The Brussels Post, 1908-1-2, Page 7isenimassmassmileinatamessaamease t ` I e .0 D' THURSDAY, J,e1N. 2, 1908. Oxvm eleetione it' Toronto are not of the namby pamby style but reel red bot activities whwn almost everything is done, good bad or indifferent to win, The entering of Dr. Beattie'Neebitt into tie Mayoralty oonbest lent a new feature, one reason being that lee gave up a 97,000 job as Registrar to "get back with the boys." The position of Meyer in Toros: to (merits' with it many reepoosibilitiee and opportunitiee and consequently the oboioe of a chief officer is no little task but one fraught with much serioaeoeee,, Ian10 Tions polio to the election of M. Y. McLean, ,of Sealorib, the Liberal osudidate for the doming bye election to the Commons in South Huron, rendered neoeseeary owing to the much regretted demise of B. B.'Galin, 'who died recently at Ottawa, Mr. McLean is an old and well known resident of the riding who sat for several years in the Proviuoisl Legislature and bas long championed the interests of the farmers and the people in general through the columns of bis newspaper, the Huron Expositor. He would make a most ezoe:leut represents. five and we hope to see him returned by belarge majority.• The contest will be abort and sharp so as to leave the seat vacant ae short a time as possible. Eleotion will be held the latter part of this month. WE'as started off on be new year. 1908 with all its possibilities and opportaui ties, its hopes and tears, its oonfliots and ooagneets is here. Let us make it -the beet 12 months in one life and plan eo that high ideals, lofty eentimeute and right principles may occupy first plaoe in all we undertake. This is a busy life to most people, speeding along with a vzloaity often surprising andifgood nee f5 to be made of the flying years the hours and days will require to be wall 000upisd. Push every legitimate enter.. prise that has for its object the barbering of the people, lend a willing hand and a warm heart to the uplifting of our fellow. men and the advancement of any and. every good aanee. Interest yourself in the ohuroh, publio school, young people's eoolaise and eat an example worthy of emulation in your community, The peoplo eaoald acquire the habit of stare, They should poen • e he past and current especially bietor of the d lu andof y thole parte allied with the British Empire. Boys and young men ought to early take part'in public debate and musical and literary programa eo that the foundations essential to the life of the doming years may be well and truly laid. It is not enfAaient that we ebould do just as our parents have done, gond and worthyas it may be, for it' the rapid changes of the 20th cautery we will be called upon to shoulder responsibilities of a different ohmmeter to what they met end will need to acquire essentials they did not require. Let Oe grow big, broad and benefiaient and at the same time bold brae bo the principles euanoiated in the Great Gaide Book, then will 1908 carry for us and those we meet with a doh fruitage that will make the world bright• er and better. HURON COUNTY MODEL SCHOOLS. The Board of examiners for the county of Huron met in the publio eobool, Sea forth, Deoember 24th, to finish the work of the Model School examination. Tee seeeiou teat ahead is expeoted to be the hat, therefore there was a large attend aooe at both Model Shoots. At Goce• rich there were bbirt -seaea attended the session and one wrote on the final. At Clinton theta were forty tour in attend. anus. The papere were considered fair. To pass candidates bad to matte 60% of the total and 75% for b000re. The pops mark was 700 mid •the honor mark 937. The model cheeses this year have main rained the reputation of the county Model schools, for good work, a large number readying honors. HONORS Gerling, Winnifred Carrie, Lima G Elliott, Jessie Boort Idebdeceon, P E Kellerman, 17 M man, Olive L Nettie el L Oarling, Marlba V Clark,Lillieu J ) Faux, Mary E. Jamieson, Eatber Kaye, Rata Maheffy, Ella M MSQn/trete, Stella Nebuery, Stella J Shaw, Ruth Tiplady, Evelyn 0 'om, Jean Samuel Geo'H m MnIiau ie, Wm R Marrow, Wm 0 O.ivet, Wm Todd, Alfred L Stothers, Baillie W Smyth, Wm J'. 