The Brussels Post, 1908-1-30, Page 44ans%r6 Qnst, THURSDAY,'tril2V. 80, 1908 IT le Bald a bouquet, built on a big scale, will be tendered Hon• Mr. Whitney in the wear future in Toronto end follow' lug 0n'ito bselo there will be a Oonven• tion et License Inepeoloro of the .Previa oe to oauter with Ilan, Mr. Hoene cud other members of the Lioeoee Depart. meat of the Government as to gunge al. foie(, Mr, Baena Gaye little ohmage will be made in the law at the owning sea A mune of urouked apple packer( have been fined for misnaming variative in barrel° and properly ac, If that j0 the only way they new be taught the petit. way to bouesty the amount ehoo"d be made big enough so that ibe mum. branoo would Met past one imam. The law is a goad one end should be rigidly enforced.: ae 7t m0800 maoh to other ship• pare in Canada that faith ehonld be kept with the outside narkete. Owmo to the great 210.0 to many farm. ere in the Weal through failure of last harvest the Dominion Government has decided to (apply euflioieot laude by way of loan to enable those who require it to procure seed out Spring. The Bum of about four million dollars will be requir- ed. This action of the Government will prove a great blessing to many and will give a good start out toward the crop of 1908. Tae probabidnee are that no very ex- tended ground will be covered by Obe pro- poeed redistribution by the Wbitoey Government. Pour new members will be given to Toronto and tour more to New Ontario. It is said the oonetitnenay of Monok and possibly another seat will be wiped out. County lieu will be fol- lowed in the divisions. Considerable in- terest will centre round this pieoo of legislation until it is definitely settled. Tam Provtuuial Leat,. attire fur Ontario will open in Toronto for the diepatoh of Magnus on Wedueeday of next week, Pee. 51h. A buoy and poaeioly au ex tended neaten is figured upon. Leper. tent question will Come up for dleau0• (fon and the deoi.ioue arrived et will be oloeelyscrutinized• Hoa. A. G. MaoKoy, the new leader of the Opp,ettiou, and pie small Company of semartere are in good tattle and lively limen ere expeo&ed before prorogation take- plao° Soma of the p,mere r" o,imtneuting on South Huron majority any it wag always a Grit hive any Hua and refer to Its old time majority. But to be tate they should have added that Exeter with 118 Conservative majority, and Stephen with 92 on the same tine were attaobed to North Middlesex in those days and Ue. borne whioh gave Mr. 'Hortou 120 of e majority, belonged to North Perth. Turning a majority of 111 obtaiued by B. B. Gaon in Nov. 1904 into a Liberal gain of 184 in Jan. 1007 was quite a turn over, IN soother a080m0 a 0owmary of a speech made before a Montreal Conserva tive Club by Dr. Chisholm, el. P. for East Huron, i8 given. Tbe Dr. sang the old solo, slightly modified, iutroduoed by him eons months ago as the Dungannon Oouvaotion the first verse of which ie Nivea as followe :-"Yon oao im8gloe what a relief it is to me to look on your honest Mose. You see I have been look. lag morose at the other aide of the House so long I feel the need of some variety." The man who tatke that kind of rubbish does notohow good 'tense. After tbe next Dominion election it will not be neoes eery for him to go to Ottawa and will afford him the variety be is so anaiene t0 000008. DR. CHISHOLM IN MONTREAL The Montreal Star of Saturday, Jan. 181th,.meutiune the presence in that otty on the previous evening of Dr. Thomas Chisholm, M. P. for I7 ,et .Huron, who bag been invited to address the Joulur Ooneervative Omb, In lubrodueiug the sputter o! the evening, the obaamen of the club, U. E. Gault, M. L. A., Bad flat he wee one of the strong men of the putt!, ae he hadproved by wanting hie seat in a oonatitneuey that bad always been regarded as a stronghold of Liberal. ism ; and Dr. CbiehoIm'e address went ter to make bin hearers understand hie victory. Dr. Chisholm modestly began by ex. pleiuing his seleotion for eddre.eing the club ou the groaud Ohba all "the good men of the party(" were very betty Feet now in other place, tea or a dozen being engaged to Some Baron, and ' ae many agate in Staueteed, 80 the committee had been turned to take him. "Bat it has beau a great pleasure for Me to 001310," he added. "You oan's imagine wbat a toilet it le 1.0 me 10 loop on year honest fawn. You nee I have beau looking moron aide other tide of the Homes so long &hat 1 feel the need of some variety." 