1.111 LAW 08081'0l10 dowouo 001981181 11., (,0,1111.1• • 981'800,0411(V(00 130.411(101) 831v10111 0081. 191118 13 AubLuY .t,801.14 10, 8100 01 heip requ.thai, wilau wow 1,81.1 34,.0 W14940o UlleLeu / LW 010J1.4010 tont/Aug 212y ilU. *111110,001. to nupply .4110l.4100031 1182 893.9y P11ua9 W411 ula Wade to 4/1001ite 6p9110811L 0110 iluip 1011111960. . b. e. 1J. 1. 1, Lanuomt, uyernment atuploy moot Age.t lie•ly 81131881,10 Synopsis of Canadian Northwost P I storalive ALLAN 'ELL LINI "ALL DEALERS" Reduced Rates 21141 & 81419a3(8, are NM in Met Best 25o. Cough' Cure 250 will cure your congh. Oen par for a big bottle of Bole's Preparation of Friar'sCough. Balsam and Bole's Preparethen is a abeereign care for coughs. Whether you have "1,121 1011911 gold', br have a cough that has been lainguig co for ittoittlige-nole'e Preparation of Friar,' Coitglit Milton 10 what you need, ffreelleni for children, especially If they are "croupy,. nig bottles. 980 Prepared by the ;argot wholesale drug company le the world, LONDON, ON4T0. 8(103& CHEMICAL 00. OF CANADA, LIMITED. • BUSINESS CAn118. VIIM. SPENCE CONVEYANUER AND ISbITER or MARRIAGE L1OEN1E8 Mee In the reel Innen, Ethel. RaPI i3ORPOA 0. ARIUS 1.'RONG 18 prepurna 80 81110 Iv tal al 811 8 1800 0. /teed iiigtu. '1.e1'01e all 10111110691011• 601.9.11109 4011i689-011180819, 148,1,01038- 030( 0, Uo u.10, buy. 12upili W,5101100(l1010 Itillatios at their owe 0101008 1, pro/tamed. SAILINGS TO. LIVERPOOL . , ifidifax Tunisian Fri 6100, 1.1 Kat, 9811, 10 001 8104 .. . ... , Fri, Fob 08 YaL, F. b 26 11(8111 111.1.11 nun 7 Virginian F Manta sat, ma. 1.4 SAILINGS TO 1LASGOW . . Pretorlau — Poo le Mongolian .. -- 9o020 61.03011,10 512o fi --- Pur gailluge, lido awl fun Infuenetiou apply to 031 a 11(611111. Agent Alien,Mue, Brneeme, ' Feern-Pottliital fhpilint MISS LAURA SPiNCE Teaoher of Ptah° or Organ ETHEL, ONT. M.SS MARGARET NPAAUCRLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Clonseryatory of Music. 'HAMS, Agent Howielt Mutual " Fire Insurance Company 003e0 awl Neeldeces— WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND telerlitattolt, FIRE AND MARINF. GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FAR 111 PROPERTY Atte of lutenist 01 our emit per tuthum, first Mortkaue LIFE ANO HU INS. AGENT Eseelefer ire temente° Oo UO800 Tbe Equity Piro minimum) LTOMpany All businesx 8E1013,108 to moth p tiy. H. R. BREWER, P. Olera 4th Divieine Court AUCTIONEERS. IA, 8. BOOTT AB AN AUOTION- .8. • HER, will 0011 lor bettor prim, to 'fatter Watt, 111 1080 tune and lens charger) man (199 011180 A untionee t in Point liurou or ne won't emerge anytinug. Dates and Orders Jan always 08 arranged at. MIS 010oe or by ,,e188.11.10.1 41/0104m00. ROBT. H. GARNISS Bi231,VALS — ONT. Auctioneer for B.uron County. TH01118 teasuebble. tieles Arranged for at the 0111 eti of 11111 100!, 80000188, 2ett VETERINARY. A. ...A • 11 8001' .(1 0001,0 Of 1,218 011111010 Vet- rinary College, iti prepared to twist all 118- 38.EI011 01 888101,181188.1 4810181e 10 4 11018 110C- 0114, eartriuied attentioo 0911.1 to Yetailutary a/n08816,3, 411,1 Mlle 089 00 011118 prOluptly atteadeti Co. When nod infirmary —Four utaire aorth of midge, '0.truberry ate 80010018, 'Phone 43 k MAL AND CONVEYANCING. A .13.. MACDONALD- .CiLe liarriutor, 120131111,, Notary, Xi°, 1300880000 (0 U. 10, Blair. Ultiee over 8t8u- 13but, 14ra88818. 80110110r for Aletr0- pulitan Beak. 8INULAIR- r • Bumbler, elotiettur, 00008y88801', tAtury 01011e-8tewart's llioolc I door North ul 1:entreat Hotel, bolleitor for the litandard Batik. pSOUPItOOT, HAYS 1St BLAIR-- - MAUI:1'0)1W (310111131'l', 1(18, NOTABilis IATO. W. 1'itorlDrooD,10. " 11, C. HATs (1, le, BLAIR. CLitoes—Thuse 10,timely oueupted by Metiers 08010(029 41 11011, Gonnuma, UNTARSO. DEN I ISTRY. Dr?. R. P. FEILD. 11111821181 marmite Of • the Itoyal college of Dental thiamine of Uutario and D'IMILehian Honor intimate of Torouto Ouivereity. 011.1ao 10*100 lirnwer's Photograph Italian', c.-,41-r2L-a...inv.4.-1=4)=Altzs LI INVESTIGATE 1.1 it INTO THE 00E111.128 OP THE 4.1 OLtii ha 0-d jr,/ jdia, (/ - • STRATFORD. ONT. 11 1)3 (8 the Most P000000411 husine"il 'raining Reboot in. Weettem Ontario. Our tioniturireted, theihi Telte. IlepittlauChtS are (Marge Li or able IllatatutOra of otherieutie. Alt 1.b our courses tare th irotigtt, to.date aed practical. 1.114 have (1040030 0(18 1.0Gol 0111' 1008 03(1,8. 01 'tit;ilit)111;g01inkrs";:iii0:1Rh'ILtii Wi:ellittitUIVit. yi ;10 . 1000 1,1831100 .4(1' 88111,1/1toe r)tal 1. it (9 ('(1loti 8118,.1 1899 0800 Wbult. titer P'0W, 94031.10I T 40 1023411111.. 1.r11011 pub,