'retainer, Wm L Weir, Wm Wilfred Yonne, Hervey The following are under ase and will sot rsoeive their oertitioateetill they ere eighteen, Doyen, Lillian M Fear; Mary E Phtllipe, Emma M }Lettermen, E M MoPhereon, Ens Pautland, Edna L MoKay, Roes R Sweep, Harold Dalton, Alias A I ,seders" i Pearl E :Merritt, Lydia B Smith, Negate.. riplady, Evelyn 0 Tum, Jean Bartter, Cheater The following have non.profeesionai standing. Curran, Viotor Olaf, Olive E Hetherington, L A Keys, elaynee J Fraser, Marion Lyon, Emmanuel Gran, Laura MoMayue, J E Johneton, Jean Sherribt, Minute E Polly, Eery Weir, Wm W The following wrote on the final for renewals and will obtatu one year and a half. Hartleib, L Milligan, Carrie Howard, Winona Martin, Mildred Clark, Elsie 11 White, Qom Perilous, Merle GEo. BAIaD, Seorstary. Morris Council Meeting. The Oounoii met as per statute, au Deo 10th. Thos. Bernardappeared requeetiog that a dram be made on roadway op po iia lot 19, 6t11 line, to be 20 rode Mug On minion of MuOutubeou and Shaw, it was left over, to be dealt with by neat Coatail. A. large uumber of Reactants were passed, which appear in the Fsueuoas stetemeue, The following Deputy.Returning offioars and poll Werke were appointed to take the votes in ease a poll be re. quired at the awning mautaips' oleo. atone :-Div. No. 1 -Wm. 0. Laidlaw atm D. Latdaw; Div. No. 2 -Geo. F. McCall and Jae. Kerusgban ; Div. No. 8-13. Irvine and Rubt. MoOrae; Div. No.4-i'ot'a. Miller and Wm. Tousle Div. No. 5 -Rout. Gsruiss and Wm, (iarnisay Div. No. 6 --Silas Johnston and Jas. Peacook. Bylaws Nos. 11 end 12 were reed and passed. W. Clark, Clerk. Great Distress lit Her Threat Not an uuoommuu experience was that of etre. H. S. Wilmette, of Bba er. Nova Scotia.. Dootors tatted ands gawk nitre was found in °Catarrh...vb..' Nouse this statement :-I . lave been a moat dreadful sufferer from bronchia, trouble and attsrrh, On. damp days I would hawk sr,d suffer great distress iu my / throat. I used all kiude of medicines but didn't get permanent relief till I used (Jatarrhozous. It has strengthened my throat, cured net), sough aid made me entirely welt" Refuse enbethtnees for the one reliable bremobial and throat cure. All dealers sell (Jabarrhozone in 250 and $1.00 sizes. Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of Maitland met in Wingbam ou Tuesday, Deo 17th, with the Moderator Rev.. D. B. McRae, it' the abase. The attendauee of ;ministers was almost oomplale and that of Eiders was good. Mr. Miller reported on the settle. meat of vacant charges. This matter was disouesed at considerable lenth K , and the Presbytery's judgment is ae follows That those to be reoogeized as available for settlement in Vaoaut &tarsus be (1) Men out of obarge, and wishing settle meat, (2) Men in ()barge, willing to supply 00 ineitatiou. (3) Men it: charge who bave iutrmated their wi.lingeeee to supply particular vaoa,t chargee which they bave indicated. That a committee shall be appointed by the Syuod to whish Preebyterise shell report all vacancies ae aeon ae they 00000 together with the names end addressee of interim Moder afore of erssicus. That the uamee of all available, as above ehalt be sent to this committee by the Presby bery under whose oars they are. That men in charge willing to supply un invitation .stall forward their names direct to this oommittee. That eaoh Presbytery shall appoint anuually a aommitbee of supply, which shall oo operate with session of eaut of