1'be nooesity of all petting their nhoblders euergetloany to the wheel wa0 then dloongend by the epeaker, who ad vleed, at1J11ge1 Other mune of aroueieg pnoli0 mantle(' end sympathy, the 111 Oereeting of the ladies in the public' ieeaoo of the day, aid the devotwg et, greater ettedtiou in able Provi000 to the p'reuob• Oanadiau people end language: This latter wee a neater in. which Gomel -ea ayes had anfOrtaoately bb .wn themoe v01 rather wag zgeut, and It wee deeply le be regretted that there were au lew who ooald (peak with,eaee end gra00In the 'rtpP8 Wattage. A8ppeelly Ut filets o tee pu bre of Felting) upa Imamateu n wbu cullid give teeny aIV t npaK h0 tu'Aogiieb, bud ware eveu 110tter ;u the Gagne thee to their awn, "Now is the time for you to begin to thwtl Seriously of the work," be sou Dialed, "for the e0011011e are owning on Pereoilady 1 do not throe they wtl be held utXt Nal, for the meson that the country 1a lu many 01apeot0 eat 00 prom, Pg4e 8I11,R-SVC Hip bevipg ay )duel a water here wail eery hltlp euoty, The 11 11 AuiMagog oU o gun* Iq et 1 reap ug Y t 1 the Ourtatnuw uumbor of t" f.'he Olde t}arrott&' wht0h will give you en idea of uer-earroundiuge iu "Suuay Alberta," We are all well and Mite you are the • semi. A D LAMONT, OLpo, Amman, Jun. 20d, 1908, parent' ae it might be. Urop. here beau somewhat of a tamlure lb a1, parte of the Dalmane, mommy l8 41',66 ) tine to view of the Yam that Goverumeut Mande a betterobeuoe when It goes before the people iu good tim0e Onto in bad, I 088808a the ee8atiun will be pogtpoued e year. At the same time tee general fmpres0101 /menu nu be &het they will be heid tax. Pa , and to -Buy use they are uotferoff. It le therefure rue tune ter the peop,e of one ;Jemmy, 14110 are to be the jurymen iu this oriel of the Liber.' ad- minietratiou, to Carefully weigh tun ham of the 0000 in under that they may 00 111 A podiums to give au 10801809000 and lair verdin, " The speaker then pointed Om the 0eo0e1ty of 0tudtiug the matter dls paealou8tely and houa0tiy. The Geyer!) mut °Mind be mem a lair trio, sun receive the uruefit of nay doubt the, migbt eriee. But if, iu spite ut tine, they were t„ond t0 have tat ed in their mut), thee it was clearly the oily o, case to deprive them of the tru0t that hoe been platted m them. The epeaker Bald thnl he had studied the aamnuetratiou tor Boma years, and that after melting al, due allowance to them favor he had Mune reason for grave dieesti0faouou. u t 'rm Im n^ he said I a •' a be o I h m P dissatisfied with the method adopted b P Y members of the UuverumeXI to replying to 08000ati0110 made agal1101 them. Ad a rate, they make 110 other au01Or then 111, eou09e their oppouenta of mauler MIS demeauore m the past, wheal is rather an 0ucouviuwng argument. '1'b,a is little 111300e than a dellauoe of pubuu opiuwu ; and it was sbrimugly ehuwu the oder 08y how far the Goverumeut ;won d dare to proceed 10 thio course when they boldly refused to mine the unglue!( ut pgbUu decentness to be Beau. Tway even went 00 lar as to glee the absurd reason that if this were done it might lead to eon one or other Oummtttitlg omode, Diu thin mean there might be a va0aeoy 121 the Caotuet ?" The epeaker then devoted attention to the llama pocky of the Goverumeut, pointing out what he alleged 40 be evidou Oee of groso mismanagement and ex- trav8geu00. No Liniment Can Cure It That (lam betwoeu Gun eyed Isn't Deer. a gig. Many ;Molt so bet It to uteri b, p ata malmsey catarrh that neem &flee Roo MOIL wow Tour proper ,Led ie to use "Uaterrhozduo" Datums revug,sa. It as a .ore mire that sal padded an where. Su,e bonus it does remelt the trouble ; safe, beeen.8 no drugs to ,aka, you breathe Its healt09 vee r direct to the Mime al the trouble, Red cure is gaucho teed. Two stens 25° am 01 00. lou d ever) where. MIN Catarrh Gerais. Sufferers Will Be interested In 'special Offer. The unusual offer to refund the prise to any paean wheel Hyumel fails to beuefit, Maned dieted all doubt as to its anemia properties. If you euffar from 1 ffeilaive bream, retdlne of mutate, frequent eueezmg, lOuOilitie, discharge from the wee, nrop- pings iut0 the throat, toe. of eta enete, opium -1610 coughing, general weokoese and debtlily, or guy other catarrhal symptom, begiu the ase al Byomei art untie. It will destroy all clause germs in the nose, throat and longe, seethe the irritated ma0000 membrane, and wake a thorough mid lasting cure of catarrh. fiyomei is not a secret remedy ; ibe formula ie given fruit/ to phesioiaus, and 80 a result they have ooefiaeuce in its power to heal, and preeortbe the treat• meet in al, ea0arrh08 itide:mitme There to ne daugerons stomata] drug ging when Biome' is ostd. Brea.h.d through a neat pocket luhaier ,bat comes with every dollar ou,fi6, tie beefing balsams destroy all catarrhal germ°, even ill the most remote air cede, and quick recovery follows. We positively guarantee Hyomei, for should you boy a complete outfit, prior $1.00, and be dioeatiefi.d wr.h rosette your money will be refeuded. Hyumel is euld by druegiete everywhere. Write for literature, Booth'( Byomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. THE POST LETTER BOX. Dada SIB -We are having a very flue Waiter here, clear and frosty with very little snow, not enough for a 0890800. Wishing you every BOWMEN in thio year. MBB A G EN0L1aa, Harding, Men., Jan. 8, 1908. MeterDia. KBBR,-A most beautiful Whiter has been onr8 au far. Bright sunshine almoet every day. Sores° and cattle are still on the ranges. Roads are hard and level as a flour. Alberta is ltd right. GB,. Oxro0R, Inutefaii, Alberta, Jan. 0, 1908. MY Dai Sta.-The past Fail was one of the manna knee I omen to Dakota, There Ie no thew to 'peek of only a little flurry 000ieionaly and no very cold weather yet, We like to hear the new' Iron home sed Tat Poor le alw090 mel• ante, M. elaKaozro, Aueta, North Dakota, Dee, 20, 1007. Dein Szn -We are all well exoept Mrs. Dobson mat she i0 (till very feeble end Confined to the hoose, Our poet ,.Moe wan robbed last night ut botweeu $400 and •.9500, Tbe resettle are nail at !alga, Yount ase ever, Cala DORM, 13o'omoe, Karma, Deo, 800b 1907. DEM SM. -Times In this District are very genet this year uwug to a large amount of crop being hailed !ea ane the early: frost. (Matte and horsesare low at prseeut but One being a good 08Btriet fee wheat growing we are ill hopes of better limes fleet year. I am glad to Bay Mrs. PSt0eraon end my barmy are all Well as present, With kind regarrl9. Youro kenhfei y, PATrarteolo Carieyalo, Sask., bio, 20 1907, hila( Reny PLOtd, Aix Dean Uma -Ouse again I must ouu , u ypu 00 fish 147 led fraud, I1tr. liar, us I know he in always "00 glad" to titer from guy of the old boys. Rind. ly hand biro the enolueed aauaa0 also give hmny beet wishes for the coming g year, Tularetu the t`aith, LBNS8T FLUll. Vancouver, B. 0 , Dto. 16, 1907. Dun Mn. Mon -We are having beeutn u. Winter weatber, not enough unite fur eteighlug but wheeling to ex- oehent. We are well and hppy, tenet. mg that you Are nkewioe blessed. I r. main, sincerely Llbaln MCLAOIILAIN. Porttgo-la Prairie, Mau., Deo. 80th. 1907, Deco SM. -We are having a very fine Winter here so far, mistime just enneh,ne mud frost, gnus a mitres' to lust Water. Ill faun I aou't know of may unary that le more healthy thea this. A aevonring appetite awe beef at Bu per pound and perk at 8 oenle. 