its vacant co0gregat100s. Tbat bass oemmitbee of Presbytery, in oanjuuotiou with the seamen `ball melee up a list of men who shall be invited to preao6 it' the veoeuoy. That the Committee of Synod shall ou a lioation of the Preen ter 'e Oom• np y Y mates of supply furnish it, through tee secretary, with a het of name! of all men on ibo list available for eetblement. Time io the event of a permanent set lament not pelting plane within fear months from the declaration of the vsoauoy the committee of the Piebbytery in coujuue- tion with the eeeston rorty uominabe to the Presbytery a man deemed suitable, whom the Presbytery may appoint as stated Rupp y for one year, or for a longer term, The Treasurer tendered bis re report whittle ehawed that all the sor- gregutions within the bounds had paid their aseesements for One ye •r, and that there was a balance of $480 04 in the Presbytery fund and a balance of $11.44 it' the Synod fund.. Mr. Wishart tuve the Auditors' Report whiub stated that they had examined bbe books in the bands of the Treeeurer, and had ema- nated the expeudituree with the voaobers and aert,fied the uauoonte oa,efolly and 'correctly kept, and that the ba.anoee were as jaw stated.; by the Treasurer. The report was adapted. It was decided in a000rdanoe with the report of the Entwine Oommibtee that the assessment for the Presbytery and travelling expelee felnd for 1908 be posits per tummy, and at for the Synod fund be ,a 'beet per her, The following ere the minister. missioners t" the. Gei•eral A...tem cretin Winnipeg in 1908: Revs. B. Moue, A. MacNab, and b, and the eeeeio'as of the rgee are entitled to nominate ry before its next regular ommiseionebsnamely art Albert, Belgrtve roxeter and Huron ' ler reported for its. On his pt the prin. Aesembly 0 of all bly, the piecing of the natnee of aaeietaitb peetore on the rolls of Preebyteriea, and that the appointment of the Assembly's standing oomtnitbses was lett in the Mende of the Committee tar Nether consideration and for report at the neat regalar meeting, Church Union was dealtiwhh latter in the day. Messrs. Miller, Tait, Duncan, end Bremner intro daoed for discussion the sobjsote of Doctrine, Polity, Ministry sod adman istration, for the proposed united Manch. Disonamon followed in which Messrs McLeod and Wishart took part but no sation reunited. 051 eoueideration of the Report of the Committee eppoiuted to visit the North Kiolose charge it was agreed to eek the Augmentation aon• 'ulnae for a grant of $150 00. It was In, thee agreed that in the meantime Euniekbllen wiltinpea pars of the united ()barge. Mr. Beetle made a statement ou behalf of the Augmentation scheme and euegesled that the Eiders of the Preshy. tory form an organzetion with a view to an effort being made to increase in ferret among the oougregatione in tore scheme, In a000rdanoe with a motion nude by Messrs. Bremner and Burnett the elders preaent retired, and later brougbb in a report as follows : It' a000rdanoe withpermissiongranted, the repreeeutative Elders of Maitland Pres- bytery retired to the veetry of St, An. drew'- ohuroh W,ogbam, on the after, noon of the 17th 01 Deoember 1907 to consider the desirability of 'treatingan oreauization of laymen within the bounds with a view to etiering up lnterset in Augmentation and other schemes of the church. H. D. Hendereou was appoint ed oliairman and D, G. MuKeezie, Seo. of the meeting. The following are the resolubione agreed upon without a dieeent• ing voioe : That we ask leave of the Presbytery that the Presbytery Elders be permitted to brine the matter of organ. ization with a view to stirring op interest in the sobemee et the oborob before their respeotive sessions. That we rroommend that s Laymen's Association be vegan ized in the Preebytery of Maitland D. G. Mollenzie as President, and