01 bonne apples are a little doer but we get one 0800.881 a while. We had a man hedged here last week and it male quite a animation in tine burg. Hie memo wasthe murder of a girl at Killarney. Be deserved hie Late. There i0 manner railway here now, the Jim Hid road or the N. P. R. It was open• ed lost week Glee my brat whine to um !Heeds is and about Brussels. Mr. McRae, at wboee home I .lay ie a count of Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, Out. end Dame !rum Ktuoardlae, Yours truly, mal. BIrYDOlt. Morden, Man., Deo. 80tb., 1907. To the Editor of Tae PoeT : We are evjaymg a Sue Winter here wash only abuut 4 nlobee of snow, about the middle M December, bat none since. Oer Drops did 1100 turn out as well ae they might. It wee too cold in the Spring and turned dry when we should have hod rain. There were no grass. hoppers. I did not purchase land bat expect to buy 001318 emu. Lend ie going cu to price a. d run. from 910 l" $30 per more. Like Ibe 0o00try here Oast rate. 64y opinion is the farmers don't plow heir laud Lemuel, often sowing on the teabwe, I',1 try the daoedtau poitt p,owiog deep in the Nall, let tt settle to 0prieg and I betimes Lt wid hold mere Dionne. !'here 19 mush grata sowed on cure land and ft 8rprare to be their beet wheat land. Spent three weeks in When Yc;e Take C.id One way is to pay no attention to it; at least not until it de- velops into pneumonia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way is to ask your doc- tor about Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral. If he says, " The best thing for colds," then take it. Do as he says, anyway. Wo publish our formulas Wo bcnta4 aloobol gg�g 9 from our mede lmu• tiers We urget year to c°mal doctor When the bowels are constipated, poi- sonous substances are absorbed into the blood i nstead of be ung dally removed from the body as nature intended. Knowing this danger, doctors always inquire about the condition of the bowels. Ayer's Pills. —Made by the S. 0. Ayer Oo., Lowell, 2ratar-• Deaver, Ooloredo, lam Fell. It is it floe oily of two hnndr,n ,baaeand in habitknte and is 225 miles West of Stratton. Beet regards toall Gamma Mamma Stratton, Nebraska, Jan 10, 1908. DEAR Ste -Have beer, eking Tan Poor for yeare &, d feel as if I onuld not do without it ae i1 give( all the news fres Grey and Morrie townships. The latter Is the place of my birth and I have a great many old friends there. Teat Poe, consequently le better to me then e letter. Trnty yours, ALEX. Kum. Patton, Algoma. 4ROE Y38.4e 0 -•1 899898 yao 080 finite $ bit (bunt !Muni ole a 8004llnoe for the 0. P. but at best it 111 only bee ureu08) line that will imam in here. Oor vtliey is ell the papers say but Oils ooeao 01.amere will hardly ever mase op the oahal A number of people are coming w here to buy, on too ant of Paper lailr, and the prises ere ,.heed of Vonooucer eity for real eotete. Every- hfng i0 green and growing here and the butte no the Trail trees are nearly burst. ills open. We need frost ladle to °leek. it, 'Yenta blot, Mmt. WIL1(INSON• Alb. nu, 88, U., Dee. 25, 1007. Dice( Sze -There are getting to be quite it number ,d Brnenele people here but room for 1080 more Bgamees hole been rood ,hie Full and W,uter eta we look fora busy time next Summer with the Dominion Fair held here. We are having a fine Winter, nioe bright van• shine nearly every day ,hue aoid sot. frosty at nie1101, D MoGi,liouddy, form eriy of Bruoeele, is here running a dal y p•: per oal'ed the News and is doing well Tint Pen' la el ways a welcome moor and ire a'atter from home, We ate all well awl hope !hie wi•) fi rd youraee0 and family enjeying the eau" good health. Yoaro !rule, \V, J. 980LLI0AR. Calgary, Dao. 28, 1907 ALT PartnersStorekeeperso1 by CUI111ngto the Busses Salt Works earl get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, PO1'PlDan, - Brussels. Bole's Preparation of Friar's Cough Balsam Cures Coughs Stops them right off. The first teaspoonful does good. In a few hours you notice that • " tight feeling" disappear -the coughing spells grow farther and farther apart --the throat is easier -and the soreness gone. Cure yourself at bome-for 25c -with Boles's Preparation of Friar's Cough B^1sam. Sold by alt druggists. 