H. D. Hsuderuon as SeoreteryTreasurer, and thatal.Presbytery Eaters form the Ea eoative. That the Presbytery Ehlers hold a meeting on the day of the neat regular meeting of Presbytery arid that a xaport be rendered. That the minietere of the Presbytery in the meaetime be requested to brine the matter before their semitone and oongregetione, On molten of Mr. McLeod, Reminded by Mr. Mo- Kerrull tbat tbs. report or the Eiders be reoeivrd and tee recommendation be adopted. Thio completed the bosioees of a tong dee,. There is every reason to hope that mach good will result to the eheroh from the organization of the Elders and that the growing,nsede of the Missionaryscheme of the oburah may be more sympatbetioeliy and generously Met. ANDREW Nth NAB, Nark of Presbytery. Walton, Deo. 26th. 1907. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request by Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. These teats are proving to the people -without a penny's oost-the great value 01 tbie soientiflo preeoription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Stoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. NO MONEY AND NO FRIENDS A Sad Story of Consumption in a Canadian Town The Local Hospital Unable to Care for the Patient, and the query is What to Do? In a little booklet issued by the National Sanitarium Association under whose auspices has been established the Muskoka Free Hospital for Con- sumptives, we have the -story told of a sad case of consumption. A young woman, apparently friend- less, came inon a train reaching Port William, and immediately procured work as a domestic. A doctor was called in to examine her case, as she appeared to be a consumptive, and she PP P r was at once pronounced uncap a bad case of f tuberculosis. She was placed in the small Local hospital of the town, and everything possible for the moment is being done to help the patient. But writing to the Secretary of the 'National Sanitarium Association, the Secretary of the Board of Health asks: "Is it possible to make room for this patient in the Muskoka. Free Hospital for Consumptives. The local hospital is crowded for room, and there is really no place for this poor girl." Continuing, the Port William official adds"I may say that as far as being able to pay is concerned, she, as far as we can learn, has no friends who can afford to pay for her in an institution." It is to meet just such cases ea these that the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives has been opened. The official reports of the past year show that more than half the patients who entered the institution were abso- lutely free—theirr maintenance not costing them n single farthing. The others only paid a nominal sum rang. ing from 91.50 to $6.00 a week, only a fewin a the P Y g huger er amount. Tho average of each patient was lees than 60 cents a day. The actual cost of maintenance to the institution is over 99.00 a week so that our readers can readily see how strong a case is made out, by the Trustees in their appeal to make provision for just such a' patient as that from Fort William -only one of scores who are constantly seeking admission, Contributions on behalf of this work may be sent to: Sir Wm. It,Meredith, Vice•Presidont, Osgoode Hall; W. 3' Gage, Esq„ $k Spadini Avenue; 3, S. Robertson, Se0retary.Trensurrr, National Sanitarium Association, 847 Sling Street W., Toronto, Ont. 6c, 4 • WIiA01 I$• W1tON.0 `:' 11Iauy People fn, 1301180018 are Asking that question or Late - Within the lust few weeks, more people than neuul have oomplained of frequent atm ening Ate, tiokliog in the throat and offensive breath, and have inked them. saheb what ie the. matter. Poe trouble to that they are effected with catarrh and uuleeeimmediate- stupe are taken to remedy their ocuditiot , the disease will increaps, spread