00 NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED LONDON, ON THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT — OP TI3E--- HUWICK MUTUAL FRE INSURANCE COMPANY FOR THE YEAR 1907 TO THE Waxman OB THE 8A10 OotMAN£: Your Directors beg to submit the following report for the seer just closed. The expertenoo of the year 1908 as to the coulee of losses Ilan to a very Ierge extent been repeated in 1907. The warm of thought and care in handling lanterns and menthes and unknown causes have been respon- sible ler the toes of meek valuable farm property own- ed by the members or this Company. Owing to the eyslew of collecting an average an- nual premium on each policy in fora( a reserve had been formed and thio has enabled your Directors to pay all losses promptly and leave a balance on hand of over $12400.00. The volume of business done in 1007 exceeded eoveiderably in amount that of any other year H1 the history ut the Company. The number of poliefee issued during the past year wee 1007 imd the number in force at the end .01 the year was 9004, being an I00rea0e or 270 policies. The amount of induration written was $2.578.100.00 the amount cancelled and expired was $1,982,11800 leaving the net amount in force at the close of the year 97,705,18,80 being an increase for the year of $00U1.01i UpUin the rem um n tee held, by the Company amount to $8s11,258.00, and the amount available ou the midnoted $805,11)8,05, 05, The Audltore' report with certified etatement is appended hereto. Directore who retire are Messrs. Jno. Jackson and Wm. MoKeroher both of whom are eligible for re•elnctton. It will also be your duty to elect two Auditors for the ensuing, year. Ail of winch is respectfully submitted. W. S. MOKMiamot, J. R. MILLER, Secretary -Treasurer, President. Gerrie, January 18th, 1808. RECEIPTS. Cash balance as per last audit $18401 18 Fixed payments for the year 1907 16900 28 Fixed payments for yeare prior to 1907 484 80 Interest .... 000 02 Premiums paid in advance 107 20 Other sources 16 40 $80048 88 EXPENDITURE. Losses • Jas. Le__t__pper, Hallett, damage to colt by lght'g 25 00 T, W. Willtnmtion Grey, damage to house, from stove......... ho10 00 Alex, Pulll, Grey, damage to use contents, spark from a stove,. ... 10 00 Geo, Eeket,Egrement, damage to stove.... ht'g 14 00 Geo Ealtet,l0greruont, four horses killed by lightning - 676 00 Mrs. A. Duke, Maryboro, damage to house content(, childwall matches ,,, 80 OD F. O. Taylor, Howick, dwelling house an& eon- ' Lente, cause unknown ,500 00 Geo. Robb Egermont,damage to house eon - tante, ilefeot1ve ehimney .. „12 00 hire. H. Stinson, Wallace, house and entente, spark erouo traotion engine while passing 900 00 Wm. McEeolmie, Proton,. damage to barn, lightning 85 00 J. M. Oflumberland Wallace, house, from stove Thos.pMago}linWallace, cow Itille31 by8 light'g 4 OO M. Dane, Howick, damage to house by light's 1200 Time. Medlonient, Howfek, two heifers ktllod' by lightning 9700 Adam Spence, Rowe*, mere killed by llght'g 100 00 Motion Doll, Grey, cow 40 00 Frank Bolt,. Howlok, . heifer " 11 18 00 Jno. Dundee, Mckillop, cow "- 40 00 Jao, Speir Morrie, now " e " 48 00 D. H, Mofiot, Turnberry, domaga to dwelling house and contents, by lightning 27 00 D. Meehan, Grey, house and (entente, spark from chimney....., - 500 00 John Barr, Morris, steer kilted by lightning26.0). Wt J. Pyke, Minto, barn and contents, spark front barningK rubbish. 818' 00 G. A. Quennell, Minto, steer killerl'by )Ight'g: • 20 50 U. B, N urr00t, Morrie. dainlgeto house, lfght'g 42 00 Thee. Bennett. Howick, three )lead cattle • killed by lightning ,; 0000 Robb. Burton, Normandy, house and contents, from 06ave pipe....., 244.00.. A, Forguoon,Minto, damage to barn contents 00010 tutknOwli ,. Hy. Hamilton, McKillop, heifer killed by Rebelling ., . 20 00 J,,7 00000r0, Arthur, damage to barn, llght'g 20 00 Jno. Hamilton, Turnberry, damage to house contents, from stove.... ., 20 00 Thee, Brown, itowiely two 8heep killed by Iightiling,,, 7259 14 OD S. M. Smith, Sullivan, two heifers, Milled by llghtbin .. 