tbrongh the deer:moo mdoous membrane that Hues the air passages end a ohronie end towhee stage of the dleeaes is the result. At the Chet symptom. a catarrh, Hyaena' should be need, There le no other tresbluent like io or just as good ; none that oat' take its plass and once so sorely, so quickly and at so little out, It se soientdlu medioated iter treatment that does not drug and derange the swmnoh, but is breathed it', direetiy destroying ail dieease game that may lark in the nose, throat and 'waling the Ir hated m000a, membrane. We positively guarantee Hymen!, for should yea buy a complete outfit', pride $1.00, and be dieeat,slied' with results your mosey will be refunded. Hyomei is mad by druggists everywhere Write for literature. flootil'e Hyomei 00., Beale, N. Y. l.i,rto W eel. The 2lst anniversary of the Listowel Church of the United Brethren in Ol,riet wee oommemurased at the local ohuroh ou Sunday. Andy Yale had the misfortune to frac:- tare two et his ribs by a tall while com- ing out of hie house en Monday of last Week and has been laid up since. F. W. Bay returned home from Ot. taws where heend Dr, Rennsn, of Stoat or, went ae a deputation to interview the Minister of Pub to Works about a public building for Listowel. 0awald Soon, mining engineer, and Bert. and Murton Scott, of Termite, are speeding the hotide.ye with their parents in town. Nen Seats was also home for Ohrhetmee. Mayor Watson. eta.' Coaooillore 0. A. Lee and A W. Festherstone were in Tor jute on Taarday of Isco week sad had .en interview with Premier Whitney with regard to haviug a prIVate Bil passed at the miming session of the Lecislatnre to empower this neunibipaliy to eetab.ieh a eys'em of elebbrfo lighting, both aro and inoaudeeoent. The depptation wee ietrodnaed by Jas, Torrance, M. P. P. We nude,stand that as a result of the interview step° will -be tmmemately taken to have a Bill prepared to meet the ease, with the probab,rivv that it will be pureed when the Renee meets. The canoe Of Sore Feet Esawme them carefully aid email probably Sud oorne. Whether hard or soft or bleedinr, apply, Pntnam'e Corn Extractor. It's pbeirlleee, It's sere end above all quick to Rei. Lutist ou duly "Putnam e." lel rte. The Young Ladies of Blyth hold a leap year dance it' Industry Ball on January 10th. A skating rink is being made on the Mason property where lbs old hotel Deed to stand, oe Main street, James Denholm, who went West with some care of apples, ba' returned home. He lauded the fruit in good oondition. Bainton Bros. arebusy preparing for the ereoton of their new double hooxe on Drummond street. The brink is tissue hauled to the ground now. The little daagbtsr of Wm, Tabb in Eget Wawnnaeh, who fell and broke her leg, is progressing but slowly, and suffers• much pain weare sorry to hear. Recently A. A. Patterson, of Brow Wawaooen, near town, had about twelve bags of barley and . ate stolen from hie gransty. The thief broke a look which admitted him to the grain. During ebe Fall be leasalso lost six turltey° and abont twelly obiokene. Thieving has not been attained to the (Alr'400t01tA/�InPgP4I U'nAad States Subsoribors Owing to the fact that 1 cent postage isnow demanded each weep on eaoll copy of TIM POST going to the United States the price has beet' increased from $1 to 91.50 payable in 'ammo, Title nobius is given so that all 'anemia rutty be forwarded AT ONCE as we will not continue to aced the paper unless this is the case. Our postage bill has to be paid every week and at the low rate of $1.00 per year credit { cruor be given. Kindly remit promptly. b0bswi W'hM4Aa5.q./rh5WdVV5 A township alone, Rome light Angered artist tis Biyth comp be taught a lesson. 11iee Ratti, of 'l'seawuter, anex non of the Roman esthete, church in Quebao, lectured on Fre, eh Proteetantiem to at Andrew's church Tueeday evening. A preliminary of the approaching mall service on the 0. P. R. ie the notice posted up oa ing for the carrying of the mei! to and from the poetollias, and the ra'way station. Herb, Smith, who has spent the pas; 11. montbe on the T. & N. 0 railway ou the surveying stuff about 200 miles North of North Bay, epeot a day or so io towniaet week, He wee a welcome visitor, Norman Murch, of Stratford, called on old friends in town. Mr. Murch, father of ,he young gentleman, who fin- ished hie terin in the union eobool near town, has been sngeged for next year to teach at the school near Mitchell whish he attended when a boy. The Blyth Lodge of Orangemen eleobed the G Bowie., ()Moen, : W. M., Fred. Bsgtitt ; D. M., Andrew MoNally ; chap sin, Rev, W. H. Hartley ; record• tug-seoretary, R. S Robineou ; finanoial weorrtary,Joe Taman; ireenter, Wm. McElroy ; D. 0 , R,ibt, Vint ; lecturers, R.ohard MoOommine, D. Taman ; committee, Jas Grbaon, A. Taylor, E. Eitiggrtl, Dee; Darter, Wm Gibeou, A doiletion of $4 each _was given to nhe Sick Ohildren'n Hospital at Toronto and to the True Blue Orpbauage at Toronto. A tickling sou h, from any Donee, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's (Jonah Ours. Ate' it Is ao harmless and safe that Dr. Shooptale mothers everywhere to give it without beasts' ion event0 very young tubes. The wholesome wean leaves and tender atoms of a tuns•hea - ing m0"ntatuoue shrub, fnr,ish the curative prepertiee se Dr. Shoup'e Clough (Jure. h mime the ouugh, and bea;e the Sore and amastias bronchial membranes. No opium, nochloroform, nothing 'Minh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous merit extract, that helps to heal aabie4 longe The Spaniards cal. One shrub which the doom, noes "The Scored Herb." remand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. Sold by ell deader', Omuta tifin.n. IN e W W. Rev, Charles Smith died at London, The mother 'of Arobbishop Braabesi died et Montreal. Lewis A. Howard was elected President ofatfthe Commercial Travellers' Aosoei. nn, The reported amalgamation of the Royal Victoria and Orown Life Oumpau isa was denied. Very destructive fires occurred at N rah Battleford, Sask., mud Richard's Lending, Ontario. It is aoderet„od that Rev, Profeeenr William Clark will reeler: as profsseer of literature ha Trinity University: For raising a dieturbenoe in the Sing• shin penitentiary. on Chrisbmae night twenty Seven onnviete have been pieced enlitery oonfi,remeilt. F X. Beloges, of Ottawa, his Tittle sou, Mrs. Hartriok, of Hespe,er, and Mrs. Yemeni!, of Napmka, Man,, Met their ,levee in Ares a.ineed by accident, 17 E LEAF LEDGE 1 %TEM 1 Tho estimates of d Department for 1908-9 Hoppe of 0, mmnne et the spm of $75,000 Cor tarbU mento ab Gonerieh, Mrs, Hertriek, of Beepelerwk badly behead in a fire 8ttrh' at 11 o'olook, same niglll was amused by a bootie at`bes ing on a shelf in the kltelhe some way fell on the 51008 id lately set the plane ou '1 burning Mee, Herbrlodc end body. Eats Up Strength Racks the Joints Prevents Sleep.' UN(1HIO KI')1►.-It Pitn113 Heart and Kills its {'lull, It originates in the blood a moot goiokiy in Ilia ayes who ere rdn floweenad vitality. The only vpeelflo el 'A Rheamatiem is Ferrozwe, feet soveut for uric acid ail atimnlent for the kidnap an No remedy is so sawn emus, It never fails tome atteeke the cause of dews It nentraiizee aria acidpoi the sluggish circulation, a system of ell irritatin,ma Every dietreesing sing swollen mut elee and alms Roved of their pain: Tb um return it 00515 oared b whittle does iia work Dior cores are lasting, Milk() other treatments does not d, press the heart or nerves. It rebntlde the syste better health, eslabilshee go sound sleep and freedom fro paine and aches, The perfection of a remedies isdotnd it' Ferr000 tablet form easy 10 take, u• carry, guaranteed