41 00 G. M. Reid. 10&eromont, steer, killed by. light'g 10 00 W. Yeo, jr., Turniberry, barn end contents, ruunhrg Bre.. 614 00 A. 1& kV. Adams, Howick, damage to house, gning -barn- 1D 00 W. J. Band, Iowiclr, •born -.11 contents, - ammo uliulhtUlowil .. ... 880 00 R. J. Hohupe, hfoKillop, pedigreed cow, killed by 111*honing 00 00 Hugh Wilson, Protno, barn t& contents, spark from burning ammo .... 1400 00 J. a H. Mo0m•tney, Grey, four head of esttle, killed by lightning . 101 00 Geo. herr, Grey. mere killed and damage to barn by It honing ...... . .,. 175 00 E. Kaufman, Wallace, barn 1& contents, spark from Mr. Nelaon'o barn., ... . 1718 00 J, A Nelson, Wallace, balm ,18 -content(, cause unknown.. 1075 00 W. Kaufman, Wallace, barn contents, from Nelson's barn .... 40 00 W. Norman jr.. Minto colt killed by lightning 120 00 W. Underwood, Howick, steer 22 00 .1', E. Nichol, Tureberry, cow • " •' 82 00 ,711a. Taylor, Norinendy, steer " " " 10 00 Geo, Foster &Son, Howick, heifer killed by 11i.••htnhl6 86 00 J, C. P*CareelI, Egremmit, house contents, cense unknown ...... ..,., 12 00 Geo. Stevens, Morrie, °entente of barn, 700 00 J. Johnston. Morris,' barn lightning 000 00 T. Calvert, Howlek, cow, killed •li ht'g 80 00 T. 0, Donnel, Arthur, heifer, �' 22 00 W. Sheikhs, legremont, two sheep" " ` " 1200 W. H. Craig, E. Wawonoeh, house contents, o8nseunknnwn ......, 202 00 W. Sotheron, Howick, demoge to contents of house, small bey with matches, ... . 10 00 J. W. Hoeflin, Normandy, contents of house, children with metoh00 . ..... . 22 25 Jno Dowler, Minto, damage to house and con- tents. spark from chimney . 10 00 W. H. Cook, Morrie, barn and contents, cattle upsetting lantern in barn. 1107 00 Jam. ledger, Howlett, steer, killed by lightning 24 00 Jae, McLeod, Howick, damage to cow by lightning gg .� 27 00 W. T. Dano, Howick, house contents, defective chimney .. 125 00 Thirteen to see under ten dollars 71 00 Lav 000(0 7 00 Mutual Flre Underwriters' Assooiotion fees6 00 Statutory assessment & lieenee fee ., •......,50 20 Premiums returned to policy Holders 410 88 Omnn,fosion Eo agents-... 828 08 Printing,,,'stationery and advertising . 161 10 Postage, telephone and express . 128 00 Rent of room Nor Boned meetings • 18 00 Travelling expenses 88 00 'Agee and Statute lakor - - 88 00 Dail 80 00 Ators' fans 824 W Auditors' foes Searetsry-Treaelrer's eatery - 180 00 Investigating & adjusting (dame 102 110 President, for services for year 1000 25 00 Balance on femme Office building committee. 80 5050 Lumber. fixing drain, sac, at °Moe 7 10 Once of Hall forannual m , eeting...1 00 Cash on deposit:... . Standard Bank, Brussels 'Morriston ,$ 00803 Bente of Hamilton, Gerrie. 421 58 Wroxeter Central Canada Lont 1& wings o 00 0000000 0000 Huron Cush oft Erie Loan a Savings Co6000 00 Cush on Band 888 912424 10 $80040 80,. .ASSETS. flesh balance on hand , 912924 10 Unpilid premiums 1080 80 Real Estate . 180000 (ace fureltnre & sate Premiupl. not00 available 8651388 05 Total $870208 61 LTABILITIES, Amount of adjusted 1. sees ............................$ 100 00 We, the nndereigned Auditors of the Howick Mnteal Fire T ettranoe Company" having exutated the books, premium note% securities for money a000unts. and vouchers of the sold Company find them correct. A, A. One Mill , Audltora, 311100, G. 81111111(010, 'ttaimeter, January 10th1400 - - Enter Any Day our AMMOmnot treble more noohke0perSienna' sphere 'Led Tolegrapborn then any ether ill W, Mare Gutarlo, No extra (Merge far two eourmea, Moot emi081tly qualified 80' 000110tora, Graduated oeefatod 00 Good poeitiueo. ether Colleges engage our mind tut tee ao Matteotti 1udiYldual (54* 11011,11 MAIL 0111.11t8Dd m Matricide bleu, Olvil Service, Peotea.teblp, Hburtuaud, Bo kkee*ing, aro. Bend a postal for 101nrmntinu about (108,011 0 Hatli ra0T I!HAIN IN Hloa. w111101) 0001Naba t uL. L110Ne• WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE A, A.BIONE8, M A,Fh D., Vioe•Prleoi cal Ono. SroTTON, Priuoipui IMPORTANT !NOTICES I.i'ARM FOR S t.LE, BEING Lot 16, Oou. 18. Grry, o00tauliu, 100 aures Apply to W22. WOODS, nbrook P 0. 