to ogre 111/ 60o, per box, or six boxes tin thuggish' ; don't fail to teat Ir' MO.NT H L -Y 9i MORSE FMRS ;died I firs l stand 00 in Med. ,; •a '- ttoasty he face a the evelope pare .0e ug 10 rms of Is per apleuded 555' as Fere ensues it lie blood. quickens ,levee the 1 ie cured, to are re Kith will i'errQZOite, bly. Ito Ferrozone adeu the promotes appethe, veakeniug rheumatic Is 1a in enient to melte only 2 50 ea ail •rruzons. gemessovairesee CEN F just �SS COL of Toronto, has started thousands of young `nen and women ou the easy •ay to independence and eua- Oee9, Let us give you the right start. Write for Catalogue and plan to spend thenext sixmouths with us, Enter any Gime. Address W. H. SHAW, Principal Yonge & Gerard eta, Toronto =TILE Good heavy rile of all sizes can. be bad at the fienfr'yu f3rick and Tile yards al the following prices: 2,} inch,,,r,$ 90,1,,psr thousand • 47 ,,,, 18 00 " 6 ' •.... 22 00 6 " .,,. 80.00 " " „4000 " 8 00600001: 0 " 10 " ,.., 80 00 iONEMEGOIMIIIINIIIIMM1 BrS./CK� The ONLY Commercial School West of Toronto using the above MODERN OFFIOE WORK OF ACTUAL CANADIAN BUSI- NESS•PROOEDURE, Wholesale houses calling daily for gradu- ates of CANADA'S GREATEST CHAIN OF HIGH-GRADE BUSINESS COLLEGES, because one students "Learn to do by doing." Each student has loose leaf ledger, bill and charge system, ward system, bank book ; fills out scenes of notes, drafts, deposit Mips, cheques, statements, leaeos, mortgagee, receipts,shipping bills, etc. Our students DO AOTUAL BUSINESS from the first day, Gregrg Shorthamel AN'D----"aeaia• Touch , Typo n it ig Taught by the meat widely experienced bleacher in Ontari ; site is also a GRADUATE OF JOHN R. GfREGO, TBIi1 AUTHOR, and highly recommended by him, Lest year our Stenographers were ell placed within TEN DAYS of graduation. Many of them young ladies now drawing 9700 to $800 per year. It le freely ad- mitted that we train the most rapid and aotarate, Our Telegraphy Department i"wen.'quipped. .zlidi- ators, and salaries aro advancing rapidly. Wide rittendauee. Shamus attending our ehain from airmen every county i0 Ontario ; many from Mani- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia; some frets the Ustted States, England and Scotland. We Wein more yourig people than any other Farmers or Storekeepers management in Western Ontario, l by coining, to the, Average situation torten by our grndantes is not excelled ; we invite domparf5on. Individual instruction. Day students attend night clams tree, B ft A\J it 'and may take all of the above coarses, WINTER TERM WRITC FOR roads Are short or oper- ! Anyone bufding will find it to their ad- vantage 1, fee the Henfryn Brick. This is the beet sbmdieg red brick in the aoue- Ery -dose ant hada but gets brighter. Pridesrighb, " S, S. COLE, 19-8E1'HDr L. ' Forent ethe a 'nrtl Henfrvu .B RU SS HII,1S The Regular Monthly Horse Fairs wilt be held for the season as follows THURSDAY, JAN. and, 1908 FEB, Oth, 1908 " MAID, 5th, 1908 ,,,,,,APRIL 2nd, 1908 Leading Local and Outside Buyers will be Present. IMPORTANT NOTICES iilABM FOR SALE, REIN A Lot 16, Oou, 16, Grey, 000taholu5 10 acme. Apply to WM. WOODS. Ural r ut P.0, TWO DURHAM BULL CALVED 1 uud aY aaxbiru Uou, 6, Morrie, or Brno0 fY.sUe, LJab11E 8131115. 16,10 8 1d,OR SALE OR TO RENT,—A oomiortaule house on Prmsase street with stable and all ou tvouieuoua. Por fur- ther parmouluvs apply ba W14'. 1111NRY, (9.1'. 15. dgaut, Whidbey]. 91 -Et OUSE AND ACRE LOT cur ealo-Aluort street, comfortable ' bows in good repair. Small stable, Rood well, oiateru, Go Possession any time. Lor further partrnuiara apply on the premises to 8. ORAW1"URO, Brhasele, 98•tt 1HLi'EP STRAYED ON THE prewines el too umierelgued, Lot 14, Don 15, Grey. They are alt ewes, OW�P is requested to prove property, pay ear', bee nod take them away, JAMES (,U +D O,aubrook P. 0. 