21•1t TWO DURHAM -BULL DALVt 8 'u,d. w Y .rkehira .log for mile, Lot 80, Ooe. 6 Morrie, or Brussels P, 0, JAy11( 9 8PE1R. 10.10 1 i 5 (300D LEICESTER (ewes for ode all 00/31,09011 to he with lamb. GEO. MoOUNALD, Los 17. Oou, 1, Grey. Wro etor P. 0. 2041 1.'OR SALE OR TO RENT.—A comfortable house on Princess etre,•t with stable and all °0 1velde twee For fur. G. taerT. R. pertAgeleunt, 1a.e aWluppl ghnym. .ed W51. 111N BY, 21.01 HOUSE AND i• ACRE OF land for Bale. oudtfortable ,'well fug; hero and soft teeter wider cover ; ap. pie,plum uud cherry trees, deo, Poseeeslnu can be given at 08100 For pr•ce, terms, Roo. wall at THE POST. riOWS FOR SALE —THE UN. J nnnoiopon hue u number of good, young 1..rtale o,.we ler eels which are due to calve early. For further partieulare apply. to WM P1RRIE, Lot 14, Oon, 12, Grey, or OranbrookP, U. 28 tf H OUSE AND #'ACRE LOT for sale-Aloert street, comfortable home to good raptor Small Stable, Gond well. clotere, $o Pneeeeeivn any time. For further 'artioulare apply on the 1'rennee0 to 8. ORRAWF01u, Brussels, 48.0( I;RICIi STOLOD TO RENT BY F br•rara let -port of emlth Ofl,. 281135 'eat • god door from Amerivan Hotel ; h, lily uned a9 tailoring ant 00010'lab- 1m i g tabli91eut Por farther particuti0ual9 applylyte Dlt. uoKNLVEY, Brueoee9 NOTICE_ I Notice ie hereby given tint the minuet meeting of the art mber0 et the Hewiuk %Mtn 1 Fire Laour,00, Lompeuy will be bald in the Townebip et 111, Gorda, o» Frb day, February 7 b. 1008 at 2 ,'e -oak pan , far the purpose or ren, lying the repot toot lee Directors and Audit. re for the past year and tar alter bueweeo. By order of the ,treed. W. 8. MOE RRCRER, Secretary. Gorrle,Jao nary teth,1008. K. O. T. M. Brneeole Tent of the Maccabees, No. 24 hold their reenter meetings ill the Lodge Room, Seeker 881000, ou the let and Bid Tuesday evouiug0 of ee0h month.. • Visitors a149a78 Welooule. A. 80 E100, Com. A, Me*UIRE, R. E. FARM LABOURERS ANL DOMEbTICS- Ibave been appointed by the Dermalon Government to pines lmmigraute from the Defied Kingdom ill *0 Sltiooe as farm Iso- onrere or domestic) 00rv8nte it, this vloufty. Any perauu negairmg Mob help ehuuld aun- ty meby letter scats•,g tulle rue elm ul help required. when waistedand wegee °Retell. The uumbore arriving may not be sentiment, to supply all requests but every effort 18111 be Made to provide each applioaul with help required. F 8. 8. 01'1, (Jaime -tau Ciuverumeut l mploymeut Agent 80-ly .u008,01e P. U. Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even Numbered motion of Dominion Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta,exoeptieg 8 aud 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded ny any peretn who 10 the sole head of a family', or any mule over 18 years of am, to the extent of nue-00 trier oeellou Of 100. a0re9 more or lens Entry mel be made personally at the local laud oft to for the dieerlo1 in whiOb the laud is oituate. The homesteader le required to perform the coedit:a us oou00oted therewith under one of the following plane (1) At least six monthe' reei donee upon and oultivutlou of the laud in oath year lar three years,. (2) 11 the father (or mother, it the father f8 detnewea of the - homoeteadee resided upon a larm in the viei,ity of the laud entered tar the requirements ae to resi- deu0e may be 08.11aed by such ;reroou re- siding with the father or mother (8) 11 the Battler Ilan his permanent real - deuce upon farming land uweed by him in the veiluity of tile bomentead, the re- gpir,meutsea to re010enoe may be fiutie- lied by reeid,uoe triton the 1111,11 mad els mouth0'.n tion hl writing thould�. be 'given Ge the 'Oonimieaiouef: at Demi/don Lunde at Ottawa of inteution, to apply for pai,100. W.Wt000Y• Deputy of Das Minister of Interior. N. B. Us,uthorized publieet,ou of this ad• yertlaemeutwill not bopaid for, ALAN ROYAz; LINE' MAIL Iaf tk2nll ilehood Ratan Oubtd now in /foot t'`811•"�O-�i;",•..i*,-:1a;"-bYi%=`�6 .5rf"- 4"'�„".11 70110 w n•id is a big moo and bee pions ' GI of room a1 d )hou•uud001 uuuartuu- 10100 far t''080 IOW ern WOIt1RY 'illi of r) e• Iw °ueI ,1 PItk;PAltLi y, u u Y YL worthy dud the 1 ELL/OTT TORONTO, ONT. .)7cull spottily you, Onion u01Y 011(1give 07 1u 1nopp .r.uadty ul .5, ,wnl you uLt mew awe pr. pars you g 111011 1,21.1 W01111111r� to, Byes of ud lulnoes, Our ev6Ologae 41. ,,, glue sun par<lu811 un, Wrlto lur000 {v. J. 10481101'., Prinulp+tl L0Oatiou of Utllego- 1 Nn n r on Yunar. Nn Lrxe P H s O A a6 Ia�,-,3tee-2e-,-;1C-:;1le%.