28.1 RICK STORE TO RENT I. r'.. bruury las-01'1 part of 8mitb Block. 22186 last i 'la dour from Asuss3nau Ketal atony nand ae tauoriug Ansi genua' lurnfeb- ttg ,,• aulikbmout. For furtuer partraOlare 11555131 to to s .Kr1L'4EY, Brussoie,. STktAYED Flti 1 '980 PREM - 1 . jogs of the uudersI ,5 s, L. yp Two ut Went an or about Nov. 1st, 8 e' k hone and Went are yealliugs w,t0 bis .. ¢tl, Quo of only One of Lie nut sada. Wag . 'ul:urnruttou thaw ulau Mud fro uy 5550• euuyarutug 2aye5111 velliDur be Cosner uU, dlt05l. et' by NJ u 0. yU W rl, ,l measle 5 kl0AVY DRAUGHT ]r,in 5.t0u.-1.w,. of them are tours unit tures cBnig 1 8005 old. 1. limy and a guld,ug) aro bred by Royal Put. a tidy and gelding uy 010 tlaud'a duce, Ansi a thy by butene. A piny ud 6y L rt Ba Uou. 4, nluh'rla, to ALEX. MOLAO..11L411, Pro- prietur,ur, n/uaanla P. 0, 17.11 CULTS sing 2 0 (a K. 0. T. M. hold their regulaut r tneetiuguo5n Maccabees, Lodge Room, banker uluee, ou the let aid Brd 1'ue.day °ventage Or mob mouth. A, 6O ,r ENS, Visiting < welcome., 5lotaUIRB, R. L:TRA)EDFROM THE PREF Il, sa ey 9 of the 00 80 about Aug LL;a,u 8 Ise,, yhearliug cattle. Bol teem are steers a senor, a briun,e usher uutsl innerk .155 ep. ted red uud whits, Any information lea lug to their mummy will bn ebauktulty utllvaLL, ulUlidl;U UUT, Urauuroua P• U FARM LABOURERS L ANL DOMESTIC I have been appointed by the Domtuio Government t0 pluoalmmigraut, from the Untied Kingdom it' .h'sltions rte farm lab- uurere or domestto nervaute it' the vicinity, Auy ly ssse pencil ltter005 ttagelu0p tus Mud of Help required, when wanted and wage. oirurou. The numbers arriving way not be sulileieut to supply all requests but every alert will be Made to provide each applimtut with help required. F. 8. 8, 0.81', Cauuuwir eoyernmeut k:mploymeut Agent 82-ly unseals Y.0. Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even mannered motion of Dominion Alba ba,exoeh tug 8 and 211, (notoroeerved may be homesteadedey any pore in who O is the n Itl head of e family, or e,] Y 00.10 over 18f acre o aim, nethe exrt toone- eeodoubf 166lacres marcor )Bea tl 4t' titer Entry may be made personally at 111e Meal Laud 001115 Pur the Wilmot to which the laud to situate. The homesteader is required to perform the Of tee is So ei ie plea therewith under INGER ou5 ohne roltoivi.,, pleas (11 At least six months' reaideooe upou and oulttv,t,uu of the laud in emelt year tot three .earn (2) II the father (or mother, if the as her is deonuee. of the homesteader realties upon the viloitylau matinee{ torn the requirements Oast 10resit Biding with the fattier or mother. re. ARE T /d B B E 8donna T / 18) f0 the settler eau Vie perwanseytt roei- lu the v ului you Of Waimea me¢hounetead,. then rt' quiremeuta as to roaldenne nay be galas - in writing abls- inwritlug should be 01500 to the Ommmisalouer of nomioion Store, Brussels. i Lauda at Ottawa uffuteutluu to apply for peewit. SEWING MACH/NES Machines msy be seen at Moi(AY & SHAW'S Hardware liiHsy payment system may be arranged for. 1 also handle the Nordbeim- i60Piauo. 8, CARTER, AGENT BEGINS JAN. 6 can 'get any kind of Salt CATAi.00l.IE they require, ruse s a W. W. cons, Deputy of the Min later of tutelar. N.B. Unauthorized plibllealeou of this ad- vertisement twill nut be peal ler, . ALLAN VIN' LINE Reduced Rates t 2;111 now in Ifni SAILINGS TO ►IVERPOOL From -9t Jnlu, Halifax 9'tuhisian ....... ,.Jrrl Jaa,,,u i7 a 8 tt J. u, 24 Irroum h'ra tNat i to 11 Uortimtu Vii, Juu 24 Bat„T¢o. 2G WOilkS `SAILINGS TO GLASGOW Wins ham Business College ONO, SPOTTON, - PRINCIPAL Gordon Mooney, %Foreman, Brum9 barna iulan L"rom-Portland Roston Nu mi inn, 11 i Oortethien , -Jae. 2 l Pretoriau P'0” 1 1 Pen. 16 Por twilit:we Hate and heli lnlo nation apply 10 W. 11, Ittihtit, Agent Allem Llso, Erasable,...