-err }.;.*JS:'«dZee:,tf=tse:! BUSINESS CARDS. WM. SPENCE OONV.EYA.NOER AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LI01 NSE$ ince in the Pest Onluo, Ethel. 30-4 BERL' dk 0. ARMSTRONG is prepared to give lens° °m MI Piano (teed Urg•el, forma ou aupLontluu, Postaaiue addle((-eree0810. Beale mei- Lot 8, 0011.10, lardy. Pupils way Halm their 1080WIN at their OW0110n10R i., pretence!. MISS LAURA SPENCE Teacher of Piano or Organ THEE ONT. E MSS MARGARET i'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HAiRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company 'aloe and So0ldenmo- WALTON, ONT, JOHN SU THFR LAN L� 18005ANa1, FIRE ANO MARINE GUELPH. MONEY TO LOAN ON FAR V1 PROPERTY Rate of interest 51 per mit per accusal , deet Afortgaee FIFE AN9 HU INS. AGENT e(xeelelor if.. 10101n100 Go Coco)/ Ile Equity Fire lueuntuo8 Oompaoy 011 bus -tense maunder' to promptly, H. R. BREWER, J. P. Clore 4tH Diviotae Court AUCTIONEERS. IA. S. SCOTT AS AN A.UOTION- 0. • BBB, will Bell tar bettor prices, t0 h Iter oleo, to 1096 time and leas chargee 1101* n0y other Au0tieuoe, In Neat Hume or du wou'toiatrgo auyObiug. Datesand orders .a0 al0ltye co tar/Wend at 11110 011100 or by • ore ,nal eppl,mation. ROST. 0-1, GARN/SS ILUICVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme ) mumble. Sales arranged for et the Meme of Tan POW, Braseels, 051) VETo:RINARY, r A, CUNNlNGi1.AII- /21 • Nucor . ,utduuw of rue Uuterio Vet - 'unary College, It prepared to Greet all die- ,a0ee of donatite aced man u 1. 10 u te mpet- ,ut mauuer. Particular atteutiou paid 00 4000,10007 ,,leatletry aud Milk 0 ay.': Calle promptly at.e11ded to. Ulnae and infirmary -Four doors mete of bridge, '1•uroborry et„ Brume's. Phone de II 1UTAL AMU t:U 3VEVANCING. A B. MACDONALD— l.l• Iarrleter, bolleitor, Notary, Etc, 880000500 110 U. F. Blair, 018oe over S6au- durd Bank, }tremolo. Solicitor for Metro- oolitap Hank, VVM. SIN OLAIR- • Barrister, duhoitor, Uunveyanoer, -.testy Peelle, rem .Uwuo-Stewart's Block door Nur t8 01 (Metra' Hu11el, Solicitor for the Standard 1auk. I)ItOUDt"00'T, BAYS 1 BLAIR- .Attitt811E1iBi 0ULI01TIaR8, NOTARIES PUB LIU, E'110. W, Lnooatroor, K. C. R, 0, Hess ;14, F', BLAIR. 011lo00-!Mori formerly °coupled by Messrs (Minoru., eo 11011, 000)0,10,1,- DN'0ARIO. IiEN fISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, 1)10NTre'I' 4reduate. of the 140711 College of Mutat4urgepee of Ontario and Firet•olae0 Honor. er0iiuute of Toronto University, Otloo vert to Brewer's Phtitograpu Gallery, 0111008I808, dq INVESTIGATE Lb' INTO .Tale MERITN OF .713E la I SAILINGS TO LIVERPOOL ST ATPo"-„ ' R Dt ONT. From stall:he Halifax Ooralean 18, i Jau 24 Hat, Jan. 25 Grumpi n ,- Jan, 81 sat, rob. i l 1001080.o Fri. feu, 14 Ha1.181(11 15 Ooraicae - Fri,Feb, 28 Sat, Feb 20 SAILINGS TO GLASGOW From -Portland Batton Coriitman - Feb. 1 Pretorfau - - Feb.15. Siolllau Fob. 22 a or r0oh0g811 late andfull infatuation VV, 0L ilhltft, Agent Al1an,Line, Bruoeele, , vr 1t le the most 0u0oc0alol beaters vb traluiug eobool in Western Ontario, - Our Uommeroia1, 14ho, them'. nue T81e• v I grnphto Ilepartlueuts aro ill o11wrgo � of able List, sutura of experlo,loo, Al, 38 our °ourself are tborotigu. up-to•date 085 pruotioal, We have bourne one of tle116r101,t blioiuees beaten/g 0ubouie frryry in the Province.. Gob our free °ata- f,Y [ 10µ0e uud !caro what we 1,110 dolog.�r .0_oumme o*iol 0,110018. as 18811 ne boat• 4y 8) 000 0 mea employ 011101ad,uttos, htud- Tt i anto"re outur)ug (holt >vook, 7ulitor O.i ly NOW, 0 abut() L".1! limul, IidN, �y• Prhmil,nl't, le.